r ► > ADVERTISERS SIUSLAWS ONLY PAPER, i J OPPORTUNITY 1 T NO. 16. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRID A Y . MARCH 15, 11)01. H n r d v r to S ay X o T h a u Y ea. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE H #,1 f i L V * l& » iT G A R D IN E R ST A G E L IN E . A persis­ tent cough is firs t a friend, for it gives warn- ingof theep- proach of a deadly ene­ my. H e e d the warning before it is too late, be­ fore y o u r . l u n g s be- c o m c in­ flam ed , be- f o r e th e doctor says, “ Consum p­ tion.” W hen the danger signal first appears, help nature with H. H. B arrett, Prop’r, Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. Returning, Stage Leaves Florence Sundays. Extra Trips When Necessary Charges Reasonable. JBdge Second D istr ic t..J . W. nb aecu tin g A ttorney. .Geo, EUGENE-FLOIiENCE STAGE LINE. C O U N TY O FFIC ER S E. Bangs, Judge........................ H. K. Riucaiu. I ................J. R. Hill Commissioners j ..........JI. D. Edwards -K» T T T Z *« H jì S u p erin ten d en t... .W . M. Miller ........C .M . Collier I toner/?” . '/ ..........G. W. Griffin Justice of P ea ce..................C. H . Holden C onstable......................... G. C. Cumpton Single fare - - _ - 5 00. Round trip - - — - 9.00. Tickets for sale a t E. B angs’ livery barn, Eugene, and a t O. W. H u rd ’s oflice in Florence. CITY OFFICERS. P räsid en t............... ■Sard of Trastees gacorder......................John I. Butterfield treasurer...........................°- 'v - Hurd , .......... ....... G. C. Cumpton SECRET SOCIETIES. , A A.M. Florence Lodge No. 107. BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS BOSTO N A N D TO ALL P O IN T S E A S T am i S O U T H Fnr Inform ation, tim e card«, maps and tic k e ts ivery Thursday evening in Meyer A etc., c a ll on or write e's H all, Mapleton. Oregon. Brotli- R . M c M urphey , in good standing invited to attend. General A gent. Room s 2 and 4, Shelton Block, T. J. N bblv , N. G. EUGENE, OREGON. 1 P hilfs , Sec. A. D C H A R L T O N , 8. A ssistant General Passenger A gent, 255 Morrison SL, Cor., Sd. i O F . Irene Encampment, No. 42, P o r tla .n e t, O r . leeta in I. O. O. F. ball in Florence ind and fourth Friday of eacli Members of this degree are ially invited to attend. 8. J. S eymour , 0 . P. CASSIDY & SON - - Proprietors. i. Pan., Scribe. F lo r a n o s , O r e g o n . MORRIS ♦** ..u.uu, Tables furnished w ith all the „ 0 . F.—Mignon Lodge No. 105. Rebekah Degree, meets in Meyer & delicacies of the season. Give us ■’s' Hall, Mapleton, the 1st and 3rd ■day evenings in each month. a call. M attie C. H udson , N . G. F . C . B ean , Sec. E l k P r a i r i e H o te l. CHURCH DIRECTORY A Twentv-three Miles W est Eugene. ON E U G E N E AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. ATTORNEYS Money Saved By Patronizing it. A. C. WOODCOCK, i A tto r n e y a t L a w , o n u D on’t delay until your lungs are sore and your cold settled down deep in your chest. Kill the enemy before the deadly blow kills you. C ure your cough today. O ne dose brings relief. A few doses make the cure complete. CIo/x H *11A H e wns h most worthy young man, with a fondness for discussing soclo- I.glcnl and moral questions, and once started on fils hobby be could scarcely be headed In any other direction, lie had been quite devoted In his attention to one young woman for ns mueh as six months, but she had been unable to bring him to his senses, though she w as w illing to confess that she hud tiled repeatedly to do so. Of course she bad done It in the delicate w ays Women have In those matters, but w liat lie needed w as a club. Not a great while e g o be was railing ns usual, and as ubt'~l lie w as neglect­ ing sentim ent for som ething that only made a girl tired. This time he was moralizing on the tem ptations of llfu and the proneness of people to yield without making the proper cITort rgainst them In w hatever form they might appear. “H ow ever,” he said In conclusion, displaying a commendable spirit of charity for the weak. “It Is a very diffi­ cult thing for any one to say ‘No.’ ” Here w as an unexpected chance for her. “And conversely,” she responded slow ly so lie could get the full force of It, “it should be very easy for one to say ‘Yes.’ ” He looked her straight In the eyes at last, and a hush fell upon the scene. “L'm-er-um,” lie hesitated, “Miss Kate, am 1 a chump?” “It Is very difficult for one to say ‘No,’ ” she said with a pretty little sm ile, and inter sue found It quite easy to say “Yes.”—W ashington Star. H I. G e n ia l R e c e p t io n . General Starr, a gnllunt old soldier, had an Irrepressible dislike for young lieutenants fresli from W est Point. In 1874 General Starr was In command at Fort Kiley, and one day an orderly came to his quarters with the message that Lieutenant Morrison, Just from WeRt Point, wns nt the post ready to pay Ills respects and report for duty. In response to this m essage the old general wns starting for his office, when his wife, a motherly old soul, plucked liiin by the sleeve and suld, “Now, general, promise me tlint you won’t be rough with that young man.” "Rough?" said the old man. sm iling amiably upon Ills matrimonial ..n- panlon. “Why, I’ll I k * peaches aud cream unless the young dog riles me." Reaching his office, the general was confronted with n dapper little fellow ns spick and span as though he had Just come froTn the hands of his barber and tailor, w hile he had the half super­ cilious air that Rcems Inseparable from the first stages of uiilltury education. Looking the young lieutenant over for half n moment, the old general said with great dignity: “Flow do you do. Mr. Morrison. I am pleased to see you.” Then ns a llnsli gradually mount­ ed over Ills weather beaten features he added: “I am alw ays glad to see you young men from the Military neadeniy. You—you—(he-e the general ended with a roari you think yourself so hanged sm art!”—Kansas City Journal. A C fc n r m e d L i f e . The scenery along the Kentucky riv­ er above and below Harrodsburg has been Justly compared to the highlands of the Hudson. Towering cliffs hun­ dreds of feet 111 height Impress the be­ holder. In “H istorical Sketches of Kentucky" nn Incident Is told of one of the highest of these. ' Jotham Strout was hoeing eorn In the bottom Just opposite the ferry, when hts attention wns attracted by a rat­ tling noise above his head. Looking Bp, he w as staggered at seeing a man tum bling down the fearful precipice, now touching and grasping at a twig, now at a root, without being able to rheek himself. Finally, with a crash­ ing of limbs, he landed In the top of a I buckeye tree about 60 feet above the general level of the bottom. Mr. Strout ran to the place with all I haste, dreading to And a dead man and hot doubting he would be terribly In­ jured If alive, for the distance the man , had fallen wns 170 feet, anil from the last point where he had touched the rock to the top of the tree where he lodged w as 45 feet. Fancy Mr. Strout’s surprise, then, to find the man standing erect at the foot of the tree, feeling of his arms and body. “Are you hurt?” cried Mr. Strout “T hat’s w hat I’m trying to find out, my friend," wns the answer. “It's my Impresslou tliut I am alive, but rather sore.” Not a bone w as broken, and despite a few bruises the man seemed to be as sound as before the terrible fall. “That fellow bore a charmed life,” was Mr. Strout's remark whenever he told the story. D c lffh to n a n d t h e I* o o r S t u d e n t . Of Lelghtou’s hearty, eager helpful­ ness many Instances might be given. Here Is one. After a certain prize day at the academy a student was passing through tne first room ou his wny to Three sizes: 25c. for na ordinary cold; the entrance. H e looked the picture of 50c. for the herder colds; $1.00 (be most economical for older cases. dejection and disappointed v.retched- ► “ I consider your Cherry Pectoral ness—poorly nnd shabbily dressed and NOTARIES. £ tho best rem edy for colds and slinking aw ay as If he wished to pass coughs and all th r o a t affections. I liavo used it for 30 years aud it out of the place unnoticed. Millais and certainly beats them ¡ill.” Leighton, w alking arm In arm, came A. R. BUTTOLPH, D. It. L i . vnky , Dec. 20,1898. U nion, N . Y . along, pictures o f prosperity. Leighton caught sight of the poor, W r f f o t h o H o n f o i 1, Tf yon hnvenny com plaint w hatever downcast student. Ix*nvlng Millais, he ami d esire tho best m edical advice you darted acrosa the vestibule to him and. can possibly receive, w rite th e doctor freely. Yon w ill receive n prompt re­ taking the student’s arm, drew him ply, w ithout cost. Address E P lor n o © , - - O r e g exi DA. .J. C. AYER, Low ell, Mass. back Into the first room and made him 4 sit down on the ottoman beside blm. fc Putting his arm on the top of the otto­ FRANK B. WILSON. man aud resting his bend on bis hnnd, Ix-lghton began to talk as he alone could talk, pouring forth volumes of earnest, rapid utterunees, ns If every­ own selection) to every subscriber. Beautiful F L O R E N C E .-- - OREGON Cher plates aud illusti aflons. Orlgl »red lithographed ___ thing In the world depended on his latent, it, Artutlo, ar exquisite and strictly up to-date desli words conveying whnt he wanted them to convey. H e went on nnd oil. The shabby figure gradually seemed to pull Itself together, and nt last when they both rose he seemed to have become another creature. Leighton shook Dressmaking economies, fancy work, household hints, hands with him. und the youth wcut short stories, curiunt topics, etc Subscribe today. Only 50o. yearly. Lady agents wanted, tivud for torma. on Ills wny rejoicing. It Is certain tlint If other help than advice were needed It wns given. But It waa the extraordinary zest nnd vital­ ity which Leighton put Into his help T ir e d M e ta ls . which made It unlike nny other. He It Is a fact of comparatively recent fought every one’s cause as others discovery In chemical metallurgy that light their ow n.—London Telegraph. metals lose their vitality from repeti­ tious of Rlioeks and strains and may be O x f o r d ’s W i t t y B is h o p . A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e ss For ladies, misses, girls and little children That eer said, ns the expression is. to suffer Two stories are attributed In The tain stylish _ __ ••chic ’ effect not attained by the nee of any . ------ Have no equal (or stylo and perfect tin from fatigue—that is, they may be Rnllway Magazine to the witty bishop other -----. patterns Transacted on Favorable Terms worked till tin'" m olecules fall to hold of Oxford. He wns once tnlklng to together. some boys In a school nnd said to them: Drnfts IsMUCd on the principal c itie s of the An Is familiarly known, bars o f tin, “Now, my boys, I dure sny you think United States and foreign countries. rods of brnss oml wires of any metal It's a very fine thing to he a bishop. Interest allow ed on D em and C ertificates of will separate owing to fatigue If bent But I assure you I’m n very busy man. Deposit when le ft stated period. backward and forward continuously. I have to go about nil over my ilioeese, C ollections receive our prompt atten tion. Ea«lir put together Only 10 and IS cents each none But by careful experiments, however, and I hnren’t time to study like you aiglier. Fold in nearly every city and tow ».J r by mall. the fact Is made to appear thnl a rem­ have. In fact, nearly all my study has City and County Warrants bought. A sk for them. Absolutely very latest up-to-date styles. edy exists for this condition of metals i to be confined to only one Hook. It be­ T H E M cC A L L C O M P A N Y . W . E. BROWN, D. A. PAINE, ■M-ii. w„i n t. .................. ... ».r* cw,, a. «. If the overstrain does not border on 1 gins with a ‘B.’ Do you know w hat It President. Vice P resid en t. rupture, and this remedy Is very much , Is?” "The Bible, sir; the Bible.” shout­ F .W . OSBURN, W .W . BROWN, like that which is applied In the ease I ed the boys all together. “No,” replied Cashier. A ss't C ashier. ! of an overworked human frum e- 1 the bishop, with a merry tw inkle In his TONSORIAL - PARLOR. . . TR Y THE . , namely, rest. eye. “It’s called ‘Bradshaw!’ ” Feather edged tools recover their vl- j The other story Is «till better. On tallty better than any other. Of course one oeenslon when he alighted from Hie length of time required for tills rest (he train at W heatley, the station for .;irlis with different metals and the Cuddesden palace, nu officious porter M ARION MORRIS, P p o i ’ r i e t o r . amount of strain to which they have i rushed up to him and asked, "Any arti­ been subjected. cles In the vail, my lord?” "Articles,” Hard metals, such ns Iron and steel, , said the bishop grimly. "Yes, 30 arti­ use up one mid two years’ time In the ; cles.” Off hurried the porter nnd wor­ process. On the other linnd, soft met- ' ried the guard almost out of his senses Shaving, . . . 15c. nls, like lend, retain their cohesive by the wny he searched the van nnd force longer and also require less rest, j detained the train. Presently he came Hair Cutting, - - a.qc. —Pearson s Weekly. hack to the bishop with a crestfallen Razor Honing, - - 35c. expression o f countenance. “There are Y V liy J o h n L n u f f h e d . only seven, my lord." “Only seven? Scissors Grinding, - 15c. "I don’t know what Is coming to n»,” Ah. you’re a D issenter then, 1 should sighed Mrs. Jones ns she handed the think.” # paper over to her liiishnnd. “I'm sure L a e k la ff I s R o m a n ce . things are had enough already.” "Why. w hat’s the matter now, my , “Sw lgsliy hasn't a particle o f ro­ Washington Street, Florence, Oregon. dear?” murmured John, with a mouth­ mance about him.” "1 never thought be bad. Any new ful of muffin “Matter, Indeed,” snorted Mrs. Jones. proof of It?” "Yes. He w as railing on D aisy "Just like you men. Haven't the poor WANTED.—Capable, reliable person In evftry rate, w ater and other rntea all been In- Hwlnnerton. You know Daisy. Little countv to represent large com pany of solid ct ( used, and now the paper« say the thing, but full o f poetry. Hwlgshy said S e w in g M achine» w e m anufacture and th eir financial, reputation; salary per year, paya birth rate Is going up. They ought to— be wondered where they met the first prices before you purchaae an y oth er. ble w eekly; |3 per day nlmolntely sure and all j Now, John, what are you laughing at?” time, and Daisy In her poetical wny THE NEW HOME SEWIHB MICHIHE CO., expense«; ftralcht. bona fide, th f n l ’c «alary, n o ) —London Standard. said she guessed it w ns In the gloam­ O R A N G E , M ASS. ! commiHsion; salary paid each Saturday and e x - ! ing. Hwlgsby looked puzzled, and then M Union Square, N. T. Chtaaffo, HL Kt Louis, Mo. I j>onse m oney a. 0 . F . Maple Lodge N o., 130. meets c 4 N o ta ry P u b lic , S u rv e y o r Regular communication on second I fourtti Saturdays in each month. E. W . C obb , W. M. K B , M ills , Secretary. C. P kil , See. u All through freight on the stage either way between Eugene and Mapleton, will he charged a t the rate of two cents per pound during the m onths of October, November, December, Jan u ary , February, March and April, and one cent per pound during the m onths of May, June, Ju ly , A ugust audSeptem ber. M. Morris Wm Bernhardt L. Christensen D. W. Stibbens Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, i meets every 1st and 3d lnesdays n month. Members and visiting Jthren in good standing are cordially ■ted to attend. A. O. 1 unkic , M. W. I. K notts , Recorder. Proprietor. Stage leaves] Eugene for F lo r­ ence daily except Sunday at 6 a. m. A rrives at Florence the day fol­ lowing a t 10 a. m. R eturning stage leaves Florence for Eugene daily except Sunday at a t 2 p. ra. A rrives in Eugene a t 6 p. ra. the day following. ' . ’"’ .k. PUBLIC. A F R E E .P A T T E R N EUGENE