, Sava ass« W J « * * ? WO* »«»»«> ta .» i «aa oSwvfang rsssmmvan M'S®. CASTORIA F o r In fa n ts and C h ild re n . S * * ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ’ A BACK N U M B E R . I W h y t h e I l a l e tin t! H e a r t y O ld G e n ­ tle m a n F e lt Sad. F A V O R IT E P R E S C R IP T IO N tVj <;ijj S9 thankful for what Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has jdwne for m e,” writes Mrs. John T. Sm ith, of Slocan, B. C., Box 50. »’I t cured me of a disease which svas tak in g away all my strength, helped jne through the long m ouths before baby came and I have a big stro n g baby girl, the most healthy pnd happy of all p y th re e .” flA K E S T H E DIFFERENCE. "Son-lu-law of mine, too,” groaned the hale and hearty old gentleman. I "As bright a young fellow us I ever knew. 1 loved him as though he were my own flesh and blood. I never got such a thrown down from the time I jjcgaii to work at CM cents a day to the present Jline.” “You alw ays told me that he was a j »erltnble Napoleon of finance.” "So 1 did, and so he Is.” and the old | gentleman made a sorry nttempt to pi ugh. "And I encouraged him in It; I must admit that. 1 literally drum­ med It into him that business was busi­ ness and that sentiment, friendship, even relationship, had to be put aside »then It enmc to striving for money." “ But w hat has he done? Nothing criminal ?” .'»Taken me at my word, the world will say. I'm going to retire. I’m o u t - frozen o u t You know the factory In which I have my biggest investment and controlling Interest?" "Certainly, it Is coining money, and your salary as presfdeut Is $20,000.” Ilcro the old gentleman groaned again, f.'l went away for a vacation. What more natural than that iny son-in-law ghoul,d vote my stock? I gave hlui au­ thority to do so, and I’ve no doubt that the young rascal recalled all that I had fold him. He elected him self presi­ dent. chose his own board of directors and Increased the salary o f his posi­ tion $5,000 p--r annum. H e Just Jollies me when I take him to task and tells mg I yhonld have no cares for the rest p f m y life. I’m simply turned out to pasture. My, w hat a boy!”—Detroit Free Press. H e ld t p 111« b e « . The following good story Is told o f a Qlusgow magistrate: la Scottish courts of law w itnesses repent the oath with the right hand ralatyj- one occa­ sion, however, the magistrate found a difficulty. “Hold up your right arm,” be com­ manded. "I cu n n a d a e ’t,” s a id t h e w itu c s s . " W h y not?" “Got shot In the alrm.” “Then you hold up your le f t ” “Cniinn due th a t ayther; got shot In the Ither one tae.” "Then hold up your leg!” responded the Irate magistrate. "No man can be sworn 111 this court without holding up souiethlng.”—Philadelphia Call. CHRONICLE T H D A I L Y E f»r "»0 lfo a t » g e t-aiffi. Only $ 6 ? 7 0 E d ito r a n d P o e t. “I am nfruld,” said the poet to the editor, “that you don’t exactly grasp the depth of the Ideas expressed In my blank vtype.” "Perhaps not.” said the editor. "They may be beyond n>y mental reach.” "I think you wrong yourself,” Bald the poet kindly. "Let m e test the point. Here Is a line nt random: 'She sw iftly passed hlui down the silent way, ami In her path n subtle per­ fume lingered.’ There, that doesn’t seem confused to you. does It?" "Not at all,” replied the editor brisk­ ly; "that’s easy. You lire simply try­ ing to say that a gasoline automobile went down the plkel”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. a t a . The Weekly Greatest Weekly ia the Caaotry, $ t 5 O P' ■lataa, i n m t'an ad a and M alico. TH B V9UMKÏ.Y CHHUNICLS tha brtshteat and inoal oom piata W aakly N .w .p a p a r la tha « n M . prtnla ragulartr 111 Columna, or a lltaaa pacaa. a l N ( * i , U taralu ra and Uanaral Infor­ m ation: alno a m agn ifierai A gricultural and h o rtic u ltu r a l Oapartmant. T h la la ona of tha traataat dapartm anta In an y papar oa thla f\raat. V varyttilnv w ritten la baaed on Ba­ ia r te n e . In tha Cuaat Htalaa, not on Kantern fnen'o know lad re of their ow n looellttea. SAMPLE COPY SENT fltr e n lr l« “Talk about woman’s fickleness and cnprlcloUHncss!” she exclaimed scorn­ fully. "I’d like to know how she can bent man when It comes to being vac­ illating and mentally unreliable." "Wlint’s the matter now?" asked ber dearest friend. "Why, If It were not for man's Incon­ stancy I'd be engaged to be married.” "Tell me about It.” “Well, he asked me to marry him, and 1 refuse«,. 1 didn't think I wanted to. you know, hut afterward 1 made up my mind that I did, and the fickle thing never naked me agalu.”—Chicago Post. FREE. H n lU lM T11B CHItOKICI* ranha with (ha newepapera In th a Untied Blatte. ’ T U B C lI H O N K U t haa noequali>ed on that fire early this morn­ ing? Night A ssistant—There wasn't any i one here to send out on it but the so­ ciety reporter. City Editor—Well, why didn’t you ■end him? Night A ssistant—1 did, and he mere­ ly turned In half n column of names of ! t h o s e present.— Philadelphia Press, «od « m am «m al «niele» and Moui’ heM « gaw ba aacarad arabo«« (O«t»«c « m cant A waw and èM ractiaa p U « «H aa«arin| »wteanbef» » itbaa« «ha yiacaàa>«M« lastuta, o< canyaa«tr»( a w o o . w j N colo i G iieB A i t ; A »w " o* f, PAM Pm sand oar caanpWt« «albt and a a y P»*a fa» j— oar Madaat'rh Fraaaam *Taa WUf b* m<»uaad u*» dah• h r • Mffi«s t$|e taUewtng w i t a moi - wt prove k h eestt^ m g a ra lu v a t ion I M ly -k * : "“ f * c o m e s um lsg t b s b sm lln g ~ to « ie s lr a M e F la t a ." - L o u lsv lU e C oorl*r JotirnaL 1 "1 t o r s Io look a t you . u u ets." " W h y's th a t, n ep h ew V M ’C»uue It iituliv» tax fuut »p ♦ U t a h th a t I m ig h t h a v e t * h s u a R u h it cwt T h « W> and th e C osm opolitan are so ld at I Ì A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S SA L E R E A L PR O PE R T Y ( m I . mb -4. T u b Anybody desiring to pur- THE EDSlUnPIILITÄN,' chase Real Estate is in- T h is m onthly m agazine is o n e ot th e vs vited to examine our best printed in th is cou n try, an d ia so list and see What we to a ll subscribers a t rates w ith in tl a b ility ot a ll to p ay. I t is finely ¡11» have to offer. traled and presents;the nam ee o f fam« L M kr nor. Dolly—So Molly Isn’t gotna to marry th a t real estats agent after aU. Sold w ith W est a t clubbing rates. T h e K i n a a n d I lia F o o l . poorhouae.” ••(Veil, It WS ilo. J a ck , w s ’ll b a r s a of nice things to tsk s with us.”— Iilcogo Uecortl. H urd ard F a m ily cine : «raa« rte.Ilt. foonU .u v b r o l l .f tr o c , t b .o d v lte d Bte -o-*r B M T h e m o d em stand- h P R A G T I (A E I '.lu fc r ll.g R M t e t l .,,. I««*« hr the U takia« tSam for satesvS of l b . . l o ii i w h. a a . n M Three ★ Desirable PVIARj ÏÙRBSSIVE Stars in But, lo, the shadowy forms that o ’er The grusay silence skip! Before he has perceived them they Hight up to Ids side slip. “ p o lly . It you keep on spsadta* mou­ s y t h is w s y w v ’l | h avu to »o to th e “ A t Inat tha' w o lf hi at t b s J o u r " - W ell, e ll, c o a x him la ll < -W In. . a n d w e e ’ll s i U t h i* a ”- ^ T . u » n j V ^ iu D e a le r . u R 'I- P T H I C K N T A U R C O U R A N T . N K W V O R « C iT V . And ao he sighed, aa levers w ill. In high falutin manner, •'Would »he were by my side that I Around her waist m ight apannerl" * pf»-»>w^. ataln, W »Sa —------ Í aava « ot I vo « rrota ■ Tabulte. I am a rwss s-" — CASTOHIA Below her window, barred, he eita, " N o,” h e e x c la im e d ; " lik e an o cto p u s l” —c 'h lc a g o T rib u n e. ± ’; ^ y s r u V t ' A X . •lBBBaBB • ‘v t ? g a s «aasttete Sava la roor «.T.BBW ng. atvte. of Bs. Ooo. M a» ar. r s . o.. ■■ BawaM « v a .fw M r c w r .iiM B In Use For Over Thirty Years Map of the World 1 Hehee, ■!«<•. VPaicbs*. Sheri ami 8»» ™WU««| Mandhrn aaedkrr* »•»•fa, ’••*'», wc «»«.; ; H fW l laet, laci, *b ab« «*»i *»« two taro hydra« hae* « y a ------ lafaaatwSWSl“ - ’- *“ *“ • uuhkota. _____ B i. tow l« m S m 10 tha Hg S tp a o . n.«xted. Migo«« T.balog «ote n. o n a r o o . of mr .eaaa. I > d W - Reversible Map? «anta ÄCi ate«— K^f.vaM but htl» tae grrU» Metimos lei . f ----------- er « sy tk ls« before, ill o f h u m an ity. 'Trltliee, your majesty, whnt Is the difference between yourself and Shake­ T h e U n* W h o W a a L e tt. "I’m no kicker,” said the man ns he speare?” “What la It. fool?” Mt down ou the curbstone to wipe hla ''Because he knew It nil and you only N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N j perspiring face with n rtiggcd hand f » YOU «(AHI THE CHRONICLE i kerchief, "hut when 1 think of Tim think you do.”—IndlnnaiHills Sun. ' O'Callaban lielu sent up to Sing Sing Lan i Oflle», Roseburg, Oregon. • l a w T h e r D id It. ! for five years to enjoy the coolln JnnuAry K, 1901. hreeaea r.nd me left down here to sweat I "Mamie wouldn't sing for us be­ N otice 1« hereby given that the follow ing- and swelter the time nnny It do seem cause she wanted to lie teased.” I nnmed settler h as fllod notice of h is Intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim , and A k o w lsg t h e U a l t s i S f a t t e . Q s a lu le u I us If some folks hnd more than their ! "And did yon tease her?" "Oh. terribly! We didn't a sk ber that m id proof w ill be m ade before Erauk H Rog- sharn o f food things In this world." o f C a n t ile «ad N e r tS e r a M is le u i again.”—King. j r n , V. 9. Coinnilsslotter, nt Gardiner Oregon, on <> m oMBi « im e . March 16,1901. vis: Francis J. Cassidy, on II. E A r m a a n d t h e U lr l. T h e S u p e r io r A r t. ! No. SON. for the of » w \ sec 1<; s’ , Be1«, They were out driving, and the young Dcftlcr’« Frleud—Ah, truly, ¡ m i I nt in f ne*« se’4 sec 7, tp 20 south, range 10 «rest. <>N T I 1 K O T H K H piau waa holding the llnea with one He names the follow ing vriines*es to prove I« a frrnt art. Boat« B f Odi aA d v« of said land, via: (noon w e n t b eh in d a cloud. “I wish I ing painting» beat» It all hollow as an Patrick Cowan. John Idmrh. John Joice and ▲DUB» art.—St. Louis Star. bad arm . Ilk e- |lk e ’’- T l. d a T O U W O , Hugh Cassidy, all of Gardiner. Oregon. Puyriets» B F " U k e F ltaalm nion a?" ah« a sk ed . J. T. Baton Aft. $1000 In Gold A $950 PIANO The Gebtleiomu •( Mew fork Û17 «uc«Ki m e to t r y the««. « k e « b u t • wo ot th e «MK • T«bul« m—" »cuatZk«« ecun« .M-— — —- - __ v n oneocf TT . _ of »»»» _ » mmm a ® w M o o a a s alv«n a aasaM thaatteoSa. U« recurrence •>« »ne - » a - r - t - aavte - - - - «‘v a a , S tic 1 h alw .ja / ^ ¡ k a r 'V U J r X W Z lf m /ÍE H 'Twas not for him, a low horn ( hurl. With rank and atate to meddle, Who went, wU<\ pack upon his back. Ills folderala to pedal. I Sava h a « a sn a t «Magar frota s s a . l p a s i» for otar S ' . gMts. »otata« fava w a oag soSaU Mg fe.1 aa« lofs aa« aSdaasM woto Staate« .c e — t w«ar »SOM aa Mg f a s ta s « «air — «tete. I MW Misas* r a s o i« atvarMaa« Is «aUg sapor. SaasSt MM. aM Ma» tSaM aa « s -, Hava lokaa Mete ahoa»U r o .— with b a a v t s a r a aa« H M p iw n w a,...... lasicwtioo. for a rood maar vaata. O a . «ar p a y s #111'ba. tha friend and champfpw sep ia, aa a« al n at com b inai Iona. Hl««« pacida. liorttttoi a lio n a «V «»ppranatona «C any blad. It andan! ln every! h I««. neutral {ndapan M ? T»*»PÄ W ?** ¿ r S a ta.tk utsaatad. b »lU«« » f*»«U4 I»* N ot N ah h c ç o t ic . Oh, Hubert loved a maiden, and He loved the maiden well; Blie was /baron’» daughter, of The countryside the AU u n derneath SS a1«M. >3« «o**^ sur.m.1 »SgsleUu Su M waa oauasS bg bod ta.ts, a« wSlaS I had m thtt profa---------------- Bears the Signature of Dh. why doth Hubert ait apart Oh, l a e o i a t a a t Mani A I .lv r ly F u n c t io n . The [The Kind You Have Always Bought K » . b J o IraMUa for aOoat W » gears wit» j - - — — y -------- - r af Mid late, via; r. «- I . i S mb , I sm jOso»g»t’s« a f.« tls< l M . Fred Baan>i>d i.Onuoffi JT’iiSJ5u KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES. THAT BY virtue of an order of the C ennty Court of lain , j County. Oregon, duly made and entered of recordon the 19th day of February, 1901. in the , blatter of the estate of A nne M athlhie Funke, ’eg«.«e.i. the undersigned, the administrator uf Mid estate w ill o’. Ratnrdav. the .list 'd a y of March. 1901, at Ihe 9. W. door of the Conn House of said County, at Eugene Oregon, offer for sale and sell at uuhbc auction to the highest bidder for cash the following de-crits-d real property he longing to sai.1 estate, low tt: Ix>t Xo, 1. | n J“* * t” “- *•in t-«x’» addition to Florence, and Dda No* J and S of Section 2S. in Tp 1? S , R. 1« w . eontaining 29. go aU >Ulli , t)Unly On February »¿Moi. A.O.FTSE1. AdM inlstratorof the ratatc of Ann» M.'thtld» Fankc, deenutd. m otto. The A rena’s g a llery o f^ e m in e n t thin kers is a group ot interesting; m en and w om en, and their th on gh ts are w orth y th e consideration ot m l people, T h e A ren* is Bold w ith T he W est . LOOK OVER THIS CROUI make your s e l e c t io n . THE WEST. FLORENCE. 01 ~ I J a 8