'* Wilful Waste Makes Woeful Want." PERSONALS. CO UNCIL PRO CEEDINGS- ¡WESTEBN HOUSE WM. BKYND, Prop. ACM E COMMERCIAL CO., A regular meeting of the city council’ Mise Georgia Wilkes is assisting Mrs. was held Mondav evening witli Acting E verything in connection w ith the lauKU am ar » biua » w a o i M - A. O. Fi.nU», President Morris in the ebalr It is ac w z s k h ! not to secure w h a t llo u se is New and First-Class Mrs. J .’F. Tanner visited in Gardiner FR A N K B. WILSON, Manager, i you need and might h a ve as it is to squan- Roll call showed that all the members several «lays this week. BK.CE, L ane C o rv i v , O regon .— i cfcr w h a t yo u already possess. Health is except the president were in attendance. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO W. Nichols, of Elmira, paid a fly'ng COMMERCIAL TRA VELLER S. I a priceless possession. You can secure it Minutes of last regular and special i and keep it b y taking Hood's Sarsaparilla visit Io Florence Tuesday. ' meetings were read, corrected and ap­ - - - O R E G O N . The notice of the public is called A Q T V r T T !, TL W E A T H E R S O N w hich purifies the blood, cures disease, and Jared Scott was in town Tuesday for proved. to our new invigorates the w hole system . A petition by J. C. Phelps and others the first time since his recent illness. I Kilitor and Proprietor, asking that a street lamp he placed at B A TH ROOM Miss Clara Sparling goes to Gardiner .S a U a p ^ i f f a Sunday, where she will open up dress­ the corner of Howard ami Main streets ^ $ # * ^ ^ # # # * # * ^ * ^ * # * * ^ * * where H ot and Cold Baths m ay be is: $1.50 h year in advance.----- in Morse’s addition was received. On making parlors. had a t any time. J. F. Tanner and family intend soon mation tlie petition was referred to the ^teredat the poet-ofBce at Florence, Mapleton Hv'hool is to coinuiunce to leave for Santa Cruz, California, committee on streets with instructions county, Oregon, as second-class We Carry a Fine and j to procure the lamp if ttiey think it Is April 1.- where they expect to reside. t matter. I needed. The winter term of school in Florence Messrs. Jones and Sewall came in ttie I The following bills were presented and Varied Stock KHTIHINO RATKH MADH KNOWN ON AP- clcse^todny. the firgt-of the week to look over the allowed: Peter Sclirender, tending _ PLICATION, The frame of Ole Mytind’s new house Si’tslaw country. These gentlemen re­ n o tices 8 cent» per Hue» each Insertion street lamps, $17.10; S. 0 . Morris, tend­ is a lr e a d y u p . cently came to Oregon from the east. ing street lamps, $4.59; G. C. Cumpton, -GIVEN BY- The Methodist church was given • THE ACME salary as marshal for one month, $8; Florence, Oregon, March 8, 1WH; coat of paint a tew daya ago. Morris Hotel, board of prisoners, $1.25; ------------------—----— Robert Hughes has purchased the A correspondent of the Oregonian ! the W est , printing, $3.20. W E S T L IN G S . Florence saloon frem Cal Bracy. Trustee Wealherson presented an or- writing front Tillamook February 28, ! disance forbidding ttie keeping of Imuses ! Remember tiie dance' in honor of St. suys : AT ODD FELLOWS’ HALL | of ill-fame, brothels and bawdy houses fen ’s mackintoshes at A. O. Ennke’s. Patrick’s day, Friday, March 16, at Odd The steamer Acme, under charter to the Truckee Lumber Company, arrived | and providing for punishing keepers and ! Friday, M arch 15, 1 9 0 1 . he non-irritating cathartic is Hood's , Fellows’ hall. I The Florence Lumber Co.’s mill at Hobsonville vesterday, to load lumber I inmates of the same. Read three times he Douglas County Building A Loan started up Tuesday morning nfter being at the mill there. This is the maiden i under suspension of the rulee and trip of the Acme, and she acquitted her- passed. Supper a t W estern House. ciation has been organized at Rose- idle for several weeks. Tlie recorder was directed to publish Eugene O’Connell carries samples of self creditably on the voyage up the coast. The Acme ¡is a vessel of large notice of the coming city election ns farion Sweet, of Pt. Terrace, w ill go De Laval Separators and repairs at the beam and light draught, with machinery required by the charter. J. F. Tanner, Eugene to serve as juryman when tbe Pioneer Hardware Store, Marshfield, Or. and houses located amidships, all of John Yates and Wm. Brynd were ap­ We hear’that some parties from the ait court convenes March 18. which features tend to make her espe­ pointed judges ami Fred C. Peil and J. The schooner Sacramento arrived from upper river have been looking over the cially adapted for bar work. The Acme C. Phelps clerks of the city election. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS The marshal called attention of the i Francisco Saturday and was taken sites on tidewater with a view to build­ is expected to carry 425,000 feet of lum- ing a boom to catch their own logs. ber, making her one of the largest car- j council to the fact that some repairs to jAcme, where she w ill. load with Notice is hereby given that it is pro­ The schooner Lizzie Prien arrived riers ever put on the Tillamook trade. the city jail are needed. Tiie marshal hber. posed to improve Main, Monroe and from San Francisco Wednesday and was reDorted the jail in had condition some Captain Cliarles Lindquist, who formerly . very pleasant dance was given at First streets In the original town of pleton Saturdav evening in honor of taken to Acme, where she will load with ran to Tillamook as captain of the Pro­ time since. Bids were received and a Florence by building a sidewalk on tiie lumber from the mills of the Siuslaw contract nwarded for making the neces­ tection and Albion, is the master of the t>. O. Knowles, who had just returned north side of Main street from Jefferson and San Francisco Lumber Co. Acme, and lias expressed hiuiself as sary repairs but the work had not been Bohemia. street to Monroe street, thence along performed. On motion, Acting Presi­ Drew Severy received a new license as W e buy direct from the Largest Jobbing Houses and being very well pleased with her per­ A large raft of logs was delivered at Munroe street to First street, thence on dent Morris was directed to ascertain engineer a few days ago. His kbility is formance up to date. th e mills of the Florence Lumber Co. the south tide of First street to Jackson Manufacturers in the country, for CASH, and w e Eire enabled whether tiie contractor is now willing to Monday, from the logging camp of J. J. recognized by a raise in the document street. BOY KILLED. do the work for the price asked and to by winch lie is permitted to handle the to get the Low est Prices, besides alw ays being sure of ob- Nicol le at Mapleton. By order of the Board of Trustees. report at the next meeting. engine on river steamers of 125 tons Mr. Kyle has a nice picket fence built Dated at Florence, Oregon, this 27th It was tticn moved to adjourn and bu rden. first-class goods. W e are not paying enormous A correspondent of the Eugene Guard, ” ng the front of his lots on Lincoln ' question being put the result was de- day of February, 1901. writing from Alsea under date of March The school in Mercer Lake district et. He will soon have one of the ¡J. O . P lIB L F S , expenses and w ill sell you goods at reasonable rates. , dared a tie, pnrt of tiie members not closed Friday and the teacher, Miss Ida 4, says: Recorder. at residence lots in town. voting. The acting president then or- Last Friday tiie seven-year-old son of Bown, departed Tuesday for her home Then you are bilious, use those fa­ near Elmira. Patrons of the school Tobias Tom, son-in-law of T. R. Oban- dered the vote taken by yeas and nays, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ns little pills known ns DeWitt’s Lit- express themselves ns much pleased dler, was missed, and no one knew and a majority voting in favor of tiie tlelEarly Risers to cleanse the liver and with her work. where he was or what had become of motion, tiie council was declared ad­ The West Real Estate office has bar­ [els. They never gripe. Meyer & Kyle Guard: The heirs of the Matthew him. The supposition was that the boy journed. gains to ofier in tiie following property. A N N U A L S C H O O L " M E E T IN G . , pleasant dance was given at Acme Wallis estate refused seventeen tlious had either fallen into the river or had A good dwelling house, and black­ evening which was wellnttended, and dollars for their farm west of Eugene wandered »wav and was lost. Chas. the scare given the public Saturday. The intending purchasers, Seely and Will Benner went in search of The regular annual school meeting of smith sliop doing a good business in a the prevalence of measles at who were eastern men, became disgusteu him Friday afternoon. They limited Florence district was liehl in the school tiiriving town. The owner desires to for him all afternoon and all night, house Monday afternoon witli Wm. Kyle change his location. A fine opportunity and left for other fields. for tiie right man. Price $850, that yon get the original DeWitt's At the solicitation of the people in thinking it might he that lie would cry in tiie chair. Minutes of last meeting Were read and 160 acres of unimproved land on Nortii cli Hazel Salve when you ask for it. town, the Florence Dramatic Club have out in the night, but tiie search wbb in ; $ ' . *, Fork about ten miles from F'orence if genuine is a certain cure for piles, j jgejjej t0 repeat their play on Saturday vain, until about 9 o’clock Saturday approved. The clu rm-.n stated that the election offered for saled. Near to county road. s and skin diseases. Meyer A Kyle evening, March 23, at Odd Fellows’ hall. morning, when the little fellow was found dead a few yards from his home. of officers was in order: Will make a good stock ranch. Price VL> W W U» U^.U^.U^A^AA'A^Afc» \fa».WAi^ >ut fifteen miles of railroad will be A comic farce will also be given nt tiie For director, Wm. Brrnd and W. H. $450. A block of wood had fallen on him, no spring in extending cl use. Don’t fail to secure tickets. Weatherson were nominated. Ballot doubt killing liim instantly. of the S. P. R. R. Co., 150 acres mostlv timbe* land lying In A. W. Gilbert, of Eugene, was shak­ The funeral occurred Sunday at the being taken Wm. Brynd was declared section 18, townsliip, 18 south, range 10 a sawmill that will be ing hands witli his Florence friends yes­ residence of the boy’s parents on tiie elected. Your patronage is always appreciated, and no matter how west. About three acres cleared. A there. terday. He came in by the Lake creek O. W. Hurd, who lias served ss cleik creek large enough to float logs runs Alsea. promptness and their pleasant route, and informs us that the road over small your purchases, you may rest assured it will be our constant ever since the district was organized, through the land. Price $550. make DeWitt’s Little Early Risers the mountain and along Nelson creek is R E C C R D E R ’3 C O U R T - deu’lned a re-eleciioii, and W. H. popular little pills wherever they in a very bad condition. A tract of about 50 acres (routing on aim to sell you the best goods obtainable at reasonable prices. Weatherson was chosen Io that office. They are simply perfect for Headache often results from a disor­ The clerk’s report was then presented Clear lake three miles south of Florence. George Barney was brought before the A fair house and about five seres cleared. and bowel troubles. Meyer A Kyle, dered condition of the stomach and con­ recorder Monday morning, having been and approved. It showed ttiat the whole nt 2,000,000 feet ot logs were lost stipation of tiie bowels. A dose or two I locked up Saturday night for being number ot persons of school age in tiie A good wagon road from tiie place to in drive on Mohawk last week. Ttie of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver I drunk and disorderly, but as the parties ¿¿strict to be, males 63, females 04; total the Siuslaw river at Glenada. A fine Price | j j j | were for the Booth-Kelly Lumber Tablets will correct those disorders and ; who caused his arrest declined to make 117. This is an increase of 21 from the place for a summer residence. $500. C o ., hut owing to high water the bopnis euro the headache. Sold by O. W. Hurd. I a complaint against him, he was d is-; enumeration of last year. A tract of a little over two acres ol w e i* unable to hold them. The chairman stated Hint the county The schooner Wing and Wing, Cap­ l charged. .■yjg. Perkins came over from Gardiner tain Hansen, arrived from San Francisco John Ford was arrested on a charge of J clerk did not receive notice that the dis- bottom land between Florence and and will remain in the city Monday evening and is loading with passing liquor to a prisoner in the city ( triet had voted to levy a five-mill tax in Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose attending court. He reports lumber at the Siuslaw and San Francisco jail, and being found guilty he was sen ' time to extend tiie same on the tax rolls, Hill cannery. A fair house on the land. in the vicinity of Gardiner Lumber Co.’s mills. This is the first fenced to a fine of $15 and coats, amount- and therefore it would he necessary to A flue place for gardening or raising River doing well.—Roseburg time this craft has visited the Sinslaw. ing to $19.50 in all, or nine days in the make some temporary arrangement to small fruit. Price $200. 100 acree of land near Clear lake lying Capt. John Bergman, of the U. S. life city jail. He was discharged on pay­ meet the ex|ienses of ttie district. On inolionXhe directocs were author­ in section 11, township 19 south, range People Testify that Hood’s Rarsa- saving station at the mouth of the Ump­ ment of the fine. ized to tiorrow $250 for this pm pose. 12 west. Price $250. enres scrofnta, eruption»,’catarrh, qua river, is In Roseburg attending to The meeting then adjourned. S M A L L P O X A T W E N D LIN G , 112 acres unimproved land lying on dyspepsia, nervous Holl­ matters of business before the circuit H a v e 0 1 ways on H a n d a P in e oßtocl^ o f tiie nortii side of Clear lake 2>i miles and you may take it with confi- court. The genial ’captain has many T A X RO LL C O M P L E T E D . south of Florence. A good wagon road tliat it will do for you what it lias friends hero -vho are always glad to see Several cases of smallpox are reported from it to the Siuslaw river. Price $000. him.—Roseburg Review. for ottiers. at Wendling in this county. Dr. Paine Eugene Register, March t. Guard : Governor Geer lias appointed was called to Bee the patients and save 160 acres on upper North Fork, a rumor published last week that Extension of the tax roll for 1900 witl largo part of it bottom land. Will make had been committed in the pois- i II. G. Van Dusen, of Astoria, fish war ttie disease is in just such form as it was G f^ O eE ^ IE g , of Mrs. John Branton, of Walter- 1 den, and Louis E. Benn deputy. Mr. in the upper Siuslaw country last winter. i reductions lias just been completed by C. ] a good home. Price $850. | 1). Ix-e. The totnl tax raised for tills have been proven without founda- Bean is quite competent, hut as lie is The Guard states ttiat the Booth- | tear is $144,029.54, apportioned us 80 acres timber land with creek large and a Coroner’s jury has declared holding a better office as clerk in the Kelly company will immediately quar-1 enough to float logs running through the follows: to have been the result of natural Roseburg land office, it is likely he will antine their camp and mill, and that Cities ................................$ 10,722.44 land and into tide water. Price $525. everything possible will be done to pre­ H e s. decline his new office. G fo o d s 138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. Schools...................................... 11,052.38 ★ ★ D re ss. Gfoods Counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hmel John Burnett, ex-judge of tiie supreme vent the spread of tiie disease. A box house, good barn, and plenty of County, state, school and Dr. Paine was to return to Wendling are liable tocause blood poisoning. court of Oregon, died at Corvallis last other tax................................ 122,254.74 outbuildings on premises; 0 acre» >e them alone. The original has the Friday. Ho settled in Benton county in Tuesday, when all the Booth-Kelly Co.’s orchard, 10 acres in cultivation, 10 Total...................... ...........$144,029.54 acres more cleared land, and 80 acres DeWitt’s upon the box and wrap- and has served as circuit judge, employes were to he vaccinated. COMP IB IS O N . per. It is a harmless and healing salve presidential elector, county judge and slashed; balance, brush and timber The De Laval Separators have made foMkin diseases. Unequalled for piles. state senator. lie was considered one The total tax roll for 1899 was $149,- land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 down. poor farmer» wealthy dairymen inKloos Meyer & Kyle. of tiie ablest criminal lawyers in tiie 011.41. The division of funds for that For further information inquire at county. Eugene O'Connell, Marshfield, Or., ie state. year was as follows: The W xbt office, Florence, Oregon or agent for the DelJtval Cream Separator. PURS W A N T E O . Cities ....................................... $ 10,182 41 John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon. Mrs. C. E. VanDeusen, of Kilbonrn, A» the apring will soon lie on it may be Wis., was afflicted witli stomac^i trouble Schools...................................... 11,600.62 f t the interest of intending purchasers and constipation for a long time. She D A IR Y F A R M F O R 8 A L I . The highest cash price paid for all State, county, school, and tatVirrespond with Mr. O’Connell. The says, “ I have tried many preparations kinds of furs and hides. Boots & Shoes, H ats & Caps, other taxes............................ 127,708.38 D alJtvallias no equal for clean skiin- but non? have done me the good that G. C. C umptow . A fine dairy farm on Maple creek six Total................................. $149,011,41 , EKftg and easy miming. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­ AtSafley's Meat Market, Florence, Or. As noted by these figures the state,, miles from Florence ie now offered for c . M. Elspass has a force of carpenters lets have.” These Tablets are for eale 1 county, school and other tax for 1900 is sale. a t krork on the interior of his creamery at O. W. Hurd’s drug store. Price, 25c. SUN DAY S E R VIC E S. It contains 100 acres, 36 of it bottom 1 $5,513 04 lees than it was in 1899. The ¿¡fijlding and expects to have it com- Samples free. ' only noticeable increase in tax fund for land and 30 acres have been plowed. f lb e d throughout in about three days . The Florence Dancing Club will, on P K E S n V T K IIIA X . 1900 over that of 1809 is in the cities, Can cut 35 tons of hay. A good two ) machinery lias been ordered and is Friday, March 15, give a dance at Old in Florence for March 10 as which pay $540.01 more in taxes thia story house 20 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by Service ton the way from San Francisco. Fellows’ hall in honor of St. Patrick’s Sunday School, 10 m .; 1 year than they did last. Tiie total dif- 70 leet, with heavy frame; a goat I muse follow* : , Elspass will begin operations about J Good music will tie „ „ _ a prominent , cllinir l l a . Junior Endeavor, (erenee between the two rolls ia $4,981.87, 16 by 40 feet; an orchard of about 500 . * _# » ! O f a L'^.l— fa»«««6 I.««A 11st of April.—Register. feature, and the supper at the W estero . £ ni. . Seilior Endeavor, 0:30 p. m.; tiie reduction over last year being on trees of different kinds of fruit has been T m . . « a ««-«II tfl/x iiAnzra tzv riro I i " . . • • will do honor to the FieArwiut proprietors (.ike Oliver Twist, children ask for 1 House bearing for n year or two preaching, 7:30 p. nr. rreatning 1 leaching in county property. re when given One Minute Cough of that institution. Tickets, including A water wheel of about 8 horse power A. W. W ight . Acme, J p. in. SCHOOL OFFICER8. Mothers endorse it highly for supper, $1.25. famishes motive power at tiie barn for Inp. It quickly cures all coughs and cutting feed, sawing wood, etc. Register: A. B. Keefer, of Washing- FOR SALE. s and every throat and lung trouble.! (an, p g . ,iag ,lCen appointed postoffice The farm is >4 mile from school and The following are the school officers i a specific for grippe and asthma and inspector for this portion of the coast, I mile from a county road. elected at tiie annual school meetings Ten cows and heifers. Part of them l long been a well known remedy for and Eugene will tie his headquarters i Price $1000. held in the various districts last Monday ill come in very soon and the others A bargain for anybody wanting oping cough. Meyer