SIUSLAW’a OXLY P O S I. O P P O R T U N IT Y bol u v ili »o®«. T®^ NO. 45. »r rid® I® « B erow dM í («U tile • •tek at my eard about b « from aa Wbo WM or oaUrrfc ti. She bad •lief from d ’ laod me too. SHORTHAND WRITING. A e c a ra e y STEAM ER M A R G U E R IT E , Q . A J R J D I T ’T Z E F t S T - A .O H J U N E . a__ i»»o»iaea and w ill «ompi*!«, lead «chea, aine years .F , I . Dunbar. . F . B. Moore. . PablU Instruetton J. H . Ackerman P r i n t e r . , , , ................W . H . Lead y anserai D. B. V. Blackburn Í ..................B . 8. Been Court 4 ............... F . A. Moore L . . . O . K . Wolverton ar old bar i paini la H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, ■ B e tw e e n ■ Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on Fioraci así Heal of Tille. the Umpqua (or Florence Saturdays. Returning, THE STEAM ER Leaves Florence EUGENE-FLORENCE ! favor of ibuleoaot 'ouacater, «loara la bo o f b l( boy. Tbit OOUWTV OFFIOERS W ill carry freight and passengers um Florence to San Francisco. Klnca’d. ......................... I w ............... J . B . H ill immineiouere } V ..........H . H . . D D . . Bdwt Edwards * «=» . »T ................................. ,E U . Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . W . W . W ithers .................. . . ..A . 8. Patterson ____ . ' ........ . . . . . . P . P . Burton Superintendent f . W . M.Milter Irve yo r.......................... •••< > .« . Vo “ er »roner............................ G . W . O " ® " stice of Peace............... C. H . Holden «table.........................G. C. Compton ORTHERN P acific, Ry. .. F . B. Wilson M . Morris Win Bernhardt L . Christensen D. W . Stibbens ard of Trust« corder..................... John I . Butterfield assurer .. ................. O. W . Hurd trs h s l........ ............Q. C. Cumpton Single fare - - _ - 6.00. Round trip - - - - 9,00. T ickets for sale a t E. Bangs’ livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W . H urd’s office in Florence. it * A ll through freight on the stage either w ay between Eugene aud Mapleton, w ill be charged at the rate o f tw o cents pet pound during the m onths of October, November, December, January, February, March and A pril, and one cent per pound during the m onths of May, June, J u ly , A ugust and September. NOTARIES. SEORET 8O 0IETIE8. S le e p in g I f . A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. Regular communication on •econo fourth Saturday« in each month. E . W . C o bb , W . M . ¡B , M il l s , Secretary. E le g a n t D in in g C a rs T o u r is t A. R. BUTTOLPH, C a rs S le e p in g C a rs FTor Io. U. w . Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, I meets every 1st end 3d Tuesdays k meathi Members and visiting «brea in good standing; are tied toastend. A . O. F u k x b , M . W . Ï . K a o n e , Recorder. i. O. F . Hecets Lodge No. 1H .jurats very Wednesday evening in L o d £ 1, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in L lU n d in g invited to attend. E. A. E vans , N . G. F.C. P x il , Sec. FRANK B. WILSON. M INNEAPOLIS DULUTH NOTARY ____ FARGO GRAND TO O rsg o n noa. PUBLIC. OREGON FLORENCE. FO RKS CROOKSTON___ EUGENE W INNIPEG HELENA a»d T H R O U G H TIC K ETS Loan 52 Savings Bank TO Of Eugene, Oregon BUTTS' OHIOAOO W ASHINGTON PH ILA D ELPH IA | b. O. F. M eple Lodge No., 139, meets Thursday evening in Meyer & NEW YORK K i l e ’s H e ll, Mapleton. Oregon. Brotb- »ORTON AND A L L en in good standing invited to attend. POINT » EAST and SOUTH T . J. N bblv , N . G. A »very f o r In fo r m a t io n , tim e c a r d » , m a p » a n d t ic k e t» Oa» B. PD blps , Sec. • to ., c a ll on o r w r it e . O. F . Irene Encampment, No. 42, eets in I . O. O. F. hall in llorence second and fourth Friday of each U, Members of thia degree are ly invited to attend. 8. J. 8STMOCB, O. F. . P b il , Scribe. ▲ G e n e r a l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Transacted R. M c M u r p h e y , O e u e ra l A g e n t. EU G E N E , OREGON. the ver] id in sole OHUROH CNREOTORY ithin thi lely illut >f famoui is W ar >ld s t re UM BSBYTBBIAN JCH UBC H^lovence. ~i<>ragen. On every Sabbath in each pthTsUdey-SclkOol at 10 a. m . and »(me Endeavor Society at i t » ». I the Second and Fourth Sabbaths of « aaratf*. preaching —«riera at 11 a. A eesdUl m r iu tie n to t bees -ra ic e a 1 * aU* r . i - T * - - * l*Tltr-'~ r ATTORNEY8 A. O. WOODCOCK, In te re s t a llo w e d o n A- D- C H A R LTO N , A a aia tan t G e n e ra l Paanenger A g e n t, 2S5 M o rris o n 8 t ., C o r., 3d. W . E. BROW N. P re s id e n t. . S T R Y THB . . “ HEW MME ” SHU« MltML We have a Chicago, UL boek es T t o Dato ta d D a. 1. O. Money Saved ■y MSGAUL' MAGAZIHE MS C A L L P atterhs ’ PATENTS • o « J jr o c , X Jg a. a * * FIK 8T-C L.A 88. - f HOTEL EUGENE n O L L C R B R C K B R O S. A B R IS T O W , a UHoa Squme, M. V. CSImao. IK lm am ,TeiM . SuP raatom ,O U . BOS SALI «V M W A N T E D — A C T IV B M A X O F G O O D C H A R A C te r to d e liv e r a n d c o lle c t In O regon, fo r old pw talfllsbed iiiM im fact u r in e w bolenale bouse p o r t i — ■ hop 60 yards In ten seconds. An ordinary wooden match Is easily broken In tbe fingers, hut. although there are ninny who will het they enn do It. none succeed In Accomplishing the task If the match is laid aero— the nail of tbe middle finger of either band and pressed upon by the first and third fingers of that bund, despite its seem­ ing so easy at first sight _ _ No one can crush an egg placed lengthwise lietween his clasped hands —that is. If the egg lie sound and has the ordinary shell of n hen’s egg. I t Is RHfe to Iwt u innn tlint he cannot m eB A ZA Fb I get out of .4 chair without bending Ills body forward or putting bis feet under It. If he Is sitting on it, not at tbe edge of I t B t o lr p a t l o « « h . . O o l r I t anil I t • • • ' • • “ '» - » “T? C e b a r . S . l ì l B n « « r l7 . . . r y e t t , m d to w n . ,,r. b , j m U. Another equally certain wager la Atk 1er tb .m . AbeoluMI, . » r , I . U . I up-lo-date ttyU A | that a iiinii cannot stand nt the side T U B M cCALL CO M PANY. of a room with lioth of ills feet touch­ ■e-tte * mi H u i ir w i. . . . . l e e iw k cm , , «. I. ing the wainscoting lengthwise. I t Is safe to het any ninn, save one who is blind, that lie cannot stand for five mlnutea without moving If he Is blindfolded. ly magaxine devoted to subjects of inter­ P a tro n iz in g it. to L ew ell. Maas. T H E G E N T L E -W O M A N is a month W HITE FM BlltBUB, St*S aewinr M » c h ln « . w e m a n u fa c tu re an d t h . i r L O C A TE D . ■a— AVER. C. A. SNO W A CO. ON E U G E N E A N D FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. T h e L a e ) J o k e H e T r ie d to P lo y a n D ie D e a r W i f e . SOME SURE T HINGS. benefit, yon expected fro m the nee of the Vlftee. w rite th e D o e t-r «boat It . A d ar.»» . Caveat« a n d T ra d e M a rk a o b tain ed a n d a ll T a t-!. ent b u s in e s s c o a d a c to d fo r M o d c r a t o P e c « . Rend m o d el, d raw in g o r ph o to. W e a d v is o lf, • - - - - fr e e o f - c --------- natf*ntablo h a is e On . O r n fee r fe n e o n t d o t u d e u (il e l till1 i 1 patent Is secured. A P a m p h le t " H o w to O b - ' tain Patents." w ith c o s t «r sa m e i n t h e U . B., ' and foreign countries sen t fre e. Address. T w e n tv -th re e M ile s W e s t Eugene. •o vasas* OR »I.M ato tlte. AH4rur»te4.. “ M y b u a ln .» » call» ms o u t am o n g a tr a u g e r , a g re a t deal. I w o u ld a c tu a lly fe c i asham ed e v e ry tim e K w o u ld ta k e off m y h a t, m y h a ir uatu waa ao th l ln in a n d th e b a ld apota »pots showed an , p la in ly . 1 began th e uae o f yo u r D [air a l V ig o r lose th a n th ree to. . T o d ay I 1 B Baa nd I s h a ave se m o n th » ago v e as fin e a t o a u d l o f h a ir as I e . v v a e r had. to d . __________ I t e ll eve ry b o d y w h a t I see d , sad th e y aay ‘ i t m o at be a w o n d e rfu l i l n i . Y Y r kabl i B L . , ubo remedy? i .Oe®. P a v g -T O r n e e . Oregon. P atents W . W . BROW N, Ass t C a s h ie r. E lk P r a ir ie H otel. • : D . A . P A IN E , V ic e P r e s id e n t. » ca ll. CENTRALLY : P . W . O SBURN. C a s h ie r . Tablea furnished w ith all the delicacies o f the season. Give U S ’- - A L T - K a A .W . I atmoo . of C ity a n d C o u n ty W a rra n ts bo u g h t. F io r a n o « , O r e g o n . « M e L e re o 't B ed din g, i to eolleetlon» »ad pro- ■ - C e rtific a te » C o lle c tio n s re c e iv e o u r p r o m p t a tte n tio n . CA88IDT 4 8 O N ■ - P ro p rieto r«. Oeo. Hale ■a Dem and D e p o sit w h e n le f t stated p erio d . P o r tla n d , O r. Attorney at Law, _ iea»e 1 as I » t u n t i « « g tv Tenns U n ite d S tates a n d fo re ig n c o u n trie s . MORRIS ♦*» HOTEL, O. F .—Mignon Ixxlge No. 105, Rebekah Degree, meets in Meyer & H a ll, Mapleton, the 1st and 3rd ,y evenings in each month. M a t t is O. H udaom , N . G. F. C. Basil, See. on Favorabls D ra fts issued o n th e p r in c ip a l c itie s o f th e Ro om » 2 a n d 4, S h e lto H B lo c k , I t always restores color to faded or gray hair. N o tic e th a t word, “ always.” And it cures dandruff. Dec. >4, USS. Notary P dblic, Surveyor ST. WAUL ■ E # i’ P ro prieto r. W ill alao bring up freight Stage leaves | Eugene for F lor­ ence daily except Sunday at 6 a. m. . . . *•* . . . ••• For further inform ation inquire Arrives at Florence the day fol­ lowing at 10 a. m. - OF — R eturning stage leaves Florence for Fugene daily except Sunday at A . W . B E A D L E & CO. at 2 p. in. Arrives in Eugene at 6 22 M arket St, p. m. the day following. San Francisco, California. CITY OFFIOER8. •ident. STA G E L IN E . E. B a n g s , la e f M u c h M o r e ta a e e T h aw Speed. “ Speed Is by ou uitaaa the most leeessary thing In shorthand writing,” “xplnlned an experienced stenogra­ pher, “but with some teachers It Is made the greut consideration, often i t tbe expense of everything else. Tbe big thing in shorthand is legibility, for there ure many who can write Inst enough, but wbo are unable to tell what it means after It has grown ?old. 1 have been a stenographer, de­ pending entirely on It for my living, for 25 years. During that time I have, i t course, picked up some knowledge jn the subject. I have been the ttenograpber for two cabinet officers, four assistant secretaries and three , r four senators. Incidentally 1 have worked for a year as tbe private sec­ retary of one of the big bauk presl- lenta In New York city. A ll of thia experience has proven >ne thing very conclusively, and that Is that there Is no necessity for any stenographer who does amanuensis work to w rite over 120 words a min­ ute and In 99 cases out of 100 no ne­ cessity to w rite over W0 words a min­ ute. Indeed, 1 know of nt least 25 ■tenographers who are drawing the largest kind of salaries as private sec­ retaries who b«ve assured me that they have never been required to aver­ age as much as 90 words. Under these circumstances it seems strange that some teachers of stenography will ex­ cite pupils to write 150 to 200 worda per minute and endeavor to make them believe that such a railroad speed is a necessity. Such a practice does actual Injury, for It discourages many from even learning a moderate speed. “There have been Instances where It may bare been necessary for stenog­ raphers to be able to w rite over 200 and more words a minute, and there la a legend hanging about tbe senate chamber that General Hawley, for 10 or 12 minutes In a speech, once spoke 225 words a minute. Tbe aver­ age speed of senators in speeches does not reach 110 worda and in dictating letters rarely reaches 10O words.”— Washington Star. A m an w ith a thin head of hair is a m arked man. But t h e b ig bald spot is not the kind of a mark most men like. Too many men in t h e i r tw e n tie s are bald. -This is absurd and all unnecessary. H e a l t h y hair shows man’s stre n g th . To build up the hair from the roots, to prevent and to c u re b a ld ­ ness, use— HAIR Charges Reasonable. Second P ietri« ».. J . W . Ham ilton Oeo. M . Brown ton o f hie r h a l ba tot agrt« Stage Sundays. Extra Trips When Necessary A DI8MAL FAILURE. T h e O r lK lw a l S e v en W a n d e r s . None of the orlgluul seven wonder» of the world remains, except the great pyramid o i Egypt. The tomb of Xlnu- oolus, king of Carin. built about 350 B. C.. was destroyed befe-e H00 A. D. The third wonder, the temple of Diana at Ephesus, was built 552 II. C. and was destroyed 350 It. C. Tlie fourth wonder, the wnlls and terraces of Babylon, were erected about 570 B. C. They decayed gradually after Baby­ lon bad ceased to be the capital of the Assyrian empire. The Colossus of Rhodes, erected in 288 B. C.. stood 04 years, waa destroyed by an earthquake and lay In ruins for nearly 1MM) years, until a Jew bought it and took It on 900 camels to Alexandria. The statue of Zeus at Olympus waa made 437- 433 B. (X. was removed to Constanti­ nople and waa destroyed by Ore 470 A. D. Tbe I*haroa at Alexandria waa built about 2K3 B. C. and was destroy- I by an earthquake about 1300-1400 . D. ________________ Mae, x M i— l i e R to h e s ■ M w w h le . Many men ot «—all income spend & 10 or M eewts a day for drlnka. rlftars or other unnecessary things. Five ceote a day saved and at tbe end af each yece pat to Interest at 5 per cent wooM nt tbe end of ten years amoant to 3PMLP9: 10 years. »600; 25 years. »»10. Tea cents a day ao treat­ ed would la the same period« reepec- Dvaty amount to »400. »1.120. »l.tEW. Twenty cents a day would amount to •PM , »SMeO and »3.2110. A » a e a flM •< Fw ado. It artificially digtota tbe food aodaid» Batura la strengthentra aad i m m > "M y doctor ordered a trip to Europe atraetlof thu «BbausUd S i« r a U r a y tor me.” gaaa. I t lath» latratdlaeov—«ddlfraV "D id you follow bla direction ?" antaodtoaie. « • other fravaratM» "No. He presented bis hill and then eaa approach It I s «aetrary. I t la* took tbe trip to K ipe himself.” — Waablugtoo Star. Bek B4_____ _ al I other roaalw cd IS r S - i MBYKB A EYUL “I don’t think I ’ll try any more prac­ tical Jokes ou my wife. They don’t pan m t well." “Elucidate." “ You see, she has a habit of hoisting the window In our room every night As I usually go to bed last, she de­ pends on me to hoist I t Sometimes 1 forget it, and then there’s a wild Squabble. Frequently she wakes me sp In the night apd asks me to see If it is open. I f I don’t she nags at me until morning. A night or two ago I resolved to give her a hard scare. I rolled up a lot of old newspapers Into x long bundle and laid the package down by tbe window. Of course she was asleep and didn’t bear me. Then I opened the window a little waya and crept Into bed. Some time after midnight she nudged me aud suld: Jim, I ’m sure you didn’t open that window. I t ’s like a bake oven in tbe room. Get up and see.’ So I got up, went to the window aud threw the sash as high as it would go. As 1 did 90 I gave a little sbrlek and then flung my bundle down to the walk below. I t struck with a dull thud, and I dodged behind tbe curtain to await developments. The room was very dark, and I couldn’t see my wife, but 1 beard her raise herself to a sitting posture. Then she spoke. ’Poor old Jim,’ she quietly said, ’he’s tumbled out of the window In bis raggedest nightshirt. W hat a spectacle he’ll be when they find him in tbe morulngr Then she lay down again and went to sleep.” “ W hat did you do?" “Stood there like u fool for a minute or two and then sneaked Into bed.”— Cleveland Plain Dealer. O NE MEAL A DAY. P ro B o a n e e d a R e e re f of H e a lt h a a d H a a p la e a s . Haas« I t Is by no means Impossible that the newest world lecturer w ill allude to tbe delays of the single meal re­ form. Tbe one meal a day plan was success fully practiced by some 80.000,- 000 men of tbe healthiest, wealthiest and moat Intelligent nations a f an­ tiquity for nearly 1.000 years. No unprejudiced observer can dray that for the vast plurality of our fol­ low men there Is no other practicable way to live up to tbe principle of the sanitary maxim, “Never to oat till we have leisure to dtgaaL” Nine out of ten laborer« bare to t a r ­ ry from tbe breakfast table to their dally work and cannot count upon more than a few mlnutea of afternoon meal rest. Tbe same In rolling mills, shipyards, railw ay yards, workshops and schoolrooms. I.rss than a year’s time would rafltaa to give the one meal habit tbe fores a f a second nature, and th o s e who would like to form an Idea of Its universal observance during the classic period of antiquity should rend I'.-ter Rayle’s dissertation on “D onfutle U fa lis Athens and Roma” or Da Qulneey’a humorous essay, published In the sec­ ond volume of miscellanies nnder the title. “ Dinner, Real and lleputed.” There would be time for play, for reading, for tbe enjoyment of a rt and entertaining conversation. Sunstrokes would ba known only from tbe traditions of insanitary barbarism. The granger’s youngsters would get afternoon sports enough to think life on a farm decidedly worth living. No after dinner martyrdom would tempt truants, housekeeping drudgery would he lessened two-thirds. — Felix U . Oswald. M. D m In Health Culture. A T e le a r a s a T h a t T a lk e d . A t one time when the late Georgia Drew Barrymore was playing In Ban Francisco a fabulous sum was offered h«r by a local theater for her services for n few weeks. The offer was ex­ ceedingly tempting, but her contract with Charles Frohman stood In tbe way. However, on the nothing ven­ ture nothing won theory, she tele­ graphed a deinlh-d statement of the offer she had received to Frohman In New York, explained bow anxious she was to accept It and wound np with tbe plea. “ W ill you release ine?" In due course of time she received the following telegram In answer; Mrs. C«or«i» Drew Barrymore, Pateee H otel, S»n Francigco: No I C harles F boiimai . Albeit disappointed. Mrs. Barrymore at ouce sent this characteristic reply; Charlra f-rolinian. Mew York r l l e r Oh I asnaoi« .«w B o s r a o a a —New York Tribune. A M i a h t r O ld T a h t o . A wealthy man wus once exhibiting proudly to a younger acquaintance a table which he had bought He said it was 500 years old. "T hat is nothing." remnrked his young visitor. “ I have in my |>oaaea- slon a table which Is more than 3,000 yecra old.” "Three thousand years old I" said the host. "That is Impossible. Where waa It made T' "Probably In India." "In India. W hat kind of • tabla la itr "The multiplication fa b le r O a r F le a « F t a a a a . The first pianos known In .merles were Imported from Ixmdon In 1784 by John Jacob Astor, hut as they conld not stand tbe vigors of thia climate they soon became ruined. Thia fact led Io tbe attempt to build pianoa In thia country, and In the early part of the nineteenth century pianoa made their appearance. N a p o le o n a n d t b a R o n a n n L o w . Napoleon I had an extraordinary mind. H e nppeared never to forget anything he eared to remember and aaalinilated information as the stomach assimilates food, retaining only the valuable. A n incident w ill illustrate this remarkable quality of his mind. W hen forming th® “Code Napoleon," be frequently astonished the council of state by the skill with which he il­ lustrated any point in dlscussloip by quotlug whole passages from memory • f tlie Roman civil lutv. Tbe council wondered how a man whose life hat? been passed in camp came to know so much about tlie old Roman laws. Fi­ nally one of them asked him how he acquired ills knowledge. "W hen I was a lieutenant." Napo­ leon replied, “ I was unjustly placed under arrest. M y small prison room contained no furniture except an old chair and a cupboard. In .tlie latter was a pouderous volume, wuicb proved to he a digest of tlie Roman law. You can easily imagine w lint a valuable prise the book wns to me. I t was »» bulky aud the leaves were so covered with marginal notes in manuscript that had 1 been confined 100 years 1 need never have lieen »ie. When I re­ covered my liberty at tlie end of ten days, I wns saturated with Justinian and tbe decisions of the Roman legis­ lation. It was then I ncqalred my knowledge of the civil law ." M a k e s B r a v e M e n C o x v a rd e . I t has been proved that the compara­ tively harmless bombard » if. so far as wounds are concerned, of n besieged town Is terribly demoralizing to tba bravest men. When a shell bursts near a group of 20 men It may kill one nnd wound two* while the reraalulng 17 escape without a scratch. I t w ill be found, however, that many of these are never the rams men again. No maMnr how Iron nerved they were before, they are now Ir­ resolute and «mid. and all their facul­ ties are weakened. Very often they are Jeered a t by tbeir comrades hm cause of thia change- But this to at* terty nRjust In fact, tbeir brain sag spinal corff bare been Injured bp both» violently shaken against the walta eg their bony cartriea. The same thing occur« In r a ilm p colllslona. People wbo were rahshgf become quite feeble nnd MMItoMS though they map not have seeatevg »' scratch. Thin curious atoto 1» the capo ra under (he name a f tbe m e atal taffetas of exploelvra. The Injnrteo ore MOUp quite aa physical ns a shaSSatod to * for they consist of a kind of taRfetag of the very delicate tissue of the spinel cord nnd brain. H e r T I b m I f OSM. In common with other women, Mn. Brown delights la a ta rg a ta end « b ea she observed tbe advertisement af •' great fire and water sale la ora o f thè department stores she repaired these without delay. There were many fine works of science, travel, history, ■** llgion and flctliin to be bad for a son» each, bat her eye« rested ea a h a n d' aomely bound copy of "The I Afe e f General G rant," and abe bonghi It tor her brother. O f course. It would ant be fa ir to tell w hat abe paid tor tt. "The next day her brother canto orar to thank her. " It'e fine." he m id. " I haven't got very fa r In It yet. hot I know It’s going to be good. When lit­ tle Jane gets along a little further In her German I ’m going to bave ber read me a bit of It every evening. ( make rather slow progress of It my­ self.” “ In German?" gasped the giver. "Yea," said tbe brother, “ It’s written In German, n mighty handy thing to have around the bouse.” Since then Mrs. Brown lias never bought a fire or water book without looking carefully on the Inside of IL—Worcester (Maas.) G aiette. P a l« aa H . W e a l. Patient—Then you think It’s all up with me. doctor? Doctor—I ’m afraid so. “ W ell, we must all die once, nnd I may as well go now as afterward. You’re sure I'm going?” “Yes.” “Then let me have your bill.” "M y bill! My dear sir. this Is very unusual. You should give your thoughts to most serious matters.” “ M y motto has always been ’pay as you go.’ and now that I am going I want to pay.” Bo he paid and w en t lto lh K lt r e m ,« . Editor In Chief—I understand young Bluegore, the millionaire’s son, tns gone In for Journalism. C ity Editor—Yes. He’s on my staff. Editor In Chief—And what do yon think of him? City Editor—Well, he’s a unique fig­ ure In Journalism. Editor In Chief—You don’t say? City Editor—Yes. H e’s at once tha richest and poorest reporter In the city. —Catholic Standard and Times. T a * .« A ¿ a lte r a ,fo a . An examination of a samide of roast­ ed coffee berries seised In I ter Is show­ ed them to be entirely artificial; chem­ ical analysis disclosed ash. gum. dex­ trin. eto.. and the microscope showed grains of wheat, starch, vegetable debris and animal hairs. The berries were beautifully mottled. l a a h . a r a R a e k la e r o . There are plenty of snakes la fiamen. but they are nil harmless. In certain districts M la a eunioro e f the native girls to wind live reptiles i aecha Tka Fllllaa, Mlaa G a b b y -W h a t la the hardest part o f w riting poetry, finding the A FaaSStoes BaaSr. la P h ya lra-W h a t happens rhyme«? Amateur Poet-No. 1 think the gieab rhea a light falla lato the water at aa agte aT 4» degraral eat strain la In filling up brtwsea theaa. 1 - Bnltlmore American. P u p il- It goes uuL received »se the Me 1 celUag la the ’UtehalL the ram • eeveeed bp thia