The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, March 01, 1901, Image 4

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| have u««d lUpxas T«buUs w ith so cinch sstte-
fhcUoD that 1 con cbeorfuUy rseouunend them.
B a*e b ^ n troubled for «bout »hreo year« w ith
viuU I called blllou* attacks com ing on r«gutarty
saoa a wack. Was told by different physicians
w,».* | | was eaased by bad teeth, o t which I had
several. I had the teeth extracted, but the at-
tacks continued. I had seen sdYerilsenxsnis o t
aipaiAA Tabule« In all the papers bui had no faith
In them, but about six wtsek« «Ince a friend In
• to try them. Have taken but tw o o t the
sm all S cent boxes o f the Tabules and have hod
no recurrence of the attacks. H st s never g iv en >
testim onial for anything before, but the gredl
am ount o f good whloh I believe has been done me
by Ripans Tabule« Induce« m e to add mine to the
many testim onials you doubtless have In your
▲. T. D x W itt .
puoaeaslon now.
:S h I
l i e G e t» An V n p le a » A n t l* i» lir h t I n t o
M o d e r n P u t r lo t ln m .
{C o p y rig h t, 1900, b y C. B . L ew i».]
di ti
ien s
T N iiiiO ^
Js ¿udì ¿pen sable to athletic
fcttcceM. In training, much
stress is laid upon diet; care­
ful attention to the quantity
I and
quality of the food eat-
o í , w ith regularity of meals,
.T h a i li*’the secret of strength for every
/nail. No man can be stronger than his
stomach. The careless and irregular
eating, of business men, causes disease
of the stomach and its allied organs of
and nutrition. There can be
po soubd health until these diseases are
* Dr. Merce’s Golden Medical Discovery
cures dieeases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition, and
enables the l>ody to be built up into vig­
orous health by the assimilation of the
putrition extracted from food.
• I wa» taken with the grippe, which resulted
in heart mid «loinuch trouble,” writes Mr. T. k.
Caudill, o f Montland. Alleghany Co.. N. C. "I
was nimble to do anything u good jwirt of the
time. • I wr«4e to J )r. Pierce about my condition,
having full confidence in his medicine. Head-
vised me to take h i« ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’
Which I did. Before I had flnished ihe second
JxXtle I began to feel better. I have used nearly
six bottle«. I feel thankful to God for the beua-
rtt I have r-ceive<| from Dr Pierce’« Golden Med­
ical Discovery. I cun highly tecommend it to
hll persons a« n good and safe m edicine.”
“Jim,” says I an 1 r o c » Into our town
.cooper shop the other day to git a new
bung fur a bar’l, “ I’m thlnkln some of
yunnln fur the office o f supervisor.”
“So’m I.” says Jim.
“Ilut how kin you?”
.'‘Same as you.”
“But think o f your duty. Jim. It’s
the duty of a freeborn elector to do the
ftollerin aud the votln and let some­
body else hold office.”
“Then you may holler and vote fur
me,” says Jim.
“Look a-hcre, Jim,” says I as I gPs
over my surprise at his promptness,
“lias It occurred to you that the fate
i i t this nashun Is tremblln In the bal­
ance ?”
"It lias.” says he.
“Do you want ruin and desolashun
to overtake this fair land?”
"is'ot by a Jugful.”
“And do you want the Magna Charta
of liberty used os a dish towel anil the
constitution of the United States chaw­
ed up by calves Y '
"I don’t."
“Then you must take your place at
the polls, shoulder to shoulder with
other patriots, and help h’lst me Into
office. It’s the only thing that’ll save
the kentry fur which oirr forefathers
fought, bled and died."
“I know a better wny.” says he as
he shaves at the hung. "You do the
shoulilerln and h’lstln, and I’ll till the
It does bent all how patriotism and
the principles of our grandfathers are
bcln lost sight of In this day nnd age.
M. Q u a d .
' ’Dr. Pierce’s Pellet» cure constipation.
onH pg^cÑ
%t^JrfrÄcinc coast
By Hail,
Only $ 6 ? 7 0 a Tear.
The Weekly Chronicle
$ 1 . 5 0 HEAR
lina r
k now It
N e e d e d >n T h e i r l l i i s l n e s s .
W u llS I n g .
T O » C ^ p O N in - » : ranka »»tin Iba
p *l A l <
Il !•(
l ía aa.
Mil* lli^
ill bo.
a« .“UK
»». m tf]
' T il it C lin O N K B .K '!’ Telrgraphl» R iporta ara
(he lataat and moat bellable, Pa Vocal N .w » th »
haileat and aatMaat. ajw) Ila ltd 11 urtala from Iha
I b l e a l pana In Iha country
’ T i m ('U H O N UIVIA haa alwajra been, and aV
WO»V Will be. Ih» friend » M chom pten ut tfcs
Utilla, to M a in a i com binat tona. ollquea. «or
karatko«?«, <* oppreaakma «a any bind It w ill ^s
fadapendani In b veryth tn s, n aulral In
liant It
9 0
eversible Map?
«hewing tha Unlit» Staten, Dnwlataa
r e f Canada aad Nnrlhera Mixlae
•• “
ng th
< »
a n n in .
of the World
fiS d T I t K O T I I I t H H l l ' » .
B e a d • « a n d b a l t i t a Ma» i
I aap.
W o r l . l v I ' k r a u t r l n l a r O n a V<
----<• »rapaio an map and |
r « «
l<» F*«
II. da n V T t H .
Praprtatar a P (’»relato
m .
•ox m . » emoa asv
bb »
r»*, to
ort o ne
1 <
C l» » « a e le lo
n A a p a p s n In Iba (Jnllrd m alea.
r T llB C lt RON h 'l,K haa u oaqn al an Iba P a c ta .
p — . . n irada all lu ab ility, aniarpriaa and
■ >e <
. 'll I.
K ffe c t o f F e a r o n W o u n d « .
$1000 In Gold
a- rT beaawtrd
ote teg am i«nt
V’ t i « « » v «ten*«*
l « __
r e n t in g a u b a t t i b . r «
►n» a wurld. drwt boy; »»w y nuwsu»» s i
Mir Joy
cloud» la n t t f »ky; a,diw«a lurka la
• „ r y »y»;
Into i m t III» muM fall aonw ch illin g n in i
I «■*<
w e it e » ! Ib a
Away Prie
« 1M0.W M
ANO I-- Kü. -
t A j T T i ‘ — ~ K| - (« a e u v « «
In the motherly protection ot your cane,
A» your dreamy larboard eye peel'» 00 bsbyllk»
end »hy
Through th» crystal rlesmeag at 11» window
If s brute »hould sand • Jeer to your pinky little
Don't you Megger '»eeth the besrtleea erne)
Hut remember »» • tresk you »re not at all
You »r« not the b sly monkey In the »bow.
There m
wiaM aw at*"’ "» >o*»r *nwn
gte«« puutuma
af rw*«ra», Hw yclaa; Mwing Machines, I
«f Iteafcaa, Menga, Wale tete, M»wi b»»d Hate teaiajs.
MaiMlteteci>*«f», te«.; In la ti, «tenu iw e teeadisd uvrfd
sométete « u n te. «M am..*teM
g ftra c u v «
A» you »trot »long the »treat, looking ravtDOUely
c a n v a s s in g
b .» in coud i citen
■ AstMAtetefear túgate»
K lite—
C ? * v í r í i l í b 7 5 a p H a a d oad dadn^aj Oab iba
aaantr aad —tai «n a n n a a t at ~ ^ l¡ ' á a a «ÏI
*w ruBviBMiwscomrAat.
t& a g e fc
C y o lln w I n N o r m a n d y .
A n liu p r n m p t n R ln * .
A marriage cereinoujr was performed
In Toronto recently, with n suhatltute
for the rlug which, though odd and
amusing, wns appropriate for the oc-
caslou. The couple went over from
tho American aide of the 8t. Lawrence
river, but forgot to take a ring. As
there w as uo ring to be had In the
house the reaonreeful clergyman sent
for his w ife’s sew ing actaaors nnd, with
the tluger clasp, completed the cere­
B e a r s th e S ign atu re o f
T he K ind You H ave A lw ays B ought
For O ver 3 0
oa«a*t yo« *M.
J im ! b»»aiMa ro» v » Iha Mol oi Iha rlrla
Th. i« h ja a
»aa, »*'hl»r. laa»» aad h alua».
•"I jaa «ri»»».
pet»X J«a
th . i I mos MM !• F * »
’twill haar Ih» aitala) '
<“ f* *
« t o i y W f , a a , «h . « l y m eahey
Ito O e « .
-dJeara» k 'a » d i« l'e s t
R I-P A -N S
T h e m odern s ta n d ­
a rd F a m ily M edi­
cine : C u r e s th e
com m on every-day
id o f hum anity.
Mother was troubled
w ith h e a r t b u r n and
Sleeplessness, caused by
indigestion, for a good
many years. One day
she saw a testim onial
In the paper indorsing
R ip a n s Tabules. She
determined to give them
a trial, was g r e a t l y
rslleved by their use
n n d n ow t a k e s th e
Tabules regularly. She keep« a few carton J Ripans
Tabules lu the house and says she w ill not be w ith ­
ou t them. The heartburn and sleeplessness have
disappeared w ith the Indigestion which was
formerly so g ro a ts burden for her. Our w hole
fam ily take the Tabules regularly, especially after
n hearty meaL My mother Is fifty years o f age
nnd is enjoying tho best o f health and spirits ; also
eats hearty meals, an Im possibility before she
took klpass Tabules.
X ntob H. L lauxxji .
Mrs. J. BnooKXTMk
My seven year old bep
suffered w ith polos In
head, constipation
He could not
eat like ohUdron o f his
age d o nnd
did eat did n ot ngr<o
with him. Ha wns thin
nnd o f a saffron color.
Reading som e o f tho testim onials in favor of
Ripans Tubules, 1 tried them . Ripans Tabules not
only relieved but actually out d m y youngster,
the headaches h ave disappeared, bowels ore In
good condition and ho no* or oom plains of hlg
stomach. He is now n rod, chubby-faced boy. Thlg
wonderful change I attribute t~ ***
1 am satisfied that th ey w ill benefit any e n o ( f r o s t
th e cradle to old ««•) U taken neeerdlng to dirosr
▲ new style packet containing tbw oitaks tabulss packed In a paper carton ( without gtess> le new f<
s t some drug stores-ron n v s cento . This low-prioed sort Is lnteadod for the poor aad the eeonemteal
Aosen of the flve-oent cartons (120 tabules) can be had by mall hy sending forty-eight eents to the I
C hekicai . O omfamt , N o . 10 Spruce Street. New York-or a «Ingle carton ( ten tabolbs ) will be e ^ t for^five
p t»i — T a bv us may also be had of some grocers, general storekeepers, news agents nnd nfi sansa UfipM*
They baixluh pain, lnducu sleep and prolong hie. One gives relief.
Y e a rs .
T hree
D e sir a b le
S ta r s i n
§ E *
I f . i
And T h e
an d
S O IE T T O E S ^
4 -1 4
gfc. V a
-% r
» T H E
n titi
S c ie n tific A m erican.
P oint Terrace, Or.
None who are engaged in any of the mechanical
pursuits can succeed without reading and
studying this standard Magazine of Sciences
a p it i
a i ?
^ ,
i s
i i m
£ a i 2 < ^
< ® o v /i2
2 o t$
and mechanical Arts.
It is illustratedjwith
all modern cuts ¡of latest inventions in all
l d
o r ?
i s
i o
the branches of mechanism, and its fund ¡of
knowledge is inseparably connected with in­
ventors and mechanics.
P a r tie s h a v in g R e a l E s ta te to s e ll w ill do w e ll
Sold with T hk
W est at clubbing rates.
to p la c e i t oil o u r lis t.
A n yb o d y d e s irin g to p u r­
chase Real Estate IS in-
This monthly magazine is one ot the verj
vite d to exam ine o u r
best printed in this country, and is sole
lis t and see w h a t we
to all subscribers at rates within thi
ability ot all to pay. It is finely illnt >
have to offer.
trated and presents;the names of famow
authors as contributors.
T hb W ® j
and the Cosmopolitan are so ld a tr v li
duced rates at this office.
U nited States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon,
December 12, 1900.
January 12, 1901.
N otice is hereby given that in com pliance
N otice is hereby given that the follow ing- with the provisions of the act of Congress of
I nsuHxl settler has flled notice of h is inten tion June 3, 1878, en titled “ An act for the sale of
to make flnnl proof in support of his c la im , nnd ' tim ber lands iir th e States of California, Oregon,
th at said proof w ill be made before Frank H Rog Nevada and W ashington Territory,” as extend
era, U. R. Commissioner, at Gardiner Oregon, on cd to nil the r u b llc
Ijind S tate, by
A ugust
March 18,1901, via: Francis J. Cassidy, on II. K act ot
■ No. 9021. for the n u l4 of iw ‘4 eec 8; s’ , n c'4. C hnrpeningof Florenre.County o f to n e. State of
Oregon haa th i, day file.l in thia office hi«
He’s se’ 4 sec 7, tp 20 south, range 10 west.
He nam es the follow ing w itnesses to prove sworn »taicment No 1.T4«. for th e purrh«,» of
I bis contin uous resilience upon an.l cu ltiv a tio n t h c < U ',X E > ..X i , SEI,. N E ', 8W>4, Section
No. 3J. in T ow nship No. IS South, Range
of m ill land, vis:
i Patrick cow an , John I»each, John Joice and No. 9 West, and w ill offer proof to »how that
the land sought la more valuable for ita limber
Hugh Cassidy, all of Gardiner. Oregon.
J. T .B riim rs .
or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
R ésistai
Register and R, eiver of this office at Roseburg,
O ief
on Wednesday, the 6th day of March,
Lati-1 Office, Roseburg, Oregon.
. l
j den V. a. Com m i»lon er, at Florence, Oregon.
' on March W, 1901. vis: Joseph Fell man. > n H
B. N a »13. (or the n’ > n<%. sec IT,
bc 1* sec
w ANTED.—Capable, reliahis person in every
fi, tw<4 bw « see A tp 18 b , r w est
He names the follow ing witueeaca to prove 1 " 'nn'? 10 " I ’re-eut l a m com pany of eolid
hl« ronUnumt» reahlenc« upon an ’ cu ltivation , ’’ l,*n<'|al reputation:
»alary per »ear. paya-
u( »aid land, via:
" «•H y: «* P»r day absolutely eure and all
P. It. Jnekaon. Jam «, Jackson. Fred B ean>n.t I '
bon*~(IJe- definite »alary, no
commission; salary paid each Saturday and ex- .
op» a ll of M ap leton. Oregon.
pen«e money advanced each week. STANDARD
J. T B allou,
11 JVt'K, 9H DiafifioWM ST., C rkaqo ,
u-u I
“We do not take possession of our ideas but are posseued by
They master us and force us into the arena,
Where like gladiators, we must fight for than»,”
Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the
entire content« of this monthly magazine
are upon a plane and in keepingjwith it«
The Arena’s gallery o f ’ eminent
thinkers is a gronp ot intercsting^men and
women, and their thoughts are worthy the
consideration of ail people.
sold with T hu W o t .
The Arena
make yo ur selection .
Sold W ith
D r i n k , a n d T h ír a « .
Saturday, Sunday and Monday ana
the favorite days In the week for mar­
riage—Sunday In rural districts aud
Saturday In towns. Sunday weddings
aeetii to be grnerallj[ leas ntimeroua
than they were, while the number
which take place oi\ Saturday art
IgeaUy ou th« UKrvaw.
I have been suffering from headaches evsy
vlnoe I w as a llttte g ir t I eould never ride Is «
ear or go Into n erowdsd
place w ithout getting n
headache and sick at tmr
etomaoli. X heard about
Ripans Tabules from an
aunt of mine who was
taking them for oatarrh
o f th e stomach. She had
found such relief from
their use aheadvised me
to take them too, nnd X
have beeu doing so stem
last October, and w ill
say they have completes
ly cured my headaohes.
I am tw enty-nine yearn
old. You are weleom«
to use th is testim on ial
T H E C ÏN T A U R C O M P A N Y , T Y M U R R A Y S T R E E T , N E W Y O R K C IT Y .
He names a* witnesses:
It I, a mletake to auppow that cold
I v o your Irid a Uba • man. »truggl» on ih» boat drink, arc iiecoeeary to relieve thirst.
John L. Furnish and c. n. Holden, of Flor­
you can;
Very cold drink», a , a rule. Invrcaae the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ence, Oregon, It If. Fisk and P. S. Jackson, of
You w.M mad» lot nan» w
I m purpo»». don't feverlab eoudltlon o f the mouth and
Ft. Terence. Oregon.
Land Office, at Roeeburg. Oregon.
you know f
Any nnd nil persons claim in g fid ven ely th s
January 12, 1901.
Po not to.1 o»«t down and Mil; there »re ether» itoiuaeb and ao create thirst. Experi­
^-describe«! lands are requested to file their
tike you. lad;
ence »bow . It io he a fact that hot
N o lle , ts hereby given that th e follow ing
b in th is office on or before said 6ih day of
Y m ate not lb* oaly moukey la Ika abow.
drink, relieve thirst and “cool off the j named settler hae filed notice of his intention March 1901.
Wtiaa rou taa am r, manljr jroalha ha»»} t n , round body when It la In an abnormally heated ' Io make final pronf in aup|»ort of hi» claim , and
J. T. R r id u b b .
Ih» heaut, b ooth.
eoudltlon better than lee cold drluka” 1 that aaht proof w ill be made before V. 11. Hoi-
knà th»lr allllu d » ta (h ai o» n,a»rln< ehurK
Oaa'1 jo it »»rh • i-ha«T. » »o •»». lh »r a»» F » h a *
X want to Inform yon.
Io words o f highest
aise, o f the benefit
hare derived from
RipansTabules. l a m a
professional nurse and
In this profession a clear
head is always needed.
Ripans Tsbules does it.
After one of my coses I
found my self completely
ran down. Aoting on the
advice of Mr. Geo. Bow­
er, Ph. O., &» Newark
Ave., Jersey City, I took
Ripans Tabules with
grand results.
M is s B x c s i s W i X D l t l X .
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant, i t
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Warms
and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea aud Wind
Colic. It relieves T eething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. I t assim ilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and B ow els, giving healthy and natural sleep.
T he Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
I r n a c lb le V o n I ln lo w .
The roads In Normandy are splendid
for cycling, the only disadvantage l»e-
Ing that the straightness of many main
routes hides the beauty of the country,
for which reason It Is often it good
plan, when time Is not n il object, to
pick out the byw ays ou the map. This
T h e r e A r e O th e r s.
bear, d ellftittu l little Jude, II ■ man »hould be Is the easier because not only are tho
■u rude
byways excellently kept, but the unme
A , to inlcker at your cb .r in ln . girlish w ay,.
of a French village Is plainly written
P o o 't you u u t e an airy llg h , don't go oil and try
up, and one docs not have ridiculous
to die
difficulty, ns sometimes In Englnnd. In
In some quiet »pot remote from public g e,e.
It ttie file» were full of tun when they built you, finding out where one Is.
little eon.
and milestones arc abundant, nnd the
Try to be resigned end patient, tor, you know,
tl you look around you’ll Und many other» at your declinnl system rentiers them (lerfwtly
simple nnd exact. — "Highways nnd
You »re not llw only m w key In the »how.
Byways In Noriimndy," hy Dearmer.
I» poltutrd with a <t»»h at cutting pala)
ori City
< I
"President Hadley of Yale talked to
the senior class about ‘The Mighty
Power of Patience.’ ”
That would have sounded better If
addressed to the medical class.—Cleve­
land Plain Dealer.
W h a t is C Â S T O R IA
During Hans von Bulow’s leader­
ship of the orchestra nt Hanover a
tenor of fame w as engaged to play a
star role in "Lohengrin,” according to
Das Neue Blatt, and while the singer
was rehearsing his part Bulow was
forced to go over the same bars a num­
ber of times without the new actor
beginning to sing. Tired of bis wasted
efforts, the leader stopped the orchestra
and angrily turned to the singer,
j “I know that a tenor Is proverbially
stupid,” be said, “but you seem to
make n i l extensive use of this unwrit­
ten law."
A t another time, while one of his
grand Intermezzos was being played
with great feeling by I lls musicians, a
peculiar noise, hardly perceptible by
untrained ears, annoyed the leader for
some little time. At first he thought
It resembled the flutter of wings, but
soon he discovered an elegant lady
fanning herself In one of the boxes
close by. Bulow kept on with his ges­
tures, fixing hlg eyes on the offender
In a manner which meant reproof. The
lady, not heeding this, was suddenly
surprised by the leader dropping his
stick and turning toward her.
“Madam!” he cried, "if fan you must,
please at least keep time with your In­
fernal nuisance.”
lOSt *1
ut Ni
; also
4 def
T he K ind Yon H ave Always B ought, nnd which has been
in u se for over 3 0 years, has borne th e signature o f
and has been made under his per­
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
A il Counterfeits, Im itations nnd “ Ju st-as-good ” are bn •
E xperim ents th at tritio w ith and endanger th e health o f
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
The fear of poison In a lacerated
wound uuder certain circumstances Is
In itself quite sufficient to give a
wounded man tetauus, or lockjaw,
than which no more horrible complica­
tion exists. Thus for a long time It
w as thought that the nutlves of the
Solomon and other neighboring Is­
lands lately added to the empire used
poisoned arrows and many whits? men
shot by them died In tetanic convul­
sions, including one very horrible case
t f a commander in the navy who hud
made a special study of tetanus.
At length the French governor of
New Caledonia, noticing that the symp­
toms exhibited were not consistent
with the use of any known poison, ap­
pointed a medical commission to In­
quire Into the affair, when It was dis­
covered that the arrows of the natives
were not poisoned nt all, although con­
structed In such a way that a small
piece of the bone point almost always
remained In the wound. The Irritation
produced by this prevented the wound
from healing quickly, and the mental
disturbance produced by fear and per­
haps change of clim ate did the rest.
It was discovered nt the same time
that the natives of other Islands who
firmly believed in the poison theory
seldom suffered much inconvenience
from the arrow wounds, because they
believed that the spells given them by
their own Roreerers prevented the pol
soil from taking effect.—Full Mull Ga­
"You eoiiMliler a quarter too little for
saving my life?"
T o o M ach F o r th r T i e r .
“On the contrary, I'm Inclined to
A keeper at the Philadelphia zoo told
Areale»! Weekly ha the Ceantry,
think you overestimate Its value.”— the following Interesting story of an
Ileltere W elt
encounter he once hud with a tiger In
R be K n e w D e f t e r .
“With several companions I wns on
(la M n d lw m atan») lo * * r fc-rt a» I » linltad
Mr«. Newrlch—That Mrs. H yart Is a
way to visit some native friends
k lataa, C añada and Maxlco.
stuck up thing. I know Just as much
r T M S « B U l l . í C ltlU J N lfX J k U>abrtgfc»aal
In a nelghlioring village, and as the
sliout innate ns she does. She needn’t
aad audl cúm plala W aakiy N .w a ia p * » la tn»
Jungle paths were the shortest route
L ucid. prtola ragulartr 111 ODkunuk w alalaan
get funny.
we made the trip In chairs slung on
m a a l N .» l U l .r a l u r . and U»aar*l la /o r -
Mrs. Browns—Why, w hat has she
ttani. alao a n .agnlllcaat A grU -allaral and
carriers’ shoulders. I was about half
h a a tla u llu ra l D apartm eot. Thla la ooa a t tn»
asleep from the swinging motion when
traalad t M p artm an U >n a a y capar un tai»
Mrs. Newrlch—Oh, she tried to trip
I was pitched out by the native drop­
b anal.
K varythlng w riu en la tañad oa an­
me up today; asked me if I'd ever
ping the poles and scauipeung off.
earían»« lu Iba C „ad('B latas. no< oa KaaSara
lasa'a" l n i . M | , o t tbelr uwn locallllaa
That’s how I met my tiger. With a
Words."—Philadelphia I’ress.
bound he w as on me and had taken a
mouthful of my eont. Intending, no
A n d G ia « « ('<»■<■ M o n e y .
“Why do you leave your windows doubt, to carry me Into the dense un-
open at night? Aren’t you afraid of I dergrowth.
| “Fortunately for me 1 had a big bot-
' tie of ammonia In my coat pocket, car-
"Yes; that’s the reason. If I kept
tho windows shut, they’d probably } rled It for snake bites, you know, and
breuk the glass.”—Philadelphia Press. when the brute took the mouthful he
I broko the bottle. The whiff he got
' made Ills whiskers curl, and one was
A J n a t l f l r d I*nn.
“My mother-in-law has gone to the enough. li e rolled over a couple of
1 times, gasping and w aving his paws,
| and then made off ns quickly ns he
"You look pleased.”
“Yes; she’ll have to admit she has nppenred. Hurt? No, only a few
found something that she can’t walk 1 bruises from tho fall, but the close
i shave took my nerves for some
over.”—Indianapolis Journal.
j months.”
im l
I have h M a
«offerer from sonsstpa«»^
for over five years. Nothin« gave m e any raftac.
My feet aud legs and abdomen w ere btoaud «•
I could not wear shoes ou m y feet and only a loss« i
dress. I «aw Ripon« Tabula« advertised in
dally paper, bought iom e and took them as dlteete
ed. Have taken them about three w eek s nnd Ihem
ts such a change t I am not constipated any mo
and I ow e It a ll Io Ripans Tabulae |n m tlKs^u
Mvcn years old. have n o occupation, only my
household duties nnd nursing m y sick husband.
Ue ha* had the dropsy and 1 am trying RlpaM
Tabule* for him. He feels som e better but It win
take som e tim e, he has been sick so long. Ten
may nse my letter and name as you Ilka
Mrs. Many O ommas Cbanna