;E W E S T « To Be ot 'Y Y T ' PERSONALS. MURDER IS FEARED. 'WESTERN HOUSE W M . B H Y N D , Prop. ACME COHHERCIAL CO., Deputy Sheriff Fred Fisk, of Eugene, Suspicions Concerning a Woman’s i E verything in connection with the Death at Walterville. SU E D EVERY FRIDAY MORNING— was in Florence 8 turday. | House is New aud First-Class. That Is the question Mat concerns every Ed Anderson is reported improving F R A N K B. W IL S O N , mortal: whether it is better to be h a lf ill, I Fwsrene R eg ister. SPEC IA L ATTENTION TO i, L amb C ounty , O regon .— nervous, worn out, or to be w ell, strong, a lte r an attack of the measles. few days ago the wife of a reaiderit We received a pleasant cnll last Mon- ! of A COMMERCIAL TRA VELLER S. cheerful and useful. The latter conJiticn Walterville died, and since that time - - - by - - - W e v day ,rom Mr8- SWee‘ " " d d*"«',‘er" ugly rumors have been floating about to The notice of the public is called Xt/Ki i V */ J ......... — e tr • Frank Vader, of Axtell, was in Flor­ the effect that she was the victim of (I. W E A T H E R S O N rilla, America’s Greatest Blood ileeacme, to our new ence a day or two the first of tlie week. : poison administered by another. She is there is nothing equal to it Jitor aud Proprietor. B A T H ROOM Dr. Patterson made another trip to a second wife, tlie first wife having died * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Flotetice this week on professional bus­ where llo t and Cold Baths may be about two years ago. The foundation —TÌUJIS : $1.50 a year in advance.----- b ad at any time. iness. for the rumor seems to be that the wife J. L. Furnish, C. D. Cliorpening and ; was a member of tlie \\ oodmen Circle ired at the past-office at Florence, 2nte, C E N S U S RETUR NS. C. II. Holden start to Roseburg this nf and carried $2000 insurance. Tlie first n e l lounty, Oregon, an second-class We Carry a Fine and Annual school meeting next Monday. wife also belonged to a lodge Yuid carried ternoon on business before tlie U. S, ¡1 matter. The advance sheet of Oregon census insurance. For several days tlie Regis­ Eugene O’Connell carries samples of land office. ---------------- and lias for 1900, giving ttie population of tlie Varied Stock George Hadsall was in town Saturday ter lias known of these rumors ■ B T IS IK U RATES MADE KNOWN ON Al” De Laval Separators and repairs at tlie waited for developments before giving gtnta by counties and minor civil divis- Pioneer Hardware Store, Marshfield, Or. on business. He called at tlie W est PI.ICATION. a ! n o t ic e s S c e n t s per lin e , e a c h in te s tim i j ions, lias been issued. Tlie total popu­ tlie mailer publicity. office and arranged to have the paper Wm. Safley is preparing to erect a In response to general clamor from lation of Lane county is given as 19,604 building for a meat market on Main sent to him at Mapleton. ireuce, Oregon, Marcii 1, 1901. street, west of tlie old Florence bote!. that part of tlie county, L. T. Harris, tor 1900, as compared witli 15,198 in Tlie De Laval Separators have made prosecuting attorney, Dr. D. A. Paine, 1890, a gain of 4,406 in ten years. How Are Your Nerves? If yon are poor farmers wealthy dairymen in Coos Tlie population of the various pre- Sheriff Withers and Coroner Griffin left W E S T L IN G S . easily “ fliistrated,” can’t sleep and feel county. for Walterville yesterday to exhume tlie cincts in the west part of tlie county is ui.refreBhe« in tlie morning, your nerves A PO PULAR H IT- body and investigate the case. What follows: fcrpl caeee of measles q/e reported are weak. Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes the result will be is oply a matter of Five Rivers.......................................... the nerves strong by making tlie blood pie. Florence.................................. ®6o The Florence Dramatic Company made conjecture. headache is eared by Hood’s rich and pure. Tlie driver of the McKenzie stage ar­ Gicntena.............................................. 55 a popular hit last Friday evening in Marshfield Sun : The tug Kobarts is rived-last evening and brought tlie word Heceta..........................................'•••• 56 25c. expected here to take Robert lQiglies’ their production of the interesting play, that tlie party had arrived at Walterville Hermann............................................. 112 kll-kinds of tiesli grass and ctover “Tlie Turn of the Tide.” bar fixtures and stock of liquors to tlie The weather was unfavorable but a and would not return until sometime Lake Creek.......................................... H I da Sit A. O. Funke’s. Siuslaw, where lie will open up a saloon today. He conld’five no information to Mapleton............................................ 293 1 .1 1 V i audience l U U i C I l b v was n r t o present £ " I L o t - I I I ) t and l i i n I listened IO l v u v u j <-> large tra. Sweet ia conducting a Beriea of at Florence. with interest to eacli part. Music for 1 the reporter as he had made no inquiry Mound..................................................HO etinga on the North Fork. Reports show a greatly increased deatli other titan that one of W alton.................................................155 Jfcepdy lias a large quantity of tiidea rate from throat and lung troubles, due the occasion was furnislied by Mr. Pond iuto tiie matter they would get home needless to say the party stated with tlie piano, and it is dy! for shipment to San Francisco on to tlie prevalence of croup, pneumonia today. N O T IC E T O PRO PERTY O W N E R S that it was excellent. t Bella. and grippe. We advise tlie uso of One Il is to lie hoped that the fears of tlie Tlie cast of characters was well ar­ k marriage license was issued Satur- MinuteJCough Cure in all of these diffi­ Walterville people are groundless. Notice is hereby given that it is pro­ {& Chua. K. Gibson and Pally Neely, culties. It is the only harmless remedy ranged, tlie different actors being well fitted for their parts. Miss Kate Brund posed to improve Main, Monroe and Intena. that gives immediate results. Children acted tlie part of Aunt Rebecca to per­ GREENLEAF ITEMS. First streets in the original town of ] schooner Danielson, with a cargo like it. Meyer & Kyle. fection. Miss Greta Brynd as "Frisky,” Florence by building a sidewRlk on tlie February 25, 1901. Jiber, was towed down from Acme A teachers’ institute is to beheld in tire lonely maid, and Miss Belle Caster­ nortli side of Main street from Jefferson irday and anchored in the bay op- Eugene this evening and tomorrow. line as tlie neglected wife did their parts Seth Simmons’s health is slowly re- street to Monroe street, thence along W e b u y direct from th e L a r g e st Job bing H o u ses and (.Florence. State Superintendent Ackerman, Prof. well. Mrs. Bultman appeared as tlie turning. Monroe street to First street, theuco on ■pious of people are familiar with Campbell, of Monmouth, and Prof. Or­ Ocean Waif and sustained tlie character S. S. Miller, of Cliickahominy, is seri­ the south Bide of First Btreet to Jackson M anufacturers in th e country, for C A SH , and w e are enabled Jtt’s Little Early Kisers and those cutt, of Drain Normal school, are to bo very well. street. ously ill. to g e t th e L o w e st P rices, b esid es a lw a y s b ein g su re o f ob­ |se their, find them to be famous present. George Peil as Pepper, tlie darky, j Mrs. John Carlyle went over to Oliick- By order of tlie Board of Trustees. liver pills. Never gripe. Mever & Headache often results from a disor­ caused much amusement for tlie audi­ alioininy Monday, and is there taking Dated at Florence, Oregon, this 27th ta in in g first-class goods. W e are n o t p a y in g enorm ous dered condition of the stomach and con­ ence, his "acting seeming almost real. care of tier mother-in-law, Mrs. J. A. day of February, 1901. . Hannah Mary Fox, wife of Win. stipation of tiie bowels. A dose or two Merrill Morris personated a fisherman Carlyle, who is quite ill. ¡J, C. PlIKCPS, e x p e n se s and w ill s e ll y o u good s at reason able rates. Filed at Cape Nome, Alaska, Nov. of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver of tlie coast in a creditable manner. C. Recorder. Messrs. Charles Potterf, Farmer and j>, of typhoid fever. She was 34 Tablets will correct these disorders and D. Chorpening had a difficult part as Johnstone wer« sworn in. Friday before REAL ESTATF FOR SALE. fold and had been ill about a cure the headache. Sold by O W. Hurd. captain of the pirates, hut l proven proved him tuni -; j j uatjee jjurnett as tlie appraisers of tlie Several sisters of Mrs. Fox self equal to it, entering Guard: Hons. L. T. Harris, R. A. in o .ie spi.i jjj tlje ja(e j auiea Pope, of Alpha. in c n iiu n a n d e r i near ....... Gardiner. ----------- , Booth and W. Kuykendall returned ' of the play. Fred Peil, as commander Tlie West Real Estate offieo lias bar­ The Greenleaf bridge will go down gains to oiler in tlie following property. main mill of the Clatsop Mill Co.’s ! home yesterday from their legislative j of the “ Tidal Wave,” contributed his -- Astoria ------ « . — share ’ toward entertaining the audience, stream some fine day when tlie water is Rt was - destroyed i w. by fire j >»-» A good dwelling bouse, and black- - ~ . n .,a in . gry 21. Five cars loaded with ; station by a large crowd of citizens. As while it was difficult to recognize our high, unless a few loads of heavy stones , friend John Brund when he appeared on are hauled aud dumped to prevent tlie ® nu i s mp i mug a ’ , • to and standing on side tracks each legislator alighted from the train a the stage as Col Eilsworth, the wealthy 1 current from carrying away the abut- ‘»'"ving town. The owner des.res to itlso destroyed. Tlie loss is about crowd of students gave them three change liis location. A fine opportunity ebeers lor tiie good work they had done sliip owner. The two robbers acted 1 ment on tiie left bank. Hope tlie road for tlie riglit man. Price $850. ttieir parts well and succeeded in getting supervisor will take notice, for that road •e ia always danger in using coun- for the university. 160 acres of unimproved land on Nortli is a great convenience of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, Mrs. Joel Ware, wife of Ex-County away with the treasure. Fork about ten miles from Florence is Tlie play was given at Acme on Satur­ “ Tlie violent dealing of tlie wicked iginal is a safe and certain cure Clerk Ware, died in Portland Tuesday offered for saled. Near to county road. • ,’ .'i - % ty v day evening to a large audience. hath returned upon bis own pate.” Two. It is a soothing and healing morning, aged 53 years. She had been Price * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * wicked violators of the game law crossed j Will make a «ood s,0,;k rancb [for sores and all skin diseases. in poor health and recently underwent FOR S A L E . Lake creek in a dugout Saturday, killed $450. a surgical operation, but in lier weak A Kyle. 150 acres mostly tiuibei land lying in a fine deer and started back witli it, but state legislature adjourned last condition she could not withstand the A fine band of over one hundred goats alas! tlie canoe upset and deer, guns section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 shock. A huBband, four sons and one lay about ¡midnight after electing Your patronage is always appreciated, and no matter bow at $3.50 per head. Bargain for some and tiunters were spilled out. Tlie men west. About three acres cleared. A ilitcliell U. 8. Senator. During daughter are left to mourn her loss. creek large enough to float logs runs ; were spilled out aud they hope by drag- small your purchase«, you may rest assured it will be our constant Mrs. C. E. VanDeusen, of Kilbourn, one. Over half naannies. lion 121 bills and 11 joint resolu- J. L. A li . kn . ■ ging tlie river to find tlieir guns, but through the land. Price $5ob. Wis., was afflicted with stomach trouble ere passed. Of tlie bills, 67 orig­ oat Samaria, Oregon. they liavn’t tasted that venison. A tract of about 50 acres fronting on aim to sell you tlie best goods obtainable at reasonable prices. in tlie house and 54 in the senate. and constipation for a long time. She Clear lake three miles south of Florence. C A TA R R H CANNOT BE C U R E D W ANTED. ,keel for another vessel, to be says, “ I have tried many preparations A fair lionee and about five acres cleared. but none have done me the good that i w.tl. witli local loca, applications, applica..uns, as they cannot A wagon road /rom Ul. piace to it the Marshfield ship yard, has reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is “ . r. a fine ■dered, and the work of building Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ A girl for general housework at Tlie fine river at Glenada, A the Siuslaw blood or constitutional disease, and in li be commenced as soon as possible, lets have.” These Tablets are for sale Glerud, Acme. Price summer residence. place for at O. W. Hurd’s drug store. Price, 25c. is ¿rill be a four-masted schooner with Muz. E. E. B enedict . order to cure it you most take internal $500. remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken flU o n tlie foremast—-tlie same size Samples free. A tract of a little over two acres of A meeting of the members of the pop­ internally and acts directly on tlie blood CO UN CIL PRO CEED IN G S- d .rig of the James Secnett.—Ooos bottom land between Florence and ulist state central committee was held in and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catanb tjjNews. Acme, lying on a » tidewater near Rose a »» quack It u r e » is » I not IU V 4IW V » l medicine. liv u iv u to . a w was . . . . . • i a.I 1 J me O’Connell, Marshfield, Or., is Salem last Friday. Chairman King pre­ A special meeting of tiie city council v Cure prescribed by one of tiie best physicians 1 Hill cannery. A fair bouse on tlie land sented his resignation, and after consid­ ir tlie DeLaval Creaiu Separator, was held Monday evening witli Marion ■ A M .in n ln /in f/r w n o n I o n 1 n » HP m iR lI lt A fine place for gardening or raising spring will soon lie on it may be erable discussion it was unanimously Morris, president pro. tern., in the chair. in tills country for years, ard is a regular small fruit. Price $200. * * * * interest of intending purchasers agreed to dissolve tiie state central com \ l Present, Trustees Morris, Christensen prescription. It is composed of one of 160 acres of land near Clear lake lying mittee, and tlie dissolution of tlie com tlie best tonics known, combined with ispond with Mr. O’Connell. Tiie and Weatlierspn. in section 11, township 19 south, range ral lias no equal for clean skim- mittee and party was officially accom­ Peter Cowan, one of tlie Trustees, tlie best blood purifiers, acting directly 12 west. Price $250. on tlie mucous surfaces. The perfect plished. having removed from tlie city, liis office id easy running. combination of the two ingredients is 112 acres unimproved land lying on The legislature passed a bill providing was declared vacant and R. L. Evans Gates, assistant janitor at tlie H a v e Q lw a y s on H a n d a P in e ^ to e f^ o f what produces sudi wonderful results iu tlie nortli side of Clear lake 2zla miles for ¿lie adoption in this state of what is elected to Berve L..1 tiie remainder of tlie use, was arrested near Albany curing Catarrh. Mend for testimonials, south of Florence. A good wagon road iday charged with running away known as the Torrens system of trans­ term. from it to tlie Siuslaw river. Price $600. F. J. C heney & Co., Props., It had been ascertained that Ordi­ free. intrusted to him. He had about ferring real estate. This system has been Sold by druggists, price 75c. Toledo,O. 160 acres on upper North Fork, a in use in Australia for quite a number of nance No. 27, adopted at the last m eet-, - — In his possession when arrested, large part of it bottom land. Will make le against him was afterward dls- years. Efforts have been made to have ing, and which provides for building , Hall’s Family Pills are the best, a good home. Price $850. for lack of prosecution and the it tried in sevetal of the states, but only certain sidewnlks in West Florence, is GENERAL NEWS. Illinois and Massachusetts have not valid because of tlie provision of tlie 80 ncres timber land with creek large returned to him. charter requiring that such an ordinance enough to float logs running through tlie ihfield Sun. Feb. 21: Elmer, the adopted it. Tlie steamer Rio de , Janeiro ran on a land and into tide water. Price $526. within six l l u s i be u e t adopted t U U |H C U n s n n n e ia u mouths sw as»»» 1 21 Dr. J. W. Strange, our popular dent­ I must fear-old Hon of A. Sandquist, from tlie’date of last publication of such hidden rock last Friday morning while ist, having rented tlie Owen residence 138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. (atcii at the Bay City mill, was I '¿ r .L lo n f la t o n a o n t l D ir t t r "D ry G fo o d s , ★ ★ ö r e s s Gfoods entering ( Golden Gate i in a d dense fog. A box house, good barn, and plenty of to death this morning under a near the East Side bridge, recently va­ notice. 122 oersons, mostly Japanese and C h i On motion tlie recorder was instructed outbuildings on premises; 6 acres umber at Bay City. The lad was cated by Mr. ¡Gass, and purchased a nese, were drowned. orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 ; near tlie pile of lumber and it portion of Mr. G.’s furniture, etc., lias to give notice by publication that it is A dispatch from London says Gen. De acres more cleared land, and 80 acres over on him. He was heard to sent for liis wife and eon at Roseburg proposed to improve certain parts of wm, ns j . . . as they can get -----, and will, as . soon here, Main, Monroe and First btreeta in the Wet was routed last Sunday at Zurngat, slashed; balance, brush and timber ¡help but died shortly after the ami be’domiclled comfortably in quarters of original town of Florence by building a losing liis artillery and forty prisoners land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 down. sidewalk on the nortli side of Main At Uniontown, Wash., Feb. 24, Mrs. For further information inquire at experiments show that all tiieirown.—Coquille Herald. street from Jefferson to Monroe street, Wurz, a widow, while insane, drowned Tlie W est office, Florence, Oregon or manifest- Sojmuch disgatistaction was foods may be completely di preparation called Kedol ed witli tlie census returns for Medford, tlience along Monroe to First street, her six children aged from four to twelve John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon. ieia Cure, which absolutely digests Oregon, as given by the government thence along tlie south side of First yeors. She threw them into a well con­ ’V-nr-wH*”! taining two feet of water, then jumped DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. Sou eat. As it is tiie only combi- enumerator, that a new C eilbU S WRB street from Monroe to Jackson street. The council then adjourned. , in Herself and lield tlie beads of tlie H a ts & Caps, Boots & Shoes, ¡of all tiie natural digestants ever taken liy tlie Medford Mail, with tlie children under the surface till they were I the demand for it lias become result that a gain of 318 in tiie popula- FURS WAN JED. A fine dairy farm on Maple creek six drowned. ous. It has never failed to cure tion of the city was made. The June miles Irom Florence ia now offered for ►y worst cases of indigestion ami I ' census gave 1891, while tiie new census sale. Tlie highest cash' price paid for all Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of kys gives instant relief Meyer A gives tlie eity 2109, which entitles it to a kinds of furs and hides. It contains 160 acres, 35 of it bottom DeWitt's Witcli Hasel Salve are worth­ ! place in the 2000 and over list. G. C. CUMVTON. less. Tlie original quickly cures piles, land and 30 ncres have been plowed. get: An application containing! Under tlie new road tax laws every AtSafley’s Meat Market, Florence, Or. sores and all skin diseases. Meyer & Cnn cut 35 tons of bay. A good two sixty names of tlie best material male over 21 shall pay road poll tax story bouse 20 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by Kyle. _____ _________ linfantry company has been for- each year of $3 cash, and if not paid on 70 feet, witli heavy frame; a goat house SUNDAY SERVICES. - « TO OUR PATRO NS. d to the headquarters of the O. N. demand it may be collected from the 16 by 40 feet; an orchard of about GOO ling lor the organisation of a com- employer or corporation employing such trees of different kinds of fruit has been PI1ESBYTEI1IAN. in Cottage Grove. Under tlie new person with costs of suit. A bill that We have made arrangements by ' liearing for a year or two. Service in Florence for Marcii 3 as lur more companies are to be or- has already passed makes all taxes pay. A water wheel of about 8 horse power which we will furnish tiie Weekly d in Oregon, and with an increase able in cash. This poll tax may be follows: Bunday School, 19 a. m.; Oregonian witli tlie W est for one year furnishes motive power at tlie barn for preaching, 11 a. in. J Junior Endeavor, I per year appropriation for each worked out under certain conditions. to any address for the sum of tv.o dol- cutting feed, sawing wood, etc. 2:30 p. in .; Senior Endeavor,6 :80 p. m .; Tlie farm is mile from school and Jny. It is understood that Col. Register: Joseph Burton, who ar- lari payable cash in advance. preaching, 7:30 p. in. Preaching in '3 ' *y .i • mile from a county road. kan, , of the O. N. G., has given as- „ved from Petrolia, Canada, yesterday, Acme, 3 p. m. A. W. W ight . | REA L E S T A T E T R A N S FE R S . Price $1000. that Cottage Grove will be one informs the Register that two excursion i A bargain for anybody wanting a first to secure a new company, trains a week are leaving Western Can- FOR SALE James B. Stevens to Simon Pronty, farm. insidering the personnel of the . ada with laboring men mostly bonnd blk 2, lots 1, 2 and 8, blk 3, and lots 16, For further information inquire at tlie itions already forwarded, the for Portland. Tlie train on which Mr. kny here would be a credit to tlie i Burton came consisted of eleven coaches ! At a bargain: Mv seven-room dwell­ 17, 18, 19 and 20, blk 4, Morse’s add to W est office. width contained about three hundred ing witli four lots fronting 200 feet on Florence. the river in Glenada. House lias large, A « T O C K FARM - Simon Pronty to Carol Crouse Pronty. [ tlie weakness and prostration fol- laboring men. A low fare of $38 from well lighted rooms with plastered and lots 1, 2 nn fail to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is good timber conveniently situated (or chine to make repairs. If tlie stomach l on eacli box. 25c. __ ♦ A ridi lady enred of her Deafness and cannot digest enough food to keep tlie logging. Extensive out rsnge. About Noises ir. tlie Head by Dr. Nicholson's body strong, loch a preparation as Kodol 15 bead of cattle, moat of them cows, Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his Dyspepsia Cure should be used. I t di with the land. Price $3,000, Ineluding For Infants and Children Institute, so that deaf peop’e unable to gests what you eat and it simply can’t stock. Inquire at the Florence Real "procure tlie Ear Drums may have them help bat do you good. Meyer A Kyle. En|a:e A yency. KU Tn Han Always Braghi free. Address No. 10573-c. The Nich­ F lor»coce, Oi Thia alfastara la «» ew ry box «( M»» <"«>>»• olson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, The San Francisco Examiner and the Blanks for Wuiranty Deeds for (ale Laxative Bromo-Quinine t » m » u I New York. U. 8. A, at tb« W u : oAi'B. A Wen dm /MX U» U M . ¿Hot to Be." ^.CRZCE, - - - OTIEX3OIT. ■ General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, fluslins, Yams, Crash, Notions, i Groceries. We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. mu Gi^oeE^iEg, ~ i~ O r ] r L 1 Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r iw a r E , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest ASTO R IA