Tor In fan ts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought I NFAN.Ts/'C'HIl.'DKFyN B ears th e Signature rs AN in Use For Over Thirty Years H l OMEN, <•' $. ” I *tjffer Dkiaiis pr< ( lie. u tm H «vi)le. T' iiio f'i blatldi r «ml com pi but kept e* .my bed ft’ received y ( ! > *nl:>- J in) « ercv 'ii n* j’ Fuvoiitc i p IMtcnvci H two UK retting i» t tous« wot I f Dr. Pii Adviser, receipt o expense » U. V. Pit I have bean a great suffer«» from eonstlpatla* for over fl'» years. N othin« gave m e any rallef. >ly feet aud legs and abdom en w ere bloated sq I could not wear shoes on my f«et and only a loos« dress. I saw Rlpans Tabulae advertised la ou f dally paper, bought som e and took them as direct, ed. Have (aksn them about three w eek s and ther« D such c ch an ge! 1 am not coatt!pat««l an y yio*« and I ow e It ail to Rlpans Tabules. la m thirty, seven > ears old, have no ocoupatlon, on ly my household duties and nnrsiuff p y sick husband. He has hod th e dropsy and 1 trying flfpens Tabulea for him . lie feels som e better bat it w ill take som e tim e, he has been sick so long. Ttf« may use m y letter and name as you Ilka Mrs. M ary U ooman C l a m *. I k s ' s been suffering from headache« eve» «Ince I w as a little glrL 1 could never ride In « car or go Into a crowded I want to Inform yon. placo w ithout getting * tn word» of hi«b»»t hqalaphe aud slch gt my * -------- ptalM», o f th« benefit stom«ph. J heard «¡¿nil « 1 have derived from Rlpaq« Tabules frqqi aq * R IT A N S Rlpans Tabulea- l a m a aunt of m ine wbp w as * profeaslonal nurse and taking them for catarrh In Uxla profession u clear of the stomach. 9hp hud head la alwnja needed. found such relief from Rlpans Tabules does It. their use sheadvisod me T h e m o d e rn s ta n d ­ * After on« of my case« I to tuke them too, and I * found myself completely have been doing so sluoe run down. Acting on th« a r d F a m ily M e d i­ last Qctober, »nd w ill advice o f Mr. Ooo. Bow­ say th^y have complete, « er, Ph. 5S8 Newark ly cured my headache«. c in e : C u re s th e Ave., Jersey City, I took 1 am |w en ty nine year« « Klpnita Tabulea with old. You arc weloom e A grar.d results. c o m m o n e v e r y - d a y to use th is tustlmonluK A Idas fixsuix W ibdma «. Mr». J. DnooKUTMk A A ill o f h u m a n ity . A Mother we« troubled A w ith h e a r t b u r n aud A My MT»Q y»*»«3«. took Blpavs Tabules. AKTQM H. B laukxm . «**♦*♦**♦#**♦**♦♦*♦**** « * ♦ - « tak e him down. D on't advertise to AVcgelablc Preparation for As­ der poobllp dot you vlias cold uud similating iheFoodandKegufa- | eruel uud sellUli. D on't let some peOr liuti the Stomachs and Bowels of ANOTHER SCHEME OF THE COBBLER pies say nsli dey pass your door, 'H ere ! ll)|es a man w ho would shed der blood TO DRAW BUSINESS. , of n'n Infant.’ Don’t do It, cobbler." V ä r ir < ^ “B ut dot door keeps d er flies oudt,” I t W a x 8 a , B . . t c d t o H im b y t h e « Promotes Dit’eslion.Chcerful- P l u m b e r , W h o A id e d l l l m l u P u t« I says. ness and Rest.Contains neither “I t docs, cobbler—It does; but, alas, tliiK II I n t o K I T .c l, b u t I t C o u ld Opium.Morpliiiie nor Mineral. 1 It also keeps oudt der beetles! I vbas H a r d l y l i e C u lle d a S n c c e x a . N ot ' N a h c o t i c . I no fly man. 1 don 't care If you keep [C opyright, 19C0. by C. B. L ew is.] oudt one t'QUsand flies, but I vlias here I t vbas dot plum ber on d er corner Io plead for d er lieetUs, A beetle don't r ^ t a fO U n r S A ! iU O .P I T a i£ R ivliu tom es lu my one day uud bite nopoily. H e don’t sing aroundt. l^utuJun S e n i ' payA! Ho don’t eat some cem ent or w ax or Jix .S tn n a » “ H ans, If you dop'f look pudt a lee­ filH’ in d er milk. If you gif him an KetktU, S^Ug - Attinf Seed t tle you vlias In bank ru p tcy ,” ' old tom ato or cucum ber, be vlias satis- “l l c v vjins I to |ook p u d t?" I says. lied uud happy. Cobbler, let me ask ^ S eed - “ Ypp m ust be oop uilt der tidies, i t I you d o t you m ake some boles In dot ¡’h i n t s |j tg wife, to f a v e the w edding ring '¿ S u g a r you go by dey drug stpre. der butcher, te r e e u ' door fu r my beetles to come Ha Jtrtte Jhc g g f t f . i* going r/een Riaver. t h a p p e n .’* d er pbipiber or der saloon, you fluff nnd go.” S om ething j a h a f i t s " in f . T hat ring Aperteci Remedy forConstipa "B ut linw can I sp o il my door? Dot C,,:H4 h afd lv be nuilexi from the finger Fcrecn doors to keep oufft d er flies, lion, Soup Stoiiiach.Diarrhiica v., en it wai pul There a few years ago. i Dot vlias enterprise. I valk arouudt foor cost me two dollar, mid she vlias N W it «tip*» on by its own weight. How Worms .Convulsions .rtverish- yesterday uud see one lioonered cob- j enterprise. I vims der only cobbler In tliui th e fingers have grow n ! And the bier shops. N ot one lias a screen door. tow n inlt n screen door.’ ness anti L O S S OF SLEEP. finger» d o n ’t grow th in alone. How thin If you p u t oop one, you vbas ahead of “Alas, alas!” says dot old m an asl) tl.u faep is and how thin the once plum p Far Sunil« Signature of all.” form. A lm ost pnconsciotisly the wife lie w ipes d er tears nvhay. “ Sly „ _______________ ______— --- ------ »' 1 ■ «n 1. i ■ been fading an« w asting ajgay. The li e talks to me for h alf an hour, end frendt. It vlias. tw o dollar on e arth If rlr» ngth given to children has never been new «dvle Docket containing ten ripaks tabuijes packed In a paper carton (without glass) Is now for sole I belief bo v lias.p iy frendt. In two you keep dot door oep, but It vlias j t ainei^. D rains w hich should have been N EW YORK. xt » m e (lru - .t o n , ru n l i v e c a m low-priced a,rt lx lutooded (or the poor xod th . eoooonUoxl. UU days I p u t oop a screen door. She tw o t ’onsnnd dollar to J’our credit In e ¡med h^ve neglected? doxen of the fln xon t c a r l o . (120 tajuler) am be had by a a l by « d w «¿JAI b T h j|' p ?| sum m on ex p erien ce w ith vbas painted green, i)lR| sRo costs two beafen If you lake liim down. If a CHialCitCOMXBT. NO. 10 spruce Street, New Tork-or a .inslo carton lix» ixxt ixx) will bx _____ J a woiacM, u n less some friend liSs shared IliPAJrt T abulec may a’.3o bo had of some grocers, general storekeepers, news agents and q , fome Uquor teenq D u s t s - J S tL Ñ IS beetle loses Ids .life because of dot w i’li them the secret of th e stren g th en in g r shopa. They isAm»h pain, Induce sleep and prolong life. l fallin g of tin- derer, Inal 1 m ake some m yself!” I. 'rpal organs, but th ough t I would trv your P rescrip tion .’ t took five b ottles and Uud dot old m ans kicks holes In der IJ.u-e o f thb ’ p r id e » M edical D iscovery' and w ire uud says he can knock my eye­ c u e vial o f Dr. PierceJu Collets, and I can safely ly that I n ever felt b ette r fV |^ y lif e .” brow s off. My wife cries, uud der A Ladies* F ix a tiv e —Dr. P ierce’s pjeaq- baby yells, b u t before I can do some- Atit Pellets. O ne single, sm all p e lle t is a t'ln g s a feller comes aloug mit a screw ­ lax ative dose. d river nnd begins to take dot door off. “ Hello! But how vbas it?” I says qsli 1 shum iis oop. ”(lji. she vbas all right!” he says. “B ut vliy you take my door off?” A DIIIKFUI. 8IOIIT. "B ecause I vlias your frendt unil ! dollar. I vlias proud of her, und don't like to see you ruin your pees- J my wife says dot pccHiicps vli||( abutnn uess. You vlias In Amerley now. uud ah ead llkg a knngarpti. Dot t|oor vlias ] Amerley vlias deeferent from glier- In Amerley all vlias alike. oop half an hour vlion a man comes niauy. E aferypody h realhes der inline air. If in my shop und Soys: “Cobbler,- I see you liaf some screen you put otjji some screen door to strain your air, peoples vliill stop und say: door. Vlmt you put him oop for?” ‘Ila! Ila t cobbler vbas too high toned “T o keep d er flies oudt.” S C I E N C ^ S ^ » "B u t vhy shall you keep der flleg to hrenlhe In tiles uud bugs und com­ oudt? Dis vims a free country. It mon air, mill hu don’t gif him no ( vlias free for meu uml free for Hies. w ork.” S o ld W ith “B ut I like to keep der flies oudt,” D on't you know about Lexington uud T H E D A IL Y B unker H ill? We lay down our lives I says. By «<11, » •!« , "D en ybv shall buy a bulldog to I dot America shall be free. Der fly also lay dilD’h his life. Du yqu belief It chase ’em oudt.” “B ut dot door costs me two dollar.” vbas right to abut him o udt?” “ 1 kuow, b u t 1 can 't see you lose , “ B ut a fly dun 't liaf some feelings,” Hvo t ’ousamj fo lia r to save tw o dol­ I says. “ a » T.e.Me.vsaw’y - • “ Y’ou vhns ..ilstooken. A fly can feel lar. If you don't know some peesness glad or feel bad, sliust like n person. in Amerley, 1 m ust help you oudt.” N O TICE FO R PU B L IC A T IO N . Und he tak es my door on bis back I If you let hlnj ln }’° u r shop, be vbas your frendt: If you keep Idin oudt, be und carries hint avhay und puts her LajiYOfflce, Itosefiurg, Oregon. Greatest Wcellj in the Cenntry, • United States Land Office, vhns full of sorrow. Cobbler, dp yoyr oop before a stable. I goes by dot January 12, 1901. Roseburg, Oregon j du ty by some flies. TnRo dot door pluniher uud tells him all about It, uud Notice Is hereby given th at the following- December 12, 1900. by und by lie says: avhay und gif him n fnlr show .” named settler has filed notice of his intention ra n Notice is hereby given th at in compliance N one who are engaged in an y of th e m echanical “Vliell. cobbler. U pellef dot screen to make final proof in support of his claim , aud 1 don't like to do It, und dot man with the provisions of the act of Congress of He says be lias ten door vlias enterprise, but I see I vlias th at said proof will be made before Frauk II Rog­ (in , lullina ISSrtM«) >F ?fii w » ** ““ uP*l« ! goes nybay mad. p u rsu its can succeed w ith o u t read in g an d r " HB T sntill^ir cin L 3 } C L B . Ih, brlfhlM l | shlhlren, but he vhlll gif me no work. inislooken. Mnype It vlias b etter dot er«, U. H. Cpui|p|sKioner, a t G aidluar Oregon, on June 3, *S7fi, entitled “An net for the sa|e of tim ber lands in the States of California, Oregon, H e goes aro u n d t der corner, und a fat you leaf d er dooV-Wlde open mid play March 1«, 1901, viz: Francis J. Cassidy, on II. E Nevada and W ashington Territory,” ns extend studying th is sta n d a rd M agazine o f Sciences •ml lodt pom pin, \Vpxklf N ,w ,p»p,r lo Ib, w>rld. 'p f|p (j 1 » CMumiu. or , l x t „ i l w om ans comes along. Klic hai) a book en a concertina to drive der tiles und No. 9021, for the nv. V^ of sw1^ sec 8; s*^ neb», ed to all the Public Land Stales by j iJK"», Llterature and General Infor- neA^ se*4 sec 7, tp 20 south, range 10 west. and m echanical A rts. I t is illu stra te d w ith i M. Q uad . ' net of August 4, 1892, Clinton 1). und pencil In hCr'linnd, und. she looks bugs oudt.” , oiniHMi: aU«u a m a«nlftc«nl A grtculiural and lie names the following witnesses to prove I Chorpgningof Florence,County of Luna,State of nt dot aereen door und lootei St ine un«n. greataat d»parlm«nUi In an y paper on tkt« "n lSi KV K TlM M »rUMS» >• U>“ J ®n «*• ? sworn statem ent No 1346, for the purchase of Aspnm—W hy aren ’t you enjoying a of said laud, viz: Cobbler, I vhns going to nsk you to the branches of m echanism , an d its fund o f Patrick Cowan, John Leach, John Joice and perii M In th» C u m I ötat»«. not on Flaatarn subscribe to o ur Sunday school picnic vacation In th e co u n try these hot days? i theSW ‘4 NE‘4-, N», SE‘i . NE‘4 SW»4', Section Hugh Cassidy, all of Gardiner, Oregon. TOM know t«d«« of tb«ir o « n looalltlaa. j No. SO, in Township No. 18 South, Range H eunepeek— 4 ujn. for crippled children, but 1 see It vlias j know ledge ia inseparably connected w ith in ­ J. T. But d o b s . , No. 9 West, and will offer proof to show that t and eplelee*. an* Ha K dltartale ftwax the neffer see a sertwu door like dot before. and th e Cosm opolitan a re sold al Roseburg, Oregon, fcblc t p»n« In the country. | leged that Ole Aas has wholly abandoned said She vhns beau tifu l: she vlias slienteel; December 12,1900. j tract: that he has change«! his residence there-, T U B «’IIROHICtaK has a lw ey e been, aad al- she vhns m odest; she vlias aooch a ducwd rates a t this office. way w ill be. Ifce friend »n«; of ’t o Notice Is hereby given th at in compliance from for more than six m onths since m aking (Rwr ash mnype vlias put oop In der pie. a» again«« com bm attone. ell<|»»e. eeiK with the provisions of the net of Congress of said lntc? Wna the flint n I extended to all the Public la n d .States Army, Navy, or Marine (.'orps of the United DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE 1 (eel pleased mlt dot, b u t lu two by net of August 4, 181*2, John L. States as a private soldier, offiew,- seaman, or CalliiruJ m inutes dut nain says: Photographer- The picture wna some­ ¡ Furnish, or FV»retic«, County of Lane, m arine during the war with Spain, or any other i "Vhell. bow nboudt dot beer?” . . w hat too do se a likeueaa, luu'iiui.—D er State of Oregon has (his day filed in this office war in which the United State« may be engaged, •Which b e e rt' his sworn statement No. for the purchase said parties are heteby notified to appear, res­ '.'Don’t you nsk me to go oudt und D oifiiarbler. • | of the SE*4 of Section No. 10, in Township pond aud offer evidence touching said allega­ "We do not take possession of our ideas but are possessed by them Imf sv.ipo beer mlt you because o f dot | No. 19 South, Range No. 9 West, tion at 10 o'clock a. in. on February 23, 1901, ho vlng m# U a K» i 1 PimlnUa <'«rrcct. door?” aud will offer proof to show th at the laud sought before u. II. Holden. U. S. Comiunwioncr, at They m aster us and force us into the arena, of Qjaada aaJ Northera « illo ) "W h et wna tfio froulile betw een you is more valuatde for ita timt*er or stone than “Of course not.” * <>J» OMM H lt>K . Florence. Oregon, and th at final hearing will t»e Where like gladiators, we must fight for them .” and Willie Jones, Tom m y?” 'Vhell, den. you vhns some .frauds 1 for agricultural purpose«, and to establish lib held at 10 o'clock p. m. on March 4. 1901, U fore "A w, 1 cal Un I 'lm a lloxer." claim to said land beforu th e Recriter and und liars, uud I can kaoelt you by der Such is the exalted m otto of the A rena, an d th e th e Register and Receiver at the U nited States “ You shouldn't have d me th a t.. You Reii'iver of this office at Uoaeburg, Oregon, on Land Office in Roseburg, Oregon. •N T U X ' . O T I f K I t 0 1 D id . middle of next week In tw o m inutes! Wednesday, the 6th day pf March, 1901. M a d • U nnd <»«« Ite« Hiny nmd It vbas sliust like I belief liefore I come know he la nothing of the kind.'* en tire co n ten ts of th is m onthly m agazine T h e «.aid contestant having, in a proper afti W» • k ly 4'Hr entri« 1er U ns y ««V, lie names ms witnesses: "Aw, but he wujr Look nt m e fneei" In here. You vhns a bad. selfish man. davit, filed D e c e n t 1900, set forth facts /»»(«><• i >r«pa|4ea n a « y a | i < CltntoA D Chorpening and C, II. Holden, of ■ which shov« that after due diligence personal are upon a plane an d in k e e p in g j^ ith its If you dud some grasshopper m lt Ills —Uidlunupolla P u ss. 1 Florenee.Oftgon. P. E. Jack »on and II. H. Fisk. ' service of ^hls notice cannot be made, it is here AI’DRICM — a^tik J- X g i i back broke, you vwuld shum p on him Me H ,1« T r o v i « ^ ' of Ft. Terrace.. Oregon. p o k j » i i » i >.. 1 by orriefwd and directed that nm h notice be m otto. T he A ren a’s gallery « /¿ e m in e n t l4e»ri.te» • r. Ubronbdn, pitt both feet. 1 tell e a f« y p o d y Any and all persons claim ing a d w n e ly the «ew r i U N t 'i a m o a W ntta -Do you know they are telling above-described lauds are requested to file their given by due and proper publication. nlannlt yon, uml In tw o weeks you th in k e rs is a group oi in terestin g "n ;en an d 4- T. B hi mi p s . Register, (ro u n d th at you pay ^ a t oitice boy of , claim s in th h office on or before said 6th «lay yhas In Im nkniptey.” j J. H. B ooth , Receiver. i of March. 1901. I'u«l l,e sh ak es Ida fist nnder my yotira so little th at Iflf lj starving? women, and th e ir th o u g h ts a re w o rth y th e J. T. Bpitec.Ba, P otta—T h at Is not u n sr ninkea him Uose und kicks dot screen door open NOTICE FO R PU BLICA TIO N .^ Register. uml goes oudt. My wife says It vhns •o thin. 11» eon't atofl w hl-tllnj. long consideration ot a d people. T h e A rena is Land 0® ce, ttoMburg. Oregon > b e tte r dot we let som e Hlea In und eat enough to «Nt.- liolinnapolls Press. N O 1 IQ E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N Pecvmber W. lixio ' sold w ith T u f W est , b r i City Up d er stock und Idle der baby, but I I Notice ix herchy aivan th at the (ollowln»- ! Lend Office, at Rosebnnr. Oregon, A n 4 W illie K n ew . bold on a leetle. und nn »bl innn mlt a m . »»• ea «<•"» "» >wu' tow" •» t»** . nam e) w ttlcr ha* filed notice of hla Intention , , l . w cx .U M hoee -aatie, eae cent A ee» » d Waie, V. fi. < OBimiaakmcr at Kn/ene. Oregon, on SiiiBCiive pian <4 aecun-tg nA otiitert «rMkvet ih» I.lllle W illie— Well, the teacher told to make final proof in toppnrt oi ais claim , and Fehniary 9th. tool, vtx Frank K. Taylor, on B. fore lie saya: pi . tu nabla laaiur«» od canva»««« that said proof will be m ade bffore <\ II. Hol­ na th a t Imldnea« u n s caused by a •.‘A 'obbler, 1 vlias couie to apja-nl to E. M r . f o rth . C j fiwi^, « w x ; »KjZ 8 W . den V. A Coromissioae,, a t Fhwence, Oregon. nono.« § old i ( ¡ i l e „ A v a ; F re e ( y o u r hum anity. Yon vlias n man. microbe. lUiUlnlbre American. , on March I*, 1901, via: jA^seph Fell man. ,on H. S F ',. -ce lk ,T |. l« fi. K. » w « t tic nam e, the following witnenaoj lo prove You liaf soino wife« und a bn by. If ; F. No. 9*13, f < th e n l> n<%. sac 17, se*, se*, A $950.« I ‘••«-‘f c i X . - - ’’' hia conunHoux rcaldenca upon and cultivatio n ■ C««I4 <'»si»e«tlat loa. ov(fc and »avy «lan le» dot l>aby die of ificAsleA y o u r to u t vhaa , 9, e w \ aw \4 sec 9, tp lx* a, r 9 west eur Ma«»m«rth yir.nium of n h l land, via: Widow Wilkliut— I shall alw ays keep He names the following wttnea««« to pn»v» Ja rru A ” nuh ih» t Yrnimlfl bV uu»4 and J l-T a y lo r, of R e d , Ijin c Co., Oregon. W T »recn my mciuoiy ot dear !)ibts. his continuous resident» i^pon and cu ltiva tio n “Vhen, how vhaa It?” I anya. b , » ennhtjr a«d^|)t. Dailey, of Meadow. Lane Co,. Oreann w . s i, h Mrs. ilu d k ln a I'h at ought to he easy. pf raid land, via: " I t vhaa dot aereen door. I f you K' M , t p a Y n n R » IM asm ». IH ■» *• a ola. of Elm ira. I^ n a c o ., Otevon, and A. M Brim F. E. Jackson, James Jscksna, Preil Reaa">nd a .»HI (Dday •• •” kulnr» , do no« 4»I a *- like tQ put hlai oop, deru vLga no law You started tou.'ili«r so green that yon U>w. ot J u ^ U o n d t p , U n . c o n .ty . c w r o . / I b i. il k. ..e l r - Area. V e e ig f Uax^p. a ll of Mapleton, Oregon. yy typaoMAW ouBLiaHiN» COMPANY, to atop you. b u t I vbas here to ask you would lie shocked by a ebauga < ( J. I . Barcoca, J . X Mai D O BO, I 1» dot uauio of couiinou lium am tjr tu cotoi. - Dao < er D i, ‘W 1 HANS' SCREEN DOOR. *■ Wh< rush t< wlien s I h , „ u « k 3 r.lpaa, Tvl-clo, with w m nm •« < !, ¿ - . l o o th ,t t can cheerluUr rMuo.m.t.,1 term . B»V, b e » v o u b lid t r about “ *rv, J « » r, w ith w , . I I chllod M lloi» » » « * « com ing on r,«,.lhrty m i , » »«.It. told by different p.iy,U -U o, that it tra, caused br bad teeth, o f w hich I bud H i t r U I had the teeib extracted, but the at- tachs continued. I bad fceu xdeert Rlpans Tabules In all ihe p a ie n but bad no b li lt hr m. but about six w iehJ since a friend Isc dneed me to try them. Have taken bu. tw o of th . email J cent b o r e , of th« Taboloa ai.d bare had no recurrence id the attack,. Hare never el’ an » testim onial for anythin« before, but Iba e r e » amount o f «ood which t b elle• . has been done me by Rlpana Tabules Induce* m e to add mine to the many teetlmonlals you doubtlcia have In you» poaseoslon t» w . A. T. DkWrrr. £♦♦♦*♦****<***♦***»♦•*♦#2 A Three ★ Desirable ★ ★ Stars in ÍEADIHC PAPÌ1 OFT L I T H K A T U R B And The a n d Only $6?70 a to , po R T im aR The Weekly Chronicle T Z E îZ E ^ $ 1 (Includi n« p Mt a ten, i 'i*na » T H E WÇI «svi I'M** w u ik l. prlnb Hur»e, of N< m atton: a lso M uiU culluraJ ita si dep at. Fva parlano« In fneu*» know h C SAMPLE t V !• < T it« <*11* era »pepe» » I i f u r .• n t b ij j Frwat it bi» ■wwn. t »« » n u a ih? latini tifili:'. furie»! a n i »pft ala»»« p» i>n In ' t iu : e iu » « r p a y e w ill be, h pevple, a» .icfj poi ai ion ». «V «¿j h«4e*H>ii<1ant )i DO Y3U l litio win fl th y of Cinad >2«ip of ( r . M H i «2 H r e k r VI «eaiw/»» p u î n n s M n p n ijT Ä N , the World 5 1000 In Gold A $ 9 5 0 PIANO The GttUevomu or Mot 1001 $95 w The Goiitle wai>«« «a oc d Ca»a«ra*. &»* cd !>»•«•», Ria* Qaadfcci' hi’fa» and ere» ri» enfia ean b» »coir« pctrat-tiva piaa «tj«iie