— T H E W E S T PERSONALS. Good Counsel Has No Price.' A L P H A C LIP P iN C S . WESTERN HOUSE B y E ven C hang . — ACME COnnERCIAL CO., W M . B R T N D , Prop. Jus. Feilmsn relumed from Astoria _____ M”,,dav' February 19, 1901. EYerythiug in connection with the Wise id-vice is the result o f experience. House is New and First-Class. Wm Dilley, the Acme school teacher, Mf c , p „„j c ,|loe The hundreds o f thousands ho ha-ve -«F lobbnce . L amb C ounty , O regon .— used Hood's Sarsaparilla, F R A N K B. W IL SO N , Am erica’s made this office . pleasant call Saturday. were #( A,ph> S||mUy SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Revs. Trine and Buckner are holding Greatest Medicine, counsel those m h o - - - BY - - ■ Mr. Sam Pardee and family and Trve COMMERCIAL T lA VElLEBS m ould purify and enrich the blood to services (this w eek in the new M. E. | Wiland, of Nome, Alaaka, spent Sunday a v a il them selves o f its virtu es. He is church in Florence. The notice of the publio ¡a called at Frnnk Potterf’a. •wise m ho profits b y this good advice. Editor and Proprietor. Suit lias been begun against Mrs. E. to our new Tlie young folks of Deadwood had. a ! A. Morgan by Cbas. B. Morgan, for di­ very pleasant Valentine party at Mr. BATH ROOM vorce, on tlie charge of desertion. —T erm * : $1.50 a year in advance. Farmer's on the 14th. where Hot and Cold Botha may be /TV *TV Mrs. Ruth G. Sweet, wtio lias been Miss Ellinor Hale, we understand, had at any time. holding services at Acme, Pt. Terrace will teach tiie Dead wool school one and Entered at the post-office at Florence, _ane county, Oregon, as second-class and Mapleton, with her daughter is vis­ one-half miles above the Dendwood post- N O T IC E T O C O N T R A C T O R *. snail matter. “The Turn of the Tide,” February 22. iting in Florence. W e Carry a F in e autl office. Sick headache is cured by Hood’s Dr. Alex Patterson came up from Gar­ Sealed bids tri!! 1« received by the It looks very much as if we would lose advertising bates made known on a p ­ ' Pills. 25c. diner Sunday night to attend Miss Ione one of tlie fairest tulles on Deadwood, Recorder of tlie Town of Florence till Varied Stock o f ^ plication . Win. Brynd has a cigar stand in his Splaun, who sustained a severe injury to Vocal notlcea 8 cent» per line, each Insertion mueli to the regret of tlie young gentle­ March 2d, 1901, for the construction of a | hotel bar. her left arm by falling from a bicycle men here. T lie parties will probably go sidewalk and the necessary crosswalks on the north side of Main street from east after the honeymoon. Florence, Or., February 22, 1901. Tickets on sale at the Florence Drag Saturday. Srore for “The Turn of the Tide.” A. B. Rowe, of Greenleaf, was in Flor-, Mf 5 who ¡, roai, g(1 isor the west side of Jefferson street to the lhi, w:„ goo„ b|gs, out # n-w west side of Madison street; on the west Eugene O’Connell carries samples of ence yesterday for the purpose of prov- W E S T L IN G S . De Laval Separators and repairs st the ing up on Ins homestead. He was ac- roMl, gbore , he ure<#k from the rocky side of Madison st rest from Mein street j Pioneer Hardware Store, Marshfield, Or. coinpanied by his brother and a sister bluff below tlie Win Johnson place on to First street, and on the south side of Remember February 22. Win. Brynd is making preparations to who was en route for Gardiner. Lake creek, which hi been a long felt First street from Madison street te Quincy street. Jas. Cosgrove, who went to San Fran­ want. Secure your tickets early if you want accommodate the large number of custo- Bids will be received for the construc­ cisco on the Belin, retnrned on that • choice seat on the 22d. i nieia of his houee by building an addi­ Ernest Rowe of Greenleaf, who is tion of the whole walk or for separate Extra fine quality boys’ and youths’ tion to the hotel 26x32 feet, two stories vessel Tuesday. Jim lias many thrilling going to Yuba county, California, in a high, on the vacant lot adjoining his experiences to relate, and ins friends : siiort time, was at tiie Alpha mill where portions of it. suits, all sizes, at A..O. Funkc’s. Plans and specifications may be seen would do well to give him a hearing. place. lie disposed of a saw and mandrel which at the office of the recorder. Eli Bangs had two valuable livery j Luther E. Mi I ledge, who for a time , will be used to cut cants after they have horses drowned near SpringGeld Sat- , Fred. Frederickson lias rented the The right is reserved to reject any or farm of Win. Brynd, near Pt. Teirace, resided on Indian creek and lias tauglit ’ been cut with tlie sash saw. u rd af. all bids. J. O. P iiblps , Recorder. school in this county for the past several The steamer Elmore put to sea Tues-{ and *da m°Oier, two sisters and a Mr. Irve Wiland, who came here from NOTICE day witli a cargo of salmon, hound for ^10t'ieri have moved in from Minnesota vears, is now located nt Dillard engaged Colorado several years ago, but went to Astoria. 110 llelP take ®barge of tlie place. A sis- in tlie general merchandise business. j Cape Nome, Alaska, last season, is back Notice is hereby given that the ap­ i r .i ' ter and tier husband will arrive tu April Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of again and reports tiiat it is rattier a cold proved plat of Townahip23south, Range A. R. Buttolpli was surveying for the , . . . .. , r ., i, • / and assist tn the work. DeWitt’s Witch Hasel Salve are worth­ and dreary place. He was there wtxpi 9 west, has been received from the Sur­ new sidewalk in the western part of | town yesterday. ! Persons who cannot take ordinary pills less. The original quickly cures piles, tiie great storm canted tlie sea to raise veyor General for Oregon, and on Satur­ „ ... ,, , find itja pleasure to take DeWitt’s Little sores and all skin diseases. Mever A 28 feet, washing away a large portion of day, March 10, 1901, at 9 o’clock a. in. The schooner Nettie Sundberg left for , Nome City. He reports that there was tlie said plat will be filed in this office, o nan Francisco i. • .r i 1. 1 a cargo o , f ! Early Risers. They ' are the best little Kyle. Tuesday with a narrow gauge railroad built from Nome and the lands embraced therein will be liver pills ever made. Meyer & Kyle. irm ler from the Acme mills. to Angel, a small mining town seven lie open for entry on and after that date. AR M B R O K EN . Two of tlie popular young Misses of Born, in Florence, Oregon, February miles in tlie interior, last season. Mr. Florence were seen masquerading in J. T. Uatnoas, Register. 18, 1901, to the wife of A. O. Funke, a W e b u y d irect from th e L a r g e st Job b in g H o u se s and Wiland expects to leave for the north their motliei's’ dresses a few days since. Wliile riding a bicycle Saturday after­ J. H. B ooth , Receiver. daughter. Mother and child nre doing again. As tlie girls were small, and tlie dresses noon, Miss Ione Splaun met with a M anufacturers in th e cou n try, for C A SH , and w e are en ab led REALESTATE^ORkALE. well. , proportionately large, much merriment very painful and serious accident from a ' IV IS O N IT E M S . to g e t th e L o w e st P rices, b esid es a lw a y s b e in g aura o f ob­ A beautiful drop curtain, at a cost of wa8 occasioned. Be brave, little girls, fall in front of tlie W est office, which about $25, together witli other up-to- and keep on growing; you’ll be as large Tbe West Real Estate office has bar­ resulted in a fracture of tlie left arm ta in in g first-claes good s. W e are n ot p a y in g enorm ous date pardphernnlia, lias been prepared as your mammas in a few years. B y I ch D ien . gains to offer in the following property. immediately above the elbow. Slio was for tlie entertainment tlie 22d. A good dwelling house, and black­ e x p e n se s an d w ill s e ll y o u good s a t reason able rates. W. M. Miller, county Bchool superin­ taken to the residence of Mrs. E. A. 1 Millions of people nre familiar witli tendent, completed tlie work of examin­ Morgan and steps taken to bring relief i February 15, 1901. smith sliop doing a good business in a Stock in tliis vicinity is wintering ttiriving town. The owner desires to i DeWitt’s Little Early Risers and those ation of applicants for state certificates to the snffererer, after which Blie was who use them find them to be fnyious and diplomas, six in number, Saturday, removed to her home at Capt. A. F. j well. clinnge liis location. A fine opportunity i little liver pills. Never gripe. Mever A and the papers were forwarded to tlie Hurd’s. Tlie following morning a mes- ' We understand that Mr. Atkinson’s for tlie right man. Price $850. I Kyle. state superintendent tlie same evening. senger was despatched to Gardiner to family, of Wauon, have tlie measles. 160 acres of unimproved land on North Tlie schooner Bella, twelve days from Tlie applicants will receive their grades secure the services of Dr. Alex Patter­ G. W. Dickinson is getting out mater­ Fork about ten miiea from Florence is I San Francisco, was towed into tlie river in about two weeks. son. who arrived in Florence Sunday ial for a new house on his homestead. offered for saled. Near to county road ■ Tuesday with a consignment of freight Geo. B. Gamp, deputy sheriff lor this night at 12 o’clock, and dressed t lie , Quite a windstorm last Friday blew Will make a good stock ranch. Price ■for Florence merchants. She will load end of Lane county, came down from wounded arm tlie following morning. down a lot of dead trees and brueb in $450. |w ith lumber from tlie mills of tlie Flor­ Mapleton Friday to serve papers against tlie road. 160 acres mostly timbe> land lying in ence l umber Co. Several cases of measles are reported C. C. Cole in a civil suit to recover Mr. Worden has just completed a good section 13, township, 19 south, range 10 Eugene O’Connell, Marshfield, Or., is money by his logging partner. Mr. from Acme. bridge across Wildcat for Ida own pri­ west. About three acre« cleared, Tlie greatest event of the season at the vate use. agent for tiie DeLavnl Cream Separator. Cole is among tlie heavy losers in the creek large enough to float ioga runs Ls tlie spring will soon lie on it may be disastrous freshet of this winter, and tlie Opera Houee, Florence, Or., Februnry 22. j through the land. Price $560. Tlie Valentine social at Julian Davis’s i the interest of intending purchasers suit is brought on account of debts in­ Rev. T. A. Yost closed a very success- - ast night was well attended and ail A tract of about CO acres fronting ^o correspond w itli Mr. O’Connell. Tlie curred in logging. ful series of meetings oa Nortli Fork report a tine time. Clear lake three mites south of Floret i Laval lias no equal for clean skiin- Cut tiiis out and take it to Hurd’s Sunday. I. S. Day lias returned from his broth­ A fair house andabout five acres cleared mng and easy running. drug store and get n free sample of Tiie De Laval Separators have made er’s, J. II. Day, of Long Tom precinct, A good wagon road from the place to 0 . W. Hurd, tlie druggist, will refund Chninberlnin’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ poor farmers wealthy dairymen in Coos Your patronage is always appreciated, and no matftr hew where J ie lias been at work for two the Siusiaw river at Gleaada, A flne |ou your money if you are not satisfied lets, tlie best physic. They also cure county. place for a summer residence. Price weeks. small your purchases, you may rest assured it will be our ro—taut ■(ter using Chamberlain’s Stomach and disorders of tlie stomach, biliousness Register: A case was ffieil in tlie cir- i At a special school meeting In tliis $500. Liver Tablets. They euro disorders of and headache. cuit court Saturday wherein Geo. W. j A tract of a little over two acres of aim to sell you the best goods obtainable at reasonable prices. district (No. 100) held ti e ?3d of Janu- lie stomach, biliousness, constipation It is reported that a steel schooner Vaughan, father of John L. Vaughan, a ary, a 7 mill tax was levied for school bottom land between Florence and ad headache. Price, 25 cents. Samplee will be built at San Francisco during minor, begins suit vgninst tlie Booth- Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose ( purposes. ee. tlie year to ply between that place and Kelly Co to recover $25,000 damages for Hili cannery. A fair house on tiie land, We nre glad to report that Mr. V. F. , The schooners Sacramento, Lizzie Gardiner. Tlie vessel will befitted with loss of a leg resulting from an accident i A fine place for gardening or raieing 1 Lyons, who tiad Ilia leg broken last De- ' Prien, Reliance and Wing and Wing left tlie latest devices for efficient work and at the Booth-Kelly mill at Wendling on i small fruit. Price $200. ceinber, is able to get around with tlie •a n Francisco Sunday for tliis port, each will have high class engines, The con- October 16, 1900. Tlie complaint alleges ugc o( crlIt(.lieg 160 acres of land neat Olegr lake lying of which will take a cargo of lumber slantly increasing business of this part that John L. Vaughan, while working in section 11, townsiiip 19 south, range J. F. and L. S. Chastain, of I«banon, (nm tlie Acme mills. of the Pacific coast is constantly assert­ as log tender nt tlie Wendling mill, whs 12 west. Prie« $260. and lion. H. C. Davis, ot E ugene, w ere ing itself, nnd is creating a demand for struck on tiie leg by a log and injured in (Sneeze and Blow, but yon can’t get 112 acres unimproved laud lying on annanent relief from catarrh unless yon craft of tliis character. Success to our such a manner as to necessitate ampu­ in tliis neighborhood this week. The tiie nortli side of Clear lake 2‘i piilee Chastain's were trying to sell their tim­ friends in Gardiner. tation. yrify your blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla soutli of Florence. A good pagon ber lauds to Mr. Davis. es this, soot lies and heals tlie inflamed When you want a physic tiiat is mild TO CVItK A COLO IN ONE DAY * * * * from >t to the Siusiaw river. Pries $809. rfaces, removes all scrofulous taints, and gentle, easy to take nnd pleasant in Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. 160 acres en upper North Fork, S U N D A Y 8E H V IC E S . I cures catarrh. effect use Chamberlain’s Stomach and All druggists refund the money if they large part of it bottom land. Will ma luard: Deputy Sheriff Fred Fisk lias Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples fail to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is 1‘KEKBVTBMIAN. a good home. Price $M0. rchnsed at administrator’s sale from free. Every box guaranteed. For sale on each box. 25c. Sabbath, February 24, services in Flor­ 80 acres timber land with crank large Iministrator Geo. B. Dorris tlie home bv O. W. Hurd. Guard: Should the present weather ence as follows: Sabbath-School, 10 a. H and enough to float logs rumiing through the Dperty of tlie late Mrs. J. R. Stiles, at ways on The state salmon hatchery nt Maple­ conditions prevail throughout tiiis 'ine lint Terrace on tlie Siusiaw. Tlie ton has about completed a most success­ month and part of next there is every in. ¡preaching, 11 a. in .; Junior Emleav- land and into tide water. P rim $086. , or, 2:30 p. in.; Senior Endeavor, 6:30 138 acres of land at Elmint, ÛMfeun, 0 « rfeits of DeWitt’s Witcli Hazel Salve. crowi,ele. body strong, such a preparation at Kodol Deadwood, Lane county, to reside. Mr. out permanent help, until one day I was Dyspepsia Core shoold be used. It di with the land. Price $3,000, including stock. Inquire at tlie in tlie drug store of Mrv Houlelian and Keot Karlstrnm ia in tlie stock business in he advised me to try Chamberlain’s gests what you sat and it simply can't Estate Agency. tiiat vicinity. Cough Remedy and offered to pay back help but do you good. Meyer A Kyle. «... TO O UR R A T R O N 8. my money if I was not cured. My lungs and bronchial tubes were very tore at We need to purchase material lor the thia time, but I was completely eured by We have made arraugeeacats by office and find it neceaeary to aak our F o r In fa n ts and Children. this remedy, and have since always which we w ill furnleb tbe Weekly subscribers who are owing us, to call turned to it when I gut a cold, and soon round and halo oa out in this matter. Oregonian with tbe W bbt fee one year m ui ♦ • Sod relief. I also reeommand it to my to any addreee for tbe auas of twe Ia n ’ javah le cash in advance. friends, and am glad to say it Is is tlie heet beet j T h is s i(n a t« rs is oa ovary box a t tbo (o a a ia a Plot , Laxative Brotno'Quiaioe tomoso ol all rough medicines." For saie by Q. i Tbe San Francisco Examiner and the Blanks for W arranty Deede fag ZCBLISUED tV EK Y YUIDAY MUUNINU— W H. WEATHERSON , General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Huslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, £ Groceries. We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. MEYER, &, ZYLE Have 01 GUpCE^IEg, ★ ★ D r L L 1 Cent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r d w Paints, a r E, Oils, etc. fßOih Prices as Low as the Lowest ASTORIA KM Y H Alnp Bmgbt W .« u r d . ÁW aar one y w r kurtXJt. a t tbe W i n office.