T H E W E S T . abroad.” Ilt-prcsentalives Reeder and I ' h i r e A rd th e r e up t h e R iv E n . 1 O v e r - W o r k W e a k e n s Lung declined to express opinions lor Y o u r k id n e y s . IIV .IN ••Bl l I IV H ; . l l your liver u out of order, canting*; publication. J’ V lL ÎW U iÉ p K V K R Y > K i p A Y M O U X lh U .— Unhealthy KIJneys Make Impure Blood. Jliliouoneis, Siek Headache, Heart- . Friend, of I he senior oUicers of Gen. I..IKK C reek , Feb. 17, 1901. burn, or Constipation, tak ea d u se 01 , ‘ . ... . .' ' The river is bourn ing. —AT— lxxjnuru \\ ood, A)iQ«e nomination to be , All thx blood In your body passes through • I your kidneys once every three minutes. Rome nice saw logs are passing. brigadier general tyi the regular army The kidneys are your Cou>'ry> Is O ffering Exceptionally F in e B argains in jump him qver mure than 500 of bis' I^ouuid Tabor and Ernie S teven s• blood purifiers, they til­ have been working lor Mr, Walker | ler out the waste or | On retiring, and tomorrow your di- senior ¿ ffieer, ; o( Ge„ j Franklin , • ’ ’ ®Y • - • impurities in the blood. lately. gestive organs will be regulated and | , . . . . . If they are sick or out von will be bright, active and ready ,,e " ’ »* »«««dier Mrg Noffaingei. tllilllre„ |rom on of order, they fail to do lor anv kind oi work. This has general jumped him over more than one tide water are visiting relatives on Dead- their work. S s u k d r s s s , # ¿ i s » .« I . Pains, aches and rheu­ ^ud P r o p r ie t o r . matism come from ex­ (old by all medicine dealers. 25 eta. firmation of these nominations, as well Miss Pearl Lamb, oi Deadwood, is cess of uric acid In the ----------------------------------— ---------------. | as that of Fred Grunt, who is not in the , v‘B‘ling at Joe Wl.ismau’s on Sweet blood, due to neglected p ip r e n o e , Q r ,. p e b r y g r y 2 2 , I M I . kidney trouble. regular army at all, Io be a brigadier , creek- WASHINGTON LETTER. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady general. They have succeeded intern- ^ “»‘dty of hay at Mr. Tallman’s has heart beats, and makes one feel as though a ,... v „ , .... i < * -. < * ■ o ~ ~ . « -» .» , ,,p ,, they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working tn pumping thick, kidney- < t a y . Thqse ol us qlj.q have witnessed ations, all ol those which accompanied ! takes place. Supper is taken at Mr. poisoned blood through veins and arteries. { W ashington , Feb. 11, 1901. It used to be considered that only urinary M» relebration of thjs event at other them, including that of Gen. Miles to be Tallm rii’s us usual. troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, The senatorial battle over the ship .. places, appreciate tins fact that there is . | lieutenant general, have been favorably The present storm, which is next to but now modern science proves that nearly ) " 1 subsidy hill, which rated for the greater , 7 all constitutional diseases have their begin­ nqt a single Chinaman on tho river to | . , , . , . . . t reported to tlie senate. The objection is the worst we have had thia winter, lias ning in kidney trouble. 1 , : •' ............... part of III# past week, , resulted in no , I that- 'I'« military record of the J three " °l , , . , « • ' / ■ « M l » interfered with If you are sick you can make no mistake piakk tlle time ldd#ous. apparent advantage for either side, 11 If * 11 I Tm>* TT/Nr I it ' a t 1 i *r ll.,... our v through mail. We appreciate the by first doctoring your kidneys. The mil^ __ 1 * doee rtot justify their promotion | re«olüü7,?ersisiëm efforts 'of ElUtangL and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Tlie present eession of tlic Drcgqn leg- Nigl,t 8U8,,ion6 w w e abandoned, after j over older wud more experienced o f - .' and bis able corps of obliging drivers in S w a m p -R o o t, the great kidney remedy is ’ several hud licen held, because it was F a a s s c c in in a a to to r r s s a a n n d d C C h h ild ild r r e e n n ’s ’s H o o o o d d s s Wg jilatirrs ep<7e8ent 'a" *n ret-i*rd to tho bounty in laying, nails not less than twenty T h e s o a re a fe w o f th e m a n y n e w th in g s . Call at the Great Appropriations in excess of $300,000 for The revenue reduction bill is in dan­ were mostly well-to-do farmers and live­ on seals and other fish destroying ani pennys, plank not wider than twelve inches; tiie said walk shall be placed mais should be passed, for it would be W h i t e S to re fo r e v e r y th in g . pppfinuoqs contracts. ger of failing, because of the wrangle in stock raisers, who have money with • of incalculable benefit to the salmon In- where it will not require more than one tho house over the senate amendments which to purchase land. foot deep of removal of sand or soil, and dustry of this stale. The plc|tel-ip-tlip-(lqt tpschine hill, to the bill, which besides being obnox­ where it requires posts said posts shall he |>y Senator Proebstcl, is ineptipg with FOR SALE dug three feet deep in the ground and ious to some of the house leaders are G R E E N L E A F IT E M S . fiprj} lpck. T’Le !»•!! had pqased the sen ­ above the ground long enough to put claimed to lie an infringement upon the ate and was sent to the house, where, At a bargain: Mv seven-room dwell- t,,e walk of g°o>i height, said posts to February 18, 1901. right of the house to originate revenue ing with four lots fronting 200 feet on j be, M0‘ ,e8S tlian 8'x inclies square and pfter second reading, it was referred to Grass grew perceptibly last week after legislation. Gossip has mixed the the river in Glenada. House has large, 18“i'1 ,1OS,S to 1x1 5 ieet one ,rom the long freeze. file cotnoiitlpe qq commerce, of which American Tobacco Co., commonly known Olsen w .. nn .1 I I wel1 rooms with plastered ami i Ce,lter ,0 center anJ 8 ioet aP“rt tl,e Martin Olsen fGipresentative la w so n is oliuirnian. . p ‘ * •/« •* » « » - papered walls; fine, view of ocean and ®l,'«r way, all qf the above material to as the Tobacco Trust, which will profit ineas last An effort wns iijadu Friday afterpoun to country; good spring water. Place cost N°°d quality. largely U the senate amendments become - Mr. Sabin p ca ll thp hill from the committee hut in .got a drove of cattle on $900-w ill sell for $350 cash. Cail on or bKC- n - The cost of the sidewalks oil or law, up in the wrangle. It is known Deadwood creek last week flw bill was not produced and this address, Chas. R. David, Point Terrace, alisill be paid by the lots fronting on said Unit the administration would not grieve walk, and tha cost of street crossings Frank Eldridge lias rented Herman Oregon. fPiffUlH» Goll| thp pill and (lie ehnirnijin out of the general fund of the town of any over the failure of the bill, because Steinliauer’s place for the year. of the coniqiittee perp migying, lipt NOTICE Florence. Deer, which were so plentiful last ol the reductions being largely in excess f^m son returned in tiii|o to participate S ec . I l l , That on said sidewalk winter, have beou rather scarce this of the recommendations of Secretary fn tits joint assemhly hut the birl was The p?stponed annual business meet- 'vbere *« *8 more than twenty-four season. Gage. lug of the Florence Presbyterian church ' j1,cbe8 from the ground there lie a rail- pot rstqrnei), Senator ".Oehstel is un­ J. A. Burnett hat recovered enough so Tlio eight Kansas members of the and congregation will be held in the ! ’nK or ban'8ter thirty inches high, 2x4, decided w hat to do hut limy draft an- that he is out visiting among the neigh­ church building, Tuesday, Feb. 26, g ! „ .„ ,„ 1 ,. S ec - VI. This Ordinance shall be in jliat t isy are appreciating its work and spnlative Calderliead eaid: “ It ia not "'oners who will find a way to reduce full force and effect from and alter its C O M E O N E , C Q M E ALU loyally accepting the changed condition a|4)j„ g the cause of temperance nor sun- *!'* UXe’ “ llU i,Kre" « «he appropria- passage by the Board of Trustees and J. w . CA RM A N • l in n a lions. of affaire. The native, are loginning to presaing the saloons.” Representative published.ten days in tiie W est . PRO PRI I« T O » Supper at Mrs. Gibb’s. phS.rstand the |u i^ oscs of 0 .e govern- Bowersock said : The road l>ctween bere am i Deadwood J. O. P helps , Recorder. "The woman with tiie was impassable for burses Saturday Approved this lltli day of Feb.-unry 1901. jnent. liajihet will no more abolish the saloon, morning, and the mail M arion M orris , President pro. tern. Th. ............ . i , „ - „ " - T o n ig h t The Great White Store * AMR c F* 1 * * ■ * * W;If. WEATHERSON * i5 » f * Wh< rush t< when < < ; L a d ie s ’, M is s e s ’ a n d G e n ts ’ M a c k - in to s lie s a n d R u b b e r Boots, From Chilhren’s to Men’s Sizes, Wg Have LARGE ASSORT.)! EXT OF LAWES’ BELTS New lot of Dress Trimmings, in the latest shades and kinds J U S T but Kept <* m y bed fv received y «Metted >ni P ie re v > in •/ Fuvoi ite . | IMscr-vei y.' 1 tw o inontn. K ittin g ]iot Fve par tanna In fnou'a knowl« SAMPLE C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Dry Goods, FLORENCE MEAT Dance and Suoper Acme Bancinir Club, T he < T11« (ÎÎ1RÎ (ir* apapai 4 l.i f u r . it u n i t let T N K .U ltO (he la I* hi «ad hatlaat ar«l »p p> na >N wxr pu k u h a / * w ill be, , parole, o" os/* (•oration*. or til Hwlet>«jnri jkppu tea » The Gûütle want« «a .ig»n <4 t sauras K>< ufl B um Uaadhri f .af*. aad eraantawa can ba *c> «red Mttravtita plan «t>e< iMHiaÛa la »1000.» <*0 «I A $950.» Wa aaad <*»» ★ and * Notions. MARKET. ........ Just Ooened. Goods as Represented. Tickets, - - $ 1 .0 0 «rere receiving yuqpor from >vithi|i ou|- puiify poliUce. Ultra-leni|iernnce [>eo- own lipee and the arrest by General pie in Kansas approve of Mrs. Nation's MacArthur of some of the lending trai- w ork, but it is well to rememl>er that jors who « ere (iirnisiiil g thepi with crunks do not predominate in our state, yupplies, with which they were able tq Mrs. Lease ie on record na having said qiaintain hoafilil^oe, haeluql a lienelieial that they can raise more hell in Kansas yffect. J h e stoppage of the leak haa than in any other state in the union, |s ft tl>« enemy « iflio iit rseoytee*." I t - but I believe we should stick to raising »«$»«#» leaders nyy, const^uenfly, lie- corn, wheat and potatoes." Represent- f i n in g poiyerlesg to prolong the atrifq |u d ate surrendering. This is what « e q ilg lit expect. Nqirly everv organise^ |orce in the island group hi g beqn brok- qn up. Tliqge sti|l in arms will soup follow. The example set by tbo«e who alive Ridgi oeiti<>n to enforce the law. With thia state Jof alls ire there haa been a plan to see if tne state would also pro- teet ilioee wbo take the law into their borrowed a mule there, * - S t -” « or O hio , C ity or T olrdo , JOHN C. BECK. W . H. WEATHERSON. W . N IC H O L S . L e r is CoiNTv. i P o in t T e rra c e , O r. I RANK j . C iiinxv makes oatli that lie F lorence, O r. E lm ira , O r. is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. I iiknky A Co., doing business in tire City of Toledo, Comity and State afore­ said, a t i l t that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case ol C atarrh that can not £ar2d^ , tim b e r » and S ov / d £ o t$ 1» cured by the use of H ali ? s C atarrh F a p m C urk . FRANK J. C H E N E Y . Sworn to before me and substribeil in a n d ^old 012 c o m m i ^ i o n . «"X P«*«'“* . “ •'•*»« day of December, 1S** A’ ' ' X^tm ^ ' b l ’ ' ary u ic. . FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ^iave tqrreiKlered unconditionally is own bands to abate these nuisances. H all’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter- ^ecoming infectious. The Federal p ap y, Tfiqru is method in this programme of n#l^ ’ **'*’ »'e bluod and p h io li kaa been organised by some o( Rinagf.ing saloons." Representative for te"lim'md«l7 I w . " * |liem o re influentisl Filipino! who bav« Miller said ; "I believe the effect ol- SI iodi a $95 : Groceries ynreeervedly accepted American (over- Mia. Nation’s ct made will be that the h,‘®a««ime, active. (race proliibitorv law will 1« enforced betlei qieetinge are being lielif qmUir its a uspi- than it but been (or several years.' fee at VRpftut pointe |b e archipelago ( IVliilc we all deplore the method adopt- qnd ary productive of inipli gopd. These yd by Mrs. Nation, we cannot help bui •ponUtieofi» acts qf the natives spea^ admire her courage." Uepreaentalive Volumes to r at»-early suspension of bos- |ilitie s e Y e n « h e fe , U.«teHnnal.iub„,ent 8*nd s °hl by druggists, 7»e Hall's Family Pills are the beet. TO THE O EAF> A ridi I«dr cure.I of her Deafness and in *.*'* H*"'1 b>r Or- Nletmteon’a Hailey said: "Mrs. Nation is a very ' o bis radieal wmiian. Abe is injuring Uw p X ^ ' hi T k I T D ™ m . ™ i h a T f u m m a . » m H -. “ *• iw s ta M « * U.« to place it on onr list. T H E W H IT E IS K IN O I F. J . C n ix a v A Co.. Toledo, O. qf civil authority, and the return of the cause with eunserrative tempeeance free. Address No. ]0&7S-e. The Xicb- yeople to pqacyffil voeatii\»is. people. 1 do not want tq be understood "l* * Institute, 780, Kijthth Avenue, ■ ■ ¡ w a il......... - as defending the vinlatere of the law N .w Y o rk . I f . «, •t*pa tq« $*»»«$'