‘ T H E TU R N O F T H E T ID E ." : e w e s t GREENLEAF ITEMS. Put Money In Thy Purse. WESTERN HOUSE Those having charge of the entertain­ W M . B R Y N D > P r°P- ment to he produced in Florence on tlie 8JIEU XVKBY FBÏDAY MOUNINO— — J. II. Leaver visited Eugene this week. 22d inst. and in Acme on the 23d arc : Everything in connection with the House ia New and First-Class. Nobody suffering from brain-fag, lack -A T - I.. IL Wheeler has gone to Irving for sparing no trouble to make it first-class | of energy, or “ Out tired feeling ever in every respect. A stage suitable to its SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BNCE, L ane C ounty , O regon .— puts money in his purse- Lassitude and a visit. Mrs. O. Willcut is at Blachly attend­ production has been erected in Odd Fel­ COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. listlessness come from impure, sluggish - - - by - • - lows’ Hall, appropriate costumes have * * * blood that simply oozes through the veins. ing Mra. I. Slayter, who ia In ill health. The notice of the public is called Ernest Rowe anil Herman Stelnhauer been procured at considersble expense, Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure to our new propose to go to California and prospect and n lieautiful scenic view of Mt. Hjod and gives it life, vigor and vim. ¡ditor and Proprietor. prepared by Mrs. Wilson—a veritable B A T H ROOM for gold. work of art—to lie used as a drop cur­ Wonder if those fellows who howled tain. The members ol the company are where Hot and Cold Baths may be : $1.50. a year in advance.----- Hand a P in e cBtoc!^ o f H ave 0 1 because tlie winter tiad not been cold spending much time in rehearsing and bad at any time. on ways enough to kill the cutworms feel better other preliminary work, leaving nothing ¡red at tlie post-office at Florence, NOTICE T ) CONTRACTORS. now? county, Oregon, as second-class undone that will tend to the delight of "The Turn ol tlie Tide,” February 22. Mrs. J .mes Johnstone gave a party the audience, and attending to the natter. Sealed bids will be received by the Report sayB there is a case or two of Thursday evening in honor of her niece, slightest details in a manner that would Miss Mary Johnstone, who was there on do credit to professionals. Following is Recorder of the Town of Florence till TISINO RATES MADE RNOWN ON AP­ measles on South Slough. March 2d, 1901, for the construction of a PLICATION, P. J. Muir’s grocery store in Roseburg a visit. A large number of young peo- the cast of characters: lotices 8 cen ts per lin e, each insertion sidewalk and the necessary crosswalks hle enjoyed it. Jonas Aldrich, n fisherman of the coael was burned Monday morning. on the north side of Main street from The Nelson creek road is not open for —Merrill Morris. Tickets on sale at the Florence Drug the west side of Jefferson Btreel to the »rence, Or., February 15, 1001. wagons yet. Only one man lias been Capt. Hugh St. Morris, commander of G f o o c ls Store for “The Turn of the Tide.” 1 E )r y G fo o d s west side of Madison street; on the west ★ ★ the “Tidal Wave”—Patrick Donahue. /ress working on it tlie past week, and he was A crew of 12 or 14 men are at work side of Madison street from Main street ~ W E S T L IN Q S . opening the road from Mapleton to Flor­ a grass widow, who, with chores and Col. Ellsworth, a wealthy ship owner— to First street, and on the south side of housekeeping to do, could not put many Johnny Brynd. ence. Hermann Clyde, captain of the pirates— First street from Madison street to hours in a day on the work. oember February 22. Try some of Will Safley’s bologna Quincy street. C. D. Chorpening. Mr. Sabin, the Erigene cattle buyer, Bids will be received for the construc­ stipation is cured by Hood’s Fills. when you want something good for a Bowie Knife Jack, Sling Shot Rube, took half a dozen animals from here last tion of the whole walk or for eeparate lunch. piiates—Mr. Brynd, Rudolph Brynd. week and last Saturday came in to look portions of it. The name of the post office at Isabel, ire your tickets early if you want for some on Deadwood. He paid $16 or Pepper, a colored individual—Geo. G. Plans and specifications may be seen in this county, has been changed to Peil. ■ c e seat on the 221. over for some good yearlings, but was at the office of the recorder. Marcola. specially seeking good cows, for which Aunt Rebecca, the fisherman’s wife— ■ San Francisco Examiner and the The right is reserved to reject any or Eugene O’Connell carries samples of Kntherine Brund. the creamery prospects at Eugene have ■ one year for $2.50. all bids. J. O. P helps , Recorder. e stock of ladiee’. gents' and chil- De Laval Separators and repairs at the created a demand, although prices have Susie Aldrich, the ocean waif—Mrs. II. N O T IC E Pioneer Hardware Store, Marshfield, Or. not gone up to correspond witli those of Bultman. mackintoelies at A. O. Funke’s. Lillian Lacy, Clyde’s neglected wife— Born, at Gardiner, Oregon, on Tues­ steers. Notice is hereby given that the ap­ (if - Sarah A. Steinniennan died at day, January 29, 9101, to Mr. and Mrs. When Mrs. Win. Wheeler readied her i Belie Casterliue. proved plat of Township23south, Range tier, Oregon, February 1, 1901, G. A. Gentry, a daughter. All doing "Frisky,” witli no one to love—Greta stepfather's last week, in response to the , 9 west, lias been received from the Sur­ 12 years. Bry nd. well. summons referred to in my items to the veyor General for Oregon, and on Satur­ lerday was Valentine's—the day John I,. Furnish and C. D. Chorpen- W est , she found tho old gentleman up P O IN T T E R R A C E IT E M S day, March 18, 1901, at 9 o’clock a. in., filing girls, happy young men, and ing were np Knowles creek Saturday again and ns spry ns ever. Mr. Tabor is the said plat will be filed in this office, vorked postmasters. and Sunday locking after their timber a youth of eighty summers, and doesn’t and the lands embraced therein will be B y C armen . hbfleld Sun: Mrs. Morton L. claims. propose to let a little affair like the grip • he open for entry on and after that date. who has been on an extended Roseburg Review: W. R. Findley lay him out. But Mrs. Tabor was iu J. T. B ridges , Register. February 11, 1901. relatives in San Francisco, re- and family, of Florence, Oregon, were bed witli pneumonia and symptoms of J. H. B ooth , Receiver. Miss Belle Casterline visited over Sun­ on the Alliance. among the arrivals iu thiH city Friday lung fever. At last accounts she was REALESTATEFORSALE. day with Miss Minnie Saunders. improving. eautiful drop curtain, at a cost of evening. Miss Lulu Whisman, who has been $25, together witli other up-to- Tlie schooner Nettie Sundberg arrived REED R EC K O N IN G S- ' quite ill for the past week, is slowly im­ The West Real Estate office has bar­ karaphernalia, tias been prepared from San Francisco last Sunday. She proving. gains to ofter in the following property. i entertainment the 22d. crossed the bar and proceedeu up the BY GOSSIP. Mr. Chas. Morgan came out from A good dwelling house, and black­ lions of people are familiar with river to Acme under sail. i Smith river Saturday, and expects to smith shop doing a good business in a h ’s Little Early Risers and those We need to purchase material for the February 11, 1901. 1 return in a few days. thriving town. The owner desires to fd se them find them to be famous office and find it necessary to ask our J. A. Phelps made a flying trip to Mr. Dick Thurman, who has been change liis location. A fine opportunity ■ iver pills. Never gripe. Mever & subscribers who are owing us, to call working for Mr. Neely, started for Eu- for the right man. Price $850. le. round and helo ua out in this matter. Acme last week. J. L. Taylor made a business trip to gene last Weduesday to he absent a ^ w 160 acres of unimproved land on Nortii Van Dyke, an inmate of the Persons who cannot take ordinary pills ■ days. Fork about ten miles from Florence is poor iiouBe at Thurston, died last find it’a pleasure to take DeWitt’s Little Mapleton last Friday. H y from the effects of drinking a Early Risers. They are the best little We are enjoying this pleasant weather Mrs. II. H. Fisk went to Smith river offered for ssled. Near to county road and desire its continuance. J today to cook for the men who are build- Will make a good stock ranch. Price fty of liniment by mistake for liver pills ever made. Meyer & Kyle. expect to move $450. f>y- Rolla Phelps entered school in Eugene ing their house. They The vote at Salem last Tuesday forU. back in a few days. ene O’Connell, Marshfield, Or., is S. senator to succeed McBride was: at tlie beginning of the last semester. 150 acres mostly tlmbei land lying In |for the PeLaval Cream Separator, Corbett 32, Smith 22, Hermann 29, Wil­ section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 C O U N C IL PRO CEED IN G S- Mr. Patrick has been sowing oats on i spring will soon be on it may he liams 1, Inman 3. Not voting 1, ab­ Mr. Moflit’s place, which tie has rented. west. About three acres cleared. A linterest of intending purchasers sent 2. creek large enough to float logs runs A special meeting of the city counoil Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Taylor have moved fespond with Mr. O’Connell. Tlie Howard Pope has been appointed ad­ to their home on the upper North Fork. was held Monday evening to receive through the land. Price $550. Pal has no equal for clean skim- A tract of about 60 acres fronting on ministrator of the estate of James A. Willie Mead did not make bis usual report of street committee to whom was fnd easy running, Pope, deceased. J. C. Farmer, C. A. call Sunday. We wonder why he did I referred the petition for a sidewalk on Clear lake three miles south of Florence. Wolford, an S. P. fireman, had Potter! and James Johnston, appraisers Main street from Jefferson street to A fair house andabout five acres cleared. not. pga broken and his hack and head of said estate. Madison street, thence to First street, A good wagon road from the place to We understand that A. A. Gibson lias thence along First street to Quincy the Siailaw river at Glenada. A fine 1 at Suowden, near Ashland, last Assessor Gillette, of Douglas county, almost completed his logging for this ’ evening by a freight car which place for a summer residence. Price street. has already selected his deputies for thia winter. the track and struck him. The committee reported in favor of $500. year’s work. S. J. Shrum will assess A pretty little daughter came to glad­ tlie petition and presented an ordinance Ilurd, (lie druggist, will refund tlie property in Lake precinct and R. T. A tract of a little over two acres of den the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. providing for the construction ot the bottom land between Florence and or meney if you are not satisfied Ashworth in Gardiner. Phelps February 7. walk. Under suspension of the rules Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose sing Chamberlain’s Stomach and Tlie steamer Sue E. Elmore, of Tilla­ Tablets. They cure disorders ol Walton Mead is making decided im­ the ordinance was read three times and Hill cannery. A fair house on the land. mook, arrived here last Sunday after a Bmacli, biliousness, constipation provements on his place, having cleared adopted. A fine place for gardening or raising cargo of canned salmon. The Elmore Is The recorder was instructed to adver­ small fruit. Price $200. adaclie. Price, 25 cents. Samples several acres of land. a very handsome crait and this is her Mr. Jordan will complete a successful tise fur bids for construction of the walk 160 acres of land near d e a r lake lying first visit to this place. Chamberlain has been appointed term of school at Hermann next Friday. to he received till March 2, 1901. In section 11, township 19 Bouth, range Cut this out and take it to Hurd's F R A N K B. W IL SO N , M anager, Adjourned. He will then open school at ReeJ. strator of the estate of Frank 12 west. Price $250. drug store and get a free sample of >lline, deceased, and W. T, Carle, A CO NVINC IN G A N S W E R . Rev. Yost, of Glenada, held a scries 112 acres unimproved land lying on Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­ 'ewar and Byron Dorsey, apprais- "I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon's drug the north side of Clear lake 2, *4 miles lets, the best physic. They also care of services at Hermann, and alter clos­ robahle value of estate, $2500. disorders o( tlie stomach, biliousness ing there held revival services at this store one evening,” says Wesley Nelson south of Florence. A good wagon road place. He is a zealous woiker, and ac­ of Hamilton, Ga., "and lie asked me to from it to the Rluslaw river. Price $600. there is always danger in usinir coun- and headache. complished much good. try Chamberlain's Pain Balin for rheu­ 160 acres on upper North Fork, a of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, The young people of Mapleton met at ginal is a safe and certain cure Geo. B. Camp’s last Saturday evening, The De Laval Separators have made matism with which I had suffered for a large part ol it bottom land. Will make ''T V ^^k ^^k ^^a s. It is a soothing and healing tlie occasion being the housewarming at poor farmers wealthy dairymen in Coos long time. I told him I had no faitli In a good home. Priee $850. any medicine as they all failed. He said; v, for sores and all skin diseases. Mr. Camp’s new residence. About county. 80 acres timber land with creek large ‘Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does enough to float logs running through the & Kyle. thirty were present, among them a fid­ T O C U R B A C O L D I N O N B D A Y oseburg Review says S. Town­ dler who had his Instrument with him. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. not help you, you need not pay (or it.' land and into tide water. Price $525. We Carry a Fine and ie Salem creamery man, has ar- The company tripped the "light fantas­ All druggists refund the money if they I took a bottle of it home and used it 138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. according io the directions and In one fail to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is wlth several of the Roseburg tic toe” till morning. Varied Stock week I was cured, and have not since A box bouse, good barn, and plenty ol t en to ship their cream to him at outbuildings on premises; 0 acres Reports show a grently increased death on eacli box. 25c. been troubled with rheumatism.” Bold to be made into butter there, rate from throat and lung troubles, due orchard, 16 seres in cultivation, 10 by O. W. Hurd. SUN D A Y S E R VIC E S. nts are to be made daily in suin- to tlie prevalence of croup, pneumonia i acres more cleared land, and 80 acres N O T IC E '.r id twice a week in winter, slashed; balance, brush and timber and grippe. We advise the use of One Sabbath, February 17, services in Flor­ land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 down. ity of Newport, Oregon, is dla- MinuteiCongh Cure in all of these diffi­ ence as follows: Sabbath-School, 10 a. As it is impossible for some members Mil the question of raising revenue culties. It ia the only harmless remedy For further information inquire at m ; Junior Endeavor, 2:30 p. m .; Sen­ of tlie Florence Dramatic Co. to play at tl expenses of tlie city government that gives immediate results. Children The W est office, Florence, Oregon or ior Endeavor, 6:30 p. in. Mapleton on March 1, as advertised, we sing a license on any person, like it. Meyer & Kyle. il John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon, or Preaching, Florence, 11 a. m .; Acme, ' are compelled to cancel that date, and or firms engaging in any occupa- W Nichols, Elmirs, Oregon. PERSO NALS. 7:30 p. m, play only at Florence on the 22d and at ofession, business or trade within A. W. W ight . Acme on the 23pa th e C»n