* w—it . W f K I > l - r- »-M w y * ■ « f — ■ ~ jiVMuv F riday J g-! t , w e s t T E C E S t — euklisiiku 11 " mobnino .— IL L S ’ —AT— In sili C ounty , I ’f.pBBNCS, O kkoon -----By ------ W, II, WJSATIIERSON I * * r ; ’ 7 E d ito r r: yijjrencp, Or ’ W h, r u s h ti when i ” . an d congress, or the President. The I’risjdent holds, up t|.e contrary, [OOD’S P r o p r ie t o r . » ■ ' • i M q u u r y 15, 1 pld liver, and cure Rouse f the tor h e a d a c h e . Jaundisg, biliousne:-, side ______ indiges. __ lion, etc. They are in­ nausea, valuable to prevent a cold or break up a certain, they are worthy M w .« c n tie . sour conltdence. connaence. Purely vegetable, thl'L' your I can be taken by children or delicate women, j iif.f« gSc. at all medicine dealers or by mail I QtcTx. B oon n Ito./Lowtll, M u«. 1. WASHINGTON LETTER. I The action of the house of ropresenta- (F rom Own R ruulak CqKBpstOXOXJfT.) liv e s i>t adopting th e ipinojdty report of --------- W ashington , F eb. 4, 1901. the com m ittee oil railw ays and tr a n s-. portation, w hich proposes that passeu- j Congress held a joint session today ;er rates on Oregon railroads be cut to for the purpose of participating ip the ’t hree cen ts per m ile qnd to regulate ' cerem onies connected w it lilh e c e le b r a - tranaportalion i« a mpva in tlip rijflit di- tian of Hie cen ten nial of the appoint- j-ectioq. J h e sta les of the middle west m ent of John M arshall, to he chief jus- passed laws som e 15 or 20 years ago tice of the U. S , suprem e court, which cuttipg p e sa inger rates ja tb)?? emits were both ¡ntgresting and Imposing. ier m ile and som e to a lower figure, and U su ally th e sen ate m akes the house I ( vye ayt jo judge by t|te efforts of tlie com e to It especially in legislative mat­ com panies to extend their lines or to ters, but when there is a joint session build new roads, bh well as their efforts the senate has tq go to the house, for the ^o secure secure busii’.»’"', they lqtvp iquinj very good reason that the senate cliam- T ho u san d s H a v e K id n e y T ro u b le PROPOSED NEW LAWS. review n t the Cuban Constitution by an d D o n ’t K u q w it , The Great White Store, How To Find Out. Fill a bottle ar common glass with ypui that it is (or congress, opt the executive, legislature by R epresrntatiye H ahn of water and let It stand twenty-four hoars; • sediment or set­ to say wfietber th e governm ent provided Astoria, prohibits fishing for salm on at tling Indicates an unhealthy cond|-, by th e constitution u|K>n which the certain seasons in various stream s along tion of the kid­ Cuban convention is pow worki ng, w ill the const, That part relating to the Si- j neys; If It stains your linen it Ii be satisfactory, rnd if so, to direct the nstnw river is as follow s: “ Nor «ball it evidence of kid­ President to withdraw the m jlitary he law ful to fish fop or lake any salm on ney trouble; toQ frequent authority of the U nited States from in the $iualaw fix e r betw een the 20th pass t( c Cuba. The President has m ade it plain day of N ovem ber and the 80th day of the back that he intends to su bm it the Cuban Decem ber, or betw een tlie 15tli day of convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­ der are out of order. constitution to congress, and as he js April vmj the 1st day of June of any What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge se not likely to get it in tim e to lie sub- year.” F in es of from $50 to $1000 and often expressed, thst Dr. Kilmer's Swamp, nutted to the present session, and does confiscation of fish are the penalties pro- Rooti ,he great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism', pain tn ths not think it right that the Cubans vided for the violation of ttiis act, back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part should he made to wait until the regular Senate Bill M o. 117, introduced by of the urinary passage. It corrects inability session in Decem ber, that is fajeen to j Senator pitjiin ii k at the request of F ish to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor; i mean that lie has made up his m ind to Com m issioner Itued, contains the fol- wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant • necessity of beinff compelled tq go often eali an e j lr a session of congress to deal , lowing provisions: during the day, and to get up many times with this Cuban m atter, even if this ! ‘‘It sh all h(s unlawful to tflke or fish during the night. The mild and the extra- j ordinary effect ot Sw am p-Root is sooi) | session disposes of all legislation eon- for salm on, eaeept with hook and line, realized. It stands the highest for its won­ sidered pressing, That is what those j in the lyaters of any of the follow ing- derful cures of the most distressing cases. In If you need a medicine you should have the say whose relations w ith the President namml stream s or any of tlieir tributa- best. Sold by druggists 1n5Qc, »nd$l. size]. are the closest, i t is known that prom - tarips betw een (i a. in. on tlie 1st day of You may have a sample bottle of this discovery inent senators and representatives have, ■ February and 6 p. ni. on the 1st egan on the and R iver, Beaver 4*. i he i lillu n P#« J I » I ' «•111; » It irtlg «’II IHM m ( *Ad I ar«t «i I *••»«* b»y «n b»-. E I*. «K o ff it«n( lit 10 YOU V fte v V how lsg tb> o f Cvsad <»i *» n t i M u t t»'J I r*k r 4 h esitalo pro ( M PST BE SE E N TO BE A P P R E C IA T E D ). New lot of ” "" ‘ , in the latest shades and kinds ^ JU S T Elegant Line of L A D IE S ’ and G E N T ’S N E C K W E A R , Laoa, W h ite and Brocaded Silk Handkerchief^. Large Line of Underwear for both old and young, consisting of Children’s Waists, Uuion Suits for Ladies, Mises and Children. These are ft ttrgativg plan « l>a^dfii ibttl tw elve C hinese officials, ‘ , ion on tlie poeaibl. future annexation ber. W hen he grows older and, liy ex- I w I iom nam es are g iv en , 1» belw^dfxL fer pf C uba: "I am uuallcrahly e p p o e e d to p w ience, accum ulate« a »tore of good, w OFT iye Bargains in LARGE ASSORTMENT OP LAMES’ BELTS la p f J’jercc '.« ui s‘ Fu voi ite M a co v eiy . two ItlOTHR '«-ttinjr i» 't f ous« wort Dr. Fit Adviser, receipt o expense < U. V. Pie Is Offering Exceptionally sTis Ladies’, M isses’ and G ents’ Mack- intoshes and R ubber Boots, An Ordinance providing for the building of a eid ew alk on th e North sidp of | Creek, Yaquina Bay and R iver, Siletx |¡sh ed m any years ago, though the d i f - 1 cerem onies; also the funeral of Queen Main Street from Jefferson to Madi­ l l t l i dny of October, 1899, w hen Cape son, thence along the W est side of lititk carry as m any people as , j V ictoria on Saturday. I t was a coinci- Oo,ony „ „ j Nat„, were invaded by tbe i R iver, Salmon River, Nestuccn Bay and ferent lipek M adison to First street, thence along gravel in the states farther east. A re- ‘deuce that th ese two ceren .on .es, the n bn8 tlll|g ,,een in pro, j R iver, Tibam ook Bay and all stream s the South side of F irst street to ; flowing therein, Nehalem R iver, Elk jluction in rates does not m ean sim ply a first in honor of a foreign sovereign and j prQgpect o , „ Quincy street. i Creek, Necanieunj R iver and Ohaqa propor'lonato reduction in thu profits i the second in lionqr of one of A m erica’s restoration of peace is still rem ote. The T h t Town o f Florence doei Ordain at Greek. Of the carrier. W hen charges are low- I greatest jurists, should have com e so latest reports assert that the total deaths follow»: “ It shall be unlaw ful to take or fish eied there is alw ays a proportionate close togeth er. S ection I , T hat ¡t be and it hereby i n ’.th e B ritish arm y aggregate l?,989. salm on at any tim e, excopt w ith hook ordained and directed th at a gjdewalk IJow much bluffing there is on both increase in thp tiqiuber of |rayel!ers and T hese represent, ol course, th e ravages th e freight for transportation, and the sides ¡(1 the con testoyer the sh ip subsidy qf disease as well ns the casualties in tho nq l lin e, com m only term ed angling, on shall be built ou the north side of Main greater am ount of business to he done, bil| in tiics senate, m ust becom e appar­ field. The num ber of the wounded has the Siuslaw R iver »hove the W'bftrf at street from Jefferson to M adison, thence along the w est side of M adison to First pt least partly culiiliiilisatp» for tho ent after a few days of the present tac­ been much larger, than the deaths, but M apleton," street, thence along the south side of The senate com m ittee on fisheries and tho m atter no., stan d s, the sm aller am ount of profit on each piece tics. First street to Quincy street. Said walk the m ajority of them have recovered and gam e has rep ortei favorably Senator shall be built so as to conform with tbe I t I# tim e for Oregon to follow the e x a m ­ steering coinniittpe of the m ajority has returned to d u ty. In addition, about p le of the other states and reduce trans-. decided that t|ui su bsid y bill sh all be 30,000 pien have been returned to their F u lton ’s bill to provide bounties on fish- grade of sidew alk now laid on Main destroying anim als, such as the com mon street, and to be m ade as follow s; Six kept before the senate un til a vote ie bortutiori rates w ithin her borders. hom es invalided. The casualties of tho , , , T. , I seal, seal ion, sheldrake, shag and cor- feet wide; planking two Inches thick; taken. The senate is already m eeting at ’ burghers will never be know n, f t lias | one cap to set on posts 4x6 inches 6 feet T he people of Florence have reason to R iu8te.ld ot J2| ,u ,d notioo i,ll8 niornnt. The bill appropriates not to long where posts are required; stringers been tlieir policy to keep no record of ongratulnte tlien ise|v es on tlieir free­ been given th at beginning early this exceed $5900 per annum . two by six inches and four stringers not them ip apy qf their wars, dom from city taxes. W hile m ost in ­ Week, nigh t session s will ho held to tire Tho house by a large majority lias less than six teen feet long, break joints The cost of the war to the B ritish has 1 corporated towns pf p ie state find it out the opposition. T iie opp onents of adopted the m inority report of tlie com ­ in laying, nails not less than tw enty been roughly estim ated at $1,000,000 a pennys, plank not wider than twelve peeessRrv to levy a tax each year to the bill say th at they intend fully to m ittee on railw ays and transportation, day. An army of about 200,000 men inches; the said walk sh all be placed m eet the expenses of the city govern­ debate it, and further that they intend which proposes to place passenger rates where it will not require more than one has to he m aintained in the field and a m en t, and som e are discussing prqposi- to com pel a quorum to stay on the floor big fieet of transports at sea. The e x - on Oregon railroads at th.rpp eppts per foot deep of rem oval of sand or toll, and icns to im pose a license op ordinary and listen fo tfio debnta. M eanw hile, pense to date has, therefore, nm ounted n i‘ie- where it requires poets said jxMta shall be luslness callings, Florence has managed the regular appropriation bills are piling dug three feet deep in th e ground and to about $450,000,000, possibly more. The action of Judge W aterm an, of above tbe ground long enough to put to get along ever since the town was up in the senate, and every day given to The corps Qf m ounted police organized Chicago, in settin g aside the verdict of a the walk of good height, eaid poets to incorporated eigh t years ago, ami Iiq* the subsidy bill odds to the probability be not less than s".x inches square and paid all b ills and salaries, w ithout re- of an extra session of the n ext congress, by G eneral Baden-Pow ell to patrol the jury because it was secured by tlie testi­ Transvaal and Orange R iver colony w ill, m ony of wom en, together with his slurs said posts to be 5 feet one way fron, icr tin g to a tag pr licensing ordinary a tiling which m qny senators are partic­ center to center and 8 feet apart tlie it is estim ated, cost at Ipast $29,000,000 a wom en ns w itnesses in court, show bu sin ess calling« to raise revenue to ularly anxiou s to avoid, because it inter­ other way, all of the abo’ » m aterial to a year. Over 200,000 horses h av- L?;;. him to be unw orthy to Ull th e high office be of good q u ality. p iect the running ex|ien ses o( tlie city. feres with their personal plans for the sen t to South Africa si i c e tlie war j Q( j „ j g e, and will gain for him the last' S ec . I I . The cost of the sidewalk« ■tliis show s th at p ie financial affairs spring and Bummer. begat,, and few of then, h»ve survived ing enm ity of the fair se x , (fig associ­ shall be paid by the lata fronting on said fiave beep looked after carefully. As The house is saw ing wooil and dispoa- the hardships of cam paigning. Besides ates on the bench denounce Judge walk, and the coat of street crossings further evid en ce of prosperity, there is posing of routine business. It is now out of tbe general fund of tb e town of all this w aste of m oney and life, tho W aterm an’s slurs on the sex . yow in the hands of the treasurer i ¿.ollBidi;l.illg thu |>ost olUce appropriation Florence. m ining properties o{ the Tpinsvual have enough m oney to ipept running expenses S ec . I I I . T hat on said sidewalk boon practically suspended since h ostili­ i where ,t is m ore than tw entyifour The claim of other cough n .eilicices to y .» 1ft comp. The attem p t to unseat Delegate \Y*1' ties began, and an output of $100,000,00(1 he ns good as C ham berlain’s are effectu­ inches from the ground there be a rail» W hy alioulil 1‘ortland seek to force eox, of H aw aii, has taken tangible in golij Gist for the lim p at IgaBt to ally set nt rest in the follow ing testim o­ ing or banister thirty inches high, 2x4, dressed qn top and tw o sides, and posts Cprbett upon tho rest of Qregou as shape, and charges against liipi liavo nial of Mr. C. D. G lass, an em ploye of stockholders. of 2x4 every eigh t feet, and a 1x6 eigh­ been subm itted to tho house com m ittee U n ited States Senator? The fact that T he war has beep correspondingly Bartlett (t D ennis Co., G ardiner, Me. teen inches from the w alk, to be 011 aide (I# held tfint office for 0110 term som e on elections, No. 1. ( t is charged that disastrous to the burghers. About filXJ't H e says: “ I had kept adding to a cold n e x t to street. th irty year« ago is not a good rrnton the congressional election 111 H aw aii of them ayo lipid 8« prisoners at St. cough in the w inter of 1897, trying every S ec . IV . T hat the building o f said cough m edicine I heard of without w ith ­ ^ |iy lie Should be elected to the senate was illegal; th at W ilcox is a bigam ist, H elena. There are also 2400 in the out perm anent help, until one day I was sidew alks shall be let by th e Board of PQW. (f ho were in tho prime of life and th»t lie has been guilty of treason island of Oeylun, and K itchener is ar­ ip th e drug store of Mr. H oulehan and Trustees of the Town of Florence on w ith the proepect of years of usefulness against the U nited States in offering his ranging to transfer over 12,000 more to he advised me to try Chninberlaiu's contract or contracts to tlie lowest res­ ponsible bidder, reserving the right to Cough Rem edy mid offered to pay bagk before liilil it hqiild be different, but the services to tho F ilipinos to fight against India. The two republics have been reject any and all bids. T he bnilding of ipy m oney if ( was not cured. My lungs the U n ited ¡States. ^ttem pt to elect a man several years devastated by both arm ies. Farina have and bronchial tubes were very sore at said sidew alk and street crossings shall Senator Chaudler d oesn ’t appear to be | over eeven ty to such a position '» onc 1 been ahamioued and ruined and nearly I (,dg tim e, but I was com pletely cured by 1« com pleted w ithin 60 days from let­ th a t ough t not tq succeed. The senate at up opposed to an extra session, at all the live stock in the country slu u g h -; this rem edy, and hav« since alw ays ting of such contract or contracts. The (ur lb e gu(iport o( tbe contending turned to it when I got a cold, and soon Board of Trustees of the Town of F 'or‘ I# a body th at is constan tly 1 hanging, though he will not participate in it if e* ce sh all have supervision of said I » b o recom m end it .0 my and Mr. C orbett's experien ce of thirty there is one, as he said during tho de- force.. T h e n s u l t . of the war have walks. friends, anil am glad Io sav it is tlie best years ago would give him very little if bntu 01, the sh ip ping h ill: “ T here is Sxu. All crossw alks shall bo built , , , , . , „ , , thus been truly appalling. of all rough m edicines." For sale by O, —-------------------- ny p n w iige there now . Hu would linvf plenty of tim e lor cungtess to do all ol | ns provided by Ordinance No. 18, except W .H u rd . hio , C ity or I olkdo ì ss that all street crossings sh all be six feet ) work hie wav the sam e as a younger its business betw een now and th e 4th o f 1 S tatx or L O ucas C ounty . , wide on top. if lie attained to any position ol March, or it cm , lie done after the $tli of tnan F kank J . Ci,KNKY makes oath that he S ec " VI. This Ordinance sh all be in W A N T E D .—C sp s b le , re lia b le p erson in evary in fluence in the senate, and for a man , March. |t is not im portant that the j ¡g , be scldor partner of tlie firm of F. J. c o u n ty to re p r ese n t lanre co m im n y o f nolid 1 lull force and from «pd alter its of his years th a t would be a difityult (tpproprialiun bills shall be pnaaed before | C „ snky Jt Co., doing Im siness in the fiim nciA l rep u ta tio n ; f9Stf salary p vr year, pay*- passage by the Board of Trustees and | the 4th of March, as they w ill not be- j City of Toledo, County and State afore- b lf w e e k ly ; W per d a y a b so lu te ly sure a n d a ll publielied.ten days in the W i s t . thing to do. ! said, and that said firm will pay the sum ex p en se* ; straight» b on a -fltle, d e fin ite sa la ry , no 1, ' _ com e operative until the let of J u ly .” J. O. P helps , R ecorder, c o m m is s io n ; sa la ry p aid ea ch Saturday a n d e x ­ of ONE H U N D R E D DOLLARS for each The past few m o,.tb s have w itpesscd ; #n n y rgorggniM lion gpt> p e n se m o n ey a d v a n c ed ea ch w eek . SfV^X DA R n M arron M orris , President pro. ten». and every case of C atarrh that can not U O V S^ , pKABBOBN ST., ClIICAOO. 41 14 Approved thi« lit l i day of February 1901. gome im portant political changes in the w b k h SM unU yi tll0 preg. tie cored by Hie iisv of H ai . i .’ s C atarrh L u lle d States w hich may be pointed to wj)| bgve , be gplH,intIlwnt 0 , more C an. FR A N K J . C H E N E Y . w ith o u t any feeling of paU ism iship. | Sworn to l afore me and subscribed in three erstw h ile favorite s o n s -B r y a n of n)ervly prom oU onl thoge alrendy mv presence, this Oth day of Decem ber, m erely prom olloni JOHN C. BECK. W . U, W EATHERSO N. W . NICHOLS. 1880. , A. W. GLEASON, Nebrweka, ” 1 M inueeota and l ’et- holding com m issions. It is n e t posi- 4 ska t, I Notary Public. Point Terrace, O r, Florence, O r, Elm ira, Or. «'igrew o l South D akota—hayo been . i lively knowit whether these nom inations Hall'a Catarrh Cure is taken in ter, turned dow n l.y their own states by de- to t(|# Rg c iiiv e r n ^ W s . It se e m , to be the opon or w bglb„ (be , Ve, id, nt „ally, and a d s directly on the lilood and m ucous surfaces of the system . Send ¿ it . o l ¿ x ir .m i.1 ., and even though they un(H lhpy can gent (or testim onials, free, w . y b e erefiVixl w ith " h o.,eel e o n v i c ' R jg pr<;b 1 ||j ‘ i 1» about the m eal despicable mortal that TheiCUUS'hwtioiial Lftilt of 40 d a r t for ! Senator Teller, w',»A :s$ author of the ever drew breatli, but the law forbids A ecss’On niav 8|>ain, disclaim ing any pnrpw o on the i and bear tlieir presence in the com m u­ t e continued 20 days h n^cr, provided ' part of ti e U n ited State« to e x b o iee iiity .— Ex. I rovervignty or control over Cuba, excep t i I i\y. the m ember« will « w v e w ithout p r --------- ----------------- I tbo purpose id pacification, bold« grippe wTlidi? resuHing ill p iie'm o i.ia . *•'■» “ ,e w ',h ‘ !,e * h ,,c* *"'* TO THE DEAF A tU lJw d y cureil of her IV sfness and j If ressonnbie car« hi used, how ever, and c o n e c j l < Ihe eenale, winch w ill as N „ i« « ,n ib e l.Iead b f Hr. Nieboleon s d h a m U H a in 's cough rem edy taken, a‘l>. u»u*l m eet in execn tive «eeeion im m e- Artificial Uwt Dpo.ns, gavo $10,000 to I,is It w ill c u r e a . ( , „ ,b e 4th of March, can ae- Inatitnte, » that doaf people unable to , r or • " S ï r e ü æ ^ u i r x ; J.'‘ " ’ " 'J r . For «afe by Q. W. ! *• wuh “ » *"e ,uh,r* rvJ t,on " a < “ '»« «Jmu Inetitnte, 7 » , i govern««'"* »nd Cuba, > '"JUS w ithout t ,:; Avenue s , Figkdh a n j'11»«« Yurit, U » A À-____________ \ T H E W H I T E IS K IN G t BALL BEA R IN G S, like a bicycle, make the •’W H IT E ’* the Easiest ub ning Machine Made B regular sereion of the Stqle legislature clause ill the d eclaiatioii ot war against ; killing them , and people have to grin w ill expire'n«xt F yiihtj. Parties having Kcal Estate to sell will do well to pUce it on our list. A nybody desiring to p u r ► chase Real Estate is R vited to exam in e list and see w h a t w e have to offer. JOHN C. BJECK W H. WEATHERSQN, I^IGHOLS Beauty of finish, quality of material, sieganc« ol d e«igu s the fineet workmanship, tbasimglest, most complete and beet of attachments, easy payment«, old machines taken in exchange, one million,five hundred thnneand satisfied neers, tliiity years of success, courteous treatment—what more can you ask? WhH’C’* ** on the a rket. Bicr cl** r «n lighter and are tb m °»t durable and handeome w l, eo. Qalkor write and let ns prove it. WlttTE SEWIXG MACHINE, ÇWIPÀNY. 306-3GG Poet street, San Frnnçjaco, Caj. 1 ft. PAU«» tfa-Uar in hita Sdwsc E tj