i g. I» g I» B S 4 S S S ' TH E W E S T 4 YOUR HOME PAPER <4 SUPPORT IT J A W H l ADVERTISERS «IffSLAW’S Œ Ï PAPES. OPPORTUNITY NO. 42. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. FEB. 15, 1901. VOL. XI. STEAM ER STATE OFFICERS- M A R G U E R IT E , Q - A W ill m ake R D I N E C Governor................................. T- T. Geer. R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S Secretary of 8 'ate...............F. I. Dunbar. • B etw een Treasurer.............................F. S. Moore. Stage leaves Steamboat Landing on Supt. Public Instruction J. H. Ackerman the Umpqnn for Florence Saturdays. State Printer...................... W. H. Leeds Returning, Stage Leaves Florence Attorney General D. R. N. Blackburn Sundays. ( .................R. S. Bean Sup; ome Court L...............F. A. Moore Extra Trips When Necessary P ( . . . . C . ¿.W olverton THE STEAM ER Charges Reasonable. Judge Second D istrict..J. W. Hamilton Prosecuting Attorney. . .Geo. M. Brown H. H. B arrett, Prop’r, • Florence ani Beaö of Tide. AVill carry freight an d passengers COUNTY OFFICERS from Florence to San Francisco. ,.H . R. Kincaid. W ill also bring np freight J u d g e .... I .................... J. R. Hill Commissioners j ” ___H. D. Edwards ’ ................. Y 3 U. TT Lee T xxxx E. Clerk ..........W. W. Withers Sheriff........ ............. .A. 8 . ’’atterso u Treasurer.. A sse sso r............. ....................... D. P. Burton Assessor. School Superintendent--- W. M “ U r' eyO r................ . . . . G. W . Coroner............. Justice of Peace Constable.......... Griffin ’ ’..........C. H. Holden ' ’ / / ,G. C. Cumpton ORTHERN N F. B. Wilson M. Morris P a c ific , R y . Win B ern h ard t L. C hristensen D. W. Stibbens R Recorder............... . .John I. Butterfield Treasurer . . . . . . . ........... O. W. Hurd Marshal............. . ■ . . . .G. C. Cumpton SECRET SOCIETIES. U * N Proprietor. Single fare - - _ - 5.00. Round trip - - - - 9,00. T ickets for sale at E. B angs’ livery barn, Eugene, and a t O. W. H u rd ’s office in Florence. All through freight on the stage either way between Eugene aud Mapleton, will be charged a t the rate of two cents per pound during the m onths of October, November, December, Ja n u a ry , F ebru ary , M arch and April, and one cent per pound during' the m onths of May, Ju n e, Ju ly , August and September. S Pullm an N O TA RIES. Sleeping F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. ST A G E L IN E . Stage leaves Eugene on Mon­ w-» * ** days, W ednesdays, and F riday s at *» * * # * ♦#* F or further inform ation inquire 6 a. nt, arriving a t Florence tl day following a t 10 a. in. - OF — R eturning stage leaves Florence Mondays, W ednesdays, and F ri­ A. W . B EA D LE & CO. days a t 2 p. m. arriv in g at Eugene 22 M arket St, the folio wingday a t 9 p. m. San Francisco, California. CITY OFFICERS. President............... EUGENE-FLORENCE E. Bangs, A ■ R egular aoniniiw icfttion on second and fourth Saturdays in each mouth. Elegant E. W. C obb , W. M. R. B, M ills , Secretary. Tourist D ining Cars Sleeping Cars 8T . PAUL * O. U .W . Perpetua Lodge,.No. 131, A sm jets every 1st and 3d Tuesdays each month. Members and visiting brethren in good standing are inviud attend. A. O, F un « , M. W. in vited to -------- I. G. K notts , Recorder. M IN N E A P O L IS DULUTH TO A. R. BUTTOLPH, Cars FAROO ____ ORANO FO RKS N otary P u b lic , S u r v e y o r F lo r noe, O regon FRANK-B. WILSON. NOTARY FLORENCE. - - u < * h i n y ' In every cough there lurks, like a crouching tiger, the probabilities o f consumption. The throat and lungs become rough and in­ flamed fr o m coughing and t h e germs of consum ptio n find an easy entrance. Take no c h a n c e s with the dan­ gerous fo e . For 60 years i there has been a per­ fect cure. What a rec- ordl Sixty years of cures. ' gratis. Put a bedqullt on the wash- board and you can hear the strains o f •The Old Oaken Bucket' from garret to cellar. I-et the woman tackle a table­ cloth, and everybody goes dancing to M a jo r C r o to o t O r ig in a t e * th e M. W. the tune of ‘Maggie Murphy’s Home? II. Corn p u n y , F l l l l i n x n L o n s F e l t Drug stores can have It at a slight W a n t , a n d I n c l d e u t a l l r T a k e « la a cost for their patrons, and public L a w y e r F r ie n d . schools needn't pay a cent. Rub-a-dub- dub! Music by the box! Thompson, [C o p y r ig h t. 160«. b y C. D. L ew is.) The grand promoter sat nt Ills desk don’t miss It. Don't throw a good ti his office with a wandering look on thing over your shoulder. I want to Ms face and 40 cents In change spread t^e ^ W . ’ O ^ t c t w a l soothes and heals the wounded th ro a t and lungs. You escape an at­ tack of consumption with all its terrible suffering and uncertain results. There is nothing so bad for the throat and lungs as coughing. A 25c. bottle w ill cure an ordinary cough; hard­ er coughs w ill need a 50c. size; the dollar bottle is cheapest in the long run. lhat change over and over and figuring liow many times the $28 lie owed his landlady, the $12 ho owed his tailor, 1 the $4 he owed his hatter nnd the $75 I he owed various other people would go I Into that 40 cents. He was still about i It when ho heard a step on the stairs. I It was the step of an aggressive man. As It came nearer It betokened the step of a determined man. As the door was hurst open without preliminary warn- I Ing the major recognized the fact that he was faeo to face with n circum­ stance. For one brief second bis knees weakened, and he caught his breath with a gasp. Then he was on his feet with hand outstretched nnd a smile on , his face aud saying: “Bless my soul, but If you had been two mluctcs later I should have been 1 on my way to your office! Come In; come in.” I • •; didn’t know as you would remem­ ber me,” dryly replied the visitor as he i looked around the office. I “What! Not remember Thompson of Thompson & Thompson, attorneys at law! You must he joking. My dear “ One of my sons was »pitting blood with a high fever aud was very ill. We could hardly any sign* o f life in him. The doctors did him no good. But oiio bottlo of your Cherry Pectoral cured him and saved hl« lire.” C.G. A nderson , Nov. 10,1898. Pukwana, S. Dak. W r ite th e D o cto r. I f y ou h a v e a n y c o m p la in t w h a te v e r an d d e s ir e th e b ea t m ed ic a l a d v ic e , w r ite th e D oc­ tor f r e e lv . A d dress l)r. J. C. A y k r , Lowell,Mass. O R EG O N EUGENE A T R E E iPA T T E R N (her ow n «election) to every «uboertber. Feautlfwl c ol­ ored lithographed plate« and Illustration«. O riginal, latest, artlstlo, exquisite and «trlctly np to-date désigna. ¡M -C A LL'S ^^ MAGAZINEW “ I WANT TO TAKE YOU IN. “That’s all wind,” bluntly exclalr ied the lawyer, “and It won’t work. Will you draw me a cheek for $200?” “Isn’t It a wonder that somebody elsa didn't strike on the idea?” whispered (he major as he patted Thompson on the shoulder. “The washboard has been known for 200 years. What was easier than to make friction run a mu­ sic box to aoothe the sorrowful, lull the ailing or enthuse the discouraged? It would have saved thousands of lives annually, prevented thousands of sui­ cides, and yet no one thought of IL Thompson, shake hands! It’s the sec­ retaryship nt $20,000 a year for you, and I’ll get you $50,000 worth of stock at ground floor figures. Months ago, when I was hard up and couldn’t pay a bill of $7, you put your band on my shoulder In a brotherly way and said you had every confidence In my finan­ cial Integrity. Do you Imagine I’ve for­ gotten that, Thompson? Not by the grave of my grandfather! I never think a t It without the tears coming to my syea.” Do you want to be sued for these accounts?” demanded the lawyer when he could get In a word. “And your reward for trusting me 1» Ibis,” continued the major—“the salary af $20,000 Is only a starter. I’ll double It after the washboards get Into the market The $50,000 In stock will pay you $25,000 a year In dividends at the very least, and perhaps double that, aud there you are. You can safely put your first year’s Income down at $05,- J00. Is that enough, Thompson? If not. Just say the .word, and I’ll ndd $20,000 to It. Meanwhile”— "Meanwhile I want no more of your wind!" “Meanwhile, my dear secretary of the M. W. C., I owe $200. You have the accounts to collect. Just mark ’em ‘collected? and I’ll pay In the $200 to hold your stock. Always have to hare a deposit as evidence of good faith, you know. If It was anybody else. I’d demand a certified check for $10,000. Thompson, go home and throw yonr lawbooks out of the window?* But "N ol" eric» Tbe thorn, tho Leave something Some dream ot L Loan s Savings Bank 5,000 R. MS CALL, ^BAZAR. L P atterns MORRIS HOTEL, I “ REW HOME ” SEWIRR «MUIRE. P E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. ON E U C E N E AND FLORENCE STACE ROUTE. A tt o r n e y a t L a w , WHITE FDR CIMUURS«"f.»;.''S Kodol HOTEL EUGENE P A7S2I5 NIGHTMARE. (*hw » « m a a tto u T h a t A lo r r y a M u lre a a M am m C aw m ral. "Strange that we are always so cow­ ardly In nightmares,” remarked a New Orleans lawjrer who has a tasb for the bizarre. “I don’t believe anybody ever lived who stood up and made a square stand against the amorphous horror that invariably pursues us In such visions. When I have a night­ mare and the usual monster gets on my trail, my blood turns to water, and my conduct would disgrace a sheep. I am beside myself with stark, down­ right fear, and I have no Idea left In my head except to run like a rabbit. AU pride, self respect, dread of ridicule and even the Instinct of self defense are scattered to the winds, and I be­ lieve, honestly, I would be capable of any Infamy In order to escape. I have no hesitation In confessing this, be­ cause, as far aa I have been able to find out, everybody acts exactly tho same way In tbe throes of nightmare, and I feel certain I would not make such a pitiable spectacle of myself In real life, no matter what might befall. “I think that the explanation of the nightmare panic Is to be found In tbe fnct that the dream Is almost Invari­ ably accompanied by a sense of suffo­ cation. It la well established that choking—the ‘shutting off of one’s wlud? to use a homely phrase--has an effect upon the mind which Is entirely distinct and different from that pro­ duced by any other form of pain or peril. It fills the victim with such hor­ ror and distraction that he la for tbe moment Insane. He will do anything to get relief. Thia has been brought out on more than one occasion In the defense of men who have been choked and killed their assailants, and Judges have held that the circumstances of such an attack should be given special consideration as extenuating the deed. In dreams the entire nervous system Is relaxed, and It Is natural to suppose that the mental effect of suffocation “I ’ll be hanged I f I dot I w ant to would be Intensified. At least, that 1» the beat apology I have to offer for my know"— “T hrow your lawbook» out o f the sprints through nightmare land.”—New. window, dissolve tbe partnership, and Orleans Tlmes-Demoerat. then take your position as secretary. M a h lt I b a H o rs e *» W o r k . No hurry for a day or two, but don’t “When I retired from the contract­ wait too long. I want to get tho arti­ cles of Incorporation through as soon ing business a short time ago,” said a aa possible and patent tbe Idea. Good- well known man, "I bad a number o f horses that 1 was anxious to dispose by, Thompson, goodby." “But I want that check!" protested of. Among them was one named Jer­ ry, which for several years had been the » w yer aa ba was pushed o u t “And the washerwoman rubs and used to working on a drum. In such tbe box playa on,” replied tbe smiling work a liorae becomes accustomed to major. “We’ll have 50,000 washboards lifting hla feet high to avoid striking playing ‘Yankee Doodle* and ‘Home of the hoisting ropes. When tbe horses My Soul* before the month Is out, and were put under the hammer, Jerry If yon want $15,000 In advance on yonr went to a Harlem grocer. "About a week later the pcrchaaer salary and profits send your boy around and I’ll fill out a check. Oood- of Jerry called at my house and told by, Thompson, goodby, and remember me that he had a lot of trouble with to keep mnm till our patent la secur­ the horse. lie eald that Jerry would go a abort distance, when be would ed?* The door w as ahut and locked, and atop short and lift hla feet high, and there was grim silence for A t « mln- after doing this would go a little far? ■tes. Then the major heard threats ther, only to repent It again. 1 told the rod vows and muttering», and soma grocer why the horse stopped sheet and lifted bis feet and also advised me went slowly down stairs. him to look up some contractor and M. Q uad . sell the animal to him for hoisting pur­ poses. He did so, notifying me that bo C r a w l a * X a te h c a . The Belgian artisan spends his lel- received a larger price than he paid ture In a very curious manner. He me for the horse.” —New York Bun. keeps a special cock for crowing, and H e w H e Got It . the bird which can outerow Its fellows In one of Chauncey M. Depew’s has reached the highest pinnacle of perfection. The mode of operation 1» stories he told of meeting a man aa to place the cages containing the roost­ funny aa hlmaclf. “One day.” said Mr. Depew. “I met ers In long rows, for It appears that one bird sets tbe other off crowing. A a aoldler who had been wounded In tbo innrker appointed by the organisers of face. He was a Union man. and I the show is told off for each bird, hla asked him In which battle he had been duty being to note carefully the num­ Injured. “ ’In tbe last battle of Bull Bun, sir? ber of crows for which It 1» responsible In the same fashion as the laps are ra- he replied. ’• ‘But bow could you get hit In the corded In a bicycle race. The custom­ ary duration of the mntch Is one hour, face at Bull Run?* I asked. “ ‘Well, sir? said the man, half apol­ tho winner being the bird which scores the highest number of crows In the al­ ogetically. ‘after I had run a mile or lotted time. A- great number of these two 1 got careless nnd looked back? ’’ competitions have taken place In the » ■ I n k e r W i l l P u t O a t P lr c a . Liege district, and In some rases heavy Grant me »pace In your pnper to beta have l»cen made on the result make more generally known a fact lta a ia S . s. which has been known to me many Itndlshes originated In China, where years and doubtless to others, that sul­ they have been cultivated for many phur thrown Into the (Ire of a stove, centuries and sometimes grow aa big furnace or fireri .ee will IiiRtnntly ex­ ns a man’s head. In Germany the old tinguish the Are lu a chimney or flu e. fashioned country mothers cure hoarse­ If a small bug or parcel of sulphur, ness and cough with radish Juice ml«- sny three or four ounces, were kept In ed with sugar candy. The radishes of a handy place and used when needed todny have no flavor, no character. aa directed above, It might lie the Formerly their sharp, biting taste made inraua of saving property nnd perhaps life.—Letter In Ntw York Times. Viem palatable. ’Stkafllic ÄmeiifaE. ú ’í r s i s í i rk Dyspepsia C ure PATENTS H.B.WILLSON&CO. i&uuite »t thia Digests what you eat. Two Ba< Bitsa. X »’Udom. “Spiro the (eaash iyy blackbird« neat In; (or the finer lenae, Joy to hope end reet in, “ Some glad surprise, «ome myrtery Ot inconceivably «weet meaning I” Wisdom 1« wise. Uy Mend end I Bearce press the topmost twigs by leaning. —Q. D. O. in Good Words man, Major Crofoot never forgets the ! face or name of a friend. You more H E L E N A <“ “1 F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l ,meets than any other man In the world have I. O.O. ery Wednesday evening in Lodpe BUTTE ever been In my thoughts for the last three H d l, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in sliding invited to attend. D ressm aking econom ies, fan er w ork, hcùit-hold hints, ilays, and, ns I remarked, I was about g»x* standing i etc. Subscribe to- day. to start for your office. re n __________ t (optes, i ........................our hurt stories, Thompson, E. A. E vans , N. G. Only ftOo. y e a r iy. Lady a g e n ts w a n te d . ftoud fo r torua» TO Of Eugene, Oregon shako hands again.” C H IC A G O F. C. P« il , 8ec. “I haven’t time,” replied Thompson. W A S H IN G T O N “Look here, major, bills agnlnst yotf to the amount of $200 hare been put Into P H IL A D E L P H IA our hands for collection. You promised Mijpie Lodge vooge No., « « ., 139, meets O. O. F. Mijple NEW YORK to pay that old board bill two months •very Thursday evening in Meyer & Kyle's Hall, Mapleton. Oregon. Broth- B O R T O N A N O A L L ago. f want to know what you are go- lug to do?” art in good standing invited to attend. at P O IN T 8 E A 8 T »n't S O U T H “Do, my dear Thompson? Why, I ’m T. J. N bbly , N. G. A G eneral B a n k in g B u sin e ss Fnr Inform ation, tim e cards, m aps aud tic k e ts going to give you a check In about ten les, m isses, g ir ls and little children. That For todies, m is „ A Oxo 8. P helps , Sec. etc., c a ll on or w rite tb s n •« s •< " efe e h i o / effect not attained by the e j > £ « •/ seconds for the whole Indebtedness. tain styll«lS styllsn " Transacted on Favorable Terms tain other patterns. H a ve uo equal tor sty le aud perfect Sa, You could have had your money long M c M u rph ey , Draft» Issued on th e p rincip al citi«« of the ago If you hnd given me the slightest O. O. F. Irene Encampment, No. 42, General Ayant. Room s 2 and 4, Sh elton Block, U nited State« and foreign countries. hint. Major Crofoot has a good mem­ EUOEXE, OREGON. meets in I. O.O. F. hall in Florence ory, but how can you expect him to I Interest allow ed on D em and C ertificates of therecond and fourth Friday ol i A- D C H A R L T O N , keep track of shillings when he Is Members of this degree are D eposit w hen le ft stRted period. month. ------— - . A ssistant General Passenger A gent, dealing In thousands of dollars.” cordially in v ted to attend, C ollection« receive our prom pt atten tion . 265 Morrison St., Cor., Bd. coraianj g j S eymous , C. P. “I heard yon were promoting a lit­ P o r t la n d , O r. C ity and C ounty Warrants bought. S u l ly p u . tnarther O nly I» « n i I« cent« tle,” said the lawyer us he »ailed for F. C, P eie , Scribe. Snrh.r » . i s i n nearly . w r y city .n d tow n. ,,r by m jU . Sak (or th e m . A bsolutely Tory U t w t up rtyua. the check. W . E. BROWN, D. A. PAINE, I H 1 M cCALL COM PANY, • “Ten companies formed In the last P resident. Vice Pre»ldent. 1M.IM »■< l.lk »tr„C . . . . » • « »w» O»y, I . I , ♦** three months, my boy, and the P . W . OSBURN, W . W . BROWN. eleventh just ready to be Incorporated. Cashier. A sF t Cashier. O. O. F.—Mignon Lodge No. 105, - - Proprietor», Grand aggregation of over $300.000,000 . Rebekah Degree, meets in M eyer* CASSIDY ft SON Kvle’a Hall, Mapleton, the 1st and 3rd . , T R Y T H E . «W capital thus far, nnd every company F lo r e n o e , O re g o n . Thursday evenings in each month. bound to pay at least 80 per cent divi­ ¿{ attic O. H udson , N. Q. dend. What do you suppose I’ve got Tables furnished w ith all th e M m . F . C. B ban , Sec. on hand now?” Caveat, and Trade Martin obtained and a ll Tat , “I can’t say, and ns I’m In a hurry opt hiHdneas conducted for M cd srn tc F ees. < delicacies of th e season. Give us pend model, drawing or photo. W o ad vise 1. yon may fill out that check.” OHURCH DIRECTORY k nxter. table o f cliarg«. Our fee n o t due til If “The biggest scheme of all—the no a call. patentisaerured. A P am p h let *‘U o < plus nllra!” whispered the major with tain Patent!,” with cor-t e f aam oln tho U. aud foreign countrifts cent free. Address, a flourish of his right arm. “I expect­ RESBYTERIAN;CHURCH,Florence. ed to stop at ten, but this scheme C. A. SNOW & CO. Oregon. On every Sabbath in each O r. P.TtNT O o i m , WaSMiaCTOB, D. C.I came pushing along nnd I hnd to take month, Sunday-School nt 10 a. m. and It up. It’s the richest of them all. Junior Endeavor Society at 2: 30 p. m. On the Second and Fourth Sabbath» of Twentv-three It’ll pay 100 per cent profit from tho each month, preaching aervices at 11 a. very start. Iu a week from Sow the M iles W est THE GENTLE-WOMAN is a month­ m. A cordial invitation to these services Standard Oil company won’t bo on Eugene ly magazine devoted to subjects of inter­ earth.” i t extended to All- A. W igut . Preacher in charge. “But I’m here about those bills.” est to the ladies. The regular subserip “My dear Thompson, walk with me. lion price is one dollar but we have made When I was hard up, you were one of attorneys arrangement by which we offer it lor a the few who did not lose confidence In «liort time for fiftv cents a year. Gall and my Integrity. The man or woman who trusts Major Crofoot never regrets It. «ee a sauinle copy . a . C . W O O D C O C K , I might not have picked up this elev­ enth scheme but for you. I wanted to W ASTED.—Capnblc, reliable person In every let you In. I wanted to reward you Money Saved countv to represent larpe com pany of «olid for your faith In tne. Thompson, my S e w in g M achine« w e m anufacture and th eir Bnanclal, reputation; t:w, salary per year, paya By hoy, sell out your law business—give prices before you purchase an y oth er. O r e g o n ble w eekly; »3 per day absolutely «ure and nil It away—get rkl of It before night.” B u | .IX», Patronizing it. THE NEW HOME SEWINB MACHINE CO., expenses; t «Icht, bona fide, definite salary, no “I want to know about thoae hills,” B uild ing. -Rooms 7 a n d 8 M cL -• srsn’s “*-- .-,Q com m ission; salary paid each Saturday and e x - o n A ir o e , MAHH. butines v n Union Rq„M» M. T. C hkn»o, III M. tz>-,l., Mo. pense money advanced each ne*lt. STANDARD said the lawyer as be came to a halt. “The last and best scheme of all,” Prop lkailaa, Texas. Ban Francl-wo, Cal, A tlan ta, Ga. HOUSE, .’34 DsxKHoa v B t ., C n ic s o o . 41-14 Qeo. Hale continued the major as he got hold of FOR BALE BY his arm again, “1.4 tho Musical Wash- E . E. B E N E D IC T . CENTRALLY LOCATED. ' Good deniers wanted in every town. hoard company, organized on a capital Write for price» and term» to San Fran free sample rooms . of $20,000,0 W will, •tantly relleve»and permanently cure» shako hands!’* the flatterer.” d^ rlp ti-.n ^rfrReroporteeb.retoataM Kty «i-PAOB Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, ■ AMD BOOK r iX S Coatoins r e f e r e a c M m i l FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. “1 won't do It. I came here to notify laformaUoe O T T l FOB CO FT OF Off» OFXCIAL Flatulence, Hour Htojnach, Nausea, If the average man could read the OFF»» I!to tbe»«rel p Sick Headache, Gastralgla Cramps and you lhat these hills must be paid at story a pateat attoru.y, aa4 IVEBY IMTBMTOB BliO fflP of hla life he wouldn’t believe A bouse and lot in Glenada. The KKAM IT befcre apylytag tor pateat. A te r e ss : all other results of imperfect digestion. once or you will be baled into court.” "It’» a bummer, my boy—It’» a suc­ k .—Chicago New s PiteaSOC. a n d tl- L » rx a»l« co n taln s 2% time« bouse is 1« by 24 feet «od one story an 1 s n a il ataa. Book a ll nboutdyspepaia mailedfr«-« cess from the start Goat» nothing ra- a ftalf in height. Abo a good woodshed .... the .»« music, .uu... « m - w know. . Whlla ____ A man who finds no satisfaction In PrsMrH to G BeWiTT A CO. cattoa» tra for PATENT LAWVKAS, you au*.. W A S H IN G T O N , O. C, MBYKU a KYLE. on premieet. For farther p artbu bn you are hiring a woman In the laundry Um salf seek» for K In vain e! T H R O U G H T IC K E T S j I ilo blithe thy smile, «o «ott thy tons, Tliy toy. «o good • IU. o plot Thou tJtpp*«t, Uk« a nymph ot tebls. ------------ HE PLANS A DEVICE THAT WILL TAKE THE PUBLIC BY STORM. j | PUBLIC. C R O O K 8TO N W IN N IP E G r o H S T A G E Iu IN E L A C M E THE HEDGE. T1IE G R A N D SCH EM ER TRAVELERS’ GUIDE TRAVELERS' GUIDE. GENERAL DIRECTORY Board of Trustees .p >riy ’4 A »u eeeaa. “Was the weddlnr n success?” “I guess so. The bride’s mother wa* In tears, tbe groom’s mother went her one better aud had hysterics, you couldn’t bear a word of the ceremony, and tbe church was aJ crowded lhat three women faluted. Yea, It was a success all right.”—Life.' Milk la suggested gulshlug agent for It forms au emulsion with the oil. by disturbing Ita the combustible el< not tbe