T x IR î 'W E S T " G ive Him an Lzcfi, H e'll Take an Ell. ” PERSO N A LS. LAKE C R E E K IT E M S . WESTERN HOUSE. W M . B R Y N D , Prop. BV PAT. Mrs. Ilarin g to n and son A rth u r, of M auleton, were in town yesterday. F ebruary 3, 1901. E verything in connection with the Lei ihe smallest microbe gain lodgment H ouse it N ew and First-Class. C apt. A lbert K arncw aky has charge of J u s t like spring today, in your body and your ‘whole system •will - F lorence , L ank C ounty , Q regon .— be diseased. The microbe is microscopic. th e Mink during th e absence of A. F. ltoad supervisors are busy. SPECIAL XTTSNTION TO Tut ihe germs become inches and then ells lltird . • • - B Y ------ Once more we have a daily stage. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Joseph Fellm nn left Tuesday for As­ o f fain. Hood’s Sarsaparula destroys the Fred W elts caught a large o tter th e 1 * * microbe, prevents ihe pain. purifies the toria, where ho will rem ain for several The notice of the public ia called o th er day. bleed and effects a peinpnent cure. ! weeks. Editor and Proprietor. to our new M r. Geo. B arher has been having a | ___________________ ________ _ j Miss S tu art, who h a s been teaching serious tim e with poison oak. B A T H ROOM I school on Fiddle creek, has re tu rn e d to —T ekmh : $ 1 .5 0 a y e a r in a d v a n c e .* ----- Wc are pleased to learn th a t ye E ditor ; whero Hot and Cold Baths may bo her home in EngeHe. PPotn R hits re tu rn e d , n otw ithstanding we have H ave Q i bad at any time. I I and Leonard C hristensen has been a p ­ had an excellent paper d u ring his ab­ E n tered nt th e post-office at Florence, on Alfe ways _ # n e county, Oregon, a» «acond-tìasH pointed w atchm an at th e jetty , to sue At Boston last week Mrs. Mary Green sence. m ail m a tter. Sick headache is cured by H ood’a . ceed S. J . Seymour, resigned. was sentenced to two onuitha in the M r. P at M cEnroe is very comfortably Pill». 25c. P eter Con an left for G ardiner W ednes­ situated in Ids new house. P at is a house of correction for wrecking u Cain- ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP- The friends of Andrew B rnnd Tuoaday day. He expects to work at g etting out btidgo street bar. G ^ O C E ^ IE g , clever, obliging neighbor a sd a good PI.ICAT1ON. L o c a l n o t ic e s S c e n t s p er li n e , e a c h In ser tio n .evening tendered him a farewell dance poles lor the new telephone line. A prom inent New York social reformer citizen. at Odd Fellow s’ hat!. A. F . H urd, I-'. C. Peil and K. G. J). Supervisor A. JP. W alker, assisted hv says th a t th e new ceatu ry will fat Marlon M erris has moved his barh er Iloldeu are on K now les’ creek m aking F E.‘ F rem ont, has been repairing the ! "talk ed by a coutim ianee of the struggle »Florence, Or., February .3, 1901 shop from the M orris hotel to th e Berg- > im provem ents on th eir hom esteads. ■ bridge across W alker creek, We pro- | to a tta in the goal of better m aterial con- D r e s s G fo o d s, man property on W ashington street. I'rof. J . A. Pond returned Sunday fmtn nounce the work O. K . d itio as and greater m oral and intellec­ ★ ★ W E S T L IN G S , Eugene O ’Connell carries sam ples of j a visit of several weeks am ong friends in tual possibilities for society a t large, and Mr. C'uas. C ount, late of M ichigan, J)e Laval S eparators and repairs at the O hio. He reports , very pleasant tim e. j as the w atchw oid of the n in eteen th cen­ l has not been feeling well th e past week, Call and see A. O. F tm k e’s stock of Pioneer H ardw are Store, M arshfield, Or. R obert H ughes, form erly of Coos bay, having had a trial w ith th e chills. He tu ry Jias been “ political equulity,*’ so , tiie watchword of the tw entieth century C orrespondence from P o in t Terrace ; has been on the Siuslaw for a few days heavy dress goods. and Ids fam ily reside on the old A nthony will be “ social e q u ality ,” The San Francisco E xam in er and live was received last week too late for p u le [ and is thin k in g of engaging in business j place. (¡cation. All com m unications should be I here. •. W est one year for $2.50. The exaggerated rep o rt of $5000 dam - ' I t is stated th a t th e N orthern Pacific in th e office W ednesday. M r. W inters, of Sm ith river, was on age Io th e Siuslaw wagon road by th e Railroad C om pany will a t once begin ■ The R o b arls made a trip to Yaquityi We need to purchase m aterial for the th e Siuslaw this week looking around tho constructum of a branch line from . S atu rd ay for fre ig h t,retu rn in g S aturday. recent high w ater has developed the f a c t ' Scapoose, Oregon, to P ittsb u rg , Oregon, ... , , . • i office and find it necessary to ask our for telephone poles for th e new lino be­ th a t less th an $500 w ill re p a ir the dam - • The steam er E lm ore, of A storia, has , . , subscribers who are owing us, to call tween Coos bay and F lorence. in Colum bia county, and as fast as busi­ I age done. i ifbeen expected here for the p ast day or r o u n d a n d b e lt, us o u t in t h i s m a t t e r . ness w arrants will extend it to th e P a­ C has. G ettys and Andrew B ruud & Caps, .tw o. Boots & Shoes, L. B oring, supervisor of roatl d istric t j cific ocean. T he new road will pass C ut th is o u t and take it to H u rd ’s started T hursday for th e Boliemia No. 30, 1ms been m aking some m uch The schooner . Sacram ento was towed through a fine coal and tiw h s r suction. ¿"».-IT. drug store ami get a (ree cam ple ot m ines, after a visit of »bout six weeks needed im provem ents in his d is tric t to hph T uesday, hound for San Francisco C h am berlain's Stom ach and Liver Tab­ am ong friends on th e Siuslaw . ' lately. L aie is tiie rig h t m an in the w tit lum ber from tiie Actne mills. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. lets, th e best physic. They also cure Len B utterfield '¡returned S atu rd ay rig h t place. The schooner Lixzie P rien , with a disorders of th e stom ach, biliousness from Siletz, where he has taken a hom e­ A le tter from M r, W illiamson and I cargo of Imnher from the Actne m ills to and headache. The West Real Estate office lias bar- stead. H e reports th a t Jo h n I. B u tter­ fam ily announces th eir safe arrival at ^3an Francisco, was towed to sea Mon­ j gaius to offer in the following property. A special m eeting of the voters of field, Fred B utterfield aud John Lloyd th e ir old home in Missouri, w hich they day. Florence school d istrict was held a t tlie ate getting along nicely w ith the im ­ th in k is preferable to Oregon. We can­ , A good dw elling house, and black­ At Junction City, Jan u ary 30, the res­ school lionse M onday afternoon, at sm ith shop doing a good business in a provem ent of th eir claim s. not agree w ith them on this point. idence of M rs. Lizzie Thom pson, occu­ which a tax of five mills was levied for , thriving town. Tiie ow ner desires to pied by IL V. Johnson, was burned, th e th e m aintenance of th e school during The De Laval S eparators have m ade I Measles are all the rage a t W alton ; change h it location. A fine opportunity re su lt of a defective Hue. Loss $300. poor farm ers w ealthy dairym en in Coos and*vicinity. M r. Fow ler’s folks all had i for tiie rig h t m att. Price $850. j the cu rren t year. a trial of it except. Giles, who was chief Mrs. Sweet is holding religious s e r ­ county. 160 acres of nnintpioved land on North Perfectly H ealth y people have pure, cook and hash-slinger for a w hile. T he vices at M apleton to continue this week. T here are plans on foot for an o th er i Fork about ten ntilcs (ruin Florence is rich, warm, nourishing blood, good nppe- fam ily of M r. A tkinson, th e W alton .Services v.ill be held on Sunday a t 11 a. offered for suled. N ear to county road. j tite and good digestion. H ocd’s Sarsap­ e n tertain m en t for tiie benefit of the postm aster, now have the disease. nt. and 7 :30 p. m. Florence P resb y terian church a t th e Will m ake a good stock ranch, iTice arilla gives these, and th u s it m akes M illions of people are fam iliar with j people h ealth y and keeps them so. G et earliest possible d ate after the rendition i G REENLEAF IT t M S . $460. D eW itt’s L ittle E arly Itisers and those I only H ood’s. of th e “ T urn of th e T id e,” 150 acres moetly tjujbe. land lying in w ho use them find them to be famous F ebruary 4, 1901. W hen you w ant a physic th a t is mild A. C. B arbour, of G lenfena, waa in section 13, township, 18 south, range JO little liver pills. N ever gripe. ,Mever & Miss A nnie Alamasi lias re tu rn e d to I Eugene M onday and Tuesday asking and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in west. About tlireo acres cleared. A E ugene to school. K yle. effect use C h am b erlain ’s Stomach and 1 I subscriptions to assist in boarding the creek large euougli to float logs runs Floyd V aughn, of E ugene, lias been > men who have volunteered to work on Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples Jam es Joh n s.o n e has beon ill and un­ through tite land. Price $550. held in bonds of $250 to tlve circuit court ! tiie new bridges to be bu ilt over Wolf free. E very box g u aranteed. F or sale able to he out latoly. A tract of about 50 acres fronting on ¿or assault on W . A. W hite, a Salem creek and W ildJOat.—Jo u rn al. bv O. W, H urd. Seth Sim m ons is not able to work yet, Clear lake three miles sonthof Fiorettoe. ¿ tu n . W hite was stabbed several tim es A t Cottage Grove Ja n u a ry 31st a holio b u t is hopeful of recovery. R eg ister: C has. Griffin and Geo. N. A fair house and about five scree cleared. w ith a knife. ' F razer, J r ., will leave today (T uesday) took two shots n t N ightw atclim nn N unn. ' B at Downings has taken a hom estead j A good wagon road from the place to E ugene O 'C onnell, M arshfield, O r., is for th e Siuslaw to look after th e ir log- The officer called th e m arshal and o th ers ' n ear the Jam es Johnstone place, the Siuslaw river at Glenada. A fine agent for th e D eLaval Creatn Separator. ! ging in terests. A large wagon load of to his assistance, and set out in p ursuit ! AVe often hear th e shriek of the w bif- place for a summer residence. Price As the spring will soon he on it may be I of accessories and supplies preceded of his would-be m urderer. The m an , i, of tj,e 8teiua sawmill at .Alpha these $500. to the in terest of intending purchasers | th em . M essrs. Griffin and Frazer have with two others, wbr located in the c.ear m ornings. A tract of a little over two acres of to correspond with Mr. O ’Connell. T he ! S contract to furnish Mr. Kyle, tiie F lo r­ brush near tow n, b u t as th e n ig h t was bottom land between Florenue and De Laval has no equal for clean skim - j ence lum berm an, w ith throe million feet d ark , it was im possible to effect a cap­ The Lake creek loggers lost b u t few logs by the storm , S teinhnuer & M iller ; Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose tilin g and easy running, ' of logs. They expect to finish th e ir eon- ture. i H ill cannery. A fair house on the land. are th e heaviest sufferers here. O. W. H u rd , the druggist, will refund tra c t in about th ree m onths. TO C U R K A C O L D IN O X g DAY I A fine place for gardening or raising you your meney if you are not satisfied I R eports show a greatly increased death ' Take L axative Bromo Q uinine T ablets. Misses Maud anil May M iller, of small fruit. Pricy $g00. wfter using C ham berlain's Stom ach and rate from th ro a t and lung troubles, due All druggists refund tiie money if they C hickghom lny, w ent hom e S aturday, J00 acres of land near Clear lake lying L iver Tablets. They euro disorders - of i to trie th e prevalence ot of c croup, ptteumonin . fail to cure. E . W. G rove's signature is having visiteil a t Deadwood and Lake in aeotion 11, township 1U south, range F l o r e n c e , O r»e5°n . th e stom ach, , biliousness, constipation creeks for a couple of weeks, grip p e. W e tulvi vise th e use of One I on each b o r. 25«. 12 west. Price $250. tel headache e. P rice, 25 cents. Sam ples ! M inutetOongh Oure ir A second tim e bids have lieen recoived ! tejCongh C ure in all of those d iflj-■ C O U N C IL PR O C EED IN G S - 112 acres unimproved land lying on ree. for carrying the mail between H ale and i cullies. I t is th e only harm less rem edy the north side of Clear lake 2H niUes T he O regonian of the 5th states t h a t . th a t gives im m ediate resn its. C hildren ' A special m eeting of th e city council Jnlow ,.atid all rejected tiy th e |xistoffice south of Florence. A good wagon road he ways ami m eans com m ittee of th e like it. M eyer & K yle. was held T hursday evening, Jap u n ry 31, dep artm en t, after one year of voluntary from it to the Siuslaw rivar. Price $1)00. egislatnre had agreed on one general w ith th e following m em bers present: mail tran sp o rtatio n . R ecent experim ents show th a t all i 130 acre« on upper North Fork, • ippiopriatiun hill, hut it had not been classes of foods may lie com pletely di- j T rustees M orris, C h ristensen, Cowan Mrs. W illiam W heeler got a l e t t e r ' large part of it h»tto»n land. W ill make ntrodnued. I t cartieg item s to the ueuted by a preparation called Ivodol i and W eatlierson, yesterday from her stepfather, Tlm nnis ! »m ount of $31)6,380, or $9,000 more th an Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely digests i The recorder having been absent for Tatior, of E ugene, sum m oning her to his a good home. Price $850. 80 acres timlier laud with «reek large ere allowed for th e sam e objects two w hat you eat. As it is th e only cotnbi- m ote th an 15 days, th e office was de­ Itedsi le, as ho is very ill. H e began the F R A N K B. W IL SO N , M anager, ears atro. nation of all th e n atu ral digestnuts ever | ulare,l vacant and J . C. Phelps was ap- j letter witli his own hand, b u t could not enough to float logs running through the land and into tide water, Prioe $525. T here is always danger jtl using conn- , devised th e dem and for it has become pointed for the rem ainder of th e term . finisli it. She went o u t today. 138 acres of land at Elm ira, Oregon. Jerfeits of D eW itt’s W itch Hazel Salve, enorm ous. I t has never failed to cure I Cal Britcy m ade application for a sa­ Mrs, Joint MucVay, of Alpha, who plie original is a safe and certain cure the very w orst cases of indigestion and , loon license for tiie term of three came front tiie east on tiie stren g th of an A box house, good burn, and pleuty of or piles. I t is a sootliipjj and healing ¡t alw ays gives in stan t relief, M eyer A m onths. On motion it was voted to \ advertisem ent and m arried MacY’xy, outbuildings op premises; 4 acres | gran t th e license. nlve for sores and all skin diseases, K yle. likes him , she saya, b u t ca n ’t stan d Ilia orchard, 1(1 acres in cultivation, 10 liglAHigA V WAK -7Y Mg W UcASr W W wuextz lever n creel; and some on L ake creek, pro- ' -’Utting feed, saw ing wood, etc. lo r F razer, Griffin & S u th erlan d to be th e proceeds, and is a fu rth er guarantee ; in s tr u c te d to a s c e r ta in o n wh.it term s a T he farm is mile Irom school and pose building a logging railroad up the of its popular reception. The event will 1 room for use o f the council coni I lie ob­ Btsed on th e Siuslaw. Ni l-on valley and a taill on tlieflinalaw , H mile from a county road. take place a t Odd Fellow ’s hull, Flor­ O regonian: E istern tim h erm en co n - tained elsew here and report a t the n ext though how soon they will do it ia nut Price $1600. lin n e to register ut the principal hotels ence, on th e 22d in st., and in Acme on m eeting, y et decided. A bargain for unybody wanting a A djourned. |f P ortland, but no heavy purchases ate the 23d. Let all m ake it a point to be A railroad prospector who whb looking farm. sported. Some of tlieip say th a t tho present. A powerful engine cannot he ru n witii up the feasibility of a road through th e i For further information inquire at the Coast M ailt J . E . M eG illivray, special (ettlers have come no on th e ir prices a weak boiler, and we can 't keep up the Nelson valley recently, said lie found an ¡ l'-*T office. »tel.v, in anticipation of heavy dem and, agent of th e Pacific .States T elephone >fc strain of an active life with a Weak stout- easy pass from the bond of Nelson creek A S T O C K FARM» Telegraph Co., w ent to G ardiner on F ri­ »lid so lim ber lauds cannot he purchased aclt ; n eith er cun we stop th e hum an ma- to Go,tison, and th a t there was a potut readily as form erly. A goixl ninny day. Mr- M eGillivray has been In this I citine to m ake repairs. If th e stom ach bility of a railroad through to th e valley A good stock farm of 160 acres lying W e b u y direct from the L a r g e st Job bing H o u ses and m isers are preparing to visit th e vari section for some littlo tim e, looking into ' cannot digest enough food to keep the which would take lum ber in th a t direc­ Ins lim bered sections of th e state, how- th e fessibility of p utting up a telephone I hi id v a,rung, sucb a preparation as Ko>' struction of line. W hile ttie line m ig h t' SUN DAY S E R VIC E S. e x p e n se s and w ill s e ll y o u g o o d s a t reasonable rates. »usiti tim ber men at the Im perial ytts- not at first be a paying one it would At a bargain: Mv seven-room dw ell­ legfging. Kxtausive out range. Almut j-rdsy said th a t the distance from tiie reim burse its builders ip a few years, ! Hablmth, F ebruary 10, services in F lo r­ ing with four lots fronting 200 feet on 15 head of cattle, most of them cows, »stern m arket would be a draw back to and it would be a great convenience for ence na follow s; Sabbath-School, 10 a. th e riv er in G lenads. H onse has large, with tbe land, Price $3,000, including -Mf W - W W Mr- .Ut» Me’ Afe1 At« .Ur .Me .\A> Me W Uf W W Uc W U<> VA< W fie erection of saw m ills in Oregon for th e people of tb e U m pqua and Siuslaw in ; Ju n io r E ndeavor, 2:30 p . m . ; Sen­ well lighted rooms with plastered and stock. Inquire at the Florenue Real pape’ed w alls; fine view of ocean and Estate Agency. pnue tim e, bnt thnt tfie npeqjng up of country. W hen it is built it will proba­ ior E ndeavor, 6:39 p. nt. country ; good ttpring w ater. Place coat lie A siatic and A ustralian m arkets to bly take in th e two life-saving statio n s, Preaching, I l a . m . and 7 p. in. T O O UR R A TR O N «. kregon litm her, would p la c e th e saw- a t Coos and U m pqua, th e etfleieucy of $900—will sell for $350 cash. Call on or . Acme, 3 p. ut. address, Chas. It. David, P o in t Terrace, I |n lls of this coast in a b etter position which would tie greatly enhanced hy A . IV. WlflUT. having telephonic com m unication with We have mode arrangements hy »an those of th e eastern states. Oregon. earh o th er and with th e shipping points ] which we w ill furnish ttie W ork!, A CON V IN C IN G A N 3 « V E R . Persons who cannot tak e ordinary pills ANNUAL B U 8IN C 88 MEETING. of G ardiner and M aishfield. Oregonian with the W rst few one year “ I hobbled into M r. B lzckinon'e drug Ind it a p.i'.ism e to ti .e i »e W i ■ « L ilt Io , to any addreee for the aura nf tx o uoF larly R isers. T h e y „ r e the b e e tll.tle l Jake had dollars, all counterfeits of i , store one evening,” aays Wesley Nelson, The regular annual badness meeting ¡ tars' tavaille cash tn advance. , of H am ilton, G a., “ mid he asked me to D ew 'itt'a W itch Hazel Sslve are w orth­ |v r | i 1« ev, r m a d e . M e y e r o. K t I-. ol the Florence Presbyterian tihurnli will less, Tup original quickly purrs piles, I try C lisitilw rlain’s Pain Balm for rheu­ FO R SALE OR E X C H A N G E . sores aud all akin diseases. Mat er A m s'ivm w ith which I had sufiered fnr a be held in the church bnildiug, Wednee-' ! long tim e. I tuM liiui I had no fsitli in day, February 13, at 1 p. m. Let all j K yle. any m edicine a« they all iniln l. He s a id ; meiiil>era of Ilia church and congregation I A house a id lot ia Glanai,*. T h * ’ Well if C h am b erlain ’« Pain Balm doe« take note of this anil put forth every : house Is 14 r y 24 fe*t and on* story and I not help you, you need no t pay for it ,’ effort to be there, as there are im portant! • half io bright. .\lon a good woodsliod For Infants and Children. matters to be considered. * I I I took a liotlie of it homo anil Used it Yony patronage fs always appreciated, and no oo preruises- For lurthor particulars according in ( lie direction« and in one a to y « t h e ( '• ■ g h bbi I «„rfeaaST the OeM | small yonr purchases, you may rest assured it will be < week I wits en red , and have not since I-ax»tive Bromo-Quinine Tablets core a inquire nt tliia ofSo*. Bears the Till« «Igwsturw la on rverj bo« of II m f-nuln» Ulankafor W arranty U * d a for Ml* »U r to, veil you the best; aturq g l I Laxative Bromo-Ouinice t ^ uu l«cn tro u b le I w ith rlicufiiatiam .’* Sold cold in oue day. No ^ r e no, Pay. hUBLUUIKD EVERY KKIUAY MUKNINO— ' MEYER & KYLE W H. W EATHEKSON Mccd’l & -^231 - -* of Tjry Gfoods r E Hats Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H ardw arE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest ACME COP1P1ERCIAL CO , O R EG O N . General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, D ry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, K Groceries^ We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes, C A STO R IA he Kind Ycu Hare Always Bought