T E E E W — r U B L IS H X D K V K B Y E F K ID A V S T . M O B N IN O .— — AT— F i - obbxcb , 4 4 4 I. axb C ounty , ’» O regon - • - BY - • - W .I L W E A T H E R S O N Editor and Proprietor. Florence, Or,. February 8, 1901. TO PROTECT SIUSLAW SALMON. Whe n u li tç ■when » R epresentative McQueen has in tro ­ duced n bill for the better protection of salmon in the Siuslaw. T here is no doubt of the wisdom of protecting tl.is great industry from destruction. Year after y ear we who liave lived on tl.eS iq siaw W o m e n a s W e ll as M e n A BLOW AT CIGARETTES. senate will stand by tlieiu and tow pel th e house to accept the rate fixed for tiie 1 ---------- A r e M a d e M is e ra b ly b y tax on beer. ; Senator Sweek lias introduced a K id n e y T ro u b le . Owing to th e pressure of appropriation sweepiug m easure in the Oregon legit- I bills, th e sinp Subsidy kill is not m aking !«tu?e, calculated to regulate the prac- Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ i iii^cli progress in the senate. Senaior ties of cigarette sm oking. .Section 1 is: courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor Indicate that your liver Frye, who is in charge of the bill. is not I "& ° person, firm or corporation shall and cheerfulness soon is out of order. The disappear when the kid­ beat medicine to rouse I seeking to antagonize the appropriation 1 Be Perm itted to sell, oITur to sell or give neys are out of order the liver and cure all " or diseased. i bills. On the contrary, h* e x c e s s I y oway, o r have in ids possession fur the 1 these ills, is found hi Kidney trouble has »re „ ri ¡ M n fn says th a t be is wijljjpg to have bis bill Purpose of selling or giving away, or io ’ become so prevalent that it Is not uncommon V& 3ft E a f i t i e i ' i set aside w henever tTi^re is an appropri- bring into th e state for the purpose of 1 for a child to be born 25cents, to ld by ul! medicine dealers. «lion bill ready fur th e senate. He still .«»Hing, offering for sale or giving away, afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the-child urin­ m aintains th at the bill will pass', while an7 eigareij.e oy c.gareltee in w hich to- ates too often, if the i th e opponent? of th e Gill a?y th a t if inis bacco forms a com ponent p art, or any urine sca.ld3 the flesh or if. when the child WASHINGTON LETTER. no chance w hatever of being vo’ed on at cigarette p ip e r or substitute therefor,! reaches an age when it should-be able to control the passage, It is yet afflicted with Q’itoji Ouu U eollak C orkh ^ onobn ;’.) l l |is session. I t is adm itted, even by ; vvitliout first .living obtained a license bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of Mr. Frye, th a t th e opponents of the bill I1’0111 the county court of the preper •' *bs difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first . . . r “ ................ .. ,, ' 'ste p should be towards the treatment of can keep it ;rom a vote if they really J cou"ty lor th at purpose. 'ih e se important organs. This unpleasant W ashington , .Tan. 28, 1901. E x tra session talk baa been given a wish to do so Senator Pettigrew , who ; I t ia then provided th a t the license 1 ,rouble ls due to a diseased condition cf the , , ■ i I, i kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as o o c ru b y h j le a s a personage tlnui the is ono of it# uioet active opponents, Bays be per annum , and shall be ■ most people suppose. P resident himeelf. In a short message th ere will he dq necessity to filibuster is8ued by the county court. A bond in I Women as well as men are made mis« . . . , . , . , ... .. , , . arable with kidney and bladder trouble, i ^r a n the report of tiie I Inhppuie against a vote; th a t the regular appro-i l ie Pen a* 8Um »$1000 shall he given i and both need the 3am$ {freat remedy, ‘» '» '» iw b n to congress, tho Dresidont .'priajion bjlls upd o th er legislation to j t l , a t t l l e »PpHeant w ill not sell or give S w am p ^R o o t i^ s o o iT r ^ U e ? It'k 'so ld C onstipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, The Great White Store, Is Offering Exceptionally Fine Bargains in L adies’, M isses' an d G ents’ M ack­ intoshes an d R u b b er Boots, From Cliilhreiis to Men’s Sizes. We Have In F a s c in a to rs a n d C h ild r e n ’s Hoods L ave iiavo seen the salmon decrease in r e e o m f u e n d s speody legislation for the which it m ust give way will operate to ' awilY cigarettes to any m inor, and, if lie by druggists, in fifty- num bers until tlmro arc now scarcely Bliilippines. Tiie recom m endation does ; proven,t itB being disposed of. | does, he will forfeit $100 to tiie p arent d S o m e th in g N e w f o r T h is S e a s o ji. onc-liall of ti e fish taken from the river, 1)01 specify the Spooner bill, although ' ... | or guardian of any such m inor. sample bottle'^by ^ a f i wills greatly increased facilities, th a t tbo ie l,ort of 11,0 P hilippine com m ission. pU&SIA’S SHARE IN CHINA. j Before any person ean obtain a license free, also pamphlet tell- Homo of Swarnj. Root, ing all about tt. including many of the does, ¿but th a t is tin) only im p o rtan t ' i . _ . 1 j to sell cigarettes, lie m ust first obtain a t thousand^ of testimonial letters received w ere taken in former years when the fferers <-'broiil3le. in d u stry 'w as in its infancy. We have Piiilippine measure pending, und it lias , ' E .™ „ ,o CM . , T seen a total disregard of all statu to ry 1,0Bn dem onstrated th a t the sentim ent tures ot an actual m ajority of the whole mention this paper. 1 *- ' j ( MUST BE SEEN TO BE A rP R E O IA J E p ), of the senate was adverse to it, and S e n -! wurd3 ll* final dism em berm ent ^ lie j num ber of legal votera in the precinct in | requirem ents to regulate this in dustry, , 1 GENERAL NEWS. and believe more strin g en t laws should utor SPo o n tr 1,88 *'imself said on the ; uorre8Pondent8 oi 1,0111 E nglish «nd ! which h e wi«hes to do business, and tb.B "be passed and provisions m ade for th eir lloor o£ tlle 8ena,° lh a t *'e thought it * " ‘erican n e "'8l’aPer8 re Po rt IleK °-! petition shall be published for four con- Congressman Tongue denies the report enforcem ent. W ith the passing of tho J ' would bu are “ foot afo,o t between b et* e‘rov,nce( The latter , are also . to . reserve - — and $100 per day for eacli and every day ] arm y reorganization act amt means to S le g a ilt L in e of L A D IE S a n d G E N T 'S N E C K W E A R , L&Ct^, In tiie past. I ait all good citizens stand .e *P*ra I*°n of tliis session. The idea lias tbu lluwe' t,o receiye 'ya r .m n ter*nl? I he persists in such first violation. And j closyj the inuch talked of CAiiXe^ns, W h ite a n d B rocaded S ilk H a n d k e rc h ie fs , tor tb o ’protection of the ealinon and tho been strengthened by rem arks of the an ^ b in ese m ilitary ^ ne 8j,a |i jje ¡,n . 1 J>Irs. N ation, who bus beon aipasliing ' comiiierciul interests it will su«luin. 1 “Lout Hie justness of iinm ed;- j J * " " * / ® bu uxc,Vd-0d and tb e *jlain- j posed if any cigarettes or cigaretie paper ' li<’“or 1oi" 18 a t P’« « « in K n of | t0nan*-e of their arsenals are to be pro-1 are go,(, ' min 0( ,, sas, was arrested by ttii) police lybije Following is the b ill: ' , ate action by 'congress upon tbo work ............. ■ I i 1 1 i I t h. I I. a ! - - » • Tl ■ i . * •* raiding a “ jo in t” in Topeka. The keep- Bo it* enacted by tiie EegijJatlve Assem- j tbe constitutional tq n v eu tio n of C pba, j bll,lled ’■? tbe province, b u t R ussia will | - »f wjvb : x - jj Large Line of Underwear for both old and young, consisting of succeed Me ‘ e' 8 !0' nl8’ 18 have hired gangs as sooti as th a t work is completed, ' elnl,‘ ller troops th ere under tliè j;ro- B alloting for a senator to auccet bly of the Stato of 6rcgon : 1 88 " 1 of negroes to defend tlieih placed against Children’s Waists, Uuion Suits to r Ladles, Section 1. I t «bali be unlaw ful for which will be in the near future, biit ' l0Xt of Plu t“ctipg her railw ays. I t was : B ride still cqiitinucs at Salem w ithoul her attacks. probably any person or"persbns to construct or I’r °bably not in tim e to bo acted upon under ju st auch conditions th a t Russia , m u d i change at the Limai, report. The M isos and Children. CITATION. obtained dom inion over T urkestan, If Oregonian says th a t Mitchell will prob- iuainiuin u n y ’trnp, wqir, fishjng dam or by tb ’8 congress. Á..U a l _ ..ir ____ river •__ Con css ion In th e fo u n t} - C ourt o i th e S tate of Oregon Congressional' h u p tera after arm y tbese negotiations are finally settled on ably entor the contest before long. Cor- fish wheel 4L? iii at,« the - w . « aters of Siuslaw fo rth e C ounty of l.a n r. ‘r ‘ com missions, under the new law, have tbese iineg, it means,iof courke, the com- j beta is still a few votes ahead but does or any of it's trib u taries. In th e m u tte r of th e e sta te of A n n a M athilde F u n k e , decsaaàd. -i , - i , pleto absorption of M anchuria in tim e uot 800111 u 8«)». These are a few of the many new things. Cal| a t the Gra»| Section 2. Any person or persons vio­ received notice from tiie President th a t > ’"i ; ' To It. A. Funk»;, A. F, F n n k e a n d A. O. F u n k « and .i t s conversion absolutely into a I lating the this CS act shall, * gP w • • w provisions « ■ w. X. B • W V/ of X VISIO X, B, Oil 11 I I J I these commissions will, us far as possi- / V ' 1 ' I " I Z z— , a n d all o th e r persons in te re sted —OKEETINOI' |V hite Store for everything. upon conviction thereof, be punished by : blS- bs «iv0!1 10 't lie 1110,1 and ofiieers U »88' “ » province, just as sovereignty 'TATE C o I x r v . T üL E ?'° j n t h e name of t h e sta te of oreoon , T Yon are hereby cited a n d ’ re q u ire d to a p p ea r a-flrie of not less than $25 nor m ore th an wbo b *ve *00n »"rvice in the Philip- <*«r Tl>r|feaf»n wa» ¿ s^ b lish e d . J . C hkxrv m akes oath th a t lie in m tiie th e e S S tate tate of of Oregon Oregon for for T ,1 . |5 | . i'l . F rank ...........................................o „ „ ,n e c C o ounty u n ty c C o o u u r rt t h hf f th i t 18 iqie to supposa th at, under these , is tbe senior p a rtn e r of the firm of E. J . j th e C o u n ty of L ane n t th e C ourt Room thereof, $21)0, or by im prisonm ent in the county Plne8 118 volunteers. Ijome of th e h u n t S o u r s b > ru f^ , jail not less th an ten days nor mope than er8 aro disposed to regard this co merely conditions, th e oth er powers interested I C hhney & Co., doing business in th e ’' t E“Kpi1®’ ’P the CoUuty of Lane,on Monday, I'"1 T “ " '• I «ulTer** Ida id * i i l«C, Utel U*. _ Ule. Turn » f b lattt. r" ml compii» ut kept ec jy bed fiv. ■ riv ed yt nuied my lerce’* me Favolile iscovciy,’ vo mont b» ittin g o *.i □UM» work Dr. Pie <1 vi s e r, i ‘Cript or «pense o , V. l’iet L JJ O f Tl JU S T m . <1C muai tu* 4 . print« «. of N e i on : eleo ic o l tu raj teat i'epu t. F ve r. no« to’ tl • hnowKto JPLE Q uincy street, Jias beim before the coun- ' you need him . T here is no doubt th a t ““>«“ 8 the early probabilities, oil but final action in the m atter lias n o t 1 O. A. Snow A Oo'., of M’asliingtop, are * ' ' ' ' W hen House Bill No. 25, for th e re lie f1 been taken. The people in th e western tiie most successful, p aten t solicitors in T it* « I F «'lii;.-»N It h tu fi' K » ’l l UOM It at <« n t 11 4 »2 m k ♦ < hf a/»» » r n | Miflar xt. r ■ 1000 EB95I Gobtlev an eloquent address to th e com m ittee in favor of tbo bill, explaining tiie w onder­ ful grow th of the school and its increaaed her T a ,, (2) in (’o x 's a d d itio n to F lorence, an d Ixds nu m b ered one (1) ntfd tw o (2), in section tw e n ty -th ree (91), T p 17 «, tt lo W, jio n p tin in r 28.40 acres, all in Leno C ounty, Oregon. ij WITNESS th e Hon. II. K. K in caid , Ju d g e of th e C om ity O otirt of th e .State of O regbn A>r ttye C quijty of Lane, w ith th e sea | o f M id ! C ourt añ ix cd , thia'29th day 'ot D ecem ber, i A. I). 1900. ’ A t t e st : E. U. LEE, Clerk. 1-iEAU] '■ ARE YOU AN A rIcll ,n.,v Cllle(, (1, ,,(.r n(.nfnes, Rni) -■ 'V CHEAP CASH ST0EE! I ODD FELLOW? TO THE DEAP p a rt of town ate now m aking vigorous ’ th e world. D uring 1900 they obtained ; of th e U niversity of Oregon, cam e up J Noises in the Head hy D r . N i c h o l s o n ’s for vonnideratioai, it was referred to the Artificial Ear Drutpg, gave $10,090 to his efforts to have the walk constructed and (497 nlloiyances of U . S. patents, many com m ittee of th e whole, i h c bill appro- ' l ,,*tltllte > 80 ’’'" t «leaf peopl iiiiahle to th e council should order it built w ithout of.which had been previously re jected .' procure the E a r D rum s may liave them fu rth er delay. The walk would be a Senator Towne, who will ’ vacate his ' P n “ t^’ « , » llUil!1r . . . 1 free. Addiess No. 105;.,—c. The N idi- benefit not only to residents of th at p art seat as soon as Senator Clapp, who tyaur 110 ^°> OiW ‘“^etofuru provided for th a l „¡gpn In stitu te, 780, E ighth Avenue, of tow n, but would lie used by large last week elected to succeed tho late in stitu tio n . Mr. Harf-is, of f ane, m a d e ’ New Y o r k . I f . S. A. Senator Davis, of M innesota, arrives in W ashington, said goodbye in u set speech, giving his views oil tbo import- an t political questions of tho day. Mr. 0. W, HURD. i >'e “Pin II corresponding benefits tq thepi- be cu red 'b y the ure of H all ’ s C atarrh p a y m e n t of cluiini» n< ain st nnid e sta te and ex- tlou, said esta te is d escribed se:ve(!- T*.1® f«ct th a t »o ap p aren t efiprt Q t'fE. FRANK .1. C H E N E Y . I as /u n „ w fuftniiiiatm Lot N um ber Tw o (A in Block N um - ia bei"« n,ad^ » 'W n e g o t i a - . ,0 ' ’‘’f01’0 11,0 «ml subscribed in tions between R UBSia and O hina it my presence, lin s fith day of December, 1880. _ A. W. GBEASQN, strong proof tiiat tho form er is moving -j SEAL f Tiie oleom argarine bill has beep re- , . . , - t Notary 1‘ublic. effect from anil after its enactm ent into I' r— I ported to th e senate, and its friends' will " itb tbe ni;,l li ‘e«c8iic« oi tho other law. ' ■’ ' ■ H a ll’s C atarrh C ure is taken in ter­ I — ---------------------------- I endeavor to gut ik through, but lack o f ' P °ly0r8- From thp beginning of tiie «o- nally, and acts directly qn the blood and A t different (Imes during tiie p a s t ' tim e m akes tlieir’success doubtful: I enllpd Boyer cam paign '{here lias been iinicoiis surfaces of tiie system . Send y ear or two the question of building a W hen you are sick you w ant tbe doc- ever^- indication of a perfect understand- for testim onials, free. Sidewalk on Main street from th e cross- tor who is th e most successful, and ' ”8 hstjveen th em , i t is n atu ral for F. J . C iiknky A Co.. Toledo, O. ing of Jefferson, west to Madison street, whan you employ an attorney you w ant j R ““ '« fo isk e thn initiative ijt th e par- Sold by druggists, 73c. thonce to'Tirif’t Street, and along F irst to the most successful in th e llpo for winch ^ tio» ° f’P » 0'|IP«re, w hich ’is "clearly , H all's Fam ily Pills are the best. num bers of men going to and from Qieir daily labor. It would also lie a pleasant ro u te lor those who desire to take a fan'ihie for pleasure. In short, tho walk would have as much travel as any walk in tow n. K I.UlìÓ/ O P E N E D . Justices of tl)e peace shall i Bn 03£i10dld,rf on the p a rt of the l ’res)- liave concurrent jurlsdicliori with the | d0,lt 1(1 l.csgen pressure on him for these places, and to thin k th a t Ilio ' “as far as circuit court: in enforcing tills act ' Section 3. In asm u ch a« the law does ! -Docsibl0” wil1 in 11 Iot ol outsiders n o t provide suflfclen't protection for sal- 1,060 “ P»1' ” cannot bo Ignored.’ Tjuie not uion or tro tro u u t t ip in' tiie the Waters whiten, 'of Khnd„„ will soon tell', a s ’these appointm ents inon or of Eiuslaw R iver, th is act shall he in force and take tyili have to be'm ade quickly. lu d in * pu» « anad K T t f Ä ; WBGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ BELTS New lot of Dress Triiiimings, in the latest sjiade^ and kinds Six m ouths. Greatest i A If should take and rend read if so you snouid rt.,., a — J Drv C oods» * g ro c e rie s p a c if ic o d d f e l l o w A m onthly m agazine published in Fortland, and exclusively devoted t o 1 T he interests of Odd Fellowship, liotli ! local and general Tt In t l i a c i v Lbt.l j Fellow „ublieation in pregon and is | Fellow publication in ' now in its eiglitit year. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ........ J u s t O o e n e d .. Vi e liave m ade arrangem ents w ith Z S U R E F ia t y o u r blood i i rich tbe publisher by wliicli we can club m id p u rr . T h e bi'.-t bloixl purifier, I “ Vacific Odd Fellow” with- T he W est needs, andjuppealed to tho m em bers to en rie h e r an d vll.-ilizer Is H ood's Sars.-i- u arilla. Be su re to G E T H O O D ’ S . I at a rate we believe every Odil Fellow 1 give it th etf unanim ous su pport. He Towne,is a fine speaker amj his rem arks . would be glad to accept. weie attentively listened to by th o s a ! Heco,,d#d b>' > lr' StorF> 5 ir- “ Tup price of T he W rst is $1.30 per Eddy u( Tillam ook, su d several o th er WAXTKP —<'»PsMe. reliable i>. r,o n In cv i-y who disapproved them as well ns by . U •- -• ' c o u n ty to r e p m e n t larac co m p a n y of solid ¡year and tbe price of “ Pacific Odd . I t Is io be hoped tb e .(¡pie is not far gentlem en, and th e com m ittee reported « n a n c la l re p u ia tlo r,: I s a l a r y i„ r'year. Js those wbo endorsed them . Fellow” is $1.00 per year, but we will d is ta n t when U. 8 . Senators will he it favorably, and th e bill passed tbe tb e hle kl}': ,a pt,r »'«oiutclv sure mol all R epresentative H . O. S m ith, of Mich­ expense?, s tra ig h t, bona-fide. d e S a ite sala ry ....... elected hy a direct vote of tiie |ample. bouse by n vote of 57 ayes, 3 absent. It c om m ission; salary paid each S a tu rd a y a n d ex- send both to subscribers wbo pay a y ear ' igan,'1m s introduced a bill, providing T h a t seems to bo the i nly way to pre­ was a great victory (or tiie university I*11"* “ " W »«I'»’ c l each i,-eek. STANDARIi strictly in auvnncc for $2.0tL (or a national freight couiniigsioil, of »1 It Cali a t our office amf see a sam ple vent tbe state legislature from spending and Messrs. H arris and Eddy, tb e able twelve m em bers, wlio shall hold olliee of “ Pacific Odd Fellow .” weeks to choose a senator. Oregon in cham pions of the school, were ju b ilan t \ I . . I for life, tbe duty of qlncli sluilt be to F jeirtii'ular seems to liave a hard tim e in at tiie splepdid results attaiu ed .— to supervise, regulate and ’ classify rail­ selecting n man for th a t otlice, as at Statesm an. JOHN C. BECK. road h eig h t, and to fix ti.c division oi . H. N yEA TH ER SO ÿ. W . NICHOLS. nearly every session of tho legislature ■ r , freight rates between connecting rail­ In the senate Jan u ary 31st tiie bill in ­ P o in t T e rra c e , Or. F lorence, Or. E |m ira , O r. for the past tw enty years, weeks liave roads and transportation line«. Tbu bill troduced by Senator Kelly ceding tc lieen R|>eiit before enough mem Iters was introduced m ure to lie discussed Linn county nearly all of tiie Blue itiver could unite upon one man to elect him . th an with any expectation th a t it will m ining d istrict, w'«s am ended so th at the sum m it of' (lie m ountain between T he Marshfield Suu lias issued a neat be acted upon by thia congress. Tbo com m ittee on territories 1ms prac- the Oalapeuia and Mcjxeuxie rivers will illu slraled s,recial (edition, giving a ticaily decided lh a t th ere wilt not be be the line («tw een th e two «ounties. © ¡m L )C F £ a r2 s l< ? a T /s i £ o .t? grapldò description of tb s inarvplous're- tim e to act op tho hill (or th e adinlssion Tin« leave» all th e leading luinee, in- * *•*' • Bources and attractio n s of Coo« countv. I t II a work of a r t and show , tbe m ana- ol A ris w a to staichobd at this sg.sion. | C oding th e l.ucky Boy, Sunset, T rea,- a r a d ^ o ! d o ra c f r i m i ^ i o n . 3 Notions, and Goods as Represented. W ‘ C A R M AN -nnv P P O P R IF T O » / FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCE gers of the Sun to be thoroughly ally* to S“ n*‘or De«** ? ’* d l,,lU 1,1 ‘>10 " re *?d 1,1 L« n . county, th e interests ol th a t portion of the state. 00n» T °‘:lio11 u t «''« ^ '» r a g u a canal by U 1» hard to dgterm iue tho iiu . at T he Hun should receive handsom e .u p - |io rt from the r t .id e p t . of Coo. county for tlii. bit of en erpriae. ' ------------------- ------ T he senate haa paw ed the house bills appropriating $17,501 annu ally for th e Vili vek«ity of Oregon, an ingpeaae cf »17,«to over tbe m easure in force, ami “ >• «<’*vr„...«nt. In b i. speech in fHV..r ~ m e p lace ,._______________ 1 *“ • l,b!*'d > bdl b* s" " ' ' " " The claim of o th er cough medicine« to U'e f o - ^ r u . t.on ol tb s N icaragua canal. ai> Ki>0<| rt(t c h a m tw H .ln ’. are effer-tu- which w ill be completed hi Mie n .$ t few ally set at rest in l».e following te-tim o- years, the necessity.,» an auxiliary fleet bi«) ol Mr. V. P . Ofa»-, an employe o i , and r m erchant m i arina wiil “ ■ ■■ »■ Dennis » r - r > p _ o ., .±— r-— ■ ». beco mo still A Oardlnt-r, Me. kept adding a ' " ’ tu a cold g reater.” ‘ He sa y s:' ') liad kejit The brew ert won th eir fight in the i1^ 7’ i ^ 1" ? i . cough medicine I heard of w ithout w ith- J25.000 aqni.ally for tb e H ate agr.cul- m nate flnanca com m ittee, and the oiit ,^ m -,n im t hWrf. until o „ , day I was tu rai collega. am ended revenue reduction bill, re- In Hie drug «Lire q f Mr. tlco leb an and ported to the senate by iinsniuiobi yote b* to try C luhiiberlslu’s _. . " ' 7 , .........., .. of th a t cummiUeo. cuts the tax on beer Y*,o'*d ’r •P 4 »«ffered to psiy beck The grpatast danger from colds and la ' ' , i,i7 m«.,-iey If I w a. u„l d ire d . Mv lung« grijqie is tbglr resulting In pneum onia. ’■’ »••• « b a rre l, winch was th e figure and hroncldei' tulwa were Very sore at * If rsaSoqahle cafe is used, how ever, a n d dem anded hy th e brew ers of the house th ls tiip e .b e ilw a k e o ib p le ie lv e iiim ltiv Zll.J. . , .!_• . 1 . remedy' tsk e n , s .11 . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . r ' O ln im t« J rU in ’s cough coininitlee, ami refused hy th a t comm it- Hus tahiedy, and hava since alw ayg' danger will he avoided. It k ill cure a tec, and defeated when ifered a s a n Hirned to it w h sn 'l got a cold, and toon cold of an attack of la grippe in lees tim e am endm ent on th e floor of th e house. *1 , , d I recommend it to my | |h « n sn y other trealm en t. I l is pleas­ .... . . , , , friends, and am glad to «ay tt ia (tie l« s t „ie.liclnes.” a n t and safe to lake. For sale by O . \V. 1 h e . Isiin is m ade for th e brewers liiat oí all For sale bv O. they have pueiMve assurances th at th e ! W. H ard. lu rd . tor. Ward’ Parties having Kcal Estate to sell w ill do well T H E W H IT E IS K|IXQ ! to ¡¡lace it on o’^ir list. A n yb od y d e s irin g to pus- Chase Real E state ¡S in- vite d to e xa m ine o u r lis t and see w h a t we have to offer. » JOHN C. DECK W . H. WEATHERSON, W . NICHOLS ? I F . r A bearings , like a bicycle, m ake tbe “ W H IT E ” the Easiest R unning ' M achine Made L - Beauty of finish, quality of m aterial, sleganca ol design, is in es. work nansbip, tiie sim plest, m ost com plete and « " t of attachm ents, easy payment»,' i>|,I n iach ib w t - k —■ in exchange, “tie i«.illi„n five hundred t bon sand eattsfisd user», th irty years of sundaes, courteous treat meat—wha more can you risk? W h i t e ” on tbe m arket. B,e5’c,M r,,n »»•>»•» and are Ik wh aa most d u ra l.l. ami bands»m a Call or write and let us jff»Va it, ' 'I'llIIE SETOG M B GO»?«!'. 300-30G Post street. San F raiicisco. Cal. I). ■I E tJ