W E S T “ Tzkc Í ¡ .m e PE RSO N A LS. M ARRIED. W ESTERN HOUSE W M . BILYND, Prop. A t the residence of the gronm ’H par­ L. I*. T allm an, of Meadow» was in Eu­ ents in F lorence, Sunday, w ascelebrated E v e ry th in g in connection w ith th e gene lowt week. Î V ' i s'.'.'.'ï tirr'^l sickness o orrli.^s yoa, th e nuptials of Mias In a Belinda to ------ “AT-------- H ouse is New and F irst-C lass. L. O. Johneon and family arc moving Joseph 1.. M otrin, l ’ov. Tliog. A. Yost .;%■« :?ui /¿«u' i ^ ' v , ig fia t nie». (-F lorence , L ank C ounty , O juegok .— i Io th eir ranch on Swcel creek. oilicinting. A large circle of friomla nml | S P liv I A L A T T E N T IO N TO \ rnxtic pxiy, Iks f'.-it 'V ;a n i£ 3 ; ¿ ..-are nr« relatives were present to congratulate Mra. E. E . M arr and .children - - - my - - - i iviod c.:s rrxrùfcsl, t&ks Food e Sc&seyi* , COHMESCIAL TRAVELLERS. 1 rilli ondyos g 'J . c x x j » w h.-xith *nd S'w ala «f Mi». K. A. Morgan this week th e young couple and bid them godspeed! * * * IV I L W E A T H E K S O N i probably saw: íéo'ous ¿Ieknsss, Be suit Misa Clam Sparling is confined to tier on the voyage of life. Tho bride is one r ite notice o f tho public is called to o u r new ppom with n severe attack of la grippe. nf tlie popular young people of Lake E d ito r an d P ro p rieto r. 1 /.a qct Hood’s, ccc.urx rfiff Misses Sophia and Ilester Nieolle oi creek, w here h er parents reside, while BATH ROOM M apleton visited Florence during the , th e groom is well known about F lorence! , w hore H o t and Cold B ath s m ay b o ' T ebmr ': $1.50 *l y ear In ndranco,----- us a young man of sterling worU, and I h a d a t an y tim e. * week. J H ave 0 1 i * r í tocl^ of 'm e w ays Ia n on II I! K enniston who form erly r< sided integ rity. Thu W est wishes them ail ■ E ntered a t th e poet-office a t Florence, l a n e county, Oregon, as second-chisa DIED. ¡a t M apleton, is visiting relatives ut happiness. K a i l m atter. Q inlity nml not Q uantity jicikt s D e­ Point T errace. A LPHA C L t?P !N C 3- W itt's L ittle E arly Misers fttvcli valuable E. A. and C. O. Benn. M. A. Nieolle Lottie Ora O ates, daughter 01 our es- aV E R T ialN Q BATKS MADE KNOWN ON av - i Utile live» [»ills. M eyer & Kyle. B y E ven C iiangk . j teem ed friend, H . O ates, ilied a t the ■ and C harlie Taylor camo to Florence on G ^ O C E ^ IE g, PLICATION. E ugene O ’Connell carries sam ples of the G irtie Monday. I family residence in Acme, Oregon, J a n ­ P e f.avnl Separators and repairs at th e j Jan u a ry 29, 1001. icnl notices 8 cents per line, each Insert Inn uary 25, 1901, aged 10 years and I m outh. ,, , „ ,, , , Chas. G ettys nml T. J . Neely arc al 1 Pioneer H ardware Store, M ais 1 he d, O% , , , , , , ,, , A ustin, wife and children arc She leaves a largo circle of sorrowing ’ ’ i Meadow this week building Imuses on I W i ■Torem:»?, O r., Kelmuin a 1, IODI. 1 S npt. Miller announces a tcach ei's ex- 1 th eir hom esteads. visiting a t A lpha and with friends on relatives and friends to m ourn her un- Gfoock am ination fur slate papers only, to he ' Bear creek. 1 tim ely d eath , among whom are a father, S. J. Seym our lias resigned his posi­ ★ ★ O r e e s G fo o c Js, 7 W E S T L IN G S . H oward Pope w ent Io E ugene last ! m etlier, brother and sister. T he burial held in Engi ne com m t neir.g on Wednes- ! tion us w atchm an at the governm ent day, F ebruary 13. The county exaniin- j works. A nother wntuhiiian will la! n |e week lo be appointed ndnuniatrator of took place in the Masonic cem etery, th e fiin'o-al services being conducted by A, The favorite cathartic is H ood's Pills, i alion will be held in April. liia b rother J im ’s estate pointed soon. ’ W. W ight, Sunday, A large num ber of Cut this out and take it to H u rd ’s J Mrs. W. E. W arren and children, for­ rm. Too Misses Maud and Mabel Miller of I friends were present to w itness the last --------------------------------- 1 = ^ ■ T he schooner N ettie Bnndherg is on d ru g sto re ami got a free sam ple of; merly of this place b u t now of M arielta, Chickahoirtiny arc over visiting Miss j rad rites, and extend to tlie saddened l i e way from San Francisco to th e Fiue- Ohatnliei Iain’s Stomach and Liver T ab -j W ash., aie visiting w ith friends a id E llin or H ale and other tricnds. hearts of the afflicted parents th eir d»ep 1 lets, th e lies! physic. They also care relatives in Florence. Kw. T here will be alm ost no logs put in on! sym pathy for 1 lie greatness of th e sorrow 'd iso rd ers of the slotnacli, hiiiotisness F. E. F rem ont has sued fur a divorce Kiley Bean, who with his wife and Deadwood and Lake cret k this year, ns wliich lias befallen them . nn his wife, Ju lia C. Frcinoiit. alleging ; and headache. daughter have been visiting a t MapDton parties wiio have lost m ost of th eir logs A petition is being circulated in F lo r­ during the fall and w inter, have r e - . by going to sea {¡ay th a t tho booms are r 7 sertion. I,. Bilyeu is attorney for REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ence calling upon th e city council to turned to th eir home in Portland. He inadequate to m eet th e dem and, and H ats & Caps, linliff. « Boots & L . m ake provisioh for a sidewalk on Main L», th at th e m ills, having a largo supply oi • stops the C o u g h a n d w o r k « oft* tlz c C o ld street, between Jeff-rson and Q u in ry ; will ,n t resinne his old position us express The W est Real E state offiee has bar­ 1 logs, are very in dependent, having paid on the N. P. K. It. L axative Lromo-Qiiinine T ablets cure a I streets. T his is a much needed itn- gains to otter in tlie following property. J. J. C av id v , Who w ith his father is $1 to many of the loggers, refuse to eon- id iti one day. No C ure no Pay. ; provem ent and shoulJ receive the a tte n ­ A good dw elling house, and black­ tract lor more th an $5 this year, mid it now proprietor of the M orris H otel, will •ice 25 cents. sm ith shop doing R good business in a tion nf the council iium udiately. reside on the farm near G ardiner. is a well known fact th a t only one man |T lie schooner Bella, which pailed from The stage rea l between Eugene ami Accompanied by his sister, Mis. Peter who logged a t M apleton on tidew ater, thriving town. Tlie ow ner desires to change ids locatiou. A fine opportunity ,ic Shishov on the 21st lilt., reached Sail . Mapleton is now in b elter eondi'ion 1 Cowan and ch ild ren , lie retu rn ed to his cleared any m oney, for tlie right m an. Price $850. rancisco 90- the 25lIi, four dnvs out ; most of tho way than it has usually been home Sunday. The A lpha saw m ill is ru nning right 160 acres of unim proved land on North ■0111 Florence. The Bella is among the at th is seacoii. Tho work which was W . II. Wo thereon, wife and family, along and is getting out a fine fruit drier Fork about ten miles from Ftorence is latest sailing vc-s ds on the coast, and done in th e past few years has improved ariived yesterday after a visit o f , two 16x30 feet 011 the tunnel process, tho otlvred for Baled. Near to county road. alw ays on tim e. it greatly, A new piece of road near Will, relatives in M innesota, lu n n els to be 30 feet long w ith the crates inak(j , gtouk runclu m onths s with Price ■ The me i e 1 reputation for coring W al’on poetntfice has ju st 1 ecu opened They find it a g reat c..ange from the o f fru it loaded on cars, which outer at ^ le s , sores ami skin diseases acquired for trav el. Some more work nhntild also keen, frosty air and mow of M innesota the lop green, passing through the hot! H30. he done between Meadow and M apleton. to tlie w arm , sunny w ealiier and green D eW itt’s W itch Hazel Salve, lias led 150 acres mostly lim be, land lying in air tunnels and em erging at the lower B the m aking of worthless counterfeits. This season there is a large death rate grass of O .egon. ; end ready for the m ark et. Mr. C has. ! section 13, tow nship, 13 soniti, range sure to get only D eW itt's Salve, among children from cro u p and lung About three acros cleared, Chris Jen sen , who was in Florence Pottorf, who lo.-t the bulk of his fruit west. ley er & Kyle. troubles. Prom pt action will save the last week, returned to Meadow Monday. lust season for lack of evaporating facili­ creek large enough*to float logs runs little ones from these terrib le diseases. Mr. Jensen has contracted inflam m atory ties, wishes to avoid the repetition of a through the laud. Price $550. Itin a rd : We mo informed th a t the A rm strong brothers, of P ortlan d , will We know of nothing so certain to give rheiiiiiatism to such an e x te n t th at tie is like loss n ext season. A tract of about 50 acres fronting on nfvn up a logging eam p on Lake creek instan t relief ns One M inute Cough C ure. | unable to.m ove w ithout great pain. H e Mr, W ebster, an old gentlem an who Ole ir lake throe niilos ao u th o f Florence. Bill will employ 100 men. They own It can also he relied upon in grippe and is stopping at tho residence of It. G. took a claim on the left fork of Dead­ A fair house and about five acres cleared. 20- acres on Nelson creek and th ere is all th ro at and lung troubles of adults. I Fowler. wood several years ago, has been in poor A good wagon read from tlie place to «■¡m ated to be about 100,003,009 feet on P leasan t In lake. Meyer A Kyle. The Florence dancing club will give a h ealth for souio tim e, amt living alone the Sinslaw river a t G lenada. A flue the tract. Messrs. Cassidv & Son arc now propri­ lie became sick, alien Joe and Andy place for a sum m er residence. Price club dance tomorrow evening. ■Wiugeiio O 'C onnell, M arshfield, O r., is etors of ti e Morris H otel, havii g taken Ai hesuii w ent up and c u t him some $500. The Ds Laval Separators have made n A n t for the D el,aval Cream Separator. charge of th at in stitution during th e A tract of a littlo over two acres of Coos a«“*!. » '“) m aking him com fortable in A | the spring will soon he on it may he past few days. T he fam ily of M r. Cas- poor farmers w ealthy dairym en in oilier ways. As Mr. W ebster did not bottom land between Florence and l a t h e interest oi intending purehasers tid y have moved op from the U m pqua ¡ county. th in k th u t lie was seriously ill he told Acme, lying on tidew ater near Rose Mrs. Sweet, th e evangelist, is holding | M k'oriespond witli Mr. O'Crjnmdl. The to take charge of th eir new duties. Tlie the boys th a t be could get a’ong all Hill cannery. A fuir house on tlie land. DS Laval has no equal fur d e a n skiin- hoiisj; will continue to cater to the public evening services at M apleton this week, 1 1 rigli., when they wont home, The next A line place for gardening or raising in th e sam e enterprising m anner ns which will continue unlit Sunday nig h t. day M r. F arm er and M r. Aclieson, Sr,, : sm all fruit. Price $200. nfliig and easy running. A handsom e new ‘ \\ liite sewing | 00j. |,jul food, and on going into ■ ). W. lf u rd , the druggist, wiil refund form erly, ard all m ay look for good 100 acres of land near C lear lake lying yili your ineney if you arc not satisfied tre a tm e n t at the I irik I s of th e pleasant i ,IIRC|,ino was receivod by tho W est the house found tho old gentlem an in ' i in section 11, tow nship 19 south, rung« T hursday and will he for sale nt a bod as he lutd retired, w ith lit* arm s 12 west. Price <250. alte r using C ham berlain's Stom ach and people who are now its po’gessers. R eg ister: I’einotistranees ag ain st bargain. Call ami take a look a t it. L iver r«b!els. They c o « disorders of ¡crossed peacefully over his breast, lying , 112 acres unim proved land lying on tl»e stom ach, biliousness, constipation Linn co u n ty ’s attem p ted confiscation of I The workmen have about completed peacefully in d eath . Tlie rem ains were I the m irth side of Clear lake 2Jy miles r a d headache. Pi ice, 25 cents. Samples a slim of L ane’s terra liinia were eiren- t| le removal of W in. K yle’s residence to removed lo the resilience of M r. Aclie- south of Florence. A good wagon road F lo r e n c e , O r»e{°n . l.ite l by prom inent citizens b ri lay and ,,ew q,lnrte is, where it is tuaking a ' go,, and prepared for Im ria1, and wern I rout it to the Sinslaw liver. Price $600. free. W l'ho Oregon legiplntnre is having a were enthusiastically signed. Geo. -V. 11........... 1 . 1 i,a ,u|g0ni0 addition to tlia t portion of interred ¡0 the D.-adwoo I cem etery last U rv interesting session nt Salem , upd 160 acres on upper N orth Fork, a Dyson, of the Lucky Bov m ines, who the city. ! Friday. Mr. W ebster was about Gif large part of it laittoni land. Will m ake mluiy niensnrcs of vital im portance to signed Linn co u n ty ’s petition through a R ich, W a rn , H ealth y blood is given ! ycais of age and came to tins pla,.e about a good home. Price $850. people are receiving its a tten tio n , m isrepresentation of facts, is now work­ by H ood’s Salsa partila, and thus it p ro­ th ree years ago from the E a st, w h ite he is year we have the most Intelligent 80 acres tim ber laud with creek large ing tooth anti nail to prevent tlie con­ tects the system freni colds, fevers, has a fauiilv. of legis-1 itors Oregon has been repie- ' enough to float logs running through tlie sum m ation of Linn co u n ty ’s plot'. pneum onia ami oth er diseases liist te.l with for m any years. We may GREENLEAF ITEM S. land ami into tide w ater. P rice $525. Coos Bay S itu: Two srow loads of q liekly overcome a weak and d ehidiatud k for the in a nm plislim unl of ipuch 138 aerne of laud at K 'uiirit, Oregon. rock were taken lo tho jetty , Tuesday, system. go< 1 at their hands. Jan u ary 28, 1001. A l ox ionise, good harn, uiul plenty of which com pletes IV. Jacobsen's original Supervisor L . B oring, of Meadow, is P R A N K B. W IL SO N , M anager, ^ w h e n threatened by Mias lleckie Ac hesou, of A lpha, is ; outbuildings on p rem ises; 6 acres 1 , ' contrnct with the governm ent for the busy a t work with a crew of meo repair- ||O|liO ¡.oai j.;llgKne oilier lung trouble, prom pt relief is delivery of 200,000 tons. orchnrd, 16 acres in coltivstion, Id Work was iiM essarv, as it is dangerous to delay. j commenced a year ago last October and 1 tog tlie damages to th e road caused by Misses Maud and May M iller have acres more clean'd lumf, nml 80 acres i the fiesliet recently. They expect to Wt wnuld suggest th a t One Minn luring th is period Mr. Jacobson lias have the road opened for team s this been visiting oti Deadwood creek tlie slash ed ; balance, hrosli nod tim ber O aigli Cure be taken as soon as iudica- gotten out th e largest, and finest rock laml. Price per acre, $10d0duwit. j past week. tra in of having taken cold are noticed. , ever delivered a t the jetty , averaging in week. For further inform ation inquire nt A m erry p arty of young people en­ W hen you w ant a physic th a t Is mild I r a n res quickly and its early use pre-! weigiit iietween four and five tons. joyed them selves last M onday evening The W itsr office, Florence, Oregon or I 1 and gentle, easy to tak a and pleasant in v ra ts consum ption. M eyer & Kyle. T here rem ains iietween $20,000 an n t the Aleuiasi residence. Tliuy s ayeil John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon, or m eeting of the citizens of Eugene $30,930 to be cxpendcfi in th e purchase ' effect use C h am b erlain 's iSlomacti amt un til d ay lig h t. W Nichols, E lm ira, Oregon. * » j • war- Vira ' •- “» / t ** ' Liver Tablets, t ’rice, 25 cents. Sam ples wife held in the court house to consider of rock and it is to he Imped th a t M r. | Tlie Carlyles killed a hear on OI •kit- free. Every Imx guaranteed. For sale t l i | erection of a new school building Jacobson will continue tlie work. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. We furry a Fine and ! hom iny truck week before last, fneir bv O. W. H crd. M fiuhiy evening. It was decided that G u ard : R obert Johnson of Corvallis dog drove brum out of a hollow tree, The O regonian says editorially : The itB a s the sense of tlie m eeting iloit the was in town Monday in the in teiv rt of A fine dairy farm nu M aple creek six Varied Stock M rs. Lucas W heeler has had enough coiitesl between Lilin and L ane counties lia ld io g be e re c te d ,'a n d a council tec th e Oregon A gricultural college. Thu | over territory, i t s m ight be expected, is of th e woo ls. After one w im tri.n Nel- miles Iroin F lorence is now offered for wri - selected ,0 form ulate plans and recom m endation of G overnor G eer t b n t ; n«|ke estim ates of the probable cost of tlie college lie divnled by a diversion o f ; being fought by AUiuny amt Eugene. s >11 i reell sl.e went lo ti e valli'y to spend «ale. I t contains 160 ncros, 35 of it bottom the building. A levy of four mills was part of th e funds to a sim ilar institution Linn county is working for annexation the present one. and now she Inis • 011- ami 30 acres have Ircen plowerl. pl the Blue K n e r mines. Tlie d is p u t-^ ln d e d to slay there nml the Nelson hind '« m ade for school purposes durin g tho to be located in E astern Oregou, n atu ; Can cut 35 tons of liny. A good two creek farm u.ay be vacant ug .in. an ts will now now appreciate th e causes y k rr. rally iifM'3 not take well with Corvallis 1 story itoiise 26 by .38 feet; a barn 41 by M r. am! Mrs. J . II. I-evar gave a d in ­ ,® h e greateet danger from colds an d la pe.’ple. They claim , and th eir conteu-i of the Boer war, 70 feet, with heavy fram e; a goal house grippe is th eir resulting in pneum onia. Lon seems well founded, th a t a division I Such litilo pilia as D eW itt’s L ittle ner to Mai ion W heeler amt wife ami 16 try 40 feel ; sn on hard of »front 600 ' Early Kisers are iery easily tak en , and M arion's parents on M arion's 2 ls t birth- I i reasonable care is used, how ever, and of the college at th e pieselit lim e a oil id trees of different kinds of fruit lias been Oil; inlierlain’« cough rem edy tak en , all result in tlie two financially crippled in ­ lin y are woiincrluiiy ilteetive in ilean s- day, Jan u a ry 2>)iIn The young couple bearing fur a year or two. dilig er will be avoided. I t will cure a stitu tio n s in the place of th e college th a t log the liver and bowels. MeyerpSt Kyle. had just get far enough out of their A water whoel of about 8 Itorso power The heauliful w eather of th e last three honeymoon of typhoid fever lo have r i f l or an attack of la grippe in less tim e is now a credit to the state. furnishes motive power at tlie barn for weeks st anils i.liin st w ithout a parallel ravenous appetites, and as the feast was. ilAn any other treatm en t. It is pleas- cu ttin g feed, sawing wood, cle. A nu m b er of th e popular young people It and safe to take. 01 sa e by O. . (ij Florence ure quite busily engaged at durifig th e last révérai years. W hile a good one it was severely punished. Tlie farm is mile fruiu school and Ird . the w inters of M estein Oregon a te in ­ Twelve-ycar-old W innie Miller, son of IX mile from a comity road. I present in preparing to give to tlie pub- variably mild uild pleasant, eelilom »lo 8. 8. Miller, of inlow , is a horse tam er, j Price $1600. ra te g is te r: C. W. Lyons was in from ! lie on the lUd of tins m onth a dram atic ! Wliltoii F riday. H e reports his hro’licr, play entitleil, “ Tlie T urn of th e Tide. we Have each an 'u n u su al num ber of Lucas W heeler, who tiad a cnynse th at ; A bargain for anybody w anting a Vii t LvoU", » ho had his leg lirokeu by From th e am ount of pteliininnry work, pleasuitl, sotieluny Uays us these nave efforts had been made in »(tin lo break farm . to sin Idle. M iller truded for the anim al » « aid e in iin- logging catnp about six and th e cartfu l train in g of tho incioheis , been in ml IW in te r.- For further iuformatlon inquire at the w lckx ago. nide ,« sit op. Several small of th is am aleiir com pany, Florence will | The Eugeiw G nard, coinnieiiting on a sh o rt tim e ago and Wiatnio h ss broken W tist office. pit es of lame have worked out of lt»e have a tre a t th a t will be well worth th e tlie action of a local co u rt 111 sending ii. T he third ti.n« lie rode it was last ^ (ik e n tm inber. H is »Inmlder s’ili sm all price to bo charged for adm ission, filtîfe teu-year ol.I Roscoe Wilson to the Tuesday, ami ho rode it over to Lake l.ers hint. Mr. Lynns came fo rg o t- T in- en tertain m en t is given for a w orthy rt lot in school, very sensibly tem ark s: creek. The erstw hile terro r seemed as A 8T O C K FARM- s . Lyons Bros, lost no log’ in the pur|>ose—lioit of securing an organ for ikWIiat m ust Ire tuougiit of p artn tal au­ gentle as u k itten w ith W innie nt tlie thority th at is m,1 si.lflcieltt lo control helm . recent freshet. tlie Elorcnce public schools. A good stock farm of 100 acres lyiug Sewell Webster, who took a homo- I on South sluugli is now offered lor sale. u ard : A son of H . S. Tilton of L t The inncli luiked uf English p srtiid g rs a ten year-old b»'}'*’ Yet y esterd ay ’s lley, whose home is four m iles ala 'e arrived in Albany Munday noon from G uard niaue n-fcti'.ioti oi a case w here slead on the loll fork of Deadwood eteek About half of It is bottom and tid e land, W e b u y direct from th e L a r g e st Job b in g H o u se s ter, was killetf T hursday by a lim b P orilaud, tw enty lour in all, in splendid tn e t»oy was likely to l e re n t to tl.e re­ a couple of years ago and has been living tlie tide land being already diked. A ¡ng and striking him on the bead, Condition. The weather being good they form school. A n f .rut school is needed alone there, was found dead in his lied new lions«, sn orchard of over 200 trees M anufacturers in tho cou n try, for C A S H , and w e are W ednesday m orning. H e was CO or 70 on tlie place, and about 600,000 foot of »0 the effects nf wliich he died in s w e rc a to r.e e taken to tlie m ini of Mr. foi not a lew puivhlH.” to g e t th e L o w e st P rloes, b e sid es a lw a y s b eta # rare o f obw 11» < ll! E A t.ILK IS ON* DAY years old i»n i ra th e r feeble. A lew days ^,,,,4 tim tier conveniently situateti for hour’ . H is father whs engaged in F atik Line", near K nox's B utte, ami Take 1. ixaiive Lfoiuo t j linttie Tabluls. previous 10 liis death romo of the neigh piling ilnwn a tree, nml just before it lib eraieJ. These are one of tlie fim st logging. Extensive out range. About ta in in g first-cla ss goods. W e are n ot p a y in g enormous, llie little fellow tem a' ked : "F apfl. game birds in tlie worn), and farm ers All druggists le fn o J th e m oney if they bora w ent op to see how the old man 15 head of cattle, u o a t of tlicm cows, 1 ever go far away when you cu t down and ip o rliiu en generally should assist in lail to cure. E . W. Gr'o'.e's ciguaturc is was, and found him lonfined to his with the land. I vie« $3,000, in cluding' e x p e n se s and w ill s e ll y o u good a a t reason ab le ratea. house and out of firewo<»l. They cut a stock. Inquire at tlie Florence Real mall tree like th a t.” He was atmiil protecting them until they gel a sla rt on each box. 23c. lot of wood and fixed Idm up ns coin- E state Agency. e years of age. C H U R CH SER V IC ES. here. Mr. Ediv'ii .Stotio is en titled to • I fi.rl.'.ble as they couid, ns ho refused to * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ’ersetis wild suffer from indigestion g reat cre«iit for securing so many for S abbath, F eb ru ary 8, no services in be removed from his cabin. W cdoes- not expect to live lore.’ , la cnuse they Liun cbt.nly, w liielt promises lo • ecotnc TO OUR PA TR O N S. not ent the food required to nourish th e h u m e is ’ paradise.—A lbany Demo- Acme. In Florence, preaching at II a. day m orning ho was f»>md dead, a p p a ‘- 111. titid 7 :39 p. ni. O ther services a t tho en tly liny ¡ng tiksuilied tlie prwitiou ho Ixslv and tlie products of tlie undi- tr a t. wished to be foun J in, lying stra ig h t 011 usuul hours. Wo have m ade arrangem ents r»« ted foods they eat poison 1lebin«»l Pepsin preparations often fail to relievo Ids b atk w ith iiis bands croa'-Wn as K sliu Dvs,a |«*ia Cnv-. f di -tore one evetiiug,” scya Wealey Nelson, th n t'is Kudo! I»;.Fpe| rhr C ute. It cure* tts w mt in i c ■» an l restores ad t i e th e H irsi cases of ;oil»g"Stinn ami giv 1 of H am ilton, G a., •‘and ho aaked me to FOR SALE fvklhe uig is lo per -cl 1 d 'b . in sta n t teliuf. fur i ligeats w hat you 1 ’ 7 Ghaiiitawrain'a Pain Balm for ri.eu- Wc need to purchase material for the Jev A K to. mn*isni with which I had «uttered foi a e»t. Mever A rivle uffire and fimi it necessary to ask nnr ----- — — ' Ling lim e. I told liiiu I had no faith in At a bargain: Mv seven-room dwell- »iiliscrlliers who aro owing us, to call * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * auy mt-ihciue a* tirey nil tailed. Hu said , ing with four lots fronting 230 feet on ri.uml uin! helo us out in th is mallwr. ‘ Well !' C hanilierlalii’* F ain Balm does tlie river in tilo n ad a. Hnueo lias, largq, well lighted rooms witli plasters«! and not help you, yon need not pay lor it.’ For b if a a ts a o it C hildren. I t, uk a liolile of it hom e and u scJ it pipn-ed wall«; fine view of ocean slid Blanks for Warranty Desda for safe Year patronage is always appreciated, sad no matter bow b Ki’ d Yea Hjve Ahiajs Ei.iight ) aero:ding to th» riireciiuu« and in one country f good spring w ater. Place cost at the WesT ofBna. HW ftll your pttiultaara, yea rosy rent assured it will beonre wees I «»a c u n d , »ud have n o te ir.e e $906— witt sell for $850 cash. Call on or lean the __ i:*n«tr-r« I» cn every b ; l-etu Doubled witii m e.im m 18111.” Hold address, Chas. K. L u o d , Point Terrace, The Ran Francisco Exaiiitusr sad the aim to rail you the best gooda obtainable at reasonable privet Tablets Laxative Bromo-Quii Or.'gon. bv U W. 11 nr J . Wksi uus Ycsr lor $2.60, m a tu re e i JEVUHY FRIDAY MOUSING— í r.c Forelock, METER & KYLE I — k- t j I I i B Gent’s Furnishing Goods» H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest ACME COnHERCIAL CO., a c m e , - - - ortH zooasr. General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, 3 Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, riuslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, g Groceries«, anA enabled We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. ICASTORiA [