senator.- and representatives, he was ld is a p p .¡n te d . lie got kind words in N a - plenty, hilt kind w inds do n o t n e c.-sa - A re prcpprcd from lure's m ild laxatives i n ( , while gentle are reliable and efficient. They R ouse //f e Lty&t* Cure SicT Headache, B il­ iousness,’ Sour Stomach and Constipation. Soln everywhere, 25c. per box. ’/repared bvC 1. Hood & Co.,Lowell,M .-■* u n i ta r y 2 3 , 1001. he b e tte r prepared to approach the que’s- ■■■■♦ - lions (p u rely local im p . tupea to (lie Queen Viutoriu in »lead, having passed Mate. la th.s »•>,,,uegUmi 1 desire to away Tuesday, jaitniw y £2 I, at th# ii| e earnestly urge u|x>n you tii . ttnoues- old age of SI years, 7 iiM.ntha ami 29 Loned nee,* :ity o passing a ' resolution ,d»J», having r»'i.gne,I over E uglan.l cahi up n congress to call a conven­ nearly Cl years. in her D nilh the tion for the purpose of sn - m i't i r / an world mourns, the greatest so/eie.go ' U .dn.ent t th e nath naP coiistitutiou f ' ’nitqd known Io history. providing for tin? election • — — - — —-1-» FIRST RALLCG FOR 0 . S L tSA TO R ... I ■< ' ' - At 12 o'clock Tuesday both houses of th(! legislature held SfpnraO I. a llo ts fo. |tb e election, of a bnited. Ciales hviiator to succeed opiiicr Geo. \\ . McBride, • T T A ’t Kt.V f i t “ E m in e n t Kidney and B la d d e r Specialist. The Great White Store, In »1». «•oiuiiy Court of tlie StMiu uf Oregon for lb»- c • oily of l.aj,n«-. Ia t!ie m atter of th e extute of A nna rilv m ean votes in a n o m in atin g conven­ Funk«*, d* tion to he held nearly four years Fence. T" K Fi nk* , A. F. Funk«* and A. O. F unk« 1.ud ull oth ‘f pH sons in terested —GKFKTINO: T h at the H arleigh s u b s titu te fur the i .' THE NAME O F T H E STATE OF OKKU*»N census com m ittee s reapportion merit hid • You :ir»* hereby cit 1 «loj required to ftppdtar represented th e popular sice of th e <|ues- in tin- Couuly <’•» ift < f th e Htatc of Oregon for lhe County 1 J am* ut the Court Room thereof, tii.n was proven very isoBelu.iively. It at E ; . in the C ounty of lam e, on Monday, pa-sed the house h; a m ajority of 63 and I the I’. ui> oi February, 1W1. a t 10 o ’cluyk in the 1. noon i f th a t day, then an I there to the senate w ilt.out a division. T h e sen­ .ho.. *ii u f - ii any you have why an tiTder should ate census com m ittee paid th e m inority not iM-.o uh- d irecting the a d m in istra to r of xaid e-tute to -ell the real property thereof for the of thedionse eeneus cotnniiitee th e unit • p. nient ef « luims a gainst •»aid (Mtute »ud ex p. .-1 f u lniiiii.-irrttion. said estate is described »»I com plim ent, of adopting its rep o rt in t a c i u L . l ot N um ber Two <2) in Block Sum il,Vur of ,h e 1,,,rle'« ,‘ hill as its own, The Disco? of Sv.üúi.í-Rsof At Work I I , .. ; J in Cox’« ad d itio n to Florence, and His Label - ,4 1. 1?nuiuo»-ied one (I) and tw o (2), in section » d h c iit a cluing T h e hill i j now in There Is a. disease p/e’. ailing in this ! iv. L-nty ihr-e Tp 17 8, R Id W, containing the hands ol the P resident aud a ¡1 l a signed a t cnee, . , . e n ato r H o a r's ol .cation to th e arm v iw>rganiza)ion bill differs from th a t put (orw ard by the m inority oi the senate, u °l'P OHk*H giving th e president the xiiie ol the arm y. tat ? ; s 'n a to r s 1 y a direct vote of the pn e r to regulate people. Article., of t);e f in s titu tio n of M/. H oar frankly stated th a t if the ques­ the V nited s ta te s provides th a t o n th e tion of giving the pieuidout a u th o rity to application pf two th u d s ot the ctat ç, determ in e when tin .-e e u la r arm y ahouid coQgiass shell call a couvéntA .i lor jito be ôJ.UX» ur when '100,000 strong were the only one involved, he w ou;d vote for posing am endm ents. ” i ‘f the f is h e jta ayd bsh h a tc h o u es he the bill, b.:c;.i;a., Jiôf did nqt' n 'g a r I ail observes- “ For m any years the salm on an arm y of lOO'OOO, wh ch was as high industry has been one of the leading i n ­ as «Î coi hl be nc.iUe, its a m enace to lib­ country most dar. 'trous because so decep- five. Jdr ny su d ^ n deaths are caused by j't—heart* disease, prjpumoria, h?art f- ¡lure or apoplexy are often the result of k/Jney * S(^ se . If kidney tr-.-ible is allowed'to ad­ vance the kidney poucned blood will attack ’.he vital organs, or tlife kidney's thomselvei . break down and waste aw ly cell by ceil. Then the richness of the tic }d—the albumen — leaks out ai d the* suffOiCr has Bright’s Oiaeakk’, the worst forrp o f kidney trouble D r. Kiluiei s S w a m p -R o o t the new dis­ covery is the true spe-ifid tor kidney, bladder and ur ifjai /. ji oflble/. 1: luia cured thousands •of apt at etit !y .hopeless cases, ajher all Oilier ifforf? tailed. At druggies in fifty-cent r« have failed. -and dollar A sample Little rent free by mail, also a book telling ^bout Swamp- 'Roct and Its wonderful cures /Kddress Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, U. V. and .‘mention paper. v Is Ott'ei'ivg Except ¡oliali'. E inc B a rg a in s in I From Chi Ihren s to M en s Sizes. A. 1». lA>0. Arrc-vi : E. V. LEE, Clerk [SEAL.! The Oregon legislature, which <• ,n veittfd January 15, proceeded w ith the JjutnneBH of the eueeioii ih h very c re d ita ­ ble and biisinesH-like m an n e r. In the JtotiMC prom ptly n t 10 a. in. A. (■'. Je n - syheek, ,1. id murvelouH th a t any ever escape to reach the h a tch eries am .r lla n n n has .1 1 " 1,. n. 1 »* .1 . • « »„rplii» 1.. lb .-tre a su ry nt I Inn Hi i I imiu ,! ,,f the ,to ry |in „ ., v, . q ,|, ,„ni .¡Hgi> „ ,.3,,|.> ■ i-slr.l ir. a i aipany npt line in guy way. Itatrlu-rliH are of U m atilla wan elected apeuker. ( ua.elpBu unlpiiu m inion are nlloiicd I . T he «eiip.te. begmi ila. wm l; ut II 11. m. reg.^b tliim i. U n d er th e new I w the 1 a d wna called to order by Vumyircii id 1 cqmmiHsipn erected n l,¡.lcbm y p;i the and T eller. authorized a pub- ,1 . •« t'.mt l,c was , „ i c - «llivli. had given given orders for the construction of colliers, to ''o used bi shipping coni Io E urope, fast ennusti Io cuuBlu them Io purticipul« in the bountipu n.-oviiled in H ip aliip gtib- J f e k io n county, and J . T. W illi?n(a of Ul.k ,,ni,)R ¡n t be «um m er aidy bili, und Again s'lalpil Hint hie only Crook and WV .;o wua, m ude I in por.u y (lf , HU1, i wi|1| ., ,.Ht(.|lil|g c;l¡J.H J,y of , int-rpHl in H ip bill :» th a t of n citizpii chairm an, At flip afternoon a»a»ipn flip a en ate proceeded wi.l» p erm a n en t or yaniliisil/i) by electing, G. \Y. 1 niton pf O lataop county ns. prvsidvnt. i . jMorehea l w*aa tn;ulo chief clerk ; G ra n t, sista n t, r.nio bebeyuj In .t it will Ijelp ibe Ainer- ¿..Jm .11 r aching tb it point I iiir i,,ien • icaji m a.u lin n t'm arin e. euugfir fb i,n u tp u l bua n „ p in e ith e r year No casca have been argued before the reached 3,PilQ,(RM try. O ther liati beries ' lilted ; latea suprcpie court for years have Been ereete I : I so all n li.ueve. th a t h a w a llrae lcd such general uttiui- Ji.i.ue was any prospect fin* a ru n of sal* lion as has been given. Io those b o o h i n g I ,non, but none ;i( (hem lias produce., tb a c o nstitutionality of th e colonial pel- i the „ in p u t Ih. t was e x p e d id . V,« Lavé icy of th e present iidneiiijslration. m oie h..tgjw', ics now Ilian llsli. In hm m essage to the Oregon leg.ala tu sc tho governor iiuikei inmiy palieut pointe and rceoiiiincii.Is th e eiiai tu io it WASHINGTON LETTER. ipajivjnir.ortjtDLnnTiBnn'.a «',|ue|i wdl ■'hnoM in n be ol vasl benefil to th e pi e. of the In addition to the im p o rta n , ■ of thy cases Un*, in , I g, y ln.-li, ,.*,oind , have necessa­ rily a ttrac ted a tte n tio n , is (he gossip j a'.iributing a personal in te re s t on the in*.,ci. ,n •K KL.- u g N 1*L.\ » p a rt o*. ,»11 cx-.J’resident i n . securing a I decision against tho a d m in istratio n , Buwycrs say th a t counsel on both sides qtate. T he lpcssiige is strong, clear and W .ism soto », J a n . I I, 1901, concise, and possesses the m erit of going T he se n a te I nlay begun a n o th e r week made bout every possible point in favor to th e very font of tho m a tle r in hand. of the arm y i*eqi;^i|niz;iiioii bill.hul,'6 of ti,» ,r co'oieut.oii. How soon the Am ong the topics of m ost general in lc .r are signs in sight of the early passage of ; collrt w jl| ruftch (,own its de- i* l tp th o public art. the follow ing. the b ill. ” eanwl.i!e ,'cretury Eoot is , cisión no one knows, but tjie ingporlanee “ In cheerful oln-dicneo to th is man m lting tm phis r= the saving in, ! of the ras« m » lu s it n.ipkcly th a t th ere : d ate, I feel disposed fit say th. t by ia th e n ip s t in ip o rta n i quysti m. |h a t wall p re se n t itijyli for your eonsiueratjoi. d u rin g tho session jgid opening in tho l.,'m*..*t,w,,i,t „ ta il the bid b e co m es« law before carrying ont, anv of liis plans ccuirerniug flu* volimly; r.: ir. Hi;* I'hili| ’ pipes T h e ir lulu he.’ u s.», n.i«*h criti- one involxiug the .form ulation a n d ptui- ci a i o i liu pi c.uncc o. Gen. Miles oi; sage of a m easure wliicli will sccnrc the the Door pi the senate, lobbying for Ihu uniform assessm ent and tax atio n of tin* arm y bill, that tl;e v. a.* d e p a rtm e n t has will he any unnecessary delay, T he senate as a: yule, stan d s by its , com m itlaoa, but i y the close vote of 21 N uticeis given th a t th? fo. »wing- to ,2 it overruled th e m ilita ry com m ittee and i.oidi'il an uincndiiieut to tlio arm y bill ¡Hf bonw iig th e ap p o in tm en t uf vol- untvei uibcerg o. proved ftn e s s to th e pro p erly of the st He. Sect.on i of a rti- m ad: ,mbbc a d a fe m e m saying th a t Ih. grade o( , . j;, , |ie riMflUar ftriHy j(S c>s IX of (ha Gouatilutioli of Oregon de- only reason for th e presence of G en. „ , || as to the g.ades of first and second »larva th a t 'th e l.egislalive \asem lily Miles in the senate w s to try to secure lieu ten an t aliall provide by law lor unit, rin and an aineiidui. i,t tp l|m bill, to pay n i l --------------------------- equal ra le of assesa«iciit and tax a tio n ,' vulunlci r e in the P hilip p in es w lie w i" * H e ' i \M , d * * ¡ 0 0 . Dul it ia w ithin th e knowledge ol every in tho re g u la r iifiiiy a .b oguly e itiic n of Ibe state that .¡uile the reverse nt »Ikkt cacti, about the am ount it will nljtbis tfoiuldton prevail^, and tin* neeea cost io bring each soldier home from Urn. aity lor certain action by thia legislature I Io ippiji *ij and sen, an Uher to lake ia as gejict*i»'ly, adm itted as the l;pou*l* bis place. 1 edge of existing conditions is u u lc sp re ad .” 1 he P resident is now convalescent • «'t,n his -uiia.k »J the grip, and die H e urges th a t provision he m ade for scare, for which there» w s a t no tim e th e investment^ oj ( uik I h a rrising from any reason, is over. i,|js atta ck w a x r. the salo of public school lands ;gry uiild < ne o i i ,d Jia*, any ordi t T he recag/iiuon o( th ? Indian wa, iii'y m an would not.’ have I ben vent to vettrai s by congress was spoken of a« he.l b • a »loeti r, wouhl |>r»)hnh|y not f9llo w .: -'T here ia na m o ,e .11 .g ra n t ' have hi. I ,.*t, r n ? ,,!l, but when the r^ae of ingiHlitUilc t.liiiu Hint aliow tf by ' r, • ;,.l the ti*,gi r unit,., all »,tl,v ' th e generi,! governm ent tow ard tin mhluiii gt-ia rattle,! Sooi.. « , i . * , I 1, ■ Ip d ian war \ele¿.in» ot, t | u j , \o r ( liw ,- ni XIIIII HU |.riN„ loiN I.»',’II eaiiNfil hv till i ...,.* i i i . . . 1 acitic coaat, ~ » lip uticriilahly |>vrforiui' prMopgittinti ol the D, hate on the giver, fueli a leading p art in w reating Ihitr t H u m in »1 toll;» •!* ,’p r nil,* , i . . i n ,» thftl it Fans to unw . ."»»'ini For list òf testiiunnhiH , A dd.ess, F »I Cheney À Co., Toledo, U »s «>hl by tingisi I L i L ' h faiiiiix* Pills are th e b e st. iects are not included, by attacking the Tho m ost soolliitig, healing Ai.d a m . 'nil r n he ealUxl debi !■?. i .uteral soptic application ever devisvd is J>V- d ,h a te the hill ra m i t„ n n u i d t h i j U n i « W iteh H a.ei Salvo. lt iclievcs al uftiruoou and il m i. un- will ì*< ak O,HF <’u,ei‘ pilcs, »(nes. e< zema and «kin disease«. IL-ware of imitationu* •nee p.i-secl, Me ver à Kvle. The enterprise of th e e?rly bird after a«»rms ba« be- n di omjU J by Mr. Bird OCA' OHI OF AN InCREAtE OF . . < «'h r, who h .« come to W ashington FfcNJIÖB. nt the «lent.viatic A M exican war v i'leian ami prom inent avnw,dly in searcli of Of tho election of a nited on :*r.'NÌd»*iit al nom i., t i i l i n Ukit for ilo n . ed ito r w iile s. “ Seeing th e a d v e rtise ­ ■tor be savs; ‘‘Among the first and cm* i .ayid II. liiti, ..f. Ne» York. Tilinga m ent Í (.'har.iberlaiii N Colie, Choierg oi tl,e im p o rta n t d u tie s confronting vo„ „.,* , |,e „ e .o m p i,.bed |,v gel ing t u t of “i"'' « ‘•," « '1' *. 1 ..... 'J,-"1, * 1 ' >*■' *‘* - ' u lloit »a a aol.lier m M e:,, o m I',* ami '4- w ill be th e elecliyu a ¿emit * of the beaten p.ul.9, and it may L e th a l this I contracted M extfan d n rrlm e n and this L, m ted »States fur the SoSuing six years, ummual bit of political previousness may rem edy lias kept me from getting an in- If il Io be liope<| tlia( Jt'll will, w ithout get Mr. 11,11 w hat be nt allei*. At any cri'1’8’' l * n » i « m for on e v e rv re - ujinecessary ileiffy, llltift; U|«m som e eit- tale , it ia g iv in g I b e p o litic i tua some- 1,1 3 '*'” <• >’« >« restores m e. It fs , . ,, i .. i i , . o i . , / , . ,m e, 1*1 ailed ns a itiliek elite for diarrh o c i iten ol the slu ts well qualitie,l to dis- Hong Io talk about. Il Mr. ( a e r e i - , , . * ’ * and h pleasaat and safe to take. For barge lit« d u tie s of tlie office, and t h u s p e e l e d Io n eeive ple*lg, soi itppurl from 4 , » \\ H ard ( MV ST BE SEI \ TO BE A P E R E C I ATE1) ). New lot of Dress Triiiiiiiings, in the latest shades and hinds J U S T OPE W h ite a n d B ro ca d ed S ilk H a n d k e rc h ie fs . Large L ibs o f Underwear • - W . It. W E A T H E R S O X P o liil t e r r a c e , Or. These are a fey. of the many new things. Wh ite Store tor everything, ' ^ o w .0. W. HUKI). A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORISI 's. - V. ♦ •• a . . ★ Groceries ★ and * Notions» FLORENCE MEAT fJARKET, - ' -- - • * . » .........Just Ooened. Goods as Reoresented. J. W. CARM AN P R O P R lF T fiP i ar2ôl feowrj. . ” ■ £ot place if on o u r Us,-. Anybody desiring to p u r chase Real Estate is in-. vited to exam ine our lis t and see w hat we have to offer. . JOHN C. DECK W . H. W EATHERSON, W NICHO I S O i ’ îsi Î è ), r s E lm ira, Or 1 » » Loci^bL and çoLI or Call at the Great • •• • W . NICHOI.S. F lo re n c e . Ot f AE>«I?, eim hci- . Mis es and Children. Drv Goods, > lA tn m l. for both old and young, consisting o f Children's Waists, liuion Suits fo r Ladies, C In th e bay of Plenty. New Zealand, NOT IGF FOR PG R I.IG A T; Is one o f tin* in*>t e .\lin o rd in ary J»8 t ! lo n o s in th e world. It is called W hite I I.nn«l Office a t lloschurc, Oregon, fshifwi aii)ence up«»n and cu ltiv a tio n • • foi. e and liaise. W ith care a boat can of «aid land, viz: Stephen Khruiti, A nthony Shu»<< r, Thom as' b*‘ on.iguLt'd on the lake. T he sul{«bm* Jenson mid Simon K itali c, all ot- Lake Pre from W hite island is very p u r,, lmt chief, Oregon little effort has )« t been m ade to pro­ J. T. B ridgkh , c u re it system atically. Register N ED . E le g u i t L in e o f L A D I E S ’ a n d O E N T ’S N E C K W E A R , L ace. ItrnnTifne: n Derby lint. IO IIN C BECK. H ave LAUGE ASSORTMENT OR I,ADIES’ BELTS n.'Oiii .l settN i Inis tiled t.ufieeol* lu* i-iltvntion P A C IF IC O D D F E L L O W ¿tome men will buy tw o or three black derby h a ts a season, and these A m onthly m agazine published in w ill a lw ay s look ru sty ami old. ua>t of hui ’ i'i pirt»-: sa g a c ik tSli, ,.„1,,;; ih - i , c a rrie r pigeon. In ils li.H ianv ii d Ill-lit a f te r an absence of b!» m onths. nee Ibe Hon. II R. K incaid, Judge of the (duuCv C ourt of the State of Oregon fo r. the County oi Lane, w ith tint seal of said Court aitixed, thia'Jifth day Oi December, to uiak tiiiul proof in support of his via ni, amt Unit su. i pioof will be uiade before F. 1!. Rog , ers, I.’ h (.'^jniu.ssiouer, aUUardinor Ory^cn, qu Mu:vh 1C, 1-A‘l. viz: F rau d « J. Cassidy, oil H. E terests of th e sta te , but all efforts to stay e rty . ft ¡3 only because of th«.. intended No. 9021, for the nv.11 of sw *, sec 8; s*:i m-C, A W m i i l e r f u l ltir « l. Ope the w indow , of P sHid atrick Cowan, Jo h n Leach, Jo h n and •.•-s used for catching •»- from the ing an am en d m en t proykUug th a t no w as opened am i In am tie m om ent , ( un vf G ardiner, Oregon.* THE LEGISLATURE ’ i ulies', Misses' iiik J Gents’ Mack intoshes and Jinbbcr Boots, .with t|io following r e s u l t . . Senate—MyLiridt* 10, O nrliett 8, . mitli (fqsiun) 2, H prniann. 2, T aylor 1, Wil- Jbims 1, ab sen t end not voting 1. I H o u se-rU o rb ctt 20, S m ith iu«ion)20, H e rm an n t>, M cBride 0, F ulton 1, Moore J , W illiam s 1, George I, a b se n t 1. • .. ” ’ v * BALL B E A K !N G <, like a bieycJc, m ak e th e ‘•W H IT E ” th e E asiest R u n n in g M u e lijia M a4e' B naotv of linish, quality of m ateria!, elegan.-e of design Hie tiuest w orkm niiship. flic sim p ,e -t, m ost r inigilete «nd b w t of a lta e b m e n ts. easy paym ents, ol 1 iiiacouies tak e n in exchange, one miili. it liv e In,m ired th o u san d satisfied Users, th irty y e ar- of sue»ess, v.,uiIcons tre a tm e n t—w list m ore can you n sk 7 . . . , * »V<7 t-| 1 4 -rx ’ ’ B ioyrles rn n lig h te r a r d a te f t ’ F ■ I « » v. rni***t D* r I ID# at* .J bands, -ole W be« . on the m ark et, «.'all ur w rite a n d let us j rove it. 300-3.if, Post street, San I’niucLsi-o, Cal. B D. F a ix e , D? tier in Lite S.- v L t j M i :’i’ i * -, E t¿ - 1 ?, a Orti «