The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, January 18, 1901, Image 2

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    T H B -V 7 E S T .
. . .
•• -
— PCBL: í B¿3 272ÄT FXTC^T MwXJn.’U .—
• •
Lx.-« U uu . v t t ,
¿ ' ft.
Headache, Biliousness,
Heartburn, ‘
Indigestion, Dizziness,
. fcr • w
indicate that your live*
1» out of order. The
b‘ »t .ncdtc'.n“ to roa>:
tue JlVir utiJ err« all
» If!»,' It found til
• ’•
” «
• • .
• •• L ü i t o í -And. • P tu p r ie tu r .
Florence, Or,. January
1 8 ,
r - i- .- v .c
o oc n
Id by"all medicine dcalori:
' WA’ ffINC TON ,1 f t TER.
1 9 'J . . j
' F k ..'. 0 »
R i t . t .
Your Kidneys,
, . .
( / u r ?..: i fo n d e k t
uialisrq will aween tlifougl, thy U nited
Stutes. W hen th a t day tom es. B ryan
will lie tile great socialist lea ler. H e
will h ave followers i r o n th e rcpubl can
As one exam plo of w hat S en ato r Mt-
as well us. the dem ocratic and p o ju lis t
W akh VQTON, J its . 7, KOI.
B nde has accom plished for U r?got « T h t extraordinary period o: good, w ill, parties, And if hard tu n es should ccm e,
rivers and bnrbora ws vv.ah to call the which bvi^in at, this session of Congress arousing envy and
jealousy, X^ryan
H a tte n tio n of our readers to tbe «♦•Scpd
and lasted. o»tU the holiday recess, bn» j would be a dangerous candidate.
record ns set out below in connection
..w ith the river mid, harbor fc.ll io{ 18$-<
g0Iia glim m ering in to th e liinho of the in m y judgm ent, is to be B ryan's future
R epresentative Littlipliold, of —to become the g reat socie.islic leader
T liis,
T he etateinent gives jb e am oant^oi | j/a in e , w ho.lias tin, knack of creating ' in tb e U nited S tates.” ,
money appropriated by the hou^e. a n d furore every tim e he speaks, got in to • I Prof. F. II. Bursons, of Boston, pre-
the am ount as the kfili. P<’ja»*<l the se n - i [jerjK>)5l0 pltefcatinn
R epryaent^tivG
argum ent liefcre the in d u stria l
«,*.!*• Iff KTt‘r y instance ^bese m»end-1 Uopbirut, of Illinois, au tlio r of th e com-1 coiiiiuiamou jji favor of governm ent
m e n u were imide
t.-O -.
Is n j l f r i n i r E x c e p tio n a lly F in e B a rg a in s in
7Í..T00 tors owing to tho refusal of the 1
From Cliilhren’s to Men’s Sizes.
In Fascinators and Children’s Hoods We
Something New for This Season.
by all drugg. its In fifty-
cSnt and on^dollar 'l i ­
es; You may have
54rr‘Ple bc.tle by « a ll l Office, Roseburg, Oregon.
January 12, 1901.
Notice is hereby
given --------------
th a t th e following
------ ---------
nam ed svttier haa fibul notice of his in ten tio n
to make tinul proof in support of his cla in, and
th a t nm id proof will he mad* befom F. II. Kog I
ers, U. 8. G'ouinaivsiouer, ut G ardiuer Oregon, on :
M arch 16,1901, viz: Francis J. Cassidy, <ht II. E
No. 9021, for the nw*4 of aw}% sec K; s’^ neL^.
nek; »¿>4 see 7, tp 20 south, range 10 west
He names the follow ing w itnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon a u l c u ltiv a tio n ;
of Rlild laud, viz:
Putrick Cowan, John Leach, John Juice and
U'.igh Cassidy, till of Gardiner, Oregon.
S e c t o r >V--3ride, m lttee re ap p rb io rm te n t bill, v hich wil' j ow nership of ail tran sp o rta tio n fuebitivs
Homo of s«.mi.Roo<
ire \ ah$rj>a»nphl<\ eMing y o u how to find
c °ni * j M aine's re p re ie p ta tiy e i hy q i ^ , ; and, yi fact, ok all public «Utilities» l ie out If you have kidney or bladdeff trouble.
I and lb?y paHied miqu epithet» ae
said railroads had reduced throtiicli ty-'^io n th is paper when writing Dr. Kihyief
Btaitfumton, H. Y. /
HOUSK. ICXATC. h ;n ’#r
logger*' nhd “ t:
w hile actin# ! r»te»t but th a t there had been rcm reely ! - a _ ____ .
___ _____________
■ Jittjrforin g Tillauujnk
1 17.000» ft 25,000 1 S.OQO .Speakei Onlzeij, raj)j>ed for prder ^.«d any réduction Li local ratou du rin g th e
bay aud bar
Mouth c i Situtlaw .
I the liouae uproariously ap p la u d ed qr huit th irty yearf.
IinproU nff'‘Utrauc» n»
l.'«0,009 150,000 jeered. Mr. Littlefield favors th e Buf-
F 'oo«ht y an d harbor
m ajority of th e house allowed th e ir , F irst steam ship lor O ipe Nome and
Jiuprovtyg uppec <’o-
1 (Jape York will sail from S eattle, May
01 sym pathy w ith tlie race d is c u s - 1 ‘
'iiUibhft river
10. 1 his will he a large ship wit^i a
i]iupr*tv«went of Coos
tioti of uo sta te and which is H ying the «io», tlm t liegun no soon
K epreaem n- freight capacity < t 1B00 tops and pas­
vU»r ■ . .i.............
. J 9
r UK)
CanalalCaaPuduM ....
100,000 Mt, nu eonim ltlee bill, a jiaril, fijjht. As n s j O lnittegd, of B cnnsylvania, seriously Henger nccoiniundationg t e 200.
' *
lu ip n n in e < olum hiu
party question is icvojve^l, th a ileb atj trieij to push hip resolution providing 'Sti-s and fu rth er inform ation call or on
t r lw r nt Throe Mile
will (intinue in th e ht>u e u n til a iu a jo r- fur an investigation of th e Restriction of “JJ.ress.
rapidMiwnd conatru«-
, tl<»o oft ixxat lallw ay
ity 04-dep the preyiouu
prey,iuuu qiiestiyn.
q u estio n . The the suftri'ge In Southern sta te s befor-
11 J I c M v r p iiiì
from foot» nJ >UaUn4
Ager.t N orthern Fnchìc. E ngine.
H, su p p o rty s of hath bills are epiiungg e. disposing oi th» re a p p o rtlo n n ie n ; bill,
i Vc.nd OÍü it-e, ui it ^ebuiv#O regon,
rapid« to G rillo fnJla
Jan u ary 12, 1901.
UuptfuviuK bowMrWU
! m ajority, b u t It is ijpt clear a t th is tiute by votir^r tp sen^i the resolution ta com-
1 m mu tie in. front uf
, N otice is hcrel.y given th a t th follow ing
! nilttpe, to die. T he leaders on both
1 and t*elow For tin mt
'tu m o ri setti -r lui» tiled notice of itis intcioiou
T he old, old question of th e respective
were tigken by surprise, mid helped
tbo troublesom e question q u t o.
•::;tooo power cjt tlie executive and , legis-I to
M XW) lative branches of tliq g o v e r n o ^ t has j !•>« Wl,y »'» apeedily ns possible,
. caused , strain ed relalionu betw een tlie
3» TOO i adm inistration and
n u m b er of se.aa-j
Ladies’, Misses’ and Gents’ Mack­
intoshes and Rubber Boots,
u s to n eglected , paym ent of claim » a gainst said v&tate and ex
hwnev tro •*£?*.
pe.ij»e of a d m uiL tm tion. said eatutn is du.-u.ri bed
Kidney trouble causes quick cr unsteady ( u„ follows
lx>t N um ber Two (2) iu Block N’uin
heart beats, and makes one feel as though , fcr‘ 2
they bad heart troubb, because ths heart Is u „ a .iuibvred
two (2)> in
over-working ,n pumping tlu.k, k.d n .y -, t
three ,J»), Tp K s. R i„ w, ,,,i,tu..,.„s
poisoned blood through veins and, I „
Itn scd to be considered that only urinary
SE. . lb(.
K incaid, Judge of the
troubles were to be traced io the kidneys,
C ounty C'uurt of th e State of Oregon for
but Mow modern science proves that nearly
th»-< ounty of Lane, w ith the seal of said
all constitutional diseases have their begin­
Court nttixifd, tù ia 29th day of I;*eeuii>.-i.
ning in kidney Rouble.
A b UN*
li you are sick you can make no mistake
A iT E 'f E U f.EE, Clerk.
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
R w a m p -R o o t, the great kidney remedy Is
( soon realized. It r ands the highest for its
^nd fs3o1d<ondts°iTie>
d t r '° U
ca!>es N O T I C E
m a m em ber o( th e com m ittee
in e rc e .
a n d O o lu in h la below
P o rtlan d : .......
100, M,
Iraprwving Jx iiu Tom
Improviikg Coquille
•C^ftOO ' <0,000
r Jin proving C kitskaeio
Im proving upper Go-
qulUa fiver
rim proving Columbia
In iuw Tongue P oint
T h e G r e a t W h ite S to re ,
Hootl’s P ills
K e r tta .
" R rj au is nr. hi i • m an will. tr.ucli mag-
■* C Í T A T E .
Vs a r k W e a k e n «
n etic r a d m ental form- r.n'J bi- i > a lw a )■>
the County Court of th - 3 u ir c i
c ertain to have a fol.o « inx of se tae tnag-
; fo rth « C ounty oi Lan-.
Second «!. m ere yoi.t -,■,.. HrJie.Mthy Sidneys Make Impure Blood
la th* matter wi the e d ite A Anna >*fthik‘a
. ___ __ .
* f u r La, tl*cen»r«J
Deiudr, however, B ryan i« a «ooiaiiat
*'■ A ^'-u A F r.-ih* and A 0 FuUa
| .'..nyonn who baa studied th e grow th of I Af! the blood In your body pa«?s through I and "u a.»
O tL« j.-«sr» >n : inter, itwd -GKiEpiNC
your kidneys once every three minutes.
The kidneys are your i THE N a ME OF THE STATE OF OREG ON,
socialism :n E urope, ) ik « s e e n i t take
blood purifiers, they fil-
Yuu an* b» r*b.. < ‘t«d und r ^ u l r t r i U> appear
pos.t.-. e l.o.d of G erm any and Belgium
ter out the waste or ( Ui th e C w antr Cwitri <>» tli« F u t« uf 0 rw > u f.a
Count'-* oi I »:.► a t the Court Kuoui thereoi.
, tqid r r a m e , line Watyhed it» prngre?a m
If they are sick or out t t Eugene, ,»» tu* County <ii Lane, on Monday,
E ngland, where if b a r developed to i
of order, they fail to do the 4th day of February. 19< j 1 . at 10 o’c lu a ; .
thoif work.
1 the f urea 00 c «f that day, then and there to
degree which interferes >tfili B ritish
F a . ns, achesandrhou- ( show c»»u «- *f any you have why mu order »hov.M
conjm eirii'i aiipreuai y, m ust realize
zna»'-*rTi come fiom ex- no, be ¡¿¡¿jt- J..retina th e «Administrator oi said
cees^of uric r.cri in the estate tu sell th e real property thereof for the
th a t th s'd a v is not far d ista n t ■.lien ao-
61ìlì FELLW?
If so you sin.uhi .l.ikii Hud read
A niontiily m a g a z in e ¿ p u b lis h e d in
P o rtlan d , and exclusively devoted to
the interests of O ld fellow snip, both
local and general. It is th e only Odd
Fellow publication i-i Oregon and is
now in its eighth year.
j to make final próof in siij-r >rt of itfs claim , ini
j th a t sa’ l ph»of w ill be niuile before (’. H. II»»1-
■ den $. s.'C om niis.vionerrat Florence, Oregon.
i <-n M ariti 16, 1901, viz: Joseph Fellinan, .o r II.
1 E. No. 9613. for the ji ’ j nc*4, sec 17,' se‘4 s c 't' sec
1 s.
riv*4 sec 9, Ip 1» », r 9 west;*
Hu nam es the following w itne'sea to prove
( hi« continuous residuile« upon a n d c u lti- ation
of M id land, viz:
1’. E. Jnckmm, Janies Jackson, Preti B urnjind
George ('atop, all of Mupleton, Oyegon.
J. T B ait. : km .
( MUST I’.E SE1 \ TO BE A P PR E C IA T E D ).
New lot of Dress Triiiniiiiijjs, in the latest shades
and kinds
O P E N E D .
E le g an t Line of L A D IE S ' and G EN T'S N E C K W E A R , L ace,
W h ite an d Brocaded Silk H andkerchiefs.
i arge Line of Underwear for both old and young, consisting of
C hildren's W aists, Uuion Suits fo r Ladies,
pa per will be
...» WSjOfld 9M1.M0
tary of v.m t o . furnish th e s e n a te i
there is a t least
Total Incromr In Senate Cog^mittu,
Mis es and Children.
a copy a i h rep o rt m ade on C uban f u u n - | one dreaded disease th a t science lias
fnelhding Tillmnook bay and tffe Lcng
¡ eei by a n ç x n ert uveopritant. A resolu­ | been able to cure in all its stages and
Totn river Southern firegon roceivcd
tion practically e en sq p n g the adniinis- ’ th a t Is C atarrh. H a ll’s C a ta rrh Cure js
.$257,000 o u t of $651,500 ap p ro p riated . I
, ,
, ■ th e only positive cure n « | known to th e i
’ *
♦ ,r , tration for th e refusal has been offered,
W e have m ade arrangem ents with
j medical , frate rn ity . (C a ta rrh , being a
T h e se a re a few o f th e m a n y n e w th in g s . Call at the Great
Surclv ibi» portion of th e sta te ha« ib i . . •
... ,
. ’ . ,
co m plaint to m ake on account qf the I out
' “ . it
' will lia.d ly be adopted
a" ’P, ’ as ‘ th e ° " ntu-
" " I j » uonstitutionhl
■ « « « » « « • « dise
•« « ubr
« '. « require»
’ff'-ni a consti- the pub 'islier by which w e.caij d u b
, ( . • i ¡.‘‘’n i
Land Office ut Koischurz, Oregon,
XV In to S to r e fov e v e r y th in g .
in i
t T f H ority w in accord w ith the adm ir,.st.-a- btuuonal trea tm e n t.
H all',
C a ta n li “ Pacific C$ld I allow” w ith Tun W est
Jan u ary 3, 1901.
treatm ent accorded it bjp tt|e Senator. lj(
C ure is taken in tern ally , acting directly
in oflier m atters.
Notice i: hereby given th a t the followic ,-
a t.a rate (vo lielieve every Odil Fellow
Thia is only a portion of tho good work
uumed setth-r has tiled notice of hi» intentMm
T h e debata in fbo senate cr. th e arm y ,: upon tlie blood mid muciious surfaces cl would be glad tq accept.
to m ake final proof hi support of his claim , and
lie has done fop th e sta te , l i e has
' . . . ...
. 't h e system , thereby destroying th e , " vu,u
- « • 'I ’1-
reprganizatihn bill, w hich w t^p ro ^ aU jy j ^ u m fa tio n of th e disease, and giving tlie i 'r " e Prlve of T,1E ' VEiiT is
.50 per th a t »aid proof will be tirade before C. II. '
worked su| earn»stlZ for Portland as for 1 ,)0
* •
is week, has bro u g h t ouo ' p a tie n t strengtli by hiiiliLng lip the con- year aiiq the price of “ Pacif fie. Odd Holden, F. S. C<nnihissb»j:3r, a t Liike 1‘recihct
STcgou, on February 16,11901, vi^: George* G.
the rest of the state, apd ‘ lias pi I ureo ' g, r j|.jn g tftatb—tlial), this goveri|U)eiit is stitu tio n and assisting lint
ire in doing Fjllt)\v” d3 $l.G0 per yp«l\ b u t we will ’ E rhart, on H E No. 7Wlx.for the lots 2 and 3. i
com m ittee appointm ents *nd acouaio^-
. .-I-.' , S » ' „ S «•', S B ',, s e , T p . l-l S.. R. 11
proprietors have so 5fnd , , hotli to subscriber, who
up a g ain st, a |j,anl pruptyiliufi in the lits w ork, p i
pay,.» y e ar wust
aucesbip that v/UI bo of inestim able „1
' minili faith iu its c u ra tile powers, that.
? *
i.u .T c . p ^ i
Pin ippines, arid th a t pacification ia
¡itnctl.y iu advance for Î2.00.,
He HftTireti the follow ing witnesses to prove .
' they olTey one H undred D ollars for anv
value to Oregon if be is retained T h ^ e ...... u
m ueh furth er tjia n elT.cial » « ^ „ 1 « ^ « ! éltÂ'e t h n t 'ft ,bI), to eAre. ¿ el;a for
Call a t our office, and see
sam ple
are stroipg, reauepa tor his re te n tio n . And
1 of said land, viz:
liaru led the to suppose,
IWOI o f “ P a e ilie t ) d J Fellow .”
nf testim onials,
Stephen Shrum . A nthony Shnster. Thbm as
there has not ,yet been advaficsd cue
'J e n so n and Simon Kieeiile, a lf of l.akt Pre
y h e cyuiSfr B altim ore, which figured
Address, E J Cheney & Co., Toledo, <).
,good reason w hy he should ho rejected.
, ci net, Oregon.
jjold by druggists, 75c.
cnjditahjy y, th ^ liab le of M anila hay
‘ J . B kidoes ,
W e call upon cur senators and repre-
H a ll’s iauiilv Pills are tin* laisti
and which has te e n lying gt th e N,w
entstives to ssrve tlie interests of I.ano
I Y crk navy yard since its re tu rn from
L in d Office a t l.oyeburg, Oregon.
The governor of Georgia lias issued a
county by o u s t i n g S e n i o r . M cEfido tt^ P tlllt,,pincW| ig t0 b r rocp;. strilet(:,,
November 2M, 1900. !
call for a ‘‘National M aritim e C ongress,”
Not ee 1» h e re b y given th a t tin following |
for r*^l*ction, ,
I ,,
a t a cost nf $£00.000, and to be given a
to be |icl.l p t Bi nnsw ich, Cu., on the i t f i t n c d fettle? hits filed n n ’ice of hi» in tention
* l l r . P A l ’.TM A.X T n e t ! T I T I x . E B l '. ll .
new haRcry of r,i^ inch guns. T his d t-
3Cth of the present m o u th , a t which it is th a t said proof will be imide before F. H. Rog- j
United Stute» Land office, Roseburg, Or.,
cisión lias just been reached by ilic
January 10 b ’01.
Tfie logger» o f H » -feiaslaw will have
, especially desired th a t th e Pacific '¡talcs cis, F. s. C om m issioner; nt GuM incr, Oregon, '
1 V t
¿ ’sufficient contest affidavit having i»een fiie*l
I t ” wi “ 1 shall he officially represented bv one on Febriiu.TF 15, 1901, viz: ” h.trlic Johnson, on
K '
i . A. •
to organise som e system for th eir p r o - ! ■ naval
............... board
....... ” of ' construction. *v
H F No, MM, for th e E1.: N E1^, NW -4' n 1*1,.,, ‘ iB th is oflice by Oito Phelp.», eonteatant;ag«in»t
1 hom estead entry No. 9777, mmic Marcil 6, l'XKF,
^ t t o n in future years should th 'is boom -
■ , delegate appointed bv tho governor, NF ‘-i NW’4, 8 cc 19,'Up 2L S; U bi West.
Fie nam es the follow mg wltncssv« U prove ' fl>l SE-lz» Seclion Tow nship IS t o n » R a n g e 9
I work.
facilit^os ytill prove inadequate to ; , .
three by comm ercial .msociatioua and b is co iHnuouu resident » upon and cultiv atio n West, by <»1 ■ Aas. Contest«?«*, in whndi ’ i> a,
T here wan q u ite a race for the h o n o r'
leged th a t Ole Aas has w holly abandoned said
ninet tl?e demonda made upon it in case
on« from shipbuilding cmporationi;. Th« oi. . >nd land, vi?:
‘ A Fm*t»nu, H. c . FherrcR, J. w \V.*oc and I’k. tract; th a t he h«» • hanged his residence tln ic-
of heavy freahets The present Instance "
object qf th e congrens is staled to he the
t'rom for moro than six m onths »luce m nk{ng
Hll o5 »ardincr, Oregon
I f), putont ia th e tw entieth re u tu rv . I t I
! said entry, and th a t said tra c t is not »ett'.ed
ia only oi^e of th e vagaries of n a tu re in '
J. T. B nipcr».
- i creation of a sentim ent which may tend
and cultivated by said party as required
which these industrious e iji.e r s m ay i
r‘ ('•**'e 'T' Pollock, ° of L to rfstcy' this country its prestige as
i by law; that « alleged absence from thc kai'l
m eet w ith heavy losses, and th e m in nr. 1 ^-‘llt>v“ |5r -Jo .’ " b o vau w>ee enough
g re ,i; ,x,e a -, r|t r r ,ei.. «pi,,, m ethods by IM O TICP F n Q PI I Rl I "> ATIW \i
land whs not due to his em ploym ent in tn e .
^ ours
0. W. HURD
C A R M A N ’S
determ ining w hen a n o th e r such catas-
A To., the wide j w h j,.|> t h ( ( e n j jfl to
a ygo m p |( s ijP(|
a w a k , W ashington firm of p a te n t law- are not in d k a te d . I t does n
Koscburx, Oregon.
tropbe m ay o c cu .. H ad they been or-
nt teem po.*
pf'ceniber JS, 1900.
j Bible tlrAt the dem ocratic governor ot
ganiaed tor m utual relief in tho e m e r­
Notice is E rrri y given t * .t the Follow. £-
nam ed s cttlrr ha» filed imtlec of hi.* irtteorfA»n
gency oi th e last week and had F.r. agent
to m ake final proof in support of his claim , and
liars to act for ih^m . w ith th e m eans of h ill says th a t altbqqgh the amou.,1 ap- | H hou;rt c;U| ., f o n v e n l io n lo r t h c h u r r ,o sc
tu l l l l r‘
1 • -E -'now
appro- of boom ing the wicked sh ip subsidy bi! I,
! ■
" L' ‘ ff» *'.e >n.v when jiibt(fiei, ; |(lll ¡t
,h a t w ay.--C lironicly.
! by th#
navigation, and '
------------- -------------
I '° P '* Vt,lt ln;ury t0
» o r k . , The moat soothing, healing and anti
septic application ever devised is D e­
' Jt I>01Dlb out , l m ,ho ,0' ‘,l “ “ «nbe» oi
W itt's
itch ll.u e i Salve. I t isiieves at
i prnjC tt“ prov' i:‘’d ,or 18 ,06- ol w l“ uh once and cures pnes. sores, ecieuiu and
! 233 , r e r iv ,r ’ ar,f! 1 ,fi h »rh° r f . and th a t .k m diseases. Beware of im itations.
; the“ Pro:,!i:tB wùro
iru n ,,im - M eyer A K tle .
sucouraging men to save their properly 1 rfT r‘ ' ‘ s
from destruction, much n l tho w ealth
th a t now lie . on tbe o- oan beach would
have been sale w ithin th e river.
W hen logs pass in to t t e bay bofow th e
booms it la tm p o e a ib le to get a su flic e n t
force of men to handle them and battly
th e e le m en t, lor th e sm all re m u a ,.-,.
M any m en Prc ?*nnen,í "pon which estim âtes had
T h« increase o t com m erce on the
■ kiecn m ido bv U. S. Army e r.p u e e rs ¡ G reat L akes is suggestively illu stra te d
in and a bout Florence would have been >
...................... .......... • pi“ ” "” » | t,r e a l jaiaee is suggestively illu stra te d j
a t work fakiug logs asboro had they been j
‘9 t^M.OOO.iOO.
, i in th e fact th a t during th e y e ar 1900 th e
certain th a t th e ir labor would h a v e 1 H earings on (he oleom argxrinp bil. I
,b ip yards located on these in-
tioo ofiereu (or th is service
been rewarded in
vice rendered.
p roperty to the
every precaution
proportion to th e s e t - ’ aro f ' l,IK ,in ^ ”1® '*’* sonato comm,it- [ ;3nd seaa tnrne.d
Mpn who risk »hejr 1,4 ° n aRr,<:u^,o r* ' " n<’' eo," e
P '“ ’n ! tona. 58,433 tong
«' should tak e I ,a ''t n* ” ,l,fnS indulged in, p a rticu la rly I to ls bqjlt on th e
to prevent th e Josses by 1'“* “"PP0’’" “»’ "I th," h ||!. For i n - ^ h e name perjoil.
o at a tep.nage ot 130,611 !
m ore than all the vys-
New E ngland coast in
In fqct, the {shipyards
th at »aid proof w ill brt made l»eiore M mie L.
Ware, V. 9. C om niissiu’ier it E a«m . Oregon: on
February 9tb. 1901, vi.
Frank E. Taylor, on H.
F. No. 7926. for the F ’ j S\Vi , \ W’• 4
. SV 'i,
NE1^ , Pee. 1H, Tp 1 6 . K 9 \Y f»>t.
He, name» th«* following wif;;«>.•»•»-« to prove
hi» continuous residence upon and c alu v a tio n
of »aid land, vi?
J. L. Taylor, of Ree l. I an* Co., Oregon B T
Bailey, of Meadow. Lane Co., Oregon: V/ Nich
ol», of Elm ira, loineCo., Oregon, »ind A M. Bri?
tow. of Junctio n City, Lane county, Oregon.
J. T* B rhige »,
• I t . __n------
iniM ion, and to be ta4e(i and
for at
1 ¡dale»
th e valuation in i.ew “ •■IT-...
U nited
n itrd ..tales
railw ay sto c k ,” guaranteed b ' thc
‘ ' *
t'nitÎrt S t,' * I «n 1 Office,
Ohio becauie ol thy lufiuim ,« of the
Eoaebur», Or* gon,
qleom argariuo floulors with th e p res,
and betau«, of their solicitation o f'ju ry -j s<ot,:» „ i n n e r
X 7 T ; X ;,.ni <■
m en. Ttie opponenti ol the bill are alto *tth the pr*»ri«i^nM o: th< act <d ( .»»¡gr« > « h
quite a-/reseiv e One of thorn h
onMU?d *•
mci ^.r f*’n -«!»* •
•»©»..i.-’n * r. v/iiB oi t n e i u - - H . 4J0 tim ber l»nrtn>in the BbUen «a?C nhfom ic. o m o n .
Virrung, of Çolumhue, Ohio—hoidlv Ne»»rt" ®"T * '»»hinaMm Territori Kr«i.ui,A
IV K ,nr ol Florence. County of Ia n , sta r
took tlie ground th a t ih, ao-called j ol Oaaaoqbn»'»hl, «»y akff ln tthnffk» hl,
fctaJf.nievt No Jp>6, fo tl » pur, ,u>, -t
naiural hufter
IhcS'i ff«*,’, Nt,!. « « , . of Sr
C , 1
lliap a
m anufactured
X « e , : E .| *'-• So. « l n T ew n-n |> Sn 1,<S
proof t.-«
I t is recarded as practically certain R angr No. '» W grri w ill «»9
U nited S tates to pay y ) ; i>cr cen' per
i^nnuin, w ith a »ir.kipg Jund gunraffleed
»I»ow tB«t the ltn l wouglrt i« m«’M v»l nl • *.»r
to reds tin Ijis Block iu eighty years, .ilia
the bill
be. favorably IV tim her or » to n t thnn »or agritiuit itri p i r
a fte r wbicl» th e people will own the reported to tho senate, but there is a p<w», and tu cNtM'kifüli hv* r ia n n to yx:.i R a d
et » re tix Nzgifftt r .»ffil R iittp t'r cf th *
ro ad s. T he rôads a re «tot to '. c “ con- ¡t ide difference of oftinion aa to w h e th er HA»tbufg, (>ra<on, • » SatMiriny .he iStA dey ol
dsm)H»d" by th e oidi.-„vry W pr«se. b u t ■ it will by toted „ IK.n at this session, If A n u a ry . 10Ti
IIc u«inc» m witncMW^
‘•ta k e n ,” w h e th er or no. by th e go-.e.-n- not, a I! the work done in g e llin g it
H C ltoldeh« <«f Wortnc«, Owgn« FUi-1 »’
m eut at t l i i appraisem ent of the com . tlirougl, the tlie house will have to be Nelson, FTorcn« e. Oregon 1’hU !' .’»« .'
i ¡«I
i of M apleton, orpgvn.
II I! Kbit, of Point Tet
unw iori. ill« bill has been p u t to slerp dene .n or ig un a t a t th e n e x t congress
in tho in te rsta te com m erce com m ittee.
^vuat* r
who belonging to ‘
and all peiwms rlalmniir «dverwh •*.
♦ h e r e it will ba a sp b y x ia te J a t tho ex t l , , it,on party can speak w ithout L , . , « ,
,h,.om «c a . o, bsiorv « , j
|ira lio n
« m g ry ts..
,.r, m.l., c. ,.u ,| un ., subject th a t
uvli ifitcussixl
is being
political circles J
J T B atn tM .
P 'f w L r
Army, Navy, or Marine Corps «.f the U nited
i States ash private soldier, officer, «eanuu . <-r
m arine during the war w ith Spain, or any <4hi -
! war in w hich the Unit« 1 Ststtos may l»c engaged,
said pftrtieM are hereby notified to appear, rc>
pond and oft'er evidence touching »aid allege
tion a t 10 o’cltK'k a. nr. on February 28, 1901. i
i before O. II. Holder . U. S < om m isrioner, at
! Florence, Oresfoi;, unq th a t firpil hearing w ill be
' held a t 10<FcIbcl< p. /». on Mfcrch ♦, 1901. b**f«»re
t v’ K egister and K ece'vcr at the U nited States
bund Office in Roseburg, Oregon.
• The said contestant having, in a proper r.ffi
l davit, filed D ccenrV r ;<l, i960, net forth facts,
w hich «how that afp»r due d.ligence personal J.
»err.’ce of th is cannot be maiie, it i« here-
j by ordered and directed th a t such notice be
given by due au.l proper publication.
J. T B ridge ». Register.
J H. B ooth , Receiver.
’ -
. I
........ Just Ooened.
G o o d s a s K e o re s e n te d .
F lorence, Or.
P R O P R iF T n n
Elmira. Or
fully prosecute infractions af the c le o -' ---------- --- -------- :------------------- -----------
i?aig|T ine law in the larger ci(,ea of N O T T C E T . l f t F U B L I i k I’lO N ,
Banator TaUimew Iwa »pfro.:ui»«l a
bill for «lie ^cqilirame&l oi «11 tho rail-
{Mds of tb e U n it'd ^ ta t.s by th e gov-
e rn n te n t. The milFoade aro to be ap-
praieed by the in ten tate commerce com<
W . li
P o in t T e rra c e , O ,.
occasioned to them selves a n d tlie coni H,ani«'. Lury L npimissioner B lack b u rn , | o f ii,o G reat Lakes tu rn ed out one-third
inutiity by such accidents an h a re o c - i" 1
,0<l ’ j>® coiaiuiltp« th a t b e ' n ( a ,| (he new »hipping constructed iu
curred w ithin the p a st-.c e k
fouAj , a.m ost impossible to succuss | |, e D n ,t. •) ¡Rates d u rin g th e year.— E x, F'cef"’!!!
and ★ Notions,
DirV Goods, ir Groceries
lim ite r »
k o ii^ b h arcsl
or? c o m m i ^ i o i T .
P a rtie s h a v in g Real Estate r e s e ll w i l l do w e ll
to piaee' it on o u r fis t.
r , “
Anybody desiring to pur
chase Rsa! Estate is in ­
vited to examine our
list and see w hat we
have to offer. ‘ ■
v ■ ,
» like a bicycle,
m ake th e
•w iu rE ”
the E iiie s t
H tm ning
M ade
- AV111TE
B eauty of finish, quality of m aterial, elegan.*e of deriun,
th e fluent w nrktnanrinp. th e »im pieri, most rairpl»-te ami
best of a tta ch m en ts, easy payitieut*», old O'Scbines tu k eu
in exchange, one inilli«»n rive burolred thuiieuoJ tatisiied
users, th irty years of em cees, courteous tre a tm e n t—w h a t
m ore can you ask?
ft ft
Bivyefc« ru n lighter ar»i are th
White ’ n»»Ht
dum hlu and hand*H>w wfies
on the ufnrket.
Call or write mid let n t prove i .
3 0 0 - 3 ) 6 P ont stre» t. Ran F r a n -i» « » . C nl.
B D . r . i t x D j t ’.er in li fe S ?«r « ; M
• i:n
E t¿ n
tí i l