* —rc s '- is iia o xvxuv F » ir,n ' F lo b sn c x , ti.,,,.. I as« C o p p t t , - - • SÏ - - • sio jn :.- i » .- j T e l i i th e * story. »Vbsa r o a r b e s t .•T u .J m *, a n t j 't i frt‘ 1 bilious, co* pa'«- a' i ■ ut 1 * t i l l ) s to m a ch S'.u- n J i. I b\iy a pftvltJ.ie c t ' ’ ju ' fJ °MOW * H o o d s P ills W . II. W EA TH ER SO N ’ É 'ìitor fin e Go&e and P roprietor. ' l l _J.L Uit _ . u . F loren ce, Or,. Jan u a ry 11, 1901. tl j J , I n i 1 .KJ 3 125 cents, so^,. by alluiciliui.j.4-^. ■ • a> f A LIVELY SESSION. Tl ,.• ¡» atniastrr-gelieriil has received a c- t '.r u-i'eatiou from th e IT. ri. m in is te r tu - p i n w.'l. h, h».i tee calling itte ti'io ti to III« I olitrn ied (p riv ity ol »lie S y in iih « u .i.d era aa let c.iteli A m erican gv. liblei by i•.•presenting th a t they are lie rs to great estates in 'p a in , o n ly ’.vaiting to Lc cl e 'n u l, ;• res Am erican cupidity a b ■iM.u a d ti’ rap i’ ver » v th n i e ” linger», a lth o u g h a th-served one, bv saving th a t a L um ber T liotrjan d g H a t e K id n ey T rouble mi' D o n ’t K now it. Jn th * C o u n ty « i fu rllu • >unty of f^i • Mow To f tint Out. In tin- tu 'tv r of tin v-hik* Fill a t tie or common gU ;« with your Funk»*, «V' •¿.Vsr i - . i let it stand t.< snty four hours; a __ I:___ . or set-! Tu It. A. F-iiika, A. f. fuiike aial A sediment lx Otl’tTuisr E x c e p t''» iiiilh | ■■ iitle." M in is t e r S to re r aavs Fine B a rg a in s in evidenc ncy b< ,' , ,. . I » « S a V P freqaer it de sire tc Utr.siii.'i, of th a t l a . , then mat tl.. re t" - i ; 1 i - a j ' i got to S p a i n ■ pass n or Pa ‘n ' n i Khow i-iiu.e it any v.ai ha\'e w hj an or.!, i ■ i. . 1 . dlia bke.r i- “ ‘V not ,J- ..m.U dire c tin g tfce w lm itiisirai.ir ..I «sul ¿ ill t h o h u ^ e c! g r t t i i ' - prno'.-i iy t o ,1...,. . u.i .1... convincing proof th a t the kidneys end b.ad- t. ..I t the real pm pe-ty th i-rc .t (m the which they vc ra rc o ,.G i H • • r . . paym ent of claimv uuuhmt hhi <1 estate at,.l «x rii'g h to g t The C ro a t W h ite Store, n S V, / W ha< to Jk>. p< n»e of a d ra lu litra tio i/, 8Mi 'n block ■ > th a t be ba« tu rn e d over to llu* S panish often expressed, tha Dr. Kiltner’s ^wai U r Two in , >x.s a,i(Jitioll (o i , . ; :.-t C J - ti. P rint the» orre»:lt kidnft'S rcrr.-ri'.’ ftllfi.' 'e ev*n' Tue Oregon I palature t' jnveui a I. n authorities a large n u m b er of forged Root, the great kidney remedy fulfit's e v 'jy u , K.rv,,„ 11K(l)#llll , w„ (2,. .i..„ AN UNJUST CRITICISM. wish in curing rheumavsm. In the tw enty threu (40, - Tp 17 -- S, It 1U W, Hittiini ng day a n d the ¡initia lions are there wnl he loeume.’i* , d raw n up on re g u la r g o v ern ­ back, ki^n^y*, h/er. bladder a. d every p a rt ■ i.\ ... . j --------- - . „ A •?s.4< nert-w »UI In Lain, C unaty, orv-f 1 of the ! tin inteiCAtiiig session tiHletd, it nothing m e n t * ta m o e d p n ^ e r . a m i h a s u rp e tl of the urinary p-*- age. It corrects inability - ih» If i: If R K ' A letter troni Representative Tor.guu to bold water ar.d sca’ding pa n in passing C ounty O oart of th e State of Oreir m for ! more transpires than the election of a sem e aeli'.n tow ard ex potting and b re a k ­ it, cr bad effects following use of liquet u nder . 1‘JOO. eeh edit led for th*e term , i h e principal »Ione. He adda tfr.it one reason during the day. and to get up many (lrrvo* ously on th o action o l ttie W kst in oriti- A ttest * E. U. f.fiC, Clerk conteetatitti,* H on. H. Wi C orbett ami (or ibis inaction on tho p a rt of-the ¡s pan- during fhe night. I'Ee rrild ana’ the extra­ (SFAI..) >tdaing dii» -apparent' »»¿iffeience to- the ordinary effect of S v iu n p -l^ o o t is soon Senator Gee V«’. Me Ik : Je, r-.l! fce on ish governm ent inay b t the feeling th a t T,-a..cr-l . ’an is the highest for its won- .. . . harb o r improvement* of th e Siua’aw F a scin a to rs and C hildren’«, floods We Have . A -t th e ground io ^rreonatfy cop Axe th e ir no person can really t v sw indled who derful c-re s ;i the moot distressing cases. riverw At the time of making theae ent- * If you nerd a medicine you she lid have the ' V zv r r f , P t w i > u r m i r ’ . , i ( < ’ \ ■ . ... «, »». Cgbt. w hich, in view of thefiem Stand ha'i net m ura.ly beevm« vn accom plice beit. S oil by ¿.’uggtsts |n 50c.said$l. pUw N O l l U H 'K FI b l.lt a 1 ■ S o m eth in g New for This Season. iiciama the WkBT'Wae lunuenced by a ■ the;« is the-.proposed tlici.Jg «•law had )««n dropped fsew the hill, 1 Theu ‘ ‘••— •is >»f “ a order tu receive 3 legacy, to 'w h ic h he and a book that taltj s.«vjn,lwr .» tww. more ak.xfllt, both sent « , d by a U rge num ber M n .d.gt.aut «Uu.tk kt l.ana .« o u W r conttf.nlltg tuutu Knows he is out c .ftle .1 Notice is hereby giveu tn a t in c o m p lia n c e , absolutely free by mall, citisens, and the i.e» th a t Use diS.-f.Ut.i-' of • " “ ‘“ P“1 “ 'e J'In e E .ver w i„ , j 1 pro- , Any and all persons cluim ing adverse y the W h ite an il B rcce led Siljii H a n d k e rc h ie fs. rivers and Jiarbor# GopgreBV nocessuni> Col. \V. F. Cody ■ Buffalo Bill) who ie I ' above-described lands an: Requested to file tL’” r , t bases appropriation* very hugely upon p o ted uiethod be em ployed, ther*: is in W ashington, in Connection w ith the - claim.« in tins odice on o', before .-,aid 1>*.L day th e propprLicgi botwse^ th e eennnerce reason tQ believe th a t the i u t e r e s of 'o f Jan u ary , l& i. if go yon should tak e :i;nl read irrigation of the arid se rti.;n of V’yonj- J. T. B aro n E’. to l e benetited and th e cost of,the pro- «,iualler couim uoities wouM bn over UegUte. ing, w hero he h: s large p r o p e rty in ter- PACIFIC ODD FELLOW The total com- poäetI im provom ent Larqe Line of Underwear for both old and young, consisting of looked in the wild scram ble for honors estn/said* “ Tl:v passing of fro n tier life jnerco according, to th a governm ent 'A m onthly m agazine pulnished in in the larger placca. T his m easure is Children’s Waists. Uuion Suits to r Ladies, rep o rts pastin g both id and out of Iho has not depleted the rxnks of excellent P o rtla n d , ¿mJ exclusively devoted to NOTICI' IO K PUBLICATION. Hinsluy riy.er during the last year was ' for th e purpose of ro m in a tin g Mate and shots. On the c o n tra ry , the ra re r gam e the intereHts of Odd i’cllow.ship, both Mis cs and Children. 4,907 to uh . T here were 49 erti> n ^ es by countv officers at the prim aries, u j e a d U nited States Land Office. get’J . th • het cr m ark sm a n sh ip is re ­ local a n .1 general. I t in the only Odd * R ineburs, Oringon, vessels d u rin g the y ear. v,, b»lieve every Odd l ’«»llow sworn statem ent No 1156, for th e purchmio of ’ expended already , has been nearly *40 , . . . , i i . inako p articularly warm lim oi at our per Ion., whllo th e am ount e a ttip a ^ d - the 3 4 S E ‘ i, N E‘ i of Sec. No. 19, nud i heir holiday in W ashington, b rought .VOuld be giad t« accept. L if S NW>< NEX Sec. No. 30, in T ow nship No. is 5. to com plete th e im provem ent ia cotuidT 8,*,e aapitcL_______ • j out the following in te restin g facts about T he price of T h e AV ebt is $1.30 per Range No. 9 W. and w ill offer proof to enable oy r * 00 p top BEAT OUT OF a n I ncrease OF UlC , tl"3 eHrb ’ l»ve» some of th eir fellow year and th e price of “ Facific Odd show th a t th e land sought n more valuable for tim ber o i^ to n e th a n ior agricu ltu ral pur- Now aa a matter of fact the amount of PENSION. I „.em bers, in th e course of a som ew hat Fellow ” is $1.00 per year, b i n ’.ve w ill ' its 1 From Cliilhreus lo tio n s Sizes. It; I 4 K G E A S S O ItT J IE V r O F L A W E S ’ B E L T S M ol Press him niip, m the latest shades anil kinds d Ü s T O P E N E D . Hit) FELLOW? ’fell 0. W.UIJRI). ' poses, and to establish his claim ‘o said laud . available funds, *4 ,311.94, m entioned in A M exican Avar velerao and prom inent rxten(Ied conversation: Am ong these «end b o th to subscribers who pny ’4 y e ar ; before the Register an d fU c e iv eto f th .s office v the report oi th « . engineer», hna been 'I ( editor write«: "Seciiiu the advertise who began life o l farm s and earn ed , , e Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday the 19th day o', , ' _ strictly m udvanm for *2 00. ! 1 January, 1901. . ' wearly all .x p en d ad since the rep o rt was «" ’• '" " ’ »’> (tall al o u r olficj n and see a a affimn1« sam ple » i n d saa He nam es as w itnesses- m »a., „ that.we.wo will h * v . available |b a f nR * M m .(o in ............ , ,.,tn ta tiv ,.a A(laln„ H augen, W heeler II. c . H olden, of Florence, Oregon. F ’b\rd F of /‘ai it: Odd "'„how.” Nel.-ou, Florence, Oregon. P h illip E. J»u kson, I funds for tlio aonlinuan4&< of the irr. j v o n tra tln l Ma-riottn (’j ’.rihoea an»! th is oi K entucky, Baker, II. Sm ith and of M apleton, Oregon. H. II. Fiak, oi Point r* r provem cftt b u t h id e in excess ot the , ren.edy ha i kept me i/orn getting sn in Oluunn C 'lirk. F c p rc -c iilitiv e l.o riu ic r v z > i . - i.- n « T ’Til roA'I'liYYT 1 ‘Aw m « <-!!». — L ixH lC A 1 10x4. Any and all persons claiming mlverse,y the amount appropriated by Congress: j create in my pension for on every re ve-described lands are reqi ested to tile th eir e.irnnd his first m oney aa a to o t black In regard to U ie to iin sg e o l shipm ents ( neWR,niid ^ oi re8t0™ ” I clatun in th is office on or before ;m d 19th day driver. I , . , . , uneqnalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and afterw ards was a e tr o e t I.und Oflb’t* a t Kopsburg, Oregon. j of January Ao a n d from • th e river, ' th e eugincer a , , » * f . N ovember 23, lfGO. • and jf> pkmranfc and safe to take For iJopresentall "e I'o h in sc n of Indiana ' J. T BRirmK«, N o1' c is hereby given th ’*t t* foliotyiug . report to Congress i» undoubtedly for hh ! m q H urd, Register. ! sinned a ’ a new sboy; ltepreeentative named.Mtittl^r ha» (llfd notice of hi» |pt»*nti.»n ’ the year 1899, w hen there was m uch “ ! ! I'.ioiir'ow learned the i a linuer tv ui..k»- until pi'iot in - uppurf of bi« elHfm find WASHINGTON «.FT; uii. th a t f?nl . proof will I. h - m ade t>«*foro F 11. Rog­ lcis traffic th an during the foil 'wvnp I and was afterw ards a locom otive engi­ ers. F S. Coinm " io«er, nt G iirJin tr, Oregon, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Tear. ' Five veawl* have plied regularly ------ — ' on F« br.airv i&, l'.u ', viz C harlie John «on, on n eer; K eprepentative L’«* (4raffhnreid wan H. E No. f«»r tb E>2 N F1;. NW(i ,NE’ J betw een the 6iu»law and o ther poirus 'E koji O l R r u t t . i K T miirl r o v n : .. . iilt.aJ states J titd Office, a railway hrakem aii R epresO ’tative N K‘X NV. See 19. T p R in West R oxbury, Grenon, d u rin g the year- 1800, ami in«tend o f - — -— He n an u s the fou»'« « g v. itur:-se? to prove December 12, l^Oc. ' Sm ith, of Illinois, and T uw nev were b i ’ e c -itJiu o iH residence upon lUid (,’u ltivutiou making 49 ontfnr.ee», 30 of which a re W ai . i i i - ioton , Dei- 1,1( 9. Notice Is hereby given thutt- in com pliance hlavl.Minfths- R epresentative G ra h am ol, ¡laid Jiklid, viz: . , w ith the provisions of the a« t of Congress of credited ,r th e purchase ( ,r.d from ! "w«rin 8 the deuiands, the Chine, e gov- "t™ 1'1 1,11 the m em bers-w ho h ive t j.u l t , i «i,d o « c , ltat the follow ing- a n d w ill offer proof to show th a t the land sought 1 atively hum ble fo u n d atio n s; only those nam ed .-etiler has tiled not.ee of hi» in te n tio n is more valuable for i n timb«T or stvuo than to ta l toDERgo of sh ip m en ts to and from fl'ieethnis are so reasona.hle■ that the rem em bered a t the tim e by some nieui- to m ake d u a l proof iiiMiipp ri of hi* c la im , a n d for agricu ltu ral pi rj u •«. tin I to establiah his | the riv e r .acsoriling. to local reports is pe*ers can hflrilly attach nny blam e to th a t «aid. proof w l l u innde before M arie L. claim M» ¡«aid land Ueb.re. th<- Register ami her e- th e group, one of w hom nlsp Called Ware. I .- I'tfinm i »tom*.'ai Kug<*ue, Oregbti, qn R eceiver of this • r t i < a t li. sebftrg, ««»< :•, >u, on several tim es th a t of th e report of the L»,e*' ssLing and yet they m ay prove February '.Uh. 1901, F.ar.k K Taylor, on H \\ e d m e lay » th e ‘.c. ' ebief of engineer». . ■ ■ , | th e entering wedge jor > negotiation a tten tio n to tha fact th a t Senator T h u rs ­ F N" 79.Y., lo r th e I S V ' SW»4 ^E ' k. SW>; Itc names a > wltutsse» Of course M r. Tongue c g n n tt be held ' " ' ‘'C11 ";l- ;lr*K »>°"K " " “ I >*'«’ patience ton at irtcil ns a farm er'« boy, S enator N1 »*, Sec. IS, Tp I" .• . U ? Weat C linton l>. Lhurqu»ninji un '. 4 H. H olden, o f 1 He i ’ . iih ¡a th e follo'viiig witnesses to prose j Florence,O regon. P E. JaekiOn and H. Il Fisk Stewi’.rt as a stage d riv er and S e n a to r accountable for those errors-, h av in g « v -'WJ hw J v except the C hinese is 1:0111- , Inn . ■ Iiniuiaii.. r - 1 Ell .J.IIIHII.I call.A ution pt .pr,.,,,,, VV. CARfWAN of said laud, viz Beeessurily to base his argum ents on iho plet’d.*' worn out. t\ hen those questions fi-rk'.-is as a cabin boy. Any and a ll pc'.**o ia claiiniiig advena ly the J. L. Tavi r, of K« - î, I a n e Co., Oregon; W. T above-described lands are rcqut*»ted to file their d a ta furnislreil bv the • en g in eers. In sre answ ered, the Chinese governm ent j Hailey, of Meadow . Lane Co., Oregon; W Ni» h J elalD.s in th.« office on or before mud 6th day S tO O R ev a ;u « IÜ O . I olx, of I'lu ii.a . T unzC o r . Oregon, and A. tight of eucresditig events, wa heartily l’r0'>ab!y prepared aniXher ’-dtc'i . M. Rris- .o f M arch, l?oi ; ;ew, of J u n c t.c n C.ty, t a n » county, Oregon. li» paper w'.ll be J T Br.iD.iEi., oonnneoj his action as a m em ber of th e e1 u *'lx “8 reasonable, and so on utileti* ) Tb. readers o Rvi'inlt- , , . t I nilelv if alh wed to dn so M ennaliile pleased to leal n th a t tlicro is at le a s t' Register. river and barber yonimittse tn securing " ‘»"»J ■ 11 'T>u to uo bo . .'ira iia n iis . i y —— — v „ - y r , i • i _• . one dreaded dijease th a t science has •uch rcyal support for ths itnprovsm ont em press d. wager is is playing ducks b(.p„ „ hll. ¡„ itH gtng,.a aI1,C of O re g o n 'sriv srs ^r. l harbors, $P,340,- wlkl in t!,e interior of Ohina; th e , t ||;|l ¡s < ata n h. H a ll’n CaKft|rlt C u re is., W. h W E a HIERSON IOHN C. BECK W . NICHOLS. 400 being scheduled ip tl s river and foreign troopB; excepting oar* own, are | t|,e only positive cnYG now knowji to th e ¿lo y en ce. Or. Point Tirracu, t ) i. I J n ilr a , O r. harbor bill for this purpose. We believe dividing their lim e between «basing ul m edical frate rn ity . iC ata rrli being a » t M n T o n g u e s I,« te st in « .n c ltd in g h i. , " ‘ ”9 looting, am i the rest cf conaiatutiom il disease, require« p cons,i s lattar as follow.- .................. tl, .-World is ^ s i n g iv h s t’sort of ab '»*’9‘ »'«‘n‘- '*»' s C a ta rrh L letter as loim ws. , Cure is taken in te r null y , acting directly ••I exptict in the futqre. sa in the past, e n ^ Wl 1 question e n tire UpOn th e bbxxl am i inucucmn eiirtocei» of to Inbot for th«VUHtiUu:mce of th is i,n- the tw entieth century hn !!y enough system» th ere b y d'??troyin«r th e prove i n en L, X m n ctrtlv hope the pub- m ixed fo? \nyh dy. | fpundktion of tiré (üneas» nn»l giving the £ac^>., Toledo, sharply ai.tagaiiiie.ini so m anydilier- S'.ld hy «Iniggisls, 7;v. qathvr than to iiutulg» in u n ju st g r it- I ent tfu.li ters that it n-eius he-illy possi­ lla l l ’s himilv Olile use th è he«t. icism . , . . , eiiaior H aw lei, , "Y o u r editorial whs w ritten before ble ta gat it thrungh. I n r : î, \ o r i c r I OB IT T l.lCA TItiN . the proree,hogs id , the river ar,4 Itn rl.ir ««hainnan of the »etiatf* i-i.'-’i’iittee ou HE A KIN GS, h UUItniiitte« were imide pahlis It is pos- ,„ ',t,iry atFairs. h i publivly given I mid Office nt Il4»i *hiir<, Or»* I 'rebv tlv c n th g ; Ihe fo llcttin g ’’W H IT E " previodx. UuUxnewHpapcr iuhu f!»oul.l stitute fo- tl»e house arm y reor/nnixa- im. ! >«-nl«*r L «i,c»l notice of hi* I n te n tk u I th e Busiest r»mr’ l . f" 'll. : ' and I «* | , with the sh ip H «uly bill, n ,■■« the reg- U and certainly ought tint I,, b e s tin i i - i e n l , 31 , N •>1 w. N w 1, Nt* . ->ec 2 \ Tp : • S . R. 1 ’ C . V> lu.se charges against the ^ffidu. t of »lar Iwiwnrs. of th e senate, h at th at if He nub’.** ihe follow mu wrltne**«*« to p n n o oppn.ition m akes K nveeseiiri lie will publie m e n .’’ C A R M A N ’S ellUAI’ CASH STOKE! Drv G o o d s , ★ G r o c e r ie s A a n d * N o tio n s . FLORENCE M EAT .........J u s t M ARKET. O o e n e d ,... Goods as Reoresented. J. P R O P R lP T O f J. T. IlMIDt XS, ¡’a rtie s having lk a i ifeaaio itisell will fiovu li to pla f on our list. hi» continnon» r» indent r npon and c u ltiv a tio n I B aniagonixe the ship sutishly lui, un,I tr i­ of »ahi land, vir to ii.p iwe it with tl.e army hill. That is 3!« ,-iit :i Shrum, A’ t iunx Shuster. Thoma* Ji-uaon h i . I 3imt»n Kte.’hl«-. all c i la k e Rr« e s u r e th a t y o u r blood I» rich a veri sigiiiticnnt iiulier. It was m a d e , cln t, OicgtHi a n .l p p i T h e b c .i bUmd p u rilh r, too just alt, r Senator liawley hud had ! r/irjrliei- «m i vitalizi r i- I h md - S u> Keg later a long coliferern-e with tl,« president I ^ardhi X - J T UainuKa. He sum to G E T H O O D ’S , a . • Anybody desiring io p u r chase Rea! Estate is in ­ vited io examine our list and see what we have to offer. JOHN C. BECK W. H. WEATHERSON. W NICHOLS T H E W H IT E 15 KING ! I’cnnty of i ..»’i, qiinlity cf nuiterifll, elegance of design, th e li.icst w ork:r.:insh:n* , u io it v u d ip k te ai.-'l; be*t • f a tta c h m e n ts, easy paym ent*, «¡.I m achines Uk*ff in exchange, out* m illion live hundred thonann«! fa tie te d u*ti - th irtv vear- ol success, courteous treatn»ent—wln\* ♦ i¿off van you nsR un White’ on th e m ark et. L uiy.h'a rr.n lir h te r and >’tp ’ *• ln;«>t duraM * and b>ii»«!er»»ne wlwx Crtll or write . ml let us prove it. WHILE SEWING O H N E COMPANY. 300-30G Pi"t street. Snu Francisco, Cal. B D . r.v x e , D eil-r i-t T -, t S • v i ; M • C C t j - i t . 7 't > » 1