T H E W E S T “ Pat Money ya tt In Thy Purse. PERSO N A LS. N O TICE WESTERN HOUSE E ngine : r O ffdje , V . 8. A rmy , W M . B R Y N D . P ro p . Portland» O r., Dec. 28, 1990. W in. Hurdtdl :s now ei.giuve* or* the A ttention of all interested is caiiod to I .v i 'r y t b i n c in '• o n u e c tio ii w i t h th e ltohnrtfl. Nobody suffering frjr>. ng eg. ..ifit llo iit-v h N e w a n d F irs t.C liK ri. -------- AT------- » M ish Heitter Nicolle, of M apleton. :s thn fact th a t the creation of any o battue? o f energy, or “ ti ei red j c H n f ever , lion to th e navigable capacity of any - F lorence , L ane C oi nty , O kkoon .— puts'money in ¡.a SP3CIAL ATTENTION TO • v d t *nd in Florence. Dr. J . \Y. B«»an anti son, Irw in, of El- ! navigable w ater of tb e I nited States is • • • BY • • . I,stlt ->sn :s s esm • fe r n ¡pine, slugttfsh C O M M E R C IA L , prohibited by tlie fact of (■». i . irchi ap ­ frijodthit :pnp(y cozes 11 y g h the veins. ienehurg, W ash., are gue«»s ol th e doc proved M arch S, 1899, unless j.rst spec T h e n o tic e u i’ t h e p u b l ic is c a lle d W I I . W E A T H E R S O N Hood's Sersstpan .a mjftes 'ne Hoc J pure to r’s m other, Mr». O. B ean, nt Ma- mlly Author« red in each caie. to o u r n e w pie ton and gives it life, viger end virn. E d i t o r a n d P r o p r i e to r , The constructicn pf bridges, darn’ . 1 E stelle B ean, of M a p ltto n , lejt dikes yx cu use ways over pr in any h a r­ S A T a ROOM Wed in* Allay m orning iyr P o rtlan d , wbec** bor, port, cavigflU e riv e r or other navi­ w h e r e IIo * a n d C o ld B a th s m a y b e —T erm *: $l.ft<) * year in advowee.- she will a tten d the Holm en Baeines.a gable w ater pf ’.he U nited States requires h a d at* $eu y tim e . College. the prior approval of the Co.el • f E n g i­ E ntered at th e post-office at Florence, BO O K S YOU WANT Cupt. Jo h n Bergm an, wife mid ec/i neers, U. p. Army, and tbe Secretary u. -a n e county, O regon, a* se«:oi;d ela.-:s Twenty-five per re n t discount on Jo h n n y , of the u a i-lin e r life saving stu- W ar, and also the efliim otive a *tiou ci m ail m u tter. M ackintoshes at Meyer xt goV trni|ieut cuu. vious to th e ^om m ei.ceinrt^t of Qoustruc- 156 Popular S o n g s ........................ . 10c | In IIia Steps day, Dec. 31, a son, which in urea a ern H use. | ^rue^ j8 given ; tion. V ic ia tio n AV ' Coquille City, M arshfield and G ardn er. Born, in E ugene, Dec. 30. 1900, to th e JREAL ESTATE iX>R SALE. wife of R. S. H uston, forem an of the Take L axative Bromo Q uinine T ablets. She reports having had a most delight­ say.'lust, slal;t', or o th er solid refuse All druggists refund the money if Xbey —- i - r r G uard p rinting rooms, a daughter. ful trip, nud re tu rn s to her fiienda on from any vessel or otiigr craft, or from T he W est $ e :il Kptate office has bar- S to p s th e C o u g h a n d w o rk s o ff th e C o ld tail Io cure. E. W. G /ove’s signature is the Sinslnw with the same hearty greet- »my m ill or factory, iuto any harbor or L axative Brom o-Quiniue T ablets cure a on each box. 25c. ' mg und pleasant m anner she has always navigable river, or on The bank w here it gaina to ofler in tbe follow ing property, may he washed in at high w&ter or by , A goo,j (U ellivg house, and black- cold in one day. No Cure no Bay. T he Eugene N ational Bank has just exhipiL -d. stoyms, is jilso proh.hited. I he vi’dA- Hm itb shop doing a goo«I imsiuogfl in a Price 25 cents. removed to ils elegant new (juarlers ami Q O Q D G O A TS. tson nt th is provision p unishable by a thieving tow n. T he ow ner desires to The state teachers’ association has has comm *ueed business for th e new , line of $2,5V3, ami bv im prisonm ent for (q,nnge his location. A fine o pportunity j i s t closed a very interesting session at year will, an enterprise tlja t i.a c m - A)| niy |,.U1J ,,f goata for ente cher,:.. oi.vycar, one-halt of the fine going to for tbc r jght m an. Fgice $850. A lbany. T he i.ext m eeting of the asso- mendublo. : Q uality guaram eed . F. II. RyGKKÿ. < tl.o person giving ib« inform ation loud- ¿VO acres of npim preved land oc N orth ciation will be held in Eugene. If troubled with a weak digestion, ¡ng to con viction. In addition, m asters, D RESSM A K IN G . Fork about ten mile# from Florence is I At Junction December 28 Coon’s gun hslching, sour stoynach, oi if you feel pilots and engineers on vessels violating offered (or e a led. Near to county road. I store was burned down and everything dujl after eating, trv C h a m b e rlain ’s this provision are subject to revneaXion lost. T he building was insured for $700. Stom ach ami Liver T ablets. Price, 25c. Dressinaking or plain Rowing done at of license and tlie owners oi the vessel Will m ake a good stock rm u h . ITice ; It is thought to be the work of an in ce n ­ Sam ples free a t l lu r d ’s drug store. ! vonr hoiiie? at reaso n a b lep ri<*e?. Inquire are subject to libel fur the dam age occa- $450. I ' I gv . c Ö r . v j y c on I I a n J u P i n e < § to c ^ o f A. Morgan for MJps C i.ua aioned. diary. E ugene ia to have a eream ei v of large • of Mrs. 150 acr^p n u /itty I» land lying in ’ A large g athering of Sinslnw ladies capacity, the prom oters of the en terp rise , sp a rlin g All m asters. pil.;ts a r d enginears of section 13, tow nship, 18 ponth, range 10 A bout tliree acre8 cleared. A and gentlem en attended the New Y ear's being now busily engaged securing a vessels and all others intercjited in pro. west. HERMANN f/O T E S r dance a t Acme and passed a most de­ h.rge and lirst-class p lan t ami m aking tecting th e rights of navigation are .e- creek large enough to float logs ruiw | lightful evening. They alw ays have a arrangem ents fur the season’s wçrk. quested t : report to me prom ptly any , through th e land. Brice $550. G ^ o e E r^ iE g , delightful tim e under the m anagem ent C ut th is out and take it to H u rd ’s ^4^- i\boiif 5Q acres fronting o,u i niolatiou of the above provisions coining ' A tra c t d ru g s to re and got a free sam ple of! ’ December oj, t9Ç0. of the popular Acme Dancing Club. to th e ir notice In fo rm atio n as to the C lear lake th ree miles «oythoj Florence. A fair house andahottt. five acre« cleared, j Both m akers ami circulators of count­ C ham herlaiiBs Stom ach and Liver Tab- ! We >rere visited with quite a snow m anner qf obtaining a u th o rity for eoi strn ctin g ljsli-trr.ps, Jog-booms, etc, will A gq H ats & Caps, 5. Boots & l 112 acres unim proved land lying on ; T he First X at.onn, Bank of C o.lage am sooth,ng effect Lee it for pdes wit); , . Hrirt c .k3tel.lil;u. I ,, • ' ; Grove com m eiicep huRineRs Ja n u a ry 1st. and Rkin diseases, bew are of w orthless , , th e n o rth side of Clear lake 2 1^ m iles j T he growing im portance of C « tta g e ' counterfeits. M eyer R yle. ! 4 " ^ < n W n and \\ d b e Ij.esd | yp.cVcy of A lpha, who went to south of Florence. A good wagon road , Grove as a business center since , he de- A eom nanv of tim ber ernisor, are bus- ¡'’ l' “ * " ‘‘‘" i v ’T " ., lad>' ” H^ from it to the Sinslaw liver. Brice $600. : i the m jStortuno to lull ofj, getting very , engaged tq b u t had n ev er seen, m et her, velopm ent of th e B ohem ia m ines has ¡|y engaged on the SiiiAlaw and Um pqua 160 acres on up p er N orth Fork, a ’ wet. niMiiiL’d her, and carried her home liecome so a p p are n t th a t tliij step wa? rivers looking for tim ber ami a desirable large part of it bottom land. Will m ake ; Born, to the wife of B. L. T ucker, a H erm an Steinhasier is caring for J. a good hom e. Brice $850. necessary. location for a mill. If 190,000,000 feet of 4. . an. M othei r>nd You can ’t a fiord to risk your Hie by tim ber can be secured on tlip Siuslaw 8On? * otlioi .>m c t ge u.g a on^ A. B urnett ami hi« stock while Bur- 80 acres tim ber land with crc«*k large nicely and Bias will recover m course qt m»it’s d a u g h te r and sou-in law are on allowing a cough or a cold to develop in wo understand {♦ m ill will be placed at enough to float logs running through the , i tiuiQ. Nelson Creek battling w hitli typhoid to consum ption. One M inute Congh . G lenada. land and into tide w ater. Briqg $525. Mr. Storm ami Miss }*’ va Fnieienr re­ fever. C ure will cure th ro a t and lung troubles I If you have ever seen a child in the 1 138 acres of land a t E lm ira, Drcgop. , turned hoipo today acconjpanied hv Jam es Albert pope, of Alj’ha, aged 43 quicker th an any o th er preparation ngOnv of croup you can realize how A i)OX house, good ham , ami plQeU^k,pl know n. M any doctors use it ns a »P45* | grateful m other^ arc for Qne M inute th eir sister, Miss Delia Frasicur and Mr. years ami 10 «lays, died at the tenidcnee , outbuildings on p rem ises; C a c r e s \ W alter H airin g . of bis sister, Mrs. H orn, at I «iiview, on eifle for grippe. It is an infallible rem- 0 Ough Cure whiGi give« relief as soon orchard, Ifi «ergs iu ciiltjv at io « i , (0 seems as as though though Je J e e e r r up up here are C hristm as day from jaundice and w a s 1 erly- for croup. C hildren like it and aP p nd m iijsto rcd . It quhrkly cures I It t seems acres more cleared laini, mid 80 « v ie s’ m others endorse it. Moyer A' Kyle. [coughs, colds and all tliroat and lung getting quite tam e, as th eie was onfe buried a t Deadwood Fri lav fo.cuoon. slashed . hjilnnco. brush and tim ber He was a w idowerjw ith no ehildron. came out where the men at the Gibson Irene E ncam pm ent No. 42,1. O. O. F . , troubles. M a v e r& K v le . land. Brice $20 per aerp, $KjOO «low n. » gave a t i t. m eeting Friday evening elected Ww Acknow ledge tiie receipt of a check !oggl‘‘K at kj~ T here was a m erry ( ’hristnqia on Nel- f o r turthe.r int'nrm.Uion inqiii|.|ï n tj the following officers for the coming [,.oni the First N ational Bank of Eugene it a clnwQ ipit it was not satisfied with pon c ic e k . M rs. Mat on W lqelgr. in ' The W t:;.r office, Floionce, Diegon o r; tliat so it enme down to the Ptieipfl log- the Kst week of her honeymoon, had for te rm : S. J . Seym our, C. B .; John E. for sogQ' days ot happiness and c»,n- Jqjin C Reck, p o in t T«?rraco, Qri-gna. yr.' l’N irnish, H. B .; T. J . N eely, 8 . \ \ . ; I*, ‘rp tu ie n t. .May the business enterprise jg :n g c a n ip , ami after chaeing it up and nineteen hours hten b.ceding freely V.' Niehqla, E lm ira, Oregon. uml down the creek several tim es they from the iiletim (tin* lower third pf the C. Beil, S cribe; Joseph 1 ellm an, T reas., ^pjg popular hanking house insure i t ' d to su rround it and killed it s nail iutestiru- , the i t i.lt of ulrcratipti , -. «■ » X ’!_.. il- J. I W X C l.m ^ . . ’ » find 1 T P. \V. Nicolle, M . mi. I’lte?#} ofiieijrs -jupport of • the people ami p a y m e n t; DAIRY FARM FO R s * l e Caused by typhoid fever. m e -s e n g e r w ill he Installed Ja n u a ry H th . he. returned for its well to the with uu a x . w iih rpeetiing to E u g e n e » o r thp medicine A LPH A CLIPPINGS* M anv people worry becam e they be­ public. A i!; i dairy fa n p pn 5J»»plc '/n ek six p hieb m ight J cfi.dbly cle rk the «Iraqi Tim joint installation of th e officers of lieve they have h e art disease. 'The ami savg h e r life, hut tkgre was little to ile s trom Flqrpnee is i uty offered ff»r! Bv E ves C hange . P r ic e s a s L o w a s th e L o w e s t, chances are th a t th e ir iieartp arc ail Maple Lodge No. 139 and of Mignon Re­ te»j»e th at ne could ¡gtern in tim e. But sa le. rig h t b u t th eir Rtom icIiM are unable to bekah Lodge No. 105. I. <>. O. F ., a t It contains B^G acres, 3.^ of |t bottoin at 1 o ’clock th a t piorpipg the hepioir Ja n u a ry 1, 1901. digeat food. Kodol Dysyepsia Cure «ii- M apleton, has been poatpone«! to Jnnu-1 hage cea-ed ami the patien t rallied hind an«i 30 aeies have been plowed, gepts w hat you cat ami preveqtp the for­ ary 10. xk large «Iclegafion of l,vorem*e i One of the little girl» ot .Mr. Ilu n ic i ia and there was Christrnc». joy in that ('a n c u t 35 to»;a of bay. A good two» m ation of gas whicli m akes the stom ach Odd Fellow s will w iinr a the ci reino- 1 reported quiiv sick. household. Thia beiiiorrhag" is the story house 26 i«y 38 feet , a barn 41 bv press against the h e art. It will cure nies and enjoy the nice lunch to he pre- Levi Berksiiiirt, our rnud mpLUviaor, most drt ide»! feature o typhoid fe w ;, 70 feet, w ith heavy fram e; a g >at ho»isc every form of indigestion. M eyer & Kyle p t r e j (or th eir e n te ita in m e n t. was up last wecK p u ttin g the road in as n«* «rly every casg in wliic'i it uppe*rs hl by 49 iye*; a^i orchard o' about '»Oh • A special m eeting of the city council repair. Gu. r : W . C. Y’oran Saturday sold tieefl *»f different kinds of fruit l«ae be« n is fatal. to E. J . M cClanahan his entire rabbitry was held Saturday evening, at which E lm er Lam b ami W:n. H arris, who hearing for a year or twp. p r o m in e n t C h ic a g o w o m a n of Belgian H ares, including the cele­ the m arshal was «»rderpd to «li»e»»ntiiiiie have been ioggiry; at M ipietou, c>dit<3 A w ater wheel Of a bout 8 fiorje pow« i SPCAKS. brated J/>rd P alm etto , w ho has a pc ii- the use of the street lam ps,am i to notify home to spend Ch: istm.'.e. furiiiehcfl m otive power a t the barn foi F lo re n c e , O r> ef°n . Brof Rova T yler, of Chicago, Vice- gree as long as our fiiend Jim Vatep, f ix the owners tliat the oid M iller building ei.ttiug hied, saw ing woo«!, etc. One of our neigubors, My. Ram sey, tnet eight inches, at fi cents per pmiml was in an n n sa re condition. The con-, has fallen heir to $l,0*)O iiom his fath ­ president Illinois W om an’s Alliance, in The farm is m ile from sehjol and , live weight. E d. will sh ip them to Se­ tract for repairing the city jail was e r ’s estate in Om , W .».co n and Lucy die«* but I Hoeme«l to "row w«>r«n* and the j farm . H eceta Lodge No. I l l , I. O. O. F having a fine tim e so far am ong our rel- Ramsey hav*’ tic**n spun in g the holidays F or fu rth e r ^ ^ o rm a t’tQp iiicuir, qt the ' I’o ip l T u,ft-,^,, Ou. M o ren e* , O r. E lm ira , O r. medicii.c* seemed to upset my Rtomnch. W ednesday night inatalled officers for g'ives. Tiifc-re has liven no cold w eath er' viMiting friend . I ollic^. A friend advised me I > tak e Cham ber- th e ensuing term as follow»: E. A for this vouiitry yet ami but little enow. W illiam A ustio, w »o ia a scientific lain A Cough Remedy ;u.d I found it was ' E v an s, N. G . ; R L. E vans, \ . G .; F. C. Thu thei luf ineter has !»een up above trap p e r and can n iteo any fur-bearing p pasar.t to take and it r«jlh*ve«l me at Beil, R. S .; R. B. Mills, B. S .; Win. fr'Vising dr.ring th e day for nearly a A ÇTO.CK F-AdM anim al, »eccotiy aagot two largo ottcra 'o n c e. I now entirely recovered, 1 week ami has been below zero but once K yle, T. Ab«mt fifty m em bers were on Cougar creek. saved a d«;ct«)r'a bill, tune arid suffering, present, including a num ber of visiting since xe arrived.” A gor>l atuck farm of J CO acres lyinq. and I will never la w ithout thiw splen­ brothers. A fter the work of the even­ The schooner > icrn n v n to reached S.Tn | Jam es Bop-, «»ne *»f the first se ttle rs of E íiP s I^ , tim b e n E a ç s l^ ansi ü o v /n ffo tç on South atau^h is now olfered i«»r wale. ¡^> did u.adieine agaip. I or eale by O ing, which lasted un til after m idnight, FntncbC ) D cember 30, 21 «lays from Dendwoud, a g e i ahotit 30 years, dtie«l nt , Vbout half of it is bottom and tide la n d ,; H urd. nil repaired to the W estern H ouse, Siuelaw, with news of n wi« « k«*d schoon k.iiriiew 1 hriht iuas «lay, and wad buried th«* tide land !»eing already «liked. A E o ti^ [¿ t jo lA o q C Q m m i ^ i o n . C H U R C H SE R V IC E S. w here an elegant and sum ptuous lunch er which was sighted D ecem ber 23. Ut th e Deu«iwoot! ceniineiy «m the 29lh naw I iourc , nn o^ciu.rd of over 1>K) trees conclude«! th e e vening’» e n te rta in m e n t. bottom si«iu up. Toe uerehet was a vee- OV the sl'»e Mi lil*J Wife. oi\ th e place, an«l about OGO.OOh h-et «4 S ibbatli, Ja n u a ry t . rei viç«'« in Flor- Mr. Ja s. M cVey, whose bri«le arrived M orris J »bnson, Geo. Hadley, Geo. mJ about 85 f e e t’. iiigth of keel, with a good tim b e r «*nnvenientiy f-iHiat«*«! for Prescott and njnum ber ->f o th er loggcis n *w t- ppi i-p idite«l butt in Tt •* stern froi;i W iscooeiu, retu rn e d witti her to cnee as follows : Suh at li-Jclm ol, 10 a logging. F>',tftTQiv? out r ingc. About from Hie upper Sinslaw were in F lo r­ was well out of the w ater, the hull was th eir hom e last week. Mr». McVey m ; J u n io r E ndeavor, 2 :30 p .m .jS e n - head of c attle , most « f tt » m c «» uh . VurhcH having Ileal Estate fosell will do well ence th is week looking after th eir h gs w hite, and there was a bl.vk oval nam e th in k s th at the c lim a te is flue, hut th a t ior Emien vor, Ö :3 ï p. in .; p reaching 11 with the land. 1 /i«.u $3.000, im lu ting m. an I 7 :3 > p. tn . which came down in the recent freshet. board bc.uir.g yellow painted letters tli© roa«!» arc lnrt 111 good c »n hlio h . stock. In q u ire a t the Fioroine Real to place it on our list. I t is p »¿si.lie th a t invitatiepa w ill be M r. Johnson inform*« us th a t the large w ith the w'nds S,ui 1 lam ’i-«'«», hut the E state Agency. I jam in the nf per liver, consisting of all ti une was to«» deep to be seen. I he Sac­ out in a sn o rt tim e for a apleudid wed- and continuing thr«mgb tp e four ruc - w«*« k a series <»f kinds of drift wood, wbii li has been th e ram en to tx ; ei i«o!i e I reveial severe ding, the contracting parties being two cee-ling nig;.!« of greatest draw back to logging ill th a t g des, ami December 15 was alnm st oi our n n * t b rillian t s bool tea« hers. p re H c h irs frv ie e s will h^ held in tb e i TO C\»JR PATRONS- p a rt of the co untry, is entir»*lv removed, w r»i ke«l bv a heavy sea. In uder to The VVEar’s r«*p«»rtcr will endeavor to Florence church. S« riugew b<*gin at 7:30 } p. m. .'. !»♦*»•,rty cooperation <>n the part 1 th e rear having gone down the i:\e r 2 S save th e ve»d?l a p«»rtion of th ed e ck load give ■ riicidrtrs in n e x t issue. We have r.,i!ule arnintti ....?nt» hv m iles Tlo< wiii ••in*-* renewed h terest was throw n over In .ird. Frank Botterf, who went b u n tin g last of ad C lirifitiani is requested. A c o rd ia l' w hich we will fnrnieb th? Wer*t!' to he taken in I »giz'Ptf it th a t j i t »m«i How Are Your N. rvp»n If you are wee! and «ay • be nearly wore him self, a invitation to these 8eivices is e x te n d ed , Orejpiniitn w ith tbe \ \ . -T lor «,i. * v.i,r m any h gs will i e pi see«! in th e rivet easily “ J im rated.' c u .’t G« ep and feel p flr of overalls and a p a ir 0$ ^boes out, tn all. to any ¡»'hires. tbe son» of » to Jol­ <1 iritig toe re a r. tintefr shed in tl e m ^riang. your nerves gU j ,jjj n ot even see a track, cam e home ; a THE, D $ A f la n jav a b le eaali in a. I van re. • re wenk. H o ld 's S irtap.i rilla inakeH an 1 the next «lay while ru n n in g the the nerv«*.« »»mng t y m akin ; the b|«^»«t h earn «1 g «nw, a d j«*r cam e along and A rifli 1 p «’» v c u ra l of her Deafness and We need tn purchase m aterial for tbe neh hih I pure. tri -1 to p.«Mi betw een The Raw an«t a log N«>h*e-» The He.t«V by Dr. Nicboliion w office anil fin.I it necessary to nek our lit III»- - 11 1 ilf til« ■'.I» ', m roiie, Hl.en Ariitii inl '¿nr I>rutn«, gave »10,000 to h i. F o r I n f a n t s arid C L f.drcn. anbecrihers who ere nwoia ui, to calli tli-; , aw nearly l th e ileer rti.nn r n.titu te , er> tluit ileal people unable to Tbs Kind You Have Always Bought JOHN C. BECK by h i 'i • ou ti •• j,iv . brni.k procure ,he i-t.r O.uni» n-.ny have them ruand ¡mil helu us u it ,u ti.ia m etter. I ' t.ka If t niiiei, Arlrlrr». Xu. 10673-c. Tbe .Nicb- W. H. WEATHERSON, B e a rs th e Thii »ignature <• on every box of tbo genuine , , t . e « •« • a-1 In stitu te , 7W1, Ei(flilh A verue, Blanks (or W arranty : * e li (or rale ¡ a tu re of Laxative Bromo-Quinine ?»•>>«“ ii .rt ■» it a a a I ’ wife’s pet e .p tu f« » at tb e W r s t office. 1 - eaia ago. New Y»rk. IT. 8. A. the ttm cdj that rare» a cold t* one d w i " . n 1 PUBLISHED KVEllY FRIPA Y MOUSING— travellers . The y feccfo $(tuaj>ctißa ACME COMMERCIAL Co. will receive their new stock of W IN T E R GOODS in a few days. M E Y E E KYLE Shoes. Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r d iw a r E . Paints, Oils, etc. FLORENCE REAL ES’LVfE AGENCY. CASTORSA Anybody desiring to pur* chase Real Estate is in* vited to examine our list a^d see what we have to offer. W NICHOLS