T H E H o o d '» P d ls W E S T . A rt —routine; « v ï » y p r e p a re d ite m u e \ t r «e«n i m i ,e r com panj 4 *’ ’ coni I aot ha induciti tu m a le * to p m N a - j Il K i-. r pany of nnyoiie known t* Le and ( i,|nr«ifed " iti, . nv r t of a I r ti; mg * lure’s im!d laxatives,. while ritli* are reliable“ * tei .«-ite. and effluent. They 'Il e f » idat síüíkiho .— ■•> d r V. iiroci« as Well as Alen /.ie Made Miserable by K idntv Trouble. < I l À Í U » J - « --- in u . - • v unty «’.»urt of t!.« T h e G r e a t W h ite S to re , of Oregon ’ iur it * «“'»unty oi Lane in tb* ¿.-.acirr oi tUc rrtat« of > u u . MsthitJe , I w.k». *kt »»• ’ ;J. i>. h . A. A. F. Funk« aiui A. «> I'm k t ia.d vll ««tb» r inter« «ted—G h l ETING , ratilir.;» : r t craiu finding | i i l l : SAME MF TH E F 0 K F G 0 S . : • i it aie b« rvr.v viu»»t a n d roquued to app«*u: 1 • „ r e ro llin i flit- '.Vliite .Tour -. Jut» id tb * C onuiy Couyi «4 th e S tats o! O reion for i x y s -ic. c ut ot e rd e r tu«* Cuuuty ('Pi-ftus &t tUA C(^urt Rpuu, i o ' : tntfort «Ita I rg» iilrnc") mGUi t oiad, ,«■«- — m - • • tr ! Kt Eui’i'tic. .)» the C o u n t/ of l ane, un Munday, S i t 'li eral i ta ra ag", a vt.a.iu wa«i veen Iy Kidney ttiuble has ,. T « o (2) in Cox’s-ad d itio n to Floien«•••. and ( Catelv, ai ry fair day a b o u t ' icven reaches an age .; :t i yet odltcted 1.» t • num bered one (I) mid tw o (2), in section control the pa;. . "Id > -i i'- t'.ie canoe of tv./uty three (23), Tp l< S. K Id W, voutaiiung ' o ’» luck ». t ! e in ..rniiur, tlie m im # >-r - >ns f, » Much m bring HHid b y the pr»»„ ey treiitle, i. id the iit"t 'J* it a'.-n-f», acres, a*» all * in r FO' OKM have seiri ttbd pointed difficili y Í3 re V — — »•.............. . tv ji Lane C ounty, Or«H,'»»u. L it.. i. u . it a .»w <>l s the throughout lb« stllle of t' a ualilii l te p t h c u ’.d be t- • m the t r a m e n t cf w iT N E ^ the H Ion. II. H. K incaid, J n d p e o f the one of the bi# pillars a t th e east' end of • , ■ : ' ' • 1 ' " . ■ ‘ ' oU’C.y I . ' C ' ourt of the State of Oregon for tiouv ul toe varioua i uudidni. ii i . r . - U Í f.f , •* -od . < i.cnduiun cf .4l'* dis •he County of Lane, w ith the jeul of said is i ' e Kx tr .. vtt^c3, Kidntv tr-.ntl? p i y i "I -n tb'- mlr.d, dls- X lli^ e j ,.,d l.-.ivii, .m t i Leilit vlg *t Mild thf trluln«.,s soon ■ . — 1 AC» ;■ , hen the kid- Cunar f ir w i& n t h e L u v ftr ( ’etc* I Ir.id.u he, ft 1- iuuriie .s, S )ur_ Stomach, and CcuvA-iiat’ufj. • ' '* W.II. WEATHEKSON better 'b m enstrare the faith of the p»co- , 'While a num ber of proiiiinm l journals ple in the-strength of our lore, of xov- »re advocating M r. Corbatt fo. this im ­ ern inetti, than the c u rre n t taik about portant 4 poniuon, S enator-M ' in ." i* the e in McunUe rHeogwtiori varioi . 11 decided in the near future. \ \ Ini* opin­ Oregon project*, we moke r.t> Ireflitatipn ion id much divided ns to m b at the de- io fiving biiu our full u u j f f/t t for thin , , . . . cisión will be, it is uiiRiumoua Yhut it vlfic««. .Thep’oplHGl I auc «• . injy :<»d are j.rc lieting th a t tliij is an advance and both r.rel tlie same great remedy The mild i the 'Imrr-.di,' . cifect ol lb tine f floo’e sort of calam ity. S w am p«R oot is n realized, jt Is s^ld r ' About tl.i* only t h i; '/ aeeotn pitched by by druggists, in fifty- cent and one d. !Ur iC Secretarv If ay when ho m ade public the ires. You may ha.e -■->r thnd » oi se. : on correapond«*nt in ,scm s way has been pleased to learn thn it there is nt least Jtv 19 in Tow nship Nu la S., Kauge N>». going outside of '..is ordinary bn.iness me dreaded d iren .e th a t ai'ienee l.ae .» \V. t. n u J will offer pKi+f to show th at , , , .1 ., .,,. , . . neeii able to vuru - 1.1 all ¡is UiageS l„ d Ute laud »»»tight b more v aluable for its tiu .b er ' and sending «.,e»»age. tlm t he ofigld not . . j j u |,.? C llta,,.h C ure ls ................ Moods O F L A D IE S ' B E L T S I KS Ti» BE A i’R R tX TA TK Í» ). New lot oi Dress Iiinunings, in die latest shades ■ and kinds will nettle the m uch xi’xucu Question of Roiithern Oregon cannot uli.m l to » E»‘e , lu o ther words, th a t no m atter whetlter , , , , tliie importoiit position go from Senator till« deciuioii will uphold tlie construe MeBriite into 11'® hands oi any one w lio tion pot upon the constitution by the is not known to. ba its friend, and wi* or stone th a n f j r agricultural. : urpo^e»», ati^ adiuiiiiatralion in it« dealingn with our believe if M r.'C orbet I is su<:i e»»fnl and to have se n t. 1 notice all .regill.an b(j (jn|}. II(Jai, ;w „„a- kim'.vp t l tl.e ' u b li.u In-: •■•.aim to :wm .»ai«i iieii- • B .B ena«or,tliat thu action » ill be *s [ sarv, it wil' be aec-ptW i;s 'Cn'f’.l by I anticip ated th a t meant trouble for me ¡ tutionnl n e atm en l. Ile unni».9 as wi»n e• sos: i i...’.'» C u ta n li | gretted. 1 . . - c i i r e ¡a , « >n te rn » !'.» . a c t in g d ir e c tly i <' H H„ld-.n. of E b u e n c . o r- -on rr e c -r.cf ¡everybody There 1 i./e been dccteiom*' " , . ' V K•*.’»«' .t F ' i .'I '- ih - v , Oregon. 1'hiLip h J »tk and aura etiov.Jih telegram s .'ave ’ . »een ! of th e Runienie court th at were 'unpopu- j Upun tli. t o . ' . d l.lU C II.e ia h ' l i t n c e !l j M„pk,„ „ ,or, i?„11. II. 1.. Eok. ol I-Oll. E li/.'ti i t L i n e p£ " L A D I E S ’ a n d G E N T ’S N E C K W E A R , L a c e , SCHEI»iL. , 1 pouring in, and I presum e tt è Wil’» he t h e b v n te u i, t h 'i e b y d o te ro v in g ’ *1t? j T , 0 ,,n ,I ita ;n i>: t : u u n c a g e , a . . »»; »“ • ( » A n y a u u a all n porsons p-n um c « laim nium ing u,. adversely • tte « /s. itcd to tile th«-. TL b A*ll>tio.y Deoloerxt cf ¡/ecefuber ’. . was not accepted. Thia refl' eta as U much ? ---------------------1 ■ ................... ........... .............. ........ . e said l9tL da$ ' credit upon the goid apii22.e.t.d , trade, etc. ; t ia tru e th a t th e chief uf ; «titiiticq u n d a c s ie t.n g n.. i..o ,< domi publiahv» the following ' , . . it» work. Tlie pr .pnet. ,-j have ; J. 1 B biihie ». "A t 10 c'elotk tl.i» m orning Senator ism ui Ibe !:vc|,'.e, as up«/n th e «ìsd u m , I engineers .......„o faith n ers, in t h Ils a t ' curative powers, that ‘ mgiueert has sad th a t the barbò: was niueli Large Line of U. dertvea» for both old and young, consisting of Ulen, and W hitney, : ..nd „it ,g ity of.tha men « ho have been lelll M H«t .Representatives is r |'i r c » ,iin ii ii'o ........... not w o rth y i f {fiytber iuiproveinent ; they oiler m e H undred Dollar« for any ¡ — jontagiie und Ingram mat. with »ome of honored by inei.ibsmliip cf th a t cour n.t for list th a t the iniprovi .‘.o nt procured and the case th at it fails Io cm Children’s Waists Luion Suits for Ladies, he taxpuyeiw of the county at the court wliiub 1,»« been called -.be "greateM j teatiiiiQtilal-i, aecorld ' pfoBPeclive coniinei'ie w ould net ' istify , m i e l o . gÍHt«, i’ »«*. diere wae prerent a relegation .+ e a ie in v o liin g tin euu . gu. t | I H|Rn the ,.,,ium iit ia lighting Flost*burg« (> .’••gon • ’ i on i O tte H ull’s fjiinilv Pills u“«* tha boat- Novembe r 22, l*.»00. JrowD.v.l!e, . . . c headed by ,, r-y. r ' , mu ! , « > » ret for argum ent am ’.- , ....... , ....... very hard to keep dow n tlie hi’.l to ?T0,- I Not r ¡4 h*i'LJ' given that' .4A»* followiuc ruMingi wtKWe ,ni.e.0U a»» to ur«e an ’ ary 7th. after wldch thu court veil, ,t 13 I name ’. settler had filed notice of L is in te n tio n ALASKA GOLD FILL L, ; 000,000, including preeent appr„l.ria- T h ese a re p few o f th p 14411J new tilings. C all a t tlie G re a t , t . uis>c final preo: m support of h is ela in, and I n t returning to l inn county P»rt cf n eijw cteil. o.a,aider the cases and prepw e i lion», ami the c-intract'e th a t rtf to h? th a t Vuid proof’ will be inadv bofor-) C. H IIol trip taken off in 1887nn.l«Jded to Lane ' its decision. I'ir 't eteniu ehip for Cape Nome a n d • d(.n r < c’um iuissi'jner. a t Lalt' Precinct, Ore W h ite S fere for ev.crytliiug. ' a u tlic iu e il, and th a t they I n i’, ¡.race ouuty, being all hut a »trip four«by j Cap» V(»rk will s a il fro m S e a ttle , M ay i gon, «»a January 4. 1901, viz: Thom as Jenson. cfim’iriratieely sm all num ber c! , rally determ ined a t on tim e to giro l0 .’ ’I’h.s W illh e a large ship ” “*‘d imam J , aartw n mil«», tributary to Mohawk, 1 aewators and reprcaenta.ives rem ain i n . i . , , ualan Bnv IIOCD only for w h a t is called freight eapac.ty of li.CiO ton and pas- lle 1>unu,, f„iinv.liie witne.isos to p ro v e ; a n d tire • , , .. .ropMly.il. Lane coutty. the purtmlc- ' Wmdiiuytcn for tl.e.r holiday,oand the i luaititstjance. I was r.Of, how ever dia- «enger accolli modulions for- iiOO. För , liis continuous rt.-sidchce upon ut . 1 c u ltiv a tio n D ’ i, being th at beginning itt .iiL u t 1 capitol is alm.Ht deserted today, except , p artich |iir|y 6vor vhii( liad rate.« and fu rth er iiiforinatiou cull or o.i uf «aiC Ian»i, vir.’ peverv. i'e te r Erhar.lt I. II* Harwood,' I'. M. „ l a n d running thtttcS east to the e a s t 1 by the eight seers and a few of the regll- , ( t ,_p ke V recinet, Oregun : addies;. and E. B. Miller, »11 of o u u ty ’ line; » « rip four nule» wide, ¡lar aa.pl. ye» Neue o f -.1,«. house J r , th< K M uM uni-uEr, ' J. L UaivuF.-i. : h o u le m y KckiHter A rent X ofl.iorn Pacific. Eocene. .la d o r 'n J L n r . eounry the p art t:ib u • ' « nm t« cm,mi nees arc w ttiu j d uring the ; th a t, considering »fy to ,lb « Oalipooia* a Bint, c m .,«y ¡ r e c - ,., wldcl «unetK »,,; o.,,,anal IF V I W .V 'T A , i the conditions and circuì,1- ¡ . .'tanutor C handler lia» mot» tho charge lv»r. Tilia «heuld.lie dono ituncpB, and the tight, to red'T v the hil., ... . . »i N O T IC E FO B 1 'U B I.1C .\T IO X Commonting .» • the k r.g o ia g .AlU-le J th a t he ba l lu.t the port of hi« party th a t SiiiHaw x T. have had pretty fail ; nssociate» hv lu» a ttitu d e oil the tiilver 10 Lug»iie (.u»ad line thia to »ay : treatm ent. Tell my Iriendj' not to bt ’ ' • - 'U r,.tt4 Stale» l a n d p m c c . f'T b a, show» leck» harmlea«, h u t tt | quM tioii, ky «ecuriiif te tte r. c( em tor.«- B T J j y f l l l . ■ Koscburs. uregou m ieaiv r.u.l « a li for resultai Even ii Noyciutier 'J. i'JW- a 1111 LU > «IUUJ I re- V I ould tuke „ff a ' portion of. the Blub | m eni and praise hem tw UIH enty-four the Louse should not p u t cfi nnv fimi Notice I»»--« i«y .¡'ven* th u t in coiupliunre . . • « . Iver m ining d istrict and place ;t i*i 11 publican i>euatora. T hcw le tte ra -have which I fuel coulii’.cnt, » however, w tth th e provisions tl the net of ('uugre-« of it will I , June 3, U7S, en litb «*” ' An net f ir the uni«! of nut UOMIJM U n e coBitty hae «pant h e r» p rin t« ! for circulation in>"Xe<# d o -d h e re is still th e senat-i. Senator i tim ber lands in the SUt«-| of C alitorm a. Oregon. :oua»uds of dollar» in bm iiiing ri,.,de H am pshire. ' , Mcl’.-ido hi’on th e com m ittee on com ­ X evadafind W asbinaton T«?rritorv," Frederick ! V Kane, of F krence, County f I ..tie . State T he auliate enium itlr.» on agnjU ntdré, ! tortbiajiiinìnft distrailer.nd we wiU» (I merce in the sen ate. 1 siippo«' lie will I of Oregon has this «’.ay tiled th is office bis reou» friead» h. Ilio n,.rH> <>«' n» f’«»l ; w h id , hat"Lcet. giving l:o»M«g« on thè . need soiiicthing to do, ami after we get < «'.voru statem ent No for the purchase of l ’ ’e S l 2 SE»«. NF’ , A , of See No. 19. and olcim iercarine bill., will not oil during >« will tMt ,g«t. iti li Baile co ,iute isin through w ith th e com m ittee’ On riv er, t.v'W«, NE * Sec. No. Wi'in Tow nship No. IS.'-'. , Kauge No. f W and will offer proof to ovonl it. Th» cltiaen» of l'ugeire the Icceas, hut v i| »vauuu» hearing« a n d hnrt-ors, th ere will n e t ronlly be ' ¿how thic.'the land /ought is more valuable for j muta ho »ieri in this mutti-r hi *! a«- J a i i u a i y i’. Ilii day th a t Congress ri'nli- very m ilch for him to do to secure fai: ; j its tim ber or stone than for agricultural p u r­ ,t our delisgaùrin in ‘he lugiah.lu^c ! ara.Idea. The tlghtr.over tbis"! .11 proni poses and toeStubiiHh his claim to said lam t ! tre a tn irn t for Oregon. J _____ - aa f it » «...a I before th-. Register amj Kpe.Mver of t h ;s o ffie e a 1 ines lo + c o m i e its - \egerou» was «ti in ourouglJy underrtanda the movenv.-Mt T ruly and sincerely yours, , Roseburg, Oregon, ca Saturday the 19th day of ' the house, h'lt it a yoln i»reari,v4 it will Twos. H . Tostu n. , January^ 19(4. ingroado»*' " > Ik» names as wknesues: I probably pans. 1" 1 Rogirtar T td l»b » # ”> Criierlor. ie»« , II. C I-oliten, of FjoreucA, Oregon. F.llanl F 1 thiairinau Burton, oi the houae river j Nelson, Fldretice, ({¡egon. P hillip E Jackson. c a r i '/ p a s s e ii At., a . a F nc« I, : cZiiBln ... « niggvr in. the wood pile on jn Jhe e uc- de- ' , or c o n in iitto , lina m ade pn lie , Io hl« prim e the hue A|r. .lohn Coi a . race, 'firegon. an d iro n Hn.wn.viUo for » im rivrr .............. uu lttrlxir bll , .............. _ rhe g re at tourist iiuei-rl. w as a a u of g ’p r s t o L i g i ', j - h n i i s e . ! Any und all persons ctahuing jxlversely the committee, ;nd whicE.will lw tic Iron irani'e. Hut wl i y u r s o. u lii­ ,n . county , territory. I t l«aya Uu” , 1 v V that, c,„llUHt , ei., ,„ d whicJr.will above ti, scribed lands are re»inc.«ie.«l to til«» their ■ claim s in this ifii on or before said 19th day hein» M tielng worked in cúnesela»,, l i.- .o ii,,' :o tlie house»ssoon as congress n n e tr a , din-.*, w hich a re ra g e d untumi ly some ii'.ouo miles, uro,lue.-d cp rtala oi January l.’i 1 A ll chargcs reaionaige. illi division of. l inn county with the i rciisseuil I'll. Tlie h;", carries i:i round ¡id,» a dis- ihiriiilii c sym ptom s J. T H ridoks , ipu of making Bpiwiiaviilo the. ci.i.niy I'upiree $'»0.000,000, of which $'-'3,000.000 • o ic r y lu it m a y I w oilli rl.'lng to Register. F?. F IN D L E Y . f o m .d th n tth e ti.r c a t- at. If th i. i» «he case l inn w i»l i > IS i I dirccl lipproptlatioiis and I ti- iv v i the pul,'¡C. I l e «...m F i o r i - l i "i‘ . G re . unu,.; «pinni, d «- l,erself tliat no ! aim county t e l i t i . v 000 forth paj muut of contracts 1er c c n - 11p , . when he » y io u g i'r s a t w it ' ",t t h o ò lii \ \ ,1<11 p s t i l i . ,1. added to l.iiin. - ........ M» I - » . . - , . ; NOTICE F C R P U B L IC A T IO N . P R O P R lF T ^n ARE /O U AN J. W . C A R M A N VlePride is h»'la. 1 arge as the m nount carried b> , .jpj^ 4s a»»rn«l w ill t»w D’ no out by tSulem Sentinel Senator Laud tu.t. l'Oïvt.urv. Orecnn. ' this hil' is, there is winch diHaatirhUiOtl vtbors v I.«'in In» rid\ na»«l to do tb«* IKceailier 1«. 1M0. pectetl to arrive in hilem within a , i wHir.o, HI who a re cah«»f w ill b-- made iicfurc M arie I.. ■ ' .. . . . . . . “ * J U S T A LINN COUNT» Ö O M rs (p ru lT .4 0. W. HURD. BIG I.0AII ¡IMLF!), I HI" M s of Slots •AU C D r G o o d s , -A ¿ g r o c e r i e s * a n d > M o tio n s . Corral a t t a Sheller for f f i i » L , | ''FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. G oods as ^ e o rs s e n te d . W. Tooiit, Mr. Corbtftt, h tJ a ’su eautiüd by a aver and harbor bill v,aq tartwis fitxi will I'« IL® p. cur.»’ in ------- in the hill of 1897, which provided**Dr rtou to look alter hie iuKresta tho »xpenditc.ru <»t $7 ". Td,9oS. Goflaip is he.ay with the doings of TH« MOTHER « FAVOUIFI. I Pr.nanni Caaal luhhy.»«tfi, and t'm C ham berlain’» G.wiab Itemed.' i» tbv ntl>*r’a favorite. It 1» pleasant and ; nau).*3 of aevertl V. •. Senator* are le lor Children to take and it al .'ujb mixed up in tUv m r»« j told. Aecord-» rv, i t ,» inte-idvd crpeci.iT/ !■ : ind lu me ' ‘ thvt-e at< i(? s nW e than • a ■ — > PACIl 1C ODD FELLOW Mr. V('.,i ish T alk er ( u h n rateli th e n ini»* o t‘ h b p a rtn e r) V-u A m ortlily niiigivfiim published in net* th a t m an behind mo. Well. If P ortland, and exoil. liv e ly d e v o te d lo th cre ’H otii» m an In , ’ds w orld th a t 1 ^ate. be’:« the on the interests of Odd ' cllowsliip, I', th ¿i*prise» — V/l y. l.K-al nnd 'gtm cral. H is I’niuni-r (in t is the only O '.-I ilmi » m y bi d'Hii'F Mr. Y rrT u. h T ul’.c r m u lc k lrl Vrn, Fellow rubrication ic. Oregon mid is nf enurac i l i a . ' « w T v i .m ie b in , io c ,y ' now in li’s eighth year. dogi I.O U 'k :. F ill'.. Wc have made ar.¡.nireinents w.tii the publisher by winch we can cl..l) a ., E n . o. yrw . . « : Mr« S ,ii ' V li- ii', i du y I h we . “ Pacific Odd Fellow '' with f i l l : V. ' « r n e ro rl,'tl! .Ç.I1 thlol. , , the .:o,,.| w-e muid do '.J o o " 1.'' hu.. h>t« of 1 ulliey! at a rat, wv Imlicvc every t ’ Id E c.-.lw ., we would I ght'I to accept- Mr. Hliort T rue. my dear. ron »h» 11 ÿ ie u , d ' n " i)f to e d ip 1 quiet i T iie p r cc of "l’n r W ssr is rl.-.O per a n e now Mrs. tib o r, Ve-, • coiir-e. h it no vear and the price oi “ I iciuc Oi.l une w 11. . »m t e r ' o f .t i "hi. il.-’o N 'e ..s. I'cilow” .< $1.00 per Vc.ir. l.ut wc will " d ’l inner l>, giving ,t t.‘ G .ldrei, Iur it co,, witii " m 1 Cwnal money Cf cnu.-ne ma no opium or Ofl,*«- m ini imu drug Iin» noglit lie im e and y. '■ the «enii or ,il 111 ay bw given a« con T ie.illv t" chil iitvolved m ight noi he givi iy •( anv- an a«.to an adufl. For «ui,> I y »» '>"• •-liillg wc.nc than iigd jndgiuf.it. Ft>r urd. • Y hr Hu<< e r «m %% fenici* im u n wlie.iv egotisn, i» grea; enie.igl,, : ut I gvt S‘-k Vi»w \Vlfu I ritore 1« no pie»», ire m ÜJ* if 7 ° '’ .tm !egetisn, i» a murked «diana »eri.-tic 1er. ph»«*1- , I'euh-r ftp I »ad going to Um table to eat and enn’t , i 11...at meni n, i' ' eaaily be .allcTud ¡Tew \\ if.' re it a t niglit on account of indigc Jim’. intrt ave» pi, ie on e ' itati ui to go on a ) .n .y V 'illla m a .o l B o o v i y f. .............. m -" wliiint be I id-.'.dts. I'l.icap-o „ifleied tl,at wav Icr ; e n n , HU >'« mnianced the a«c ol K d j H y»l»-|-'» lad.eved to be I o er« -.uil d nuier and friend, w il,,‘ 11, d e y .fiig a -v thouglit BEAT OUT OF AN IraCRCA 3 e HIS ■re. and •.»<»>*. ‘‘> ow I rEN 3IO N . tng l"lik e and »II I * » " t » ' l lo wliere the money 1« vomir,g freni lo A ¡le x ic a n « a r «etera,i am', pn.;„in>mt umlYy every night ’’ " ' 'iwp puv (lie bilia, or »lictlier Hiv uan c«- w iilaa "- e..,, g te. .. i.e rri C ere « ill d ig c t «!»•* >"V" rt U la-etcl anv iegialalive favor 11, retrirn tediti, 1 .R ie n tro ! C lia.'.'a- ' un » Co Clitde-n ■yer X tejtlo. h,r »iteli expeimive »ociai nuirleaijg, and Diarrlmei, 1.' ..edv . ai ,e uin.l.d : I j e t l e » m a’, of Imneat in ten tio n l. t |,n t tt, H ».(hliri; in '.levi. ’ • i t.’ and 1« 1 « -lei api «e., li invi,»,.un», Imwever, is 1 contraeteti M o ic a u d .srr. e a and ,t. “ „Oinggll su d digesU ve o r g a n .,:' a a yre,IV atrmiM indicati..» tl.a t Hi» m a,, reme.lv Ima kep, me Irmi» g ettine an in .nIH loii In- U k m g II «>d » , , » t » crea«»» n sio n •» — (or on ............. e« ery re­ v n u o v in m, m »— v j w t ........ _ iraagsrllla an 1 you w ill I " W E L L . fi not i»r«»peHv ennM'ptxl »«»r a auc»»wvul newal ,.»>vru a u iliMl» . it resini«« m e.” It ia dnac .1 r- - -------------- I C»>tt|tre«aioua'. tnrw T . The beat and UW l>tUetj M Ä q 9ie|| u ;r> (or d iarrhoea \ u _ , .k rnoit lervtcrttble thw lobbriata ^ud 1* p le tra a : no I aa(e to t.»ke t o r C o n / r , , ^ « « thu*. «I.« «C Ml« U. W llu rd . LAI» Ana vetr for W M I"; . 1« o ' '• ' h>a-t » » ’ - ' " ’ ’ "• «V » k rtEP yo«r I»'*’’) r'irft O o s n e - ’ . . . . ..'..Just !, ' "ir a, «end both to subscriber« who pay , year strictly 1 Ktvanee for $2.00. Cali ai" our office ami »•’ • a sam ple W 4 S E \. HW*4 M "•„. S, .■ ». l’p I'i>.. R. ? W Ik- nnnu'« the following ' i ‘.p)«»*R'«»s to prove his enn’.iu ,"U* kwidencc upon nnd c u ltiv a tio n | of shid ’aifff, viz: j. 1. "f K , ’ . Oregon; W T Baih • Meit'low. Ittk ¡eitcn; W. Nich- ,f 1 Unie c o . ' t‘ • n. ar.d A. M. i.,\v. Gt Juu- .. '1! City, lux.* entity, Oregon. J. T. H ripo K«, ILuisicr. ( N O T IC E LO R P U B L IC A T IO N nit- 'l Sntt-R : m l Oflb’ *, KiHvhuig. <> n.«»n. pct-eml-er 12. 1900. •reby aiv n th a t in e -m p lia m o '« «»ns » •' flie c gì •'■'np-’-sa o( . f is '. Vnttt’ed ’• An a»’< for the snle «»i e Stai ■ <• ' tE L iu ’a. fJregGn, iii'l A m L . if'in ThrrttnFv,*' a> la'l tbo Publie Fanti StMpt« l* e . Joh n I . ConU’. j of ‘ I jhip ». Xluerffi ¡‘urr.laU a v filed n thi« elfte* rut has th N Stai «’f i \ , fc for th » pv.rCha»«» Cl No li. ill T>»\vn«hip L ,»f the -■ '"'th. '‘ "Tbti’t.e No. 9 \S« «f. No. •T- r 11 *«? »•' >h<'\» th a t tk< L«v. I lO u-hl • an i w rtl -itb’ for its Timber or «toi.e tln.u U ■ tjal • .r^w'.w*«, ,»nd to «‘tt kbliiU LI* • i for ugr I to o f ’ bind be ft .«• th»' R egister Ao 1 * i .'»■«offleent R«*s*»burg. O r r g ' It >. tSe Kill «lay of M arch. tt pdt F n A ;Part. « t l V Sl.irreP. } « W tw aidr«! .;« d i,’»r, on-gk.n t T. 1 u m R.» j - ■ BAL BKAKfNu^plvtí, * ’‘d I t ' r Hit.ichnioiit»», e »«y p a y m e n ’«, «»Ml mac fin e s taken in exchange, one m illion ti»e liuii rci ««'.«»iTgf*Ti, P. K. Jacks»») and It. Il i**i*k, 1 > s, T 2»' R II» ,t of r t T. r-ae,».. oiTgen. , • « t : f' ii' t» n< ultri* “ -«'« f 5 Î and all persons claimin’ adver**Iy H»** j »e.s r»*«i'lvi)e* upon a*. i ciiR») » moii hl« e,**) v v»« J»s«-ribeil lu » )<»« are • t* — to CI»’ «4. >akl lami, vifl: « h ' s •»•»v ®« » - their Il F N \ L’ i N" He n WHITE IS KINO !, v.alw, I . U»t» v«»a ®u or oriora .»U via day CÍ Vfrss'l. I R annte ~ 1 H IT E SEWING MACHINE COMPANE. 300-300 P o st s tr ic t, S au F ra n cia « «>. Cal. B D. P a i n e , D ealer i n 't'-. j S tv t ' 't ■'» d i ', E t i ’ O ,