in advance.. uuw mw iiWy Saturday. w' u‘>ty,’^0 re^)n 'Of^ e * * Florer>ee. natter » *>, •« sscoud-claag matter. ^ . . r to county /Teck ranch. The iittle son of W is quite ill tli^ i week. The Prien i LCME C O flflE R C IA L ot laud and ou# piece of eigh ty acres,' 1 150 acres m ostly tim be. Und lying In 1 Christmas is com ing! C all at Meyer 4 Mesdames W . W. Neely and W m . and some town lots in Eugene. I t w ill section 13, tow nship, 18 south, range 1 0 1 Kvle’a and select soma of those fine B rym l were in Florence yesterday. About three acres cleared. A ! '» ON 4P- books for your friends. require several days yet to determ ine west. ' / « f l notices ¿ cen'ti'il’'1?,5'- Mrs. John Mason was In town m aking the am ount of wheat in the elevator and creek large enough to float logs run« j ^ . ^ m i U j s , In«, rmH.p^rUau purchases for the holidays Wednesday. in addition to this, lie has considerable through the land. Price $650. Constipation ia cured by Hood’s Pilla. . **^W»nÇr.,5t)ceei)iber 2 j , ly o o . ?5c- ; John Cassidy and his m other, of Gar- wheat in the m ill warehouse. When A tra ct of about 50 acres fro n tin g on ! . dine r, were in J lorence Sunday v isitin g ttie in ven to ry is completed ttie e x a c t, Clear lake three miles south of Florence. i Some Christmas presents can s till be j ! relatives. status w ill then bo determined. I A fa ir house and about five scree cleared. I •W E S T L IN G fc . had at A. O. Funke's. ! A good wagon road from the place to j b m ilk It, W ilson went to Acme on ttie HOW TO CURE CROUP. Twenty-five per cent discount on 15th tojtake up his new duties w itti the the Siuslaw riv e r n t Gleuada. A fin e : L in brail Mackintoshes at Meyer 4 K y le ’s. « • « E * * * * » Price i Acme Commercial Co. M r. R. Gray, w tio lives near A inenia, ' place for a summer residence. is cured by U o o il* .1 .,V *len yon w an t prom pt acting little ( Prof. J. A. Pond le ft Sunday for his Oneness county, X. Y ., says: “ Cham- I $600. Pills. 26c. ' I Pills that never gripe use D e W itt’s L ittle ! old home in Ohio, where he w ill spend A tract of a litt le over tw o acres of i h e rla in ’s Cough Remedy is the best wIsT8? 0 Franci,c')^ » > „ in e r and the Early Risers. Meyer 4 K yle . the holidays w ith friends and relatives. medicine I have ever'need. I t is n fine I bottom land between Florence and ' " IST oil# ---------- year for t - $2.50 ’ ' , A .«n rPrise parry was given W illia m , j Acme, ly in g on tide w a te r near Rose ov . Andrew Brand and Otaas. G Andrew B rnnd and Chas. G ettvs have ; children's remedy for croup and never m il ci i n i ? " e'egl" lt disp,ay S'»’ » ing h v ^ W" Wl K y '? M ° nday cven- con,e do» ''fr o m the Bohemia fails to cure.” When given as goon as i ' H ill cannery. A fa ir house on the land. ««JJ china ware , uilaWe for Cllrist*m tt| ‘ " « « t , ’ T * uW ‘’",d’ - A Very W,,‘ >'“ ss M * d« '« "¡< min--g and A fine place for gardening or raising pass the holidays w ith Siuslaw the child becomes hoarse, o r even after gifts. ------- pleasant tim e was had by a ll present. ' * tlie croupy cough has developed, it w ill sm all fru it. Price $200. friends n iv , Meyer * K y>e- le W .tts Little Early R i,er, art, , Register: - The city ja il was fa ll Sun- 160 J. J. Xlcolle and wife M ' It >11 I’rev en t fbe attack. This should Is- —v acres —- « . of v ii land o u u near ii a ir v Clear w a f lake nu ly in g best liver pills ever niaj e p day. The il lo occupants 0 , - ss J o lle i>o rn e j n m j n{] gn,j n bottle of the cough in section 11, tow nship were ten hohos .. . 19 south . . . . . . range Turner mid Wesley W h itta ke r, of Ma­ .’ I ft- ....... . . J . . I___ . v I . I .. . 1 , 1 ft___ a _ i r t e o and never grip«. Meyer 4 Kyle ake f wl,o were _iven g.v a n ig h t’s lodging. The pleton, le ft for Eugene Monday to re ­ remedy kept at hand ready for instant 12 west. Price $250. in the num ber use us soon as these symptoms appear, j 112 acres unim proved land ly in g on W illiam Jones n vim«., l" police repost a decrease nt n ,c liu u iu rr , main during 'lie holidays. J W Grove, committed suicide" o"n tlie ^ 8 ^ ° ’ C° mpared w ith iorm #r l o r sale hv O. W ..H u rd . : the n o rth side of Clear lab . 2>u m iles W . R. Hollenbeck has gone to Eugene __ BU. ' of Florence. A good wagon road ! to see his mother, who is seriously ¡11. C H R IS TM A S * E N F L O R E N C E , I south from ¡t t0 t l,e g iug|aw r j ver, p rjce | (i00 I f you have ever seen a child in the j The L illia n made a special tr ip to .Ma­ I J iX “ ! * ’* " ," 1 Cow agony of croup you can realize how pleton Sunday afternoon th a t he m ight ICO acres on upper N o rth F o rk, a Let the public come to the Presbyter­ I-ax tiiveBromo-tRiinine Tablets cure a I grateful , n mothers are for One .Minute j take the s.ngm M ondavTnornU.." ian church Christm as eve. A Christm as j laige part of it bottom iand. W ill make cold m one day. Xo Cure no Pay , G" re which gives relief as soon ' W m . K yle and fam ily took the L illia n jtre e w ill be elected there. Christm as I a good home. Price $850. Price 25 cents. y ' i “ s it is administered. I t qu ickly cures for Mapleton Saturday afternoon to meet i presents w ill be received and given | 80 acres tim b e r land w ith creek large coughs, .» ? ± * - w i n , [ S ™ . ' colds and all th ro a t and lung bis sin e, David, Edward and W illia m , j there. Santa Claus, in fu ll glory, w ill j enough to float logs ru n n in g through the Mever 4 K v le. who hail been attending school and were visit there. A good Christm as p ro g ra m ,! l * nd llIld i n l° title water. Price $525. An unusual amount of bad weather .from the large holiday stuck of ou * * expected on Saturday’s 6tngo. They ¡consisting of songs, recitations and oth er I 138 ncres of land nt E lm ira , Oregon, r mer- has prevailed during^ the week, .chants, who are doing a lively business 1 pr'7 “ ‘ ,eo au/ " ' g ; the week, con-' con returned w ith the boysSunday m orning. i exercises by m ^nhers of the Sabbath- A box house, good barn, and plenty of in satisfying their desires. i 8'9tu,g ° f heavy jv in d s , thunder storms, i school and public school, w ill be run- ; outbuildings ou premises; 6 acres rain and h a il. The titles have also been I J. V i. Hand, of the Acme Commercial «tered there. Services w ill begin nt 7 p. m. | orchard, lt i acres in c u ltiv a tio n , 10 We are reliably informed Co., w ill leave today fur San Francisco, . . , „ ------ that the unusually large and the ocean very I 6,“ “ P- C ommitted . J acres more cl banal land, and 80 acres ' «H lt,tle C1,Wt,’r G1'rtl>'berlii.’H rough where he w ill reside in t t e future. H is H a v e Q lw a y a on H a n d a F in e eatli at 1 ortlaml last week was a m is -' siaabed; balance, bulance, brush and tim be r many friends regret his departure, ami T H E B E S T P LA S TE R - A our Best W ork cannot be done w ith - take. However, the lad is quite ill and land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 down. . , ------- ys, wb^are I n c i t e « | *!la'i ®^ * nd ke“ P8 tbe“ 1 j the affected parts is snpeiior to any John C Beck, P o in t Terrace, Oregon, or TO CV ltE A C O i n ONE IlA y G i^ o e E ^ E f . boys, who are logging near Walton, had I plaster. When troubled w ith lame back W Nichols, E lu iira , Oregon. Get only Hood s. Take Laxative Bromo Q uinine Tablets. .one of his legs broken just above the ’ or pains in the tid e o r chest, give i t a Guard: Postmaster McCornack ’ ARE Y O U AN ling and striking him. ivas"’^ " ^ ^ ,f ° r " ' S " 8 V '“ 1 " [ Ural deliverv ro,1‘ e cm> ; s; ‘ - ¡ U « . r ' . , « , . With p „,„p , .Idles distant ; c 8eC" red ° n a I,,0P ° r ,:irC,,it ° f tw en ty- bis home about two miles j which it affords. Pain Balm also cures Q o o d sj live miles, or Jess, provided at least one the injured limb set. ---------- —------------ - , rheum atism , F or sale by O. W . H u rd. ^ ess 7 hundred householders, to be supplied by Both makers and circqjator, of count- the route, petition the pos to (fice 7 è part- general new s . I f so you should take and road SU N D AY SERVICES. rfeltfl commit commit fraud. fr«nJ Honest u „ ..... » ______ . , r erfeits men w ... ill I went for Hie establishm ent thereof not deceive you into buying worthless, MHnv „ The German tra in in g ship Gneisenau M r W ig h t w ill preach in Florence nt M any people w orry because they be­ counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel ' |ieve tlle y fou.-'ilered near G ibra lter Sunday and ) 11 a . m . and a t 7 p have heart disease. The •w. O ther i A m o n th ly magaxine published in Halve. The original is infallible for cur- 7 j chances ere th a t th e ir hearts are all 100 lives were lost. services in each place at the usual I Portland, and exclusively deroUil ing piles, sores, eczema, and all (k in to rig h t but th e ir stomachs are unable to John Addison Porter, ex-private sec- Lours, diseases. Meyer & Kyjg. I tlie interests of Odd Fellowsliip, both • digest food. Kodol Dysyepsia Cure d i­ retary to Piesident M cK in le y, died at Rev. Thos. A prea; !“ ! local Rnd general. I t 1« the only Odd Guard: Elizabeth Francis Hollen gests what you eat and prevents the for- I?8 iTJ?6 *“ 1>uUla‘n> December! Gleuada at 11 a. in. and in Acme at b 2 ¿0 » I, ’t t v ---..w-.s ......v ju u n n prevenía me iu r- Deck, wife of L. R. Hollenbeck, died at niation of gas which makes the stomach J; Fellow publication in Oregon and ia i 1». m. ne xt Sunday. IlAI* U •■■ilex m ill » I . . . I f ____a. ! lx . . . her home a mile and a half west of Eu- • . press against the heart. I t w ill euro Two negroes were lynched at R o ck-! --------------------------- now in its eighth year. .gene, Sunday, December ,6, 1900, aged every form of indigestion. Meyer 4 K yle port, In d ., December 1«. e robbery ; $ 1 0 0 R ew ar o , «100. We have made arrangements with ,67 years, 1 mouth and 20 days, after an The heavy wind storm Tuesday night and m urder of H o llie Simmons, a w hite ' -----s— illness of about three month’s duration, The raaders of th is paper w ill he C' Ub blew down the hotel bu ild in g of R. G. barber. ,from dropsy and stomach troubles. ’ w ,U l T i » k W w t M ills at Acme, which was in the course Advices from Ilo Ilo indicate that con- pleased to lenin th a t there is at le a s t! 1 aeiflo The pupils of the Florence public 1 of construction. Wednesday m orning siderable lig h tin g is le iu g done in th e ! one dreaded disease th a t science has at a rate we «very Odd Ftljlow school w ill give an entertainment this the rubbish was cleared away and Mr. Philippines. Large uumbers of the na­ liven able to cure in all its stHges and ' » « “ Id be glad to (ccept. evening, for which a great deal of p re p -¡M ills again set to work to raise the tives, however, are swearing allegiance that ia Catarrh. H u ll’s Catarrh Cure i* T iie price of T ub W k « t is $1 50 per »ration lias been made during the past building. A n o th e r house and several to tlie U nited States. (he only positive euro now known to the ¡year and the price of «'Pacific Odd several weeks. V»«ler thg direction of fences were also blown down at the same j Catarrh being a W hile crossing tlie railroad track w ith medical fra te rn ity. /hose who liatfe charge of tlie prepara­ time. disease, requires a consti- ! F ollow " is $1.00 per year, b u t wo w ill n team near Turner Sunday, the vehicle I tory woik, there is no Joubt ,of its being No one can reasonably hope for poo.1, in which Ralph Bowerman wag rid in g ! ,Onrt ,re* tn,enL H i l l ’s C atarrh I send both to subscribers w lic pay a year a success. healtli|uiiless his bowt-is move once each ! was struck by k illin 'a , , , in te rn -, a „ tra in , lin in g g j Bowerman k ,Herman C‘ire ,, , a lly , acting " dire ctly 3 i s tric tly in ailvancu for $2.00. __ in • sta n tly and . dem . «...1---- . — -- nnt attended t/x Tlie county judge of Ijotijilas pounty . dav. day. When When Hiix this ia is not to j d : i . . and the . team olishing «»»win ,P ♦».« ‘ »»HaCes of -' C all at our oifice and sue a (am ple lias resigned .... his r position at tlie r e - ' orders of the stomach n I ip tv fiu rn u M l « H v a t e i l l . t b r r e h v < ÍP M tin v iiu » ..... .— and, . ii- r , oiiiousness arise, biliousness, ' I the sy s te m , th e r e b y d estro y in g th4 81V';, » ...„o,, Saturday the Ljine county hoard o f, I f yon would have an appetite like n begin the work of re » i"n in g the volun- 1 eale. No. .«I, In Township No. is Soutli, Itnnge a relish for your meals take equalization adjourned its session for bear ...... ... and ........... .. I l contains 100 acres, 35 of it bottom No. tl West, n il I will otter proof to ahon that tevr 1 roups ftutn the PhitippiiiHs, ju the adjustment of taxes after sitting the , Cham lierlain's Stomach and L iv e r T ab land and 30 acres have been plowed, tlie land «ought ia more valuable for its >!mb< r They correct disorder, of the .to m - : d l"el' irg ” by entire weejc. A reduction of 20 per cent, lets. Ttiev con or atone than fur agricultural purpose«, and to _ . i ___ i - . „ .i,_ i i __ ___ . ■ . zo, next. J Ins action is taken in a n tic i- j Can cut 35 tons of hay. A good two establish hl» rlnlin t>> ««id land liefore tlie ( •m ounting to upwards of $1,000,000, was acli and regulate the liv e r and bowels, t W. H u rd ’s drug 1>“ t,0" of tllR I'«“”“«’- of the arm y le or- story house 26 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by Keglster and Receiver of thfaomee at lioai-hHrs. made on real estate. I t was asserted by Sample's free, nt U . 70 feet, w itli heavy fram e; a goat liousi i-1 ' • j gamgatlon lu ll now Irefore congress. »a Wednesday, the Mh day of March, tbe board that j he tag on personal prop- store. 16 by 49 feet; an orchard of about 500 Ho iiamaa as wftneeaea: Pete Cowan is w inning a reputation A R O M A N T IC M AR R IAG E- ,*rty was much smaller in proportion trees of different kinds ul fru it Inis been John L. Furnish and C. II. Holden, of Flor­ (tban the .tajt on jand, hence the redne- as a spei-ialist, bis bobby being old and ----------- bearing for a yuar or two. ence, (lrogon, II. II. Flak and V. g. Jackaoa, of worn out teeth, a number of which b e 1 Guard, Denember 17: Justice C $ ,tion. A water wheel of about 8 horse power Ft. Torrnee, Oregon, N ext week w ill lie a tim e of rejoicing nae removed w ith an adeptpefis only ; W in te r..,c i-r |ld« afternoon united in furnishes m otive power ut the barn for Any end all peraona claiming adversely the throughout the -p tire country, and we ! equalled , .....— by ' up-to-date r ...... ............................ . „ u i n ¡M . u cV c i ey, of Alpha, cutting feed, sawing wood, etc. ahove-deacrited lands are requested to file their practitioners. | m . arriage M r. Jolin in thia ofib-e on or before auid oth day of »re pleased to see the /n .n y elalaira'e Monday afternoon E arl B utterfield was ' Lap-, county, and Mrs. Mrs. M ary Luff- The farm is m ile from school and ' cleiiua Man'll, ism ' - preparations ——' . being made • ■ ,.. m e o r l w i ith ll* a n i desire I ugi m (ex szx s>le V S . 1 a severe ! man. r is , .... by ony ppoplp ! I o seized to ew work and of l.auclaire, Vi is. This u n itin g J4 m ile from n county road. J. T. Häiriön«, JOHN C. BECK. » . W EATMER50N. f o r a proper observance of Clirjstmas : tootbaeba. Noting bis dilem m a, liis jo f t w t o happy hearts has a tinge of ro-j Price $1G0O. Keglatet. .There is no no doubt doubt that tlia t several several o of ttb the I friends repaired w ith h iu i, struggling ' inane e, . ------- , -------------------- --- Point Terrace, Or. Florence. Or. -There is mance about it. M r. M oV ev some tim e | A bargain for anybody w anting a jrnung peo^ pie on the river w ill lie Disile ; frantically, to Pete’» office, where each ago inserted an advertisem ent in a mar farm , l o r fu rth e r inform ation in qu ire at tlie | in ---------- honor of ,. ! of the poor fellow ’s maladies were effect- tinge bureau for a wife. I t was answered , and ... 'happy on the occasion,.— heir happiness a free dance w w ill ill be be ! nally cured by the * removal of the tooth. by Mrs. L u ffu iiin and after considerable W lst office. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Jtlfiven at '.Odd fe llo w ’s hall. Come out A meeting of the Board of Trade uag correspondence and tlie usual exchunge ka.i j Office, Koauhiirg, Oregon. 'and help them make Christmas merrier, WHs called for Saturday afternoon, hut of photographs M r. M.-Vey sent the Indy .. „ , v November 22,1(IOO. £ .............. ' lo/Wb prospcj-pus afjd qw ing to the illness of the president, a railroad ticket to bring her out w e st! A STOCK FARM . .and wish then] Nutlcol» hereby given that the following. F W m ^ ¡m k e r » £& d ^ Col. ,0 . H . Holden, no business was and she arrived on tlie 2:06 train this useful life userei me. u,ioust reftla, h a, flIcd nol)rp ,„ h(< lnU ntlo„ transacted. However, quite a num ber afternoon when 'she was met by tlie in- i A goo.1 stock farm of 103 acres lyin g to make anal proof In .upport of hi« cla m, »mf / Among .the tens of thqusands who proof will be mud« before V. H. Mol- of pitiaens were on band to attend the tended groom and esoorte-l to a hotel. on South slnugli is now offered fo r sale. that .have used.CliamlierlBin's Cough i Remedy Ce' lo r colds and ia grippe during tbe past j meeting and do whnt was possible to Each one seemed to lie satisfied « ¡til the About half of it is bottom and tide hind, ! uen. IT. 8. Coin ntlMfoner, at Lake t'roclacb ore- | (on, on January 4, lwil. T h u n S J.uron, - >- - - |H,|gp. not a pingle ! help along the matter in hand which, ; other, a license was im m ediately pro­ tbe tide laud being already diked. A on IT E. No. ;.vts, for tj „ |„ w u Jew yéar», to our Imow cured and the liual chapter of tlie ro­ — ' owing to tjje brevity of tlie report of Sec 12, Tp UK., It m y . new bouse, an orchard of over 200 trees i has.resiijl.ed ill pneii,inoni(. Tljos; ~ 11 ■ 1 " — He name, tlo? following» to prove hping from w.aa. the O b ill, lU n il... a rp..a.e v dropped e. | l l i , a and |IM -------- - concluded -.. w««a when .J UUgU W 0 11114^* mance Judge inter on the place, and about 600,000 feet of fiiiitjeld 4 Co., 2-10 Wabash avenue, | . Biuslaa hl» continuous reapleuoe upon nu 1 -" 'ti valto-i tli» uiicerta iiity best ; ; prononneed tbeni man and wife. good tim b e r conveniently situated for KLI, u ilr U ( I ’Z?'*| prum oiainpusap W - | i -- - - «» of wbat methotj -V w I ji» - —-»ww licago, one of l the I most iipini • re of w id land, via: m i r u i m t to n secure b A i ’ iiip t the l i A deaired flta w irO il r recogni- A n r u g o i. The 1 ll<* contracting C O Iltr A f* tÌft< S j parties n - n tiaau arc atra» m .i.L I , I L . aged, ___ i ■Iigg[gts(iii th a t city, ill-Iie a k in g of to pursue iddle logging. Extensive out range. About I. R. lfarivoi«!, C. M. Sever)-. Peter Frli.M t ■ya: '* ‘ We recommend Chamber- 1 lion, was oqtigigned to in d ivid u a l effort I ll,v e b01*1 l**cn marripd " ke Preelnel, Oregon before, snd no 15 bead of cattle, moat of them cows and E. B. jgfllor, all of . vaya Remedy fqr Iqr la la ginipe nf nl! al! tp Ip »epure impure the co-operation of O re -, doubt w ill live b appity together the re. w ith tbe laud. Brie« >3.fKX), in clu d in g J. T.Batfxizs, i Cough Copgli Remedy gifijpe in of Hagtatar f case«, as it not only g ivesp pni.p t g o iia c delegation to congress in Siuslaw’a mainder of th e ir days. They w ill reside stock. In q u ire a t the Florence Real on M r. M cVey’s farm near Alpha. f. ( Estate Agency. u n ^ ie te j-ecuve/y, bn j also counter- behalf. " t e n t l u t j u ^ - , , j b i £rip|»- to result ffeW. . . W itch ,____ ____ w ill D eW itt’s |Iazcl Salve ! ----------------------- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION T O TH E DEAF. • - f o p ygle oy p . W. fjo rd , i quickly heal tne worst huma and scalds .*»X«ari«WoiW Tll) Mabi w ill receive their new stock -of W IN T E R GOODS in a few days. V METER &EYLE ODD FELLOW? ★ * Gfoodsj PACIFIC ODD FELLOW H aU & Caps, Goods, ■ # 1 H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Loi F lo p c o c e , 0 M j°n W . F L O W REAL ESTATE AGENCL arad o o c o m m i^ io n . Parties having Real Estate to sell will do well to place it on our list. • ^ I R IA Children. 1 j and nut leave a (car. I t cao be applied TO OUR PATRON« ' A rinli lrwly cured of her Deafness and ' (p ic a ta and raw surfaces ^rith prom pt pud soothing effect. Uve it for piles Noises id the Head by -.. Nicbolsoo’e We have mad» arrangem ents by •u d akin Jigeaeea. Beware of worttiiea» A rtific ia l Ear Drum s, gave $10,000 to hi» which we w ill furnish the Weekly ; llis titn te , so th a t deaf in-upie unable to Oregonian w ith the W est for one vetr i oonnterfeita. Meyer Kvle. nrocnrw tbe Ear (Arums may bnve then, i t® any a-blruaa for the gum of tw o dol- free. A-hlrevs N“ - 106«»-«!. The N id i I Is ti qavable rash in advance. " I s o n lu a titn t« . 78O, E ig h th , N ew /T ork, U . S. A. ' • '(need to purchase material for tl.e Thia af . rniotnlj.h.ner, et (iardlnw. Oregon. NW ^ .w ? ’ ' b,’ ’ * ’<• * “ • «• k w 4 w n „ ( « c H T p » a , r 41 w . H« name» th» following wftneaaea tu pre re hi» continúen« retldeuce apon and cultivation of, «aid land, vil; «ha Urn-h. Im e * Haakell, and f Oardlner, Oregnu. /. T. Bai naia. Anybody desiring to chase Real Estate w vited to examine our I tot andseo what wa have to offer» 1 JOHN 0. BECK*«.