w is e TRAVEL? lA V iX f c i. ; . UÜIÜE. C L DIRECTO RÌ ..-OA'LD IS ALL A SHOW. FLSETW a was riartla d by the o«und o f voice, la A t • d(l tho mim room w ith himself. H e well STATE OFFICEf IT E A M E R M A R G U E R IT E , This world U i l l I fleeting toek«d shoot Quickly sad. seeing no drnmai Fur uaa'a Ulueka g itra ; one, experienced a sensation of fear. neither ------ W i l l m ake ------ The smiles ot >oj. the U a rt ot won 3 T A Q S X a lN K . A t the sounds proceeded Dovely sat in As a suq Deceitful shine, deceitful flaw, Governor................... Ttwre's nothing true but brave»! mute amsxoment F o r a moment he as It Is r e g u l a r D A IL Y trips gocrotary of &‘ate . suspected th at be was going mad. H e ta n c . • Brtweeu — i _ And false the light on glory's f»fcun% at your longue. was superstitious, but gboets, accord­ Stage I invert Steam boat I-Hibin»« on j " Treasurer................... “ I can’t think As hiding hues ot rveo. Is it coated ? And love and hope end beauty*» ing to h i* w ay o f thinking, always •d th at piece a t 8upt. Public Iimtruction J II,e U m pqua for Florence S aturdays, j Then you have a bad Are bluesMBw gsihrved for the tomb— manlferied themselves to the eyes « Id . “1 oev State P rin ter..................... Tim e's nothing bright but Maeenl j Returning, Stage Leave* Florence) taste in your mouth every rather than the ears and w ith »broods worn that I i Attorney General D. R- ----------------------------------___________ morning. Your appetite Poor warulerers on • fterm y day, rather than dialogue*. There was than that?” i Sunday», S u p rem e Court [ " ’ ¿T »'row wave to wave we*»e dUveW is poor, and food dis­ someth!»* uncanny In the sounds, too, “ Tea.” th< I E x tra Tripe W hen Necessary And fancy's and rdotoa'B tny as I f Issuing from a m etal casket. hap, flo. It W tresses you. You have S t n c b u t to lig h t the troubled w ay; I Charge» R easonable. Dovely would have attempted an In- however, and 1 1 Tbcix’a nothing; calm but heaven! frequent headaches and Judge Second D iatrlct. J. W . Ham ilton ! verilgatlon, but very fere held him perlence ViHMi i «seie i t are often dizzy. Your J Proseenfp g A tto rn e y .. .Goo. M . Brown conversation seem«l to be between “ Y e,. I ’ve 6 a. m, arriving at Florence the ; .C le r k ................. .......................... K - u - Lee a man and a woman. T he man’s tones wm the reply. - OF— day following a t 10 a. m. i Cecil A rthur Dovely could not under- were Imperious, those o f the woman sE e riff ........... w . w . w ithers “ HeTI k» e I t of i Returning stage leaves Florence j starni why be made no progress with h alf flattering, h alf conciliatory. A. W. B EADLE & CO "Treasurer...........................A. 8. Patterson tl»t went on. Mary Barclay. Ills postttou ns the Mondays, W ednesdays, and F ri­ A hmassot ............. 1>. P. B nrton “You know men are such deceivers,” had the faintest i School S n p e 'r i n ta p ^ n t ... W M. M iller 22 M arket St ■ chief dispenser of pills and postage the voice was Maying. “ You piny with days at 2 p. m. arriving at Eugene . It's a marvel to ' stamp» In the biggest drug store of a S u rv e y o r .. . . .‘ . . . ' . . . ............C. M. Collier San Francisco, California, the folio wingday iu 9 p. in. a woman's heart as a child docs w ith could have been i C o ro n e r............................. G. W . / ’’/E’1” country town had given him an ex- a toy. Then ydu look for another that Ju s tic e of P eace. ..............C. H . H olden ! o p e ra te d Idea of his own linportauee!>- Is newer to you. though perhup, not to ■ueb a earn* to go Into < “W etl.” sniwered the C o h tta ljle . . ........ G. C. C om pton 11« was not a particularly bad looking some others, and another fellow, who ' Single faro - - - - 5.00 ' “my husband w a , I young man. but was very couched In | has thrown uaWe and bnilsed j Round trip - - - - 9,00 ' «linage the subject." V. t a w. .. •• t u I.«. ... . 1 k, bigb . .v ha P.. ... > 11 . .»I - ills manner. Hla broiul. forehead the heart that you pick up. cotnes ulung j Tickets for sale a t E. Bangs’ ; ► ÇITX OFFICERS. —• ; was surmounted by 1,1» cuirut colored and picks up the very heart th at you ■ww Deals ' j livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W .- I hair brushed a la pompadour; his eyu,. have thrown aside.’’ appranuM ’ H urd’s otlice in Florence. Don’t take a cathartic a light blue, wore lacking In strength A soft laugh o f tolerant coud F. B. Wilson President........ dose and then stop. Bet­ and expression, and his dreas wap Just •Ion followed this speech. I All through freight on the stage | possessing, looking a trifle too flashy for the station In life ter take a laxative dose M . Morris “Oh. that’, tlie old »tory with« ¡either way between Eugene aud- , he bud been culled upon to till. To en.” replied the man, "you ar« all men. Like Na each night, just enough to W in Bernhardt j Mapleton, will be charged at the Board of Tru»»ee* I crown all. be owned a burse und bug- wrong; you don't understand man. distinguished by ,L. Cliriatensen cause onegood free move­ rate of two cents per pound during ' ' gy—that cluirmed i«i»session which In Your feminine minds can't gnuip the uniform. H e had i D. W. Snidarne * ment the day following. t I rural communities so euliauces one’s depth and breadfli of lits nature. 1 w ay*, even In hat the months of October, November, You feel better the ell behind hla ear. ' prestige with the eligible youug ladles. R e c o rd e r.................Jo h n I. BuUerfield December, Jan u ary , F ebruary, have tried often to mufee some women H e w n , taciturn, very next day. Your • Cecil, who w o* not a bad fellow at Treasurer .............................O. W . Hurd March and April, and one cent per soar w ith me to loftier realm» of disdainful of fo rm a, appetite returns, your j beurt. bud kept the g irl, of KontvHlc thought, but I bnve never found one ! pound during the months of May, M a rsh a l............................. G. C. C am pton dyspepsia is cured, your ; and their noxious mothers guessing to sympatlilee w ith iuy poetic or ar- hated alt ! .1 une, J uly, August and September. L iumis mi headaches pass away, i for n long time, aud the news tlia t he S le e p in g C a r s w ar eorreMpondeata. k t < j had been offered a partnership In his your tongue clears up, H ere a soft Uttle »Igh. like a aephyr utmost dvtretatioa a f NOTA RIES. employer»’ «tore did uol lessen femi­ SECRET SOCIETIES. E le g a n t . your liver acts well, and taarilfug the maple leaves, stole aeroM the deed, o f hts nine luteresi iu him. lie w ed to ride your bowels no longer ► the room, and then the Imperious tone, chronicled as they D in in g C a rs around the circle of ltoeiivlile feminin­ - give you trouble. resumed: A. R. B U TTO LPH , H e huu n strange ity and select whom he iVnuld to go T o u r is t “I knew women. I'v e seen a good w ith cowards. He Price, 25 cents. A ll druggists. “ buggy rlillng” with him on u 8,unlay F. A A .M . Florence Lodge No. 10 S le e p in g C a r s • R egular coininiinieHtion on aecon. afternoon. Thews w a , one young lady deal o f life. D idn't I live more than a them and pcbltety “ I havn taken A y e r ’s P ills fo r 35 When reafly angry» I ST. PA U L in the town who resisted D oreiy’s year in New York ?” an d fourth Saturday* in each m o n th . year», and J consider th e m th e best The perspiration stood out Ic beads hie. vuailo. O ue p ill does m e m ore good wiles, or. rather, those of his burae E. W . C obb , W . M . M IN N E A P O L IS th an Jialf a box o f an y o th e r k in d I O re g o n A fte r the sortie ,n F lo r no® , nnd buggy, aud the prospect of a part­ on Dovely*, forehead as he stared In R . B, M ills , Secretary. have over t r ie d .” k DULUTH M rs . N . K. T albot , I* nership In a pajtner»hlp, and she it the direction of the voice, and clutched W a, seen to be < M a rc h 3 0 ,1S99. A r r in g to n , K a n «. was whom Cecil, with no other motive the arm» of the chair In which he sat. and sham«, PARCO FRANK 3. W ILSON. nt first than perversity, determined to I t Memed like a olghtinsre. The echo little touched ▼ ▼ " y v " V v '~ " V ” O RANO FO R K 8 T O O . U . W . Parpetua Lodge, No. 131, was getting clearer and dearer. He t l . who came win. • meet* every 1st and 3d Tuesdays bated the dieadful sounds, hut felt that CR O O K STO N __ “t o n g ra in latF X< One day be decided on a grand attack •sen month. Members and visiting I i upon the fortress of .Mary's heart. He be muKt suffer the ordeal to the- end. defense. It la * , e ot W IN N IP E G ____ brethren In good standing are cordially wrote for permission to call on a cer­ And iDeiucrj- told him that the end was o f aillltnry history. F L O R E N C E .-- - OREGON invite*! to attend. A. O. hUNKi, M . w . H E L E N A « “I yet a long way off and the [with there­ Ami that la the tain evening, and received it. Thu« en l . G . K sotts , Recorder. Hwr o » a p rlrc tlo n )te avarj’ rubrertbep. B o a « tifa i co|- BUTTE _ courage,I, he n waited the event which to full of thorns of humiliation and ty ^ P U ts b o rg Dismitvia «rod UthQgiapfcrd rta U a and L h ia tra tlra a . O rtgtcat, shame for him. H e began to feel like UtoaC, A rtu lla , e i4 tu « ite and a t r u t l j ............ — - | would mark him victor or vanquished. ¿i. ti.d.tduikib*. 4- lie scsr,-cly hoped for the former; he a disembodied aplrlt tliat stands beside Its erntwhlle prison ami contemplates O. O. F. Hereto Lodge No. I l l .meets TO dreuded the latter. H e sought to ns- '* A ll native African race, eat : * everv Wednesday evening in Lodge CHIOACO la-lliKli his language with quotations with horror the ravages that debauch­ W ith u im y It takmL and I H a ll, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in W A SHING TO N in the poet» und studied the most ery has wrought on Its one« beautiful the place of the Dritlah X jod standing invited to attend. effective manner In which to exploit form. But through the nlghttnnre he beef and mutton, la a g»w P H IL A D E L P H IA A. C. Karuowsky, K . G. was sustained l,y the sweet reflection lag,-, mm dried toenat, am an i his ninny cu ltiv atin g qualities. 1 D>t««iualrtng neo now leg. fancy w u rk . tuiuaebold bints, Of Eugene, Oregon N E W YO RK abort atoll-*«, c u rren t topica, etc Subscriba to day. W . H . Weatlierson, Sec. I t is, tiier,«fore, needles, to «ay that tliat he waa not Im -clafinable and tlia t coiuoiercc. The Rudaneae are O u ljt tu . j t a r i j . L n d j &g»aui w anted. 6 «ud fo r u r a u b when he called on her he talked prin­ this scourging was at worst only a se­ lerfy fond e f them. BORTON AND A L L cipally about bluiself. lie was, how­ vere lesson from which he would Before they am eaten they a r * 1 POINT S EA S T «nd SO U TH ever. quite puzzled at the midden and emerg, a better man. ed. The wings and O. O. F. Maple Lodge No., 139. meet« The Imperious tones of the man nnd b<-eu torn off. the hmg. I For in fo rm a tio n , tim e curd«, map« and tickets , i »very Thursday evening in Meyer A energetic Interest tjia t M ary seemed 9 to niiinlfeKt In all that he said; but. the conciliatory, even pleading, toues the crisp bead f o r * K y is ’* H a ll, Mapleton. Oregon. Broth­ etc., c a ll on or w rite J encouraged by It. lie soared Into giddy of the woman went on. W ith deep 1 determined out to Mtoy 1 er* in good standing invited to attend. c urphey heights of eloquent self exploitation, humiliation he followed the mysterious prejudice» Indu,kwe am. bdl Fean C. B ban , N . G. Qeucrsl Aeeut. Kooin« 2 »,,<11, Shelton Block, T J o k .'L .ib -.r. T t u r i - n n n . lie wound up the whole monologue dialogue to the Clowning |»olnt o f h l, the d irii o f sriUrd lornata a KIIHKNE. ORKQOS. , A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s K U U B N E , OKKOOX. Oso S. I’ hxlcs , See. with a passionate avow,it of tils tove own shame. H e could hear the soft, I thought bow John the Ba i Transacted on Favorable Terms For u d le e . tnln«*«. g ir ls and little eh, id ran. T h a t e * for M ary and an almost tearful en­ sollcltou, tones o f the woman leading enjoyed them plus wild h o* A. D C H A R L T O N , lain « tr'I-ih ** c h lf * <*tf«L’t n>>t atiainad by (he o f an « the mnn on to make a fool of himself. A iila L u it O e n e rs l P»iu>ei>srr A g en t, ( D ra fts ism itxl on th e prlncii»a.l c itie s o f th e | • iß « r , a* terns. Rav« no w jual lo r a ty te a a d pat-fisc» et» treaty for her heart and I,and In return. O. O. F. Irene Encampment, No. 42, 255 M orrilto n ML. l 'ó r .. A L A" Mary was genuinely luterented III Cecil. And behear.1 the u,»u following with „ meets it, I . O. O. F . hall in Florence P o r t l a n d , O r . U n ite d States and fo rc iv ti eo u u triea. I and. In con sequence, be was the very braggadocio ami bombast right up to J thnt rto o M the second and fourth Friday of earli 1 In te re s t n llo w e d on D e m a n d C e rtific a te s of I I h is t p e rs o i, III the woihl she would the very piifsU that had been prepared | , W. E. DROWN. D . A . P A IN E . C jh e r . Sdl.l nearly »■ very S r t 4 |i ll T t 1 1 1 ! D IM . U l l d M U l ' h h<* would have laughed aloud had not the pity for John the Bag •ifi ____ In _____ ... d r y __ nnd _ _ -. ; r by inniL | P re s id e n t. V ice P re s id e n t. A«l- lo r thvrn. Al>dulufelr «ory lateat tp 'o -fls M «tyl . , objected to behig side tracked from the hum iliating reflection of bis own con­ unless It lie for its T H E M cCA LL COM PANY. F . W . OSBURN. W . W . B RO W N . main line of love to the siding e f sis­ duct covered him Insteuil w ith shame. felt convinced that I O. O. F.— Mignon Lodge No. 105. 2 1 1 - 1 « W w l I4 t b t lr a e t , e • • • 2 rw Turk I l l y , K. Ba C a s h ie r. A s a’t C a s h ie r. terly affection and demanded a direct Then he heard a sweet voice asking of honey soouer than | • Retiekah Degree, meet« in M eyer & K v le ’a H all, M apleton, the 1st and 3rd response to bis apiM-ui M ary »liowisl an him to tbluk It over nnd then eouie E V E R Y T H IN G F IR S T -C L A S S . «rusto.—Current Literature. T hursday evening« in each m o n th . Inclination to temporize. Iu brief, she back In a week. If he were still o f the . , TRY THE . . L cella N eely , N . G. Marne mind. Even then he did not imbed him to cull u|*iu her a week T h » S o n * ot «b» T* Special A ttention to Comm ercial later, mid If, after mature conslder- renllxe thu truth. H e wondered If he “There I» aoiuetlitng were not asleep and this an aw fu l stjou, he were of the same nilud, she „«rts»'*” * * Travellers. • * tbe Yukon river tbat ' might think the m atter over seriously. di-enm. The volume that lie had been CHURCH DIRECTO RY henrd of In ennnectfen ’ ¡Caveats and Trade Marie obtained and all Tat} ' Dovely protested that h l, present holding fell from bis knee and startled stn-am.” snld r» p ta ta < c u t b .’.Einnsi co u d n rtf d f o r M c d e rn 'ie F e e « . J frame of mind was uot the result of bint. H e put bis hand to Ills foreheud < Rend ro o J rl, d r a w in tfo r p to to . V /o a d r ia u fsBBN*toaa i* toto*aa>ai * unalterable—nil of which he l:ad read keeping him waiting. She drew a ban- I» a Round like tbat made by m . A cordial in v íta la ,n Io these service« steain. A t flr»t I uaed to thlsfe Tables furnished w ith all the I is extended to all. A. W ICUT. T resciier in charge. T H E G EN TLE WOMAN is h nu.ntl, delicacies of the season. Give us N ) ly msgazine devoted to subject* of in te r­ 3 K r . H. Barrett, Prop’r, ,1 ’loreDCB anú Bead oj Tile. THE STEAMER EUGENE-FLORENCE S T A G E L IN K . j E. B angs, Proprietor. T I QOI I T’ P iiiS ORTHERN P a c ific , R y. , K A N o ta r y P u b lic , S u r v e y o r j v A NOTARY PUBLIC. A F R E E *P A T T E R N T H R O U G H T IC K E T S I EUGBW E s Savin® Bank R. M M , 1. CALL MS Ä BAZAÎL P a ïo ts I | “ MEW ROME’’ SEW1NQ MACHINE. ,M| MORRIS *** HOTEL, P a call. est to tho ladies. T he regular «tihscrip- lion price is oue dollar but we lim e made «rrangom ent by wliiel. we offer it for a «liort tim e for tiltv cents n y ear. Gall and ATTO RNEYS tween hope and fear, exultation aud | ped suddenly and knitted bur brow s— deapnlr, in the young drug clerk’s brain •'I really believe you liavo Iteeu n»b-ep during that week, l i e was »uatalued and dreaming. You look It. qnlte." ’ C. WOODCOCK, Momewhnt by Id» Inordinate vanity, The poor young man took her hand tec a sample cottv. T w e n tv -th re e but beneath all lay the »UMpIclon. ever In both hla own and looked fixedly a t so faint, fieri}»),», that M ary had been her. “I don’t kuow whether I'v e Iwen M ile s W e s t laughing at him. Whan poor Dovely »»lw p or not. but I certainly must bare FOR SALE OR EX C H A N G E . Eugene. pulled the bell handle of tne Barclay been dreaming -aueli a horrid druam" O re g o n Sugane, E e v /in e M a c h in e s w e m a n u fa c tu re and t h e ir prices before you pu rch ase a n y o th e r. A hom e and lot in G lenadn. The hou»e on the appointed night, he was “ *n d he pussed his hand quickly over gar-Room« 7 snd * M e la ra n '« R nibliiur. so full of nervons uncertainty that bi» h l* eyea a» If to wipe aw ay the last Speri«! » d e n tio n a iv « » tu uollectloo« su<>]> U H A R A C I By - Io tie passed, mounted again to the t r r to d e liv e r e n d c n lle rt h i o re v o u . f'»r olr plhav«. «Hk “A rthu r.” *ha said, "w h a t you have i w w 'r . H A»r H** rffppft a»**’ p»to»*Bk1hly. «*0291 stantly relieves and pernuoe.ntly cure, Cecil considerable ehest expansion, am) ■AWO > 00 » U M (««ariwa ;•/«»«.•*< «ari Stoll iaf*muier mother, who wn» III. he the phonograph w a* »eat hack tototrn- M 1 B IT ke*«B a s u jia « frx yateat. A44i«ee : I H O l.IJ tS R E C K »BOS. A BRISTOW , Psnr«. It having snrceeded In ellm lna*ng for­ a ll other resulto of lm] ectdlgeotlon. granted her the brief respite w ith al­ ever the capital “I ” from the i»*reonal- PriORtOe. a n d fl. _ Hcoautaa an U dm * i BATES 11.00 to t t M PBB DAT Wlien »be Ity of Cecil A rth u r D o v e ly ,,a d the fun 1 roir UN m Hook »UX repepna maure tie, most royal ifrae|on»ne»a PATINT I rCNA. < Fresar«« ba k. C d6O«Cktoa,o. bad gone Coell picked up a tnogaxlno I t waa th at (toril thought he did tt W A S H IN G T O N , P. C . E U G E N ^, M ‘ J^EQ O Ji perusing I I* MY1JL A. E l k P r a i r i e H o t e l. A tto r n e y a t L a w , WHITE FOSCIRCIIUlISlSii’iS.'.'”.'; ON EUG ENE AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. Kodol D y s p e p s ia C u r e P atents -jä S a ffiÄ iL g i g s D ig e s ts w h a t y o u e a t . I . HOTEL ELGENE. H.B.WILËSONXCO. »M-. 'i brain: to find aa phenomenon, bnt w itre re i singing gore on day and r * "W hen yon get up «are taaee. you oan ojgo ^a rolling over the bed of It o rl this |iroduees a moat peculiar I Portland Tvlegrna*. ffeeoha e i ITaali Gunpowder explosion, markable feature. The sona killed In such aa always round w ltkoat eiotl frequently on* toot w ill Ma on. Tltto tto to trito o f bore/ en* of the fre t to to the4lr other on » the *•“ ground, to **“ • eia the found torn from * the ground and not not. iÎM to i When mai plosion», th» Ito ” * • ___ to t b , a ir w b / 4®* • he found w e "* other foot «"* * • • * * * • 1* «•* ¿ Hakte« ff ,-SK a A F * * r «ppototed rrewra 1,,0-iiratod hi» re g i» * by a I ihr following effect: \ ) a the feari a f a«r the are helgada « M ka tbe afti/neoB If It rataa to I aud lu th * morning U W • fteriiooa." 1