- i- SIUSLAW’S ONLY xAr-L. 4 OPPORTUNITY 1 JL««— i HOHE PAPER SUPPORT IT B lu fe é rc jjr* F NO. 33. CF, OREGON, FRIDAY. DEC. 1 4 ,1‘JOO. ’ ! would stop w ith a B tartled look an d B K ee t o f F e a r • * W « « < a . T he fe a r of poison in a lacerated search tho face o f som e passerby th a t the cert®J* koot °* rem inded him vividly of lil3 B eatricta. w ound u n d er certain circum stances la . Ooroq» deep I Oh, ■ He Niiv h er often in th is way, for her In Itself q u ite aufflclent to give * » The Lading place oi wit, the balm of wo«, H D I N •linage w as really uever ab sen t from w ounded umti te ta n u s, or lockjaw , ' The poor n u.i’i wraith, the prison* r a teka*», S T E A M E R M A R •RS- ' Thi ini'AT .-rent judge between ti»e high uw*l low! his m ind’s eye. In il l s , reveries of her th a n w hich no m ore horrible com plica­ o — W ill, inn k S T A G E XjXfcffEJ. With shield of proof shield i»e frvw she used to ap p ear to him . and, a s in tion exists. T h u s for a long tim e it preax; It now of f . . . T. T. Geer. a E G U L A B . Uie oid days, she w ould w ind her w as th o u g h t th a t th e natives of tho Of t t o v t o w d » ty der;«ir at n>< doth thtow; I p s , H . H . S a r r e t t , P r c p ’r , soft, gentle arm s uround his neck and . Solomon and o th er neighboring is­ idakfl In nw lb*.,.. c l\il i.prs to cvaiw; J,.r. I. D unbar. ; ! Stage Leaves Steam boat L anding On I will good tribute W . it tdou do to. . F . S. Moore, j w hisper, “ Beloved P ietro, thou a r t a lan d s lately added to tho em pire used Tt., . | U a Oi w »aootli v'.lloi.s s ^ e e te t btd; i poisoned arro w s and m any w hit» m en 1 20(1.** a the U m pqua for Florence S niunU ys. I J . H. Ackerman A rlwio'jer oft'U to »olio «ad blind to li£ut, F o r a y e a r now he had n o t heard I sh o t by them died in te ta n ic couvul- A r. sy »ai'.umi and » w.-ii-v In« i. s’,.AV. II . Leeds, R etu rn in g , Stage , Leave» Florence I from her. “She m ust be dead,” ho siens, including one very horrible case And U ihese tMns». » tliii* “ X rI-hL t. N. B lack b u rn ■ Ji! j W w it f k J T g r s e c thou sh^lt ¿*1 me, ! thought a t tim es. “If she w ere ul've, ef a com m ander In the navy w ho h ad Sundays. .-¡AF ■ ?-„d ii.e l ie r than «bewher.i, StclU’i im are see. R.. . K 8. Bean che could not feel the pow er of my m ade a special stu d y of tetan u s. —Sir Thllip Sidney. T H E SYEA E x tra Trips W hen Neeesstfry . ,F . A. Moore 12»! W it A t len g th th e F ren ch governor of love, though an ocean lies betw een us.” E . W olverton Charges R easonable. > , l” cause But, like all luvers, he w as selUsh and New C aledonia, noticing th a t th e sym p­ t j . W . H am ilton bronchitis find rensitive, and he had sw orn ou his tom s ex h ib ited w ere n o t co n sisten t I.G eo. M. Brown H BEATRICI A AND n ess's? Wwinesdays, and F ridays at For farther inform ation bringing on a 4 [ T ho snow C urries w ere blinding the crushing them to his b reast w ith his produced by th is prevented the w ound ' H . D . E dw ards 1 6 a. m. arriving a t Florence the slow fever, and a j eyes of the passing throng, b u t P ietro j ^ s i o u u t e love of beauty. H e would from healing quickly, and the m en tal .E . U . Lee - OF — day following at 10 a. m. making every- ? I stood valiantly a t th e cu rb holding out ; g0 an d Hpeuj ¿a y s under the sky, beg­ d istu rb an ce produced by fe a r an d per­ J W . W . W ithers Returning stage leaves Florence A. W . B EA D LE & CO. ».A. 8 . P atterson thing e x a c tly * j Ills plaster linages fo r sale. I t seemed ging for food as lie w ent. He could haps change of clim ate did tb e rest. Mondays, Wednesdays, and F ri­ I t w as discovered u t the sam e tim e f. ,.D . B. B urton O1) i\rq ,.i.pf o r right for the ' bitterly cold to the muffled, scurrying not w ork. H e w as steeped, satu rate d , days at 2 p. m. arriving at Eugene ; W . M. M iller ) ~~ M a i k e t th a t the nativ es of o th e r islan d s wh»' overcom e by tb e accum ulated longing I crowd,' but it w a s w arm aud balm y to L? germs of consumption, ’ ’.'.C. M. Collier San Francisco, California. the folio wingday a t i) p. in. P ietro. Though tho hands w hich held w ithin him . The arm y of laughing firmly believed iu th e polsou th eo ry u Better kill your cough f G . W . Gridin seldom suffered m uch Inconvenience j out th e little w hite inJaee of th e wing- fairies anil D om inican m onks stood on ' .C, H . H olden FJ before it kills you. from th e arro w w ounds, because th ey ’ ed victory or a bust of Beethoven were th eir shelves, a neglected array , un­ . - 5.00 .G . C. Com pton believed th a t th e s|>ells given th em by Single fare - i blue and stiff and the narrow shoulders dusted au d unsold. - - 9.00 Round trip The citizens of “ L ittle Ita ly " forgot th e ir ow n sorcerers p revented th e poi­ of th e thin fram e w ere doubled togeth­ Tickets for sai at E. Bangs’ _______ _ _ subjcc- ms very existence. W hen he did not son from ta k in g effect.—P a ll Mall Ga- er in __ an attitu d e c f cringing 1CERS. , •"* livery barn, Eugene, and a t C. \V. tlon, yet the eyes of P ietro w ere look- j appear, they concluded th a t he hnd re- zette. « « r x H urd’s ollico in Florence. lng fa r beyoiul tbe brillJnut «hop# of tu rn ed to Italy for a tim e, aud they I r a s c i b l e V o n B oIoW . F ifth avenue. In bis Im agination ho did not even cure to Inquire. Oue day F . B. W ilson D uring lla u s von B ulow ’s lead er­ All through freight on the slage ! w as w andering iu the E lysian fields n little, old w om an In shabby black, ship of tlie o rc h e stra a t H an o v er a either way between Eugene and ; M. M orris w ith his B eatricla w here Jh e sunlight w ith a coarse veil tied around her head tenor of fam e w as engaged to p lay a Win B ern h ard t Mapleton, will be charged a t the gilded the m eadow s and the sm ile of so th a t her face w as wholly concealed, s ta r role in ’‘IsihengrlH .” according to L. C hristensen cam e to “ L ittle Ita ly ” and inquired Dns Neue B latt. a n d w hile th e singer rate of two cent»’per pound during ' n a tu re shone everyw here. * D. W . Stibhens f ills coughs of every the months of October, November, | Oh. valiant h eart of Pietro! F or tw o fo r 1’letro. She could spenk uo E u ;- w as reh earsin g his p a rt Bulow w as kind. A 25 cent bottle y ears uow he hail molded p laster casts llsh, and she seem ed greatly agitated. forced to go over the sam e b ars a num ­ December, January, February, John I. Butterfield fled im ages unit sold Ills w ares on 1 f b e women were consum ed w ith ber of tim es w ith o u t the new acto r is just right for an ordi­ March and April, and one cent per ’ ........O. W. H urd stre e t com ers and boarded the m eager curiosity, an d led her w illingly to beginning to slug. T ired o f his w asted nary co u g h ; fo r the pound during the mouths of May, gain to be able to get back to Ids Bea­ r ie tr o 's little w orkshop. H er te rro r sfforts, th e leader stopped th e o rch estra . .G. C. Cumpton harder coughs of bron­ June, Ju ly , August and September. tricla. On th e banks of th e T iller he w as pitiable when she found th a t he -ajod an g rily tu rn ed to th e sluger. chitis you w ill need a 50 Sleeping Cars had left her picking graiies w ith the had gone aud had n o t been seen for “I know tlia t a ten o r la proverbially cent bottle; end for the NOTARIES. men and girls In the Roman vineyards, a m outh. S h e culled on all tbe snlrtta stupid," he said, “b u t you seem to Elegant coughs of consumption JCIETIES. ta th e cnleui(ur to fflelp her. and then and he had come to seek an El D orado m ake on ex ten siv e use o f th is u n w rit­ the one dollar size is on death to relieve her. and she fluug ten law .” Dining Cars before he claim ed her as his bride. A. R. BUTTOLPH, most economical. F o r cue long, sad year of separation herself ou P ietro ’s own 'couch and A t a n o th e r tim e, w hile one o f his Tourist “ My c o ugh re d u c ed roe to a m ere she w rote to him. She upbraided him m oaned fo r hours. She barred the grand Interm eazoa w as being p h tjv il Ince Lodge No. 107. sk ele to n . T trie d m an y rem edies, Sleeping Cars N o ta ry P a b l ic , S u rv e y o r for his slow ness In w inning the w ealth door and covered the window so that w ith g reat feeling by Ida m usk-lnus. a b u tth e v a?1 failed. A fte r n sutgU io lineatim i on secoua < b e rry P e c to ra l I iium ediaU iy be- th ey hnd dream ed cf, she scolded hlifl the curious ones could uot w atch her peetdlar noise, hardly perceptible by S T . P A L - j*an to im p ro v e, a nil throe bo ttle s i in each m o n th . M IN N E A ? C L l\ fo r only lukew arm nffeetion. she from w ithout, and she herself only untrain ed ears, annoyed th e lead e r for re e tp re d roc to h e alth . 1 believe I O ro g o n I W . C o b b , W . M. FTor n o o , owe my life to It.” w ounded bis sensitive soul w ith re­ em erged when she w auted to buy food. som e little tim e. A t first he th o u g h t S auae F . M organ , I t w as som e days a fte r this occur­ it resem bled th e flu tter o f w ings, b u t m t - DULUTH peated attack s on his loyalty and love, O ct. T, 1893. B row ntow n, V a. and gradually these criticism s, em an a t­ rence th a t Pietro, w alking ill Hie coun­ soon he discovered an elegant Indy FRANK B. WILSON. FAROO ----- ing from th e restless, passionate soul try , saw a vision of his Beotrli-la fnnnlng h erself In one o f th e boxca G R A N D FO RK » > TO of th e young girl, tender, but selfish, stretch in g out her arm s to Idin and close by. Bulow k e p t on w ith Ida gea- |t u a Lodge, N o. 131, CRO O KSTO N giving much, but dem anding more, crying out to him In a sad. distressed , ( urea. fixing his eyes ou th e offender and 3.1 Tuesdays ^ a m an n er w hich m eont reproof. T be j,be.s an d visiting crushed the ard en t spirit of the young way. T he vision w as wi distinct t h a t “ In W IN N IP E G hiding a re cordia.lv F LO R E N C E .-- - ORÉGON Italian, and he drew his love w ithin for a motiieut lie thought It w as real. Indv. not heeding thia, w as suddenly H E L E N A « 'd L O. FUNKB, M . >V "S he Is dying.” he cried to the sky. surprised by th e lead e r dropping bis , the recesses o f ills heart and brooded D*«r own MlrcUon) to every »ubvent-er. ............ .« r Jer. it, and ceased to pour out the “and she Is sorry an d would nsk iny stick and turning toward lier. BUTTE «.ed Utbogrnphcd plait* and lUuettetloi.e. Oriffiaal. ¡ Qvcr o v e r it, letxst, arUetlo. exquisite and atrlcUy up-to-date desi¡ soul’s desires in the I'Jt'.e m essage forgiveness, aud I cannot go to her. “ M adam !” he cried. “ If fan yon m u rt. T H R O U G H T IC K E T S w hich lie sent occasionally across the O God of the poor. 1 cannot go'.” please a t le a st keep tim e w ith y o u r In­ It m ade s tic lt a pow erful InipressloD fernal uulsunce.” TO w ater. a Lodge No. Ill,m e e ts ■ ■■ r w fin a lly , when she halleved her love upon bis mlml th a t he turned about ky evening in Ixidge C H IC A G O and !A G A Z 1 « £ ' too little appreciated, she ceii3ed alto- im m ediately and began to retrace Ills T o o Marek F o r t h e T larer. Oregon. B ro th ers in W A S H IN G T O N way buck to tlie city and to ids shop keeper a t th e P hiladelphia zoo tn’d ___________________________________getlier to w rite. P ietro had been wiilt- |te d to atten d , P H IL A D E L P H IA I Dmum.ion?.rnnomiM. f.n.rjrors.j.jslwh.id kijij, i ing and w ateldng and counting the W hen he renclied “L ittle Italy ,” a dos- the follow ing In terestin g story of un larnow sky, N . G. Of E ugene, Oregon ' ïhort '¿turle*. eurrwut topte* etc Subv-ri ....... lb« U»-rtny. days for the letter w hich site owed. en eager men and women rushed upon encounter he once bad w ith u tig er In N E W YORK 0a!y frOc.jreATi/» Lady xtfwxu ted. for leiata. W eatherson, SeC. W eeks w ent by. tlieu m ontbs, anil no him. seized him bodily and dragged India: B O S T O N A N O A L l- w ord cam e to lighten Ills labors and his him tow ard his abode. “W ith several com panions I w as on P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H "T hy motiier. th in e old m other. 1» my w ay to v isit some n ativ e frien d s lcnellness. T he first siiarp pain of dis­ B rid g e No., UW, meets appointm ent gave w ay to a long. d,i!l. uere.” they scream ed. -'L’u g ialefu l fel­ In a neighboring village, and as the F o r In fo rm a tio n . tim e c a r d s , m aps a n d tic k e t, Jiy evening in Meyei & ceaseless agony th a t tilled his heart low, she Is alone and walHug th ee.” Jungle p ath s w ere th e sh o rte st route etc ., c all o n o r w rite jeton. Oregon. B rotli- to th e brim and m ade it throb wildly F or tho first tim e In many m onths we m ade th e trip In eh a lrs slung on IW c M u h p h e y , tng invited to atten d es:-rlers’ shoulders, t w as about h a lf’ a t tim es w ithin the teu d cr walls. “Oh, Pietro smiled. G eueral A gent. Kooms 2 a n d 4, S h e lto n B lock, A General B a nkin g Eusins&s “ My m other," lie w hispered. “Is w ith asl.-ep from th e sw inging m otiou wbc.-k beloved B eatiieln.” he w ould ery out I O. B ï a n , N . G . EU G ENE, OREGON, In the w akeful w atches of the long the sain ts and happy! '^ :ia t canst I whs pitched out by th e n ativ e dnjp- I no S. F b k u ’S, See. Transacted on Favcixble Terms r . r n i l t c uiioio., girl» «n i B ill. rtiUSw.n. TL as .«* night, “have you forgotten your Ilion m ean?" plag th e poles and se.imptHW« off. A. D CH A R LTO N , lain Iiiylou •• suif --¡T .-l nul .it.ln . d by (hj»«. .g ici; "Go. look for tliyself. half w itted T h a t's how I met my tiger. Vi’itlt' n A ssista n t G en eral P assenger A gent, nrafti I muc J oil t ilt prlncipr.l clliea of the other patterns- H»»i»uo e-juM (vr«*.yleaad porte« t mu Pietro?” 2S5 M orrison St., C or., id. T he piaster Vrnuseg and M ereuri's sluggard aud beggar.” they baw led out bound lie w as on me anil had ta k e s a r E ncam pm en t. No. 42. S ’o r t l e . n c l , O r . United S la te s a n d iorei7ii co u n tries. and Sacred . M arys stood sMc ' y side And they pushed him tow ard the door m outhful of my coat. Intending, no 1 O F . li»!I in Floience In te rc u t allow ed o n D em .ind C ertillc a tcs of k lu r ih Friday of en< h The little, old woman who hnd Im­ doubt, to carry m e into th e dense u n ­ along the shelves cf Ids simp, gazing j , of tliis degree are D eposit w hen lrTt stated period. FLORENCE. OR. tluwu on him from th eir classic vrnn- prisoned herself w ithin caught th e dergrow th. J. F. TANNLR, pwOR. fto attend C ollections receive o u r p rom pt a tte n tio u . d eu r w ith cold, utipityl’.ig eyes Sir.ue- shouts and the voice of Pleiro. aud her "F o rtu n a te ly fo r m e I had a big b o t­ h $ i W m K y l e , C. 1 . § § tim es nt night he thcugiit th at lie saw heart gave one wild bound, and she tle of am m onia In my coat p o c k e t c a r­ C ity a n d C ounty W arrants bow dit. i L. F u u s is u , Scribe. -VMRHHBMra M 1 W I S W the imperious M'.’.o sliakc her Iliad dis itooil trem bling nt th e door, ready to ried It for m a k e bites, you know , and V /.r, BKO.VN, D. A.PAIYE, l.- lls p i t P g«:., r Only 17 .r.1 I» .«»Is when the I,n ite took th e m outhful he A lia r r..|.| ia n - '.ily - - f r y . its a 'H I»«.»■ ! • '*’»'Ç dalnft'.liy w hen be crle t aloud. .Mer­ Sing It open. P re sid e n t. Vice P r e ,Ider.:. /.aM lor tii ,n. Abs«/taîô!y v«ry latent ,ip-t -date nytw cury sneered, a c l a dim pled C upid’s P ietro utepped cautiously ned ton -h- broke th e ' »tfle. T h e whiff he got T H E DI i A L L COM FA’ X V . r . W . OSB'.I’d N . t v . W . I P 'l .V’ , head, by P raxiteles, broke lino umitued ed tbe ban.lie lie i Italy” sough, to I.now him and to d -.:iv dr- T he roads In N orm undy a re splendid- M O R R IS ♦*« H O TE L , o f c h ..r - o .‘ i ’ r ree n o t i n e 1* i * I him out of Idm self. "Tliou d id st come to find me, Bea He w as n liin.d [A N -CH U RCH ,Florence. | for cycling, tls* only d isa d v an tag e be­ 1. I - f ? r' -”e t "D ow i> C r .li f. ;t «f £. roo In th o U. ’ 1 some youth, perhaps* 22 y ears off age. trlcla ?" j«very S abbath in each ■ 1 1 ing th a t flic stra ig h tn e ss of m any m ain P 1 T S B COW I N , Proprietor. . . a : - . , . . ÿ and many of tlie Atnorlcnn Lora young “Tliou. nlone." uSchnol a t 10 a- »»• and I routes hides th e licutity o f th e country, <- *7 ,’ a C ■ ) < “Tliou hast come to stay. B eatricla?” ¿A ,'z. C . D . SI Italian girls «1st am orous gbiuces nt ■ Society a t 2 :3 0 p. ui. , F lo r o iv o o , O r e g o n . for w hlclt rciiiaui It is 'often a good | ud F ourth S abbatn» oi “A lw ays!”—Chicago T ribune. him. Ho did not even notice them . He rr .r« , ï.< Ü plan, when tim e is uot an object, to i hing Service» si I l s . 1 locked fa r beyond them r.nd saw a pick nut tlie byw ays on th e m ap. T h is Iv iistio o io these services Tables furnished w ith all the i little dark eyed girl, w ith a clear, T l ie F c b e m e F a ile d is th e easier because n o t only a re th e 5,1. A. W ig h t . T H E GF.NILE-WO.VIAN is a month w hite, tra n sp a re n t skin, more beautiful i In “U nder T hree F lag s In Cuba.” by ! byw ays excellently kept, but th e nam e Preac.iwr m charge. delicacies of tho season. Give us I than the d.ty—a wtlneo w ith but tlie M usgrave, the un tb u r tells how a N t ! ly ni.igHzinc devoted to jBul.j's’tS of inter- of a F rench village Is plainly w rltton j schem e w as Latched to cap tu re th e uo- I m erest blush of pick. a call. up, and one does n o t have ridiculous I est to the Indies. The regolar sol scrip l i e no good :: he no gooda.” shonted i torious G eneral W cyler: I rtlHtci lty. us som etim es in N nglnad. In tion price is or.e dolisr but we have made j t jjP uli>li of m errytnahi rs, tossing hark rO R N E Y S G eneral W cyler w alked nightly dow n finding o u t w here one Is. Algriiiosts 1 arrangem ent by w hirl, we offer it for h i th eir heads In uid-ridled. mtx-klng tlie I ’m do w ith ouly an aid and th ree > nnd iiillestoiics a re ab u n d a n t, ond^Aie I rliort tim e for fiftv ceins uyenr. Call and | laughter. 1 bey w orld look fit cne an- ! secret police sau n terin g behind. Botne 1 decim al system ren d ers them perfectly WOODCOCK, , o th er when he passed silently, nnd i C ubous often debated w ith mo the I sim ple nnd e x a c t — “ H ighw ays and see a sam óte cnn». Twentv-threc ____ ; then raise th eir eyebrow s aignifienntiy I feasibility of seizing him th ere one B yw ays In N orm andy." by Dearmer. conclusive 1 and tfznfk* w ith knowing, Miles West night, dragging him dow n the steps to ie y a t L a w , FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. | gullies uh they touched tb elr forebends ' the P u n ta lieach and shipping hint Eugene. WRITE FOB CiRGULftRS î.hr « t nf iy ï« i oi A b Im ireu m p tw R ln iv. w itli u finger. Q e w in r M achine» w e m a n u fa c tu re an*l th e ir down tb e coast to Gome®, to be held as A mftrrlngp cerem ony wn« perform ed O ra ro n 4>Ticea before you p u rc h a ae a n y o th e r. A house mid lot in G lenada. Tlie P ietro scnrcely knew of th e ir pren- • a hostage fo r all C ubau prisoners. T hia In Toronto recently, with a snbztltvrte enee. He used to hear tb elr uproarious ' would have been easy in tlie dark n ess for the ring wlilcli, though odd and . , e l S M p l - « " '» B ulfiitn». I asw M K T IIC E N E A N D house is Hl by 24 feet an i one story Mid T S E H E W Ü 3H E S E W ’M Q HHBIKE tfl., I g iv e n to c o lle e ilo n « »"«t fc. W VS — ■■ ■— Laughter, but It did not a ttra c t hint. | w ith n launch a n d a tu g In the offing amusing, was appropriate for the oe- OÀtvl.VOE, X A S H . a half in height. Also n good wixidubed lie hnd no respect for them . Many I MtMaaS^sarwM.T. Chlorvo. IlL St tort«. W°. that could race tlie obsolete b o ats In caziou. The eoitple went over from T pwt . E*n Francisco,Cah AWw.ta, Ua. p stu c n ia i’ i w ere but provincial horn, «ml he, w hy. [ tbe harbor. on prem ises. F or furflioT tbe American side of th e Kt. Lawrence FOR SALE EY i he. P ietro G onzah*. had been born In We worked perslsently la planning river, but forgot to take a ring. As inquire «t tliis offiea. !C. BENEDICT, j Good den le ru v»-n»c*» ni «v«ry t< wn. Koine Itself.- above the »Imp w here this. Tbe guards were to be overpow­ there w as no rlug to lie had to tbs. I Gouzaics tlie cider had chiseled the ered liy sudden onslaught from the bouse the resourceful clergyman sent | W rite lor prices and term s to San F ran I E V — A T - I-i-A .'W bends of prelates of the Vctlcnn from rear, the general seized, pinioned and for hta w ife’s sew ing scissors and. w ith M ncy uved ' riecr«. C a l . _______________________ the finely veined, dazzling w hite ribs embarked. Lack of funds delayed tbe the fiagor clasp, completed tbe cere­ 'K>D ♦-ÎU W VSTEP—A fT lV K . dy : O rec o n . of m arble from Italy ’s ow n hills an.1 attem p t Finally w e chartered a tug mony. ic e . Ir r to Relive» el <1 tlitd ls*e;i a tru e «rtlst In Ms day and In Key West, but the owner drew buck . e-tshli l.e,t Patronizing it. had loved a r t am i laliored fa r It In the at the last, and Just as nnother boat D r ta lc» a a * l T h ir s t . pure Joy of creating. Money to him was offen d W eyler w as recalled. It Is a mistake to suppose that cold BO VEARB’ p r o p M -ir .G e la re w as nothing. lie did out know how to drinks ore necessary to relieve thirst. EXPERIEHCB Qeo. líale iarn It well, or to keep It. A it w as Very cold drinks, as a ruin, luerease the H is t ' a f r l e a g l r S x a a s« s tlo n . | everything. 11» lieeim-d it w ori‘4 tbe Augustus Van W yck of New York feverish condition of the uiotitli un I u x l f l S S z S W iiZ L t y o u £,& £• sneriliie of Ills son, wlmui he forced to w as an able aud popular member of stomach and so create thirst. Exiivrl- OeNTttLI-Y located . If artificially d - Cbiesge- F ftT tR T L * » V ia S . streets, absorbed lu thoughts of h