“ N o ih in g Succeeds L ik e Success^. 1 S T , “ 2b MORN INO— '■ O rcuo *-— 5R SO N Proprietor. I adv an ce.----- PE RSO N A LS. t •*». - * or tt fKpt io ‘Be M attie B rynd w m ¡» tow n W odnes- ' Mrs. Cowan was q u it, »> during th e j T/bsf ¿ -°"c*rnf W no,fat- c.ftr Arr if á f*«vr ,u' latter p art nt last week. nervous. <*'. or to be u » » , «rUMb , £ » — « « — d i e s a n t i w e f« ¿ Tl.e la ity be yours y » * H o c^S a rsa p ^ j K ath erin e Brnnd visited a t P t. le r - , . h , America s Greatest Blood Me ¿eme. race and M apleton a few nays th is week. there is noi king cqv¿l tc it» 1 E stelle Bean, accompanied by h e r, brother, Si. A. Bean, was in town Tues- UNDERSELL ypj DERBUY rtlcnloT_ 'W n F N T DISCOUNT SALE is a «uccess m every p art 0..C » . . . . - « w d .n „ , The Men's Clothing, Men’s Hats, Men s Rubber Boots, Ladies' Capes and ACME COMMERCIAL C o . ; day. Dr E D. Mo K inney of Eugene w Jce at Florence, w ith’« , during th e week. He is in terW - Jackets, Mon’s O il Goods, Slickers, as second-class i C hristm as is coming! C al' at Meyer & i t s e l f w ith Siuslaw ’s tim ber lands Men's Mackintoshes, Ladies’ Mack­ K vle’s and select some of those line iu F ,orenee books for your friends. I looking after th e Elm ore canning inter- | intoshes, Floor Oil Cloth, Woolen gtCNOWN OS AV­ ------- - . ests, lias retu rn ed to his home in Astoria, i ON. Is, each Insertion R McCormack, who lias heon I Biankots, ar.d T he favorite cathartic is H ood’s Pills. ! . serving as U . S. jurym an at P o.t- 25 cents. e m b e r 7 , 1900. Tl.e close season for grouse, p heasant, i ]iin ^ liaa bcen exCn»e fevers, offered for sated. Near to county road. tended. M r. Callison, who is well take0 EOme nourishm ent made. Easy to ta t ^nennlOnia and otber diseases th at] knQwn throughout tho county, has tiie From October 27 to novem ber 2 7 - a Will make a good stock ran ch . Price G ^ o e E iy E g , y e< l qmcfciy overcome a weak and d ebilitate aem thtafi of sym M pathies of a a larue large c circle of friends in m onth and a d a y - th e r e have been a $450. of O. athletes ’ ®""d j ly stem . -------- affliction. , funeral,> b irth and a wedding in tiie 150 acres mostly tlm be. land lying in ttiis severe ,nof football by d e - [ An ln ter8iting batch of news was re- section 13. tow nship, 18 south, range 10 Geo . Ransom, of Eugene, tried to com- j jj„ ru eu residence. . eleven, the Bcole , peived Qnr Acme correBpondent A bout three acres cleared. A licide Thanksgiviugfdav, inslend of j j arninnii Steinhaner lias blasted a lot west. m it suicide j last Friday m orning h e r th e paper was being thankful lie was alive, by taking a • ropks ¡n Lake creek above Deadwood ereek lnrge enough to float logs runs D r y G [o o d s j ★ ★ D ro s s G(oodî», has moved his loK-, 0|U owillg to a slight m isu n d erstan d u r- dose of poison. The prom pt use of a which will cause his and other people’s through th e land. Price $550. [ t h e H ead ol Tide to All ’ com m unications of tliis n ature stomach pump restored him , l'owevur. : ,(1„g t0 r „n better towards the mills at A tra c t of about 50 acres fronting on will now engage in should he in the office before T hursday and lie was com m itted to the county . fl t -nie (Rear lake three miles south of H orence. »on’s tim ber. jail, where he made a second attem p t o n , Johnstone is building, in his A fair boose and about ft vo acres cleared. noon. [ a lot works oft the Cold If you have ever seen a child in the his life by severing an artery in bis arm (l o firgt bril.k tirepiace and A good wagon road from tlm place to Quinine T ablets cure a agony of croup you can realize how- with ap iec e of glass broken from the , thege diggin(,8. H erm ann the Siuslaw river a t G lenm la. A fine No C ure no Pay. grateful m others are for One Minute window. He was unsuccessful in the _ ■ lll0r burned the brick and is doing place for a sum m er residence. Price 1 . Cough Cure which gives relief as soon second attem pt, being discovered by the $500. , C hinam en vacate the I as it is adm inistered. I t quickly cures sheriff, and Saturday was s e t to the j R urnett ha, goue to the A tra c t of a little over two acres ol jecupv, W . R . Kindly ! coughs, colds and all thro at and lung asylum at Salem----------------- 1 w(„ plObably work there tiottom land betw een Florence and la m e preparatory to re- troubles. Mover & K v l.. CLOSED DOWN. I (l), a „ |,ile, and uot tmild his new house Acme, lying on tidew ater near Rose ly le ’s residence to th at There will be an entertainm ent given H ats & Caps, ,„„¡1 ,l,e w eather n-tUeS ai.d the roads H ill ciinnery. A fair bonne ou tl.e land. ’ lllllll m e • some tim e after tiie at the Comm ercial Co. Hall in Acme, A fine place for gardening o r raising The last Ipad of rock for the. jetty on become tielter for hauling niateii.iis. S atiird .v evening, December 15, con­ th e present appropriation went down 1 j obn'M cV ay started last T hursday or sm all U nit. Price $200. _XOI.I> IN ONE I»AY sisting of two farces, a dram a, and two 100 acres of land near C lear lake lying the river Saturday morning. Iait ua | puigene, where he expects to m eet an K om o Q uinine Tablets, songs by M r. Burrell. Admission, a JC hope th at unother appropriation will be , ,rr y a lady whom lie has never seen in section I t , tow nship 10 south, range [fund th e money if they I for grown oeople, 15c ", for lOl children, Clilnilcn, tl.e v»ix/ i - e ’ ttiis ’ session ' - - — ; nn,, bl.u,g ¡ng her , , Mi- B uckner who will forthcom inrfat of ‘ congress, |,e.i- to to preside preside over over his home, 12 west. Price $250. , W. G rove’s signature is 1 which has been lonely since his hoys left 112 acres uniinproved land lying on S U ere'sm id a ’ AU should attend, and th at th e work will he pushed to a him alone after his wife’s d e ath . H e th e n o rth side of Clear lake 2 \i m iles . , a » I Preacu 1 ai i „ completion a» rapidly an powihle. No. 1?9, at its last meet- M j)y worry because they be- , f lllatbinery |,ecame acquainted with h.s intended south of F lorence. A good wagon road .•era for th e coming term );eve they ,)ave h eart d i8Ka9e. The I was weunesimy taken to the governm ent building» ' ibroogh an adveilisem ent which Inonght from it to tiie Siuslaw river. Price $«00. low lodge a t M apleton as I chances are th a t th eir l,eftrU *r® B'' ! a t the m outh of th e river and the work ¡‘¡'„“ Jm -eat ll-sal of applicants for Ins 100 acres on upper N orth Fork, a Neely, N . G .; E '• . A. _ „ rig h t b n t th eir stomachs are i - - i conipleted (or ib is tim e. The quarry bcal., aljd |,and, from w hicn he selected large part of it bottom land. W ill m ake 9. P helps, Sec.; F. C. j digest t K o d Koilol o l Dysyepsia ^ ^ " o u out t and n e ^ ^ photograph and referon- food. is s tp - ia Cure di- 1 j «>■>• ¡,s have aae. We o o ».= cultivation, 10 (leyer & K yle. to see any developm ent of Siuslaw roads ' an(J keepillg | t in order was very great. from ‘7 »nn«». l bnne th e Florence-M apleton road ------------------------- lnI,d f w ^ a h l i a l a a l , « ! ; bah.neo, brush and tin,be, . Findley, of Florence, has hope m e ----------- SH IPPIN G AND MARINE. [from the office of Joseph and will not be ________ overlooked when any ion atto rn ey , notice of | be ,.ad on tho sam e, and For fu rth er inform ation in q u ire at The Bella will leave San Francisco to­ friends of the young bride and groom , > of her pension claim from , U e cQnnty offic;ai8 will rem em ber The W est office, F lorence, Oregon oi 1892, to Ju n e 23> j n9 wben tb e v again liavo surplus fu«da day tor th e Siuslaw. and wishes ihcm a happy, prosperous John C Beck, P o in t T errace, Oregon, or The Lizzie P rien sailed for tiie Siuslaw voyage through the journey of life.] date of her 1 , 0 digpose o{. December 1. The W hoelei-Biiriieti wedding had not W Nichols, E lm ira, Oregon. I per m onth. , • a I D eW itt’s Witch Hazel Salve will The Danielson left for this port No- ta-eo intended to occur this w inter, but “ , h worst hnrng a nd scalds disaster occurred in San DAIRY FARM FO R SA LE . i nt the earnest wish of the bride’s father, J h n r s d a y . N ovember 29, I t can be applied ' vember ..4. The Roliarta w ent to th e U m pqua . who was dangerously ill and feaied he K een lives were lost and m oil> OTrtoce, w itti prompt , W ednesday, retu rn in g T hursday. A fine dairy farm on M aple creek six i m ight not live to see it, th e gtoom was [people seriously i n p » ^ - “ soothing effect. Use it for piles I called home from his em ploym ent on I miles Iron, F lorence is now offerod for J whom have sin ce «he.!, ih c , . lliu„ . jp3 Beware of worthless ; The Long is on its way here. The Sacram ento lies nt the m outh of (N orth Fork and th e cerem ony I”’1- I -ole. L , . , „ „ 1 i „ .1« »' > i " 2 . X “ W -. K fc fiS , k la s s factory, and a num ber ! ¡cu« - I th e river, loaded with lum ber from th e c o u n . ie . n . e - u - I t contains Kk) acres, 36 of it bottom 1 formed« ,instated into th e redhot fluid. I Marshfield S u n : Refnre going to pre s A(.nie lu i| |St | i nipilicine .¡ne I h hav” sv -e ever’nsed. v e r'n so d . I t i is s a a f fine i n e | tl, JO HN C . B EC K . tbe on|y positive cure now known to t.ie furnishes m otive power nt th e barn for »•rnflP. v n ii’iirru ......... crono. s z's . .. .. — I. I.,,I rv»e ci children*» rem edy for croup and never n,ed icai fraternity. C atarrh being cu ttin g feed, saw ing wood, etc. m d o rseit. Meyer A Kyle. we _____ have th e ...err. . Fiorone», Or. P o in t T e rra e « , O r. T he farm is m ile Irom school and . . c u t was called out I H vo„ woald have an appetite like a ■ fai|9 t0 c„ rP •• W hen given as soon as , congtitntional disease, requires a constt- 8 / ’T L J aersio., Tuesday, th e bear and a relish for your m eals take | U|8 nhlM becomes hoarse, or even after j t ,)tional lrei,tm t t. H all a C a ta rih % mile from a county road. ’. ^ ’ 'institution has met in a ' cb;V1,hprluin’» Stomach and Liver Tab- Uie croopy cough i,a- dcvel -ped, it will | C ure u token in tern ally , acting " rec J . Price $1000. , More interest , ,,o T hev correct disorders o! the stont- prPVe„ , , be „H ack. Thia should bo upou th e blooJ and iniiciioiis surfaces of A bargain for anybody w anting a of T in this organisation „„b and regulate th lie e liver and bor.,e in m u ile lbe e g,.9lell,, destroying ami bowels. w .« .— borne ill mind minu and auu a I ■ i» « of ui th m e cough vu«g>. t , tb 8yaieui, thereby m e ie » / ..» » ..- /—r the — ¡farm . W . . H H u u rd rd ’s ’s drug drug _ ipmpdy n n d ation ", of tbe disease, and o- giving „ the i r For lonnuaiiou .u r «.o--.....-, i i r . fu „ n rth i e r inform ation inquiro a t tbe ’s i . a o 'th a ttb e members will free, at « O. - W lv kept nt band ready for in stan t I (o * |?s, a..««- uw... nA ll.uAn B V ,1, ptom I >1 Oil ,H flltO e a r. patient .1 » strength nfnum.lh by t,V building tlllildillg up UP th .II« (.Oil* ( W|tBt WnuT offi|, ..ftll.g. e con- use ns soon ns the«« sym s appear. Fapm © im L c i» and 5 o v /n C o tç wuficient in th e perform ance of store. stitq tio n and assisting n atu re in doing ,ies when called upon. Much Tbe young people of M apleton have For sale by O. W. H urd. its w ork. T he proprietors have so A ST O C K FARM- a n d ^ o ld o n c o m m i s i o n . property In Florence is liable b„d quite a round c l merry-m aking much faith in it» curative, powers, th at SUNDAY SERV ICES. nt any tim e. 1» -non uv , |in honor of Thanksgiving. and | iction by fir« they offer one H undred Dollars for any , ,, , e d tb a t tl.e fir« " ' in « " ,8h*r’ L onnd up tb e affair »¡»b a big five ' ease that it fails to cure. Bend for l i s t , A good stock farm of 160 acres lying Mr Wigh* wiV preseli In Florence nt . and i Marion Murtnn M erna w 1,8 as; i " X k teii at' tb e Mapleton hotel Sun ged, on South slough is now offered for sale » p u t., for th e ensuing year. All prMe n t had splendid tim e 11 a . M. and in Acme at 7 e m . O ther of testim onials, About half of it is bottom «nd tide land, th e usual Address, F J Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. Parties having Real Estate to sell w ill do w ell / ,ene of thousands who HT,d wial.ed (or an annual runetil""!' *>( services in each place at tbe tide land being already diked. A ! Sold hy druggists, 75c. hours. new bouse, sn orchard of over 230 trees „.1. p , . » . ' H a ll’s family F ills are the best. to place it on onr list. / on the place, and alm ut 600,000 feet of and la grtP l* ,lurin« ,b e P cm nherry sauce, a» r.s.ial, were ae , iir’ k S w r . » :»«*> i bountifully. A h«r .p cn d U g a y ^ e n - good tim ber conveniently aitualed for I T O THE DEAF. ADVERTI8ED LETTERS logging. E xtensive out range. Ahon, result«.! i" pneum onia. lh » a. joy»t,|e m en m g th e g"« , 15 head of c a ttle / m ost of them cows, 1 4 Co., 240 Wabash avenue, way — th rich Isdv cured of im. h er xzvo.a.v- »na T b e f0u 0wing letters rem ain nndalm eil - eir several homes, I A nei» l«‘iv r»irr«i ! with th e land. Price $3,000, Including one of 'the most p ru m ln ert re e , „ „ » , , 1 » hope for good I N„i«ee No one cnn can ^ reasonably . -n (lie „ eR), hy Pr> K irhr, in th e Head by Dr. Nicholson s ¡n , |ie F1(,,ence office for th e week ¡stock. Inquire a t tiie Florence Real lli .,s in .l ,a t« i ty ,tn « p e s k in g .i f healtliluiileas ‘ • move ----------------- bis bowels once e«c > A n i,i(.-ia| g a r D rum s, gave $10,000 en ab le to ' ending Deceni’mr 1, 1900. { E state Ageney. , . -.tVe recommend Cliumt.er F dav. W ___________ lien th is is not attended to 1 t - . .n th a t deaf people uni, unable t #i CbM 2 W itcher, E alIgl, Reme-lv for la g' ipi-e in „rd^rs of the gt„ „ „ ach c h arise, ilio n -n e« . urocure stom ari»e, t b»lion«nes», ur(x.u n , th |b e E ar Drums r,r0)n, may have th em W alton, E rn e st A ^ . . g a i t i i d o n l v g iv e s, r..m b(. ,, , . «„d piles TO OUR PATRO NS. 10573-c. T he Nicb- ‘ ’ W m K v ix , F . M. i.M.taelie. dv«pep»ia P*le* « ,M m ” a .o ; , (re.-. rw.. Address Nu Hu. 10673-e. The M„te r e c o v e r » -m t,I— m le ,-, . ...................... t . h e a e a . i ,|*m In stitu te. 730, E ighth Avenue, ______________ r r tn ’t 1 bv raking Ch»niberla¡n'« New York. U . R. A. tend, n.-v .4 la g ru « ~ : Notice is hereby given th a t th e W e have m ade arrangem ents M ,r I'V O . «».i U ' - 1 « « « " " b ' " _ _ ----------------1— |5,j«rd cf Equalization lor Lane C ounty W|,ieh we will furnish the Weekly m,tni3. V r<*r _ • NOTICE will m eet on M onday, Dec. 10th, 1900, Oregonian w ith th e I V r n for one v e tr _____ for th e purpoee of eq » al« i» g th e an - , 0 sn y eddreee (or th e sum of tv.o «oh gentle in • I R id. will be n c e iv .4 until Monday, ,,„al valuation of properly an d rem ain la n .» „« h ie r*«h in ad v .n c e . will receive their new stock of W IN T E R GOODS in a few days. 1 P. Frank & Son. K7LB Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, P r ic e s a s L o w a s t h e etc. L ow est a FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Anybody desiring to pur­ chase Real Estate is in­ vited to examine Our list and see what we have to offer. A S T O R IA rv 10 nt 4 r> m hy Johl» I. Butler- order' ¿ r repai-ing th e Flor- H F la n . - I . .«I ification. m .y Pn c c |,d . , *« • • or Infants and Children. ,nd Yoa Haw Atoayt Bought Tbt. .ig artu n H ” 5 T T x S n :'ne' t T c u u ’ Laxative Promu-Quinine u» »aedr thxt cwres « coW in seesion eix days. AB partiea --------- ------------ —“ grievances in regard lo a - e s .m e u t will We need to pum bsee m .te r.a l for the govern tb c m ..H r eccnrding'y. office and find it n eo e« a,y to ask onr I ' P . V. B urton, I subscribers who are owing us, to full | (,’ouuty A m * » « . round and help us o u t 1» Ihta matte».. JOHN 0. BECK W . H. WEATHERSON, W- N tQ ttO U