PERSONALS. On& üübü “ N o t h in g Succeeds L ik e Success.* CASH Mattie Brynd visited Florence Tues­ UNDERSELL U N D ER BUY day. “Toot”„Sungley- left for Eugene Mon­ O regon .— 1I stomach sour and no appetite Just day. 1 :>uy a package ut Mrs. J. I. Butterfield haa been quite Our TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT SAIJ-; is a success in every particular— sick thia week. if you want nome of the values that we are offering during this sate, come and I And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bean returned examine some of the following: You will be surprised at how easily from Yaquina Tuesday. ■ they will do their work,, cure your ► headache and biliousness, rouse the W. F. Saflevfhaa purchased the meat ) liver lunl make you feci happy again. market of Al. Reddv and will continue |25oents. hold by all medicine dealers. to cater to the public. Men’s Clothing, Men’s Hats, Men’s J. J. Morris and brother, James, left Rubber Boots, Ladies’ Capes and Tuesday for Whatcom, Wash,, to visit a Columhia Talking Machine, Odd Fel- sister who lives-tliere. Jaekets, Men’s Oil Goods, Sliokers, low’s Hall, Saturday evening. Nets Berkram was up from the lile- When yon want prompt acting little Men’s Mackintoshes, Ladies’ Mack­ saving station at Gardiner Wednesday pills that never gripe use DeWitt’s Little andjattended the masquerade. intoshes, Floor Oil Cloth, Woolen Early Risers. Meyer A Kyle. J. W. Hand, wiio has had charge of Don’t fall to hear the newest thing Blankets, anti the Acme Commercial Co.’a store since out—the Columbia Talking Machine—at its inception, will remove to Ban Fran­ Odd Fellow’s Hall Saturday evening. cisco soon. Meyer A Kyle have a large a eortment Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brynd spent Fri­ ofjnew books by the beet authors, suita­ day and Saturday in Florence. It is re­ ble for the holidays. Call and see^them. Hood’s ported they iuteud taking charge of the A raffle took place at the danoe at Western House. ranty.D eeds for rale the dance at Acme Wednesday night A. W. Beadle, of A. AV. Beadle A Co., 'itSLawAiT- for a crazy patchwork quilt. The prize -Ban Francisco, who has been at Acme was drawn by Geo. Barney, an Indian. «t No. ,43 will have during the past week looking ofter bus­ Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver iness interests, left for his home Thurs­ In many lines of Shoes you can get values at less than coet. » . U i f next regular Tablets cure biliousness, constipation day. "It will pay you to buy from a CASH STORE. and headache. They are easy to take haa organised a football Editor W. II. Weatherson and family and pleasant in eflect. For sale by the Co- a challenge to left on tiie Rubarts Friday morning for We sell the best sewing machines on the m arket for the least money. O W Hurd. Minnesota, where they will visit with Every one warranted for ten years. The U. of O. Freshmen football eleven frier.Jb and relatives for about two license was issued Tuee- Saturday defeated the Portland Acad­ months. During their absence .Phil W. 1. Wheeler and Alice M. emy team bv a score of 33 to 0. A big Nicolle.will have charge of the W est , game is announced for tomorrow between little Early Risers are the the U. of W. and the victorious U. of O. and any courtesies extended to Lim will be appreciated. rer made; Easy to take eleven. Frank B. Wilson, who has been in the Meyer & Kyle. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. H ER M ANN NOTES- Bad Blood is a had thing. It is res­ employ of O. W. Hurd for several years I Thanksgiving. Appro- l were held In the Piesby- ponsible for scrofula, Balt rheum, humors as bookkeeper, lias accepted a position and many other diseases, including with the Acme Commercial Co., and B y J ay . The West Real Estate office has bar­ i M / a a *a . W t g u i . rheumatism and that, tired feeing. will move io Armo about tiie 15th of De­ November 26, 1900. gains to ofier in the following property. * ite was chartered to bring Bad blood is made good blood by Hood’s cember.' Mr. Wilson’s friends will be I ' Mr. Kirby is building a barn on liia A good dwelling house, and black­ • of Mapleton young peo- Sarsaparilla. sorry to have him lenve Florence, al­ place. smith shop doing a good business in a luerade at Acme Wednes- If you have ever seen a child In the though his new home is only a short Wm. Ferris started for Eugene last thriving town. The owner desires to agony of croup you can realize how distance from here. ciiange Ids location, A lino opportunity Sunday. Its o ff t h e C o ld grateful mothers are for One Minute (or the rigiit man. Price I860. H ave 0 1 Hand 1 Tablets cure a A pleasant surprise party was tender­ Andrew Gibson’s. logging camp is w ays on 160 acres of unimproved land on North Cure no Pay. Cough Oure which gives relief as soon ed J. |f . and James Morris Monday running at full blast now. as it is administered. It quickly cures Fork about ten miles from Florence is evening. W. L. Phelps and B. B. Jeans made a coughs, colds and all throat and lung offered for sated. Near to county road. * Co. cannery The richest strike ever reported from trip to Acme last Monday. troubles. Mever A Kvle. Will make a good stock ranch. Price the season the Bohemia district was made in the Wm. Tucker, of Comstock, Or., spent »450. Sam Conrad, a young man about 22 G ^ o e E f^ iE g , 8,600 cases, Helena mine last week. The ore as­ lust week with his parents on the creek. years of age, had his leg broken below „the bay and ’ 150 acres mostly tlmbe. land lying in sayed 128 ounces in gold and 37 ounces Willis Mead visited at Mr. Jean’s last the knee and his ankle crushed by a log, silver—or »2,582.20—to the ton. llle. section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 Sunday. What is the attraction, Willis ? in the logging camp of Sutherland, Fra­ west. About three acres cleared. A Mididates for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve wil, zer & Griffin, near Glentena, Monday. Mr. Hackett is building a trail from creek large enougli to float logs runs gislature, are quickly heal the worst burns and scalds Î3 ry Gfoods, Dr. Atwood and the boy’s uncle, James the Coen place over to Grass mountain. through the land. Price »550. iith of Marion, Honig, came out from Eugene Tuesday and not lenve a scar. It can be applied There is to be- a party given at the A tract of about 60 acres fronting on , L. T. Harris to look after the suffering boy, and it to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt of Multno- was their intention to take him to that and soothing effect. Use it for piles school house Thanksgiving. Every oue Clear lake three miles south of Florence. A fair house and about five acres cleared. and skin diseases. Beware of worthless la invited to come. place for treatment. Mr. Moffitt and Albert Bristow, of A good wagon road from the place to counterfeits. Meyer A Kyle. . ONE DAY Msnv people worry because they be­ Junction City, are transacting business the Siualaw river at Glenada. A fine line Tablets, T H E ’ M A S Q U E ÏÏÂ D E lieve they have heart disease. The on the creek thia week. place for a aummer resident)«. Pries nouey if they cliapces are that their hearts are all Some people must think gold is rather »500. i signature is right but their stomachs are unable to The masque hall at Acme Wednesday plentiful on Indian Creek, ns a man was A tract of a little over two acres ol digest food. Kodol Dysyepaia Cure di­ O. F., at gests what you eat and prevents ttie for­ evening was well attended by the elite seen prospecting for gold in the wagon bottom laud between Florence and Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose ling, elected mation of gas which makes the stomach of Siii8iaw society, and tiie Acme Danc­ road. Iflll cannery. A fair house on the land. H at« & Caps, the coming press against the heart. It will cure ing club received the plaudits of those GREENLEAF ITEMS. A flue place for gardening or raising „ R. L. Evans, every form of indigestion. Meyer A Kyio present for the excellent manner in which the dance was conducted. There small fruit. Price »200. Ü. Peil, F. Coos Bay News: fM. L. Tower, who is were many orig-nal and sti iking cos­ 160 aerja of land near Clear lake lying B y a W est C obbkspoeoext . in charge of the government improve­ tumes among those en masque, some of in section U , township 19 south, rang« or the state- ment, was in town Sunday. The eight which showed an amount of ingeuuity 12 west. Price »250. ranch of the bents washed out during the storm linve November 24, 1900. that was surprising. The supper at 112 acres unimproved land lying on Ktended eight been replaced in the jetty, and no seri­ J. A. Burnett la seriously ¡11. Gibb’s Hotel passed off pleasantly, and Where a large ous damage to the enrockment is antici­ the north side of Clear lake Bailee was in keeping with the culinary skill Martin Olsen is going to breed berk- south of Florence. A good wagon road Lane county’s pated this winter, especially on the old exhibited by the proprietors of that shires. from it to the 8iusinw river, pries »000. ping rapidly, portion of the work. The channel across hostelry on previous occasions. We Miss Maud MiUer, who I nis been quite life is hardly the bar is in splendid condition, not­ trust to have frequent pleasant social 160 acres on upper Nerth Fork, a ‘ large part of it bottom laud. W ilt rnakv of Chaiu- withstanding the storms, and lias a events of the kind given by the Acme ill, ia better. We shall be likely to need more hay a good home. Price »8501 'Liver Tablets. depth at low water of £6 feet. Dancing club during the season. Ignach, tone up 80 acres timber land with ereek large No one should miss the Columbia Mrs. Geo. Chamberlin was awarded thia year than last. | your bowels Talking Machine entertainment at Odd the prize by the committee as being the Fred Rowe has turned photographer enougli to float logs running through the man. For Fellow’s Hall Saturday evening. Tho (■est dancer, and Estelle Bean ond Tom and ia doing quite a business. land and into tide water. Price »526. machine to be employed wil 1 be brought Saubert received the prizes for being Clarence Burnett bought what bottom 138 arras of land at Elmira, Oregon. Srson, editor to Florence especially for this occasion, tiie best sustained characters. land Thomas Kensler had soutn of Lake A box hours, good barn, and plenty uf town. Mr. and no one will be permitted to hear it Our little friend, Hazel Bean, repre­ creek. outbuildings on premises; 6 acres Mbany today before that time. The admission fee sented the W est lu a very neat and About half a doaen homesteads (rave orchard, 16 acres In cultivation, W I joined by his will be 25 cents for adults, 10 cents for tasteful manner. She has our thanks ¡wte|y taien filed on the ChickalioiMtny acres more cleared land, and M news to Faribault, childrea and 6 cents for reserved seats. for the delicate compliment. alaalied: balance, brush and tioalwr waierelmd. The net receipts will be employed in Frank Putterf, of Alpha, is wnrsing in land. Price »30 per acre, »rant) down. POINT TERRACE ITEMS I of count- building the new M. E. Church at thi For further information inquire at Hie mill at Acute, ami the Alpha mill is pest men will place. The W est office, Florence, Oregon or tKking a rest. B y C abmen . Ng worthless The Roberts returned ’from Yaquina Clem Carlyle, of Cnickahuniiny, has John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon, a t Witch Hazel Tuesday, bringing a goodly quantity of gone to Washington state with his fami­ W Nichole, Elmira, Oregon. November 27, 1900. llliblefor cur- freight, among other tilings being 1,200,- Fred Peil spent Sunday with Mr. ly to spend tiie winter. l and all ekin 000 salmon eggs for the hatchery at Ma­ DAIRY FARM FOR 8 A L E . The beautiful snow cauie Sunday, tiie pleton. The Sluslaw hatchery has a Neely's. 18tli, and stayed until Thursday. Tiie Vets Wooley, from Smith river, made . Jake Benner capacity of 3,000,009 eggs, anil thia year A fine dairy farm on Maple creek sis thermometer went down to 24. ► »hot. Besides it will turn out 2,000,000 salmon (ry. a trip to Florence Tuesday. miles Irom Florence is now offered for Marion Wheeler is home from Mr. Manager F. C. Bean is quite successful Pat Dons- Mr. Kemioyer, who haa been working sale. hiin badly, in conducting the hatchery, and would for Mr. Ssunders all summer, returned McCormack’s, on North Fork, where he It contains 160 acres, 36 of it bottom has been working since last winter. have secured the necessary quantity of rlnjury. Boys to his home In Eugene Friday. laud end 30 acrea have been plowed. I^n Tabor, of Alpha, has been doing i of firearms, eggs to supply it had not the rack been Perhaps if Mr. Wight put his an- Can cut 35 tone of bay. A good two injured and the salmon lost by a great your life by nounceioent in the paper he would nave tome slashing on aUhickehouiiny home­ story house 26 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by to develop in quautity of brush that came down inure of a congregation than be bad two stead for a filer who lives in Eugene. 70 leet, with heavy frame; a goat honac weeks ago. Igo iulosays he will come hack in the 10 by 40 feet; an orchard of about BOO Minute Congh river during a light raise. It will not be a surprise to any who are lung troubles Lizzie, Florence and Earl Workman ! spring and build a good house on tiie trees of diffsrent kind« of fruit lias beeu her preparation at all familiar with the good qualities of man and Blanche Noff-inger are staying Inioe place, which now belongs to him. bearing for a year or two. jtise it as a ape- Chamlierlain’s Cough Remedy, , to know A water wheel of about 8 horse power . , in Mr. Knowles’s old house at Mapleton Our timid settlei .Hied a deer over on infallible rein- that people everywhere take pleasure in anJ att(.|ldint( tf(.hool there Nelson creek this wee ., but he didn’t furnishes motive power at the barn for JOHN C. BECK. W . H. WEATHERSON. In tiie use of * sn like it and relating their experience W. NICHOL*. tell your correspondent (or fear it would cutting feed, sawing wood, ete. S t 0 0 R eward , «100 of that splendid medicine and in telling Point Terrace, Or. ^ _ . e r A Kyle. The farm ie J. mile from eebool and PloresKe, Or. get in tiie Wa.-rr. of the benefit they have received from Last Friday Richard Charier Pope and Emma Tabor are .‘4 mile from a county road. The readers of this paper will be er eettiers of it, of bad colds it haa cured, of threat­ Price »1600. reported to have filed homesteads near and drad at his ened attacks of pneumonia it has avert­ pleased to leam that there is at least 8. 8. Miller’s, on the south fork of A bargain for anybody wanting a farm. few miles from ed and of the children it lias saved from one dreaded diseaxe that science haa Chickahoininy creek. was a bachelor j "tucks ol croup and whooping cough. been able to core in all its stages and For further information inquire at the Tiie postoffice department has inti­ He had been , 14 ** * Pand, good medicine. For sale that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is W est office. mated that it will Boon make another the only punitive cure now known to the id not consider **y Druggist!. Far»m äb TheJBritish four-masted bark Poltal- medical fraternity. Catarrh being a effort to let a contract fur carrying the ud declined the A STOCK FA R M - mail from Hale to luloe. Ids to como and loCb, in ballast from Santa Rosalia to constitutional disease, requires a consti­ The cata on Nelson and Chickahotniny »vered some- Portland, went ashore at 2 o’clock Tues-, tutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh A good stock farm of 160 acres lying day morning about two miles north o f ; Cure is taken internally, acting directly ; bare had a sort of dvasutery all the fall id accident oc- ' tl,e entrance io Willapa Harbor. She upon the blood au>l macuoua surfaces of and a number lieve direi. Cate are an on South slonoh ia now offered lor sale. Saturday, by ' l'"» lo8t 4,1 »n,i lies stem-on in the system, thereby destroying the ; important race of stock bere, as we are About half of it is bottom and tide land, lost his right:» perilous portion. The tng Astoriaj foundation of the dieeaac, and giving the ' in a constant state of defensive warfare the tide land being already diked. A Parties having Real Estate to sell will do well ling to move a Mayed near her all day, but on account, patient sli-engtii by building np the con-1 against chipmunks and otheT crop de­ new house, an orchard of over 200 trees on the place, and a host 600,000 feet of the edges saw I ”1 the heavy sens was unable to past a si Ration and assisting inibire in doing ‘ atroyera. to place it on our list. Our new county court commences well good timber conveniently situated lor the saw above ,ine- Tl,e tu* wen* 10 S,M,tb B«"*1 Tuee- ita work. The proprietors have ao sling cut made d«y evening to telegraph lor another much faith in its curative powers, that ’ ¡„ cl,Ui„g some of the election bills in logging. Extensive out range. Alieat jt been coeting ns more than 15 head of cattle, most of them sows, near tiie elbow. tQF. *n<1 brought 13 of the crew who they offer on« Hundred Dollars lor any ■ case that it fails to cure. Send lor lis t . H dollar apiece, three times in fouryears, with the land. Priee »3,000, inoliwUng In and attended came i f f III a boat. ' to vote. Now let ns hope the commie- stock. Inquire at the Florence Real »(nutated the re-I A silk Chinese battle flag, blood-' of testimonials, Estate Agency. clue* io t ie stained and full uf bullet bolias, captured I Address, F J Cheney A Co., Toledo, O .' «¡oners ill not puah economy to tlio Sold by druggists, 75c. of crippling the road extent gr-m, wire w.,e I on tiie enter wall at Pekin, August 14, i foods. Among ths rood improvements t a m vert hare six ' WOO, by Calvin P. Titus, a mem tier uf | Halt's family Pill« are the best. TO OUR FATRONS- tha we ’one would like to see none is id. Cosapauy K, 14tli Infantry, V. S.„ A., T O T H E DEAF. more needed than tiie opening ol the ' I Its» been received at Spokane by Mr.! We have mode arrangement« by wagon road from Florence to Mapleton I W. H . Ia»e. T h e lt»g ia made which we will furnieli tiie Week), ( of red silk and is six l.y seven feel A rich lady cured of her Deafness and for wagons. Oregonian with the W est for one vesr ' iu mac . On the ft«g are Iwo large Chi- ! Noises it: the Head hy Dr. Nicholson's [ to any aihlreaa for the sum of t«.e uol- ; m-ae character« in white, whiah, accord- Artificial Ear Drum», gave »10,000 io hi« I lan javahle caoli in advance. Children. i ing to Chinese interpreters, means ” be- Insiitntc, eo that deaf peopln unable to ; JOHN C. BECK Always Bought hind brigade,” or what ia termed as rear | procure the Ear Dnnns may have litem j We need to purchase material for*tlia soani in our army. Mr. Titus was the , Artdi«»« No. »0673-«. The N i d i - ; office and find it ary to ask oar W . H. WEATHERSON» This stgastsis It ea evsry bee of tba | tiret American soldier to ecaie the outer I „lm,n Institute, 780, Eigtilh Avenne, su bee ri bars wire era owing ne, to call Laxative “ W . NIOHOLB fi J wall of Pekin. New York U. S. A. r ound and help ne oat in thia matter. MüHNlNü— TIIERS« >N I Tells the story. When your he« 1 .aches, and you feel bilious, constl- ' paled, and out ol time, with your H o o d 's IPSSIs The 4 A M E C O fin E R C IA L Co. w ill receive their new stock of W IN T E R GOODS LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS In a few days. AT COST. i IATED i P. Frank & Son. 0. ung.i r U diti,1 Callaii METEE, & Z7LE Gent’s urnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , Not»»- Paints, Oils, Ulterutu»* etc. Prices as ow as the Lowest. ite? rexpM (pmrç i Käß«, ¡i» Florence, Oi»e{«n. FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. £ «I^, timber* Êarîal^ and Sov/n Êotç bou{¡2t and fold on commision. ÔÎ RIA Anybody desiring to pur* chase Real Estate is in* vitedto examine our list and see what we have to offer. • ■ Iltc4