-» 'E S T / i o ^ f s O regon .— f a & s s s e I h e r s o n P roprietor. ) a year in advance.----- TS. ‘N o th in g Succeeds L ik e Success? A rc p re p a re d from N a­ Mr». A. F. Hurt! is quite 11!. tu re ’s m ild laxatives, a n d Albort Knowles wa»itttowa yesterday, w hile g e n tle a rc reliable i D. W. Stebbins visited Florence Toes a n d efficient. 1 bey UNDERBUY ' day. UIIAT MOBSINO— ¡ite per so n a ls . P iH & CASH L i v e s 0 Geo. Stillwell of Spokane was in town tliia week. Olaf A Peterson is now employed on the C u re S ic k H Bil- Vliu i ead ach e, —-- Cici UNDERSELL Our TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE is » success is every particular iousness, S o u r. S to m ach , Marguerite, a n d C o n stip atio n . S old ; Mr Hatch, a laojboripan of Napa, Cal. if you it ant some of the values that we are offering duripg tW . « le , « m e aud everyw here, 25c. p e r box. waa at Acme this week. f- I T he ACME C O fin E R C IA L Co. VrvpaiiXtbyC.ISood«iCo„Lowelt,Masa. Baa lie made the W est offices examine some of the following t tcred at the poet-ofihe at l-'i. .rriri-e . ----------------- ------------------- --------- I pleasant call Wednesday. county, Oregon, an acnm ! i Masquerade ball, Acme, November 28. j Ed Bean an,i Nat Sharpe of Mapleton, matter. Men’« Clothing, Men’s Hats, Men’s Rubber Boots, Ladies’ Sick headache is cured by Hood’s 1 were in Florence Wednesday. Of Pills, 25c. ' R..M. Agee and wife of Chicago are Capes and Jackets, Men’s Oil Goods, Slickers, Men’s The tug Rodnrts went to Coos Bay ' registered at the Western House, Mackintoshes, Ladies’ Mackintoshes, Floor Oil Cloth, j last week, returning Wednesday. j D W Stibbens and wife and Mr and Remember the masquerade at Acme , Mrs Lewis left yesterday for Eugene. Woolen Blankets, and 1 next Wednesday evening. Tickets in- ; E. Fremont wn9 down from bis eluding supper $1.25. logging camp near the mouth of Lake l u e . Ind Some correspondence from Acme and i creek the first of the week. Point Teirnce was received last week “ Our Alee” Zekind, a cigar drummer lianksgiving. after we had gone to press. I who lias visited the coast regularly ,_ . p i ike a look at thoee fine Heaters Chnntbeiiain's Stomach nn«l Liver for a number of years was in Florence I V U U IIIU V I in d i Ö y Orlaijf Funke’s. 1 Tablets cure biliousness, constipation during the week. In many lines of Shoe« you can got values at less titan cost. light snow r r" fell during the a„d headache. They are easy to take j Wm. Boyd and family, from Porter» * * * tof the week. i and pleasant in cficct. For sale by ville, Cal., who purchased the Nelson £dF “Il will pay you to buy from a CASH STORE. place, adjoining Glenada, moved to their nan tea are cured by O W Hurd id le st ion, nauseau id's Pill«. 25c. The Acme Dancing Club will give a new home Monday. the market for the least money N. R. Adams, “ John Quincy,” who leaks for Warranty Deeds for sale' masquerade bull at the Acme Cominer We sell tlie best sewing machines on spent last winter in Florence, ask9 to - j cial Co.’s hall Wednesday evening, No- he W , ... ,, ! vein tier 28 All are invited. Tickets have liis W est sent to Gardiner. Ho is Every ono warranted for ten years. » L L A Ü Ä now on Smith River. -r a r .. A W Beadle of San Francisco one of a X t i ’" :; a , . „ I ’ " • « — ? "»• * — • - the principal owners of the Stuslaw ttnd „1 u , 1 ,.,. . good Itoe. « ' » ' ' ""P"’""""" »' ttie Siii8law bar will San Francisco Lumber Co, «ltd the soon be completed, twelve scows of rock Acme Commercial Co, is at Acme. will i*e furnished being all that is necessary to finish their REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Dr. R. L. Evans who has been con­ I new stock oBHroceries just received work, and this can be handled in about fined to his home for several weeks on IV ISON ITEMS. two weeks. account of a severe injury to his arm The West Real Estate office has bar­ Meyer & Kyle’s, Win Chamberlain and Harry Boyle and shoulder is able to be around again. B y I cii D ibs . gains to offer in the following property ow, of Hadlevville, recently f, A. J. have finished driving Hie piling for Miss Clara Sparling who lias been en­ A good dwelling house, and black­ dge with liis team, and Benedict’s boom. Mr Benedict now November 19, 1900. gaged in dressmaking in Florence for smith shop doing a good business in a gainst tlie county for lias his boom arranged so logs tor the Tlie first snow of the soason fell last thriving town. Tlie owner desires to several months is soon to leave for _ , different mills can he placed separate Spokane. The many friends she has night. change his locatiou. A fine opportunity ( •»..1 w o r k , o ff t h e C o lil (r o m e fttll o t h e r gained in Florence wish her success in J U Sutherland & Co. took their log­ for the right man. Price $850. ¡nine Tablets cure a 1 . . __ , c, , No Cure no Pay. j DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve ’v.ll lier new home. ging engine down last week. 160 acres of unimproved land on North i quickly heal tne worst burns and scalds F C Bean and wife of Mapleton leave G W Dickinson and family contem­ Fork about ten miles Irom F'orence is I. and not leave a sear. It can he applied on the Roharts this morning for Yaqnina plate a visit to the valley this week. offered for Baled. Near to county road ilges and clerks of the to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt where Fred who is manager . of the □ Sius . i Tracy nud Walter Lyons attended the Will make a good stock ranch. Trice !y allowed I and soothing effect. Use it for piles on were only bere laat Kri.lay night, county. Heretofore | and »kin diseases. Beware of worthless law Salmon Hatchery, lias orders to . $450. receive 2,000,000 salmon eggs for the j t re. Bowed $6 each, 150 acres mostly timbe, land lying in i n g Yeh! counterfeits. Meyer & Kyle. hatchery. j nQW prcpare(l to do black- gchase material for the section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 Coos Bay News: Ten bents, at the W EPiland, who was n resident ; £ , ithing agajD. i necessary to ask our jetty, were washed out by the late west. About three acre» cleared. A the Siuslaw last year and a member of • Whitaker and brother, are owing us, to call . storm, and considerable expense is be- creek large enough to float iogs runs LX . ° i in out in Ibis matter. ! ing incurred by contractor Jacobson in oHx through the land. Price $550. J m ó l d i n o n e w ay j replacing them. Driving piles in tlie Siuslaw are sorrv to hear of his demise, . here last Sailday‘ . A good store building and lot in Acme. J K oiiio Quinine Tablets. enrockment is slow and expensive work. as he was well liked by all who knew Rev. Beaudreau of Eugene preached Conveniently located fur business. The refund the money if they i , , . ’at this place yesterday. Dinner was upper part is finished up fur a dwelling. ■ W. Grove’s signature is ! Mautr people worry because they be- hjin Miss Olive Knowles who has been served on the grounds. Price $700. lieve they hpve heart disease. Tlie Born, November 18, 1900, to the w ie chances are that their hearts are all visiting friends and relatives in Minne- A tract of almnt 50 acre» fronting on b Eugene has a fran- right but their stninaclis are unable to sola and New England during the past | of W T Cornelius, a son. Mother and Clear lake three miles south of Florence. rie lighting privileges digest food. Kodol Dysyepsia Cure di­ year returned to her home at Mapleton child are doing well, and with proper A fair house ami about five acre« cleared. The old plant was gests what yon eat and prevents the for- Monday. Sho was accompanied by her care we think Billy will Pul1 throng i. A good wagon road from the place to d by fire, but a new i tuation of gas which makes the stomach grandparents, S Blackman anil wife of A social was given by the Ivison school the Siuslaw river at Glenada. A fine H^lace it. press against the heart. It will cure Selma, Minnesota, who will spend the )aat Friday night which consisted of place for a summer residence. Price a fifteen yenr-ohl lad of every form of indigestion. Meyer & Kylo winter on the Sinslaw, recitations, dialogues and songs by the $500. arrested for shop-lifting at scholars followed by a pie eating. Pie» Tlie U. of O. football team defeated A tract of a little over two acre» of THE ACME- “ last Friday. In de- tbe Berke|ey tenm a8COre of 2 to 0 on Fold for ten cents each, the proceeds of bottom land between Florence and he was «*>n«ndeditheDei.keleyi{rWironSatllrd;iy. Thia ¡8 which will go to buy a flag for our Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose * twelve ami one-half days. I * yic^ ry for t,|e Oregon tea,n , aB The steamer Acme, now being built _____ school. Quite a number were present Hill cannery. A fair house on the land. „ Track means great disaster the Berkeley eleven has long been con at San Francisco to ply between that i notwithstanding the rainy weather, A fine place for gardening or railing applied to a fast express train. It , ceded the best on tlie coast, and has place and the Siuslaw, will lie ready for , Lyon» Bros, are logging on tlie Wash­ small fruit. Price $200. i when it refers to disordered : regularly carried off first honors in each work about the 15th of April. This burn plai-e. We understand that moat 160 acres of land near Clear lake lying dveunged stomach. Hood’s j contest for several years past. We trust boat will he fitted with tlie latest dc- of the logs they had in the Wild Cat in Bection 11, township 19 BOUtlt, range npnnllt puts the wheels hack on the the laurels gained by our home ----- ------ team vices for prompt and efUiuient work went out during the laat high water 12 west. Priee $260. { the troubles, will be retained during a number of ■ being lighted throughout with electrici- We think Wild Cat cannot be beaten n». 112 acres unimproved land lying on I ty and having engines of 500 horse pow­ • a logging stream in ttie county. It has captain of tlie schooner 8acra- years to come. tlie north side of Clear lake 2,lJO3. iriginal is infallible for cur- at all familiar with tlie good qualities of 22 cents in silver to the ton. The rock The W kst office, F.orence, Oregon or pt, eczema, and all skin Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, to know The readers of this paper will lie i« 'cry hard. He is prospecting for a John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon, or W Nlehoia, Elmira, Oregon, ' that people everywhere take pleasure in pleased to leant that there is at least richer streak, . yer & Kyle. „„„„.I tpsof the Florence Canning relating their experience in the js e i drelld(5sl that science has | Mrs. John Carlyle has 1-een very ill, DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. Hurd are being removed, of that splendid medicine and in ,eU,n* ! be ac,ing directly | roa,l oppo,ite his I,rot ,er Chari.y’a land and 30 acreB have been plowed. j t( e b|ood aud nulcuous surfaces of ilo,i8e. There is an immense lot of tini- Can cut 36 tons of hay. A good two Hugh or a col 1 to develop in by All Druggists. Eugines No. 1768 and 1756-or what | g)g((,ul> tliereby ,|eeiroj ing the ber close by mid we expect to I* side to story house 20 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by ■Mion. One Minute Cough |re tl mat and lung troubles is left of them in the terrire wree | foondation of the disease, and giving the ' gei, lumber without huuling it over the 70 feet, with heavy frame; a goat house 8|rengU) by blliI(U)I1{ up lhe COn- ' nl0U„tains. 18 by 40 fee, i an orchard of about 500 ban any other preparation near Roseburg last Thursday, have been trees of different kinds of fruit lias been luny doctors use it as a spe- sent to the car shops near Portland, for gljuj(ion M„d a88IBting „„„re in doing ACME ITEMS. Thp pr„1>riHora have sol hearing for a year or two. |ppe. It is an iiilallibie rem­ repairs. Toe locomotives were taken I on their wheels and it took sever- ((g C(JraHve , h a l| A water wheel of about 8 horse power pip. Children like it and ---- down ---- ------------ Worse it. Meyer A Kyle. > al flat cars to haul the thousand and j they offer one Hundred Dollars for any ; furnishes motive power at the barn for Bv K londvke . ort last week, Ed Sullivan of one pieces of twisted bars, plates and caee that it fails to cure. Send for list cutting feed, sawing wood, etc. , was arrested on a charge of '.cylinders mid iron parts of the two huge of testimonials, The farm is \ mile from school and school has Tne hour of our Sunday front a license, the case being engines. The front ends of the bo, er mile from a county road. Address, F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O, lieeu changed Io 10 o’clock a. m., aud fibre a justice court. The jury | «ere riddled and torn and .n the center Price $1600. S-iId by druggists, 75e. ' we hope to see a good attendance next A bargain for anybody wanting a f c l r v the case brought in a the driving wheels lifted about sib in- H all’s family Pills are the best. Subbatli. Igniliy, blit asked the mercy of dies above the tracks ns the entire body farm. Mrs. G. R. Mills had a beautiful won- 'Ttie judge then line I the de- | locomotives were bent upwards.—A.h. For further Information inquire at tlie TO THE D2AF. i ument erected at her mother’s grave in W rst office. J S f ib aud cost-, whereupon Salii land ridings. -------- the Masonic cemetery Munday, from the i attorney gave noiice cf appeal to The Linnton, Oregon, horse cannery A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Blneslng MaibleOo., Portland. This is no circuit court. which was snpooeed to 1» closed for A STOCK FARM, Noises ir. the Head by Dr. Nicholson's t|,e flrst in the cemetery. Tlie I n la n d Telegram says Oregm, good, is to start up again for a brief sea Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his The worthy citizen’s of this bnrg are -- ------ b«tcl,erie , light in number, ? n for the disposition of 1990 caynse A good stock farm of 163 acres lying Institute, so that deaf people unable to wishing for a teacher that our winter raeanshineil capacity of 30.500,000 ponies. Samuel Kinsman, the sole procure the Ear Drums may have them term of school may be finished. on South shmgh is now offered for sale. annually. Of these the Siuslaw owner of this establishment now, states I free. Address No. 10573-c. Tlie Nich­ G. R. Mills is bringing Sid Waite’s About half of it is bottom and tide land, luis a capacity of 8,000,000 that it trill be stiiclly an Accomodation olson Institute, 789, Eighth Avenue, the tide land tieing already dikerl. A logs from lhe upper boom to O. W. High not thoroughly storked run, asjhe lias no intention of further New York, U. S. A. now house, an orchard of over 3$00 Ire Hurd’s mill below town. eiigiving in tlie horse-canning business. iFish Coniinissiuiier Reed ex- on the place, and about 600,0UB (eel of | enough more eggs from the Ttie industry here never lias been a sue- i SUNDAY SERVICES. good tiuilrer conveniently situated fo» POINT TERRACE ITEMS fitesiihuon halcherv i’l W s«h- cess, bv reason of the fact that it was j lodging. Extensive ont range. About d.lucult to find the market in Kurope tor ' iuR its pm •»' ie on’ |«>l up to Mr Wight will preach in Florence at 15 head of cattle, most of then* cowe4 Bv C akmxx . ) sinsll frv. Tlie s’ste ot \t a . - toe output. It is Mr Kinsey’s intention , 11 » » ami in Acme at 7 p m . Other with the land. Price $3,009, including to convert tlie horse cannery into a has^'g . e n hatcheries with a -ervices in each place at the usual stock. Inquire at tlie Florence Read Nov. 13, 1900. capacity of 100,001,000 eggs . fruit cannery. Tim plant is admirably hours. Estate Agency. ' situated for the fruit-canning industry, . Georg* Fisk and Mr. Saunders arc possessing Hie advantages of hotli rail logging on Knowles creek. mid water ,ranst">r,»,ion fa c ilitie s . TO OUR PATR&ML March Brewster came op the river If you have ever seen a child in the Saturday to visit her cousin, who re- i agony of crou p you can realise how We have made arrangements by j turned home with her to spend a few Infants and Children. I grateful mothers are for O ur Minute days before starting for ,h»r home in which we will furuMh the Meekly This »'(tasters I t on every box o t the genuine You Have Alvap Bsuziit Cough Coro which gives relief as -soon Illa tiv e Broroo-Quinine Oregonian with tire W ist for one rear Eugene. I as it is >lministere«L It quickly cures Point Terrace school will close No- to any address for the sum of t».o Job the ntnedz Ibat erases a c»M »» • A-* coughs, colds and all throat and lung Ian parable eeah ia advance. * vetulitr 301. Mever A Kvle. trouble ROIDi w ill receive their n ew sto ck of W IN T E R GOODS vá in a few d ays. LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS AT COST. P. Frank & Son. the If*** i" — MEYEE, & ZYLE * * * * w. • H a v e â I w ays on Hand a P in e ^ to cl^ o f H G r ç p e E iy E g , B ry G foods, ★ ★ 8 resa G foodsf ess BI i^f iS T O R I A ,o MM bla ■ Goods, H a r d w a r E, Paints, Oils, etc. P r ic e s a s L o w a s t h e Lowest P lo p c D c e , JOHN C. BECK. W . H. WEATMERSON. Point Terraco, Or. O re }® *. ( Rswls Posion* bl t, Tke be« W. Florence, Or. s ix : •et will ba * Oi t b ? FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Papm Sanely SirnLer» 2 a and 5 o W d la * C o lf ADel $o!4 OQ c o m m is io n . Parties having Real Balate to sell w ill do well to place it on onr list, Anybody desiring to pur­ chase Real Estate to in* vitedto examine ¡our list and see what wa have to offer. JOHN C. BECK W. H. WEATHERBQNa W . NICHQAA