\A Z A * iS ~ s rT*t - r w u a u x n x e x .v raroAV “• ‘l meets again to provide itiuru out I of the territorial revenues for adequate i scliool facilities for those residin'; out- o, |he Uim , incorpor>led — at — GENERAL NEWS 4 4 Good Co:;zset I F YOU WANT A H.zs No P.'icc.” The Cxar of Russia is reported to be ' seriously ill. Wise a dvice b the result o f experience. j Ail insane woman threw a hatchet at i BIG LOAD BALLED, Tlje G re a t White gjre Bi a call. J ia s just received a new AD kinds of Stock cared Lor. LADIES BELTS, Keen Bay and Grain. Corral adjoining Bara. M o r for ffagens. LACES AND EMBROlDfc- j There lias been r large influx of miner's The hundreds c f ih x sirtds tuho h ave I Em peror W illiam of G erm any Thuis-lav. F lo . x x c x , L ax . C ocmvv , O .xoos ¡ " “ ' T "* P“ ‘ y“ r wbo ",ay used Hood's Zxrsaparilia, America's Senator Cushman K Davis of Minne •• -» •* . f.»-. . . . . he said to be permamently settled, and i Greatest H ed ic ia . c a m e l ¡hose w h o sota is extremely ill at his home in S'. w ou id p u n u and enrich the blood to - • - b y ---- there will b e’a still larger one in the ; Raul. a v a i them selves o f its virtues. I ts is The cabinet ofiicials of President Mc W V A 'T'TT L ? D O M V I iUtUre “ U‘e ’ ouderial r*oureee of H»e tu b e w h o profits t y this good advice. *“ -Taa> 1 Territory are developed. The children Kinley will be reUiued during the next administration. in these lamiiies muat not be left to S a tla p z d li Jpditor an d P rop rietor. Prof. Edward. Ross, a pmmiiieut edu grow up in ignorance. Alaska cannot be cator ¡0' Stanford (Tniveraify, has re ; treated any longer as an undeveloped : signed. Florence, Orc. Kov. 2-” 1900. and sparsely settled part of the public W. J. Bryan, it is now said, will eu- ' Silk Braid and dress trimmings of 1 domain with an uncertain future before the belief tiiat the hill which will be re gage in newspaper work at Wasbiug-, TOB FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. ported to tlie House will not make it. ton, D. C., under W. B. If eart t. ' fetju ctiona > f more than *20,000,000 a An agent of this government has Tits Republican majority in the J jear, and even that much would be learned the secret of the new field gun WASHINGTON LETTER. House of Representatives, which is now doubtful if the President had not so of France and has imparted the exact | in the neighborhood of 20, will exceed ----------- ¡strongly committed himself in favor of details to officers of the army. (Fno>t Q vb Rent-Lx« CoBBSXPvXDEKT.) ' reducing these taxes. The prevailing The society for the suppression of in the coming Congress, and may be W hite Goods, in Nainsook, ique, ------- ’ idea in official and Congressional circles vice' of " 1,ich Anthony Comstock is the, as much as 47. Those anti-Iuipenalists who foresaw the defeat of'Bryan, but Washington, Nov. 15th, 1900. «eem. ,0 he that uncertainty as to the T " begin * * "108‘ « ,en8i*8 d " 1 .. , o raid on pool rooms and gambling ileus » c? Loped tirai the Houae would contain a Nearly every Senator and Represen- immediate future in Chin» and in the ever undertaken in New York City j ----------------------- 1 . . . i .. • ; , . five who has been to Wxahiflgton Philippines, make it advisable for this Three men will be banged on S.itur- majority in agreement with them, have All charges reasonable. been disappointed 'fhe largest Repub- «lnee the election, regardless of political government to have a stiff surplus of day for murder in Arizona. Thomas and R. F IN D L E Y . lican gains were' in New" York and «fflliatipn, lias expressed pleasure that ■ caah on hand to meet any possible ’ William Iioidman will be execu'ed at Florence, Ore. , Tombstone for the killing of Ted Moore, Pennsylvania, six seats iu the first o f , t*,e result of the ¿lection >as so over- emergency, , and Sxutiago prtez will psy the death that denied that ecreta’7 ' penalty for the miirder of IV. ft.I Moffat. A t th e old Weddle stand. . these c Slates - an<f ... seven iu the' second. 1 ! »'helming . . . . the .3 talk 4,»* of r fraud and , It is ofilicially . The elections of legislatures in t|,e 1 corruption which has disgusted so many Moots visit to Cuba has anything to do Laite »1 vices by steamer from Hono- NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. xse of tl« aiter some of our national elections has will» the Cuban Constitutional Conven- Into, tell about the recent election it. the States foreshadow an increase le Senate. I**“ conspicuously absent this time, lion, now si.tiug in Havana, although territory of Hawaii. The democrats, Republican majority in the Ix n d Office at Roseburg, Oregon, oulh Dako- ’’ alao »■most generally agreed that ¡1 ■» official and will be utilised in visit- republicans and in Ipendent loyalist November 16, 1900. Tbs Republican 'victory in South J Notice is hereby given that the following- ( ta causea tlie retirement of Mr P etti-!!t ua8 ll,e Kreat prosperity of the coun- • >ng sections of the island not reached hv ' par,,ee ,lad t’ck‘:t8 in the field and the was exciting. The loyalist« car- named settler has filed notice of hia intention : n grew, a bitter i-titic of the adminiatra- lrT tbat brought about the result rather him when he was over there ■erne j contest ried'the day, and their leader Wilcox a Ul “ **e 4u*I proof In »uppurt of his claim, and i <*TI'T -L t l l l b j i'lliljft! JLlvS, m lion? In 'Pennsylvania,' Mr Quay tl,a“ blinJ d«votion to any political par- months ago, Many believe that Score- | native of the island, was elected delegate th“' before Kr.uk H Rog- i ers, V. S. Commissiiiner, at Gardiner, Oregon, eerta that he has a majority o f’ thej*y' Tba^ belief is based upon the gen- tgry Root lias gone to Cuba as the per- to congress. I on December 31,1900, vix- Ivy C. Morn», on II. The bid« for constructing Salem’s new E. No. 3670. for the SW«4 8E*4, See 21, N‘a' NE’4, members of the legislature," but it is not i eral idea that the ayeroge man w hois .Aonal representative of the President, 2x. N W>4 NW«4. Sec 27, Tp 21S . R 11 W. clear that he will he elected. Fusion JoinK we*! “ avfcr8e to taking ti;e chan- »cd that his report of existing conditions j Po3,l‘®c« building except heating and He names the following witnesses to prove enedin Wash- his continuous residence upon and cultivation rado legislature will j “ * involv'ed in making a change, even will be an important factor in the future ' control of the Colorado legislature i ingtop yesterday. The lowest bid was of saitl land, vix: prevent tlie re-election of Senator Wol- wl‘en th*t ,he c,,ange might be attitude of thia government toward the If. C. Dawson, M. V. Leach, Ernest L. Haskell by the Campbell Building Co of Chicago iott. |n .Montana, Mr Clark, the Hem- bene«c*»1- The rejoicing of the domi- island. Inasmuch as the work of the for $«9,530 and the highest was by a 3a- Kobert M «■' Gardiner, Ore ocratic' millionaire mine-owner, w illinftnt p^r,y baa a*®° been remarkably , Cuban Constitutional Convention will, lem firm.Erixon & Van Patton, 1115,093. J. T- B ridges , liava the votes of a majority of the leg- 'rea ^rOm Part*Ban v»»vor, which has if completed in time, be at once sub- L N Roney, of Eugeno, hid $104,603. ; Register ialators.' Mr Elkina Will probably be : " KOod effect upon tbe sPirit8 of the ® i “ *d t0 if ¡3 not tl ou , j t ' E r b & V*n Patton, of Salem, $87,233. ----- the all around , that the President’s annual re-elected in West Virginia. In Ne- defeated and added to U*e aiinual message to the work will bo let to U,e tllu w lt T HEj B E ? T sll0uI<1 bo >'Qur aim . „ meillclnc’ ------- G e t! b r«k .,' Mr Bryan declare, that he pluaeantneM’ ! «»»«res. will contain any iu/portgnt I WJJers. ’ ' Hood’s ~ Sarsaparilla and have the ! would not accept a Seuatorship if one P,J6tlll“ lM General Smith, who ac-. Cuban recommendations best medicine MONEY CAN BUY ! C H U R C H B EN E FIT - should be offered to b ________ All Shades and of best quality, including Veh hi im m ; ; but at last comPanied a delegation of Pbiladelphi- j ans to the White House, succeeded in I On Saturday eveni; g, December 1st accounts the Republicans expected to 8 THE CANAL ¡JiLL. IN COUNTY COURT. *' ,!li" i . o conditional acceptance from the Pres- -------- j "n entertainment for tt.e Methodist control the legislature, iu which there Plans are being made by the adm in-! cb"rcb *° ** erected here will be given is an almost even division. He says to ?dent of an invitation to attend the Fred C Peil veeigneri as supervisor of Founder’s Hay banquet of the Union « ‘ration, according to to a a Washington ! ’U, ° dd ™ '® W’8 ilal1’ Fiurence’ by .‘bose road district No 31. E Williamson ap- the public tbxt he intends to remain in League Oluh, of Philadelphia, to be giv- dlsPaU'b, to prees with vigor for the rat- edifice at this plac^^Tiie' ' ' ' '' , ---------- ----- - r — - -..e entertainment P°",ted aa bia <»''«essor. Lincoln, “defending with tongue and □cation bjr the senate ot the Hay-Paun-' will consist of solos, duels, comedya, Jn tl,e matter of the proposed ltar- pen” tlie principles he believes to be en on the twenty-fourth Inst. Senator Mason, who by the way, is cefote treaty, in its original form, as the laughing quartettes, descriptive pieces b»'lr «°mity road on petition of A C Bar- tight. In North Carolina, Mr Simmons niusic and voice, band and stringed Lour and 53 others, C M Collier, as snr- again a regular and welcome visitor at first steps toward constructing an isth- chairman of the Democratic Committee i canal. canal instrument pieces, and selections from 'ey or, J A Atkinson, II G Fowler anil the White House, has announced his mian I . . haa defeated Mr Carr, a millionare, at t i ,;. i-u i . . . i the Triiilty Church CLiines, and many Geo JI Kirk as viewers were appointed intention to champion fet the coming ................... . " i e y o precipitate one of orchestral and other selections by 10 view said road and report. the primaries fitr the senatorial election. Republican leaders in Kentucky assert session of Congress what he regards as qte memorial contest« of the coming 1 the iery latest thing o u t-th e Columbia the most important internal improve- session of congress. Opposition to the 1 ’“king machine. The members of the OREGON HOQS. that tbe Stale was carried against them ment contemplated in the middle west treaty is based on the fact that it pro- church residing on the Siue- tiy fraud. Mr Hanna counts tbe State ___i ___________________ i - . _ no . fortifications shall u. law have wished ' for l.lo , ',aTe long Io"g wi8b7 ,ul' “ a fiuim 8,,i"'ble A Vitus A Sons Tuesday sold to Wm. —legislation providing for a survey . t o ! vides . tiiat ju the Republican list, and there may liouse of worship and year have tor been working JLee.ler of P o r tla n wei d j l i . e i d t I the r 7 r> i i t mai. The Hepburn , hard during the past the aceoim S n a !mgs t e an inveitigalion. Late reports indl-!, enlarge . . . to a regular . m ship car.al • and ex- - I ; i erected - h u- on ■ . the canal. IV 2 T r/3 I 40 W ill carry passen- <rers t() U£'llt-IlOUSe O rg an d ies, in F an cy Shi W . CHEFFRON, L A D IE S STOCK COLLAR^ iv J JAlllPV xlinnA the SHIRT WAISTS, d o n ’t forget th e m , warm is co m in g . RIBBONS, COESETS and HOSlJ Collar Canvass and Dress S o w rs 0. W. Hi 1 cat. that the Repnblicans have ducted “‘e P^ n dr<“ “’ «e »» , bl‘ • baa P ^ fed e d the house, pro- phshme. t u th ,t purpose. The church gate 20,400 pounds, or nearly 500 pumids Umr candidate Mr the Court of Appeals " f 0""” 1 ‘h#„greal Uke# and U,e i Cou- truclion and Protection p'!» e > a"J i «««>•. at 4 « cents per pmmd o ? ^ Gulf of Mexico. He Ile çayg jays the under-I under- &y by the secretary of war of a Xicarairua they have a good deal of tlie material I Tiiis makes these hogs bring the neat . ' ... . - , . i v.—. now on the ground. xn In a wo.K woik ot of tins sum of $018. The Vitos1 are among our \ x-“‘eÜÍl* r8 ‘‘ king*‘« .'o l the ¿reate« greatest commercial commercial ; ' Canal. Canal. In In addition, addition Senator Davis ha, O.U. ¡n,jx.,t,ne« .o p rM ti« ll, tb . cn,ire p..r.¡ t ' ““! 1.1 ¿.for. (he ».nóle from the coui- tiX M . . ““ « , î,ï"?*,fr" ’ „ u .ífr ”,""' T'“' '•>'•»»1 j plurality for Mr Odell, the Republican . • c , ¿, , T o v . .u . . . . ' . . Candidate for Governor, wa. less than “ ? V S between the Allegheny, m.ttce on fore.gn relations an amend- ... ...................................... heui to and tlie Rocky -uouniaipa. Mountaips. n He will en- en- »»cm ment uiai that nounnj nothing in the treaty shall very mucl‘ tlle larK» attendance they k< u iz i* ouazva *. e wiu town. ,, 't ' ln e ^ * psrtly deavor to the President to help the proj- restrict measures pect on Dec. 1. Admission will be 25 which the United M here is the lot of hogs this year that * to Zk tliX. .1 . J voters . _ . I « . . . ... . — I . *' ■ the belief n of V inauy independent ect along by giving i't'a good word in his States may find necessary lor the defense dreiVwhh 5 ' *" ' 10te"'8 for will bring more money ?—Gnard. ic e n ts e x tra for reserved seats. that he was an agent arid rrpreoenta- annual message to Congress, and ia con -, of the United States of Senator fla ti. b urned at th e sta k e . fident of success. If hard work a n d , The Davis amendment was copied J DO YOU GET UP perseverance will win Senator Mason from the tenth clause of the Constant!-i Chained to a railroad rail, eet firmlv ALASKA'S EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. will, as he is full <jf both, i nople treaty securing the neutrulitv of j on the exact spot where - ■"to “ the ground, i D 0 0 d s ’ * G ro c e rie s * ■ rchramep. " Judging from what ia being printed Suéx Canal. Gen. John A. Kasson, ol f There »'nothing more marvejoua I n ,? “ ,l,e U miKhl ** supposed Iowa, special commissioner, and form -• Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. mtliarly known, Porter, paid a ter-' I -------------------------------------------— _ _ _ _ _ Almost « ^ ¿ ^ T r e a d , the news, rible penalty fur John the murdei tho movement of population and in tbe “ ’6 ca?,Pai«? IÎ8r8 baJ erIî >»H>ister of the United States to papers is sure to know of the wonderful ionise àettlemùnt and growth of comm unities aj" i«ne’* t0 ,b,s )»b ol wri‘in8 UP the ; Germany and Austria aupporta tho Hay-j ( cures made by Dr. Frost at Liu mon, Col., November 16. than that which U lom»< in ih o 'reœnt prOpœed ■‘• 8ni?cenc# #Bd 8 ™ * ^ ^ of Pauncefote treaty. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Kerosene was applied to wood „„ piled ,' 7 d & k^ d ; : er R ic h id v e f °’ : n‘l, a?,: r a b^ f history of Afaaka. Settlements have Àie keeond inauguration of President M e-1 “ It ia manifestly alisufd to make a been established . 1 1 . ? a ie a ls x a v T v a z iw , V z ^ m S a _ I- a 1- . Ï _ a _ Itis th e great medi- i ... ' tr09t’ tbe fatl|er of little and a cities . have • sprung la Kinley, In order to make their _ stories private national ‘snap’ of the exclusive C H E A P C A S H STQffl WITH A LAME BACK ? rk - Z» FLORENCE MEAT .........Ju s t Ooened. * cal triumph of the nine- , , 8 I' roe(’ wll0se cpielly mutilated bo,|y "n s found one week before on tin t into existence within two or three years picturesque and startling, not a few o | control and use of a great inter-oceanic I 5 teenth century: dis- in tlie moat unexpected sections of the ibeee writers have entirely dispensed waterway,’; said he in an interview. ¡ x u i ' s - b “1 I iati tt territory. Tliese are now making ex- with that ve.-y useful article known as , ,rTo establish such conditions by hiwj 'xg Dr. Kilmer, the e m i , 11 . I l l . . . to __ all ___ nations to _________ - nent inordinary demands upon the Federal common tense. Tlio _ mere ceremony - of , ! woulif . . be a challenge -- — — .« ,r kidney and blad- der Government for suitable protection and 8* ear*»8 >n *!>• chosen ruler of more combine against us and to compel us to wonderfully successful In prompfiy coring Support. Theve deiuand« have come lba" ‘«.000.000 people will o l i i e l f .b e 4» whitj we ought to do do in in spirit of 4 ? .Z T ' '" i out, ex racted a match, ht it u„d applied the “alllea to the oil. THANKSGIVING S E L V IC E 3 _ G o o d s a s F&eorese soddenly ahd unexpvctsdly ‘ I impoving and maghificent, and there modern civilization, and in reciprocity form of kidney trouble. T h iir « .!-» - v _ ■ I Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ■ i ' ^'jveinber 29, lias been; Tt>aTerritory rematineddorniant so long can be no doubl tbat it will occur for the privileges which we enjoy in the ommended for everything but ifyouhavekld- ’r<K'“ " ne'i . tl;e nation’s Thanksgiving tiiat even Congreaa liad dilficulty in per- »midat projier aurroundinga. But all Eastern world.” mA’.uLV.eL°-rb.ladder’r»ub'? will uc be louna found . . T? suitable io to m the e (jav day will! -----------------. . w w w i x e i t V wm «•••<«„iv Just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested be Geld in the Florence Presbvm anading itaelf tbat a civil code was need- tbe lalk about eurrounding it wilh all teihin j tn so many ways, In ho^jltal work, in priVate churn at 11 A - • *>,e ad for the government of ita people. The iLe gorgeousneaa and costliness of the ■ i There w no pleasure in life if you ii Practice, among tho helpless too poor "to pur- “.’ “ o ' " ' A cor,lla invitation i Carter bill which provided' it with a greatest royal pageant Europe has ever 1 Jre"d ’° tbu ,Hble ,o eat and can t Chase relief and has proved so successful in *f‘' en lo nil to attend the se serveces. I p r o v id e d i t W illi n » « * « .» ,•• i n ^ v u t n « juivh *« hub e v e r i _ s - l S . . . . iu«» - - . , . . . . . . . , . i ,, restathight on account of indigestion. « ^«7 c a « ■■'« a special arrangement has cod. waa debated through two aeaeioua seeu -T h e Ixmdon Jubilee Provcnsion-- Henry Williams, of Boonville In.l ««v. , bT nLmadc by " hlch a" riders of this paper _ o-_ , . Unit . . way for ■. years, ’ 7 who have not already tried'it, may havsa U6ED by B r itis h S oldiers »< A frica of Congress. That body waa not iu- ■» poppycock, and can only find believ- i.? ho " suffered till he sample bottle sent free by mail, aiso a book duced to make tho bill law until tlie url aómng tliúae who do iiot know wlicro cominence.1 the use of ^velol Dvapepsin telling and »ow how to to j 6 « more . about Swamp-Root pKO°i an<J Cant P r n P , L b De,1l" 8»n ■' well kno«n all closing hour« of the last eeeaiog. Even ■ Hie money como« from to ¡>ay the ex Cure, and adds, "now I can eat any fn d out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. y/hen writing mention reading this generous over ■ A ir*«-,a as comm ander of tlie for,- thing I like and all I want and’ sleep ilien it wae only accomplished through pc»«ca of inaugurating a President. Not offer In this paper and ~~ that captured > .. the fa,.... ... Ult|jg, »■mndly every night.” Kodol Dyspep send your address to the pressure of tira phenomenal change« 0,le cent of it conics out of pnhlic uiun- sia C ure will digest what yoo est. r ?V ‘‘' 1S97’ fro"’ Vr’ b» n . Dr. KUmer & Co., Bing 1 ctiiuaiinland, lie w ■rites rites: : “ ‘‘Re,.»-.. ...... i ich were taking place on the aíiores rF> The residents of Washington al Meyer A Kyle. hamton, N. Y. The " Before stai tegular fifty cent and nom. of 'ng On ,be Ia8‘ campaign I bought « of Behring tea under tbe stimulus of the »«F» subreribe in advance, the amount dollar sizes are sold by all good druggu^. quantity of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera ' gold discoveries in the neighboihood of the'committee ostiwatee will be needed An C’liior works dnÿi per jear •md Diarrhoea Remedy, which ARE YOU AN I used pape Nome. ‘ that tito committee will not be ham- to yet out 5$ issues of a paper— tliat’9 myself when troubled with bowel con« Nothing, however, Illustrate« more P“f«d in its work by lack ol ready mqu- labor. Onco in a wliiio sniuebocly pays l-iaiut, and had give,, to ,|IT n,en h , clearly the cro d ii|o ( tlie new Civil Code The receipts from tbe sale of tick- ; * year’s subscription—that’s capi- "•every cu e it proved most ben.’f ici.l,! »■ or sale !.y o. pj,lrJ of Alaska than U.o fact that it wag »*• to the inaugural hall, privileges t o ! ,ab AnJ O3‘* in * "bile ro ne deal If an you should take and read pastel without suitable provisionjor i d- l,ie etreet aianda, etc., usually .aggro- l>®«t tokea tho paper for a year or two • ‘"ce U |,erehr gjvtn t|iat tiæ ucatio ial intereela outside of the ino-r- g » c an amount large enough to pay aid an<* vanishes without paying for it— RACIFIC ODD FELLOW w i f i m i q,,"v,Ìl:*lÌOni,'P porated towns. The older (owns in the «xpenaaa and the money advanced to *n»reliy. Bat later on justice A monthly magazine published in font Territory which liave not been incorpo- U'« committee is returned to the sub- overt*kes the last named creature, for °" ' lu,”J"y> »’w- 10ih, 1900,1 Portland, and exclusively de.oted to torl'ie purpoae of equalizing the a n - 1 rated and tlie new ones springing np «crihers, but it is not always ap, and the ,,iere •• a place where he will gut bis the interests of Odd Fellowship, both along tlie aeabord and tlie banks of tiib committee does not bind itsolf to return ■ ■ ■>«t'» hell.—Ex. Evasion six * 'Jays. dar« All ají pili, 1 pm h ’lvincv J local and genera',. Jt is the only Odd S’ukon were left by it without any pro- >t. It must 1« evident that (he amount i------------------- is X X r U t- 8 in ?0 will i Lollow publication iu Oregon and vision lor school facilities. It has, raised in this way will not he large C ham u c r LAiN’d P ain B a lm C - res M . LAcru RiemselvM avn.rdinglv. ' , tiuw in its eighth year. o rH 'a j. W h i n o t Y o u , tlrerefore, devolved upon lire resident, enough to provide much royal gorgeous- I’- P. Burton, I •• •' »■ » I We have made arrangements with ; Coouty -.ssesaor. Comtniaaioiwr to provide for tbe wants n m . wt . v l My wife lias been Ui«ingCl»atnherlein’« of the people in thia reepect. According! Representative of ^ew York, Pain Balm, with go<xl reSwIta, for . |,„ ,e tlie publisher by which we cat" club lo the (Y h ii miaa,oner's report, the bu- Chairman of the lluun« Ways and ! »boulder that' has pained her eontiun- ■‘Pacific Old Fellow" with Tux tVxaT A laska gold fisld - reau hae been forced to maintain dur- Means Committee, which will meet on ab^ b,r n'ne Yea''g- "'e have tried alt at a rate we lielievo every O ld Fellow wouid he glad to accept. ■ kind« of medicinoe and d-rctorg without ing the last fiscal year twenty-five pub- the 20th inst. lo consider the quwuion •■ir«t «team ahi Tne price of Tris W kmt is $1.53 p e r il’«,«, y 'oik will " P If°r 0#Pe X*',ne !’n‘l iic srliools and lo support twenty-nil e _______ °* ■ reduction o i ____________ internal revenue taxes CnV't '^ H ? "f tl,en> | ’r'"" _______________ : L i -I , - r ,,*T w* **»' t»n advertisement of year and the price of “Pncifie odd j 10. Tl tea. hers lor the instruction of l,23»n - does not pretend tossy what the com- this medicine and thought of trying it, Fellow" is $1.03 per j e s r , l,„t wre will I'it i led pupila whose education would urittre will d,s but it la very evident which we did with the (rest o f autistoc- otlierwiae neg'ectvd. Con- from his guarded talk that lie isn’t ex- ,lon' ■'*• n*-‘d only o m bottle and ’ ”d **tb 1,1 Rlb* r,*>‘r'' w|io pay n year . v' r us (,,r 9 her shoulder it alumel well.—A.lolph *'r2cllT in *'lva,M:® S"d h.f. ruiatinn call r will, therefore, be called upon to pecting a bill that will make sw eeping', ,, , _ ,, add re«s. ............................................ ~ __ . . . : Millet, Mancliester, X II. For sale Call at our otfi.-e and the Civil Code of Alaska aa eoon reductions. T ere is good ground tor ¡ bj O. W, Hurd * sample . SUM of "Pacific Odd Fellow.” K M c M ckpuzy • k nt Northuru Pacific, ElIMV¿e< w r . MARKET.. J. W. CARMAN -i ‘ fo ODD FELLOW? the W H ITE 15 Kl' r , BALL '" í b e a r in g s , like a bicycle, make the ""'H IT E” the Eisiest Running Machins Mude . Beauty of dnisli, quality of insterinl,' •he finest workmanship, the simple«'' •** ■ beet of attachments, e.v»y pay nests, » exchang», one million lire bnndre-l' "«-r», thirty years of success, ' more can con nek? 1 Bievele» rnn l»‘* . rno’t .' iM ^ '* on the market. Call or write »uO “ W h ite »» 300-300 Post 3treet, Sau F ra n c ’i'C», 0^’ IL P a in e , D ia le r in L ilt Sawing ifichinfijr