rr_ 3aBE8£RE5^££Xi>tti/5E ¿JgW g^JB aEK F or * * * * * * * * 0 l i ^ ^ 0 * * THE A R ag ei n$s? For woman's guidance ie found in the fact that Dr. lle rc e’s Favorite Prescrip- lien cures female weakness and the dis- delicate womanly (»lyn’is which darken the live* of ao many wbm- • “ r ? suffering anti sorrow. That my o f light haa penetrated mapy darkened raam be» where women inodued in nds- ery, and has guided them exit to health ksppitiess. ’• Favorite Prescription " to not a tonic, not a palliative, but a mo- i t i v e cure for the diseases which are £bS. t? .T Om.e?' 11 RivPJ v'g °r “ >d wttality. I t bar.ishea nervousness, head­ ache, and ail the aches which come iroui a diseased condition of the womanly ° rP*n* - , * teniperanoe medicine, it con­ tains neither alcohol nor narcotics. # * * w * * # w j f ? * w l e * * * * & * I >»«▼• caM RIpaAf Tabol»« w ith ao mneh a&tla. fe-tlu o ih a i I can c tu a ifu lly raemnast ud them . B a r i b««n troubled for about thro« j t a r g w ith • ,«f ( called bf-uua utta?ka coining on r w o ia r ly »a •• u week. Waa told by dtffwrwm phyaidaua t m l l t w a a caused by bad teeth, of which I had as t r a l 1 had the teeth extracted, hut th« a t­ tack a continued. I had Sven »drearlavinenta of HI pans Tabulae In all the papers but had ho fa ith In there, but about alz weeks cisco a frieu d In ­ duce,! tne to try them , n ave token but tw o of the •until (c e n t hexes of the Tabulea and h a m Lad no recurrence of the attuaka. H ave never given a teatlmonial for anything t-efore. but the great amount of go<»d which 1 believe baa been done me by Rlpanc TabaUe Induoea m e to add m ine to the many twerlreonlala you dhubtleas have in yonr poaaMlon now. A. T. D aW itr. Infants asd Children. î B î S î i h B Kind Yeu Havs ; S 'p - f lB f c q -iff r- 5 •A Po^alnn Homauee, A Persian plaque la the Booth Ken­ O a t l i e lla<1 Some Idea* of Loffia sington museum, London, hear« by J « « t th e Sam e. means of clever relief aud brilliant col- “Speaking of chronic touchers.” said or a romantic tale, part legend aud • luau about town, “I suppose there part history. Nobody kuows the pro­ ? m e r.2 V“ 8 an easier victim for the portion of each. tribe than my old boss. The colonel A t all events, it Is declared to be an bs ire all cafiefl him, had an Irnpedl- I Incident In the life of Baharam V of u * u t In his speech, and he usej to the Bassanlan dynasty. Baharam. ac­ claim It was easier to go down In bis cording to legend and plaque, was a pocket than to try to put up an excuse. wonderful archer. During one of bis ■ * 11 matter of fact- be had a heart as »untlug expeditions, on which bis fa- 88 " b° 88hpad aud sI,nply couldn't ! rorlte wife had . , . hot . „ , accompanied him, he reblst nn appeal. _a 8lpepln2 antelope such pro- . “2.“° , ^ DUmorou8 touchers w h o ' , clslon ns to graze the with animal's ear. marked him down as prey was a chap The antelope awofco and by the name o f-w e ll, call him Smiley, himself annoyed by a fly,“ put'ids'hind which Isn't far from tlie right thing. “Smiley was a brisk, plausible cuss hoof to his oar to striko off the fly A end always did his touching on the recomí arrow sent by the royal hand A \ egefalri 2 PrcpM<.iionfcfÀs - sima&iiRg(tefdot;ai;dBcgufa- tmg ike S'.oondts and Beweis of S l O ä ä S i s i Promotes DigestìonChecrfiiJ- ! ncss end Lesi.Contane c ilh e r i Optum.Aforp’une nor Mineral. N o t X a x c o t i c . Boars tl Signature of SftlM * fioAtUt StJjt ~ - Bt Ctrtnfrttl H‘/^pry^a.L 'nunr. Aperteci Remetiy fprConslipa- h o n , Sour Stomech,Diarrhoea n orms .Convulsions »Fcverish- •( ncss and L o s s OF SL5EP. Indeed, as the penalty for her plain he rushed in. all excitement, nnd told speaking, she was sent out into the him his w ife had just fallen down mountain, to perish, but Instead found' stairs and broken her leg. lie needed FacSurule Signature of .belter In a village. ” ten for unforeseen expenses, „ and - expenses. n t lo of f in an upper room’aacended by 2 ( J ° s S course l ie e n t !» » < •« .™ ” ^ fE W YORK. and one day he turned up again. “ ‘Colonel,’ he said In a frank, busi- , . ‘L a - v s K * r - “' ™ ■ - neHBlIke fashion, I owe you a liti _______ " V ™ — » » - ■ • . ~ . w . t y s x s s * s ,2 s J r t f was i troublu, Ibr three years w ith ulceration bnve some sickness out at my house ogfcln took occasion to remark. “ Prac^ S J U « , A Ú W?-‘ “ 2 í r , I -'ü " H u n te r. T g nnd really need this am ount' « x n e n l’ l . »I. "» M w an sdver- ti«»] ■ ■ my D-p-boy?’ unveHed^ w n '* rf< 1 , 'vllereuP°n she ‘W hat’» the t-t trouble, my b-b-boy?’ ■2?” e,n l.. '° lh ? B “»« t the ' * Or f ir r e t . Favorite 1 use o f ¡I about s Tear recogu,zed restored stuttered tho old rcan kindly as he to kv o r.' X id e n 'ït t e <* * « H «w b o tti? ? ? M edical O laouverv.’ m v hea R~.ua. «, o . o . raes ------- — — ■ Oieocrv. **ry. a end n d tny lth 1. b handed over the five. Better now than it S E 3 ? “ Ï ? *l^e-m Ung Can rou nccomuiodate me aZid ^ v n ’ i f ^ Just .na k,e. . . a “ amn of 0,0 who1® » e ll aw are o i t h e ábi° gtOa,aDS are 8 social enil- “ °W hv * w i^ e ’ 1 1 T° n noxt We‘‘k-' nonc® to veotnre . 4 on auY Impertinence .Mirvwt - ^ hat,* ,the. "'-ra m a tte rr I to her-stei.ped ,,Ped ” ft k0"’®'1 and “ “ d asked the colonel, startled by his man- • I r l l r tier. "W aiting for somebody 1" “ 'M y w ife has broken her le g ’ he The girl turned to look at him replleti, *and I w ant to semi a cab for a Guess you’ve forgotten me.’’ he doctor.’ ’* ’B-b-brokcn another l-l-leg!’ echoed went on w ith growing fam iliarity. “ I the colonel, nraaxed. 'Here's the saw you at a dinner Lost week ’’ Ti,e girl looked at him steadily for a m-m-money, Smiley. B-b-but some­ moment times I think,’ he added grimly. *that “Oh, I remember now.” she said. " It you m-m-must have m-m-marrled a c-c-centlpcir “- N e w Orleans T im e - was at Colonvl Bhmk’a. You are Colo- •1 B lanks butler, of course. No, I Democrat. d o n t know of anybody who want« a a»n«i butler. Have yon tried the employ­ T a » k e a T h rift. p y A guest with au irascible temper a t a ment agencies r* ,h.lr 1..,n Î “ “ «»“ nd town found * lo,T|T 0B«J calmly, .be 7 ^ -4 1 4 that the dinner was not to bis liking walked away.—Washington Post and he had no hesitancy In telling thé ^ y a m Q ill ¿ r < w aiter so. Finally he threw down his I C“ * ' - M vaielaa. S 8 P Ö R T L ^ O ^ knife and fork. in France the peasantry still stick to medicines calculated to turn the aver­ «^claimed, "there's no use age donor's hair gray w ith horror. “ ° 8' 1 e* n’t eat tb|B «tuff.” Ysokiy lbs Cssatry, I m sorry, sir,” responded the wnlt- bo Ingredient of every pre­ T H E G E N T L E -W O M A N is a month­ • r . but you might as well, for you'll scription. In » v e r cases It Is always ly magazine devoted to subje. ts of inter­ the predominant one. The French MANAGING SMALL BOYS. f Z w W cm ’7 f° r “ a,1J' how " - Detr“ lt peasant's faith In fermented gra£c est to the ladies. The regular subscrip­ < * ••■ » Ponto«.) to a n , Bart et ih . Usltad Juice Is truly beautiful. " P IIo w Som e M o th e rs T a k e A H tlie C taa d a and Mn,to ‘ hoir quar­ ^ X i « t peppcp- For a Sevcre cold ,le see a sauinie cony. » ■ i n n »too a m ^ n ift n u it A g ric u ltu ra l reling? I am told that they tight like ■wUoaUuroJ Dopartnuuu. T b l . In oao of t h . man to a newspaper man, "to see thy m H , . ,7 n ° f red Wlne a“ d B ' eats and dogs.” 4 Jep arU wente in any paper w ta«T A G a rd e n on a n e ttle . mothers ill treat small boys, it |s melted tallow candle mixed. For scar­ » v w rth ln g w ritten Is ba«e_ rb e y do fight, but we are not dis­ let or brain fever be gives eggs, white He W 7 7 " ' ° Way tbnt ° ld WlBe hot- ethical cruelty, but quite ns disastrous M t * a Oeaet State«, not on FX g U rn turbed In the least. M y husband al- Wlue and goot well beaten together. iov If no°t “ tblOg ° f be“Uty aud « as physical 111 treatment might be It *>^*w l»e of th e ir ow n loealltlee. Joy. If not forever, nt least fur many seems to me. ’ 1 X?« 010 to *et the transom Not all their superstitions are curi­ UMPLE COPY SENT FREE. down nnd listen without a protesL” - Take some cheap n V l i i n 1“ ,,t,le Allows of 7 and 8, ous Some are pathetic. A mother, for weeks to come. Cbicago Times-Berald. cotton wadding, soak It in oil and th-n nico little men who would he manly If bUrieB her deod ' hl‘<‘ "2 th “ « favorite toy or a lock of her 7 n aoPl T w |iU '‘?yer, ° f “ CVPnly aro’,nd y were allowed to be, pushed into n , r Ssreaam. ha sent and out of it Into anotber as own hair In the coffin, "that It may not sn old wine bottle, beginning at tlic , / 1 bl,a,,c’> oi art does your friend feel quite alone." top nnd working toward the bottom they were so many little dummies ,asked ,bu young woman. sevcV T 3" y, nrt> Ve''y DearIy ‘ hat- for I don t know.” answered Miss Cay- F Ii tZ , Ot tbC tOp and ^ « o o - seven or eight years of such pushing The Wronjg Day. I onne. "but I should say he Is an Im­ The heartless landlord has come to d ! . . tb,e *X)ttl.e with water, nnd then aad puhiUg is enough to ta k e ^ il tCe pressionist.” Four plenty of w ater over and through spirit out of a small boy unless he evict the widow with 18 ”Ilas be produced UDytblug remark­ many of whom are teething. chIJ . t i u i h ” ',11 I,OttIe' so that tbpy reach pardonable cariosity. Young Bridegroom—Darling. I think ■ to the bottom and hang over the tun . . mtu ccau’w' ” tbc »omnn replied, -no I should like to take your little brother brother pitiless storm of rain mingled with lev I .bo u t three or four inches. The«e I with us to Niagara falls. I sleet rages w ithout!” y trib u ie^ , v ,bP 'Vn,' r UP nnd F k m n te ie M n lld ln j. B rid e -H o w kind that would bo of The landlord grinds Ids teeth In Im­ ding In Hr° P bV dr° P ° Ver ,lle O U tO M TC LK muika w ith th« m « t« « t you, Iln rry ! «>*»» In th« U nited State«. potent rage. H e may trample under fl I t l i ? th ree1or four day» you will I C'HttO.N rc i.K h o nncaoal on th . Poetso I ï ï , ouiig ^ ! " “ Bridegroom—Yes. 1 X ' K . ’Ä ’" ' H y ‘1Ur b° ttle 18 covprp’> with “ •**>»* *U In abllltg- a iu a rp n « and h a t ^ T N|>r° " t3 Of lru,vr crea» nnd « .b ii.K ^ ; “ “ conven‘ loI>aIlties es­ t ‘ ba these sprouts grow very rapidlv tablished by long usage.-Detroit Joui- " T-««r.P»te n .; wu « S O . la n d moat reliable. As they grow coarse or long, trim*with C o ld C o m f o r t , a pair of old scissors, an, Van and a p te te t. and Its K d lto r la l. from lh< the I Looks as though our day was done “ ln I S . eetm try. M ot H I , D e n ftn a tlo » . keep this pretty green ornament n" I said the dejected horRe. A steamer was stopped in the mouth AH Ktho y° 1’ please lf J-«« " 111 oulv re V i li t» . t b . friend 4 nd oh am ,.Ion of t o . “ O il, “ Yep’ or "Ynp." I don't know!” replied Opti- o f the river owing to a den«» ... . . — M e in e t nrw ibuxtloD«. cJlqum. All the bottle with water whenever A carfoQs Amcricau colloquialism, for" -ert > ,°bbln' “Thoy’U need leather An o,d '«dy Inquired of the captain the you And that the wicks cease to X w “**l,r* * * l‘ i * w. «íiy hind, i t w of I vrhlcb I certniniv for certain parts of these automobiles, ««use of the delay. P ° tb® “ *“ » » » rrib ln « , u s u r a i m oyUün«. tribute the required moisture over the vnntage. writes Will < Kebab'>- use our hide. f?r “Can't ‘V ''ber iu 1>al) up the river," replied the growing plants. Do not keep the bet- Mall Gazette *s , , th a t —Philadelphia P res ti. I'blladelplda Presa. ; . w (> or - y - u i ,b; r or captain. bit i . S h a **l lui b-a I nfferi«. W« . kle aui a. - wt»» R'-Bdlng , om, of «4 ,, BI p an , Tabule., 1 tried « ¡2 ® ^ o nly relieved but M | „ Ï Ï * tha beadnclio. bave dJ? eo.Kt condition and b ? ? * • to m « h . n . L n ^ î « “ ', .^ t a u o t d .^ ? ^ * tibuus l it s h a t it And T h e a r t s a n d S O IE 3 S T C With S o ld S c ie n tific ‘« i a u flm n r ic an.- ne w h0 a r* « ^ „ 1 in an y o f tho m ech an ical p u rsu its can succeed w ith o u t re a d in g an d stu d y in g this sta n d a rd M agazine o f Sciences and m echanical A rts. I t is illu s tra te d w ith «» m odern c u ts Jof la te st in v en tio n s in a ll ism, an d its fu n d o f know ledge is inseparably connected w ith in . tlie branches of m e d ia n ventors a n d m echanics. Sold M est a t clubbing rates. h w ith T ub EDSMnPDEITflN; e 1 bis m o n th ly m agazine is one ot I best p rin te d in th is country, i to a ll nubscriltcrs a t rata a b ility ot nil to pay. I t is h" *,ww •**' «« 1- a u th o ra as contributors. YOU WAÎIT THE CHH3ÎIICLE (luced ra te s a t th is oihee, versible Map? , ’ . 7 ° iCe ,ba ,tara ‘> w h « H l.- contluued the old lady. "Yes; but until the boilers bust we «lu t a-golug that way.’’-W o r ld 's Com- W e H a M o M e d le ln e . „ . yon ‘*110-« In mind cure?" , ' pl1’ answered Mr. Meekton's wife It sometimes w ork, with m atter, of H fU » tbs Usi?.# stats«. OsutlalM habit. Every time 1 give Mr. Meekton Mertinri M<< i 03 , n piece of my mind about amoklug It o x o x i« : N i D F , , i gtaJ.® for • evcral daJ «-”-W aald n g - o f th e T k - 1 •» •rd o a s fc lo -ÏUïlVé: i£Ä?,i5Ä i w o e n rrs . r. — rr. ««xciaaoLouk W,Ü Îh'* ^ _ nnpplBSM. < P n n d D o r r n S t n lr a W i t h r« 11 ‘ ( en]s to m e n p i t ? Hum an happiness, according to tha ’J b e re Is no evil ,ilat ,g I . . ? dup" ‘cd Americans. , 0o ------ mort received notloua. seem« to consist loo. Will often of three Ingredients, action, pleasure verted good,” writes Edward B tv ar. ray 'somewhere« ' aud 'a long ways." « bave little doubt that this and Indolence. And though there In­ man In The Ladies' Home Journal X grammatical lilstm v 8 llns a gredienti ought to be mixed lu differ- «bly It I« an ry lts ° " ’a- Prob- ent proportions, according to the par- tlcular dlspoaltloD of the person, yet , W o rld T H K OTlHCH 8101«. • i . " " * . *?•’ Ike n « > *"• A « « . 5**-. » frtS. rtMMit Xb«, ban J'rt v»«f4 I W dw V - l rtMu .b n M aeo akra« ------ a .ate«.«.« «*»«3 owl i i iW 91 b . ..« u ,1• 6 7.°. * * ” * * brought from the old S & » 5 a a a •n , no matter what may »-«> , Weight your touch of tlie foot «,q , w-ili be fl, llBbt „ X t of a°eh i ? Touch otdy tbe ball of (be f A“ " 1 •tep. Close the mouth and X V U closed When ascending tlie stair» . .. i x (ü r 1 b r\ * ,bi,!i'- h d iiitp p '’^ " à w«.s î é i’ü X ' d * * f’” “ ,bp ti- I À gJ do-!Tn ’ »airs I , e,.p ™ mb »I the kues.*1 Vivai of the "o-ni...,.-..'* ’7? J 8 a «nr- ucated American« to ’’"‘î ut ^ ' “f «U. “some,here” X - s ' lu Amer;,-a. r „ d - , vs Ol,‘ Jar distinctly J«rs iu Eng!*a£ ’* * ' Vwry e p .., „ a n d th e Cosmojiolitan arc THE a r e m “ “ n il W « '« » i d « . b .s h -X " ,” Such is the ev-xire , ■ - ? ld u t3 r3 ’ „„ “ — a “ « t fight for them/’ A re n a , °r m a g n z in . s g a lle ry o f ¿ e m in e n t th in k ers .<.»«, *’d “ m 1 01 ‘“ ‘» » u . f » « , «,„1 c , n „ Z " ' ’ " “ " • “ ‘»"«"‘• » e „ « h , U ,e ' " " " ' « « . o n o, » U w ilt T n r W ot , T h e A ren » is T h * «-«B it«, r u t yonr tougue ont ” »old the doc-1 tor to t - y c r ^ u Little miw p">‘ ... . nhied the ,''o i‘7 £ G ’ i " U lx‘rt bis tongue. ‘ Ip of Ä “ 5 * * ” ««*." said th . ! th M rs. J u (ra te d an d p re se n ts the namesol „ sleep o’nlghts’’). fe° aDd sueb a» At the same timo n. bas become I r r e u m é l a t i ^ ^ T 1" * " * ' In England, it w . i' Í 8 '"tourism ' Kmeeful c o n c e i t ‘ u b' a : Three ★ Desirable Stars in 27--10*** 00™«,to‘* . uui- B it «. T. molm . A obm th ■v e il y ■•«. d a . r«i«. Only $ 6 ? 7 0 a leaf, The Weekly Chronicle BwBlt “•* A n«v rty l. po«'kM containing nur ura packod in a nan .. _ _ at aom. drug .to rn * , » Th„ prlecd u toi ., n 7 7 t o 7 7 , ° ’’ ’“ “’ '«W i o m of Ih . Bvocont carton. (Uo tabnln) nan be had bv mall bv mnm- . M4“*. C ra x o .tO o w .M T . No. 10 Spmo. S tm t, Nov Y o r t - o , . . m , ! . carton“ « * mav al»x be had of u tim grocers, r-k— n i e # (f ro rc n i general o p n e ra l rto rto re k n e n e w _____ Sorb« Thor bourn, pain. ln d u o .rto .p L d prolong l £ <£ •M 1 AY^f’ih rn^pipTivk $ “ cine : C u re s the common every-day ill of humanity. A mtow B laukkj . T h irty Y e a rs houM iioM doti-,' * " ’1 H . hn. hud “ '“ . ‘ •4 T ab ule. f 0, M ’ “ ’ P. te‘ . M u t tli^,' ? * ¿*í The modern stand- * B ard Family Medi- È O 0’a r X - *• «Ut 2j a chntig* i i cn,t I o-,„ „ «J1 « “ ’ «a , 0. „ ‘ » R-I-P'A 'N S Mother was troubled w ith h e a r t b u r n and Sleeplessness, caused by Indigestion, for a good many »ears. One day she «aw a testimonial In the paper Indorsing R lp u n s Tabules. fche determined to give them a trial, was g r o a t l y relieved by their use a n d n o w t a k e s th e Tabules regularly. She keeps a few cartons Rlpans Tabules In the house and says she w ill not bo w ith ­ out them. The heartburn and sleeplessness have disappeared w ith tho Indigestion w hich was form erly so great a burden fo r her. O ur whole fam ily take the Tabules regularly, especially afte r a hearty m eat My m other Is Ufty years of age and la enjoying the bestof health and spirits ; also eats hearty meals, an Impossibility before she took klpaaa Tabulea H. a'Of^jCr.W'i ’SL PnVJ^Ji bec» • ’Ä , ? * I I wont to Inform yon. Io words of hixbeftl praise, of the bvnrfit X have derived from Blpana Tabulas. I am a professional nurse and In this profession a clear head Is alwuys needed. Rlpans Tubules docs It. A fter one of ray cases I foun I myself oom p k tely rundown. Acting on rhe ad vice of Mr. (Je<>. Pow­ er, Ph. G.. M8 Newark Av*., Jersey City, I took Klpans Tabules w ith grand results. Miss UUXJIB WlBDKAX A lw a y s C O LO N E L W AS EASY. 1 Í W ten Jewelry gold » .T h e Uttle frtlow «lx,** ts a r. h '8 llp « d Skly, and t y don't you an- , eyes. 6-ithered i„ blj » i look over this croi make Y öü ^ t SELECTIO!«. r HE WEST. »» TwI