W e contem plate a change in b u sin ess and w ill g iv e y o u a L ams C oujity , O k k g o x .— • - • by - • - . W E A T IT E R S O N to r and P r o p r ie t o r , While they rouse th<* liver, restore full, regular action c i the bowels, they do uot gripe or pain, do not irritate or Inflame the internal organs, but have a positive tonic effect, ¿oc. at all druggists or by mull of I. liood £ Co., Lowell, Mass. T he recent freshet brought dow n to ten per cent d isco u n t on tho fo llo w in g go o d s th a t are tiie upper boom about 1,000 logs. Mr. Geo G ibbs our hotel m an started Bt r ic tly u p-to-date. D o not forget th a t our p rices are based to his ranch on th e lakes Saturday. M rs. Ed Potlvrf strived on the Otli o n cash sa les, and w h en y o u g et ten per cent d iscou n t from from H ale and w ill reside here w ith hei th e se p rices,you g e t v a lu e e n ot found a n y w h e re else. husband who is fireman at tbo A cm e , The m ill. w : $ 1 .6 0 * y ear in advan ce.------ Duck hu nting is one of th e r o y a l; spurts m uch indulged in by our local C L O T H IN G , at F lorence, sports, resulting in an occasional duck d a t th e i HATS, OVER­ T H IS CUT Beccuti-dans IS of ,jo n ty , O regon, C hauiberlaiu’s Stom ach anti Liver I being bagged. ttor. Tablets cure liiliousiiess, constipation i ! Mr r r n tt of South slough has ?»r- R ep resen ts o n ly one COATS, JA C K E T S and headache. They are easy to take I chased « gasolene engine and is put- s ty le s & CAPES, M ACK­ and pleasant in eiiect. For sale by i ting up a launch which m akes the tì(li, o f th e m a n y O W H urd. I ono on th e river, IN T O S H E S , M E N ’S w h ic h w e can sup- The Eugene papers state that E J l T b (j ,og ch#in j„ th e m ,u ponT T Q P log RUBBER BOOTS, Frasier one day last week closed UP j deult Mr j 8tiu(, | ey n « , Vere blow in the p ly , OI th e C R O U .L deals by which he sold seven farms for ci|Uing him 80 ,,|lU hig & BRAN D EG EE W OOL BLA N LETS, sum s am ounting to $9,270. W ithin th e eoulJ ,iarJ|y recogllizo him last 30 days he has sold real estate *K" I auj ^ „ ¡„ g 0(f from duty one d ay. F I N E CLO TH IN G . S H IR T W A IST S A T I gregating ill all $52,921. i • , o .. in B - i,' The A cm e Com m ercial C o s null COST. D eW itt’s W itch Iln sel . alve wi 1 1 „ ¡ n , riIgl, or,iore for lum ber quickly heal the worst burns and scalds | Krantige0( ioading th e K J and not leave a scar. It can bo applied 1 Ixing which sailed Sunday w ith 100,000 ( raine of O W H u r d ’s s a w m ill is to cuts and raw surfaces w ith prompt , (( ()nJ thfcW j all up. Cfir N icolie delivered a raft of logs REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. publication, but it again made its ap­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Co. She w ill load w itli lum ber for Sun F lorence Lum ber C o . S a t u i d iy. pearance as usual. 8 . M. G illingham is n yon w ant prom pt s e tm g lit t le now editor anil announces that its object j Francisco. ________ _________ The W est Real E state office has bar­ Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned tat never gripe use D eW itt’s L ittle w ill be to prom ote the best interests of | It will not he a surprise to . any who . . are . gains to oiler in the follow in g property. R isers. M eyer 4 K yle. and Eugene and at a11 fam iliar w ith the good qu alities of has liecn appointed Administrator of the Estate the state in general. of Anna MuthUde Funko by the County Court A good dw ellin g hou se, and black­ San Francisco E x a m in e r a n d th e Lane county in particular. W e wish C ham berlain’s Cough R em edy, to know of Lane County, Oregon. All persons having that people everyw here lako pleasure in claims against said estate are hereby required sm ith siiop doing a good bu sin ess in n for one year $2.50 p aid in a d - Mr. D illingham success. relating their experien ce in tho use of j to present them, with the proper vouchers to thrivin g tow n. T iie ow ner desires to M siiv people worry because they be­ of that splendid m edicine and in tellin g the undersigned at h iso lliceln Florence, Ore change his location. A line opportunity h land a P in e ^ t o c l^ o f H ave Q l F lorence cannery w ill I •• dosed lieve they have heart disease. The of the benefit th ey have received from gon, within stx months from the date of this on for the right m an. I’rlce $850. ways onday havin g finished the sea- chances are th a t their hearts are all notice. 160 acrcsof unim proved land on N orth it, of had colds it has cured, of th reat­ Dated at Florenco, Oregon, August, 2nd, 1900. work. right but their stom achs are unable t o A. O. Funke Fork about ten m iles from Florence is ened attacks of pneum onia it has av ert­ ,w stock of Groceries jusi received ' d igest food. Kodol D ysyep sia Cure di- Administrator of the ostate of Anna Mathilde oflered for saled. Near to county road. ed and of the children it has saved from , gests v h a t you eat and prevents the for­ W ill m ake a good stock ranch. P rice attacks of croup and w hooping cough. Funge, deceased. '■ » « T ifli M eyer A K y le ’s. m ation of gas which makes th e stom ach G í^ p e E ^ IE g , It is a grand, good m edicine. For sale $450. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION press against the heart. I t will cure B ella sailed T o e -d a y for by O. W. H urd. 150 acres m ostly tim be. land lyin g in a cargo of lum ber every form of indigestion. M eyer & K yle section 13, tow nship, 18 sou th , rnnge 10 LOGGING AT G L E N IE N A . J,and Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. Bahne There will he a convention of county Nov. 8, 1900. w est. A bout three acres cleared. A offer a reward of officials—judges, assessors and com m is­ D r y G r ood sj Ç )ress G fo o d s j „ . . n -m i Notice is hereby given that the follow in g creek large enough to float logs runa R egister: Chas Griffin and George I)amcd wtUer h„ fllcd n0Uee of Ms lntontion don of anybody sioners— iu P ortlan d , N ovem ber 20tli. through th e land. Trico $550. fllmi proof in aupport of his claim, and T h e object is to agree upon uniform Frazier jr. w ill leave for G lentena Tues 1 t(1 A good store building and lot in A cm e. day where w ith J U Sutherland th ey ; that said proof will be made before 0. JR. Hob »ill preacli at th e ! m ethods of assessm en t, collection of U. 8. Commissioner, at Lake Precinct C on ven iently located for business. The i ta x es and various other m atters of pub­ w ill com plete th e logging contract of den Oregon, ou December 22, 1900, vis: George K. Bunday N ov. 18 lic im portance. W hile the actions of G alley aud Sutherland for three m illion Mills, on H. E. No.8056. for the SW'X NE.Q, NJ4 upper part is finished up for a d w ellin g. » the convention will not be legally feet of logs to M eyer & K yle of Florence. SK>4, Sec. 30, and NW htawti, See. 29, T. 19 8 ., Price $700. 'T - r I « Z a ken by Portland to binding upon th e m em tiers m uch good They w ill take all their supplies and the R. U West. A tract of about 50 acres fronting on He names tho following witnesses to provo Wing of a Pacific is expected to result from the m eeting. donkey engine m ade by the Frazier Iron his continuous residence upon and cultivation Clear lake throe m iles aonili of Florence. E xp osition in th at works for th is contract am i w ill take A fair house and about five acres cleared. P E R SO N A L S. of said land, viz: four 4-horso team s for the work. They Alford Mtn >r, of Glenaila, Oregon. Anthonv A good wagon road from th e place to I w o r k s o ff the C old will be gene about three m onth s and Shuster, of Olcnada, Oregon, C. Shuster, of the Siuslaw river a t G lenada. A fine P hil N icolie is now em ployed in the Ine T ablets cure a Charley w ill scalo logs and look after Olenada, Oregon. George Glover, of Glenada, place fur a sum m er residence. P rice So Cure no Pay. W est office. other business while George w ill run the 1 O,LBU" k . L ,. J. T Bamnxa, $500. JeBse Bounds and wife started to E u ­ engine. T he engin e is of 40-horse pow - | Mam.Ur. A tract of a little over tw o acros lias given out the gene Tuesday. er and the boiler alone w eighs 4,500 bottom land betw een Florence and i th a t the m embers NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Mrs. Jacobson nnd fam ily moved to pounds. A cm e, lyin g on tidew ater near Hoeo Ben requested to Acme M onday. $ 1 0 0 R e w a r d . s:oo. H ill cannery. A fair bonee on tho land . es. Dr O F K en nedy and w ife have moved A fine place for gardening or raising United StAtes Land Office, m aterial for th e hack to Florence. Roseburg, Oregon, sm alt fruit. Price $200. The readers of th is paper w ill he Novemlier ,9 1900. asary to ask onr Mrs. Warren Andrews and son spent pleased to learn th at there is nt least 160 acros of land near C lear lake ly in g ow ing us, to call W ednesday night in tow n. Notice la hereby given that incom pliance one dreadeil disease that scien ce has with the provisions of the act of Cougrcas of in section 11, tow n ship 19 sou th , range but in this m atter. H ansen Jackson lias m oved back to treen able to euro in all its stages and June ¡1, 1878, entitled “An act for the »ale of 12 west. P rice $250. | gam e at W allace th at is Catarrh. H a ll’« Catarrh Cure is timber landsfin the State» id California, Oregon, M apleton from North Fork. 112 acres unim proved land lyin g on l over the decision Nevada, and Washington Territory," ns Cy G oodm an and wifo left Satu rd ay the only positive cure now known to th e extended to all the Public Land States by act th e north side of Clear lake 2,*-a m iles Adams sh ot rud by way of E ugene to seek a n e w location. medical fraternity. 'tCatarrb being a of August 4,1892, Kllnrd E. Nelson, of Florence, south of Florence. A good wagon rood and Dan K iidee. constitutional d isease, requires a con sti­ County of I.ane, »Ute of Oregon haa thl» from it to th e Siuslaw river. P rice $600. W alter H nring took a trip over th e ) tutional treatm ent. H a ll’s Catarrh day filed in thl» office hl» sworn statement 160 acres on upper N orth Fork, a bills to Im liau creek the first of this IN o n M Y Cure is takeu intern ally, actin g directly No. 1IS5, for the purehaae of the NW% HE I* large part of it bottom land. W ill m ake week. EJi 8W'4 Lota S and 4 of Section Q uinine T ablets, upon the blood and ntucuoiis surfaces of D W Stihbons and wife are soon to th e system , thereby destroying tho No. 19 in Township No It 9., Range No. a. good hom e. Price $850. ¡ th e m oney if they 9 West, and will offer proof to »how that 80 acres tim ber land w ith creek large D o v e ’s signature is take np their residence at the portage foundation of th e disease, and givin g th e : the hul<1 wl0ght ¡« more valuable for it» timber on North F ork. I patient strength by building up the con- , or «tone than for agricultural purpose», and to enough to float logs running thrnngli tiie Price $525. i plneed a new hat H II H aw ley and w ife feft for Cottage stitutiOll and assistin g nature in doing establish hi« claim to »aid land before Lie land and in to tide water. , . i Keglater and Receiver of this ofllce at Roaebing, Din which to dis- Grove M onday atier spending several its work. 138 acres of land at E lm ira, Oregon. The proprietors have so OrJrfoI1>oll Sttturitay, lhe 15Ul dlly u( January, adgear. It makes w eeks on th e river. A Lox bou se, good barn, and p'riity of m uch faith in ita curative powers, that sniunt addition to outb uildings on p reiu iteej 6 acres lie name» ax wlines.-e«: H enry StoncfielJ of Sam aria gave us a they oiler one H undred D ollars for any H. Holden, of FI.,re,ice. Oregon. Frederick orchard, 16 acres in c u ltiv a tio n , 10 call Friday and arranged to have the case that it fails to enre. Send for list I \V C. Kane, id Florence, Oregon. Phillip E. Javk- acres more cleared lan d , and 80 a cies kt life is hardly W est sen t to him for another year. of testim on ials, »on, of Mnplctnii, Oregon. H. ft. ki»k. of Point sla sh ed : balance, brush and tim ber Address, F J C heney A C o., Toledo, O. ke a dose of Chnni- Terrace, Oregon. O live K now les who has been spending Any and till person» claiming adversely the laini. P rice $20 per acre, $1000 dow n. and Liver Tablets, a year with relatives in M innesota and Sold by druggists, 75c. above-de»eril»ri1 land» are requested to flic their I l a l i ’s fam ily P ills are the best. nr stom ach, tone up M assachusetts is expected hom e in a For further inform ation inq uire nt claims in this office on or before.»aid 19th day gulate your bow els Tho W k kt office, Fiorunre, O iegon -or o f ‘January, 1901. few days. ALA SK A GOLD FIELD- a new m an. For John C Beck, I’oin t Terrace, Or exon, or J. T. Ram oxs, A W G ilbert of E ugene, who has been Register. \V N ichols, Elm ira, O regon. logging on the upper Siuslaw this sum ­ First steam sh ip lor Cape N om e and Iran took a sudden m er, was in F lorence Saturday on DAIRY FArIM FO R S A L E . Cape York will ta il from S eattle, May NOTICE FOR 1‘UBLiCATION. 1 from the city wharf business. 10. T his will he a large sliip with a H e was pulled out J Dnnaon and H ale Sm ith took to freight capaci'y of 1600 tons aud pas­ A fine dairy farm oil M aple creek six w ith no further H eceta Tuesday a floe hand of cattle senger accom m odations for 200. V n I led States Land Office, m iies (rum F loren ce is now offered for For |b t scare aud a good Vosebnnc, Oregon which they bad pert-based from M ont­ rates and lurthoi inform ation call or on sale. November F l o r e c e , O i® e { ° n . It con tain s 160 acres, 35 of it bottom gom ery Bros. Notice is hereby given tbai in cotnplianca address. 3ie best sa u ce.” Y et ! v. ith the provisions of the m -t <»f Congress of land and 30 acres have been plow ed. M rE ich ler aud fam ily arrived from It M c M v h it ib y , Bver hungry, und they ! June 3 ,1M7K. entitled “ An act L t t’.ic sole of Can cu t 36 tons of liny. A good tw o A gent N orthern Pacific, E ugene. H o w l’s Sarsaparilla Eugene a few days ago and have taken ,J timber lands in the Slate* «if California« Oregon, story house 26 by 38 f e e t ; a barn 44 by It creates a good up their abode in M is. A ndrew s’ house Nevsdaand Washington Territory,” as extend* TO THE D EA F. 1 ed to ell the rublie Land State’» by act of 70 feet, w ith heavy fram e; a goat houao Hgestive power aud in w est Florence. JOHN C. BECK. W . H. WEATHERSON. W . NICHOLS. ' ______ I AugUkt 4, Charles II. Holden of Florence, 16 by 49 feet; an orchard of about 500 S. Blackm an and w ife, who epent dy stiong. k , .a , ix . , County of Lane. Htato of Oregon bus this trees of different kin ds of fruit lias been Point Terrace, Or. Florence, Or. Elmira, Or. several m onths In M apleton som e two A rich Jn«iv cu red o f her I)e-ifnefl8 an d (jay jj|C^ jn this office his «worn statement le b arch in Gardiner is bearing for a year or tw o, to la- dedicated on or three years ago, are expected to ar­ N oises in the H ead by D r. N ic h o ls o n ’« ( No 12A1, for the porcba»e of the A water wheel of ab ou t 8 horse power NW1 ¿, of Hei tion No. 2U, in Town r 25. It is a verv fine rive from M innesota in a day or two, to Artificial Ear Drum «, g a v e <10,000 to his Sec. 30. furnishes m otive power at th e barn for T .-a a .1 . I t I . „ . I I, whip Xo. 18 H., Kamre No. 9 West, and will In stitu te, ho Hint deaf i»e«»p!e nnahle to 1 ’ |»e< tid for, so tiie rongre- rem ain through the w inter. * * offer proof show that tho land Konaiit >•» more cu ttin g feed, saw in g w ood, etc. I » debt hanging over Mr and Mrs Tem ple of M ichigan were procure th e E ; Drums may have them valuable for its timber or st uie than for agri- T he farm is m ile from school and am ong the passengers to Aeinc on the free, Addrees N i. Ioo73-e. The N ich­ cultural purpo«e»,Aiid tocstablinh hi» claim to ! »aid land before the Register and Receiver of *4 m ile from a county road. olson In stitu te , 7*1, E ig h th A venue, M arguerite M onday m orning. We un ­ rand circulators of connt- P rice $1600. 1 thia office at Ko* burg. Ori gin,, mi Saturday R a p id £ adg ^ , 5 im k > c p £&ras!^ a n d <§>ov/Q l com m it fraud. H onest men will derstand th ey exp ect to rem ain there N ew Y ork, U . S. a . ; the 19th day of Jan ua.y 19.»1. A bargain for anyb ody w a n tin g a you in to buying wortlileee for som e tim e. Mr Tem ple ow us con; NOTICE F. It PUBLICATION, He name» a» »vitiic»«.:«: farm . B tfD e W itt's W itch Haxal sirlerable tim ber land on Lake creek, i Ell»rd E. Nelson, of Florence. Oregon. Fred- and ora c o m m i ^ i o n . For further inform ation inquire at th e i crick W Kane of Florence. Oregon; 1'hllllp E original is in fallib ls for cur- W e s t office. 1 JackNon. of Mapleton, Oregon. H. H. Fi»k, of C h a m 3 £ t l m * i ’ 3 P a in B a lm .C u r e j United Stated fund Office« C. ACME C O flflE R C IA L Co. w ill receive their n ew stock of W IN T E R GOODS in a few d ays. METER & HTLE * >TS, arm b- OSI! ★ ★ ress r H ats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, of Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r d w a r E, nd H Paints, Oils, etc. ÍET, d. P ric e s a s L ow a s th e L o w e s t set f?, I K Ô fig , FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. £o ec z e m a , and s l l t k in A K yle. t of Muroce« declines tula of the United in e n t o f a n indem nity e k illin g by m ob of naturalized c itiz jo of is prolatble a war- beforo long to enforce B It gr 0Tdi.T3. W»ir N o t Z o 'jf My wife lias been using C h am berlain’s Pain Balm , w ith good results, for a lam e shoulder th at has pained her con tin u ­ ally for nine years. W e have tried all , kinds of m edicines and (Incurs without receiving any benefit from any of them . One day we saw an advertiseinent of thia m e licine and thought of trying it, which we did w ith the best of satisfac­ tion. She has used only on e hottie and | her aboolder is alm-iat w ell,—A'lotpli 1 M illet, M ancliester, N i f . For gale ¡L rd to risk y o u r life by a ' 'd I • ' 'h-v-l ip iu One M ine'« C in e i l-rnat and m ug trouble* • u y Other pieparittinn ! by d oettrs use it as a a,Wi­ l t ia an m tailihle re-n- OhiMrnn like it and 1 if. Met nr A K; le. O. W- H ’rd- .C A S T O R ! A Per Infanta and Children. Kfcd You i •rk*ry_Mv of Iho g» Hava A lw ap Bought jM enrs tho s & tiua o f I i Point 1 ernwe, Oregon. Ko. abiirx, Or* ion, A S T O C K FARM . NcvewbcrO, 10C0. Any and all person« claiming adversely the Notice 1» lier< by riven that in compliance above-do scribed land» are reqnCM'ed to liie their with the pmviaion» of the act of Cong.eta of A good stock farm of 160 acres ly in g claim» Iu this office on or before »aid 19th day of JuneS. 1H7M, entitlod “An act for the Halts of I January, 1961. on South elnngh ia now offered for sale. Umber land* In tlw .«‘UU ki of California, ('reson, J. T. Dainoc», About half of it ia bottom and tide land , Nevada and Wa.iiiuaion Territory/’ Frederick Itcgldar W. Kane, of Floionce, County of (¿me, State tho tide land being already d ik ed . A of Oregon ha« th it day filed in thi« office his w p i T f iT H A T new *,on se> Bn orchard of over 200 trees sworn rtafemeitt Xo 11'*?, f<>r the purchase of NOTICE FOR 1 L D I U G A l I U « . 0|) th<( pliWC> HW(J n|)O(|t (joo ooo w o( the id* 8E !4. KE’-4 FKM, Of Hec. No. 1J, and ----- good tim ber c on ven ien tly situated for XE. i Wee. Xo. ro. in Township Xo. J8H. i logging. E x ten siv e out range. A bout Land Office at Kotebnrr, O t »> Ron. Rai ore Xo. 9 W. and will oiler proof to October 1«, ITOO. 115 head of c a ttle, m oat of them cowa, s I kht that the land ««ought h more valuable for Notice 1« hereby riven that the following iln t»inl*r or »toue than lot agricultural pur- w ith the land. P rice $3,900, in clu d in g poees, and to eatahllwh hia claim to oaid land named settler baa filed notice of bis intention Inquire at th e F loren ce Kenl before the R:-gl«ter and Receiver of thl» office at to make final proof In support of hiv claim and stock. K*>«ebur2. Oregon, on gaturlay the Hdh day of that wild proof will be made before P. H. Uo<- , E state A gency. January, era, V. 8. Ccm m l«fonaf at Gardiner, Orvrc> Partil a d esiriiig to contract w ith Point Tor lie namcetba f»rflowing whikm **;« to prove nplet ai. lìre^'JM. H. H. Fi$k hla eo itin n ojs reeMk u,wii and eulUTuttun j riiiislaw aifd San Frangimai Lus of, »aid land, vla ; .^ ud all i f«» logs to i « deliv w II -• r ■ i M»ne, Grenon: Waltof t « tin, i In thh ' '»I’tiii. t . mjmmi ioeaaaiBaeiir^ oire.-iaji'iMSS" A J. T. Bi 1 dr*«* •n<‘ fHyf0l|g 0 "Mi rh en nari, to fie«,- M!)| b bdBMhqnt cùria. H 00 ■nftnaiff. T ltt , Jaingt Parties having Real Estate to sell will to place it on onr list. Anybody desiri chase Real Est vitedto examine 01 g , list and see hav<