I i il • * I T H E W 1 » f J If. W EST. "-rvauauKD xvggy fhidav WE MET THE ENEMY ANO WE ARE THEIRS, Every Well Man Hath His III Das,” COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS- I F YOU W A N T Á BIG LOAD HAULED, £i?e « a call, ill M S of ■ caraO for. Keen Hay aad Grain. A t|M*cia( meeting of the city council | was »eld A fo u d a y c.cning with Brest-1 ; dent Wilson in the chair. Present,! —AF«- , trustees Morris, Christensen, Weather- F jloämc », E*as C ojjkty , ! son, t)ie president and the recorder, j Minutes pf last meeting »ere read - - - BY • • • and approved. \V IT U ’ P The president reported that in accord­ »» . t l . U L A 1 l I E I l b O N “,a»y paramount ¡agues, namely, im p o r - the blood Upon ' !c<»1,''ty- To bis credit, as knowing reclaiming anil populating the arid west t,IHt CHl’tll«‘ed die famous rebel Galislie. Senate and Institute, andnnjpng the del .Risers. nnd thus creating n great homo market I N,°V. ' 1897’ ir° ''’ VrFb“ >*. egatep were representatives of various <00,000 and 80J,000 on the popular vote, j something about the laws, our justice San Fro Nebraska gave a majority for FfcKiu-'of the peace is said to iiavo claimed , J, . Becliuainiiand, hs write»: “ Before sturt- for one fa. them goods. The beet au th o rities! i»g on the last campaign I bought a associations and industries, as well as of ley and elected a republican governor j that Hie vote ought to have beau accen- ! tjed. on irrigation and forestry fiayo been se- quantity of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera several of the i es of Europe. Tim dis­ anil part of the state officers. sFloretici Minnesota elects a republican gover- J xr:aa i - • n - • , Otired to 8|>eak and give illustrated lee- Rnd Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used cussions took up the vnrious phases of londay 1 V“ll,y 8‘‘e * C‘’*nCB tures, and men of nstionsl fame and re- t ,ny8‘' lf when troubled wjth bowel cojn- theZquestion in relation to manufactures, X ^ Ic K in lL y 'T S 033 n 2 u i y 6’,0° work, R«wn as orators and statesmen, I Pjalnt’ **"d l,ttd uiy men, and commerce, transportation, |puhlic serv.- The next house of representatives * ?rg“n’ iw stock m every Clise it proved most bepefjpial. ice; but the point tiiat occupied fur more will stand republicans 202; demoersts ! Mr8 L H 'Vligeler who wept to Eugene A grees tiie Congress at the great Audi- ! For sale by Ó. W. Hurd." All Shades and of best quality, including consl?lt' a ^ uctor ia Bliii »t tba$ attention than any other in the Qon.- 152. Tiie forecast of tiie senate based ) totium theater on subjects of national on tiie political complexion of the state F'acB’ schoone gress Y&8 that of legislative intervention interest Io the West, Under theconsti- NOW I KNO. Miss Mary Willcut went to Eugene for the protection of t,ie Sunday rest ! «Y’ ’ rePa!*'¡«-ns fit. demo- tution of the Congress Uio mayor of resi, crats 30, independent fo The repub- Wednesday to attend school. stsch city of 23,000 or less population is O S tiie Stump, Nov.10, 1900. On tiie ope hand, delegates from Bel licans »re sure of a goo-, working ipaiorr Travel qyer the Nelson and phicka- entitled to appoint two delegates, while Your Alpl>y correspondant sed I bad ginm, Germany, Austria, G reat Britain ity in both branches of c o n g r e s s . homiiiy mountain route was lively dur­ cities of greater population are entitled a mule in my name, and th a t’s about and Switzerland, where Sunday laws pro ing tiie fair weather of election week. SURVEYORS AT WORK fe four delegates. Each agricultural nil be did say in bis nnswer to me, and now enforced to a greater or less extent) _____ Th“fe w»« » republican landslide I t , , , ^ ake Creek preempt. The popucratu- college, organised irrigation, agricultural th at wasn’t true. P u t I fee) like I ’d urged the justice and necessity ot such vvednesday s Guard; O S Freeland Hatiu ‘•»'“ binatiou was too incongruous »41 horticultural association, each aoci- bin too near the stern of » myje last intervention to protect tiie rights o, the chief engineer of tiie Mohawk branch w alL'k together. »•ty of engineers, irrigation company and Tuesday. Our party got a blow in the great ma jority in any brancli ot business assisted by J E McGuire, Geo F Reed There were twentythree votes for each board of trade and chamber of solar complexion that day and it nocked against tiie ’selfish competition of the Percy Patterson and Ernest Nichoison McKinley and Roosevelt and twelve for ootninerceiaalso entitled to two dele us out, An its jost sit'h kickers as th at few, on the principle so generally accept­ begun the survey nt Springfield yester­ Bryan and Aguinaldo at Lake Creek day for the link of road that will con­ K went two to wup «gin Bryan an reform, W hat do I git for all my hard islation was earnestly opposed, esjiecially field depot and crosses tiie river above HERMAN^ NOT£$- Tiie at tempt by » dealer to gplj bia work in tiie cauipanej Jfuthin. The by the French members of the Congress, the Springfield bridge. Work on the connection will be commenced nt an ftntom ar a substitute ju place of the ar­ Repubs carried all the United States an as involving infringement of personal B y J ay . early date. Al«out the first tiling that ticle (lie buyer calls for nt once places part of Canady an I couldn’t git even liberty. I t was urged by them th at »ill be done after the survey is com­ Nov. 12, :.!XX). fbat dasier under the ban of suspicion up appintinent as superintendent of j nftor “** 8uch lauracould n«t he enforced, pleted will be building piers for the We are liiirjng fine weather after the The only reason why the buyer dues not I Wastin op tho road from Fforenco to except so far as they accorded with the i bridge across tlio river, storm. Invariably re»li*e tiie auspjefousnoss of j Mapleton. Blast tho road an tiie pop customs and convictions of the people, Alj- and Mrs Jeans and sou started for The schooner Ralph J Long «eut to Kugont, ladt Wuilntutjay f eehetitutlon and promptly resent it, is ujists too, J b ’iieye the hull kit o f ’em and that reliance for tiie procuring of sea Monday, Jolipny Gibson is visitjng relatives nt probably because ip ipapy cases tiie lias gone an voted agin the combine Sunday rest m ust be placed upon tho The Acme Dancing Club are arranging Fern Ridge thia week. good will of the employers. It was con­ money trantactioii involved is so small alter we made satisfactionary arrange­ for a masquerade on Wednesday Nov. 28. | th a t it does not suggest the motive for ments with ’em an giv 'enj n fare deal ceded, however, by both sides, th at it Our scliuol started today under life Mrs. L S Ogden of Point Terrace wn(, fraud. Suppose a juwejler advertises a an only took the offices (in opr m ind’s was tiie duty of the state .to set tlio ex­ visiting in town a day or two this week. inanagemeut of hlr Jordan. diamond at $50.00. ),e places jt ip Ida eye, for the Kopuhs lias got ’em) and ample of according Sunday rest to all Born—In Florence, Oregon, on M on-! We understand that Mr Beerà hag window. A woqldbo buyer euters tl»» giro them ilje chance for the glory of engagod in the public service, save in ^ November 12, 1900 to Mr and Mrs mgde a trai) frotn bis place QVer to T Mtle creek Store and asks for this particular dia- Buyiu they’d won if the combination cases [of real necessity. Thia question N !• Woodcock, a son. Mies Della Frazier who lias been at mond, but the jeweller says, “ j can hadn’t beat by tbeir doggoned kickin (which eeeined for a time likely Io divide 1 Milt Nicolle spent a dav or two in work for Mrs Haring is viiiui)g fnends tlie congress) was finally settled by t h e |,0W11 H,c ,Ir8t ”f tiie week. We give you that diamond if you want jt I’OPODEMCLISTIKRAT. and lelattves on t),B ereek tliis week, «ir adoption of a resolution affirming tiie glad to see him around again. but iiere’s another tliat's just as good as Mr I- L Tucker went to Mapleton to- Dame minor says that our marshal day the one advertised.’’ The buyer’s sus­ NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION right of civil law to intervene in favor of is considering the advi.ahilty of select- ) », n • lie Sunday rest, but refraining from ex­ picions would be aroused a t once. He. ' '■ “»« " 'I*PU‘J' "DenJ Io tiie home d e -1 J. ** rBturil«d home after a pressing any Land Oltlcc, at Roseburg Oregon. would insist on the stone in the window . judgment as to tne applica- * i P"rtment for him. w“ k 8 »‘»*t with friends in tt,e va|)rfv Oct. 17, 1900. ■on of this principle m different c o n n -! A grand masquerade bail will he given I Count Mapleton is visiting and liv’d kuep an eye on it fo seo it N otice Is hereby Riven th at the follow ing- Ilixl wotll.,» O il-. ■ .. it . . ies, tiie circumstances of each country , >" the Acme Commercial Co’s hail Wed- WU ' l'er elaler Mrs Pool this week ° WH8I1 t changed. But it) th.O cawe of U settler has filed notice of , his liiteu tioii umst lie left to'decide as to wlietlier and j !’e8day «veiling November 28, HMX)" , Wr JeWe I’*'«lps and Mr 1, oiaa™»«. T i,. hilph Taylor Good music will be in attcu.lanc •mve gone m Mapleton to do some buyer often accepts tiie substitute which ; H- H' '-■»mmlMtonar, at Lake, Preciaca, D ouglas to w hat extent the state should thus log- M r , Ward, who I,as been .pending intervene. fs offered as “ just as good’’ as a widely 1 I tensen <>re' Q„ °“ If. N,’v,'n,ber,lft "*»• ’: w N“”« N Chrt.- K. Np. 7723i ¡M ,hc v* N w ,, ---------- --- ( several , non, h . jn Acme with her p „ ’ advertised article, altliougli substitution ! alH' ll,,a *111' $> ®"c. so, Tp. i:i s., k . pi w , the en 1 ERTAINMENT. There is no pleasure in life if yon 7 ” “ ’. Mr’ a *"1 Mr’- J W HumI, left, a is just as suspicious in a fitly cent trans- m , “ U."“u‘e’ the f?lluwI"» w«««w« prove lreuil going to the taldo to eat ami can’t , ag0 ior bl!*' 1 ° “,e ¡>' San Fran- ! on tiu u ou f rcnMeiicu upon »m i cu ltivation vi»: uction as in one involving fifty dollars. oí, The church was crowded for the e „. ' J * W * CARMAN i rest at night on account of indigestion. ' ' P f i l l I ti n ix * C j _ . . i . Jmok nt the question from another J. M. flevo cry of Lake Precinct, Oregon; J. c ! Heury Williams, of Boonville, Iud says ' R R Bay. the jolly lna¡, cnrri(.r |inHnj{ itg c lX ' a í w m T a '« / .e'r‘i" i,,* and 8" t8l ■..'“.¡^ d riiH 'an d ' S t i o ^ mobhino . Dear E ditor:—With a deep feeling o f ; sympathy for 911 r co»,rail«» in our no- J a , , , , hie, lost cause, I write these tew line». I , ^oc*or s ex a m in a tio n Oaxoo« Soiiio lay it to Jlarlf H anna’., money m<9ht sh o w that kidneys, while other« «ay it was for want of I™*? &ndstomach are normal» vote«, hut f myself jay to having t o o 1 but the doctor cannot analyze ite Has just received a new LADIES HELTS.I LACES A N D W ill carry passen - g e rs to Liglit-liouse. O rg an d ies, in FancySh CH EFFRON , L A D IE S STO CK COLUj and F a n c y ¡shape Ties, the S H I R T W A ISTS, d o n ’t fo rg et th e m , warm is com ing, RIBBONS, a n d HOSI Collar Canvass and Dress S o a rs 0 , W. B i CARMAN CHEAP CASH SM Drv Goods, ★ Groceries 1 I Tw H FLO REN CE M EAT ★ and MARKET.’ Ju st Ooened. » " lii 1 Il Il l b i G oods as Reoresef*' i " will Meyer A Kyle. ---- I t is now in , y h r for tiie 'I : ; , ” s ia seller says to him, “ That horse you J The w ant is a good horse, of eor.rso, but I've Eminent Kidney ^nd Bladder specialist. Specialist, C uro - .. ; which I’d like to sell you.” “ H a, lie just as good a pedigree?'’ •id« next time—if nt nil. » ... “ Well no, Lu hasn’t any iiedigree to apeak of." are y o u an r “ “ ” ; ........ ... “ Hus he any record?-’ ! * head-on collision ,,etwei.n , “ Well no, we never held a wntcli cn Jam that 1 know of, but lie’s ‘just us good* as the horse you w ant.” If so you should take and read J rthur W i H m lm '^ u ü ;'.,':'’ ^ ^ ¡A Would Farmer Brown buy the “ just PACIFIC ODD FELLOW Drennauand fireman Riddle « , »a good’’ horse? The question answers ftself. And yet this same far pier will __________ A monthly magazine published in »How himself to be swindled time and Tks Discoverer ef Jw«mp?Kco^ at Work ia l ' ir,Il,nd, »»d exclusively devoted to j His laboratory- 1 ‘De interests of OJd Fellowship, both again by accepting “just as good" art,- There Is < disease prevailing in this * elea in place of those lie ea,)cd for. The country It is the only DJ.I I ’'•,*«d«v. The freight irniJJ most dangerous because so decen- article lie called for has, to to apeak, a JfoX art‘3 L ? dd*n dea,h’ * 7 cauî9d b> 1 vll° " IM’b,icalion in Oregon and is l,,s “ ’ll>d*>1 d>es not run no Wedne-day pedigree and a reeoid, it'a a «tan lard apoplexy are eften tha result of kidney ——— _ We have made arrangements with 1 in the market« of the world. Yet in . v ^ * rth e k iM ney *roub,.a ?«»l|o w e d ,o a i vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack ,i . w,W» TO OUR PATRCNg. place of lliia 8 sm lapl article ho will a c -1 tha vital organs, or the kidneys themselves 1 P"bh«hor by w|,foh we can elub ! cvpt a substitute which nobody knows ThAkJ l0W.nc ,nd cell by cell. “ Pacific Odd Fellow” with Tu» W est 1 hen the rtchneas of the blood—the albumen i'»’ e made arrangements hy an y lj,ì ng «bout, an u n ,rie l, u n pr uve. 1 —leak, cu, and iba sufferer has Brlghfa at * rate *'e believe every Odd Fello » ‘“ ch » e will furnish ,unilsll U(e tlm w " D 1î i asS’..,he T'0” * íorm »Lkldney trouble. article wliich Las no record of value, n . v)i • a -------’i-'— trouble. would be glad to accent O rerm iau w ifh lh eW raT fo , on . Dr. Kilmer s S w am p-R oot the n ew f »ml no proof pf origin. «overy ts tha true specific for kidney bladder r “e price of T ub \\ iter is $1.50 per o any address for the aun, of . hMcu’ed thousands year nii.i the price of “ Pacific Old lew payalde cash in adran.-«. fa-t tiie buyer who is offerivi a tubati- V _____ fgte bear in mind th a t auhetitution ia •(forts have failed. A, druggists In llfty-cenf Fellow” is $1.00 per year, but we will and dollar she». A sample bottle sent free »qeph ioua. and tiiat a tu'SItitute alwaya UMORS, holla, pimple, « „J aI, *7 T«11- «<»o * bock telling about Swam*. send both to aul^-ribers who pay a ye«r vai.ee for $2 12 00. c.ru P‘l” ' ' ’ nr>’.h .e to i,1 * 1 Root an 1 Ita wander!ul curex Addrasa Addr««» Arieti» in advance fi.« ear mark« oí a «»indi«. Dr- Kilmer & Q».. M ,np,e‘ ODD FELLOW? « ! T\s,e *wiy *!' 0(hV ipMUoalkliptfitr, w, * «3 ¡¡¿'©IM — ............ - - d e r e d and „ ■ . veceived h i, g«J0. several were encored hv h , ’ i launch S h e H l,“' H hi" v T “ *'"5’ U,fc lustri] -■ " a- net. finished in a few weeks. Which I W“»™- Bingh,,,,, , mental duets by — urn,te , Sever., p ^ " * an i Geristi, by ...... ■ L i T ’ t U f! 1 ’ «lieCURCO. 3 . .......................... “ «d «On,e di^ ^ time longer. ,V alt llar ' ‘<’« railro.d magnate ! '"’'»o "• New York S .„Jay ¡ mercantile ¡ á Co. die,l(' , «an lus business career at 80,1 eLr Mo, a t ‘be Marc,s Daly, the T age of i«p j , ‘‘upper an ,(||leïJ oi t many montos. mohawk BRANC h S ilb e r n "g in L .. Sl*ri,,lid«!d to Weinllir,L ». Mi Lane county, « sill «hortlr . ' be turned over to ti.e , mem. The b a l l a s t i , P“rahnb deP«ri-1 «he r e tu r n j ' o “ "-’ ’ ««»ehug of Í roadhpd will «01 he done uniil •prtng. 60 b"'1 menta. ,-k except lundier Í the white i5 Kifl b a ll BFARfXGí?, like a bicycle, make th e '•W H ITE” «he Easiest Running Machine Made Beauty of finish, quality of «he finest workmanship, the i)impl<*«i beat of attachm ents, easy payi»*8«8* io exchange, one million five li'i«,d'*‘ # users, thirty years of success, cuirt*8^ more can you ask? “ W h ite ” on the m arket. S t X - o 1 Call or write M IIÏL SEWING MÁCIIINE CG? 300-39« Pont s tr e e t, SaiW Fi«><’'■’ «r D- r.< WH, D eal ¿1 e r tu A / 1-t