Image provided by: Siuslaw Pioneer Museum; Florence, OR
About The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1900)
& ........ . </\ « * * * * * * * M •— '•■»•“ - »— L nls b«eu troubled S& SK 3 •' * * * * * * * * * * * ^ ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ !«■»«. C o n k li n « , a n d P a r t i s . -...z .«waawnu if.„ID. fu r about th re« years w ith <D««* I exited bUloua attacks eoiniDg on ra g iiia rlj '*■*• * wwt. Was told by different p by.i, 1^0« tfcac It was caused by bod teeth, o f w hlvb X bed saveraL I had the teeth extracted, b u t the at* lacks coutlnued. I had seen advert Is»* ia«uui of Mlpans Tabuies In a ll the papers but had no faith In them, but about six weeks since a frien d In duoed me to try them . Have taken but tw o of the small 3 oeut boxes o f tho Tabulae and have had Bo recurrent« of the attacks. H a ra navar g lr « r a Saatlmoalal for a n y th in * before, but the tre a t am ount of food w hich I Iwlleva has baan dona tea by Ripens Tabulae Indneea me to add m in e to the m a n j testimonials you doubtless h a re In your perMsslon now. A. T. DiWm. <**U/ Niter. bc¡ÜÍ** t|5^ ‘••“■•h. c i X * « » « ' “ ’«o )•« , y ,- n s i houaau,« <t„£'‘•••„J H» haa l.aj M» it-. Tabula, tai ,i_ »m. „X £• X , ” *«4nara * * * * * * * * * * 2 A T ig e r " . B ite . I want to Inform yon, tn word« o f hltfheat Uw, o f the Un** Gt hura derived from Ripens Tabulea. X am a professional nursa and la this profession a clear head Is always nsodad. Ripens Tabules does It. A lte r one of m y cases I found m> self completely rundow n. A etlngon ihe advice of Mr. Oeo. Bow* • r . Ph. O., 368 N ew r rk A re., Jersey C ity, X took Ripens Tabules w ith f ie n d result«. Miss WiBOKsa. T he E in .i Y ou E a v e A lw ays B o u g h t, and w hich has been in u se for ev er 3 0 years, has borne th e signature o f „ and has been m ade under his per sonal supervision sinco its infancy. XUIHIT I1U w uevavu J till in III t tills« A llow JIM no U en o to deceive you ills . A ll C ounterfeits, Im itation s and “ Jnst-as-gw od” are hut E xp erim en ts th a t trifle w ith an d endanger th e health o f Intiiiits an d Children—U ip srieu co against Experim ent. r R I - P A N 'S It Irt to bo suspected that some of I have more than once heard of a Tom NasPs w ittiest work with his man defending him self from the on marvelous pencil w as “printed, not slaught of u H u ll or tiger by thrusting T h e m o d ern stand- published”—was Intended simply to bis rifle barrels dowu its throat in the gratify his friends—and never met the last resort. Poor Major Sam ltach of a rd F a m ily M edi*i| eyes o f the general public. Not long tfce artillery came to his death In So ago. In look lug over the album o f a maliland a few years ago In attempting c in e : C u r e s the » lady who for years was a social leader to thus bold off a lioness, which never at U ashingtou. 1 came across a con theless managed to inflict on bis hand co m m o n - every-day { i s B xmii tribution o f Neat's which was as ef and arm bites which proved fatal. A C astoria is a harm less su b stitu te for Castor O il, Pare fective In lu way as any of the car curious story o f the same kind comes ill o f h u m anity. ■ o th e r was troubled w ith h e a r t b u r n and toons which have made bis namo fa. from the Khandwa district of northern goric, D rops aud Soothing Syrups. I t is 1‘leasaut. I t •leeplssaness. caused by (nous. India. con tain s n eith er Opium , M orphine nor other Narcotio Indigestion, fo r a good H e wanted to Impress upon the lady m any years. On« day Mr. Bayley. also an artillery officer, su b sta n ce. Its a g e is its guarantee. I t destroys W orms she saw a tssthnoulal ' that Washington life bad been too was charged by a wouuded tiger which In tho paper Indorsing a n d allays F everishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and W ind much for him and did so by drawing he was following up. H e missed It R i p e n s Tabules. ana C olic. I t relieves T eeth in g Troubles, cures Constipation determined to fiv e them ------ ’■ TO for --------------- woman’s guidance is found in the a capital full length picture o f him self with bis first barrel, and the second a tria l, was g r e a t l y a n d F latu len cy. I t assim ilates th e F ood, regulates th e /•ot that Dr. F ie .„ . „ ™ -np. Pierce’s Favorite F r e s c r ip - as he appeared walking along the ave fulled to go off. The tiger sprang, and relieved by th e ir us* a le a i a a V n e u and a n 4 «l»ra Stom ach aud B o w els, g ivin g healthy and natural sleep. tu>n_curc* Tetualc weakness the dt>- — »«, a n d n o w t a k e s th e «■ nue. . What gyve the picture point and Mr. Hayley Jumped to one side, thrust „ W» T . b u l u r « r u l« r lr S lid k ra p ,« fe w e u rto a a R lp a a , , —- — delicate nUMHTUiJ of the womanly organa. rendered It irresistible was the fact T h e C hildren’s Panacea*-Tho M other’s F riend. A®“ « » » aoma of tk. J “ 1 ing out his rifle to keep the brute off. ’urn litre mm of so ra ~ man — __ Tubule, la t o , hottie and , * y , «he „ l a not bo w ith , which darken the H lives At Pana Tabulaa. I true ,? *• that the back of bis head was where The tiger, it Is stated, seized the bar- > out them. The heartburn and aleap leu n c u h a . . with suûei ing aud sorrow Tuat only relieved but ^ » 2 ? dUappeared w ith the Indlgiw tlon w hich was Z . ____. the baadachaa ha», o \Z f light Y lias penetrated 1 many darkened his face ought to be—in other words, fels and drove his teeth through them form er I . ao a re a ta burden fo r Her. O ur whole «vod oondition aud b .T Washington had turned his head. coasnbers where women moaned i ' n f a m llj taka the Tabuloa rettuiarly, eapaololl. a fte r and. being unable to withdraw them, •tom ach. Ila t.n o w a X t • hearty m eat My m other la fifty y e a r, o f a n , I suppose the politicians still recall w as shot by Captain Harrison, Mr. erj. and has guided them out to health w onderful c h .,,... ,7.?a’ and Is en joyln* the beatof haalth and aplrtta , also B e a rs th e S ig n atu re o f and happiness. " Favorite Prescription » Itoscoe Conkling's famous allusion to Bayley's companion. I an. aatladad that ika,.in?.M ESl eata baarty maala, a a lw po aalM llty hufore aba ^ “ - “ Ä Ä s " * ä W ....... to not a tonic, not a palliative, but a poo- the great cartoonist in his Boehester too* Moaaa Tabulaa. Arrua H. ih-icaaa. In his death strugglo the tiger drag Itlve cure for the diseases which are speech ' dedicated" to George William JjKuliar to women. It gives vigor and C urtis. Mr. Curtis at the time w as the ged tho rifle from the owner’s hands, and the Jar caused by the stock strik ▲ new style packet containing txx a ir ams taboub j Vitality. It bamsbes nervousness, head Jtl Taaoua pactad la a papa, at some drug stores-»on nvscxxye Thisl ache, and ail the aches which come from editor of Harper’s Weekly, a position ing the ground broke off tw o teeth a lo -p rtc w l aort 1. f„, a» • • dosen of thu llv»-cout cartons (ltu tabule«) „ ___ ___ a diseased condition of the womanly which he had held for many years. In which were Imbedded in the steel. This Cnam cai O o a r^ y . K„. ,0 Sprue, s t « « . Naw V o rk -o r a'a¿¡l77urtL,'0 ^ T ^ 2 T ” * " * » " r organs- A temperance medicine, it con- the course of bis philippic Mr. Conkling story Is said to be absolutely true; but, «lao be had of aom. »roaar«, a .a a iu l a .., ’ tRins neither alcohol nor narcotic . took occasion to refer to The Weekly, with the profoundest respect for the aad kaata, abopa Thay hanlah pata, Induoa a l« p »ad proton« Ufa 0 ¿ , dm, ^ ¡2 2 “ PeM - J 7 f rm .,ir-° “ blei * * th * * î f ’ « " ’ ’ * 1» Ulceration and. although Mr. Curtis sat listening strength of tho tiger’s Jaws and teeth, se#... ..• id !?*1* îY*z k n *’î? “ y doctor grave m e to him, he described it simply as "the I venture to think It wants explana b u t little r e lie f « w rites M r . X^ulu H it& ter. af paper made famous by the pencil of tion.—London Sketch. In l l o o O /"I W wra^raa^. Nftst.**—New York Mail aud Express. C IT Y W o m ra a a t a D n ie h V llln c c . T r » « e d l e a o t t h e Onmd C a a y o a . The village women of Holland take Tragic stories are told of men wbo special care to keep tho tips of their Z!£î3î‘' “dh''d ¿SS" '"«’‘riñe* to aoow of ray IMeod». w ho Rutfered fio ra fcma*----------"------- - have lost their Jives In tho search for white lace hoods stiff with starch, a a d good resulta h a re follow ed.* proclous metals which may lie hidden which Is ns necessary a perfection In or uncovered, says Harriet Mouroe in their toilet as polished linen and spot- J tm si ★ l A W K I U rilS c P ÍP Il^ i The Atlantic. The great primeval j less collars with ours. This delicate flood cut Its broad V through all the hood is worn over a black skullcap strata o f rock, with all their veins of that fits the closely clipped head very metallic ore. down to the earliest much like the headgear of a nun. The shapeless mass, leaving In Its wake the elderly women, widows, ofton wear terraced temples and towers which straw bonnet over It. A Jacket of dark- seem to have been planned by some blue. with a brenstpiece of cream cloth architect o f dlrlnest genius to guard and dark blue border o f the sam e cloth their Inaccessible treasures till the end at the hips, constitutes the dress of of time. And the river, rising far to the women and the girls. the north among mountains rich In The skirts protrude at the hips In a mineral, has been washing for ages grotesQue fashion on account of the the sands away and depositing thus many flannels which they wind about gold and sliver and lead In the still the body, evidently a fad with them crevices o f the Inaccessible chasm. as with many peasants of the Black Here the earth laughs nt her human forest, where the custom prevails to muster and bids him find her wealth wear as many sk in s as tho spare box If he dare and bear It away if he can. will allow, adding at least one skirt A young Californian wbo accepted the every year. They all dress alike, and challengo and set forth upon the turgid the talk about dress therefore does not water to sift Its sands for gold never slip Into tbelr conversations, nnd on emerged with his hapless men to tell that score they are at eternal peace the story o f bis search. Only near the with one another, for no change of brink of the cloft are a few miners dress has occurred among them for «r n a i l , P w s la a < d F a l A , burrowing for copper and sending tbelr centuries nnd w ill not for years to ore up to the rim on the backs o f hardy come.—Donahoe’s. burros, as who should prick the moun tain with a pin or measure the ocean A » O t ld S t a a r e W n t r e r . ór < with a cup. The late Signor Full, the well known ’ vocnllat, once made a very curious O o t th a C o r re c t T im e , Jake Foster was for many years one w ager with some of his companion o f tbo character» o f Oregon, Mo. He singers at Her M ajesty’s Opera House. fireatol Weakly in the Coantry, drove the back between Oregon and Home 20 years ago Mephistopheies In Forest City and w as known to every Oouuod s “Faust” w as among hl» fa man, woman and child In Holt county. vorite Impersonations. In the garden H M O Oregon Is three miles from the railroad scene his strides when attem pting to ftne»udto< ixataute) to nny p ort of U m T,—..—y and for many years w as not connected avoid the elderly Martha formed an B U IL D IN G LOANS toobao. Conada and M aalro. None who are engaged in any o f the m echanical with any other tow n by either tele-1 Important feature o f tbo humorous mortgage loans % TtlJC W l a u c n r C lU U J N If tJ h , th< b rW M .a t IN V ESTM EN TS raaat o t n . p t « , W avkly blow apopar tn tho graph or telephone. One morning Rob business. BEAL ESTATE pursuits can succeed w ithout reading and p rin t« ro c u la rly U S Ckituann«. ur alatoon One night, the length of his legs be ert Montgomery hailed Foster us the Of Mown, Lkterafuro tuul Utfnr- ing a subject of chaff as he w as stand- back started for Forest City and said: studying this standard Magazine o f Sciences r a - . L . . - * ; * “ “ n lB ra a l A « rt, u ltu r.1 , Dd “Juke, I wish you would get the cor »huiaat ? he Wluss’ he '’«dared his I ■■orUeulUireJ Da pert mont. T k l« lx one □ *, dapertm anta in eng peper on CM« and meohanicai Arts. I t is ¡H,lstrated w ith rect time at Forest. My watch stopped croM the st«xc In three ■ ^ r y t M n g w ritte n 1« beeoff oa « . liounds. The comments that ensued re last night." to the (.\xe«t Atetes, not on kkuHem all modern cuts [of latest inventions in all sulted In a b et "All right. Bob," said Jake. I knowledge of th e ir own loceiitioe. ■nd rec e iv e com When the proper moment for the ex-1 When Jake returned from Forest, he »AMPLE COPY SENT FREE. the branches o f m echanism , and its fund pound in te re s t b y put up his tenw and walked around to pcrlment came, he retreated a few ■of dep ositing w it h *,le hank where Montgomery presided, pace», and then, to the surprise o f the knowledge is inseparably connected with audience as well as to the rep resen ts-, »talking Into tho bank. Jake stepped in* up to the window and laid down a !t,V ° L Martlja" leaped from side to ventors and mechanics. Sold w ith ”11^7 ”U ° f Pal>Cr beorin* the «Kurts Ride. The scene never evoked more Tu« laughter, nnd Foil w as acknowledged M est at clubbing rates. M lint Is tliatT" asked Montgomery to bare woo the wager. In astonishment. K q n n llr D iv id e d . “That.” replied Jake. “Is the correct P o r tla n d , o r e c o n - P ur'ng the civil war," says the time at ForesL’’-O m a h a World-Her- Boston Transcript, “the lauv school at Cambridge was presided over by Pro I. a > a > a a d Ir a n « L if e , fessors Parsons, Parker and W ash From 65 | t»ne o f tho most remarkable cases of burn They were divided In their po returning o ? in terest depn9it011 longevity on record w as that o f an litical views, and each did his bem with conservative business metí,X 1 coi.sisîent Englishman, born In 14S3, whose dell- to maintain I i J h opinion. j cste appearance made all the doctors fe“*ir 1,arker w as one day a s k -1 Dividends on Stock Apportioned Semi* ' • ¡ l n u a l l y ^ give him up when he was lu the cra »n This m onthly magazine is one y° U get alouS on Politics dle. H is chest was so narrow, say» at the I j iw 40 school*’  .r i'Î Ï Ï ’X ” .P » T b . m utu.l. U F R O K lG la K renks » I t h U best printed in this country,1 nm rP|POrt’. th4t ,ie ««‘«»cd to have Tbo de _ ja r» to eha (Tnltad Atete«, ' 'Y.*” 17'* be an’ wered. •We are difficulty In breathing. Well, this equally divided.’ TUJC C H J t o * l ' U t haa no «>qael en O»« P»«1Qo ow n ttiti “ I l iaeff« «Il le aW ilty . antarprtoa «M to a ll subscribers at rates ’ }ouug moribund, condemned by the s»,: ^ U t.1,OW cn" that h®7* «Wdnued doctors to die lu short order, died lu «he luqui^r. .There ftr(J thpR> of y * " ■ c >” » O M J tX .irs T « a < r» t> *t* R apart» « r . AH the j* ability ot all to pay. It is Profits of tJie Association lt b l nt the age o f 11». Ho saw the ¡T**'“ *“d ®*U»i’ t«. Il» Laç ai N « a » th» or V“’ 7 enough,’ replied the profess- A representative is in t h K ’ mra “ «1” IJ, reign of ton kings. »Wirat ira .ptci«», «— |„ icaiurtra, „<«, u» m ra e o f 8 e c u r in g ‘ „ e m ^ ™ 7 1 ar>l,ua writes on one side and I for the pnr. trated and presents the nfuntf3 Btoaat pae« ln tba ouuntry. Hecundl Uango, consul o f Venice at a n il on the other, and W ashbur^-he speaks T H M • U R /iN lc n -Ifi he« «Iw eya M a e . e t o e i- full particular» on request. will furnish »myrna measured only 5T centimeters v W ba, tb<* friand eoA t-hiuaploa af U m around tho chest, and one o f his lungs on one side and votes on the other/*' authors as pontrihutore. lfl ** ****** ^»wüawetinns. riteo m . « « . was diseased. Nevertheless hv llvod »Ct>na««l<«*a <. «n r ktje |. I l w in M and the Cosmopolitan are 1 Anit.T"‘' M **W’ VU «"»»'’on. COOS COUNTY BRANCH, to a a a ry th in *. nautxel to the age o f 113 years. li e wns mar- Another case of going nbaMU, to rled five times and had 4U children. Da» A5 m . HoRsrAi.i,, dueed rates at this oflioe, ? “' ' t Loadou ‘«‘Per said the presioznt S' K x ° wltox , f in i WANT TH£ « I N I C I E Vt hen he w a . i0 0 years old. bo got his o ito .r * day: New York I. on tho eve wisdom toeth. When bo w as lit), his o f a fierce social struggle. The per- J ... u ,., „ „ „ „ hair turned black again. A t 112 his slstence with which 'Boss’ Creker eyebrows and bis board turned black. n ," /° r ? W7Ck “nd ttle o,h*r ««ns- d ,R e c t o r s . K .O t’n ' T u , ’ b‘ Te bC"U 'S“0^ H enry S kxgstackkx ............. •> » » » « H I. T h e a ry . Atora . Sisarta» «ht Usits4 fitstss. D s «I«I m W11. H okmfai .1. Plivsrl«» 1 Jlerc,"uit> Marshfield Tbo late Hall MoAIll.tcr some rear» l>y tlio \ ninlerbllts. the \xtora. »ho n X 7 th e ot'h <,Oelet* th0 L a n g sto n « >8C,Rn 8nd ^ rg een , Marshfield • f Cañad« sao Nsrtksrn Usxias A i KX 0 . C . I M I ’ B K I.I,. . . ago entertained a visiting selen tl.t at and the other member» of New York’s O M K M in in .......................... Time-keeper « .S . K xowi . tox .......... the I niou club, before It. amalgam», . . hi hl .y ekclualve |. Our Hundred biw so gulled tlon with the Pacific, nnd during the nnd .reflated the fa m il.e i“ U,e for Bruggrat, Camille B en L kstkr . . . . 15 ~i'ke po” ession of our ideas but ars poiesisM#1 •venlng, . particularly foggy onc, mer that they Lave resolvedI up^n They ma3t. r u, and forM ng intfl »CH11.LKH B, H ermann •r e í« Gardiner ,, , -A . ii r .i in e r made »ome whimsical remark convey founding a new sn,1 still more e x X - ................. "Berci,,mt. Myrtle Point Such !» ih 16re lilW gladiat®rs. we must light tor »1«.“ ing the Idea that fog waa an excellent tok“/ £ C O L .L E C ORS A N O A C E N T S . V ' fl’'‘lr <” vu’ ”0 conductor of sound. ” „ „ a ,,,. taktf tho sail* out of Its rival.” H enry H knostackkn . Tho scientist took exception to this ........... We«!hant, Marshfield R. S . K nowlton . . . v o tn rre , • » t m « » t e n t , o f thi, fflo n l|i|y m w u .iie novel theory and asked Ur. McAllister ra» S r. — , ’’•■«•»•rate Coekraer O. it . B vi . kr ............... ........... on wbat It waa based. ..................................Coquille rBANCiaoo. osa. ..X 'X '" " “» ■ * « > — J. 8. H lrrp ......... 6 "P°n a Plane an<1 *u kccpingjw ith ita "On phenomena which we have all Empire Obwrred." returned the ready Jurist F. H . R ogers ............... "Qetcb trine?" ......... ■ f.ibby th ’ The Arcnft’8 gallery of.^em inent “On an evening like this we bear the « chille « B. H ebmax "Now. Trine gawn, ent It?" • Gardiner fog born quite distinctly, but when Translated: M. R. I re ........... •Myrtle Point un ie " 1« a group 01 interesting' men and there Is no fug wa cannot hear It at "Oct your train T’ 11. M. K kienei . i . ........... Bandon a lt —Sau Francisco Argonaut. "No. Train gone, hasn’t It?" * ° laen’ «n’lth a ir thoughts are w orthy the F. H. W iin o x .. . ' Gtoiievonu of Kev York City North Bend Knt (the old ain’t, seems to eorer ......... Fiorente •* «»• S o o r r M o r k is a« a t,o n ot .»,1 pe<)pje . T h e A reua lsn t, w a n t. weren’t hn», hosn’t. have "What do you sell that ribbon for?" ^»ven’t. had. hadn’t - N o t c . and Qu^’ « e ., m Irat, « k . . , , » „ . , ^ 4 j ia , H . S u ix x j u LOCAL A 6 ÎN T . «aS ra„,m .»tra « n . l . . ura i »»> m I ui U . « . . v t » ) •sk ed a young lady In a High street T ar » k , «raurrtl » n to v i to vina “ • c r i A r a t . « ir a a < k "L AQCMT. dry goods store. i »tan ra racu.u.« » I t . o . t ,b . t* * * * * « î; -S. f«M»rra o) "Eight dollars a week—oh. beg par ... A ■ e tllta a « F ta la h . don, 23 cents a yard, madam."- Colum- in soto i (¡fren ftm I saw Mm klM yo„ j U8t before be bus (U.) State Journal. Pflrlnc, wild ilio »mir rlwurrd W hat C A S T O R IA A Bag of LSg&t 4 GENUINE C A S T O R IA ALWAYS The Efed You Hare Always Bought I ★ Desirable Stars in K i th e : d a il y Only $ 6 ? 7 0 a Year. i The M y Chronicle S ciB niifiE A m erican. $ 1 .5 0 Save Y o u r M oney I I T h e U nion S a v in g s L ° a n A sso ciatio n THE C D S M n P D L IT flK ,*® M Reversible Map? Map of the THE arena World In Gold A$950PIAN0 Th aï 4 j ttoto “ *“ * rvsnUr UuU THBGKNTIX-WOMAX U a m im tl,., VB*h»vMla«l*e. "Shall I sing ’Because I Lora You?*’ fO R « * U o N e XCHANa£ Yea. auntW Jijr . « » « , « , devota, to subject, of inter- «kod Mra. Dortoy os Well. I can relise that fl Mated her- ha ast to the ladies. The regular ,„hsc,ip. ‘ would fa t 1 «he last thing be would I A honte and •,.) -, tlon puce is o u . dollar but we ha,a „m,,. 1 h M il I sailed out as though 1 <• 16 by » j polnL- •* by wbici. we n kr it for a “ ,,a,f bright. i » for fi ’I« vents a year. C»¡| «M ilqtl "’«e. r„ t O O K O V E R T H I S GR® *«• ia • YOUR SELECTION lit w FLOR!