Image provided by: Siuslaw Pioneer Museum; Florence, OR
About The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1900)
T o s s i i f f i f t ä ELECTION DAY IM F L O R E N C E There was a large crowd in town If your liver is o u t ol order, cacsin i Tuesday to cast th eir vote and the Biliousness, Sick H oadeehe, Hem- i election board were kept busy nearly b arn , o r C onstipation, lake a dose » ' all day receiving ballot», exam ining a f O regon .— fidavits of those wiio wished to swear & it L ’ ju > i in th e 'r votes, and atten d in g to tlieir On retiring, an d tom orrow yo u r d i 1 o th er duties. Several votes were chal- K RSO N gestive organs will be regulated and *,;nK®d but all were finally aoiepted, the FTC rietor. you will be bright, active and ready ¡judges deciding the questions quickly in - L i U, fnr unv Vinrl rtf Thia hoa has I nil all hnt. b u t turn tw o infltnnpPR. instances. for any kind of unrlr work This been tno experience of o thers; it; A verv large num ber sn o re in th e i r I advance.- will be yours. HOOD’S P IL L S are vote», some of them having failed to eo'd by all m ediciro dealers. 25 cts. register through not being of age in tim e d a t th e post-office at Florence, 'SS of i'k— . r - eccomi-class or from some o th er cause, and o thers • T H IS CUT 1 rom 25 to 60 per cent discount on al having come to this precinct since th e ; H ats nt registration books closed last M ay ; w hile R e p re s e n ts o n ly c n e >\VN ON AP- M eyer A K vle’s. a few found it moru convenient to come A new lot of H ardw are arrived by the here than to go to th e polling place in ; o f tlie m a n y s ty le s Cftch insertion th eir home precinct. last boat a t A O F o u k e ’s. w h ic h w o c a n s u p The com m ittee uien were busy all day j D on’t miss th e .entertainm ent a t th e ¡nee, Ore, Nov. 9, 1900. ,l|U e, | M ij(>nce, p ly , o f th o C R O U S E I church tomorrow evening. An excellent looking alter the in terest of th eir re spective parties un i assisting in filling I program has been prepared. & E R A IT D E Q E E on* affidavits for those voters whose W E S T L IN G S . T h e-B ella w en t up to O W H u rd ’s ¿tames were not on th e registrr. F I N E C L O T H IN G . c y S h a d fetid! c Crt-.-U school cinses cannery W ednesday, to take his canned 212 votes wore cast in all, th a t being j salmon on board for delivery a t San the largest nuutber ever polled in tn i s n- irrita tin g cath artic is I'o o d ’s Francisco. precinct. Tne following is th e vote I C ham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Received for each ot the .candidates for for W arran ty D eci for sale T ablets cure tnlionauess, constipation electo r: and headache. They are easy to take Til inon Ford ................................. 142 emt office. and pleasant in elrect. l o r sale by i t i« i.’„ n „ ........................... 150 ed this week—n new ¡ lock o f i o n , v , J u fu lle r.o n O W H u rd . iv t I \\ i- J 1‘IU'DlStl ........................... 150 ds a t A 0 F uuko’s . On goods that we sell at te n p e r cent d isco u n t we will G errish arrived W ednesday on 0 T P a x i o u ....................................... 142 Û-LLAB8, tbtj precinct gave 21 votes for the Sir R oharts w ith a selection of organs E rn s t K r o n e r ....................................... fa) premium tickets, but on all other goods tickets will bo y and 24 for B ry an . A pianos for some of the musical people ! W alter M Pierce .................................52 before. W e have a very fine line of D E C O R A T E D i precinct wave a m ajority of of Florenae. They are fine in stru m en ts I Heil S tu art 61 1« vote for the Bryan -• . , ami th eir owners can well be proud of Jo h n W h ita k e r.....................................48 th e F A IN T E D C H IN A W A R E , which wo givo away. very tB Francisco E xam iner and th e them . i N A Davis .............................................2 r one y e a r $2.5f®paid in ad- Will Safley had some chickens stolen 5 T Jen k in s ........................................... 1 1 Monthly evening and th e thieves harelv I C T M ills ..................................................... 1 ¿cent diacpv.nt on all R ubber missed being cau gh t itt the act. T he T R S p a u ld in g ........................................ 1 ¡perpetrators of such petty pilfering i T V E m l r r e e ........................................... 2 SEW ING MACHINE FO R CALE M eyer A K yle’s, should he punished to tlie full exten t Lucas H enry .. 1 A'Vost w ilt preach st the por- 1 °f tl,e law. J L Hill ............ We have ju s t received from th e facto J oh n C Luce .. The W est R eal E sta te office has b a r W'jNorth Fork on Sunday Nov. 11, ry a new seven draw er, oak finished, gains to oiler in the following property. C ham 3EH1. ain ’3 P ain B alm C ures N P J Folen . . . o c k P .M . i • Cham pion sewing m achine, m ade by 0rHSR3> W hk N o r You.’ Joseph Meindl . he C o u g h a n d w o r k s oil' th o C old, A good dw elling house, and black the N ew H ome Sewing M achine Co. -------- I J F rank Porter i Bromo-Quinine Tablets cine a sm ith shop doing a good business in a Call s t the W est office and exam ine tiiriving town. The ow ner desires to one ' day. No C ure no Pay. My wife has Iteen using C ham berlain’s C 9 R utherford Pain Balm, with good results, for a lam e \ T hree ballots were pronounced wholly th e m achine before pucl.asing elsewhere. <q)ange"H(, l0CHt¡o„ cents. A fine opportunity for tlie right m an. Price $850. f> Dalles Sunday m o rn in g A1 shoulder th at has pained her conlinu- defective while several were found on TO OUR PATRONS- ’ftrd-m aster and J o h n M cY cv ally for nine years. We have tried all ■ which th e voters had (tiled to m ark th o 160 acres of unim proved land on N orth kinds of medicines anti doctors w ithout 1 nam es nf th e full n u m b er bf electors to tan were run over and kii.t-J by Fork about ten m ilts from Florence is Wo havo m ade arrangem ents hv offered for sated. N ear to county road. , receiving any benefit from any of th em . 1 be chosen. re. ; wtiicii we will furnish th e M evkly , Will make a good stock ran ch . Price M iller who has pub,b bed the I One day we saw an advertisem ent of TO THE DEAF. Oregonian with the W est for one v*»r $450. runty « t l i e « for .the past six I this medicine and th ought of trying it, ' to any address for th e sum of t i e which we did with the best of satisfac-J has disposed of the p lan t to 150 acres mostly timbe» land lying In I tion. She lias used only one bottle and I A rich lady cured of her Deafness and lart payable cash in advance. is. section 13, tow nship, 18 south, range 10 ' her shoulder is alm ost well.—Adolph Noises in the Head by Dr. N icholson’s three daughters of ! > l.i'i- west. A bout three acres eieare»!. A L M illet, M anchester, N II. For sale Artificial Ear D rum s, g a re $10,000 to his CO NTEST NOTICE. ra,ftft$00 to !lm end i v by O. W. H urd. creek large enough to float logs runs In stitu te, so »het leaf people unable to iu lfll I m f " ’ h " ii ’ through the land. Price $550. procure the E ar D inins may have th em United States Land Oftlce. .1, in memory of th eir father. PERSO N ALS. A good store building and lot in Acme. free. Address No. 10373-c. The N ich Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 27, 1900. U s d to purchase m aterial for the olson In stitu te, 780, E ighth Avenue, I A sufficient .contest affidavit having been C onveniently located fur business. Tlie i filed In th is office by P h ilip I.unz contestant, upper part is finished up for u dwelling. id find it necessary to ask our Alias H attie Davis began »teaching at New York, U . 8. A. i against Homestead entry No. S3¡3, m ade March Price $7CJ. rers who are Owing t , H eceta last week. 23,1895, for lots 3, 5 and 6, Section 31', T o y n sh lp SERV ICE INCREASED. and help us ont in t % 17 8. Range II W. by Nels W. Christensen, Con- A tra c t of about 50 acres fronting on P E Jackson carried out tlie election testoe, in which it is alleged th at the sahl t i v Jo m a k e room Clear lake three m iles so u ih o f Florence. retu rn s from Mapleton precinct. The mail service between G lenada between G lenada ■ entrym an has wholly abandoned the tracts e will, for the next :: 1 ’ays, sell Claud Yates was very ill ttie first of a n d G ardiner lias b e e n increased to , embraced In his homesluad entry and chauged A fair house ami about five acres cleared. ind Boots regardhss» of fo rm e r three tim e s a w eok, tlie c h a n g e g o in g ; his residence therefrom for a period exceeding A good wagon road from tho place to the week hut is now improving. id first cost, y. in to effect yesterday. Tho schedule re- i “" ’"ti's, sh.ou m aking th e entry; th at th o the Siuslaw river a t G lenada. A fine H m io u I ,, b v ie . E W Cobb went to Eugene Wednes .. , . : tracts «re not settled upon and cultivated as mams th e same as before but one trip rC4„ire,, ,,v law, ami th at said Mleeed absence place for a sum m er residence. Price Bobarls w ent to Y a q i i n a T iics- day witti tlie election retu rn s from a week has been added, so the mail from the Maid land was nut due t » his employ $500. H eceta. awF r.ifiiihjfcd V i'.d i.... lay . w ill ihjw leave Glennda for G ardiner on 1« the Army, Navy or Merino Corps of tho A tract of a little over -two acres of C aptain Bergman of tlie life saving Monday, Wednesday and Friday and t in a- nnWtb$T of • I'/.u - ui- «bites as a private Mildier, offleer, tea- bottom land between Florence nnd .. i m an, or m arine durin g the war with Spain or —-vriiieh soiiie <jyfiir pc ivle recent- \ station spent Sunday witti his Florence arrive a t Glenada from G ardiner on durlllg tt„ , otll„r wal. |u wht(.h the United Acme, lying on tidew ater near Rose Allan Tuesday, T hursday and .v , yr • • I ------------ * ------ S aturday. i Staten nmy lie engaged. Said parties are here- Hill cannery. A fair house ou the laud. ortland. V alter Ilarin g took an exam ination I The route should now be extended ' by notified to appear, respond and offer cvi- A fine place for gardening or raising ONE reeently for admission to tlie life auving : fr0II1 Gleimdii lo Florence ho th a t mail 1 dan,,° touching mid allegation at 10 o’clock a. sm all fruit. Price $200. tet'vice. ! r i • I ni* 0,1 Jfov®raber 5. l»00, before C. if. Holden ^ ^ ^ ^ H m o i m y if they Coi 0 II Holden left for Roseburg « X h i i n ° l lay ° U0 c l*h t ' '' S Co""" ............• 160 acres of land near C lear lake lying taut Dual henrliii: will be held atlO n ’eluek A. m . in section 11, tow nship ih eoutli, range sig n a tu re is I T uesday on h u tin c ss before tire C B ---------------- ---------- on Novumber 13,1990, before the Register Mid 12 west. Price $250. $ 1 0 0 REWARD» « ¡ 0 3 . Receiver a t the Unfteit Slates Isold oliiec In | land office. 112 acres unim proved land lying on Roseburg, Oregon. n,led th e dance j Jo h n L Furnish started for Eugene The readers of this paper will bn The said contestnut having fit a proper affi tlie north side of C lear lake 2,’4 tnilos g a u d all agree Tuesday night with the election retu rn s davit, tiled tieptembur It), IWO. set fortb facts | pleased to learn th a t there is at least which show th at niter d i- dlliren ce personal south of Ilorunce. A good wagon ros«l good tim e.” for this precinct. ; one dreaded disease th a t science has service of th is notice «an not be made, ft is from it to the .Sinalaw river. P rice $600. ith liotcls t o ; M is le p p e . tetu rn ed liome yesterday been able to cure in ail its stages and hereby ordered and ilireeted Unit such notice bo 160 acres on upper N ortli Fork, a a crowd hut ’ having given up her position a t the th a t in C atarrh. I la li’s C atarrh C ure is given by due an d pro{<vr pablfaatfou. large part of it bottom land. W ill m ake .1. T. H htdueh , Register. hoarding house at tlie jetty . tlie only positive cure now known to th e a good homo. Price $850. J. H. B ooth , Receiver. most quickly Nels B erk rent was up from tlie life medical fratern ity . (C atarrh being a 80 acres tim ber land witii creek large food p n re ami saving station Sunday and spent a few constitutional disease, requires a consti- , enough to float logs running through tlie NOTICE TO CREDITORS. g H ood's Sar- hours with his F lorence friends. tutionai treatm en t. H a ll’s C atarrh | land ami Into tide w ater. Price $.525. ■Bcrotula, salt Will Neely and wife have gone to Cure is taken inte.rually, acting directly ; 138 at res of land s t Elm i-», Oregon. iisneas rnd th a t Notice Is hereby alveti th at the undersigned th e inoutli of the river wiieru Mrs Neely upon tho hloixi ami mucuons surfaces of A i-ox house, good barn, and punity of Jias been ¡ipi»)hue-1 Adiiifnlvtbitor of the Evinte w ill have charge of tlie boarding house. the system , tnereliy destroying tlie of Anna Mivtliilde gititke by the County Court outbuildings on prem ises; 6 acres suffering from Jo h n Lawson came up from th e U m p foundation of the disease, and giving tlie of lami- Ciuiiity. Oregon. All (arsons having jorchnril, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 Sling been taken ; qua W ednesday and m et wiih th e other patient strength by haildiug up tlie con- i claim» a-xatn.-t-at-i estate are hereby required acres more c!**ir»»d lau.I, an.I 80 seres M on Tuesday. ; t»i present them , with tho (.roper vouchers to m em bers of the three link frateruily stifntiou and assisting n atu re in doing the uuder-fg'ied a: Ills ollies fit Florence, Ore slashed ; baiane»«, brush and tim ber ,rd alone when its work. Tlie proprietors have so in th e evening. gon, within six m onths from th e date of this land. Price $20 per acre, $]0Q0 down. If, fain th ere for j much faith in its curative powers, flint notine. For furl her inform ation in q u ire a t ivered and help ! Mr. and Mrs. John Lanham were in tnev offer one iiu n d re-t 1? »liars for any Dated at Florence, Oregon, August, 2nd, 1900. Tlie W est office, Florence, Oregon or she was some Florence Tuesday evening. The road has case I list it fai ls io cure, .Send lor list I A. O. Futike been opened over tlie cape ridge so they of tcsi.iiii'inial», j A dm inistrator of the estato of Anna M athilde Jo h n C Beck, P oint Terrace, Oregon, or nil could tail: iiitfelligihlv. ! Flu: xe, deceased. / can come nil the way w ith a wagon. W Nichols, E lm ira, Oregon. A ddress, F J Cheney A Co., Toludo, 0 . __ —a t A ciiki , Qr. on ¡¡Saturday Nov. Rogue River C ourier: Rev. I. G. Sold by »lr»c: 'Lus, 75c. to M r. and Mrs. George Mont DAIRY FARM FOR S ALE . i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. H a l l 's fam !y I ’itls are th e best. PROP»’» • «laughter. M .’.ier and K nolls of ibis plnce, the Presbyterian e l I u n I G e o rg e ’s Sunday School m issionary, is spending 1 A fine dairy farm on M aple creek six A BEAR STORY . a m onth ¡it K lam aih county. He visit- ' im tlery sootf these days. United Htote« Land Office, utiles from Florence is now offered for ed in Jacksonville last week. Koaehurg, Orotron, I yon feel th a t i life is hardly ! sale. R II B ern h ard t is q u ite a trapp«r W alton correspondent In Eugene Reg- Aiigui<t21,1900. F lo p ß ß e e , O r» e < J o n . Bilie, take a dose of Chain- , It contains 100 acres, 35 of it bottom though Mr. Co, viii is u lin ie ahead of Notice i« hereby given th at in comt>li*nro Liver Tablets. ¡is ’e r ; M r. Giles Fowler was brought land and 30 acres have been plowed. w ith the provkloQi of th e a c t of Congrewi of Idin on hear thia fail. However Mr. ^ ■ B to fn n o h , lo n e u p : home Sunday by Win Miller from E u Juneft, entitled “An a c t for the Mie of B ern h ard t has six hear to his credit for tim ber land f fn th e State« of California, Oregon Can cut 35 tons of hay. A good two gene. Giles went to Nome last spring regnlate your bowels the fall'» Work. The fifth ca.ight was a Kevade, aud W ashington T erritory,” ns story house 26 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by # new man. For hut came buck to Seattle and was taken ' small one ami M r. B ernhardt extended to ali th e Public Ix'.nd States by act 70 feet, with heavy fram e; a g.iat house ¡sick. C harlie Fow ler met him there JOHN C. BECK. 16 by 40 fe e t; an orchard of about 500 W . H. WEATHERSON. W . NICNOLS. an I brought him to Eugene. We are , Visited thvitrwp ht-i'oin I th a t sowisttiilig of »lugust 4 ,1M2, Jam es M. Woode, of Mapleton, County of Lane, «tute of Oregon has this day trees of different kinds of fruit lias been m atch factory Point Terrace, Or. : glad to se e von back Giles mid hope for ; had killed the anim al and eaten a jmr- Mod in this office his sworn statem elit No. 1199, Florence, Or. Elmira, Or. afebea at a lively late bearing for a year or two. tion of th e carcass. He ha I heard th a t for the purchase of the W’4 NE’4 , ; your speedy recovery. first shipm en t of ils A water wheel of about 8 horse power of Section No. 29, in T ow nship No. 18 8. one bear wlil som etim es eat another I on the A rcata. They are njiinu- ttfiich is <nnuhi in a i»ap hut did not Ksnvo No. 9 W, and will offer proof to show th a t furnishes motive power a t tlie barn for CHURCH E.N TERTA IN M ENT. the land »ought is more valnsble for its tim ber ' c u t t i n g fe e d , flawing wood, etc. ig as fine an article us was ever • believe tl o sta te m e n t. A it.iv or two or iitnn Ilian for agricultural purp.»»-», and to | T he fnrm is % m ile Iron, school and on the m arker. Toe c o m p a n y later he r.-mglii a huge bear and on ex esUbliwh hi« claim to wd<l land before the On S aturday nig h t, N o r. 10th, the »nd¡capped ifi. o b tain in g , hut will ! i mile from a county road. momhere of th e Presbyterian clinrch aniining tlie^stom n-h found in if lenies F e s t e r and Receiver of thin office at Ro’K.bnn;, P rice $1600. svo a skilled force. Ortjeoii, on Tuesday th e fith day of November, and b ear’s h air which saliHied him 1W0. I not tM’a »wrjfri-e h, any who n — nod congregation are expecting Io give £ai2<$|^ ^ ¡ m k e r » E a n d j and ov d A bargain for anybody wanting a P a p m Hint th e creature had been piactising He namw a* nilfitArm: fat ni. ,m iliar with tlie go >1 quaiiiies of a (topuirr en te rta in iiim t, th e proceeds, caniiih.tlism . IT. II. Fink, of Point Terrace, Oregon; Fred of which are to go tow ards raising n erlain’s C o u g h C Fur fu rth er inform ation inquire a t tlie ansi ^ o U o n c o m m in io n . riaM, of Rjgcue, Oregon: John N. Woods, of take pleasure in 8,,|all debt now itn|iending. A program ALASKA GOLD FIELD- M apleton,(rregon; Uo1«rt Lynch, of Mapleton, WitsT office. riel), e in th e use of of good q ijantity and quality lias been Oregon. A STOCK FARM- Any and all peraona claim ing adversely the tticinc ami in td h n g prepared. D»tori open ul 7.20. A dm is F irst steam ship lor Cape Nome and n’jove-dcxT^ied land$ are requeate*) to fib; th eir have received from sion, 25 cants. Cape York will sail from Seattle, May claim s in thia office on or bef«M aald 6th day of P a rtie s h a v in g R eal E state to sell w ill do w e ll A good stock farm of 169 acroa lying ¡cured, of threat" 10. T ins will lie a large ship with a Novvin'jer r.tX). SHIPPING AND MARINE. on South slough is now offered for sole. ■ nia it has avert- J. T- B u n o x a , freight capacity of 160'J tons and pas to place i t on o u r l i s t Register. A bout half of it is bottom and tide land, ■ t lias save»! from senger accomuKatalioiis fur 200. For the tide land being already diked. A whooping cough. The achenner Danielson, which had rales and fu rth er iiiforiustion ta ll o r on ial, el«,*1’ * Jiciue. For sale been b ar i»uun<l b e ts for over a week, I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. new house, an orchard of over 230 frees address. st, m«*1 on the plscu, and about 690,000 feet id left for San Franciaco Sunday with a R M c M vbi ’ hev , I old «I**1'" good tim b er conveniently situateil for : A hunch of cargo of him tier. Land Oflftu; at Rorebnre, Oregon. ’w| t t l # » « A-gent N orthern Pacific, Eugene. !°l?(ftog. E xtensive ont range. A bout October 1», llif». -eia! tai» «»s Tne schooner Itai ph J Long of Sap j eons R* Notice !» hereby given th a t th e following 16 head of cattle, moat of them cows, George W ashuigion Freem an H orne Btiio iv by u e K ur Francisco w«« towed in over th e be< named »ettlev has filed notice of hfs fntcutfoii rea.iaed th e t»ip Sunday m orning and went io Apiue to ' G reen, a forme»' negro slave, died in tlie . to make final proof In anppovt of hU claim and with Hie land. Price $3,000, including llgitter »»<' stock. Inquire a t tlie Florence Real Hflved lor cattle i»i load w ith »umber. Alma hospital, a t H cinpsfead, L. I., at th at wild proof will be made toiforc F. H. Rog- » „ a It J h at* * '! rrs. P. S. Commivilniair a t (lan llu cr, Orcgor, J Ageucy. i-untry. Two hirn Tho schooner U n tie I’rien a rriv e d / th e reputed age 123 year*. G reen is on December 7, 1990, vtr: Thom as F. Starks t o . p r-«* ut tw o re a r obli LU G 8 WAN I ED. eai 1 to have been Porn on r. farm near on H. E. So, 793ft. for the SW SK X J4 Monday m orning with a new supply o jj S i - ...... »m oi »6 OO IS, an E >£|i»«llip»ri, N, J ., o»i J s u n a r r 1 1777, g« !4.NS >i SW Sec. L5, Tp. 18»., M. 11 Wsat goods fur our inerchaiits. ■ r lie.ui. And 2>k) lie names the fotlowtug witnesses to prove 1 Parlies desiring to contract with H e -.»as s o d t>> a V irginia p lanter The sthoiiiusr Balia, Captain b i* cirttiHoon. residence upen a u d e u ltiv a U e s I I brought $4 tiOO.CU l?»l fliualaw ami Man Fl said Lvnd, via.* rr L eni. The»« are was towed in M oq»lay uvorn for logs to l»e delivep tbl w !i Service, of » ev«r realized (or wit tak eo u t a q u an tity of c of Aiwa. Oregon; /i JOHN 0. u and tail, ovo ' •‘■«'‘’h th e cannen, I. Siili tl» CM*«« A to will» im ii.air/e» am ( o u h i i,: 'ROIDg| >ress Gent’s Furnishing Goods» H g rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest HMSt. I Käfig-, FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. S 7 fiotf Kil ■ i L u 's pi.. to her. “ n oath, »aid b i t 1 Anybody desiring to pur chase Real Estate is in vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer, er The