Image provided by: Siuslaw Pioneer Museum; Florence, OR
About The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1900)
T H E W E S T . Wój —H<J»USO«D KVBXY FKIDAV MOSXIXO.— F lobzncje , , L axk C ounty , (Fgoj, ¡TUN LETTER. [ u ta C. Washington, Out. 29, 1900. 4 s thia is the last week of the cain- Oattio.N, i Patgn, the Presidential election naturally ! occupies the center of the stage in - - - BY - - - •W. I I . W E A T I I E I I S O N " * ' A 1 E E P E D L IE A N V IC T O R Y Outside Is f 1 r> ' j í i t i * H 1 «I L V /I D ! k l l B ib s. Poor Substitute For F ru w d Worth.” £ R ' Good health, inwardly, o f the kidneys, liver and bowels, is sure to come i f Hood's Sar- Ion as well as throughout the cou ntry. I t io needless to tell inteili- S a p & rtlla IS p r o m p t l y t t S i d . E d ito r and P ro p rie to r. Tins secures a fair ouUide, and a gent readers that political signs are not infallible, and yet there is nothing else consequent vigor in the frame, with the glow of health on the cheek, good F lo ren ce, Ore. N o v . 9, 1900. upon which to base an opinion of the £pp‘ i tp, perfect digestion, pure blood. y- ( result of a political campaign. .Most of C a . a n h - ’ I have tad no return of the The dtticial anr lnouncetnent of tlio to- ‘b* I,O’R'';®I signs are now pointing catarrh which troubled me for years, since I Hood’s 5 -parllla cured ma.” Mas, J oe ,tal population of the United States for -'^Tvinicyward, fiiis is adiuitte l even " '•’••"h i; »ton S t., Ogdcnebürg.’xh Y . .1900 is 76,295,220, of which 74,(Hfr,907 ■ by Mr. B ryan’s moet ardent supporters. O y s p e ^ E f a C o m p l i c a t e d w ith liv er kidney trouble, l ‘suffered "for •re contained in the 45 states, repreecn- ^ le r‘’P',hlicnn.s are claiming that it is and with dyspepsia, wIlh’ s tn .r pams. yean McKinley H <> h 1’ s fting approximately tiie population to be ' a” ° Vfcf l,,u M» shouting and say they ‘„ “de m e s tro n g an d h e a rty .” J . 3 . E mewtok , M ain s tre e t. A u b u rn , Me. '.uwd Io» apjxretiofiment purposes. There 'Lr*! »peculating only on the extent of Jb a total of 134,158 Indians not laxad. their majority in the college The totfcl population in 1890, with which ' ®,mJ in tl”’ “« House. Tim demo rats the aggregate population' of the present ! aay there nr” *ome big surprises ahead m s m e í 1 r a l n V jlbfa Hi all V 'ííi 1 1* * 8 - i e S received a net 1 C ÏI lii Ul m X fig p t a anil I’oosevclt Elected. E lecto ral i M ¡ É LAMES BELTS, G ra in B a i : Silk a i i o i « Braid S irar ft? I7aois. ! ___ and L A C E S dress trimmings  a ^ .3 _____ Will i. ( arrv J passen, White whîff» rmmk in N v ainsook, • < P ... iquC) Goods, in Votes. «•ers to Li^nt-lioiise. census glulpld be compared, was 65,069-1 'd r ' -^XoJ^inley and his supporters; the 1890 population as a Blat there is an undercurrent among | basis, there Tins been a gain in poptlla- ,1,e PeoP‘e which figures neither ¡11 the ..... U f f lK ; Carry New York, Indiana. Nebraska, aSs witi» n S s r m V) I lws Ail chart • ijVW A VMW WaA « bk.W __ ____ I Washington and Kansas. Lana demonstrated time ami again that ho ’ W . R . F IN D L E Y . County Republican. tion of. 13,225,464 during th e .la s t 10 1 nB"sp»l>ers nor in polls made l.y polit- reliance can he placed in ante-election Florence, Ore. near-1 1 *ua^ com Mr. — Bry- indications. - l a ............»»vmi, m a republican, I . years, representing - an increase ----- of - ----- . mittees; that it is for ---- , nuu and , ! Incomplete returns indicate that the A t th e old W eddle stand. ly21 per. cent. The census of Oregon ‘ and " i!l e,ee‘ him. This claim may ^ el as confident as one can of an event ^republicans have carried the election is 413,502 against 313,767 in 1890. This bc ,"’rn« out by the vote, hut it is cer- >« the future, t.hat Mr. McKinlev will be .'by a large majority. The democrats ATTENTION. shows a gM,, of nearly' 100,000 in the “Mwly W t worrying the McKinley man- 'e-elected. By no way of reasoning can concede the election of McKinley and populat/oii o f Oregon during the past a‘fer8 at tl,is time, «„d if they don’t ”n.v man make himself believe that Mr Roosevelt. Nebraska, Washington and Acme, Oregon, November 1, 1900. ten y e a r s - w t e a healthy gain. knob ¥¡*#1 their opponents are a),out l Bry“n »'«« a chance, hut I have noticed i Kansas which gave majorities for Bryan TO LOGGERS ON SIUSLAW. Please semi us by mail, witiiout delay T - u,<iy ‘’lifer from all other political man- Hie way elections go for years, and freelv in 1896, are republican Ibis tim e. The the following information: IT w « s father strange that there so 1 .»gets. A strong Bryan man said: " I . adm it th at I would not be surprised ’ majority in New York is estimat ted at 1 1. All your log marks. m any voters through the stale who do ; «till hope for Mr. B ryan’s election, but over a tegular landslide for the d em o-' from 150,000 to 225,000. 2. Supposed number of logs. iiot iiiidnrsuntl how to mark their bal- my judgment tells me that nothing vratic candidate." 3. To what mill told. Complete returns in Portland give lots correctly io enable them to e x e r - » ’>W of a miracle ean accomplish it." If Senator SuBivsn, of Miss, were not Immediately after each freshet we wish McKinley 8,674, Bryan 3335. The re ctoo their full right of franchise. Even Reforms are sometimes contagious. a comparatively new man in public life j publican majority in the state is estima Io deliver all logs contracted to any mill, (not below Acme), to those mills if they i - in the preeidential election when the Although none of the South and Uen- tlie accusation contained in a suit ted at from 12,009 to 15,000. only o i l e r s to he chosen are the fo u r, tral American governments were repre- a”ain8t ,lim for breach of promise to can be reieived .„ere, otherwise Returns received at Eugene up to bo nus made by us at Acme for each : presidential electors, some tickets are sented a t the Czar's Peace Conference '"«rriage, filed in Washington, several Wednesday morning indicated a major mill nn the river, or, if currying booms i not marked at all—making them void— “» The Hague, the preparatory steps da-V8 H«°> by Mias Leeton, of Miss., ity of about 500 in Lane county for are furnished to us for that purpose, in-! while others are found with but one', toward the court of arbitration provided " ould have created much more of a to carrying bc-uns. . sen , McKinley. it information two, or three names marked. Any per for at th a t conference, appear to have •“ tio,u The suit alleges that Miss Lee- ' Tlie late6t indications are that , Ibis , delivery, " lll'on,IiUlon necesstfi. necessary • son voting such a ticket deprives himself ¡nibued our,southern neighbors on this R>n was brought to Washington by Sen- -VIuK‘n’ey carried New York, Ohio, In- tbe'logs’M'i'ng ^»T jct t.! 50ncenLsfri,e’ 1 s on thii per of a part of his right.of suffrage, and con continent with the idea that if a court ator Sullivan and lived with him as his diana, Illinois, Maryland, Wisconsin, thousand feet, Spaulding’s scale, for tributes to the success of the opposing for the arbitration of disputes between wito while being introduced as hia nieee, Kentucky, Iowa, Minnesota and New cillehing and sorting. Logs not so disposed of wiii to put in - ! of enrididates | ’’¡g nations is a good thing, it uniat also a,ld Hint for a time they lived in Alex- Jersey. 1 party. ■ With the number ----- — ................«.».vs j to a miscellaneous boom at Acme, sub-, I n a suite and county election and tile be a good thing for the little nations. an Jria’ V“ - °Pe'>’y as man anil wife,; i ject to 50 cents per thousand feet charge I names arranged on the tickets without ! Consequently a movement is on loot to under an assumed GREENLEAF ITEM3. name. Senator land no exira charge for storage up i o 1 regard to party, errors arc to ho expect get the m atter before the Pan-American S“ ” ivan lia« set up the usual defense- j October 1, 1901; l,Ht tllese logjJ wi|, be 1 ed oecasionaliy, but in a presidential Oongress, shortly to assemble ; subject to an extra charge for delivery By a W est C oreescoxde .'. t . ¡11 the blackmail. The worst part of the nasty election, when the names of the electors city of Mexico. The plan provides a lneM is ’’mt neither Senator Sullivan when finally made of sacn party are grouped together, it Court of lulernational Arbitration, j ,,or L's friends have denied that he iSit sEAw B oom C ojipaxv , Janies Johnston's new house isalreadj •esine as though anyboily who can read modeled after that provided for by The brought the young woman to Washing- in use and it is one of ttie prettiest in DEMAND F ür half CENTS. ought to be able to make out bis ticket llague Conference, except that its juris- ton and ” ved with her as his wife. The these digginsg. correctly. Born—At the residence of J. A. Bur- diction will he confined to this continent, j ,U(,st they 8ay is tilat t’m woman lias no Bankers Magazine T h isis a good thing, and if put ¡„to claiu‘ oa T hat may be. but h is , B u rn eu ? a 8 0 .,'° U'e Clarence The coinage of the half-cent is being ...... Äg ,nd Orgfandies, in Fancy ShaJ,;;;, Crei •J®®" tut CH EFFRON , est olHct ed this da at A 0 L A D IE S STOCK COLLARS F and F a n c y c h a p e Ties, £ íbíp K ,, - toGOn’t fo r g e t t h e m Ll-’-V Iif, • 1 Ynst w ty#>orth For ock P. M. lie Coutil i Bromo-C one day cents, e Dalles ■anl-mas tc iän were r W a F f ll 'SSF . ■iSCOn'lltlS* , caxarasave ribbons ’ , «Shades and of best quality, including V p I wi ® • O O B S E T S a n d HOSIEE Collar •**•*“*• Ä « j I ’ S H I R T W A IS T S , „ • ÿ and 24 t prwine ie vote fot ßfy m French ‘ ro n e yet C a n v a ss and Dress S o a r s $ r a l^ , practice, ought to slop the wars and j ,ta te > tl,e U- B- «»d common decency; A sou was horn to Mr. and Mrs’ C I I demanded from numerous quarters. In rumors of impending wars which keep ha8 rlalnl8 upon every man sent to the Rowe, late of Nelson creek, a couple ol the early history of tho country this «very box of tho th genuino the little republics to the south of ns ' • S> s *tnate—claims, which in this case " eeks "S° at their home near Eugene. tu “1 u“> »ot seem to he needed. Bnsi- Tablets ■tirred up all the time, to the detrim ent J 1,ave been 'k’nored. Things are not aa | 11 It on the Downing place, ¡„stead ' neM liad not reached the degree of ilcMtfv«p Aromo-Quinine > > cpiri 1« 0. W. of their people. Only few people appreciate the val Paymaster General Bates reecomends ue of good papers to a town hut these in his annual report, that the law allow- keep the press going and hopo sustains^. ing t^n or twenty per cent extra pay to Week after week, yoa'r in and year out i „ oificers m ------ and __ , soldiers ... the .the feiyfful paper ha.nmers away, eve.-y j island possessions of the Serving TJ. S. and in Alas- L ; . “ ""' - .......... “ ¡Her r wl wi m aty has is. •three dan z •J, in nieuin Leed to pur id find it iers who f and help u e will, for m J Boots uid first cost j thdy once were. No public man can '/f Bepiot’8 Hint the Carlyles and division and specialization that rentier- Sobarla wei op,':il>' li’e an immoral life and retain ! rn^ces aR-oin'1*“ logg“’g- T“e two ed U u8etul- Li »¡I new countries, i 11,0 re8Pect and support of either his ’ t T ” 1"’ ' Where r«ourees have to he developcal, , ¡‘nmedlate constituents or of tf.e general Wednesday“ "’T n ' V 'a*1 there is a disregard for detail and small n n lilic i ■ . 1 s i , a n .i let! m o re ___ rapidly tho next day than they have things. As civilization progresses and ™ 1 1,1 ~r I. i ■ ; been known to do in mnnv years. population increases, the trading an,| U sed by B ritish S oldiers in A frica . I Prank Eldridge is building a house every-day büainusa is done on huer ~ on ’“is place across Lake creek from lines. serving m countries beyond Everything of local public moment i the Capt. C G Dennison i» well known all , , hat oi. ? lr8l downing, his mother-iu limits of the IT, S. proper, and that Convenient sma 1 coins for use in over Africa as commander — of the did • not X m T i T T n T ¡ ' ¡ * forces = 1 i : 'llW/, *'Ir8> E |dri«igo '■"“» » - ime living small transactions so far , .........,;olldiive to economy from Greenleaf. I and saving. I„ California in the pi„. m . . t , » w r , „ „ „ ,; ? d“ " ,89:' ¡necr days there were no coins Jess than ‘ i"J"n tor “ • » ') ' - y » r » « • O ui». r . n . , m „ . „ „ j ,, mg on the last campaign I bought « ' 'V lbU N i I EivlS. ¡ a d ‘u>e. All transactions jn which , « .............................. ...... ....................... ........................... i ; cbango could not be exactly made, lesa even things that do not start with it are in China do not G e n I t , . i and H‘ "rhoea Remedy, which I used Bv Ic it Di ex . than a dime caused a Iosa to one side 1 think thia fair, Bat« d<*«n »| myself when troiiblud with bowel co m - pualiod along with increasing foice by , . bowel com- , “nd a gam ,o t |ie utfier For Plaint, and hnd given to my men, and Its constant, Bithful exploitation. Nov. 5, 1900 Professor W B Parker, of Penns;, lva- in every case it proved most beneficial. I ume California affected to despise nickel Foggy weather but pleasant. These are lactii which'the most 'callqlia m a, a chemist who has nmde a study of ro r kale by 0 . W. H ur l. but the advantage of making doser A Warden inudu a fi will adm it. The worst old foi Hying trip to E.i- il con- high exjilosivevg gene last. week. n . . , p ri„u „ 3 " , 7 b ¡ ■" a' " ' • ‘dually recommend., BURGHE3 ACTIVITY IN SOUTH 1 Ben Lyons was in this vicinity last Cd ,tself' a“d n°w even the e, AFRICA. copper cent week haying calves. can be safelvy kept for any 11» gaming ground in that sta paralyse business interests "f great ! . i i u,oru t,IHn j Rmgth of time, without C A Barron is down from Hiukson’s rt*8ourccs an 1 iiU ... .... < F. Chro&iclt. deteriotion and Internal war or the loss of a full crop. ! lmhilltv . , , logging >ggmg camp to vote. vole. , a, Y»t h « . t i 1 ■ haoiltry io oxplode without ipparcut W hether the burghers etiR in iii an ms as j /4. , io c demand fur t Yet how few business men, even “e half-cent comes w en ,callei.. cMiis.. He H„ thinks . .. nu t.i, n , even rvvent explosion A':1" ’“1 a a “ ior,ty j„ South , G ark 8lep‘'«,>* of L’enellyn was doing from thow sections of the country where • though depending day by day iy on the aM hc gov rnuu.nt provi|lu Bliition - -nva aiv many or few, they are at cans- j bl" " " e88 111 l1“ 8 "Clio., last week, ! Ihe »tragi,, fur gratuitous work of the papers 8 in their til« Pm.,,,,.,. i ‘ xisience is becoming C A Cornell was calling on his old , • 11 g ‘•‘’'““ durable appiebcuaion among •rai’ ,h„ A 1. " - " m k t o n , was the loya, colomst. because of ,h more dillicul a "d where toe subdivis- ! auaeol their ex- irl' ,lda J Dickenson and iamilv. community ever help the th e r natters lo r U,s bv smoke:,,.. ...wher, Which our , " a' ,r«linary ions of business ami ............... I h e lp ', sake. . it . must lllways M naval „dicers l.aj declare! -f,.,, , "ctivity. It is even sus- Miss Ella Gross spent Sunday of always promise competiti,,n this i p.-, te,l by some that the disbandment o f ; "v«“ with home folks nt E lm ir., pnces cause tue loss of even a fi them more than they give or they won’t ,, ' 1 ' vopintcers n„s been premature. If so | Old Father Fisher is „„ hetier at this p t r o n i a i i t . They *,Wl “ “ i “‘»’‘mg change 4 ___ _________ _ _ on ______ Cork early and late from pulillk rj.irilerl tho ’ ' ' a ' '" " ,tr-v 18 on‘’ of the act »ill cast a refiection Lord » ru in g . He is getliu very poorly. There are many things sold for a cent R olnrts, who has been a model of George Nichols and which would he sohi molives only,- while for il,emservesH?eje Wr a c V" V*rU* “ eaumm.ness and discretion. T in. sus- ’eft last w e e M tr n G r e m S s m a half cent if jn u .t be p r e ^ u of gain in p|„m v i i ’ J ’r*’ N' Y ’ « • " such a coin existed. The dollars would j Pimm seen.» to be confirmed by General worit- I probably take car or they |e t us alono. This is dim to d i c i ting n g Washington. the subject- He " I t said, w idle J , l|( fc of themselves better m i’s appeal to the men of Gape J,ls8 Sleiln W hittaker of Walton w is has la>en if the half cent Were felee education uud ready desire oil th "* * J ’ existence tube, t o.onyto enlist in the irregular forces, “ 'is neighborhood ulKHI1 H-e recruiting of which h is been ¡ ^ " ' X * w , • c rt of the paper man to he everybody ’s c* how, when lack Dorse. But because it* is a free itm sie d to rn ,,,. Brabant explains th at j , / A . " erc I " A A “ 'e ' M8t ‘oni that can he iior.e i« it really good policy to ride it the return of refugees to th e ' disturbed burg last w eek.’^ 8*“ 1 U“ ‘ Ha“ 'IS' our ' , ' 11,1 ll:® ha:f cent to! to doatliT May it not he killing the Vn5:ea’,hr KMlRJS Make Inipare Bfcod. d:si n ets is us yet impossible. Another Mr Walter» the Find» m „ A ' "r* 'a8B 11 '« profits of | lien th at lay. the golden eggsY All the blood In y ^ ’ bJdy r •’ ..„favorable s,g„ is found in the repress- bad a mew of’ men runmng ies to that cp,’, d 'e fanning logs 0.1 the ’«» to that elas of n e, , | 0S8' ble C< ° " ° '‘ I by the British. *S ot“ "«t » vek. U" ’ «'«l das of f ' b ’ n.akesn,a’i p , r 7 , ° ° bliKt i •*aa P trcbases. As it ¡, no| . ‘refuotvin have been ^°rnell of for limber lands " aS Iooki"K ei“ 'er t|,t. m u tein mid nre there '° ‘ '.“ " A i l‘" Ull‘ tl,i8 v'cimiv ner or the v imfr.i.. pun iiaj»er m i < 11,18 these mail wpek. He ,a y , ,le founJ ■'‘•»‘i'li.T, wkmi, by tJ)eir; de the city. quarter „umher are w ent i. solicited don't Insult the mah |Chdrr wc,kh' y<ail,Odj 1:° ‘‘ra vvvr 14 H u rs o fa g e b u n d in the occtmu th at suited him. great importaiic Mr. W T Cornel a common hegg«r, and if you f’alns.achesmdrheu- ‘‘ " ‘'« 'y contiguous to Bliwnitontein, Ids blacksudth si',",„ "Mr lo*‘' 8 or gains. p o ? u CS ^ X; "« ......... .. - obo be- H e c X t ^ „ i rc ,:,r e V A " ? ,3 Ï G- ” “ v e a c e n t ea(;|) w ant sparu dou’t cry him down—doa n Tv amounts to I —dow n from his rates until' he must kWney trouble. .'car. ,,,J to raven half c m blood- d“e to neglected 1 * rounded to prevent them iron, P'“ ‘t "" l e r l-ellows ami i„ ., s ', , work for uotiung as your slave. Hold Kidney :lle burgher command,,» ,n the ' l‘1''to v ered ‘''«t the be..,, .. ‘ ■ --- --J trouble caises quick or v - - c a p. a 8 a »¡..g of „„e-hu|f of I •U“ r"‘‘ 1 ’0 badly that l be same. Tl up Ids hands—he will do you and yotrrs heart treats, and makes «»• feel as ib o u ^ “e,d. Interrupted train an 1 temgraen m country non votre. jhey hi>, hMr( remlbKbeca’uAt^Vean? — a p ; “ “ ‘ r. aomfit muid have the : at toe simp will be »l|iiH..|,m. good. Hn is always piiblio Spirited b y ( over-working In pumpmR thick kA,' ‘‘‘’“‘" '““ tcutluns testil tify io a for a lew half cent, irry ; don’t ,hrcu?,‘ v« ns and'arterx's?" “ ’„ditioii. There is haturv and hia load to carry N O T lC u P O R R J B U O A T I O N that c,m. only ml"«'™ ............... V' :de“ tly " " “-'b ' • . It twed to be Considered Considered tha, pile ...ore on him simply because you troubles were to |3 ‘be frw.'as.l ,r, ced s~ J*' «c s . . * « ° 1 k -'d »o 1« done before ibe «omjuered SUNDAY SERVICES. èan. Keep Ida, strong and' bravo and ' m u X t i m t t d i ^ J î ^ . i h" !warl^ r''g'un 18 red"‘ ‘‘d “ > » of pacific»- • u'ity of finish, quality of material, Land «BARINGS, *d constitutional diseases ha,a ,k . ‘ L , " Flomn.-j, Sunday School 10 A ' bc<‘"- tru e and lie will keep you in man» it nine In kidney,roude like a l.iryC|e’f b '' ' ! »">koiiinsifip, the simplest, n»1«' Xn>| JÍ2 H y '° " *re. y‘»* can make no mistake place wheie you cannot keep yourself. . p preaching v . 11 a m ; Junior Endeavor : of attschuienls, easy payments, oM make the • The “ Acme, premili ng, 7 r „_ and.heeznaordinir'y eiiem m n r Vo, "’'!d k '**'h,,r* Tbe fcv., » G» i m exchange, o,;;;,,.., hundred tl*'*"Tij •ug«. “ W H ITE" - S w am p-R oot. kldie^ *,u’’" ‘al' ,P clmrtered by R A Ora- a!,er8'th ir ty years of success, , _ the Easiest soon realized. It „ .„ d s the highest tor |,s nmro can you ask? a * unni pg l. n«n »la» f Machine Bicycle» rnn b i .l l d i u g ^ 's l u ffii’^ ^ X - ^ . h * '* " t h 't Ajl,li‘ r “ * “ •* ‘•‘•ilipp.nes ] pri- Mude . X » . t for Infanta am! Children. most rinrebhi al|d l"*T »iH lillg J cent and one-dollsr sii-iii'Kljfc., ’ *’'* •••led (non Portland ’b»t Agnii,al,|0 “ *'• ! I__ ,w*s shot and killed soine 0,1 the m arket. Call or write and let as I»"*8 es. You may have a B£^ ‘i f ‘“i « b o u t Oct. 1st, and is said to have car- timc ago. IO |.n,,c ■ samyta bold« by mall tr.»,. r""* ,n ‘"' ll,e Portland Milling Uo. tbs dtl'ailo,, ' Bears tha -.o’ ! / ’0 ^ " ’Pb’et telling you how fc> find largest cargo tt.jat ever left that city U SUITS that VOIT h- ,1 I . . eu, H v z you have kidney or trouble. „ , . ------- --------------- '* - — -w r« ea.x«..^7 ut p bladder leader Trouble. Btraatisr«« J. c th e m: I i nr, . T , . MSimon this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer .V'"'. "•• < »•«»«•!•. r " r w .c r a „ , i viuli2. P i; , :o“' | i’'":'- , « Co., Dlnghamtu.n, N. Y. k « **rç- u c u c ialbdrujiii»isntmal------ »*ari!!a. >• U'- ------- ‘ , u r c t ''> - G £ T Ï : O û C ’S.' •I '0-30G Pont S treet, San F ra n c ia .'J, Cal. ■>. 1. II, a KAP C A S H S T O f f l R ^i'v G o o d s ,G r o c e r ie s ★ and ÀNofl FLO REN CE M EAT M A R K E T. fi,e,,d8 in Over-Work Weakens \ our Kidneys, m T H E W H I T S 15 KIN6- .-an M . CASTOR IA “White” fbi IW You Hara Always Bought S E W MACHINE C O M 3 B T aixe , D ealer '! W h ite S cA in ir M a c h ín —, *1 «