TEN PE R CENT DISCOUNT SALE. W ill b e g i» e n by t h e - * Bunas the tor pid liver, and cure biltousnoss, sick h e a d a c h e , iaundlej, nausea, lndlget f tic-n, etc. They are In­ valuable to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy your confidence. Purely vegetable, they can be taken by children or deliuate women. Prlco, Hoe. at all medicine dealers or by mail Of C. I. H ood dt Co., Lowell, Mass. j . W E A T H ERSON tor and P r o p r ie to r . ■J?-» » . in a d vanee.- 1 a t th e n ty , Oregon, Í Of a t Florence, second-class J From 25 to 50 per cent discount on all U“ts Ht C o. in th e ir n e w h a ll a t A c m e on FfiiflA Y , NOVEMBER 2 ,j W e c o n te m p la te w ill g iv e y o u a discount s tr i c t ly u p -to -d a te . fo llo w in g goods, |t h a t a ra E o n o t fo rg e t t h a t e r r p ric e s a re b a se d o n c a sh sa le s, a n d w h e n y o u g e t t t n ’p e r c e n t d is c o u n t fro m th e s e p rices y o u g e t v a lu e s n o t fo u n d a n y w h e r e else. The E v e ry b o d y in v ite d to com e a n d e n jo y th e m s e lv e s . C L O T H IN G , HA TS, OVER­ T H IS CUT G E Gibbs will prepare supper for all who wish to partake R e p re s e n ts o n ly one M rs CO ATS, J A C K E T S Meyer & K yle’s. o f th e m a n y s ty le s W 0 Zeigler of E ugene raised 1000 I _ & CA PES, M ACK­ each insertion boxes of apples from one acre of ground. T h e l i e W gasoline launch Oom w h ic h w e c a n su p - IN T O S H E S , M E N ’S They were shipped to I.os Angelos, Cal. - Paul” will ledve Mapleton a t 3 P m ace, Ore. Nov. 2, l i l i io. The launch, Oom P aul, towed a scow and Florence a t 7:30 p M, return- p ly ’ o f th e C R 0 U S E q u e , i,* , R U E B B E R BOOTS, load of cattle up th e river from D r. K en­ & B R A N D E G E E W OOL BLANLETS, W E S T L IN G S . n ed y ’s ranch for W Nichols last S atu r­ • ing to both places after tho dance day. Round trip tickets from Map leton, F I N E C L O T H IN G . S H IR T W A IS T S A T C ham berlain’s Stom ach nml Liver 50 cents. S h a d e ; forite cathartic is H ood’s Pills. COST. T ablets cure biliousness, constipation anil headache. They are easy to take for W arranty Deeds for sale PERSO N A LS. and pleasant in efiect. For sale by but office. O W H urd. e m eeting of the c ity council E llard Nelson arrived here yesterday Ask C harlie S au b ert to explain to yon day evening. about the difference in rates on freight from California. ported th a t th e G ardiner school between an ordinary grade of goods and On goods that wo sell at t e n p e r CENT DISCOUNT WO will not give Ole M yriad is living in th e Dublin Sri account of measles, a fancy article, even though the latter house on M adison street. premium tickets, but on all other goods tickets will be given as cent discount on all R ubber tnav be done up in a small handle. S heriff W ithers was in town yesterdav before. W o have a ¡very fine line of D E C O R A T E D H A N D Roseburg Review : The Roselinrg- delivering election supplies. M eyer and Kyle,», I M arshfield stage company have taken Mrs. Chas. Stonelield of Sam aria was P A IN T E D C H IN A W A R E , which we give away. VPn catches of salmon were rennrted 'r p - n e i off th eir vehicles and are packing th e . i() F l0 « « c s M atah y . « s i n g . , / an a the fisherm en are Biniling mail on horseback. Tney prefer to get P. FR A N K & SON, Wm Holcombe is learning about the tlr. I 1 ttie mail through in tim e to attem p tin g m ysteries of Odd Fellowship.* Eugene, Oregon. savy rains early th is week to carry passengers over w inter roads. H H Hawley of Wildwood was a pas-1 e river enongh to bring down All d elinquent in road tax, are re ­ seuger to Acme on T uesday’s boat. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. s Wednesday. quested to call a t th e offilce of C II H oi SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. A1 Ready w ent to H eceta y e ste rd a y ; .v’g G u ard : A wagon load *of den, Florence Oregon and adjust th eir We have ju s t received Irom th e facto­ .... ialm nn was sold on the street accounts at once. F or convenience of with the election supplies (or th a t pre-1 The W est Real E state office has bar ry a new seven draw er, oak finished, those concerned this place has been ci net. ’’ l i t w ept quickly and was fine. gains to offer in th e following property. Cham pion sewing m achine, m ade by Jo h n Steear had his shoulder sprained mes of C H Holden and W. It. designated,,w here all hills on paym ent, A good dw elling house, and black­ quite badly a lew days ago by a fall from th e New Hom« Sewing M achiue Co. ek appear in the list of those will be duly receipted. sm ith shop doing a good business in a a horse. Call a t the W est office and exam ine thriving town. The ow ner desires to O W S utton , be called to do duty as U S Road Supervisor. Mrs. W R McCornack returned home tlie m achine liefore puchasing elsewhere. change his locution, A tine opportunity rors. He C ough and w o rk s etr the Ci>l<1. W ilbur cut respondent of Drain W atch­ W ednesday after a three week’s visit ill for the right m an. Price $850. TO OUR PATRONS. a Bronio-Qninine T ablets r.iii-e a m a n : T his town has a blacksm ith— E ngene. ICO acres of unim proved land on N orth one day. No C are no I’av. I ‘‘U ncle J o h n n y ” Law ton—who is 83 W Nichols was on tidew ator a few Fork about ten miles from Florence is cents. We havo m ade arrangem ents hy offered for saled. N ear to county road. years of age, and who aside from ham- i days ago gathering up cattlu which lie ll*r A phptH, I which we will furnish the Weekly Will m ake a good stock ranch. Price " ehool £ bell has been repaired inering iron and shoeing horses, walks purchased some tim e before. nee of tw o or three weeks and to the county seat and back th e same Mrs. H II H awley has resigned ns ! Oregonian with th e W est for one vesr $450. n be heard calling the buys ami day. He has worked in the shop con­ teach er of ttie Acme school and will go to any address for th e sum of two dol­ 150 acres mostly timbe> land lying in ls rt payable cash in advance. tinuously for nearly seventy years and to E astern Oregon witti M r. H aw ley. reboot. section 13, tow nship, 18 south, range 10 M cKinley lias issued his we are expecting th a t when he shall Capt. Ludvig C hristensen handled the west. A bout three acres cleared. A CO N TEST NOTICE. ation ’ designating T hursday, have thoroughly learned th e trade he wheel of ttie M arguerite a day o r two creek large enough to float logs runs will be one of th e first sm iths of the er to be deserved as the th is week while C apt. H u rd took a lay­ through th e luml. P i ice f 550. country. United States Land Office. T hanksgiving day. off. A good store building and lot in Acme. Ruxeburg, Oregon, Sept. 27, 1900. | • ite rta im a e n t is to Is? given in C ha M3 erlain '8 P ain B alm C ure 3 Dr. Patterson came up from G ardiner A sufficient contest affidavit having been Conveniently located tor husiuess. The *■' • future for th< the benefit of the OTHERS. W hy N ot Y o u -’ S aturday m orning and put back in place ; filed in this office by Philip Lum contestant, upper p art is finished up for a dw elling. srian church. F u rth e r partieu- I Dr. E v a u s’ urm which was dislocated a t against Homestead entry No. SSil'l, made March Price $700. 2.'i, 139.1, for lota 3, 5 and 8, Section SI, Township be give« next week. My wife has been using C h am b erlain ’s tb s shoulder, over a week before. Dr. 17 S. Range 11 W. by Nets W. Christensen, Con- 40 acres on W ildest creek, 12 to 15 der to m ake room for a m-u Pain Balm, with good lesults, for a lame P atterson lias been called here q uite testae, in which it is alleged that the said acres bottom and low bench; a good s Will, for the n ex t SO days, s»ll shoulder th a t has pained h er continu­ frequently aud his practice continues to entrynuui has wholly abandoned the tructs embraced in his homestead entry and chunged building p lace; fine cedar und fir tim ­ -nd Bouts regardless of former ally for nine years. Wo have tried all ! increase, his residence therefrom for a period exceeding ber ; county road opened across th e land ; kinds of medicines and doctors without id first cost. six months, since making the entry; thut the a good stock ran g e; % fi-ile from post T O THE DEAF. receiving any benefit from any of th em . tracts are not settled ujain und cultivated as Meyy-r & Kyle, office; m iles from school house, required by law, and that said alleged absence to purchase m at. r i a l f o r I h i ­ One day we saw an advertisem ent of w here school is taught 0 to 8 m onths in from the said laud was not due to his employ i this medicine and th o u g h t of trying it, A rich lady cured of her Deafness and I luent in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the a year. Price $250. nd find it necessary m n-k .. n bers wUp are owing us, to call i which we did with th e best of gatisfac- Noise« in the Head hy Dr. N icholson’s United States as a private soldier, officer, son- A tract of about 50 acres fronting on put in th is m atter, I lion. She bus used only one bottle and Artificial Lui D rum s, gave $10,000 to his I man. or marine during the war with Spain or Clear lake th ree m iles south of Florence. I her shoulder is alm ost well.—Adolph In stitu te, eo th a t deaf people unable to • during any other war in which the United le A Co have p- - ■ .States may be engaged. Said parties are here- A fair house und about five acres cleared. L M illet, M anchester, N II. For sale I j p procure lia s r r D D ru rum may have ru cu re th t u e n m » s univ nuve th m em e m , h) notified , to , apjiear, respond ■ and , oiler . evi- • engines of the Wrecked steain- hy O. W. H u rd . _ ' A good wagon road from th e place to Iree. Address No. 105/3-c. The Nich- deuce touehlug said allegation at W o’clock it. w m t ashore on ttie the Siuslaw river a t G lenada. A fine olson In stitu te, 780, E ig h th Avenue, »n. on November ». l«ou, before c . H. Holden Utuok several m onths Price A CARD O F THANKS- , V. S. Commissioner, at Florence, Oregon. And place for a sum m er residence. I New York, U . 8. A. that final hearing will be held at 10o’clock a. m. $600. TN O X Ï D AY on November 11, li-oo. before the Register and A tract of a little over two acres of W e wish to retu rn very m any th an k s i LOGS WANTED. Receiver at the United States Land olfico in J f oinine T ablets. to th e kind neighbors and friends who I ______ bottom land betw een Florence and Roseburg. Oregon. m oney if they so kindly assisted ns during th e eickness j The auid contestant having, in a proper affi­ Acme, lying on tidew ater near R ote e ’s signature is death and in term en t of our loved wife I Partiefi '« coining sum - service of this notice ran not be made, ft is sm all fruit. Price $200. on th e Colunt- peciaily thank Mrs. Jn o . Pope, O Will- , for lo«8 to l* hereby ordered and directed that -inch notice be tlm ugh several ¡eut, Wm. W heeler and K ate Downing, ! w e r “ nd ial1 wl11 |,leaa0 a t ° “ ,:e given try due aud proper publication. ICO acres of land near C lear lake lying Ire seines have i also Messrs. Lawrence Lamb, O W illeut, ' t0 J. T. lininaaa, Register. in section I I , tow nship 19 south, range I. B. C ushm an, J. H. B ooth , Receiver. are very few and Seth Siuiinone for th eir kind aasist- 12 west. Price $250. Acme, Oregon. anee. 112 acres unim proved land lying on en w ent out J A B u rn ett. the north side of C lear lake 2% miles .y at low tide C J B u rn ett, ALASKA GOLD FIELD- soul 1» of Florence. A good wagon road in th e mu-l. Alice B u rn ett. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned irom it to tho Siuslaw river. Price $000. m e. O ne boat F irst steam ship for Cape Nome and has lieen appointed Administrator of the Estate 160 acres on u p p er N orth F ork, ., e, a. '>f Anna Mathilda Eunice hy the County Court J others a less $ 1 0 0 R eward , » 1 0 0 . Cape fo rk will sail from S eattle, M ay ,,f Lane County, Oregon. All perBoiiM haviitx large part of it bottom land. W ill make ¡10. Thia will be a large ship w ith a * claima Rgfthi't Milgenr, Oregon. case th a t it fails to enre. Send for liât j paper. County of Lane, state of Oregon has this day m iles Irom F lorence is now offered for filed In this office his sworn statement No. 1199, t life is hardly of testim onials. sale. for the purchase of the W’$ NFJ4, MJ4NW4. G EiiER A L NEWS A ddress, F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. * dose of Chain - I t contains 109 acres, 35 of it bottom of Section No. 2», in Township No. 13 s. Sold by druggists, 75c. and Liver Tablets. Rsnge No. 9 IV,and « ill oderproof to show that land and 30 acres have been plowed r stom ach, tone up j H a ll’s family Pills are the best. Alvord a trusted note teller for 20 the land sought Is more vulnablc for Its timber Can cut 35 tons of hay. A good tw o plate your bowels years in th e F irst N ational hank in New or »tone than for agricultural purposes, and to story house 2« hy 38 feet; a barn 44 by N O TICE T O TA X PA Y ERS. establish his claim to said laud before the a new m an. For ! York has dis ppe-irud and his accounts Register and Receiver of this office at Knueburg, 70 feet, with heavy fram e; a goat Imnse are nearly <700,IFM slio it. Oregon,oil Tutwiay the Cth day oi November, 10 l-y 49 feet; an orchard of about 600 It has been th e custom and re q u ire ­ The citizens of Oalsfiomn and Indian 1900. trees of different kinds of fru it has been it plant a t Cottage lie ltAtne* an witnesses: hearing for a year or two, fesday m oiiiing and m ent of th e law for the Sheriff of the. T erritory w ant single slaiehoYal for the H. H. Flffk.oi Point Ternwe, Oregon; Frwl A w ater w heel'of about 8 horse power ttiess. The loss is ; C ounty to serve T ax W arrants for De­ two territories. The form ation of Fink, of Eugene, Oregon; John X. Wood», of t o promtrtP th ia en d h as co*n- Mnpleton,Oregon; Hubert Lynch, of Mapleton, furnishes m otive power a t th e barn lor ^ ■ ih fifiOO insurance | linquent Taxes on th e P roperty of th e o rg a n ise d Oregon. en ttin g feed, saw ing wood, etc. ^pF operty of Andrew D elinquent Tax P ayer— bu t ow ing to in en cu d . T he firH Any and all ctalB‘ln« «dverecty the The farm is \ m ile Irom school and I Who mya ti* « ill begin bet-oil-l- th e passage of a new law such notices at W agoner, I. f . D eterm ined effort« •h»ve-d«M-rlbml p*rMn’ land, are requested Io file their hereafter will not be served or posted on in th is direction are lieing made by the clalnis in this office ou or before Mid Mh day of m ile from a connty rood. \ !( j ! Schooner Bella ■ailed from San D elinquent P roperty—bu t a cerliS cule leading people of those territories. November lvuo. Price $1600. J. T- B aitx lts, i ’ Iwfl l»«t Frida t for thia place, of levy will be file-1 with th e C o u n ty A baignin for anybody w anting A t m ilitary h eadquarters it is state-1 Regbtr-r. farm . ig (oar vessel# th.ti are now >ni the C lerk—and then th e custom ary Notice th a t th e first in -iailm en t of the volun­ F or fu rth er inform ation inquire a t the ^¿jfere. Two of them were off from of Sale of Properly for D elinq-.ent Taxes teer arm y now in tire Pl-ilinines will NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. W est office. f3s®olh of the fiver s.- verai days ago will be published in one of the C ounty ieave M anila November 1. . From th a t ' Ci>iLs •** ^*r Wa* U** lough fur them to Papers. This levy will he in via Nov. tim e until next Ju n e tran sp o rts will 1st, ltfijO, and advertising com m ence bring hom e aiaxit 25 009 men at th e len d Office at Row-bare, Orexon. S T O C K FARM- im uieiliately th ereafter. Tax Payers rate of 4,000 to 5,000 a m onth, October 13, 1900. to any who -re in o rd er to avoid eaponae of levy and » n»e«i'***H Notice la hereby elven that the following G M Hays general mannger of the netned settler has Bled notice of hla Intention -* f— t i r e X >! quantum of A good stock farm of 100 acres lying a-ivertisiiig m ould pay th e ir tax es at Grand Trunk railroad, hits i-een »elected to mcke final proof | n ant-port of h l, claim aud s t>t»ngh Remedy, lo know once. that .atI proof will I* made before F. H. Rog- on South slough is now offered for sale. for ti-e presidency of the Southern Pa­ t trin e and in teh in g i new hoitee, an orchard ol over 2U0 trees R. 11 Weaf nave received from T h e San Francisco E x am iner and th e UK !4.»g Is aw !4, Her. It, Tp. 19 on the place, and about 600,000 feet of He iiartM-athe following wllnereea to prove W x t r f - r u n e yisir $2.50 paid in a-l- h l, co vtlniran, resilience upou end caltlvatlon good tlndier conveniently ahnated for vanee. of, tajd lend, via: logging. Extensive ont range. About W n Servlee, of Alete, Oregon; Walter A u,tin, 15 bead of cattle, most of them cows, reo it has sä v e l from of Aleee. Oregon; Jehn Scholl«, of A im , Ore­ I wiusipiiig , - m i g l i E E P you r blood pure ami your with the land. Price $3,000, Including gon; Oeorge A Oe'.try of Oardlner, Oregon. stor.tach afwl d igestive organs in a stock. Inquire at the Florence Real J. T Baitsis,. Lcaliliy condition l»y taking H ihx T s ' E state Agency. Ucglsier. pariiht a id y o u w ill be W ELL, t R° < s - KNOWN ON AP- A C M E C O n n E R C IA L Co. w ill receive their n ew stock o f W IN T E R GOODS in a few days. y >LLABS the rs, MEYER & KYLE irm .* * W ove Q iw a y s on * H and He a P in e e ^ to c l^ o f G (^ o e E ^ iE g , 1 3 ry M, C ^ood; I ★ ★ U r e s s C joods e ss r Boots L; G ent’s F urnish ing Goods, A ■ & Shoes, H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest ente?; F lo r e n c e , JOHN C. BECK. Poliit Terrace, Or. eith K ÍW." saw Florence, Or. W. NICHOLS. E lm ira, Or. FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Far»m X W . H. W EA TH ERSO N . O e f á n . timber» £an<^ aod £ ov / q 2ot$ Uoci^t arad ^old on com m ision. Pkrties having Real Estate to sell will do well to place it on our list. Anybody desiring chase Real Estate vited to examine list and see w hat we have to offer.