C o n s tip a t io n , H e a d a c h e , B ilio u s n e s s , MÜKN1NG— , L am * C oukty , O regon .— ... k .• . W JäATJIF.R SO N r aud Proprietor. : $1.60 a year in advance.----- H e a rtb u rn , I n d ig e s t io n , HoodPs PsSfs 25 cents. of a|| D iz z in e s s , Indicate that yanr liver is out of order. The best medlLine to rouse the liver a n l cure all these ills, is found in th* post-oflfce at 1 -1,.renre, ly, Oregon, ea «econ.l-cluaH Sold by all medicine dealers. A FREE DANCE W il l b e g i we n by th e Acm e C o m m e r c ia l C o . in th e ir n e w h a l l a t A c m e on FRIDAY, GOATS FOR SALE. I have several choice Billys ol my own raising, ami a few from th e fam ous ! Bailey flock of C alifornia. They a re one aud two years old. I also have a i few nannies for sale in lots to suit. The I Billys of luy own raising are im proved from th e same stock as old “ B u m m er.” Oso. A. H ouck , Eugene, Oregon. Everybody invited to come and enjoy themselves. A STOCK FARM. A good stock farm of ISO acres lying Mrs G E Gibbs w ill prepare on South slough is now offered for sale. CATARRI OF THE STOMACH la en a n tla lly a chronic disease. T*>»r» la i n inflammation of ill* Inner c o a tin g .o f the »tcinach A thick, ropy m u tu i form? aad this t» u ie « the inora pronounced aeu -- »ym ptom s. It re- mult«* in th* »tomach ami o«- cumpuM«. Then or course cannot be proper­ ly performed. The livvr u I ko b ito m tl Involved nnd m a w ell marked case the sym ptom s are moat sever«. The great vegetable remedy 111 h D VAN never fails t? ef­ fect a cure. 11 LU- V VAN can be had of .¿11 Urugrtata for rbc per pack­ age W hen vau have used H U D ­ YAN tell your friend* about It» effects. They also w ish to be cured. Study your sym ptom s carefully from this chart. Koch number represent* a sym ptom or a croup pymotoma. You have the sym p tom s*^ so H U DYAN and they will di»appear Don t w ait any longer. Cancer of the atem nen often baa it» bairlnnlnc In a sev ere u i» e «< catarrh of the btomach. The ACM E C O nriE R C IA L Co- From 25 to 50 per oent discount on all H ats a t M eyer & kyi . k ’ s . ! supper for a ll w ho w ish to p artake About half of it is bottom and title land, tiie tide laud being already diked. A O «ATR* MA»« • M < .t i .<-r F or several days th e cunnerym en were netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- i Uac, ttie wonder-worker, that m ake, weak men offered for luted. Nenr to county road. (thing well and W u ritu is happy bid'ling against each otiier and 25 cents strong. All druggists, 60o or 81. Cure guaran- Will make a good stock ranch. Price REM OVED apiece was paid for silver salmon Tues­ i a t high tido. - teed. Booklet and sample free. Address C *. Chicago or New York $450. ,o condemned scow- «1 . > 1, im - day m orning. A roiinction in price was r 1 Ttie Acme Commercial Co h a v e ' 150 acres mostly timbe* land lying in aired atiove townf for a year or announced for th e next day, but 15 cts. H ats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, C O N T E S T N O T IC E . moved to th eir new store whicli they ! section 13, tow nship, 18 south, range 10 e sold at auction Tuesday. O W being uttered. I t rem ained at th e latter L . J west. A bout three acre« cleared. A uruhased one for i i and i I'­ figure yesterday and hut few if any of erected Hits sum m er in lower Acme. United States Land Office., th e men took tlveir catch to th e cannery. They have a largo and commodious creek large enough to float logs runs l l th e other for $27 Ro«eburg, Oregon, Sept. 27, 1900. through th e land. Price $650. yon have no appetite, do not The run of eilversides has been light 80 | building witti a fine store room attached A Htiffieient contest utlblnvit having been A good store building and lot in Acme. our food and feel doll after eat - far ttiis season and few of the fisherm en Ttie ofti;e of the Siuslaw and Sail F ra n ­ filed hi this office by Philip Lums contestant, mav know that you need a «lose tiave made m uch. Many of them say cisco Lum ber Co and ttie Acme post of­ against IltwneHteud entry No. KH3, made March C onveniently located for business. The j US. 1S95, fur l.>tt 8. a amt <1, Section 31. Township ; |ip per part ¡g finished Up for a dw elling roherlein’s Stoma« i- a d - t they would rath er quit work than fish fice are located in ttie sam e building. Ttie company have a large stock of new i 17 8. ttauge It W. by Nets W. Christensen, Con- Price f $700. Price, 26 cents. - t u p le s lic e for 15 cts. testee, lu which it is ullegi-d that the saiil goods on ttie wav from San 1 rancisco, eutryniuu lias wli.illy alsoutoiiucl the tracts lo rd ’s drug «.lore. 40 acres on W ildcat creek, 12 to 15 BEST FOR THE BOW ELS having been shipped on the schooners embraced lu his humeatesd entry and changed brought a large his resilience therefrom (nr a period exeeeding acres bottom nnd low bench ; a good Sacram ento and Lizzie P rien . J Nieolle’s log- Ttie proprietors b I iow th eir political six mouths, since fliakiiig the entry; that the building place ; tine cedar and fir tim ­ No m atter w hat ails you, headache to d ay. Tiie raft traets are not settled 'upon aud cultivated as b er; county roadopeDed across th e land ; faith by displaying the picture of Mc­ requited by law, anil that ssld allegetl absence aeiv B io’s fish a cancer, you will never got well un til n good Btock range ; % mile from post Kinley and Roosevelt in prom inent po­ from the said laud *vas n«it «hie to his employ­ ied away quite your bowels are put right. CASCA ment in tire Army, Navy or .hartire Corps of tire office; l>.j mile« from school bouse, RETS help n atu re, cure you w ithout a sitions. United States as a private soldier, oflicer, sea­ w here school Is tau g h t 6 to 8 m onth« in gripe or pain, produce easy n atural man, or marine during the war with Spain or a year. Price $260. en in Blood is th e record of NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS movem ents, cost you ju st 10 cents to during any other war til which tho United Sarsaparilla—the i--»»«-. , A tract of about 60 acres fronting on States may lie engaged. Salit parties are here­ sta rt getting your health hack. CAS- ffOitf*1"* blood which it has given C lear lake th ree miles south of Florence. by i.otlfied to appear, respond and offer evi­ It has been th e custom and re q u ire ­ CARETS Ca^idy C ath artic, ttie genuine, ate of men, women and .-¡„phen, dence touching said allegation at 10 o’clock a. A fair house and about five acres cleared. m ent of tire law for the Sheriff of the W arran ts for I)«- I m. on November 5, ISOO, teforc C. H. Hidden A good wagon road from th e place to the time curing di-«-.«« - - f u >«' p u t up in metal boxes, every tab let has C. C. O. stam ped on it. Beware of Countv to serve Tax at Floience, Oregon. And _ . ' i V. x. ■ H. Cotnniiawinner, a/xaaaa... --- a - — nerves, kidneys an I I ; ! linqnent Taxes on the P roperty of t “« ! tbBt ai,Bl boari,w wni hekl aitOo’clock a. m. the Siusluw river a t G lenada. A fine iiiutatiuns. D elinquent Tax P ayer— hut owing to ol, x Ovember 15, two. before the Register and place for a sum m er residence. P rice I ’o rtt.m l fnsionist? -« «-• - • get a satisfactory the passttgu of a new law such notices Receiver at the United titatea Land office in $600. SUNDAY SERVICES. Oregon. A tract of a little over two acres of ativo to fill the hereafter will not lie served or posted on Rimcburg, The Mid couteatant having, In a proper affi- . . . ______________ . death of A J D elinquent Property—hut a certificate ¡davit,filed September l'J, Pino set forth facts ’ bottom land betw een Florence and P RESBYTFKIAS AXXOUSCEMEXTS. R b d Ex Governor I of levy will he tiled witii the C o u n ty : which »how that after due diligence personal Acme, lying on tidew ater near Rose Rev A W Wigtit will preach in F lor­ ^W clim ld to make I Clerk—and llien th e custom ary Notice 1 service of this notice can not la- mode, it is H ill cannery. A fair house on th e land. IfitcC racken is the ence at 11 a . M, and at Acme a t 7 P, M. of Sale of P roperty for D elinqzei.t T axes I H«re»,y ordered and direct«! ttmt such notice he A fine place for gardening or raising J given by due and proper publication. Sunday school ami endeavor at the sm all fruit. Price $200. will be published in one of tiie C ounty J. T . RiunoKH, Register. u su al hours. 1. H. B ooth , lleociver. Papers. This levy will he made Nov. I 160 acres of land near C lear lake lying _ « m A aw remedy for Mliousness is now 1*1, lfkio, Kil l advertising com m ence ' in lection I I , tow nship 10 south, range 1 / F i t v a t O W Hurd’s <1 « im m ediately th ereafter. Tax P ay ers ( METHODIST AXXOl'XCF.MENT. 12 west. Price »250. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S . sil Chamberlain's Stomach and 112 acres unim proved land Iviug on Rev H H Buckner will preach at in order to avoid expense of levy and i _ .’ablets. I t gives , event the attack if given as soon Acme a t 1 1 a . m . and in Florence at advertising should pay th eir taxes a t « Notice I. hereby given that the undersigned the no rth si«le of Clear lake 2,'g miles once. has been appointed Administrator of the Estate I south of Florence. A good wagon road PROP^1 indication of the disease up- 3 I*. M. W. W . W ithers | of Anna Matiiikle Fuuke by th« County Court j from it to th e Sinslaw river. Price $000. Priee, 25 cents per box. 8am - ol Lane County, Oregon. All persona having j DIED. Slier iff of Lane C ounty, Oregon. claim« against aal«l e-tate are hereby required i 160 acres on upper N orth F ork, a F lo r e n c e , O r* e f° n . to present them, with the proper vouchors to large part of it bottom litnd. W ill m ake fcf Naahvrtle, Lin- H U R f HIS AKM David, th e little son of Mr and Mrs the iiii«lerelgiied at Ills otBiie In Klorence, fire- , a g (XWJ tluu,e, Prien $850. announced would gon, w lthht alx m onth, from the date of thia Buss died a t ttieir home on M aple creek 80 acres tim ber laml with creek large idles» in Florence W lii e retu rn in g in,in » protessional notlee. Sunday, Ootober 21st, l'JOO, aged 4 years Hated at Florence, Oregon, August, 2nd, l»o. enough to float logs running through th e ' arrive«! on the call in M up’.Gtoii prefiiiut last T h u rsd ay two m onths and 7 days. A. <1. Fuuke land and into tide w ater. P rice $526. ing. but on account Dr. E vans in«k with an accident from H is parents were both absent during Administrator of the eatnte of Anna Mathilde JOHN C. BECK. W . M. WEATHERSON. W . NICHOLS. th a t the laboring which he will h« lai«l np fur some tim e. 138 at res of land a t E lm ira, Orcgou. Funse, devessed. i his illness. Mr Buss being in Alaska Point Terrace, Or. , Only a very few were T he launch “ Oom P au l” was lying a t A box house, good barn, and plenty of Florence, Or. Elmira, where he has been for some two years, ^ B m e caine and the the bank above M apleton w aiting to outbuildings on p rem ires; 0 acres ! ami Mrs Buss in th e vailev w here she N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . bring th e doHor to Florence. As lie Dned. orcbartl, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 went about two m onths ago, not return acres more cleared land, and 80 Rcres ae Ix>an & Savings ing till the «lay alter th e funeral. She walked down th e bank be found his feet I slAsbed ; balance. b rash and tim b er United States I-and Office, Itraet for the exten- was hut a few miles fiom home when slipping and to nvoi,.XK SW See. 14, Tp. D a ., It. It West- lie naioevlhe i-dbtwbiit wltnesserto p on e A bargain for anybody w anting a |ro "tig«i<"'S to th is place orfeit. The crim e was CUMlwiltod h i. eo itlnaons re-eleuce «tpou and cultivathm ■ ns lor tl«e lairpcMe of th e basem ent of th e sen or« hanse. WANTED—ACTIVE MAN, OF OOH I) CHAR a C farm . of. said laud, viz; ter I-« deliver ami enlleet lu Oregon, for ohi JOH’d C. BECK For further information inquire at the pn g cream . For the W Dth-rvtc», of Al«en, Oregon; Waiter Auatln, e,tabll*hed manufacturing wholesale house «sv« a year, sure pay. H onest, more thanes peri W’gaT offl$c. liil lie '¡'ip p ' l hr of Alsea. Ologon; Job«i M a lt a , of Alaea, Ore- W. H. WEATHERSON« E R V Q U 5 tronbÌM aro etim i by enee re-|ti*red. Onr reference, any ls«nk lu auy ««anarata. .«Il i t » t iie nr-vrSs.rv rtty Enclose self add resist stamped envelo H o te ls ísaraupartíla, w h ich en- «.m; George A Ge- try of Ganllusr. Oregon. ‘•ur Candy Cathartic, eura .-«nai Ipatlou («rarer. W. NICHOLS Manufartorers, Third Bo«« XM iJeartvin» 1. T. Battel«». cuied a plant wnl be J ridi*« and purifies ttie bhiotl. Iti"(!«e • - Ma. 43a. U C. O. C. tali, druggist* refund luvaag. Cbieaca. will receive their new stock of W IN T E R GOODS In a few days. E Shade, verv MEYER a KYLE ★ ★ Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r d w a r E, Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest Or. FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Fapm £aßs^, timber» and Sov/n £otç Anybody desiring tc chase Real Estate is in vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer. ” Rdurata Yen, >,»*•«. Willi < N1 best nicdiukue for nervous P E O P L C . Rexlaler.