advertisers 4 SIUSLAW’S 0JÏL7 PAPES. < O P P O R T U N IT Y 1 VEST R H O H E PA PER S U P P O R T IT ITORY PILGRIM JOE AGAIN TRAVELERS’ GUIDE TRAVELERS’ GUIDE t h e ven er ab le o ld S T E A D IE R o L . T. T. Geer. ET. I. Pnnhar. S. Moore. ;H . Ackerman ,\V. H. LeedB. N. Blackburn K .R . 8. Bean . .F. A. Moore . E. Wolveiton |W . llamiltbn Jen. M. Brown — • *»<1 U » nnw srM .S “«• I U|nb" '••“ »•rÆ « •*•>!/ lu. R. D A IL Y t. Stage Leaves Steamboat Lan the Utnpquil for Florence Satur Returning, Stago leaves Sundays. Extra Trips When Necessary Charges Reasonable. — • B e tw e e n — THE STEAM ER S if o » w in the ¿ c - to r n V S S L :, n EUGENE-FLOKENCE f ORTHERN Pacific, Ry P u llm a n S lee p in g C a rs T o u ris t S leep in g C a rs «•A bout 23 y ea r s upo I cam e n ea r d y in g w it h c o n su m p tio n , b u t w iw ca r e d w it h A vor’s f ’- ierrv l'e r to r s l, sin will- n tim e I h a v e k ep t A y er » n e d ic h io a in th o h o u se ?im reco m ­ m en d th em to all m y frion* C. D . MXTD rv. » 5 , J a n . 10,180?. B risto l, \ t . \ A. R. B U TTO LPH , D in in g C ars Notary Pdblic, Survey W rit* th e P c c‘.->r. you Mvoany cciLj L«ii t w hatever »nd iU •<■... a deni v .n ic » , v i i t o th e doctor fiO v lj. ^Ad. J TE1C Low ell, Mate. ST. P A U L M IN N E A P O L IS DULUTH CRO O KSTO N I 111- [Commander, isn, Adjutant. la Lodge, No. 131, Cd 3d Tuesdays bra and visiting ling are cordially /o. F uskk , M. W • W IN N IP E G TARY PUBLIC. 3FNOE. - - “ OREGON EUGENE TH R O U G H TICKETS Loan s Savings Bank C H IC A G O W A S H IN G T O N dge No. I l l , meets iVening in Lodge in. Brothers in to attend, towtsky, N. G. eatherson, See. fin cy work, i?o»i»*'hold bint*, ini-® etc 6u«'»crib» to d a y , wanted. tor t©*wa. me, Oregon P H IL A D E L P H IA NEW AFREEPATTERN ftjfr own pplectioui to evory »ubscrthcr. Ih auti'nl cok (it-ud liUiogrhpbeti plato* and tilubtratfoba. OrtalnaL lataat, artietlo. exq’üaiw und etrlctly up todet« duiiíTM. HELCNA P O IN T S E A S T an I S O U T H For in fo r m a tio n , tim e c a r d s , m a p s a n d t ic k e t s e t c ., c a ll o n or w rite R . M C lW U R P H E Y , G eneral A g en t. R oom « 2 an d 4, S h e lto n B lo c k , K U Q EK E, O R E O O S. a im amt in o » rMICr-n. Thai: « I attniBKl ><ï Ote nw of an: »or style a®d •< F" “ tfect n o t H itbuo eqiikl A- D- C H A R L T O N , A a slitn n t G en era l P a ssen g er A g en t, 255 M orrison S t., C or., Sd. P o r tla n d , O r. D ra fts issu e d o n th e p r in c ip a l c it ie s o f th e U n ite d S ta tes a n d fo reig n c o u n tr ie s. I n te rest a llo w e d o n D em a n d C ertifica tes of D e p o sit w h o n le f t sta te d p eriod. FLORENCE, OR. J. F. TANNER, pao». C o lle c tio n s re ceiv e o u r p rom p t a tte n tio n . C ity a n d C o u n ty W arrants b ou g h t. W . K. BR O W N . President. hftinpinent, No. 42, F. hall in Florence III Friday of each if tliis degree are Iterd. F . W . OSBURN, Cashier. D. A. PAINE, Vice President. [a l for them . Absolutely veryUtr«t up-to-dat» wyi«*. . W . D RO W N, A s s t C a sh ie r. IBAaiAS <»•< T H E M e V .U L C O M P A N Y . »««J* • • • • E V E R Y T H IN G FIRST-CLASS. ie ot the’ Attention to -U.OS* s - i i r i » o W a ir M ai b>r M c.lLi'ct Commercial ♦ « Travellers. * * IIRECTORY ites witliA »CHURCH, Florence, 1th service. bftbbath- ‘n. tit. Preaching 11 |p . m. Sacrament of | on 1st Sabbath of [J u ly and October, tine to all the services. Christians to make is finch ¡I ames of fu. FG. K notts , Pastor. PETER COWAN, Proprietor. jp io r e n .e s® , O r e g o n . T a b le s fu rn is h e d wi d elica cies o f th e season a c a ll. iRNEYS E lk P ra irie H otel 00DC0CK, r a t Law T w e n tv -th re e M ile s W e s t ON E U G EN E AND FL O R E N C E S TA G E ROUTE. M oney Saved By P a tro n iz in g it O regon F O IItM U IlS » ^ B ew in i O regon ft M cL n rsn ’e B u ild in g , to c o l le t in n ì artrt P «> 80 YEARS’ e x p e r ie n c e M a c h in e s w e m a n u fa c tu r e » n d tn e ir e s b efo re y o u p u r c h a se a n y O ther. O K A N O E , X A 8H . •, g. T. Chl»«4P>. HL S«iirr*»rl»co.O»l. AUa.U, S t Loot«, »■>. Go. FOR SALE BY 1er» » -i.i.o m every tnun. irires and terms lo Fan r run ■»•«i <»nr refer»?. h * E n d o « * BC•If Mrt4rp’»«« n ft« fr-*mm'itep*****^Bty. Sftwh-BOOM H H Cf u- m ,»r»™»u»«. wrrrx rt» r#rv or oc» ítxciai . orna. l»u>s«s*^|'l»nN¡y-^s-«»’y"»Jl.'» , ..^et «Itur»»». »»» CVtAT tSVXWTO» L..OVX.Í) atAD IT t»fcr« •" »»•»•- Adr»: Ac. Fov rannt'. 1 . n «trii-h «n«t -lwrr'p»''«’ » « ’ ? ?»» o t '- iv n f r » , » f c r tb « J« 2. l,r Re Jlmtrican. “Are vou the editor?” “Yes. sir. What can I do for youT’ “I wish you would any In the paper tomorrow morning that ‘Mr. Ralph Bttngo, the popular young society lead- er, has returned from his summer trip to the mountains.’ ” “1 presume this Is correct, but Items of this kind, you know, must be guar- antecd by somebody." “1 can assure you It’s all right” “1 have no doubt It Is, hut would yon mind telling me your usme?" •'I’m—er—-Mr. Bungo."—Chicago Trib­ une. H e r S t a r t lln w R e m a r k . YORK B O S T O N A N D A *-L _ [e No.. 130, meet* suing in Meyer A I Oregon. Broth- ivited to attend. I B ean , N. G. , P iiei . es , Sec. “like brass” and no mistake. “Hello, lazy boues," exclaims Smith at T a. in.. shaking the sleeper. “Time to be up. old uinu.” adds Jones. "What ure you up to?” quoth Forbes drowsily. "We ure thinklug of getting our stuff off.” ‘'The devil you ure! Why hur­ ry? Let’s have another snooze.” At last Smith nnd Jones get thetr- atulf off and In three days discover t o their bepuzzlement that they were 24 hour» behindhand. Very provoking to Smith and Jones. But If Forbes had been the victim of the little ruae he would have been the first to laugh, over It and to congratulate his suc­ cessful competitor. T r n a tw o r th y G u a ra n ty . FRANK B. W ILSON. FARCO C R A N D FO RK S kna Post, No. 58 lourlli Saturday» patriarchal whiskers. I went down Into my pocket fur a similar amount. ! and the canine» was turned loose. In | seven mlulta by my Waterbury thar was a licked dog streaklu It over the ! boundless prairie, and ho didn’t belong i to me. : "Riches may fly away In a night, ' nay a I ns 1 pocketed the ernfty ni&u s boodle, “but Integrity rlaeth up nnd Heth down with you and stlcketh like 1 a porous plnater." | “Durned If she don't!” says he In a Borrerful way, and he Ret out arter i Ills dog nnd chawed the bitter end of ■ reflection as he Jogged. Then 1 entered the town with the ' band pinyin, the old boss prancln and niy heart bent In In that tumultuous way only known to the guileless man who comes oat ahesd of the game M. QUAD. cures the croup at . Then when any n the fam ily comes i with a hard cold >ugh a few doses of Pectoral w i l l c u t t the attack ct once, cent bottle w ill cure •xrable cold; the 50c. is better fo r a cold has been hangingcn. A ll’ th ro u g h fre ig h t o n th e sta g e e ith e r w ay b etw e en E u g e n e a n d M a p leto n , w ill b e c h a rg e d a t th e r a te o f tw o c e n ts p e r p o u n d d u r in g M. Morris i hand a dollar bottle of R e tu r n in g sta g e le a v e s F lo re n c e M o n d ay s, W e d n e sd a y s, a n d F r i ­ A. W. BEADLE & CO. I. Butterfield , O. W. Hurd , C. Cumpton has a Soane n i g h t S t i r r i n g In c id e n t s Tfca« H a p p e n e d on t h e lio a d D e tw e o n th e T o w n o f R ip p e r v lU e a n d th o T o w n o t B o o m e ra n g . The father? ; Gone for the J’.;/, / r 'f’V-*’ doctor. The mother? Alone w ith her suffer- T R IP S Kincaid. J. R. Hill f. D. Edwards .E. U. Lee fcW . Withers i, 8. Patterson ,P. P. Burton d a y s a t 2 p. nt. a r r iv in g a t E u g e n e ,1V. M. Miller 22 M a rk e t St. th e fo lio w in g d a y a t 9 p . m . LC. M. Collier S an F ra n c is c o , C a lifo rn ia. . G l iiti n C. II. Holden S in g le fa re - - - - - <>•’ ’ t.C. Compton B o u n d tr ip - - - - T ic k e ts fo r s a le a t E . B a n g s liv e r y b a rn , E u g e n e , a n d a t O. W. H u r d ’s office in F lo re n c e . A,. man VERY LIVELY TIME. W ill m a k e ------- REG ULAR L F. • °f tfc, J. I tnn thtt b“‘ «¡MU, *>«»« M A R G U E R IT E , toward all mankind. I know when to put forth my strength ag’ln deception and wickedness. In his joyful en­ thusiasm the old deceiver was pullin my whiskers with one hand and trylu to chug me between the eyen with the other wheu I gin him a flipflop which lauded me on top. Then, as 1 encom­ passed his windpipe with much heart­ iness, I hade him observe t h a t - •‘He who seeketh his naybur’a oc- struetlou should look out fur silvers is he clin. 'a a rail fence.” And ns I seized his gray and scanty hcka and gave his head many a pain­ ful wrench I said: i ‘'Deception may profit a critter to­ la.. . but tomorrow Truth comes along, , and where Is he?” The venerable but deceptive old reprobate made a fight fur It, but I tad him licked In flvo mlnlts, and when I let him up and told him to de­ part he was fain to hasten his foot- I steps. When he was a long way off, I mounted my wagln nnd continued my way, and It seemed to me that all HOIJ.BXBWK BROg- * H»»«™»- P * * * 1ATE3 $1.00 to $2.00 PEB DAY rrfiF N E . M ÜREG0.V H.B.WILLSON&CO CATS NT LAV/Vtaa, WASHINGTON. P. C "* ’• “I wish I were yon star," he said dreamily. “So do I,” she returned promptly, he­ roically swallowing n yuwn. “And why, dear one?” he asked Im­ pulsively. “Why do you wish I were yon brilliant orb?” I “Because,” she replied In cold, mat­ ter of fact tones, “because yon bril­ liant orb Is Just 11,760,071 miles away.” And he faded silently out like u mist before a summer sun. — London An­ swers. _____________ D o e s S he K e e p B o a r d e r s f 1 Instcnd of such mottoes n3 "Ent, Drink and Be Merry,” "God Bless Our 1 Home,” etc., an Atchison woman lias I put up In her dining room mottoes like these: "Eat Your Food Slowly.” •‘Thor­ oughly Masticate Before Swallowing," ' “Don't Overeat: There Will Be Another Meal In Five Hours; This Isn’t Your , Last Meal on Earth," etc.—Atchison | O lobe. I . I t W ece een ry to T « L c t h e H l n t f ■ ' 1 « ' though It wns ns broad as .auythliiir In "The Grand Duchess" or ‘‘Ls Bells- Helene." He took It ull seriously *ft a tribute to bis genius, and. With tears In his eyes nnd In a voice that shook with emotion, he murmured: "Oentlemcn. this ls too much, too much!” _____ ___________ A r » ’ «iue It l v e e . Unique In 11» kind Is no donbt the- Mocona waterfall In the South Ameri­ can republic of Uruguay, situated about two miles .below the mouth o f the Plperl As»u river Into the Uru­ guay. A great lock divides the ilTei*’ Into two separate streuins In such manner that the right nrni continues Its flow on the original level, while the second arm falls grifiina'ly, so that It finally lies 22 feet below tho level of the other ara). The bed of the up­ per part ef the river ls not vefy deep, nnd the water flows partly In a right angle to the river, thus forming a wa-. terfnll of more thau two r.illes 1» length. This unique view presents Itself to the traveler, however, only during tho l winter, for In the summer,, and espe- daily during the rainy season, tb® ! Uruguay contains such Immense quan- I titles of water that both arms form ' one single stream, navigable even for the largest freight .steamer». Tile fall t 1ms been known for centuries, and a description of It wns published as early us r.i'.tl by the Rev. Antonins Hepp. a 1 missionary from Tyrol, who si*nt over 1 20 years among the Indians of Urp-. guuy. ___ a I “This comes from making love to tha daughter of a genius.” “What Is the trouble, Tom?" "Why. her father hus Just Invented a Thar wns detennlnntlon In her eyes parlor clock that sounds an alarm at nnd hope In Iter heart as she bounded I 10 o’clock, turns out the gns nnd op. vs forward. 1 had posted her, ns was my the front door by a wire spring.”—Chi­ duty toward the weak and helple»». of 1 the benefits of glttln In the fust blow, cago News. o o t« » n je r r ia » Pf.i t t-.dg » ta Morocco that aro used mid as she reached the door she seem- ! W i l l lie P le a s a a t ly Ito ia e m b e r e d . If rcnti grew as fust in proportion as- ••Thomas, we should have left our for h : >y ttaftic have hcofi the subje-1 eil to kick forward with both feet to ot much" to the ouginoers. Elm once, nnd at the same time she got t:i cards when we called ut the Pinck­ a silkworrt. be would be bigger than planks om»:k ».tnugpieoo» wore the mu­ right hand and left hand hooka, as the neys’. 1 don’t know how we happened an elephant In two months. If h® could nuvlgate ns fust In proportion tt rials empl r,-id, but these vtQ’e out so «Infill call ’em. The husband who La 1 to forget It.” •'I guess It won’t make any differ­ ns the average house fiy, lie could crows rapidlv that a reco.u to the old style of drlv her out went down with a crash, buthlmg taus prt tios. d This consisted and through the open door 1 saw her i ence, June. We left u good umbrella the Atlantic mid back In tin; (tta!e It tabes him to eat hla bronfcfnst If b® ot cable» mail»? front the tiher of ll.e kneel on his prostrate body nud Inm there.”—Chicago Tribune. had ns tnuiiy eye» In proportion-ns tb® slot?. Thi-ucnblos aro plaited and twist­ and belt und swat and wnllop b in , R e l a t i v e l y la d e s t r a e t lf c ls . butterfly, he would have'40.LCf[< to say ed front fiber and aro nearly two inches with a heartiness that wits cheerful to , thick and »•? inch“» wide lhey aro behold. When assured that victory i Husbuttd—Is there anything etee 1 i nothing of an extra pair la his head | for skylights. If he could' spring a® saturated wilh tar anil firmly nailed to fcttd perched upon her banner und she can get for yon In town, dear? Wife—Yes: you might get half a dos- far In iiroportlon a» the spider, bo oak planking. Tho ends ure fastened by was entitled to all tjie gate receipts. 1 troii snaps Tin »o cui h-s make moat ivl- | mounted my wagln and drlv on. J e t en more of those Indestructible linen ! could Jump over the isllest tree In mtrshle loot|atth» They an- sufficiently a few eotisolln words and half a pint hooka for the elillilreit. They’ve tom I California, and It wbitWn't Imther bint elastic to ho picatadt uuib r the feet, of restorative had turned the tables up those you bought last week.—Phil­ ‘ In the least. Mun Isn't the whole thing after all.— Freeport Journal. • and rxpertenc; l a» ilemctistraied that and made her boss the roost, and 1 adelphia Press. tb-y arc tat c;ore I'.’.tralile thau any ms- felt myself eneournged to go onward An K r r e r III T a .Ile a . Art-IOInl Sv»»«*«- torial hetutuiole applied tor this pur- , In the cause of sofferln humanity. "Military men are great lady killers." ' I was within four miles of the town Artificial sponges are made In Oe> "Indeeil they are; my life was sad- many by treating pure ecllulow with ; of Boomerang when I henrd a voice Hrt-1 tp. nnllln by the nsUlaldv ami discovered <»ned by s colonel.” blue chloride. 1 !ic product swells In "Poor girl: did the colonel Jilt yon?" water and on dtp ing liecomes hard. Miss Green' i -And so you were In another liumnn beta in distress. He “Oh, no: he went nnd got tnnde a But to provent thia action aiknBhsloids tbs train that was lit Id np by roLlx:rs? was a man of years and guileless look, snd his raiment wns tom nnd tattered. colonel after I Jilted him."—Chicago are used. A pasty unt- s Is lbus obtain­ \Va«n t j ot. ;c»t. frt, I tt owl to death? Mis» V- titling- - Yon 11 hardly tellers Fur some time he wept und could net Record. ed. which, bring treated wißt ruck it, but i wirf'i t frightened a bit The ' he comforted, but by and by. when sull. 1» thon pliteixl In a mold. When fact is. when they camo into the cut the burden had passed from his heart. removed. It spiaarg to be traver»ed snd ordorod ns to hold cp our baud* 1 1 ho told me of sickness and sorrer an 1 by ennuis In ull dlreetlo :«. mid after thought it wa« going to be a tecttire on man's Inhumanity. In my soul I pitied linvlug ta-en waslliHl In ahsibol and palmistry, aod I didn't find out uiffer- him and gave him to drink from my s u lw the «[«lige Is ready for use. ent eutil it was ull over. — Boston Tran- iKittle and lo eaf of my liincheoii. nnd Pî’vny Cl»«fee. • as he ate snd drank I talked to hint l i my cheerful way. I was still minister- "Did you bu ve any trouble In I of Bread, In lo bis physical and mental wants Ing u name for the luiby?" ary very greatly when he smliletily grabbed me by my "None nt all. There's only oi of lucid Tho venerable chin wblstprs and rolled me nucís lu tbs family."— Riebiiiou tho world is the on my buck nnd wl.ooped In exulta­ patch. _____ _ itujiv neatly two tion. I hsd bin betrayed into the Wayside Iflnns (rending»—lie-re’s an "Much learning mal pounds u year hands of an enemy. The old w a s bad sa y . on* proverb, ai v eeuiparcd with pat up a Job lo bornswnggle utu snd artk'le says "I’lee-trlvlty 1» life.” Tbl» («ionuous qn: Artie Airbrake—Does, eh? Well. I -A little learning too «uri.ibg mu-'»rdly 55 poMid» • add to bis worldly weslih. year eaten by tins Sjeandtaavtaii, mark? While I a n t a weary pilgrim, wan- giN-ss de guy dat wrote dat never ha.l thing." So wh«»t «f«’ the tufluenco of climatic conditici» on drrln show to speak words of c o u - bis choice between life or etectricit? at •bout ltr-€btc«en X« food, —hi Louts Post-DiFpoLfir. solatlon and keepin my henrt tender Klug Stag!- Besttu s Wsekljr. ____ _