IIY SÎE M A G O A TS FOR SALE. PUBLIC SPEAKING. I have sovcral choice Billy» el my U.3X W A L T E R NASH W ill I own raising, »ml a few from th e fam ous JIO A . V A h j BaUey flock of Cn| Morn|„ . disorder «n<5 all the I» purely a r.erx ■ntl» ,f nervous origin. Many ayfuptoros orc n y siciiu pi id wn*»»««*w continue »— io no t r m ^ v r » is ^ m, They a re , H ysteria ran can ,.,r.tcr«a F lo rence 1 o’clock i liver and m ake you fin 1 happy again. (P 125 cents. Sol J by a.l m edicine deiin i e. M p . m . Acino 7:30 p . m . A t M apleton, "W ednesday, O ctober , 24, a t 7:30 p . m . D o n ’t nn m atter liow tar ?,'A” ' i u n > y ’ "5 Billys of my own raising are im proved from the sam e stock as old “ B um m er. G ko . A. H ouck , E ugene, Oregon. can p o in t o f view a« follows: i T u esd ay , O ctober 23, 1900, b, p .j f u l l y and per­ m anently . cured, address th e voters on th e p o litic a l *Dd two years olll j alg0 have a , ! issues of th e day, from a R epubli- j few n annies for »ale In lots to »nit. The will cur* hywi»rln. y n ’UYAN will re­ liev e you o i every ryroptoni. Tli lief 1» not only temporory — It U re» inancat. S S 'A N w iil --------- , S T O C K FARM . A good stock farm of 103 acres lying I on South slough is now offered for sale, j . About half of it is bottom end tide land, I i th e tide laud being already diked. A j ! new bouse, an orchard of over 200 trees i 1 on the place, and about 000,000 feet of , i good tim b er conveniently situated f o r - i logging. E x ten siv e out range. A bout J Spring and Summer Goods. 0 || aIRl sCe our lino of Cotton Goods All fine wash fabrics. _ D ec D im ities D o tte d M uslin, w h ite a n d ta n . F o u la r d ’s, sa tin finish C o v ert C loth Seersuckers thè w c a li e ii » u : p. rwH to n beni- n rass L iu en t'.iy condì itoli aio» . Vd>a7peu«-.°n HjJp.-1 Scotch L a w n s Y A T I'U the rom c iv vou w ant. I . L’P V /. N la hear tbs political address phrenology and all enjoyed his hum or­ W' 1) Neely ; nd wife are now residing 1 The U-ellPB •» »s MÜ'?-: u nervous W iw vor w in c a m e to P arties desiring to contract w ith th e ¡ j In th e throat.^ I «..«o n i, « .1 r Iz C ous s rem arks. sym ptom w hich H U P A A N in A S ch u lte’s house in West Florence. Siuslaw and San Francisco L um ber Co d ^ P A L P I T A T I O N O F T H E ,I I U A R T - A few C hina pheasants have found Deeds for sale I, E Bean of Eugene was shaking th eir way to thia p art of th e country but ‘ I hands with his Florence friends lust for logs to be delivered th e coming sum ­ ¿¿?ve.*U ï r è VrdGæb?atsW;n u e à u l..? riy and m vili stren gth en the m er and fall will please apply nt once nerve» ¿Funke's—A new th e birds are scarce here y et. One was : Monday. i'viwp m uscle arci ,-n.irô'the b c ita to mc - to seen last Sunday near the m outh of the I Ole K ayser retnrned to Florence yos- adcS. T ’ s i k K IN T H E PIT I. B. C ushm an, OF T H E s r O M A C n -T h is .o c c u r s ^ o fte u river. t.-d a y after a visit to his paren ts at Acme, Oregon. .nred—A girt to do general houa and is very Minov.nK^ ^ H ^ l , f ( ,,u The schooner Danielson arrived F ri- Apply a t the W kki office. : E lm ira. action o f .iiirjY /W wilt Htrenfilhen the tlie 1 day from San Francisco. She brought • ’u m ach n„ d ‘t h ? .tnklnK feelin g wilt i.Ot SEW IN G M ACHINE FOR SALE. Mr H iso of H ale has been in tow n - San. F ran cisco E x am in er and ail. ■ some goods tor our m erchants ami will •rves, recur. I several days and talks of spending ttie Rcniemhoi f»r o«e y ear $».60 r - < ■” Women th is 1« for you. i take out a cargo of lunlier from the We have ju s t received Iroin th e facto­ th a t U V H Y A N cur» s men and women. It i w inter hero. -clieve y vou of all the above k > iuj » i ^ . Acme mill. V ill relieve o u ......... ry a new seven draw er, oak finished, J - D octors hue* A W Beadle of San Francisco is e x ­ b e a k at Garth» All d elin q u en t in road tax, are re ­ C ham pion sewing m achine, m ade by pected here in a few days to look after »lay ill U H » t of McKinlev quested to cull at th e otfiice of C H Hoi th e New H ome Sewing M achine Co. Jure Take U CD Y A N n o w . You ta n set den, Florence Oregon ami adjust th eir business interests. Call nt th e W est office and exam ino M r. Cleaves went to G ardiner Monday ne of the residents of Florence l ave accounts a t once. For convenience of th e m achine before pucliaaing elsewhere. new oeeed »desire to have a Shakespeare those concerned this place lias been and retu rn ed n ex t day w ith a -X ' * designated, w here all bilia on paym ent, ! gtock of wate»itnaker’s supplies. organised here this winter. TO OUR PA TR O N S. B J Savage, agent for th e U nion Sav- M t e a number Of onr people attended wiil by duly receipted. m .v ’ wrfm a°’.d nrtii.-e wilt he given free O W S utton , A dnress entertainment at A c m e S a t u i d a y in «a an« 1 Lo in A ssociation, was a P 18' We have m ade arrangem ents by Road Supervisor Iwg and ah Mid S good tim e. senger from Coos bay on tb e R oberts w hich we will furnish th e Weekly HUDYAN REMEDY C2!*.FÀMY, A rtlnir Kelley the 11 year old^boy who . Tuesday evening I and a B ine fejBtoc^ o f «shftdlwy to , bound lor O regonian w ith th e V> n sr for one year H ave 0 1 No. 8 1 6 South Broadw ay, wa* r e p l i e d oil from the mm.ll, shot his father in U m atilla county last I G uard lo ti.: C apt, Jo h n Bergman to any address for the sum of t».o Jol- on w ays Los Angolés, C a t A ugust, has been sentenced to tb e re ­ and wife, of the U m pqua lifo saving lart payable cash In advance. « riv e r Wednesday afternoon. Cor. Sto'.k^on, Mark.» and r tits fits., ,M th a Cough and w o r k s o f f t h e Cold' form school till he roaches the ago of 21. j statio n , passed through th is afternoon I »n Frano so.. C -1. ALASKA GOLD FIELD- Stive B rom o-ttilinine Tat,lets ru r" a The bov was liable for hanging accord- j eu route to P o rtlan d . ill one d J jk .'N o C ure no fay . ing to th e law , b u t on account of his | G ^ o e E i^ iE g , E T h u rm an lias sold his ranch on het tie 25 c e n l s . ^ - . youth lie was sen t to th e reform school I C hickahom iny ami moved to Duncan REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. F irst steam ship for Cape N ome and Fim ile v’a team took a spin Wedn-s- instead. slough w here lie will reside on th e Cape York will sail from S eattle, May w itliont a driver and left At B aker C ity, last S atu rd ay , Letson , , gtead belonging to his son, George 10. T his will be a largo ship with a The W est Real E -tate office has b a r­ different places B alliet a m ine prom oter, hud H enry freight capacity of 1000 tons and pas­ gains to ofler in tlie following property. T h u rm an . 0 G çoods . C assidy, editor of th e W eekly H erald, ds senger neeominodationR for 200. For A good dw elling house, and black­ roods ress 7 santly rem inded enjoineil from issuing or circulating his ;E TO TA X PA Y ERS. rates and fu rth er inform ation call or on sm ith shop d o in g « (!"od business ilia NOTH lieT natal day, hy i paper of th a t d ate, tiecause lie had ascer­ thriving tow n. Tlie ow ner desires to address. eted cltll from her tained the paper would contain an a rti­ R M c M ukpiikv , I t lias been th e custom and re q u ire -, change his locution. A Htm opportunity cle hotly denouncing Balliet. The paper ning. A gent N orthern Pacific, Eugene. n ient of the law for th e Sheriff of the for tlie right m an. Price $850, H.e 11th Inst, co n - was issued, despite ttie injunction, and C ounty to serve Tax W arran ts for Da- 160 acres of unim proved land on Nortii Don't T g I ukv - o Spit mid Sinoko Toorl.lft lw*r, now th e outcom e is aw ailed witli ing article w ritten linquent Taxes on tb e P roperty of th e Ta quit tobacco easily and fo w ler, be niui- Fork about ten m iles from Fm renee is »ruing the business in te re st. D elinquent Tax P ayer— b u t owing to netlc. full ot lifo, norvo and vigor, take No-To- offered for saled. N ear to county road. W hile entering th e Riuslaw river last Hie passage of ft new law su d i notices llac. tlio ivondcr-worker, that wakes wcati men |(Siuslaw. Price Alt druggists, COo or »1. Cure guaran­ Will m ake a good stock ran ch . F riday, tlie steam er Ilariiso u ran ! hereafter will not he served or ;iosted on strong. IN ONK DAV teed Booklet and sim p le free. Addreas |45O. aground on th e south spit. The Vessel tw*e7rinnr«r« - - - * Uaawuij) <)»• tluicaco or New Xar* ¡D elinquent P ro p erty —b u t a certificate Q uinine T ablets. Í B o o ts i 150 acres mostly tinibe, land lying in Ethe m oney if they rem ained th ere till th e n ex t nay when j of levy will be filed w ith th e C o u n ty & Shoes, section 13, tow nship, 18 south, range 10 H a ts & C a p s , C O N T E S T N O T IC E . iro v e ’s signature is w ith th e Help of th e tug R oharts she I Clerk—and then th e custom ary Notice west. A bout ttiree acres cleared. A got off in safety. She nnluaded and left I of Sale of Property for D elinquent Taxes In - i mr ùdRM»JKÂLS»Us»i-* ....... E T W eth -| again tlie n ex t day. C aptain Dodge is I ill be published in on« creek large enough to float logs runs Ibe C ounty Unite»! States Lan I Office. lined Mas. iu»-eburg, Oreg»>... Sept 27,1M0. I through tlie laud. Price >550. L S m ith itb of Hood ' not m aster of tlie craft now and his sue- P in ers T his levy will be nr.vle Nov. l8 t, 1900, and advertising com = j je = « »» ^ " and cessor probably mistook tlie chnnnel A good store building and lot in Acme on of Salem to ! th u s causing tlie delay. im m ediately th ereafter, la x l a y e s ( |irlln, t Iloloestead entry No. S34t, made Mardi C onveniently located for bnsineas. Tlie com m issioners ji, Township upper pRrt ¡8 finished Up lor a dw elling, ] T he social dem ocrats of Oregon filed in order to avoid expense of levy and , 1Ka, {or l lts 3 ., anrt (position, in th e office of th e secretary of state a advertising should pay th eir tuxes Rt I n ’a. iw ngell w. by No'.» W. Christensen, Cow ieo $709. i been driven nt th e I testee, in which it is alleged that the said petition nom inating tlie following can­ once. 40 acres nil W ildest crock, 12 to 15 eatryniMii lias wholly abuidoiivd the tract, jit T errace th is fall, d idates of th e p arty for th e offices of W. W . WiTnKns 1 i embracod ............... in hl» houiu su-ud entry and changed acres bottom and low b e n c h ; a good king it in good con- presidential electo rs; N P J Folen, of liis renulence therefroia for »1 period exceeding building p lace; fine cedar and fir tin t Sheriff of Lane C ounty, Oregon. | I six ; hold logs th is w inter P o rtla n d ; J F P o rter of B aker City ; J o - months, since making the entry; that the , i being driven a t tlie sepli M eindl, of A beruethy precinct, | tracts are nut settled upon and cultivated as; tie r; com ity road opened across tnG land ; H o w A re T o u r K lilu oyi » ; required by law, and that said alleged absence a good stock ran g e; % mile from post Clackam as county, ami C P R u therford, Fir Hobbs* Sn.-lrasus Pills cure all kblncy Ills. 8»™- from the said laud was not duo to his employ- office; l j i m iles from school house pl j f i ec. Add '-tciTinc liemady Co., Chicago or M. Y. [ so m any g reat cures j of B urns, Tlie petition is sigued by 254 ' nient in tlie Army, -Xuvy or .Wanna Corps of the w here school is tau g h t G to 8 m onths in effected by Hood’s persons. The num ber required by law United States as a private soldier, officer, sea­ A S L ID E man, or marine during ttie war with Spain or a year. P rice $260, |o u ? I t Is A m erica’s is 250. during any other war in which the United A tract of about 60 acres fronting on la n d possesses m erit At E ugene, last S aturday, Judge States may be engaged. Said parties are here­ G’.ear lake three miles south of Florence. her preparation. I t H am ilto n adjourned th e circuit court A large slide took place at th e govern­ by notified to appear, respond and oiler ev i­ A fair honse and about five acres cleared orator. till M arch 15, 1901. D uring th e term m ent rock qu arry a t P o in t T errace last dence touching said allegation at 10 o’clock a. A good wagon road from th e place io in. on November ft, laOO, before f . If. Holden Sunday even j . The lock had been re­ pie creek brought to lie sentenced 11 C Buckman to one year U. rt. Commissiover, at Florence, Oregon. And th e Siuslaw liv er a t G lonada. A fine jicut from one of Ids in tlie penitentiary for obtaining money J moved leaving a high perpendicular I that (Inal hearing will b ‘ held at 10 o'clock a. in. 1 th a t gave a large under false pretenses, and V m Bantu , wall on th e side tow ard th e hill. Back o il November 1ft, IBM, Iwfore tlie Keaiatcr and place for a sum m er residence. P rice On a piece of tlie to tw o years for burglary. Divorces of this wall was a seam in tlie rock ; Receiver at Un- United States Land office In $500. A tract of a little over two acres of I length , th ere grew were granted in tb e following cases. which extended in a slanting diiectiou I fioseburx, Oregon. ! The said contc-taut having, in a proper affl- bottom lan d betw een F lorence and pples. George C Compton vs Maggie Compton, down to w ithin a Hliort distance of i davit, filed September Id. 1M0. vet forth facts Acme, lying on tid ew ater near Rose where tlie rock had been removed, which show that after due diligence personal no ap p etite, do n o t S tephen S T h u rm an vs Josie M T h u r­ H ill can n ery . A fair house on tlie land I feel du ll after eat- m an, and Prudence Safiey vs T hom as F i T here had been some heavy blasting be- ■ nervine of this notice tail not be made, it is | ing done for several days and th is prob- ( hereby ordered and directed that such notice be A fine place for gardening or raising 'tl ia t you need a dose Saflev. rtIi and sm all fruit. P rice $200. r. i -to n - n « o ahlv helped to loosen tlie earth and rock rock given by due and proper publication. Stom ach and L iver .1.T. H bidob - , register. On th e 10t.li of December, 189/, R ev . f on) a( A i|(Mg glH ¡„ aboflt 160 acres of land near C lear lake lying J. It. B oom , Receiver. j cents. Samples free S. A. D onahoe, pastor M. E- U huieh,, . O'(.lock Sunday evening and an - in section 11, tow nship 10 south, rnuge g store. South, P t. P leasant, W. V a., contrac e* her v3r| Mondav m orning. T h at 12 west. Piico$253. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S . A N orth , tlie cream ery a Beve’re cold which was atten d ed (roti o th er early p art of the quarry was nearly filled and 112 acres unim proved land lying on in S pring cream ery, ■ th e Oeginnin« by violent coughing. He it was found necessary to move th e m a­ ------------ ! th e no rth side til Clour lake 2’ J miles town last M onday. aayg: “ A fter resorting to a num ber of chinery to tbe o th er p art of th e quarry Noth* Is hoieliy given that the undersigned j cream ery is ru n n in g i 8O.ealled ‘specifies,’ usually k ept in the w hich has not been used tills season, to has been appointed Administrator oi ttie Estate j south ol Florence. A good wagon road i ©I Anna Mnthifde Kmike by the County Court j from it to th e Siuslaw river. Price '.,<¡00. t it handles a large ' |,o „ee( to no purpose, I purchased a hot- get rock to com plete th e present con­ of fame County, Oregon. AU persons having j 160 acres on upper K oiIh F ork, a daily. H e ships th e 1 t ,e 1)f C liam herlain’a Cough R em edy, claims agsinat said estaie nre hereby required | tract on th e jetty . F lo p e n e c , O e < f°n . large part of it bottom land. W ill m ake which acted like a ch arm . I most clietr- BHC18CO. It is fo rtu n ate th a t th e slide happened Io present them, with the pm]«r voucher» to , For h good home. Price <850. for bilionsne»« in now | fully recom mend it to tlie public, when tins men were n<\t a t work or it the nndvrslgiici at his office in Klorence, Ore- | gon, within six mouths from the date of tills 80 acres timber land w ith creek largo i H u rd ’s drug store. It wale bv O. W. H urd. would probably have liec.i atten d ed notice. enough to float logs ru nning through tlie dberlaln’s Stomach and Hated at Florence, Oregon, August, 2nd, 1WI. w ith loss of life - I t gives quick relief and A. O. Fituke | land and into tide w ater. P rice $525. SUN D A Y S E R VIC E S. g e n e r a l n e w s W . NICHOLS. W . H. W EATHERSON. i Administrator of tlie estate of Anna Mathilde ' 138 acres of land nt E lm ira, Oregon. attack if given as soon Iu H N C. BECK. ’ Funve, deceased. leation of the disease ap- ______1 A box hoti«e, gooil barn, and plenty of Elmira, Or. Florence, Or. P o in t Terrace, Or. Florence, Sunday School 10 a . m . ; ;•« :— 1 -------- ------------ — ! outbuildings on prem ise»: 6 acres A M anila dispatch of tlie I4 tb sny ,2 5 cents per box. Ham- preaching 11 a . m ; endeavor 2:30 p. m . P U B L IC A T IO N . ¡orcllBr(li , 0 acres in cu ltiv atio n , 10 Acme, Sunday school 2 p . R. ; preacli- C aptain D ,verc»ux Shield*, wlm, with N O T IC E FO R 51 men of C om pany F , T w entyninlli i, ami acres ITaiighn one of th e pioneers ing 7 :30 p . m . — I lam acres more 80 cleared R egim ent, U n ite I S tates V olunteer In -j died last 8unday n ear j sla sh e d ; balance, I,rush am i lim lm r United States Tjnul Ofllre, fan try , WHS captured by the in su rg en ts' ItiMehiirg, Oregon, i th is county sged 91 years. land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 Jow u. B EST FO R TH E BOW ELS last m onth in tlie Island of M arindiiqoe j August 21,1W0. Delia nil em igrated to Ore- For fu rth er inform ation inquire a t was rescued ycater-lay by th e A m erican ; Notice Is hereby given that In compliance j Tlio W kst office, F.orpiice, Oregon onri in 1847 and some B ar»m <©¡mL>er» a n d & o v /n No m atter w hat ails you, headache to rescue force witli all tiie m em bers of his with tlie pr »visions of the act of Congress of | took np a homestead on Junes, 1*7», entitled "Au set. -for the sa la o l J o h n C Beck, P o in t T erraco, Oregon. a cancer, you will never get well until p a rty . Site leaves nine sons 11ml. r laud, iuttie States of California, Oregon ■ W Nictiola, E lm ir», Oregon. a n d $ o ls l o n c o m m is io n . ro u r bowels are p u l rig h t. CASCA Seventy-five million feet of standing Nevada, and Wiulilngton Territory,” *»; ¡liter. R ETS help n atu re, cure you w ithout a D A IR Y F A R M FO B S A L E . extended to all the Public, Land State, hy set , - express my th an k s to th e gripe or paiu, produce easy n atural pine, spruce, tam arack and cedar belong­ of August 4, WO, James M, yv°nd<, of Mapleton, I ing to Hie m at" ol M innesota is to be of C hanibcrlnin’s Colic, m ovem ents, cost you ju s t 10 cents to Comity of t,une, state of Oregon has this day i Ju rrh o e a R -m edy, for h sv - s ta rt g etting your health bimk. CAS­ I sold to th e highest bidder November 14. filed in this office h i. sworn statement No. IVJ9, ! A fine d airy farm on Maplo creek six i m arket such a wonderful CA RETS C andy C ath artic, th e genuine, It is expected th a t tlie saie will bring for the purchase of the WQ NF.’i, Bbj NWti. m iles Iroin F lorence is notv offered for P a rtie s h a v in g R eal E sta te to sell w ill do w ell of Section No. 2», m Township No. 1* 8. ] sslv. ite s W. W . M aesingill. of 1 put up in m etal boxes, every tablet ba* ' th e slate $250,OUW. Range No. 2 W. and will offer | roof to show tliet I I t contains 1G0 acre’ , So of it bottom I t is nn I •rstnol th a t tb e president lias tlie land sought is more valuable for its timber Texas. T here are many ; C. C. O. etam ped on it. to place i t on o u r list. Beware of land am i 30 acres have been p lo a o d .l j selected George G ray of Delaware to : orstoue than fur agricultural purposes, and to m others whose children C a lic u t 36 tons of h ay. A good tw o | liintatione. ! rep resen t tin* U nited States witli Ex- establish ills claim to said land before the fcved from attsc k s of dysen- Register and Reretver ot this office at Roseburg, story boose 2ti l,v 3d fe e t; a intrn 44 by j olera infantum who m ust P ic sid eiitH .iriis.n l on tlie Hague p er­ Oregon, oil Tuesday the 6th day o£ November, L A U N C H AFtRIVEO. 79 lect, with heavy fram e; a goat honse , m anent a r'u tra ti in rrib n n al. Judge 1900. iikful. I t is for sale by 16 by 40 fe e t; an orclinrJ til about 500! W arren A ndrews w ent to Co « hay on G ray is an E x-S enator and a dem ocrat He names as witnesses: H. fl. Fisk, of Point Terrace, Oregon; Fred trees of different klndd of fru it lias been ' One reason for th e bad th e Rollarla, S nnday to have his gaso­ and is now U nited S tates district judge , Fisk, of Kngene, Oregon; John Woods, ot te a rin g for a yenr or two. in th e steam er. for toe th ird j nlicial d istrict. | th e roads in C latsop <-o>intv line lanncli brought up - Mapleton, Oregon; Rotert Lynch, of Mapleton, A w ater w ired of atxbit 3 liorso power I levstem inangnrat-l by »be ; He retameli on the tinat Tuesday even- furuisbes m otive power at tb e barn (or O ieg'ci A g ricu ltu rist; Tlie A ldany ' Oregon. Any and all persons Maiming adver-ely the ing an 1 left for M apleton W ednesday »' '.l iv in g th e road anpervi- ‘ cream . I V panl $993 more for b u tte r (at ' atsivo described lands are requested to 3le t'uelr cu ttin g feed, saw ing v w l , etc. |i.« tax and pay them »2 a m orning With his new lau n ch . Tbe (arm is m ile Iroin school and i in A ugust th is y e a r th a n in August last rial in, in this nff.e* oil or before said Cth day of Tne “ Ooin P a u l” is a neat little craft I w ork, says th e Astoria H er- ; November 1900. vear. Iti S ep'em Rr of th is year it p: i I ' mile from a county road. J. T- Bnipoga, girta district, w here Hl« t a i |