‘ ïh c TTtûi srxar raw ar xoaxixo^H Fu>axvc», ^ k e thorn peint o f d is,* h P*’’1’ F.-xasareep'-* ~ " ■ ----- among m e p-ovjawn» nt I ha teleral Tbeataa. Ti!* Tis* « » « h i n g cnnaleral in «m .titurion which le e r up.,n thia mat-. p iin . B o t th e ' Paris fair attracts all » b o F k , *• d- « » Tcry, and in order to a r o ij the ter is paragraph twelve of section eight. I blood is th e feeder o f the ««»eta all who Hk. ghtter tnoobte « » ^ g a Un< tU which amoog olhw w h o le body. * * * * ^ U e e ^ te a h ,^ « : L ure C o c x tt , 11. W E A T I I E R S O X E ditor am i Florence, Ore. N A T IO N A L Point Fonvard. " «orka, tu lie a radiating from a P ’ .e n o a T ° raise and support armies, but no «“7 » . brer a id »u eh will at a l n . of the g’a » , reproduced in a thou- ’ .£ 7 7 * °‘ OR'e iw ron d ’ . th orn in thia peint. r - * « t - » « « tb« beds, the paste, U>e he for a longer term th .n two veare,” 1 E .co ti P o «oriintî — - The r i/ n _ t a ,am **°d »*<>« tiene, and «Pf*w .ng in fag.- pear.«, aad abort, ail. the nam ed efam Thus the peopte thron;!, their rvpre- 1 .-«iT w tln U»» rainbow, on every axle. wh h * :• two week! before, execution very atmtativee in congre« have complete that i; r.-x bee '-r ?cy por» ►-eri aaa tf it » U He Croco c Silk '1'u’i‘i Pheu.-.taticrn - • Proprietor Oct. 19, ]>> R E P U B L IC A N T IC K E T . U W E S Braid Fur President: Hirer. Vas». WILLIAM M cKIXLEY, r - r . . E e p e c W O U -r m in ; are goblets, carafe» and 7 , 7 , ' of Ohio. the ~ THEODOICE KOOSEVELT, of New York. “to Mils rtlf t I »a- wly <»<.;a*/«¿r U» i«k « ¡White Goods, -to . X lX T X L i»«ued the breath that inflated them ¿ T ™ — Mars 7 “ " •“ 7 7 “ • o ™ " “ ' H n e .,- 7 dress trimmi <°gs of LA C E S A N D EM B R 0 | o E « cta l move- prevents it. Imperial,».,, ri ! bout an ar- d “ferent «-«utem», the my or an army without money to pay *— For Vice Prendent : and B E IT S , in Nainsook Pin Ind j O f 0 * 0 M r ! i n n See r " O r g a n d ie s , in F a n c y S h Ch*rap de ,h e P*uple see fit to authorize from lim e ,“ X SOUTH AMERICA lor Presidential Electors. TILMAN FORD, Marion Co. W— * • « t o e t o . » ........................... « ■ • « / ...... .. hntepewfcot. J . c . FVLLEKTOX, Douglas Co. The report ia M a g circa’ated that « diam eter; from th i, eroim ons ta 7 L 7 7 , J 0“ '“ “’ P“ * - Eren Mr. Bryan himself would W . J. FUKXIfiM, Umatilla Co, Pern and Bolivia :n ciim ate„na!ore of soi!, etc. they have be i.ely,! weary with waiting bubble, thr^e thousand watch piesi». O. P. PAXTOX, glasse, certain characUç-istics in common. Jn -loltnoiual, Co. *'-* tne settlem ent of the famous Tacna « « W be cut. «■h the right of holding lami belonged, - n d A rid dispute with Chile, want to Here we see glass thread, as TO THE DEAF. The only Kohl democrat that we know subm it their s fine as until a relatively recent date, to the gnevances to the fortbcom- silk, fro« rhich dresses are ,of in thi* vieinity, say* he doe. uot in 7 • ■ » a . w * ■ w a * rw . i ■ « v a s w . * x . * ■ . *« - r . ■ • • a t , a A*»d U» <0 io , U p oll, on eie, f . '* ^ " ' A“,tr i':1,n In g r e s » . T .h . e l l . These are not for eve’t T d a y w L r" ’^ " °W,Ì,Jr: “ J ÌB A rich lady cured of her Deafness and » elect ii to the the greatest create«, .ore ________ __ qnaouuea ___ .... _ of . . . the . L la « . ’ ' l " 7 “ «t about the earn e time, there was a ->n 8 W , h e ««<1 '-X , . e.ettion , „ day. attention again ‘u .p ot true, i.n, hot ?“ nC UUje’ tbere Nicholson’. , i hut if .ta he te th<.. . th«t .1 he Jey , , would i V ' /Jl!’ A“’er*c»- are Med by l , x ie» ¡ „ difr , lr“ J re,DBrk* 1'1« development in the applies- ^ r,,he,al E«r Hroms, gave «W,000 to h i. <111(1 CHEFFRON, LADIES STOCK collar T1 1 a ilC V « llftn p ' T lP C T ie s ’ t l,e ver, fested both Peru and Bulivia fsome a y In leas than three weeks the vote will on «elfish ---------- -• / >M. ......................... McKinley or Bryan will he pve»ident »he term commencing March f 1W0 - meria of glass cotton and woolen j Wtere“U .. wooten, which ' r ----- ,r_ a 'rcaty), Chile P a r e n t the passage ol heat. / " i i ^ p 'T írt>m A no’'el eD*P,(’7n>cnt of g b „ Agricultore u the principal o’sun InsPtnte, 7SQ, Eighth . . . g.ven them aa oppor- . tunity to take rank among the foremost thread natmua in the ecientiflc development of Avenue, SHIRT WAISTS, don’t forget th em , HEARST APPROVES EXPANSION The San F ra nc j seo Examiner eaid, agricultural indu.try. Lets than five tnven- per cent of the surface of the country is 7 " Mr’ " ’ Ra signature on Nor. 10, 189S: “ The vote of this election is a vote of approval for the war and the try wlmt .fleet the adoption of free nil- wm. .........adb*re’ “nd ¡‘ ■ill I » » nn u . .• p n X X X ' X " " ^ : = principle of expansion. It ¡8 both right aud reasonable that the administration come ^ " . 1 use, however. a w o rd to m o th e r s - » . n „ l „ , „ r. : is com ing. wwal school meeting not to admit any »«», hut it ha. „Jt y « p ^ ' T " rm T ■' * n « ’ 1’. ^ a, cure. Chile ............................- r been reconsiders or her determination h L b i i more people wUh o l world iT ^ e n w .l 7 a ,l7 Z n J T “1'? ' 7 T * A' ‘ifl<:;al , •n y further action taken in regard to «>">?»/ with the treaty of Ancon '1 8 8 .7 ’ infirmity matter, there are pow «everal b« ‘ ‘o retain the p ro.in ees. The Chil-’ PMsea almost unnoticed, But tlie greatest d.m and comes from doll.,.alters T u “ “ W* di" riC” aUending Ci‘n” n t,ie ° L»‘« > '- n d say ¿hat they and ir9 m na/urali.ts who stuff animals, .ebool ,n Horenec. So far a . we can -te d e l.y ln x (1st, until they can decide poll eyes tw|>ecially, must be very care­ h U n , ^ T w h h X T n W lB g #ny ‘"’ L ? 0 U,e C"'1Can* ,orei* ner' «<” fully prepared, and must not be » » the ..«w lion ., n on . of their parents j Urg.xe,‘7 7 , 7 “ . ““o ‘‘7 t least h 7 l i crossed 7 e ° T f 7 ; 7 the ° youthful PUrU,,a9*r‘ purchaser, of of ¡ L « » " 1.......... . ’ ThU « o r is s f, 7 n . • ........... tl’,e p . Z i t e l o X " the ^ « L d iv i ^ 7 , ’i ; ^ h r X ! ,7 l’ ,X ......< ? “ |l 0 ’° ° 0 - i ° nttO,Ud> ^ — *" gementi, deci»ioW leading patent cases, etc. ,n Tin. pamphlet will be sent free to writing i’ A v buonr c >f 93,” n n r ,-h .„ , said, ...... at anyone tv . , ’ to b & Co. , < u* »o. • . prominent purchaser n dsbingion,D Q t**. Portland, last evening. “I,, Afinne- f »polis and Saginaw, bun ir e ls of men POINT TERRACE ITEMS- consider«*/ waaltny when Cleveland waj elected the second time, found them - i ®v C akmes . aelv 1 ®« P-'iupers in a few month* Tnn. * r men U,cn can ' « * » / be’ ' hiam'Jl * ,,is ? ‘1Car!S‘rUD' re‘"rned tool funds, ng citizens and Aliss Mi 11 * lew weeks. rw idine therein, without regard ' merchants of Clav. Clav Pn iv -Mnmte ba„.,Jer» i,.,, ........... ) , - 7 • ; ....... - r s i5 £ ta takit] fwrson <4 school age is entitled to attend •b it is out of •>............... - * 7 |- * *' 1 ” w ,y ot sucb a « manner .,,:— :. er p ‘xtt at .Mr. ilo lie u ’d. manner ns as in to k bruise it severely. tbe question. Tl,i« w a r.P n ’W rm ggbtssw as known to the an-'j I ‘ became vir ,, ...... ; very , nnch .......... 11 severely. School in his own district for the P llir cloud P e n Wogth of time that is taught during " ’ U Z Z Z 7 7 ’’ke C ay and , bb" - badly ,h „t U •wollen and pained . ' ' ’ I‘e-,vw <>f Noti Valiev is Tear z~r. y, * ra,e’ exl’rel" confidence in ,n the re- «ay PfitentB, with cost of same, ami i,ow *U ,. ce ss, anyhow, until the •© procure them • trad« i ia • - d 3f Bryan does caveats, infrin deBigM’ f was not large enough to accom- ■’ more, it appears doubtful if it will he f*'«« teeth. The man m -O H .U ,h « e reeiding in di.iriet, - e p t e , by that b .f y . Thus „ „ L t ou».y explained U,a . Since then, there ha. been an o th er'»•» ««and., o f b est inteilectuai Property, Ihey have done in a pamphlet tree. t" “æ C?1° U,erci“1 e RIBBONS, . „ A I -‘ br lour ■ ......................... Ä 9 1 meat market . 1 I S d* l wU O p © H G C f a ...... a wn«»'. " Qoods as Reoresenft " 'g ib e 1 1 r * nl 11'• l,,e most threat- m»J® »•! 3orig o / obfocla that could ,o,,t ll,e of crutches other d ls - ,.o in g el.m eu , in South America. ihronn on the eU d 7 7 7 7 7 7 ! .‘ ^ " F H -vsim .,.,, nh,, ’ s also used *'e K mu,«f ls cugmeerat 1 the '®<1 kevee.i several T -d r y Jast summer »riet during this time without paying vitiling ut j lr I H . “ 8° ,nC‘ l" " d!' oi »"»••■•nt and Brun holy’ a hen two and a hall »«cad without break in g,h em . ft gallons of whiskey in h aihh,;' ", h„t tuition, he lakes away from iLo children Tl ere is lume Catarrh in this -Mr. Cainptiell Gf .......ln" y ' ‘„an all other’ d^ are" " 7 7 7 / 7 nr‘‘ilUn * 1,0 dl8cov- nothing gave any relief until I *tMöbö '"if is visi ting of that district a portion of their school CAR.MA.M legali bis daughter. M fd. blevar. using Cliamlierlain’s Pain 1 •*"d - d i i the hu, f«w year» .................. -""F M cellent formula for privileges lor which lie g fiv t. no return. PM Bain,. This . 'W •’’•«I «<» I* incurable. For a’ ’ « ,M* d»ugh had Hie unfortunate brought i,l,nost a completo cure j„ „ Besides this, Florence h To Cm t o .,.n wit «eek s in n e and he laji.«». Tkk, JevW a tax of about five .m il. On a Z - T T , ’" ' ? ‘ 7 7 -" * ’ril1' "" e reiuuu moue».' re »•r.lor the support of the Sehool. If ,hb, g ’ ' by é.ni.ta.Hi^foiUng 7 I T d ^ Z s . ' Clr U,eri'’ ’ ; m pvror ‘° . 1* •'.,'P“ ‘"‘ed. F . in B • eliool. f( Balm is The RHAL E S t a T £ T R A N K S . emperor ex a mi neri them | ,,n,,«„ fa, a b ie tti,, - d bladder contract«. T l , » carrier ___ _ ¡«is the ^ remedy. 7 7 7 . - mail ,n“" l-On; ~ 8«’ - The of . mail ” d o n .: Either pupils coming from other Circulars and testim o,,,a Is. Addica», F. J. C tisxzv A Co.. Toledo, districts should Iw chsr^nd a reasonahlu “ ‘ triumph of the nine- ‘ 0U,l,rF d '«ric,e get. | iU|0 e , ' ’ •’ »“ •boutj Ukl, , , i(1 Olilo. i x x x T L i s ..................... ..................... ..... a ; , i ; tuition to lie paid in ndvance, or such b >1.1 l.y Dru. gi.t», 73«. h IC O D D F E L L O W Í ' Dr<’ng.i|te rese,rch by ®°rvice, and the country poitn, ,»,»« pup il, should h . excluded from tlm ll a ll’e Family P ill, .r e the b e,t. rent k t d ^ a ’nd’ ^ ; * * alm‘» ‘ "o'bing, A monthly iU t - ,z- school eulirrly. It 3Vhat '• familiarly knoyn ne the end- ^nderfully - . c c k - j ï « . . . .................................» Anolimr way too, in willed) H e people ,, in wmen tl.e people , . .......................... .. r,,u' wonderfully ««ecessful In nrn™-.7>.'. , “ -------- rur“ 1 P<»»«al SWvice .• « c.u siv ely devoted oi » ’«.»ining money b,«AI». urte acM ,o b" put on a decent ha»i«. ' of the enrrouriding country are intereu- , b- I il.cga, by Ml). = “ *h° 7^~~~ 7 ad in the matter i i. «bi.. Undar ,,r c , .w h o have prottres. ‘•«’’"•‘b’.l from th . mails. | J ^ ^ 87 j* -f" P -R » < > t I, no. rec- 1 1 I « p C A T I O t f . 1,81,0 “"»’F Pfiblieation in °»d rn t eonditioue tho» b a ILL l pFo^rroi Oreco "¿on and ¡8 Fur the p.,at two nr three years. ,losen. 1 "«w in its eighth ed beyond the common branches and Be»" fyofrin i8|,, b K year. •’ARIXG8, L i Und ornee Botoi-nrc, Oregon Ol Ib c o p r o p r i,ion , have worked f e h*'“"•^F0“ need I l h x X * ^ A to k • . the fia m r ’ T 'uüty of material, el'Tfance’f^ " e have ,ike " bicycle, to ctrntinne continue their studies, art, w ish io workuiam ’ ’ “ 'e »ímple»,, w « ’ t ’ - y - Hifille nprin«»« m ’*»1 of '«•t atta..?’*'"""’’'"P- «'‘a ^ , . -™ hee,brt1„ IliroiiglKiiil the country, ami they have practlceTmo’ ** ho* hospHaJ HaJ * work, nrl' in private ~ f-— - ---------- »w s m « 11|h. taa> ¡ " rh. ^ . . ’'r . eo. tl ’e g- • ’<«w;i.«r h. with '""ke ili. rv- w.,i « oidiged Io go aw ay Io »011,0 distance to in excha nr' '",len ,s'.*!” F payments, obi lneeh«*• hslpleks too poor ,optir- I'«» iH rd notice > n f'’ l"TTl''«t b become a nuisance. “ WHITE” -« I club Pacific O il F a llo .» «mthaTsn* ^-i? '' ” to ™ " to Z ” « 2 attend school. Whereas if tuition were n*r«, thirtv’v e " 7 " f,li ,n bw"dí* 1 ‘' T Ü Í M ® *“ e we b .lie¥,„ * ÍU‘ Î " E ’V«T ' «be Eagieat X " h ? ,d<’ by whi<^ ii " S S ? * * h,r”re 7 charged to o itsiile pupils, probnhly ar- “'^''«nyou Mk? “^ ’ ««uurtaou. trealr- tí mining - Id « » ^ i U , ^ 7 r y 0 d d ^ 0 w X t e ¿ m f V ^ t t X ¡ x : r 0,1 Al echino rengem cnls would 1« made so that nt {1’ ll1l"< T * * «bout Swsmp-Roo'l tnd ho^Tte iw u ®r <> «if T"e pnce of Tue tv_ « •d e least a part of the higher 1> thiic 1, cs could I ’ f Bicycles rnn lighter W ltn w ^ ’ “ h#V’ ** ,r° u b £ ‘ ” * * * T®4 «• R. U *> ' " l o t Infants and Children. •Tenr "nd the pri.-e . . ’ *LW Ppr ' « ? n “ -e market r n '"°"* dnr“ ld* !»•"<***■ fm taught here and young people could When wfhing mention rea^ngth,j cen#J ' m . " . • -------- lhe ‘ fUlnwi'i', ‘ wi,.„.'.w« i„ f i.7 7 ° ' 7 ^ ^ ? ------------- ~">S inn generous • Call or write and tet u» pru»e H- offer In this » -A - . • - «Hlnu.«., rv,(.|,llc, „ ° •«« e paper and then obtain a fairly gixxl edm alon for »<■ ral.) luu), v|{ . “ 1 valutati,.,, * n d b o ll, to ,u «. r • ‘ * 1,01 w" w ü li •eoa your ___ _ address to , B ears tho W lîl: S E W IN Ç M A C H IN E C G « r®®® expen se than a lien tl,ey go away Dr. Kilmer k Co.” Co.Plng- V. H ............— V o S T ' — 'i hem,on. H. Y, The S ign atu re of Joy «e, to ecliool UarSIiier, O raron. H 4. V .. i V 4ÍI At 0... dolMj*r- flf,y C8n* ,nd Jr °'a -8 n-Rl «ce ' I ». T. RaiiMig«, ■n» • » b , ai «¡»¡•v ef a •amp]« MexLter. ' L) Id I'eJ« Fort rtreet, San F r a n c i s , J‘ w. A -■* V t,7 :‘ip’ bolh t h e w h it e is king ! C ASTOR IA Th« Kind You Have Always Bought A »w I < » — - , . . ---------- F oibera of children afTeCed with ciusion should receive successful con- pny «pec,al manner, ,t takes the form of a ' ro“P ^ « «ever.bold need urn hesitate ‘lwic«- It i. both right a vote of confi- condition, of a to the other the «um of «10,000, and reasonable . to adininisier C i i » i . t . .... ....................... ■‘‘• “ r u“ expausion. ever the American people since 3 „ u .., a Pr.b - ii „ „1,1.. , „ u decj < , i d , . on * o- ,..” 2 ’ “ “ a“J ” o w g i.,„ jl.n>atical. -creasingI confidently to the babe as' to ah a Z " anneied the Louisiana« ded by negotiations between the two ; *^e “ *turaln of their appearance. , The great snecees that ha. attended its ’ l,0,’ld receive approval of the A m - governments within the specified in st’ . . ° rner T°a Uney TO« have U8e ,n th° treatment of colds and croup ic«° voters, republican a CONCERNINQ OUR SCHOOL. i period, f hat time expiied in 189.3, hot •tumbled ,„to mythology, a„J have e„- ' “ won find democratic. approval and prat -------- .' lor various rca.., it has received throughout the L each nation charg- countered Argus himself. United Xowr that the number of pupils at- j inK ll,e other with delay, no action free to inventors . 7 8 u ' ? a"d mi“ ,V ,Ofei« a U "d«'- For was are *>*« that stare at you fixedly; ejea “Mæ by ail druggists. leading school in Florence h a. increased taken until 1898, when a ______________ J “6 experie» ^ of 0 A S/iow * Co in protocol was that bave a disturbi ng air of vitality, •o that the aeat. in the school house are drawn up between f eru and Chile, pearly all fillud, tlm question of admit- »1‘ich was believed would settle the ting pupils from oilier districts is likely whole matter. The I ^uom added to the building, .„ d though faith, and claim , that lro(n the , 7 warnt I ?• D ’ PAlXg, ]> a,er . Cal. 1 " kite Sewing Moch/uca. Kugeun, '