Spring and Summer Goods« ANAEMIA Is a disease m et w ith am ong young women principally. It le very quiuiuuo and is a forerunner of couuuniptlon. it is a d isease o f the blood. There la only a sm all quantity o f blood In the system , and It Is of a poor quality. Tho sym p ­ tom s of the d isea se are quite numerous. They ure readily discerned. If the res»« of the d isease is not chocked f . l f c from consum ption or som e other dis* axe in Inevitable. HUDY’A N will check Ils enrich the blood t'ro*?r t “ - H U D Y A N will and m ake the p a ­ tient strong. HUD- VAN Is for wom en a s well a s men. HUDYAN Is a v egetab le rem edy, and It Is h u im .ess In Its effect. It con tains no Iron to ca u se the teeth to decay. If you are s u f f e r i n g you should take H U P - YAN now and th e n note the ch an ge in your condition. Study y o u r symptom:-» carefu lly. T h ese are your «> mu- tom s. T ak e H U d - Y A ii now and they w ill d isap­ pear. choice Billya ot ray II II Fisk was iu E ugene several days ' own raising, and a few from the famous Iiaiiey flock of C alifornia, They a re one and tw o years old. I also have a few nannies for sale in lots to su it. The M arguerite. Billy» of my own raising are im proved J A McLeod from th e sam e stock as old ‘•B um m er." i in E ugene. G eo . A. I I ouck , E ugene W . II. Hollenbeck w ent E ugene, Oregon. Dotted Musliu, white and tau Dee Dimities 1 last F rid ay . street C lair Morris is tending Covert Cloth Foulard’s, satin finish FARM . lam ps for the city. Grass Linen Secrsuekcrs We h ear th at Mrs. W in. K arnow sky I A j:ooJ stock farm of 1(50 acres lying has been quite ill. ■ Scotch Lawns Percale “Iron Brand” I on South slough is now oiFercd for sale. C apt. A M Simpson recently p resen t­ Jo h n L. F urnish is night w atchm an nt A bout half of it is bottom and tùie land, ed $100 to the North Bend hand, I Ginghams Sash Ribbons, latest c o lo n ; the title land being already diked. A | x r - i B orn—A t Alcne, Oiegon on Beptein- the Florence cannery. Miss Mabel M orris visited friends at new house, nn orchard of over 200 trees I f her 28, 1000, to M r and Mrs VV T Carle, Ladies 2 Clasp Kid Gloves in Black or tan. P oint Terrace Sunday. on the piatte, and about 630,000 feet of ; ; a daughter. good tim b er conveniently situated for Geo. M M iller returned to P ortland Mr. G ates’ residence in Acme has ! logging. E xtensive out range. About Soutache Braid and Ass’t Feather Stitched Braids. been given a fresh coat of p aint. W alter last week, from A laska. I hiring did I he work. J . G. Italy formerly of G ard iu er lias ! 15 head of cattle, m ost of them cows, Y0U2 W EAK POINTS ABE: w ith th e land. Price $.3,000, including L CO NSTANT H E A D A C H E -T 1 IE feoj- E S T L IN G S . E rn est lteady gave a party to his moved to Benicia, Calif. Bed Spreads in W hite, Blue and Red. li k is a s though the head were going to stock. Inquire a t the Florence Real burst from too much pressure. 1IUDYAN. classm ates yesterday afternoon, th at Miss K Brund visited h er uncle's fam ­ by its action on m e blood, will equalise E state Agency. art is in session a t 1'. igi-ne being liis seventh b irthday. the circulation of blood and the headache A New Line of M e n ’ s H ats. ily at P oint T etrace Sunday. fa d e s . will disappear. 2-2. S I N K E N R Y K BA LL8 A N D D ARK M rs W II McCornaek was a passenger Rev. T A Yost will preach nt the LOG S WANTED- RING S B E N E A T H T H E EY E S. H U D ­ leaching YAN will cau se the rings to disappear portage school house on N orth l-’ork on for E ugene on T uesday’s boat. and m ake the ey es bright. Sunday October 11 at 2 P. M. Joe SlemmonB and wife were visiting ’ S-i. R I L E C H E E K S, from the poor q u al­ Parties desiring to co ntract with the ity of the b h od , it being alm ost devoid sale lio n . Binger H en n an m will deliver nn in town several days this week. of red coloring m atter. H U D Y A N will Siurtlaw anti San Francisco L um ber Co enrich blood and causa the ch eek s to 1 nddress on the political questions of the Em il Stonefield of Heceta m ade a for logs to he delivered tho coining sum ­ becom e the I right ah.d rosy. ier Eoliarts raade a trip to ,]ay a t Eugene th is afternoon. 4. W E A K N E S S IN T H E H E A R T . Tills trip to Florence a few days ago. m er and (all will please apply a t ouce is the m eat pronounced sym ptom . The i tirai of thè w et*. heart becom es w eak and there Is a con- W alter H aring ami Peter Cowan go to 1 to Win Brund had one of his heat cows btant sin k in g feelin g around it. HUD­ -A girl to do geneial lions killed last week by a rock which was YAN will m ake the 4 heart stron g and Coos on the R obarts on business. I. B. C ushm an, KS, cau se it to beat regularly, and the sin k ­ ly at thè W est 'office, throw n by a blast from ttie quarry. Acme, Oregon. ing feeling wilt disappear. Mr. Crow and wife of H adleyville are 5. F E E L IN G OF W EIG H T IN TH E limati has t«en appulnte.l S to p s lire Cough mid w o rk s oft th e C old. visiting th eir son L F Crow ut Acme. STOMACH A N D IN D IG EST IO N . T h is Is I due to the fact th a t the food in the sto m ­ ie by GovernorT. T. Laxative B roiuu-Q iinine T ablets cure a > SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. ach Is not acted upon by h ealthy blood; Mr Agee is going to move liis family _____ therefore it Is not properly digested. This ìran cise o E x an iin er and thè cold iu one day. No Cure no Pay. to M E Sunbel t's ranch above Acme. ... , . , , , . lends to habitual constipation. H U D Y A N We have ju st received Iron» the facto- Price 25 cents. year >2.60 paid in ml- will cause the food to be properly d igest- Miss Liily B rund was a visitor in rv a new seven draw er, oak finished, od. Improve the appetite and relieve the C apt H urd is in luck to have the constipation. H U D Y A N will relieve all Florence Friday and S aturday of last C ham pion sewing m achine, m ade by the above sym ptom s and m ake you well. ners Bella ie P rien Mink to fall back on as it is not a usual HUDY’AN Is for you. It is for men and the New Home Sewing Maetiine Co. women. A fter you ore cured tell other j last Sftti h cargoes thing for a boat to run w ithout a pio- week. wom en w hat H U D Y A N h as done for you. I Mrs. F M N ighsw nnder and d au g h ter ! C h II nt the W est office and exam ine pellor. There are m any other sufferers and they -r. Sun Fra; a lio w ith to be cured. H U D Y A N can be : A COLD IN ONE KAY A man whose nam e we di I not learn j arrived here from tho valley W oJnesday I the m achine before puchasing elsewhere. procured o f druggists for 50c per pack«go, or six p ack ages for Ir your drug­ had Ills hand h u rt quite badly last Mon- I W P a l l t v® Bromo Q uinine T ai, ; h ?. g ist docs not keep it send direct to the VVC«llll8 refund the tnon ev if they day while w orking iu B rnntou’s logging ! TO OUR PA TR O N S. Hudyan Rem edy Co.. San F rancisco or * * * * " H km ble of Eugene was looking ! Lon A ngeles, Cal. Call unon the H U D ­ over the Stasiaw country the first of E . W . G rove’» big nature is fiunp. YAN doctors. C onsultation is free. You m ay call upon the doctors or w rite, as you th is week. & 26«. ir j We have made arrangem ents by desire. Add dress T he Eugene Guard says th a t the line which we will furnish the Weekly Jew eller Cleaves returned from Gar I Sun: W O And rows of of the Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co. , has purchased th e . will probably be extended to Florence d in er yesterday and is again busy re­ Oregonian w ith th e W est for one venr No. S I 6 South B ro a d w c y , p airing w atches. Have Q l I to any address for the sum of tv.o uol- I land a p in e ^tccJ^ o f n P aul front th e Holland next sum m er. ways on Los Angolés. CaL tug Rolm rta «¡11 A rrive liete L W aters a lecturer on phrenology G ran t E urlm rdt is home again a f le r : , lark payable cash in advance. Ccr. S tockton , Market an» tilt» S ts., ike the launch around to the ! will deliver a lecture in tho school house w orking during the sum m er in a logging ; ALASKA GOLD FIELD. bon f ir m e '» « , C tL i in Florence this evening. Go Rn<] h eur I cam p on Sm ith river. I John L anham and wile started for) tiling. I t is respon- ' him and have your head exam ined. F irst steam ship for Cape Nome and G ^ O G E P J E g , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. r lieu 111, humors A num ber of the business men of Eu- ! ll,eir ll0mu !,t H eceU. T hursday morning Cape York will sail from Seattle, May », Ilici ml ¡ ng rlieu gene and Albany were “ done” recently j "* Gl a ' o:l1' supplies. 10. Thia will be a large ship w ith a tired fcein; t. Bad by nil advertising fakir who was sup M rs K ennedy received a v isit this The W est Real E state office lias bsr- freiglit capacity of 1000 tons and paa- blood by Hood’s posed to be getting up a hook or folder week from a brother whom she had I For ' B"’118 to ° « e r *•> " ‘8 following projn-rty. se n g e r accom m odations for 200. th a t was io be used in the Catholic not seen for over tw enty years. G (o o d $ , A good dw elling house, and black­ ★ ★ ß i (jfo o d s i rates and fu rth er inform ation call or on bged a t Gold church. M rs. D VV Y anderhurg of Fiddle Creek address ress sm ith shop doing n good im siness in a rder of Mrs All d elinquent in road tax , are re ­ was visiting her m other, Mra. K arnotv- tiiriving tow n. The ow ner desires to It M c M urphey , adm itted i qieStol to call at the offiice of C II flol sky on Dunean slough last Monday. L in in g change liia location. A line opportunity A gent N orthern Pacific, Fugene. tim e hut den, Florence Oiegon and adjust th eir fur tlie rig h t ntan. Price $850. Kev Mr W ight left liiBt Sunday for • com m itted accounts at once. F or convenience of A lbany to attend college exam ination Pon't Tobaeeo Spit and Smoke Tour I,Iff A n ,,. RIO acres of unim proved land on.N orth ----- To quit tobacco easily and forever, tie in as I those concerned this place has been th ere. H e will be gone about two netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Fork about ten m iles from Fhironce is e, do not designated, where all hills on paym ent, weeks. ear _______ to county road. Bad, the wonder-worker, tliafc makes weak men offered for sided. N . __ after eat- will be duly receipted. Price Mrs. K yle and ilanghter Isa were toed Hoolilot and sample iroc. Address WBi make a ° good stock ranch 1 a (lose j q w S utton , AdMMkdH i i x . Ohicaco or New York <450. passengers from Yaquin i on (lie R obarts *"* ml Liver | Road S upervisor, W ednesday nfter spending a couple of 150 acres m ostly tim bei land lying in uples freej E A* E vans, foreman of th e Florence weeks a t Albany. CO NTEST NOTICE. section 18, tow nship, 18 south, range 10 H ats & Caps, ï L um ber Go’s mill inform s us th a t the M rs. Jam es Slover who has been h elp­ west. About th ree acre« cleared. A Lea $ntly oider- mill is now cu ltin g about 25,030 feet of ing M rs. A Hiolsnll a t .Mapleton for (Jolted States Land O.TIco. creek large enough to float iogs runs Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 27, 190J. Fportsmen lum ber per day. This is considerable several m onths, retu rn ed to her home through ’lie laud. Price $550.. ( A sufficient coolest adldavil having been [Novelli ber- more than th a t mill has hcretofoie cut, on N orth F olk, Tuesday. filed in tills office by pliitfp Lunz contestant, A good store building and lot in Acme. fa vorn ble h u t the saws have laioly been put in Mrs. C B Jaeobson and children, who j agnlnst Homestead entry No. 83.21, made March C onveniently located for businers. The expected good condition ami with the increased formerly resided here, returned to Flor- 2-5, lsf.5, for lot. 3, 5 and 6, Sectlou 31, Township upper p a rt is finished up for a dw elling. , . 17 8. Range 11 W. by Nets \V. Christen-en, Con- i will event-j power the mill is now in a condition to ence last fu erd ay to rem ain durin g tes,eCi in whie!l it ls alleg ,, tnli Ule said Price $700. »f the \\ il- , |o mure work th an ever before. the w inter. They are living iu the , i-nirymun has wli-dly. abandoned the tracts 40 acres on W ildest creek, 12 to 15 ; embraced in bis homestead eutry and changed “ I wish to express my th an k s to the Button house. list lias pnr- m anufacturers of C h am berlain ’s Colic, bis residence therefrom for a period oxceedlng acres bottom and low b e n c h ; a good | six nioutlu, sinus making tbs entry; that tho j building place; tine cedar and fir tiin- . W h ittak er C holera and D iarrhoea Remedy, for hav­ tnietsaronut settled upon nml sultivnted us b u r; county road opened across th e land ; | be a jierina- ing put on th e m arket such a wonderful .».aired by law, and that id sheged absence ' R gO(H, y m „ e , ro m liile valley. m edicine” writes W. W , M assingill, of 1 from the &uiy h er m any , the leg. Novell«, snd Washington Territory,” »• - i as an ency- i friends here but all wisli tier a pieasuut I . Mr . I^einard Tabor is nt * preeent niak- extended to ah the Puhllc l.wrol States by act I D A IR Y F A R M FO R 6 A L C . i w ritten him i mg liia wecaiy visit to V nirkaiiom iny. of An ,-ust 4 ,1W2, James M. Woods,of Maptetnn, j rl Fays the ! and successful w inter. County of fane, state of Oregon has this day Iajn w ants a b etter grade over Ne.aou gns grow th ! Oscar G ates is »ble to take his place filed In this office his sworn statement No. IIW, A fine dairy (arm on M aple creek six m ountain. in tlie mill again h o t doesn 't get around for the purchase of the W’4 N E'i, K ‘i NWJi, miles Ironi F lo ren cs is now offered lor 9t will often of Sectl -it Ne. 2S, in Township No. ls H , We observe a very racy article licmled q lite ns spry as before tie was liu rt. knee. Tlie only aale. Parties having Real Estate to sell will do well Ringe No. V W. snd will otter proof to show that la tte r tt.e trees. The en tertain m en t m entioned in last [I W ant t u j v i i ’l ••«li lt tlie A lpha COC- the land sought ts more valuable for Its tlmlier I t contains 100 acres, 36 (d it bottom ¡respondent etc.” hut whose pen lias evi­ w eek's W est to be given here B atnhlay or «tone than for agricultural purposes, and to laud ami 33 acres have been plowed. to place it on our lis t 07 Mr Jam es evening, wiii consist of m usic recitations d ently an autom atic gear ami tim e lock establish his claim to said land before the Can c u t 35 tons of hay. A good two eitisens and dialogues and taliluaus. O iiy th e and m ug ju s t s > m uch rot to which Register and Receiver of ibis office at Roseburg, [Co., W. Va.. jolly side of life to lie portrayed. E x ­ th e ow ner does n o t wish to risk his Oregon,011 Tuesday the r-th day of November, atorv lionae 26 l«y 38 fe e t; a barn 4) by 70 leet, witli heavy fram e; a goat houae «•»mi** "U F«ske of ice in ercises to begin at 7,3). Every tody come. reputation as a literary u n ia t by sign- 1900. ein»« 2 ( He names as whnesaesi 1C by 40 feet; an orchard of about 5001 it severely. ! mg liis tru e name— All C hung Rl—only H. II. Flak, of Point Terrace, Oregon; Fred trees of different kin d s of fru it lias been a„.i H e.t ami ;-niue.l Fisk, of Eugene, Oregon; John N. Wixats, of ' Rigua il ‘Pop a Muie Ii-tueral.* .... J fl^ S T FOR THE BOW ELS bearing for a year o r two. uni.I i.ol walk VIapp-ton,Oregon; Robert Lynch, of Mapleton, A w ater wlisel of alxiut 8 liorae power lt.es. Hu « .s On th e ld ih of Decemlier, 1897, Rev. , Oregon. Any and all perrons claim ing adversely the furnishes m otive power a t tlie burn for and ,r’ Ì , usej several No m atter w hat ails you, headache to !i. A. D uuahoe, pastor M. E C lia rd i, ahove-deneritSMl lands arc requested to fite their tw o ami a half ' a c a m e r, you » ill never get well u n til South, P t. P leasant, W. V a., eoiilraeied claims In this office ou or before said tillt day of cu ttin g feed, saw ing »oval, etc. „„nr *:ie,,-l Tlie farm is $< ndle trotn school aud |b a tilin g it, but ¡ yo u r bowels aie ,-nt rig h t. CABCA a severe c-dd widen w as atten d ed from November 1900. , mile from a county road. a u lii lie i-egan R ETS help n atu re, cure you w ithout a tlie ia-gitiin i,g l,y violent c-nigtiing. | | e i J. T Bairxixs, I Prico $ I AX). Restster. tin Bairu. This gripe or p ain , pro.iucc easy n ntural say«. “ A lter resorlm g to a iiuintw r ot A bargain for anybody wanting • flete cure iu a M ovem ents, coat you ju s t lo cen ts to Mo-cslied ‘specific«,' u.o.tiiy kept in tlie ves th a t bad lie s ta rt getting yonr h ealth Lack. CAS- houae, lo in* purpose, 1 p irehaved a to t- tVAXTEH—ACTIVB MAN, hFOCHItr CHAIIAC farm . ter P» deliver and eolleet in Orason, for old For further information inquire a t Hie 1 leg would liave C’A R E IS Candy C ath artic, the genuine, tie ot C n a m o e ila u .’« Cough Rem edy, 1 established n-.a-iufacturiog wholesale h--u«., MS’ a j -ar. sure pay. II onesty more than e s peri - i W x « t office. P aio Balm is p u t up in m etal hole«, every tal-let lias w hh h acted like a ch arm . I most cheer­ enee ..0» required, our reteici.ee, any hang in any LraiveS and ( C. C. C. stam ped oil if. F.oeiosa self a.ldressed .tamped envelope F clnratc r e a r Itosvetv W ith CeeeereFs. Beware of fully lecunw ietid it to th e public.” For city. Mannfscturers, Third fiusa. 034 hearhorn at. I Cwsay Cathartic, core mmetlgettes le r e w . c in rasa r O W . K urd. UiuUUoiis. Sale bv O. W. H u rd . «•wsoo. UC.a.C.teiLdriiMiaMrefiiadsvaq«» Call anti see our line of Cotton Goods. All fine wash, fabrics. n d . Linen,, Acme Commercial Co. J. W. HAND, Manager. very MEYER & HY1E HUDYAH REMEDY COMPANY, ‘lv e t trinm EBY. r Oent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , Noto Paints, Oils, etc. II Prices as Low as the Lowest ntei Florence, Oi»ef°n. FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. a n d ^ o ld ora c o m m i s i o n . 40! to tier,” », '! . it Tbs roll Anybody desiring to pur­ chase Real Estate is in* vited to examine our list and see what w have to offer. JOHN C. BECK W. H. WEATHEftSOfL W. NICHOLA 1 ***1 'f . twt J r. 4 /