T H E W E S T . r a n is No Eye Like the Master’s Eye. t f /—PVMJSMBO BVBBV VIIDAT MOMKlgG.— u i i eil , rustic J*’w u , of tini iiivitatfen an act of d isloyalty to F k OX Ol'B B b BVLAB C OBBr»rOXDB> T. ! taw and Loubet estafeuahed. — AT— Pari«, France. Septem ber 17, 1900. m ost of The two • L avx G opbtt , F lo r e n c e , O r c . O ct. 1 2 , 1900. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. b For P residen I: W IL L IA M M c K IX L E Y , ia stronger still and optw rtunisat will en tertain m en t ; ■ therefore rule its councils. ______ W . J . F’CTfcNWH, Ö. F . P A X T O N , O regonian T he va- t!««» a d istin ct era of the décen tralisa- o„éo u le exp osition clo ses sh e w ill in - n o u s fishin g in terests are un ited on this lion of population has set in . The pop- vit« or m ake one. C ertainly, if sh e now Tableau R ecitation past ten olic M issions building. Trouble in tbo M onnun F am ily. B v le u D ib s , T ableau wrongfully Organdies, in Fancy Shades, to prevent the plaintiffs ; tiffs represent, from Ashing in said CHEFFRON, and the follow ing m anner, LADIES STOCK COLLARS, places, ; in said lower Sinsiaw bay, and in A Spanking Good Tim e. and Fancy ¡shape and H«vr A re T our K M a e j, » * fish traps. Dr Hofe»'Hparar^ HUI» core »llXIdney ill,. Sam. 8>o (roe. Add. stereo« Beiaodj Co.-Chicaco or M. V. That said defendants have unlawfully stream s October 8, 1900. F oggy nigh ts and sunny d ays. - .................................n e ban carried j plaintiffs E lm ira preached at Iriaon fch ool bouse fast Su n d ay. tfelioul at ib is place I, progressing 8,1,1 *Ith al a very satisfactory one ____________ ' h * " ” i “ "’° , e C“ t “ rr '1 in thig M cti °" whom the represent, to fish in said RIBBONS, stream s with drift nets am} ^ill nets for the purpose of catching defendants are salm on and ..................... .. D ied.— Near W alton, October 0, 1900, ol typhoid fever, the 13 year o |d «oh ol Mr BurcBmp. There are three or four poi was a ’ _ _ was supposed in , 0 tiA he s »linn»»».i- incurable. For great m any years doctors pronounced « n _ a it " tl A ll Shades and of best quality, includ ing Velvet trim J now and for CORSETS and HOSIERY. G Collar Canvass _ ï f , Dress Unina 0. W. HURI), CARMAN’ f i l e old lady is tirelv prevented from fishing in said ^*n t-uro V o n .t,|,* ll.,i, Sorwrer. and a t o u r s ^ r a Í £ j, CHEAP CASH STOKE! stream . That said defendants and each ' of thorn are jointly and together at- ! i i clothed ,. . ■ • ** m *1’’ eotuPl,5to|y in sh in s, arriving at the h u t of io i - “ >• M ck en xie. . p artially paraìyxed. e* 'iDSl a i,er T he apple crop in th is neighborhood ‘» « tb u H o n of m anufacturing interests I 0 ( his o u a i . i , .. ' - «“ d * “ h it t h . drift of population from J " ' A third jroup repre- a sister of charity (r ettin g the Block range is g ettin g fine on * ’“ ’ the .in ttead of toward the great d tie « . ! sores o í a len er .r xi a i m ou n tain s stm-e the , n il,. Ü ,,h e íe” , “ ,r ‘ a Ín •*=“ * “ nd B - i n a , and from t i , i L L ^ Z There is som e fatal disease am ong the industrial developm ent which the policy calvea in thia aection fem e proiiui.iiLe of protection encourages and which the terrible nature of the disease, the m ost ft black leg. horrifying of all. One other *roup m ust M f C ornelius m ade a flying trip to advocates of that policy have predicted be m entioned sin ce it relieves he horror would fellow its adoption. T h e ahow- L in n county laat w eek. ‘ jo f Urn r e a t - t h a t of a » ¡ „ b u a r y ----- -------- - - U .. It C.,„re„ lh e « ■ " - - f u r n . thus an interest- great . t , o , , 7 Z r7 , * n'*M” “ ary’ " B n» ------------ I, F Biiiith of the church at »ft rendering it im possible for plaintiffs and the persons ' raid •" don’t forget them , w arm weatt is coming. ; tirely obstruct the channels of said Bv A WliST CoKKKSPOSDKXT. SHIRT WAISTS, ’ and wrongfully so placed said fish traps in said rivers as aforesaid, so as to e n - IEENLEAF ITEM S. the very the j tributaries of said Siuslaw river, partir- i ularly the North Fork, ' rge stationary! Som ething W orth H earing O aptC ox Ties, Grandm a H ale is slig h tly better. -ve.n P ” des ■ 71 w. the estab lish m en t of m anufactories i ' 1 bsen toward the localities w here theraw 1 r « all W h ite Goods, in N ainsook, P ique, Ind. Ljnea * unlawfully and been unable to realise any profit since years a marked change has occurred in o n e of the m ost Interesting and long tim e bave been preventing the th e rise in the price of beer. T h e pro- The drift of population. T he ch ief cities sa m e ’tim e horrifying in the hX>w. A s H erm an Steinhau er says he has plaintiffs and the persons whom the) liib ition ists are rejoicing, but there ara 0 ( the country have not added near as you push back th e heavy »u/Uiins at Hie found in the Lake creek tnou niains, a plaintiffs represent from follow ing th e! nearly 5000 saloons still o|>en. Thia u,any ‘v to their population as »»no was v*- ex- entrance ly ledge of rock as riel, iu gold as any iu occupation of fisherm en. That prior to ■ 4 entrance you you find find yo«*se>f jr a io e u in in a p dim uiiniy | m ean t a falling of $1,000,000 ill reven u e pectsd w hile m any of the sm aller towns ligh ted I i * m with wax-wor* scene» on tlic t,ie Bcheuntt m ines. the obstruction of sai tni<',,e ° OV VO grow th th during during the the decade— decade— a a growth growth al- al- about- about Q - B an F' baxcwc - o is enjoying an era of oi 1 m — a t ' by'the w a - 8 ,0 uiarveloufly lifelik e— f on and niatle 'Le roads "hppory. sent, followo.l the vocation of fishermen ten years. ^roeperity in th e sh ip -bu ildin g industry . r - ; - » iu u s t - , ind , icate clearly . s u “ t “ w °I o u , „ o , . , „ . ^ „ „ J ’, the bad.places n . the road this side of as aforesaid’ that said p.aintiffs and the V — —— WWW k n v u t j p est decade m the ^„»Ifor towns and Arab is about to apply be fose Tl . »More »re still on .h e .p ick s, apd ,,u ,„ - cities through th econ n try. The induce- ¡ . . JeBn de V > tber w ,w ’J *J • m it , e. . . eighhors helped sleo and persons »horn the plaintiffs represent, ' been — let — Scot sc o t-; . , , t h . im provem ent ,s great. vre deprived of the common right o f, . • r o u . contract« , have ------ ,u‘;n l, ,or t,le gravitation o f population T hat California,' after such blown from the ■ cannon 's in m outh in U A liner l- ......... »«.mull m outh A l - ' and John C arlyle and Frank r e c o r l, can cast Its ' e l e c t o r , \ ' o ^, tlm refofe, q u ite as fishing iu said streams. ■ , .. --------------------- Siromr if .0,1 .1 , • «e n a f« r refusing to forswear C fcristian -' £ ldridg e a fe going to! get logs Into Lake I That said defendants have placed said strong if not stronger in the sm a ll towns ‘ , ‘ ” 1 ° " r "'“1 - J o n U ,. c , « d 0 , \ i . lim i„ ! r e c k to n .e b t e P i.,.,,' , traps on either side of said stream s e x - .. I “ * ........ n ..b . „ .„ O .,.,.,. M r. B ..,k n ,P, T T t ■eem s gether S c o n c e ,v a b le .- .f .f e - of .„annfaeturing industries w h iih a r i ¿ ¿ 7 “ J ' “ "* 7 C‘"e , !’ J lo h " » • industricB. w hich nr* ____1 . . . . . 1 stream s, and so unlawfully and wrong- n«n it he loadstones that attract ¡» p u la tio l, n T d^ ‘- ) ,U° ll’er m ake her hom e fully ohstrncte.l said stream s , ----------- that the D uring the past decade, the 'd rift o i ‘ ^ o r d o H h ’ “ 'i ‘' " i tb " v " e h a . long Sh res,d- plaintiff« im l all other persons are e „ - ! ÌV IS O N IT g M f f . fend. of The follow ing river, at divers points and U la Cushman. ing though sh e is very weak. A trimmings I LACES A N D EMBROIDERY, • That defendants have built and coa 1 strueted and placed in said Siualaw --------------------- It is cert dress lieiein and the persons whom the plain­ fishermen in Grace Sw eet. M ost os th ese w ere keep- iod th e cen tralisation of population was otller day when I was diverted Horn m y / Octobar 8, 1903. saloons who d e l u d e d on abnorm al. T h i big c ities outgrew the purpose by th e attractions of l l . i * * ’ Mrs J A B urnett is still slow ly gain ­ During the and from following their occupations as such Our ¿ r m y and X avy. In strum ental so lo estim ates, because the latter were based w ill be gratified sin ce exceed in gly d eli- rural d istricts. Braid Mr Burrell. D ialogue T --------------------- — 0,1 a growth during the past ten years ca?0 com plications are bound to arise. In C hicago about 2000 saloon-keepers coriesponding w ith th at ot the decade I was on the way to the C h in ese and , * a j a n tw uii m e to u ie v in n c fe anu *• doors with the com ing of ending in J890. D uring the latter per- J„p anege section s o f the exposition t l m ' / ---------------- .eer by m easure, and have t t Silk Montgomery, Siuslaw river and its tributaries, Mrs Ward. Solo m a tter, and there is now encouraging ulatiou of nearly all of the large cities throws her lot w ith R ussia, there w ill jiros pee ts th a t som eth in g m ay be o< country has fallen far short of the be no sm all chance th a t the' lo nging hccom plished. Clara M ills. 11 entitled: ‘•That said defendants and each of them are attem pting F Sw eet. R ecitation feulo ch an ges in tho fishin g laws ol the state of 1890, has been arrested ; the other ia s iii ply “ sp o ilin g ” for a war, and that Is m eetin g w ith good success. / is a portion of the com plaint : Q uartette. R eading cen sus M any people hold that th e French are attorneys for plaintiffs. Em m a Säubert. Sung w ritin g from Astoria sa y s: The cóium it- the results. One of them is that th e j t o g e t far more o f th e C h in ese pickings of tho F ish erm an ’s U nion liauing iq tendency of population to flock to the from th e pow ers collectively th an from charge th e collection of funds for carry- Kreat c h ie f of th e country, which was Rusaia stan d in g alone or in epposition feature of the is defendants. L Bilyau and Thompson A Hardy are O ne Too M any. R ecitation been finished l.y the census bureau, benefit to th at country or not; whereas Two tilin gs are show n in bold relief in i f is pretty certain th at France is l ik e ly , in g on of .............• g ettin g ....... som .. e . needed - - - the .......... work ............ . . . . . . . . - a conspicuous case , George Montgomery and O W Hurd, U la Cushm an. Tablean . w h en , as in this case, the m inisters, as Marion Oo. dan Francisco Chronicle. The cen sus enum eration s of all e x - regards C hina is high ly doubtful. C on­ D ouglas Co. c e d in g ;h ree b i the cities of over 25,000 troversy is alw ays rife, even in France. I U m atilla Co, M ultnom ah Co. in h a h iu n tssin th e U nited S lates have as to whether th e alliance is of m aterial A correspondent of the given at Acme Shoeing the Horso. In st, ¿olo predilection . W h ether the alliance , V w i ith R ussia can he called an interest as T IL M A S FORD, J . C. FULLEBTOX, be Sir Burrell Dialogue DECENTRALIZATION OF POPULATION m en ‘ liear‘*opular sen tim en t when floating down e llh IfzwwsA*« k I I a only e.tfiartie to take l with M ood*« Sarsasarilla. LADIES BELTS, last Friday with under tlie firm nqjoe of Meyer A Kyle, T he followin,g ia th e program of the risk knocking against th e iron pot of ------ — ;— - — perpetually. THE A C M E ENTER TAINM EN T desires to keep its plighted word, at any r,m to U,e w o r U e a r _ i u (ea, ?f ./ . r . , 4 i I > . . . Fe . . . » 1 . .. t • . I . * rnSdi' : Som the tuning ^ d b u m in ^ f ‘ scrofulous treatiren co. t of o. » e v e n t doctors. Took H ood’s Sarsaparilla and Hood's P iiis. These curtfi sne thoroughly. J. J. L ittle , Fulton, X. . P resid en t: of N ew York. A su it was filed Clerk I x e enjoining the use of the traps vs W in. K yle and M M eyer, co-partners, m inistry strongly m inisters are of far too fragile a kind to TH E O jX JR E R O O S K /E L T , owners to rem ove them from the river. W ith tbe m «ss of tlie peo­ because, w h ile th e of O hio. f u r V ice Has just received a new stock | in a suit being brought to compel the U«w Jkr« T o u r lihlncy« t John C Beck, Jam es A McLeod, ple _ tbe feelin g ia by far tbe stronger » _ _ U _ _ Jt _ ---------------• » Ho ta S:«aria«i* PfeLscurexll kidney lil*. Ki~r> a,ld in u - end "«> i* * » ai* «kataas a ia lk w iin Uametir Co.-lbi-ABoar *L£ Wm. Brynd and \V W N eely, plaintiffs i is refreshing. _______ __ , also." l!l< UlCHABL fio ILS, 3173 benny htOctt. Pittsburg. Pa. 8 c r o f u lc u s H u n io r - “ I was in terrible The Great W hite Stop Thc dissatisfacaion of the fishermen d ou b t brilliantly provide. liv e pow ers. Owners Siuslaw in w ith the use of fish traps lias resulted y It is the specific rem edy for troubles of the blood, S id n eys, bowels o r liver. K id n e y s - “ My kidneys troubled me, and ua V».« v <«^sM u u v u s r» o a ir a p a n jid advice toot Hood Harraparflia on Served Trap» Riser O begom lir , If WIMTiri'IiCAV W Fish im portant tow ns whose m ayors Y o u are m aster o f your T he question of most political interest have refused are, so far, Lyons ami health, and . i f you do • * . ..» < # < * ». « ». » j not at the m om ent here is w hich of two M arseilles. The m ayor of the latte.* attend to duty, the blame is feelings, not to say tw o interests, will ■ - - BY - - - i . • ■ *r , f_i j- i' rr re t t t t ~ t --------- - - • **“.'*.*'—*y> . . . . excuse^ . • ■ - - hiu uejf on th e gxour.ii tl»4t tbe . f ^ d y locate d. If your blood influence the tr e n c h governm ent in its recent strikes left him so sad that be has II. »» KA IIJERSON ¿ Ou t of o o d ’s Sar­ is j Out o f order, Order. H ood's Sar- l*r eastern policy,—th e alliance wil no sp irit for the gaieties the Paris m wnicipality prom ises, and w ill no saparilla iv ill purify it. jtk lito r and P r o p r ie t o r . F lobbxcb , Injunction An . ,‘liberty, equality, an.l fraternity” as by , t'anov ('atiiai-ti0. iu; nr23c. ' teinl,tln£ to m onopolize the right of a .. • , , , 15 ■ OI ' - fishing and the business ................... of fishing ---------------------------- .OOlIlj, I jn said stream s, and to unlawfully and GENERAL NEW S. ) wrongfully prevent the plaintifis and all I I I . U C . fail lo ca re, drug», kcs tefuua inuncv i ' It was announced th a t Lord fjoberte otl,er persons Drv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notio from fishing in said would issue a proclam ation . yesterday •tresm s by unlawful and wrongful p r . . the — -v».xa. 4 mi U wrongful declaring the war in South Africa ended "^¡" ten ancc of said trap,, llg a jor«.gai,L ! T L U K f_ N C E T he uoiil ____ » for , the fall eoal m iner« iners w ill m eet ... in c Scran- J ‘ T.uit th« the Aui».*n. fishing . season M F A T M A D IZ T ?^ f \ £ a Ion, P en n , today to decid e ti e strike of 1900 is now open an.l begun, and q u estion , It is thought th ey will accept th e increase of pay offered. plaintiffs an.l the persons whom Just Opened. the I plaintiffs represent are now an.l will bo In Chicago last M opday, democratic for the remainder of the fishing season c l,r'8 t i ,,’iM ««k im o. The snow is toughs m ade an assault on the toughs m ade an assault on the last prevented from following their vocation "" ................- - by the unlawful and wrongful act. of 1 tl,.. I r — . ?. V “ * “ ,K o u* f , publican clu b s. Four were injured said defendants, aforesaid, unless BaiJ la m ic a li clu b s. r o, the m ission ary, a . he greets tl,« convert The rio ter, escaped. , , . - -------- -------- defendants are at on-e restrained. „W herefore ¡daintiffs pray for i decree __ I Goods as ^eoresentei J- w. CARMAN PROPRE 4 . " ; Lo a cniistitutim isl disease, and therefor« I n., - , . , ’ and 7 ear‘"K «P- becn « « p im ’d by the enem y. servants, agents and em ployees of said A nother bn dge broke down last S u u - requires oon.tltntfonal tien t,„ e u t ’ “ nd ® to c ,l,* n eou i • « 'd e o of all ! T he C h in ese court have gone to Sinan defendants and each of them, froni ob. * H!‘1!’g V "” Trh Cure, m anufactured by * rt ,r7 ' ’ ,,car’J-’ »cry d im e J region ! Fu, .b o u t three hundred m ues farther irec etrnct.ng a(u blocking said streams ¡R I H ? ; ; m "y 1°' ,, J ’ C " * - y A C o . . T o lk ,fe ,O h io ;i.« lm ‘ be evan gelist h a . .ænetra.ed from P ek in , and it is said will not re­ wi-h said fish traps, a , set forth in tl,« ’ U fe w \ ‘!üë " ? ’>!>• “ «’• ‘“ ntfena. cure on the m arket- There is the figure of a G h i n L p 2 7 - •• - » " £ S . turn to P ekin through fear . of _ the _ ............................. I ...................................... ..... allied com plaint, and that said defen,lam , arm ¡eg. H is now thought the Freuet, a " converts. Y et w hat a dron in 1116 ""rbor [iiip .u ,ciiieiu s .o ?. • 1 ln < filch ft re under hid char?»* tHe.r voval ion as j w i n-i.»,. hlw nys pay for th e fillin g. I . O . O . F - M E M B E R S H IP . | u I T T l ? n,illiO,“ ! o i ! W e f il l d “ i« fo llo w in g 'ita fp m c n t Iv 8!; 1 ‘¡-'"-'8 in said H re,m » "tn,’ . satistK -al c h a r t. of iptereet to him co n cein in g (he work I,eve, ¡„ said defendants and ea t’| ,* ‘ A T I ORNEY- , There are now 1,000,000 member« of A t Sin.few the enjoined »,„) r e i, rii , ll'e " ' l'e *« --------- the subordinate lodge o f I C C p anJ A m ericans a . sh ow in g broadly th e Tnefefey a O regonian of I CiHlmlicisu, in t,.e the Unitevi U nited i e ,, 7 Las been exten ded 200 fect this r’" ,1<‘d pending this I n » a ■ n > Interview laist y year the e lodges » 'a'e — .» o n y yesterday m e n i a y a afternoon lte r ,lo o n M — 0 0 0 0 Relwkaba. --v -,,,,-. ia«»i ea r m ¡Hliolicisu, in Mr K y le stated that they had bent tho PM'*I out $3,000,000 in relief funds. The Stats». ”’ j | ■ -------- ■ ------ -- ----— ».one approacn, • ■ ....... . ‘w .v c r ttieir • — — •w |'|eVRNRSitff m akes'«tw, akes a t» ,I t 4000 40Q0 (set feet com com pleted, pleted, and and l0Sl9 10,19 “nd lind ‘''’ d isburs»menls ddeiiuien ts to th e fish trap case tp their 4«v»reigii prand lodge donated $1500 to ' There are 3 000 m arne. ¡n v m bursem nng i„ y j . • ¿ H o m ey but have hot heard from him ‘ *'é (ialveston sufferers. all l « » . t ’ i , "cs an d fliers Is « i l l about 2000 fee, to build. 8 'lJ iùr • • f b other and fu n i.e , . y s t . H e also inform ed os th at th e ir,^ 7 . , . - , ---------" 1 a e been m vited b , P a r i, mu- Tbe work Ha, t .e n very d i f f l ^ t as to this court n .iv J s t . ' Ite also inform ed us th at their l l ’ ’l l ' B I H M .I C f ’ A X T T I I, O »W N . ntciim n ic il,!‘ 1,,y ‘ o th 11,e it i is . g iv in g on th e rou. ¡ on account ° " a r C of i" n o f a sv'm '• .r",f in e cur- «Brèò'.hl ^ ° K L a. .... N O I I t I’, F O R lily to e f fetes e t... ¡i __ I sea a l scour n ‘‘‘T *°«m DHCl m eet 8ulJ a„i trap s w ere Still fishin g T ball --------- ^ t n l «nJ ^3r,| o f t |,e m o n li| jh 1X51)1 **<*Mld |lie end, wliivlt m ade it nev- » », Mg ' ^ y i n j ' m e t k M i w a . i . s n o d , , , tanfi unte« si ttuseburg, Orrsnn. "1 exp osition , (fee would h a v e to wor^ ,n wa'?r 60 feet in dspth BEARING W O R D TO M O T H E R S ’ A..S...I lì. 1 « harvllv tfew elk, ». . " , , fe nse piles H » ieet lo n g in co,,- Ju.lge H am ilton lust Fr:,ja - like a bicycle, and w;,« ! Ifntt^ Is h m b y St veil tbst th« (..ii.nS..« . 1 ,.>* * U'M «ny of the m ayors sfm e tin g th e trnn;pay, w hich i»ud«m .| :K »pake the M others o f ch ild ren affected w ith nsiuM M iler IA« si«fi uatlv-« nt his tatoetton wo“ 'd refuse to atten d so p u tely festal I N » « » very slow . l,> re " '•“ ! 8 here ‘•W H IT E ” : erob p uT a sev ere cold need not h e sita te to m..l,r lilial proof In support ,,f Iilsclslm kwrt » n .I kk» . i- .i J* ‘ ’ . •' ! . • v *Pu ly ¡rlicriff E n d f l ». t h . . « , t proof W tllb«„,..i, felon- rrsuk ,t n® » l>« l't.e a | . g a th e r in g .t,o t refuse H I* hoped that the work w ill be l e - m orning. J 1 k ll,c Easiest Io ad u iiiiister C h am b erlain 's Cough R6««*ra. IT. H . <0hitiiiu.it.uer at GanUner, Ore- 8tîVerM* them do, *nd Boni« in n o tery K r n t i l? ftcorninr place n ext MMOn Running It c on tain s no'op iate nor nar- gum ssoetoher IX. Ite,, vi, A b w . v..rh m, courteous term s. The reason i's ih .r . , re f» « a t I t a $ l » . a i L . 3T is great su ccess th a t h as nt tended i t s , >fs »as»«« the f-filoaring witnem nia prave. 8 la rfe nationalist m ajority, an.l am ong r'ver» and is of gno-l quality. I in » » th » •W G R I E « a I n I U d s 4 i i m »« u iv r nwlfie.iv« v e t r e a t m e n t M o l f L cuttle crim p hi» ce s illituou» upon and cultivait»» ¡ -* th s m ajority, su m s of th s clu a eest 4 s a ^ Tba r ’Or/ v ÎRÛ! S aCd S fia t won lor It th e approval and praise » tra h i tanfi, vti: It h as rersired tiirotighoiit t h s U n ited «.'• W - Y,l#k. J. y Whitaker, M Ik»l«n, and /. •gogne» tira Paris w orking c la s so , can*' G reatest M edicine ¡ . "8 B o o lit -, . " ............................. J.A tc , all ’Jardiner, oretfim. • • produce. T tis French provincial m iro r H ood •¡'•»rw ip ariilu .lnvan .e B aar. __ /9 o ’ C O N S U L T E D iA N n l«*‘ I the white is kin « A ............ r>e9'1,y of rini"L. qu ality of m aterial, sle g a « « .» !<*< j tiu» rtn . ’I nr tnfttenal, elejpwcf'? T /l Le-t of,aH W<|rk,,"ln,,,,'P‘ f*'« «i'op lest, most com |*tf j " “ ^ L m e n ts. easy payu l, « t . , old m a ch « « £ in explife. 7 Ruyunrurw, oin nnu _ A . e X . J. , u s e r XCbftrifce. / I ° ne m i,,ion ih I more ' * ' ' ear" of •M 'fess, courteous treat«*«*'' more can you ask 7 Ifsmedy. F WW L m« liite ” , ^»"■c m arket. CASTOR IA i i’io AMERICA’S r\ H«« A!W 3tt I Bi'c^vcle» m n lighter nn