AM. M ARRIED. ? ,S T & $& gie£a& fo& B ay —L a whence . At th e residence of J H P ra tt, on IT MOHNING— South »lough, S uuday, Septem ber, 30, I 1900, R ober»B av an d Lillie Lawrence, I O regon .— Rev. M r Yost officiating. D ahlix —W ells . While they route th* liver, restore A q uiet home wedding occurred at S R S O N S full, regular action the bowels, seven o ’clock, Sunday evening S ep t. 30 they do not gripe or pain, do not Irritate or inflame the internal organs, 1900, a t the residence of Mr. ami Mrs r auil Proprietor. but have a positive tonic effect, xjc . W insor W ells; th e ir eldest d au g h ter at all druggists or by mail of Miss Blanche, being united in m arriage C. I. Hood «St Co., Lowell, Mass. $1.60 & y ear in advance.----- to Mr .) L D aldin. The cerem ony was perform ed by Jus- t th e post-office I • • 1 tico Gibson of H erm ann. y, O regon, a» sc ro ti, I -chi*» PERSO N A LS. alt desti The bride wa» vary p rettily dressed in ' w hite organdia trim m ed in cream lace. Chas David has moved his family to I But few guests were invited. T here IATKS MAD« KNOWN ON AP­ G ieuada. PLICATION. was nutliiug to m ar tne pleasure of tn e cecia per liti« , cu c ii in s e r tio n Jas Brady returned from P o rtlan d i occasion except th e absence oi the M onday. i b rid e’s eldest brother. » , Oro. Oct. 5, 1901». Miss K ate B e ck is em ployed a t th e i M r anil M rs D ublin took leave on " A iiim j M onday's stage lor Spokane, W ash., M orris h o te l. Col Holden lias taken a hom estead on where they intend to spend th e w inter. V E S T L IN G S . Is often a warning that the torpid or inactive. Mere troubles may follow. For a eClcfent core of lieadacuo liver troubles, take liver is serious prompt, anu all derv ,,. 'ades. o rent are in d e m a n d in lo w n . on, nausea are cured I y Is. ir W arranty -Deeds fur sale i t office, * n l’s cream ery dosed Tuesday iitson’e rn n . -reft has had a n e w roof p u t n nt G lenada. —A girl to do g e n e i a l b o o s iply nt the W est ollii Francisco E xam iner and the ne year $2.60 p a id in mil Knowles creek. The W est congratulates th e young Mrs E C Knowles is reported to be couples and wishes Ilieui it long, happy slowly im proving. P J Shistad cam e in from Y aquina on i and prosperous journey through life, Spring and Summer Goods. G O A TS FO R SALE. I havo 9evoral choice Billy» of say own raising, and a few from th e famf.'iis Bailey >loc|| of C alifornia. T hey »/"e one and tw o years old. I also have a few nannies for sale in lots to su it. The Billy» of my own raising are im proved from the same stock as old “ B um m er. G eo . A. H ouck . E ugene, Oregon. A ST O C K FARM . In It» Incipient s ta g e m a y be cu red . T h is fa c t bus Ixrcn ct,ltiblished. I t h a s been proved beyond a d o u b t by th o u sa n d s of person* who h a v e used th e g r e a t biood, n erv e an d tis s u e bu*l«l»T, H U D VAN. i 1IUDVAN h n s d ra w n th o u sa n d s aw ^ y from th e clu tc h e s of th e d re a d dlaeuao. r. ’h ere is no denyinj? Ihu fn ct. M any , plo h av e been re.'itored to p e rfe c t h e a l.» ■ b y H U D Y A N a f te r th e ir casca w ere pro- A n m re d hope!. »« by th e b u st p h y sic ia n s. , Yuu r a n be c u re d if y o u will. Do not de- Dotted Muslin, white em bvr th a t d e la y s a re daiufer- In* oust T h ey m e especially hie!p h nt von#>in2i>- Covert Cloth tiort. I*o<«k a t tne** byniptom s. S tu d y th e m c a re fu lly . Grass Linen 7? « A re th ey y o u rs 7 T h en you m u .« tw c a re fu l. You a re Scotch Lawns w ith in th e g ra» p r. i co n su m p tio n . 0 11 COY AN will re ­ Ginghams le a se you. T oHc ‘ ‘t1’0 F L i " ’ n N a O O F T U R C F IR IiK S Ladies 2 Clasp Kid IN T H U A t'I EK- N O O N A ND K V II- Call anti see our line of Cotton Goods» All fine ami tan Deo Dimities Foulanl’s, satin finish Sooranekers Percale “ Iron Brand” A goo ! stock farm of 100 acres lying J on South slough is now offered for sale. I Saali Kihlrons, latest colors; About half of it is bottom and tide land, : tlm tide laud taring already diked. A ( Gloves in Black or tan. new house, nil orchard of over 2C*0 trees ' on the place, and about 600,000 feet of , N1NO—the bee io good tim b er conveniently situated for, S outache B ra id and Ass’t F e a th e r S titclied B raids- k P u sh — t h e first logging. E xtensive out range. A bout J », in p to ia of a; n- su m p tio n . H iiu - 15 Head of cattle, m ost of them cows, 1 Y AN will ca u se It B e d S p r e a d s in W h i t e , B l u e a n d R e d . t(> <1 I s a p P e a r. ' with th e land. Price $3,(W0, including , l l t ’DYAN will e s ­ stock. In quire nt the Florence R ealj ta b lis h a p e rfe c t c irc u la tio n o f »be blood « i d ca u se th e A N ew L ine of M e n ’s H a ts . E state Agency. ch eck s to a* suroe a n o rm a l ro sy color. 2. T IC K lh N O tN T H E T H R O A T A N D COUGH. A t m a t t e c cou g h Is a BbftlH h a c k —th a t Is •»>«■■ liATS" VAN will a to p h e tick lin g u n d th e cough. H U D Y A N will reli-awc It In a few d ay s. J. A h'DIOH’J’ l ’ A’ N IN O N E OK,r,j ° ' r ]a L U N G S u su a lly d t a r ti»o to p s, i n i s is a n 'in d icatio n th a t lb e £ou8UxnKt nTen Y A N b aa in v ad ed th e h u n t tlHSV,e. T VI? u ill e ra d ic a te th e g erm . H U P Y A N w i l l re s to re th e lu n g tU su e fcn a h e a lth y con- LOG S WANTED- Acme Commerciai Co. J. W. HAND, Manager. P arties desiring to contract with tlie T here is m oie C atarrh in this section Sinslaw and San Francisco Lum ber Co of th e country th an ail oth er ilistases for logs to be delivered th e coming su m ­ p u t together, amt until the Itisi few y ears m er and fall will please apply a t once d.Uon and p\ event further destruction. Deputy Sheriff Fred Fisk was greeting was aupposad to be in curable. For a to 4 W EA K N ESS AROUND ¿H E H K A R T friends in Florence W ednesday. I. B .T u s h m n n , I great many years doctors pronounced it T he h e u rt is becom biK w eak . H l * , , , will s tr e n g th e n It a n d »tause th e w e a k l i e r Acme, Oregon. W m Ferri» and M alia C astelline „ iucai ,liseuse, and prescribeJ limai rem- to d isa p p e a r. | ! edies, and by constantly tailing to cure . made a trip to Florence, Monday. You liavc th e sy m p to n is. B a ,T S?,C w iiiiV tv> »ate. i EWING MACHINE FDR SALE. iJw y o A u N ? c a b » efo * re to it is on ik e Go In c n u o ia t b al* lc F ish com m issioner Reed came up the i witli local treatm en t, pronounced it in- I I curable. Science iias proven cata rrh to sta g e If you <1o th e re will be no h'_lp fo r beach yesterday on B arret’s stage. •ou H UDYA .\’ sho u ld be u * id a t once, ! he a constitutional disease, and therefore j We have ju st received Irom th e facto­ Î t ou. will m ak e th e lung tis s u e s tru n g an ti (f Will Neely was in Florence M onday. requires constitu tio n al treatm en t. ry a new seven draw er, oak finished, t i e ¿ c m “ Of th e tlls.ttsc w tll i * d ,a w n Iroin th e sy s te n. „n ’en.,L 0,1 v A N He intend* to move lieie soon to spend aln y o u r h r u lth nuti s ti«-n«Th . H l D J AN H a ll’s C atarrh Cure, m anufactured by Cham pion sewing m achine, m ade by rcg rent:? L um ber Go's mill stn rt- S B S S S j R W '. t 'S the w inter. the New Hume Sewing M acoine Co. , F. J . Cneney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the lday after being idle several Mr O nrren of K ansas is visiting with ' only co n stitu tio n al cure ou I tie m ark et- j Call Ht the W est office and exam ine direct to u ^ » lU !} \ A «« f ,« An- L R Johnson a m i fam ily. H e is an I t is taken in tern ally in doses from 10 th e m achine before pm busing elsewhere. i 1 scud CO M PANY, y*»’ 1'ruuclHco or L t* au qrreepondente from Greenleaf I ir h a Cal A stu ff of p h y sic ia n s a n d aur- uncle of Mr Johnson. ' c e o n i in* v be co n su lted fre e It yo»» will ■ drops to a teaspoonlul. I t acts directly I ten» arrived to late for last i You m i y call or w rite a s you de- J L Dublin arriv ed liere S attrd ay but on the bioud and mucous surfaces oi the TO OUR PATRONS- j Sire’ i ’oi.B ultallon la free. A dvice U f|* a. w e a r"- loft again n ex t day for Spokane where system . They offer one hundred dollars i A ddresa. enada school liell is again be expects to reinitill. for any case it fads to cure. Send for ! We have made arrangem ents by ling th e children to th eir tasks, MBYAN REMEDY COMPANY, L I’ T allm an cam« down from Maadow circulars and testim onials. which we will furnish the Weekly petting is th e teacher, Address, F . J . CliKXKY «.» Co.. Toledo, O regonian with the W est for one vear last Friday with a load of peaches lor Mo. 8 1 6 S o u th E-’o a J w a y , Q l u d harts made a trip to Y aquina ) t o c l^ o f O h io . which he found ready sale. •me Ian wavs on to any address for th e mini of tv o jo b la v e Los A ngole3, C al. ' of tlie week a n il brought down Sold by D ruggists, 75c. Wm ¡H arrin g to n and fam ily have ; lure payable cash in advance. C or. 5 t o ik t o n , M a rk e t end £111« S t» .. apery for a pile driver. H a l l ’s Family P ills are the best. moved to Ord and taken the homestead b u n Frun clsco. C ..L ie C o u g li a n d w o r k s off t h e Col«l. 1 recently abandoned by J C lark. ALASKA GOLD FIELD- Broino^Quininu Tablet.« cure n ACME ITEM S. Mrs II II llaw lev, nee C harlotte Van- ! G f^ O e E I^ IE g , I v e t ti’iffi’O*’** ‘'»y- Ko C ure no l ’ny. F irst steam ship tor Cape Nome and REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. i derim rg, arrived here on Saturday s \ cents. Cape Y ork will sail from Seattle, May boat and is leaching school a t Acme. B y K londyke . sherries are quite ab u n d an t 10. T his will be a large ship w ith a Ja s Cosgrove returned to Florence th e The W est Real E state offico lisa b a r­ freight capacity of 1600 tons and pas­ i m p sn" ftn'* tl,e cl,illlre" 1"lt first of the week after working a couple gains to oiler in the following property. 1 Ik I tll8‘r s Pare I*“’0 g i ' 1"" " - Ull> | Of m onths in a logging cam p n ear E P W aite moved from his ranch to ( senger accom modations for 200. I*or A good dw elling house, itnd black­ D r y G Jöods, ★ ★ D ress Gfoods Acme, Monday. rates mid further inform ation call or on * Meadow. sm ith shop doing a good business in a Miss Bessie M artin is stay in g w ith address. earner Gertie u m i i i i w d cat > ' - ' M arshfield M ail: A B Seal, of G ardi- ! thriving tow n. The ow ner desires to R M c M urpiiky , tlie first of (tie week. Ludvig ! ner, was a passenger to th e city ou last M rs G R Mills lor a while. e l.a n g o his location. A line opportunity ■ . , men is roaster abd Marion Mur- A gent N orthern Pacific, E ugene. i for tl.e right m an. Price $850. A reata. H e lias severed his connection 1 Acme has an o th er m eat m arket L in iU e r . I with th e G ardiner Mill Co, and intends opened this week ; Chas Cox p ro p rieto i. Pnn’t Tolisem Spit anil Smoke Your I.tie Away. 1 i 160 acres of unim proved land on N orth ned her new going on th e load again. i A large crowd atten d ed th e dance To q u it tobacco easily and torover, bo mas- ■Fork ■ ¿a« off about ten milea from Florence is lu ll of tile, ticrvo and vigor, tak e No-To- als are stylish f Mill'u R o b ert Lowe and family and Jesse given here S aturday eve. Ail report a netic, Bite, tlie wonder worker, th a t m akes weak men offered for Billed. N ear to county road. ivo her a call. Lowe, after spending ft year o r two in | pleasant tim e. res ret strong. All drngg’sts, 50c or 11. Cure gu aran ­ Will m ake a good slock ranch. Price teed Booklet and Bsmplo free. Address C ottage Grove w „g |,in g lo n , moved to Fltnence a few We are glad to learn th a t M r H ol­ — y M — c t r . ctliicaan or New Varis $460. of <16 per (lliyB ug0 allj expect to m ake it th eir combe who has been on the sick list n gr; 160 acres mostly timhe* land lying in C a p s, J iva 1 while in home. lor some tim e is g elling b etter. for * CONTEST NOTICE. B o o ts & H a ts section 13, tow nship, 18 aouth, range 1C L » . ilippii School began Monday with Mrs Haw- □ L * west. A bout three acres cleared. A ADVERTISED LET T E R S- UIIE A COLD 1W ONE D . U | ley iu charge. Thi» iaci iiKiired us a United States bond Gdlco. creel: lm ge enough to float logs runs axntive Brinilo Q iionio l oh ois. num ber one school for th e w ihter. Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 27, UttO. ■ through th e lan d . Price $660. The following letters rem ain unclaim ed refund th e money if they A (iiifllclent contest «tildavlt having l«en Ceorge Clm inberlain is g etting the A . good storo building - and lot in Acme. vc’s signature is I ¡n the Florence post office for th e week n o ...lin o a «led 1» till. olH. o by Philip Lilin contestant, ! lum ber ou the ground lor K ‘ ag a in « Hoinostoajl entry No. Sisk, m ade March i C onveniently located for hiisinejs. llie ending Septem ber 29, 1900. Ft t ) 1W>1 f()I. i)ia 3 5 ullll Oiit eetlou 31, T ow nship ! tipper p art ¡3 finished ............................................. residence on hi* lots iu th e 1,.,..^, lower ..« part up fur a dw elling. Jo h n so n , H usen. great d isaster 1 17 d. ltango i t W. by Net» W. Christvn-en, Don- I of town. P rice $700. L ayne, Jo h n . express train . It in which it is alleg 'd th at liiu said , H arry Boyle is in Acme now ready to Ustee, Wr.t K yle , P . M. vntryuiau hasj wholly abandoned tlie tracts • 40 acres on W iM eat creek, 12 to 16 ________ BBers (o d is o rd e re d begin driving piles for Air B enedict as ^inbr.iced in his lionie.iteud entry and changed j acres bntlotn and low tw itch; a good tlurauged utom ach. H ood’s soon as they can bl ing th e driver down Lsis resilience therefrom ior a period exceeding i T O T H E DEAF. la pots th at wheels hack on six m ouths, since m aking tne entry; th a t th e | building p lace; line cedar mid fir tim ­ from the upper bourn. tenets are not settled upon a id cultivated as ber ; county road openeii across the land ; ek l>y curing the t r nh .■ G It Mills 1ms repaired th e house lequired by law, and th at said alleged ubsenca a good stock range; A rich lady cured of her Deafness and mile from post have been E ! imberof rich strikes Noises in the H ead by D r. N icholson’s I bought of Capt Cox a few weeks a g o , , iron» the »aid laud w a* not due u nls em ploy-, office; 1>J miles from school house, xl lately from the _____ I. h ; _____ a < , _ un incut in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps oi th e j r i c h e j ^ ^ H from the Stocks Artificial Ear D rum s, gave $10,000 to bis to use as a hotel w hile he is building U nited States as a private Foitiier, officer, sea-; w here school is taught 6 to 8 m ouths in th e new one. Give him a call. In s titu te , so th a t deaf people unable to m an, or m arine durin g th e war w ith Bpuiti or n year. P rice $260. -^property, which T here will be a literary e n te rta in ­ during any other war in which the United ^bold $6 in silver I procure th e E ar Drums may have them A tra c t of about 60 acres fronting on j free. Address No. 10573-c. T he Nicli- m en t given a t th e school house here on States may lie engaged. Said parties are here­ C lear lake th ree miles south of Florence. ton ( r o M ^ ^ b l t »8k»y. ,! olson In stitu te , 780, E ig h th Avenue, , tlie eveniug of G et 13th. A sm all by notifled to appear, reapoud and oiler evi­ A fair house and about live acres cleared. dence touching said allegation at 1J o’clock a. derable thlevlpg is rep o rte' ' , New Y ork, U .JL A. _______ j adm ission fee will he charged, tlie pro­ in. on November 5, liMJO, before C. II. Holden A good wagon road from th e place to the lisbermen this ml!. Henry ceed* to lielp purchase lam ps for ihe U. ». Com m issioner, a t Florence, Oregon. And th e Sinslaw river a t G lenada. A fine au lost »Set net a few days ago | D IED . school house. T he program will np|*ear th at fln U hearing will be held a t 10o'clock ft. iu. 1 place for a sum m er residence. Price veml of rhe men have tee! i -h n ex t week. E verybody invited to come on November 15, 1 WO, before the Register and $690. Receiver at the United St«-eft Land office iu from their boats. The | - in Mrs Ellen M ontgom ery, wife of Sid- and biing th e ir triends along. j A tra c t of a little over tw o acres of Roseburg, Oregon. . these law leu should he ! ney M ontgom ery, of Cresswell, died at Ti»e said eoiuesiant having, in a proper affl- ! bottom land betw een F lorence and ly dealt with if caug “ I wish to express my ttiHnks to the d avit,filed September 10. ItfOO, set forth facts th e fam ily residence Sept. 28, of stomach Acme, lying on tidew ater near Rose ' troubles, aged 67 years. The funeral m anufacturers of C tiam herlain’s Colic, w hich *l»ow th at a lter due diligence personal Hill cannery. A fair house on the land. service of this notice cun not be maue, it is was held at th e Howe cem etery, Sunday , C holera and D iarrhoea Remedy, for hav- BEST FOR THB BOW ELS hereby ordered and directed th at such notice be A .‘¡no place for gardening or raising j ing p u t on th e m ark et such a u o n d erfal ; Sept. 30. given by due a:id proper publication. ! smull fru it. Price $200. z M rs M ontgomery was well known nieuieino” write» W . W , MaM ingili. of .1. T . JlKiu ics, Register. 160 acres of land near C lear lake lying J. H. B ooth , Receiver. here having resided in thia vicinity for ' B eaum ont, T exas. T here are many ( in section 11, tow nship 19 south, range , yon will never • 1 thousands of m others wliuue children i m any years. 12 west. Price $230. bowels are put right. CASCA ■ have been saved (ruin attack s of dysen­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS, I I kelp nature, c u r. i a i D uring th e w inter of 1897 Mr Jam es tery and cholera in fan tu m who m ust 112 acres unim proved land lying on th e n o rth side of C lear lake 2*^ m iles J or p ain, produce easy natural Reed, one of th e leading citizens and | also feel th an k fu l, I t is for sale by ! Notice Is hereby given th a t the m identfxncd m eets, cost you ju s t 10 cents to i m erchants of Olay, Clay Co., W. V a., i j O . 1 \V. 1 H u u rd 1 . 1 ban baen appointed Adtuhilatrator of the Estate south of Florence. A good wagon road vonr benlth back. CAS- j struck his leg against a cake of ice in j IPRITI 1 of Anna Mathilda I’m ike by th e County Court from it to th e Siuslaw river. P rice $600. SInw Are Ynnr ÄDIney» I Candy C M hartic, tl.e genuine, ! such a m anner as to bruise it Cai lb » severely. e v r rc y . j)r . nobbs’Spamma Pillsccroall kfrlney ills. 7ai ; <,f Lane County, Orcaon. All psraona having 160 acres on u p p er N orth Fork, a u a n d p a in e d piofree. Add. bu?rl'.ug Remedy Co.. Cbicagj or N. «■lain,» against said cat u e are hersbjr required ip in m etal boxes, every tab let has F lo p ö ß c e , O p e < J °n . I large part of it bottom land. W ill m ake I in preneut them , with th e proper vouchers to . 0 . stamped on it. Beware of him so badly th a t be could not walk ‘ j th e undersigned n t b i. «I# '» ill Eloreift e, Ore- a good home. Price $830. THE TOLEDO WEEKLY 3LADE. itiona. w ithout the aid of crutches. H e was j i gun, Mlthiu : ix m onths from the date of this 80 acres tim ber land with creek large ---- — 1 treated by physicians, also used several 1 ■ notice. enough to float logs ru nning through the SERVICES. AY Î Baled at Florence, Oregon, August, 2nd. 1300. , kinds of lin im en t »nd two and a h a lf ! Presidential Crm palçn Year. ! land and into tide w ater. Price $626. A . U: F lin k c I gallons of whiskey in b ath in g if, but! ■ A dm inistrator of the estate of Anna M athilde , 138 acres of land nt E lm ira, Oregon. JOHN C. BECK. W . H. W GATHERSO N. W . NICHOLS. T e c h o o l, 19 A. AT; j nottdng gave any relief u n til he began I FaiiKe, d«ce»UKHl. _ I A liox house, good barn, and plenty of M. No preaching ! naing C h am b erlain ’s Pain Balm . This I T he Toledo W eekly Blade has an enor- Point Terrace, Or. Florence, Or. Elm ira, Or. i . t - i i r r c i T i n v i outbuildings on prem ises; 6 acre* ay Oct. 21. brnnght alm ost a com plete cure in a | nious circulation a t all tim es. T he year NOTICE FOR 1 l H L l C A 1 1 U :S - orebar.l, 16 acres in cu ltiv atio n , 10 school 2 F M. No week’s tim e and he believes th a t had h e ’ o f a presidential enm paign however, it is — { acres m ore cleared la ml, and 80 seres j until Sunday, Oct, 21 not used th is rem edy his leg would have re gU| a r|y read by n ear two million peo- s la sh e d : balance, brush and tim ber United State« Land Office, , had to he am p u tated . P aiu Balm is pie. Not oniy republicans, bu t people ! land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 dow n. lhmeinirg, Oregon, anday school 2 P M ; i nnebut* and reliable. very tlie R oberts Tuesday. Joe Slemmoiis and wife are visiting friwuda a t M apleton K E Y E S , HYLE j Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as tlie Lowest ETS IK FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Ö! Anybody desiring tc chase Rea! Estate is ir vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer. 1 cwrrs » eoM ta ‘ s. i-ÌRJhl t„ b, '«'<1 b!» T a ty i