T _ E 3 Z E ~ \A 7 ~ 7 T ? < g rp ¿t!. • c in tru l bm foi J»fe4u< IK Ot tbe sod, ute. ( Uro to ;,u lju ;l,t ! . f MS- • fit rv.»u.t oi the con ing civ, I Oli all of the is la n d ,. Tho governm ent iven o u t i y the ehairintn o f 1 L ei 1ht liv C in . ES. ‘ . ..i...., r m w coe gain lodgment ; ¡a conaram ly b„ |.Jillx roa,lg( rec!#iM1,B i —AT— com m ittees of tiie leading political par­ < ’ > «fc- lex. y j« J «> -(iiliolt gyetern M ¿ il¿ ú microscopic. Ian I, d rain in g and irrigating; it believe, ties, is needed to show th a t statistics L ank C ounty , O kkoon n . ^ * ^ Siqit. 3(1. wiu to to a a great g reat cx ient, prove w hat the , the germs become inches en d then ’ils '•‘•tt a ientihe in stitu tio n , and co-opera-, will Mr Maunders is building an addition o f psin. Hood's SarsspariHa c e d r o s ib- ion form the two most pow erforiaetor« person w ants them to who doe, the col- ’ - - BY - - « to his lionise. ‘",e in agrieu.’tiiral progress. lectin«. i Charles Anderson returned fr<' his I W . I L W K A Ï J Î E R S O N blood effects a permanent cure. A section of the exposition of interest ' | trip Io Eugene Sunday. 9*2 ;i ö S c i ï c a b a ü î f t ! to A m ericans since the date of our our ' The iilct th a t the president electe, E d it o r and P ro p rie to r. ! Mr Neely’s sister, Mrs Cook and --------- - “ >v president elected in I acquisitions in the P hilippines, is th a t -M e m b e r nex t will be called upon to daughter have been visiting here. devoted to cord, and cables, inasm uch ' W » ’“ w ven justice« of (he suprem e i Quite a num ber of (rollers are on the E lo r eìlic e , O re . S e p t. 2S , l{)t)t). a» th e best m aterial for these a rtic le , I conrt “ » n ’N»ce those who will retire ; river catching the speckled beauties. PARIS LETTER. Mrs Joe Whismnn lias been seriously : comes from our Pacific possessions. d u ri»K L'« term , w ill cause m any voters ill but is some better at present writing, j .M iny o th er products are, however u>ed to B,,PP„H McKinley who m ight ol her- national republican F mo -4 O ra RcutLAK ConarsroNnnNT. for th is r at Braid Miss Kate Hrimd and Mies Sparling Silk dross trim m ings urposei T here are shown here " lse v o w / or of the m inor ticke ts m Of all J visited at Mr B rim d’a Saturday and I tic ket it. j cords made of the sam e kind of linen the field purely from senlim ent. Pi»ri-, France, Septem ber 3, No Sunday ! used for fine tectiles; these are only for Pres'dent baa ever been m ore im partial For P resid en t: Ilio Jap an ese Agricoli u rap Geo Fisk and Fred Saunders have I e x h ib it, o rn am en tal purposes and wear W ILLIA M JlcIC IN LE Y , very in making uppunitnieuU , or shown gone to Glenada to fish on the lower I , 7 i m ‘i v l h " 1'.0’!. " ? ° ,l!y ° n Cotton is also' ». un lined in th e Ulo,e w¡sdoul in this respect th a n W in. river. of its novelty, but also because of the ¡sam e of Ohi m anner. J u te gives unsatisfactory M cKinley. in fact, much of the oppo- The school children had a half holi- developm ent in this 1C( me. as in so many resu lts; thu ropes aro tpt to b reak i 8itlon *> M cKinley which has deveto,'.ed W h ite G oods, in N a in s o o k , P iq u e , l o r V ire P resid en t: M° " day M ,heir teael,t'r iail«d o th er directions, of this in d - u r - catch the sleiinier Sunday. lem urkahle where they are tied. T 11rO D O R E ROO SEVELT, Ram ie or C hina ! anion=' leaders of his own party, lias eastern people The wonderful tran s- V5 Mrs Workman and family, Miss Riew- N a t i o n of th e E m pire of th e R i é t o g C ^ be‘' er ÍrU° * ” *- I been due to the fact th a t lie l„i of New \o r k . J is a b s o - s le r and the rest of the cape party O r g a n d i e s , ¡ n F a n c y S h a d e s Aloe fiber, o b tained from tiie ; '~ " “r -s-c re u p arty lines in selectin; I lutely ignored Sun i.ts oIJirtd an exam ple, w ithout i leaves of th e American returned safely and reported a line F or Presidential Electors time. agave, or cent- ■ m em bers of commissions, an d in ma Precedent in the .history of natjons. of TÍLM AN FORD, Marion C a *H- Fbint, fr popular for the reason th a t ; '»S appointm ents. j The Hailsall creek trail was completed )o. i people passing in less tl -Corvallis Gaze,ite. an tli.rty years J ropes made therefrom float J . O. FU LL E R T O N , Saturday into the Smith river country Douglas ( J on w ater, «ron, Ll,e m ost feudal of governm ents, .. «> winch m akes them useful a t sea. E s- ! which greatly shortens the distance to C H E F F R O N , W. J . F U R N IS H , A WORD TO M OTHERS- t m atilla Go, ; to dem ocratic and parliam en tary form s; ¡ p„ that place. o . F . PAXTON, , parlo grass, phorniiim te n rx or New M ultnom ah Go. ! from a civilization g U7 u r 'Vo i T t,' O'le IZ?all,’,f tlio o th er changes im pressed .... „ j ’ i eoncours „ th e fish,„g ¡m btstry will be d e tro y e d the social ' UP° “ ’ *,a 'V ser should not break until after it ' G .e great success th a t has attended v e ry organization of Jap an since I,a, been , in a few years, A uotlier objection 1ÖÖ3. ? treatm en t of coids and croup Ta Cure Constipation Forever. stretched more th an R) or , 2 - rako Cat - - A visitor can easily trace the rev- ! 12, has won for it th e approval and prats« Af C C f ' f \ n rs t :Hui,v 1 '*ti»arfcic. 10c or Wc. Urged against them is th a t they in te r- j elution V. c. c. rail to cure, drug, - - re - fumi muucv. utftfista It has received throughout tiie United ' S H IR T W A IS T S , lera with navig atio n . •States mid in many foreign lands. culture For ; Sale by ail druggisiH.» ARE YOU AN Ieleterio.i8 A uovkrnurnt tim b er i„ s i • • i ‘ ' ' ' 8’ U“! m aI*> Photographs, effects by im m ersing the ropes in rgr for O i)i) F E L L O W ? if.«i tim b er insp ecto r is m papers, diagrai ..» c c o m p a n y ja certain length of tim e before „sin« th e .ta t e for th e purpose of exam ining ! th e collection of FROM CHINA. w e a i; ‘‘æ '“ - N evertheless, a tr Info tiie advisubilit T of the use of h em -j The w orking p e o p i e ' T " srred rope sub­ Ifso y o u should take and read . . . . tim . b . ers! I , bencfitled . . ______ k Pet' P,e haVU ‘•'«l^'H lIyijected to lock in fin.shing and dim ension Affairs in O hina are still Jn an unset­ sea w ater loses, in three recon t years, having P A C IF IC O D D F E L L O W in place of fir and afso in monti,», 40 p er cent 6f its power of tled condition. A statem en t had been th e place of »‘ (mired th e rig h t to n«j„ .1 i,,r,iitu ro ^ -¡g h te e : resistance. ■ A m onthly magazine published issued in St. P etersburg th a t tiie’ Euro- in The,« a .e vast q u a n t,ties of this tim ber I the property of the im,.«, In one co rn er of the ex h ib it the m an- pemi powers are engaged in an endeavor ! f’ort,and> »»'d exclusively devoted to rial governm ent "facture of rope is si,own, toe w orkmen to induce G erm any , 0 abandon her tl,e in t«rests of Odd Fellowship, ro ttin g w here it has been strip p ed for its ' <>r of feudal'seigneurs, ... Loth with th eir cords surrounding them look- deuirt,ld for toe h a rk o n ly . a t t d i f i t e u n be p u t to th is i Jap an is composed, as . surrender of the in sti­ local and general. I t is the only Odd A H S h a d e s a w l o f 1 ^ ( | l l a l i t y ; ¡ , K ,l n , | i l l g V e l v e t » “ ’ as enorm ous gators Of the unti-foreign j.utrages as a Fellow1 publication in Oregon and is '»ig H of ; «pielera in g in d u stry .-E u g e n e Kegieter. ; prelim inary to peace negotiations. ! no'r 'L its eighth year. more or lésa im portance, scaltered fro.u x>k x>k e ¿■rance and R ussia seem inclined to fa­ Me have made arrangem ents w ith tbc soutl, i„ a norlli-w estcrly direction. free to inventors . II, vor A m erican policy. ■ R ica » what E x-S enator Ingalls eaya i M°u n tain s cover th e Country and alm o st A tlio Ohicavo I the PUbliil,er wld“L we can glub at 1 »Lout th e poor m a n ’s el,,l„ce-.--‘r b 0\ l j lo,laL e v e r v w h e ^ V m L ; ; ; " 1 1 'r,ie ex færienco ? ’ Paper pnu63 a di»P»tch J “ Pacific Odd Fellow” :e of of 0 0 A A Snow Snow A Go in “ Tlio tüllul' the tllü shores «Lores everywh with T he W est iiixir in , h .....— depends 1 . on w hat be I»— e “ nd . »»d »re of sm 11 / poor m u a n ’a ’s chance ’ ra re |y io all ex ten Irw t obtaining inore than 20,000 paten ts for 1Irom Pekin of ili« ioti, which says m at »t a rate we believe every Odd Fellow ME iardi ghul to accept. • “p u n n a n K d jívjtuy PUIDA V MUltMNü. Z Z r'Z Z i a h , in ry f f >> T h e G re a t W h ite ! a new . LAC ES AMD ER9BR oid E|( LADIES STOCK COLLARS ™ and Fancy S itin g Ties, the r don't forget them , w arm is coining’. RIBBONS, I r ' i COESET k S and HOiSIEEil H price pf T he W est is $1.50 per the! price of "Pacific Odd ting briefly of U nited States and f o m iZ | l ‘*e ° rdur for ^ 'e a s .v e winter , «®«d Loti, to s tX r ib e rC w ’ Collar Canvass and Dress I L . i l l ,n 861 e t tl itm a Ash! io'». I Sun sehe if bm " lH S o u r s .O r a l« ,, noon w histle blows, and die dependent L ttle less than th a t of F rance, or about . ‘’ho pay a year “ ” d U‘B A ,ne‘ itM 'a »re also . or » m en d ican t. If he I,ave" courage, the same as th e state of C alifornia. P a te n t., w ith cost of sam e, and l X [ strictly in advance for $2.00.' lo procure tliem ; trade m arks, doaivn. ! U‘“ k “ ,i; Uv,de' lt Preparations for d e p a rt- in d u stry , enterp rise, foresight, and t h j T,’is HUPPorts Call a t our office and see a cam „i„ m arks, designs, » population of over i resi- I eoi>v cf ----- ’ ’ »Illing m ind, he will gain com petence 40,000,OUO, the native in h ab itan ts form ­ i uHVfeatH, iufrinixenients <1 ; fevfuvnta, decisions in ure. A t tiie sam e tim e alt ioreign resi- Pacific Odd Fellow.’ dents have been warned to prepare to ! h r fortune; H e will e sta b lislrh is family ing «bout forty three and a q u a rte r null- leading p a te n t cases, etc. n r This pam phlet will he sen t free (Q i iA‘ave P tk l'i • in com fort, educate his clqldren, and ac- ions of th is „tim ber. WANTED Tho people are I anyone w riting to O A Snow & Co- T ' ‘e Ueriuai1 R a t i o n will soon custom them to the environm ents of rc- . u8st’n ti»Ly ag ricu ltu ral, and rice "is th e move •y I he Anti-poke-your- - ! “ IsewherJ find tne R lined habits, w hich after all is bv6t J chief product of too sod. C ounting the W ashington, D 9 . nose-into-ofher 'is su e s nr« a,ready people’«.,.„.j,,,.,. • i oOcicly—- Ji licrsfiii w ithdraw ing to Tien Ten. and ddfor, ' fn n m b er of acres under cu ltivation, H„d eut »111, H salary nf $1000 )viti, n THE FUTURE OF THE BOERS. j stations in M an d iu ria. I- m aiso ex­ thu num ber of in h ab itan ts, it is found -'«-•ease to $2000, to mind ,h eir own I treinely lik e ,/ ilait tiie Japanese will - m e s s and let ether people’s b u s i n L R kcrnt statistics show th a t tiie m a­ tliat each fam ily i,,,8 Dn un ayeragu 3 8. F, Chronicle. . m ake the town of N agasaki tn elr wmter j ch in ery in the m ills Mlld ,, , „ . factories o f , iury« , l o m w in ch ’ to draw sustenance J he South African war is over. The base instead of some C hinese G reat P u t,,,„ 18 capable of doing th e ! E vid':,,l|y, J a p a n is a town as country of am ali A frikanders have fought in th e last was originally th eir W H Y S H E R E S IG N E D . fcork of 700,000,000 m en—, r tut,-nt.,m . more th an I a,ld is n o t adapted to th e use of ‘Inch and been beaten. They aré' inca- «II the a d u lt js.p u latio u of The Slembo r of a W om an•« Clnb Con- the w orld. I lari»u »grieullnrul m achinery. The pop- . j P«ble of offering fu rth er organized rerist- Slow A, fonadeu the Two Pope». Ill« lUHLhineiy in , | 10 (rn ¡|ej Etalcs ¡ » iso, ‘« «■> dense th a t h and labor mice. T heir forces I,ave been disrupted does th e work of a billion I,and«. The is ' “T «heap. w,fo has Wu ork m v n ’a wages are »»'I scattered. Matty of them are refu­ am bitious to shine i fight,’’ said said Smll Smith, with a '* l,teiaiy «ingle sta te of M iissaclnisetts has n,a- 1»hunt $15 p er year, women chuekle. "I uarm n^ gees on Portugese territory. They have (fou t know how uhinery enough to do the « m k of 50,- “ bGUt half th a t am ount A LPHA CLIPPINGS “1!Uly Clubs Bhe J ° in- ed. hut If rh«« > estroyed th eir pom pons and field guns he o e r » WlLe ? ny th at «he did C00,000 m en. Un lln Rverage r o c e r ie s * ★ Notion. T here is very ■ Â X ’Æ beMUSB “ad little livo Block in Jap an «ml. consequently, do not posse.« thé Bv E vb . v O iia :, g . j , tuen, with th e «id of m ad,incr.v, >iow ! tl,e u«e se ot m n eat and m ilk by th e natives ( m eans of continuing the war if R ,ven) The Other night while do th e work w hich require,I 10,000,000 being ex trem ely r a n , F L O R E N C E There are now j (les,rabie for lh e m U )do8j> rb e ir Sepf. 25 '.900. n Wil »nen under th e old sysiem . u n iv ersal; J’5'JO-ood horses in the country, 1,135 000 . " » ry leaders are e ith er dead, or pris.,- ' The fail rains have rngj« tile v |(t,e tin t 1 ,|: , ” 11 a *’° ’tt sonjetbing ionic i n s ! ¡ • ■ ’ A-l “ •at l did not euteh b'em, al,l,', r ; n " " T “*“ ° ,UP'n P,g8> W’° ° ° ’ 1" , ri'a8,'d a , l d -‘’“C() «''cep. The g overnm ent is ll'ai,«‘s “to seekm g an „.yh.m abroad road« are getting ra th e r rfot-p m places, ’’ ’Wefl,’ said I. lookin' over my pa- " m H arrison and wife of L em isum pifon all k in d , of m annfac- aa d ««voring to exten d th e U8o of the • It ...... " nothing for tliut can avail i J S 'i O p .© n g ç |. ; rownaville per. »mall hands »»me over to see Mrs i l a n “ ‘I w ant to in tu red products consequent on risu n 's tulleina th e I ' ' or«v in agriculture, in lirder, peri.ap«, rem aining here and Giere in tl,« (¡«iq ‘« turning yesterday ’I I„■,éíO éV "',’O’:tll!n,•’ K'•'e c o n- ' tlnued. * must read a paper g reat reductm n in cost. th a t the arm y m ay have a b etter sourcé to kei •ng him at o r,'n .A 't'lu .,,',"l"’r C° :K'ern' -op tip a guerilla w arfare. Tiie U nclB R«» K ilg ce gore w ent t„ Eugen« »mJ l tfo not ; ■ “ y "ie,',in -- G J lietter p a rt of valor in then, now will he ’ lasl " eck tu •’* o o d s ot aupply. Tlio horse is a sm all s S''‘S e tlllas “ :,°Ut animal, I o'V up on l„s hom«s;ead. him. Who is h e . T H E GENTLE-W i I OMAN is a m o n th ­ b u t his em ploym ent for to lay down th eir arm s. ; Jas Johnson who lost Ins lluUse and ugricufturul sa!d '• •tlla< ; ly magazine devoted to subjects of inter- purposes would be The B ritish arm y h a , thus com pleted a m e n t s oy h,-« last spring, ls even cheaper than the R o m a n e ^ , . U'U “°ai) ° f " c ^ ' ‘''« n c e o u m o o d , site an ! w„t ••»t to the ladies. The regular subs,nip. hand labor. u .,e u arc also utilised to a ! th e conquest of the two republics, which eoon move into ii. Mupld nV mi'’“ 'i'' ém ,a,’l i T r<'d' ‘IIow : »mu pri. e I» mm dollar but we have made «mall e x te n t; too Jap an ese ox weighs _ beg«., over eleven m onths ago J- w . 0 A otterf is hauling brick from H him in the encyclcpedfo.’ ° Oboat n rran gem ent hy wlilc:. wo offer it f„r a hod pounds; |,e can d raw 3tX) pounds w,‘ el‘ ,lns kul’t »'» »rm v of over 200,GW M enu.auer’s yard a t tire .-,,..,; t, P R O P R I it sta • bort tim e for fifty cents a y ear Uà J twelve m iles a day. , m en busy. R ut thu B -iti,h govern I" the constr.ictiou of his gdxjd ft Call and e civili prune kee a sam ple copy. I Uesides rtce, w heat, barley, potato,.«, 1« now lace io face w ith the pro„.v„, dryer winch t,« w*dl bui,Ci inis winter, to tto ti, tea, indigo, «ugiir eane, eartiphor, •ontained in the q im ry -w h a t ,,.„ || Tiie people up „ere aid in favor of tne me. are cultivated ,n Jap ,,,,. T he gov- ’lone with th e conquered territory „„d eiuovut of tl,« us|, lrHps jr m. the bay by Home nieaiis, a ud O v e r-W o rk W e ak e n s expect to tic.,,. Of keys. 14 unrereut kinds i em in e n t .« endeavor,,,« vyery way to w hat shall be the future of i t , people’ n s being done. Im m eure the « m u c e o t land adapted fo r Tins question will he param ount V o i-r K id n e y s . . A ,ih e a " 1.............. ,,f W u, learned’ th,'."tn,.1.l.'¡,'‘ S¡,a'n’ was °ver 1 irrived at at tn the e iiomu ho enliivatm n and to im prove the products, 1*81)0 in tl,« forthiom l,,« parliam entary I'ope ami ,L'Ot n«» ’. •» 'æ Uie poet Austin on in« 12th. .Yrs Onhealthy Kidney, Make Impme Blood. Of ftonn. 'H iilin I ia « élm “ • order to am eliorate th e eouunton of elections in tho U nited K ingdom . I t ¡'» been in a critical cm, was expccie,! i.T , ,11!l» idlUtni longer but id buu '»heu s |K. n ,S(, „ r] j . '"f and vnuJ’ir’w bl00d ln your P*«”’«5 throcch the poorer classes. Ja p « ,, llrt, „ d t,1Mr, . tore gone conclusion th a t the «„luti;,., ■ uipto vnig. Ii'p e It stu rti-.1 „ “ Paper »he yoqi kldnaysonce every three minutes. S m e n to ia g rw u iiu re ; „gricm tural tnm ruc- » ill rem ain in th e hands of -Mrs Isabella Ifotlerl and “ d "' not eu,L son Courtney »’• oh adjom -tm icnt/ i he kidneys are your Salishnrv : “ d ........... 1 S T w S s r . ,:x blood purifiers, they (,|. nun is « m anch ot the d ep artm en t of W alts- f'om all the' d ü 'w 'a u j'’ ,'<'slOTPd , ter out the waste or ed u catio n ; exjierim ent y have been ... _.„v* grounds nnd J SL11," n e " t MIII0,;g a large p a rt of *I’v'‘d'i'g the «u impurities In thebliod. notl the., work d0 ’ U,l“ ral *uuoola !“ ' d xoc’ieties, traveling W'" V" ‘ P',llu i' v u i “ ‘Mt w ,11 ,|(.pl lVB E rn est says if big íriictnred limb Utee I’ icmm . ‘ ala,1‘" F ." - l) e ,r o |t m X m wm^foom e-“' ‘ hon. , |„ ^ « » v A d „o ers of „1, po,!ii) al would perm it m ine « » m ist putsutt ne ccaj of uric acid in the ’VHt vf foreign iiisiiiu iio n s |,tlT„ p«,.,, I *,ghl1’ privileges. Tho B ril,»1, ,»„v„ would persist n, p u rs u i,^ n in tne , . - r c ,’L elton. blood, due to neglected "» ro d u eed and pnw per ... Jap an . Agri-1 «•"' »•»»• to he generous to be Hellitty ot l'eadwooil pos: otffi h'I f <’ à H .h im ^ c é n m 'è ™ 21 r,' M’,,d » J kidney troubla. cuU nral hanks, eouipantee lor buying j " " ’ h T,iil *'«*« to be liberul in it« h S t e i s s - s r * « " » "•« < la“" ; “ «nu é new éïé ,>pnr' ’ 111. leeu LA W CHAH geo . n a in , bUilr für hu •reatinent ot t|,« ro „ q U, nxl [, * ,p W(u "‘-«'s Mitmmer Hud loaning fan,, im plem ents „t common H ub- ;< tllv n snlcnce. Tin b e n t, hi» friendship and . 1 1 ^ , , , ^ W,llU ; G u a m : H has been „ ,e -u s to n , «y«/;working m pumping thfok. vve.-woraing thick ki.ln.A k .in . '." win- m e r till. I t ba, " f »n ¡miv poisoned blood Ihrougl, ve(i„ s n j'a ite iiM? W Ü T IG E FO R ' P U B L IC A T IO N . t h e W . to Wlunu h c a -n , rotta«« , , , ! h b k -o v ern m en t has n o t defined i t . i X t f f T , ? * “ •*“ Perm It used to be consljqred that only urinary «roubles were to he traced to t h o 'k w X ? jl-o lk y , ,,„ im .,t,o n . b .v e been throw n " , ; , ' a

w(„M * in t will fie toU!p , m l Wllh ¡ . „ ¡ ^ ] 'Bfe a hieve u 11 W hm o r aiisiiip, k m . n .. , , sim plest, ’ umsk « Hl een ain ly s,„.w govxl „ .a ,« ,n “* * — «“ ••• l « . . i » t „ r . ivp«.,, , ** ‘’.vele, “ Fm willing befd ot attach '" u «hon:,! ril„ , ■ »»»ke n,p over my r„of and hitch • ”' lrp" , '’ excl,ai,ge,,ï'r0Ll'.’.’:L"S- ■ V W rt,on* . J v/|l| „U I « » - * -- * • *“ I . » ................ - - - yon see Ot.•• s. ,. ’ «• ’vhenwer A ' ‘« 'H I T E ” » , 7 »wtivuy is »’ »ers, th iiiv ' * " 'B '1”1» ih e hundred timiiíaná *t»*, .VOW ilnn-tq,?*' 'em ?rK" n’,r ’ ' "•e Loera II be treated finally J ’h* Easiest wonderful euros of tl,« m o M d :ïii£ ? r évases ' x '*7-7’" ’ * ' W” » t ollein. . J T L h», a r»’ r !l o’e K H. R ! R vj«; j« v«rk «n Jiflerem es had cx i.ted ¡„ ,h s rmst. ilutti..- more c n, V, ' k courteous treatoiJat'**1 Running » t s u Uly 1 » , ,,,^ u ,tre Wl,‘ ' * " u«r t S ru .«,11. . „ I l I.____ ... • “ ‘»“ a-’ mgcases u. t. , ■= «.<>„ jo n ask? •nd Is sold on Its merits XE',, BKit , * U nder siu t. « licht alep.H.p „ . - . i - " " 1“1’« »od fui 8W » . -Machine : ¡.Tr « L m . ...m, , he opli \ P , . «e. » Tp il ». |{. u Wss» » l«»liey rue,« tWejudlcw’Htbb by «II druggists In fifty- "• " * ,h ce n t m ° r folks talking overt,...., Made He name» the Mlnwfii, «n,,«. « m to prove o,d *"m itiea will disapiu-ar amt «»re kw|> nie rhend WOn, j B ieycla, ru n lighter sial ta I cent and one-doilaraiz- «tem da,icv w un t!,« , e , B;reuaent of peace hU iHntittiui rvaldottc »s. You may (,»»« a °n the market V 1,1081 du ru ,d " " n ’’ l’’»"'1* * * ' w w l*w, and tt.p ^°nipanion. * 4 "V o u th ’f w up,.,, «„,( emthattou , may become iw rm nneiit. oí» nu M IftiiU, vi» ‘ »»to.usry uotieu« ,,i •ample bottle by m .ll ,.„™ Gall or writ« and let os'prove tl« seto oi p.operty f«f Fl thv Jjj'v . * fk., ~ - free, also pampldet telling you how to find c. 11. Vor», J. r. Whitaker, M. bota«, Bn,l J PLtyed a m mc h n ^ J ? ’M,*»h 1 A / H C N Y O U nro ft . :¡n„- ti.-, dam i ut If you have kldnev kidney or bladder irr...,u. trouble nu <»î («nnliaer, Onu««, , ’ » ring notified of her X ' ont c f « o rla v i,a ir i ¡ n „d o . t i eiitlon (Ms paper when writing Dr. Kilmer She in ,; J. T. Buihi.r«, hy the pre«.. ’ !T u »*'e tlirun. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. í? " ¿ i'!' ■i.1* - .* ''11. , t ’ ”» wiwi.l.-:ln| hfS’ ixitNLfon of ä U« Hinter. : K * ‘.| luv Ho "Itùhohiin Be erre