'W * TsafsassKaBaaapsssi^^.^j^»^:zßr^i ** * * -Æ r^ ID E 3 S T ID S . The Kind Yen Have Always Bought * lb«.. dm 4 Kips»« T ,b u lM w ith M w i r h u tto - u w t I -'.n c h e .rfu tl, rw o u n a .s .l U r n . l l» v . bMS IroublMl tor »boat U i r . . ,<»<> w its (c a ilM blltou. » t t.e b . onm ta, on n i i l u l r • •J » » «Mb. W l toid by Utff.rkbt pby.inlaos ,4 ,1 It WAS bZ b *d ! • « » . Ot which I h » l w i..r» L I bad l b . t * * ib a x l.-a c o L hut Ihs ai- 14-«, ooettnuad. I b a t a . n a d .n Uarm oau of lUpao, T ab u !.! lu a ll tfca ¡.»iwra but ha J uo faith Io tb .io , tbit about t ix w t-.k . alboe a frlt od In duoad ma to t.-y tbam. fla .o u k » n bu- tw o o t too r — u Scant b o x .i of the Tuba to. and b a t . had ao rocurranca o t t in anocka. U a .a n a . f r (Ir a n a tw tlm uctxl tor anythin« bafora, but tba , r . a t amount of «vod which I h e ll.’ . h»> bakti d o ll. ma by Blpaux Tabula» Induoaa ma to add mlna to tba many ttariinoataU you doubtlaaa ha»a la your A. T. D aW rrr. puSMtssJcu now. r o r u . a r o .a y . . , , , , " ’ » k My f ~ t I 0 ju ld aot want .bom . drata. 1 ta w y . ""’ ’»tZ dally pap. r, b o u ,S ^ ‘ Bf * 1“«' ecL Bave taken them U such a dfcaage. x a a . f B y a a ra o g j. b c a a t-b u ld d oM «a a n a »a” H« baa bad tba droh.?’ Tab u la, J - . I«, «•ka aom , Um . t hln , h .“” I want to Inform you. to words of high«*! praise, of ths bcoeflt J have derived from Rlpun* Tabule«. I am a professional nurse and In this professton • clear bead Is always needed. Hl pan* Tabules does It. A fter m e of 11.j cases I found m> self completely rundown. Acting on tha advice of Mr. Oeo. Bow­ er, Fh. O-, W3 Newark Ave., Jersey City, I took Hl pan* Tsbulea w ith grand results. : . I R i - P ’A N s î s S p ■ willing were not f i t to successfully rea­ ï d - (s ¿ J S - der the lowest part in the w haledram aj tiu ib n ijrA s- A* I ro am ed c o t one m o rn in g •‘This was the state of affairs when I u siiQüûùp^ UfcFtt'tlai’. iiììe e'u a- T h e atnrs w ere in th e sky. There is just one thing to ose if your came upon the stage. B u t c h a n tic le e r hia w a r n in g ling lite S tenotic and Bowels o T h e m o d ern stand- ? stomach is "out of order ” and that "one E i d flu n g i t lo w an d h igh. ‘‘The manager was in a perfect ♦ tota?. th in g ” is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical T h e l i t t l e bird s w e re t a lk in g . frenzy, and Louisa Dietz sat near one a rd F a m ily M edi­ D iscovery. T he T h e m o u n ta in s y e t w e re g ray, & •£ > - of the flats, silent and pale as marble. Wr: n C o lleen Dhas cam e w a lk in g supposition is tliat “ This was her first appearance at A t d a w n in g o f th e d a y . you want a prompt cine : C u res th e Promotes DigesiionChce-ful- this theater, and to have an accident cure and a lasting H e r fe e t o u tv ie d th e d a is ie s i nt s s and ResLCoiifains P ntss neiiter cure. That is why occur like this was enough to stupefy com m on every-day MISS H<£4Ut W IB DMA«. H e r h a ir onthhone th e ecu, the ” Diicovery * is 1 Opitua.Moi iorphine nor yfineral. any one under similar circumstances. B e r b e a u ty , lik e th e G races, ill of hu m an ity . recom m ended as D id jo in a ll s w e e t* in on e ; “ I pitied her from the bottom of my i N o r NA Mother was troubled A K C O T IC . the one thing for II. t e y e » lik e t w in s tars m a rrie d * w ith h e a r t b u r n nud heart. H e r b re a th o f n e w m o w n h a y ; sleeplessness, caused by your condition. It “ I was standing at the prompter’s lndlg*»srlon, fo r a good A m ilk in g j a l i she c a rrie d c u r e s profnjrtly, Æ.-X- o f lM U r ' U M .Í Í P .r C H Z l many *e a ra One day A t d a w n in g o f th e d ay . , itaD'l, when suddenly a wild thought perfectly and per­ A sho sa^r a testimonial fc n v k u r S a J - shot through my brain. In the pa,-;r Indorsing manently, diseases •‘ N o w , a re y o u te n d e r Kobe, R l p a n * Tabules. She “ Why couldn’t I p!ay the part? For. of the atomach and O r m ayb e J u n o b rig h t? /¿r.Uó> - determ lnj I to give them ✓ tKw írtr»¿ *• Y o u r nam e i t m ig h t be Pha&be^ organs of digestion haring such a number of rehearsals, I a trial, was g r e a t l y T h .it robs th e sun o f lig h t. and nutrition. I t’s relieved by their use was as perfect in his part os I was in O r a r e y o u lo vely V on os. a n d r e w t a k e s th o sure to help. I t’s /Mrs» JX*«/ - my own. T h a t close beside m e s tra y , Tabules regularly. She keeps a few cartons Ripens Chvutsd . ï î m v R fa d ln x aoma of tha *>’ almost sure to cure. O s e “ No sooner had the idea entered my W ith th e m ilk in g p a il b e tw e e n us Tabules la the house ai d says she w ill not be w ith ­ R lp a u . T ^ ialaa, , trt I t has completely out them. Tho heartburn and sleeplessness have A t d a w n in g o f th b d ay ?’ *• only ro lla .a d b at aou.ali, c j n r s : mind than I acted upon it, and going I cured ninety-eight dlsapp* ared w ith tho Indigestion which was the beadacbea b a . , dltappatna Ï A Î ' , . up to the manager I said: A perfect Remedy forConstipa- form erly *<4 great a burden for her. Our whole “ Y o u n g m a n ,” i b e said, “ d o n ’t f la tte r . good oondltlon and 1,» n a ï » T **1U t per cent, of all iGiniaoH II e * la now a red” . h « O fam ily take the Tabuiee r«»gularly, especially after iio n , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Y o u r g la n fo is b o ld and fre e . atomach. H h G. h “? . j .- !' “ ’1 know this part, and I have no those who h a v e w onderful change I ettrtbnt.“ ’, ^ Ç ± Î • hearty moal. My m other Is fifty years o f age N o s tra n g e r's p raise w il l ’ m a tte r w * a ttrib u te to ku. * Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ doubt if you'w il) intrust it to my care given it u fair and and Is enjoying the best of health aud spirits ; also I am satisfied that they will bmJ?**: T o v irtu o u s m aid s lik e me. faithful trial. I can go through w ith it satisfactorily.’ eats hearty meals, an Impossibility before she ness and L O S S O F SLEEP. the cradle to old age) i f taken P r a y go w h e re yo u w ere g o in g ; took klpaes Tabuloa. A ktos H . B laums . U ona. woor^ • A bout te n y e a n age “ He grasped me warmly by the hand I I take th e o tlie r w a y . ” It. I beg&u to ’ Iwrve trouble i----' m »* Fee Simile Signature of and said: A n d I h e a r m y c ru m m y lo w in g __ ion< w it h y stom ach.” A t d a w n in g o f th e d a y . w rite * M r. W a i. Con­ “ ‘Thanks, thanks, Mr. Thomas. I A new style packet containing nix iuflxs rsnvLBS packed In a paper carton ( wltho« ril(W n o lly , o f 535 W alxrat at 'dome drug *toree-roa nvscajrrs. This low-priced sort 1* Intended for tne po.)r aadta • • • hare every faith in yonr ability. ’ U p o n a l>ench o f rushes fit.. L o ra in , O hio. * I t N E W YORK. dozen of the fl voce nt carton* (UO tabuiee) oan be had by mail by sending forty-eight g o t ao bod that I hod A lo n e I s a l and h e a rd “ But I cared more for the grateful Craacsx. C om taxt , No. 10 Spruce Street, New Tork— o r a single earton ( m ta > ulw ) w u j bs*8* 1 * ^ *' la y ofl quite often H e r vo ice o a ts in g the th rushes look in Louisa’s eyes as she walked by R if aw T u n s * may also be had of some grocers, general storekeepers, news agents and u **' ' tw o and th ree days l a A n d e v e ry w a k e n in g b ir d : and barber shops. They bsuxlsh pain, Induce sleep and prolong Ufa. One gives relief. a w eek, m y stom ach my side and said: I h ea rd th o sw eet m ilk s p u rtin g , w o u ld bkwit, and I íptíl “ ‘I, too, will ever owe you a service, T h e hedge b e tw e e n ns la y , w ould belch up gas, A n d I longed t h a t w e w e r e c o u rtin g a n d waa in a w fu l distress a t such tim es. I have which will be impossible to repay.’ been treated by the best doctors in th is city but A t d a w n in g o f th o d ay . “ So it was decided that I should as­ 1','Ut no h e lp wax.Lever. Some said I had c ia c e t —-P a ll M a ll G a z e tte . f Fi o f th e stom ach. Ahers dyspepsia. I have ta u g h t sume the principal role, while a person, ■ ie . ■ a n d trie d e ve ry th in g I anw advertised for dys­ after seme trouble, was obtained who pepsia aud stomach trouble, but continued to A L E A D IN G P A R T . get worse a ll th e tim e . A bout tw elve m onths conld, no doubt, bv gagging and being I ago I vzas in such a condition th at ray friends followed closely, put through my part. had some fear about *ny recovery, it was then cr 1 w ro te to you for advice. You UAd me th at by Well, at last the evening arrived and I Th« following was narrated to mo by ra y sym ptom s you th ough t I had liv e r com plaint w ith immense crowds th at flocked from a u d advised the t r * o f your • Co ldeu Medical •n old friend of mine, who upon leav­ all quarters. Discovery ' a n d ‘ Pleasant Pellets ’ in connection. ★ it. Theae m edicines I Ixave ta k e n as directed, a nd ing college had adopted tho stage as his O ' ‘At a quarter before 8 tho manager | am very happy to state th a t I commenced to get TX- profession. His name is—we}l, we will stepped before the curtain and narrated y s - . L - o r . - b e tte r from the start and have not lost u day , ^7 / • • -i Q —V th is sum m er on account o f tny stomach. I feci know him by a fletitions one—Harry the accident to the audience, aud then tni’ rip-top, and better th a n I have fo r tea years.” f Tr Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cleanse Thomas, for he is at preeent in the begged their kind indulgence in my ' behalf, who at the last moment, rather zenith of the theatrical world, and thon- the bowels and stimulate the liver. i sands would recognize him if hie name than have them disappointed, had vol­ unteered to play the part. was given in thesO columns. rer L all this time, had been looking His story ran thus: through a small bole bored in the pros- .1... “ As you aro aware, Jack, I left col­ j ceniutn. lege when I was w ithin a little of 18. “ The house was packed from parquet Well, I had always a great desire to to dome with as refined an audience as emulate those sterling heroes of old, ever I have had the pleasure to play to. ■ OF THE whose prowess I had studied bo much “ At 8 o’clock precisely the curtain •bout. was rung tip and the play commenced. And there being no ether opening “ N either Louisa nor I appeared until in which to test my abilities I deter­ tho second sceno. mined at onde to adopt the stage and " I was standing in breathless anxiety, make it the field of my mjmio con leaning against one of the flats, upon quests, little dreaming of the difficult the prompt side, while she stood slight­ task whiob I had voluntarily imposed ly flushed, but perfectly collected, upon ' upon myself. t h e ‘O. F. ’ side. ' “ How few of the outside world know “ I had perfect confidence in myself, of the incessant toil of ah actor's life! but every actor, no m atter how perfect By KalL, Beata*« BalA, He is nothing but a schoolboy. For he may he, wUl feel an indescribable as soon as one plede is oOtomitted to sensation of—you hardly say what__i memory another is placed in his hands, when he is about to stake his reputation nud so on— a life of perpetual study and in a new role before the public. labor. ' Well, at last the first scene was “ After some trouble I obtained the called in. unenviable position of ‘supe’ in one of “ And amid a deathlike silence the our principal theaters. Aud after spend­ star of the evening walked on. S c i e n t i f i c A m e r i c a n . ing two ‘ years in this branch was pro­ “ Instantly a storm of applause greet­ Arcatesi V«Uy io the Ceantry, moted to play ‘utility business.’ ed her, and echoed and re-echoed around “ And here I remaiuerl three years and among tho scenery like the m m . more, listening to'the plots and schemes bling of distant thunder. Â Ï M of the villains and heroes in different “ The scene r&presentod a garden in None who are,engaged in a n y of th e m ech an ical B O L D I N G loans ( I no Hiding postage) to any p a r t of the Do lled dramas. mortgage loans which she was soliloquizing as to Btatos, <.'Wnada and M e i loo. IN V E S T M E N T S “ I assure yon that by this time my whether her lover (me) was true to her, 1 T U B WHMUCLaY C H R O M IC L IX the hrlghteet K E A L E ST A T E p u rsu its can succeed w ith o u t re a d in g anaeL K v a ry tb ln g w rtttm i Is based on ex- all m odern cuts ¡of la te st in v en tio n s iu a ll “ The manager saw th at I possessed tinued for nearly five minutes, and it perla-iue In the t oast Statee. not on Santera more than ordinary talent, so ho in ­ and receive co m . gave we time to fully think over what men's k o iw l.d K « of th eir own localities. the branches o f m echanism , an d its fund ¡of trusted mo w ith a pari in which I play­ I was about to hay. pound in te re s t b»> SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE ed sooond to tho hero of the piece. dep ositing w ith “ Finally all was once more quiet, >. 0 . know ledge is inseparably connected w ith in ­ “ I carried myself through very cred­ and I commenced my delivery. very itably, and the journals tho next morn­ “ It abounded in protestations of my e’i II ventors and m echanics. Sold w ith T u a ing in their criticisms said: undying fidelity and love for her. in go Mr. Thomas is a young and very W e s t a t clubbing rates. As I continued I warmed up with promising actor; good in gesture aud the subject. I was almost carried away correct in delivery. ’ by the intensity of my foelings. “ Well, at this timo a young lady_a I forgot that hundreds of eyes were p o r t l s n d , orecon - star in her line— we will know her us critically watching every gesture and j. o. Louisa Dietz—was engaged to play the that attentive ears were devouring the i T H E C D S M n P D L I T Ä N ; meets principal role in a drama which the I Words as they fell from my litB. « eeco: manager intended toopeu w ith and play “ 1 saw only before mo the woman w< I ntli. From 65 cents per month up can be i during the Christina« holidays. loved. And the passion which I was returning the bighe« rate ofP ¡merest ¿ X e m ’ IS , .. » I _ _ » - .t diali) It inclined rather to the —■ Thespian outpouring to her ears was not the lovo interest with conservative business method». style in tin, opening, but onded up a« cf the hero of tho piny, but simply tho usual, with virtue triumphant, and all luvo of Harry Thomas for Louisa Dietz. Dividends on Stock Apportioned S em i-am iu ally * i T his m onth!y m agazine is one ot W tho villains either shut or sent to state \\ hen I had finished, the curtain prison for life. j descended amid showers of bouquets The Association is purely mutual The ('ll rente in IlntlMtntr best p rin te d in th is country, The “ Tho piece required a great deal of aud deafening applause. positors are the Awoviation, wlo own do­ TlfK C3inONm*iC ranks with th* tile study. In short, wo had rehearsal every Association, and receive nn»i;xt,*'» In th«' U a itad Btataa. “ The latter was eoutinned nn til we to all sub scrib ers a t rates wit® T i l 1C C H IIO M IC L K h*« '• qua ! or the F a r i fio day for nearly a month, and during both app, ared before the curtain. Pnewt I t taut* nil lu ability, «nurvrtaa and th at time I fell desperately in love w ith All the Profits of th e Association. I need not dwell upon the rem ain­ a b ility ot all to pay. I t is be es». Louisa Diete, the heroine of the play. der of the performance. Let it suflico T I I K C lin o r T f S a r R T e ./x c m j-H e re p o rts ora A representative is in the County " I t was love at first sight, hut whether to say that we both received a perfect Ih * la tra i and m> st rsIlshU , its N *w a ths tra te d a n d p re se n ts th e namesof<^ pose of securing members and for the pur- fu .r#t sod s p lr t .w t , a * 4 I ts K d lto r iju a t r a m tha tny passion found an answering thrill ovation. will furnish full particulars on request. Ablest jams in tha (x u a try . hi her bosom I could not tell. a u th o rs as contributors. I s i J Aud that night, when the curtain T H U C H HO N If . I . )C ha* alw ays twwn. and a i- "Sometimes, when alone, I would had descended for the last time, the r»fvy* w ill hr. the friend and champion of tlm a n d th e Cosm opolitan are call myself a fool, a madman; for how manager camo hurrying in to where pre pia, as asalnst > t>ml*i«vn'knas, cllqoaa, x»r- COOS COUNTY BRANCH. p o rslk.na, .w oppmoalnoa M any kind. It w in ba could I for a moment expect on alliance was in the greenroom, and seizing mo IndepriM lani in rv e ry iM fic . rv u tra l duecd ra te s a t th is ofiice. D r . W m . IIoRPFiu,t between myself—a newly pledged by the hand he said, his Voice trem­ R. 8. K xoiyi . t knight of the dramatic art, and Louisa j bling w ith emotion: P R E S ID E N T . jo „ .s c o K i,ATTORNEVt SECRET; - cyE - “ — • DO YOU WAN! TilE CHRONICLE Dietz, whose name was mifBeieiit to Von have saved the reputation of cram any theater w ith tho wealth aud my house. ’ ■Dfc Issinty of the land. d ir e c t o r s . "A ud thereupon he drew up papers ' “ Tho actor who was to play tho hero of agreement trebling my snla.y and Hrviiv R kvgstackzx A R E N A of the drama «Paa a tall, fine, dark look­ engaging me to play leading business. ............ Merchant, Marshfield W m H iirsfai . i . 1 hyacian and Snrgeon, Marsh field Showln* the Ualtod States, Dominio» ing man, and it nearly sot me crazy to “ la c e d hardly add that my fame Al.KV Ç. C.IVPRKI.I.. . see him (when tho bxwinesaof tho p'ieco was nt once established, and a sirTt o f Ccawt* aed Nortkera Mjxiea ..................... - Time-keeper, Lihhv K.S. K nowltox ........ ; required It) claPp her to his breast " 6 d0 noti*»ke Possession of our ideas but are possessed by Oî* ONk KIIJK. tim e afterward Louisa aud I were mar ............................. Druggist, Coquille B ex L ester In my fevered imagination, I thought ried .” I* ..................... ............. ioirdiner a hey m aster us and force us into the arena, b c iiiiL K P . B . H erman that he u»ed more earnestness than tix, CviB< And now the names of Mr. aud ....................Merchant, Myrtle I’« roint •t n i l ' OTHK H m r - r , nature of the occasion required. Mrhere like gladiators, we m ust fight for them.” M rs Thomas displayed upon the bill­ M n « « V « u l < » ri U m - H a « Well, at last tho final rehearsal but boards of any theater ¡ire sufficient to COLLECTORS AMD AGENTS. Such ■M b,-exalted motl0 o fth e A rp iia ) ftnd tfae t v * “ fc :y I ’t x r - a t r i « * <•>, O tto V « a r . wta b n one was over, nud the following Mon­ cause the mauager (long before the » « • t a « « > r r | M > l« « n x a a * a a 4 * a » « r . H enrv S knostacken Merchant, Marshfield day night (which was Christmas) tho hour of commencing) to put out the xbiilif« entire contents of th is m o n th ly m ag azin e R. 8. K nowlton .. ^4 drama was to be presented to the public. »igu of “ Standing room only.’’—Min­ M . i l . ui to«a. It f i t , pmsuwina l o c a l aacNT. th at time, either heavy or light, to be * T h e A re n a is ¡ n i la i w r a i, Ifccpctr«, S» wd < Maekias*. f>»*ka,Sata Q XM -L S C E N T. " t'p o n inquiry I fonnd that the per­ taken ou hxuil or sent ashore. After el lh»n<«| Hunt*, kA ,«n«a, Shut - m »4 '•H i U s i m s . Bold w ith T hr AV «ST. 'X-i * llAdkdUarCritrf*, »1C l lOtSCI, .’boot h,’n-*vb ntckv»» it*« fore fallen upon the Icy pavom. nt ami a large chew of tobacco which had h « n 4hjrciK»nabia faMafas af cania»Mn( So injured his ankle th at it rendered it thrown under one of the gnus be hedat J lO O tX » 1 IH liOLO Given A w a y T r a Impossible for him to npp-er. ed overboard and dumped into the tea. I !• AAttitM < • a - ' tUfwter “ The manager upon hearing it had A $ 950.“ PIAVO A l l A l u a e 1 « T h w t Ctwww, dispatched his messengers to all the Wa —t d n »’ owartri* >w*‘ »’»T H**» ,ar FOR S ai - e OR exchange , ib’Ha Pr«4\ M wOOjalb ••>»•• u . a. «■> to r tr » S - , Ihtwtricnl agencies in the city to, if pos­ Mr. Honker—I have merely a speak­ J na Vow * n be *wnai»».» and dvii«;hi»«* »»tb iba sible, obtain a perron to play the |« rt. bmb irshtr nnd *.*”»’ **M»etwrn| < m ‘» -'t/ ing acquaintance w ith M iu Tbrockmcr- A bouse and lot in Clem •> m | m «ddxion w» tryt«» **«. OlIKKk.OO "B u t w ithout success, for th ise who ton. - » JWX-» The i >■ ( } « M »"4 a •M .^ t.lkO 1‘ is n o * honro j. p; |,T 2, fw{ iSM«! •. «rif io day h»f »«M »•«" • '»••r . «to »Kl deh were competent would not risk their Mr. Spatta—Yon are very lucky. All To u a r r iti . X . « n , . W X A ,„ " .'„ T i • rr>ile>n< will be »eni F n w . reputation iu performing a p i« » upon ber other acquaiutaaoea «re li»teulng ’s«'’!«. »»• C C M T L I W O M A N F U B L IS H IN G C O M P A N Y . TF—» wr —- Ta«» itw ttk od Wrtod»|,ed •uuh »liort notice, and tin»»- that w ere •cquaintancva.—Stray Sturiea F LO R E N ^- mpremlKa. For fa,«», . t Kb* Don’t iiesíiate. 1 COLLEEN DHAS. o F o r O ver T h irty Y e a rs Three ★ Desirable S ta rs i n EADIWC PAPER "TH Only D A IL Y $6?70 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 Save Your Money The Onion Saving’s Am! Loan Association fiD ? s s0‘l'S Reversible Map? the Map of the World Æ $1009 in Gold A $950 PIANO A «»• look over thïs gro ^I •V. m ake yo ur s e l e c t .’ cji - inquire at thia office. the west .