1 S T f t'-t f (4 Take urne ry Ti'.e Fcrelock, m INSANE MAN’S DECO- Kill a Uh Wife »»»<* Klm-^eîf. G C A IS FOR SA LE. LA Cii!??E Ts now r e p l a n a rich harvest. It I» Craw­ le r " e. e i'll! ' w ith in Its re le n tle ss g ra sp , ¿ „ jiv u , itlstU i, C .n .p m o _ t} J ba, beat phy alcln n s of th«3 vvcrld show th a t o v er »-0 p«r c t n t of th e ca*e» of **c- « Hired C O N * BL’ M PT IO N a re V “ 5* < :<• to L A V CK 1PPE. T h « c it mu m p d o n dt* > 'lops owing? to l til, w eu k en ed «tutu S p r in g a n d S u m m e r G oods. I have several choice Billys of my own raising, and a few from tlm fam ous an farm er l Bailey Hock of C alifornia. They a re ‘"o: <’ t «w.t f t ' :/ii « ' « «” « *■ « 5o3- H r r in a u r«tcrs g L ane C ounty , O regon .— n u t-’o p d * ! ih o ¿ viú ig s o f itr .p v tt lion, m urdered ids wife last Monday y ” Lilivs of my own raising aro im proved A~ u ig h t *‘v heating her to deal If w ith a H o o d i e m & r jf i- i: , ¡ J o L_U'-to ' •?•-» from tlie sam e stock na old ‘‘B um m er. * _f/f. d u ll. Ho th en went to n n eighbor’s and r Vvt f rtCAUi* tiZ ¿ iru !-x » u G eo . A. H ouck, Dee D im ities ' prc$&b?y s z v s J. C"'e'-£ stefit'^sa» F - sère asked for help to bury her. Two men diced bv the Ji«- Dotted M uslin, w hite and tan E ugene, Oregon. ..¿ .t. There arw , » » ho w ent to Hie house found th e body o th e r p o in ts 1 C o y e r t c l o t h j f.r g e i l . rooe house. É-uidy e i c h one Grass Linen ï : »1.60 a in advance. ~^»**r «, * * - : r>’. ;• ' *♦’ 'V ff'M Word was sen t to th e M te r if f a tlh i- ta r v iu ïly . * - V if*. » », s * .-w V H - » r O Percale "Iro n Jlrand” k ¡ »ùu-r »< U^l«uU3X:yC «Xv lA c «¡Hünxe y o u r- gei.o who wee.t to the scene with Con­ A good Hind: farm of lfW acres lying H i w ith th em . If Scotch Law ns I a t th e poet-offh P at Florence. j t u have an at Sash Kibbons, latest colors stable. Miller and .lostice Clark of Ju n c ­ on South slough ia now offered for sale. t t'.e k o i 'i - a G rip p e i Gingham» o nty, O regon, an s e c o u d -c h i.-ü The n on-irritating cath a rtic is Hood a tio n . They f md Feicradoil on tue About half of it ia bottom and tide land, , b egin th e u se of I ° »» s".-n a s th e I » ia supposed ho took the tide laud lining already diked. A IltTDYAN piiin. iioor tidtid« la -.’ - h ev e sul'sICcd. I t L L .A M will Ladies 2 Clasp Kid Gloves in Black or tan. now lioituo, an orchard of over 2o0 t.ees L i n « a b o u t I t . i us to ra don to p v r tw l A fine stock of C hairs at Meyer & p oison. NG KAT«* St A D a KNOWN nN A 0- Au inquest was h. held id by Coroner on the place, and about 600,000 feet of h e a lth ¡M . S Î 7 P . Ï 3 A F F 5 C T F Í) A B E : ! K yle’s. flication Soutache B raid and Ass’t F e a th e r S titch ed B raids. Griffin and it was brought o at tliat good lim ber conveniently situated for :es 8 e c u , per Hue, tm li i.n o > .i . , . I E l i.'.N D L IN - I r A fiesh 'lo t o! grass seed ju st received About r . i . ’ó 'i '- f i 'L I '■ k I- IIW IO N O F TUB J’elersdort gave as a reason for killing logging. I-xtcuaivo out rMiijj*' -!l hl vu!-.. » tn tlaia.ai a au h*hl®£ a t A O F u n k e’s. tin» woman ttial ids little gill luid told 15 head of cattle, most of them cons, INONi; and « C lau e.'c f a ta ir h I* th e re- »nee, Or»». Sept. - 1. 1L-00. Bed Spreads in W h ite , Blue and Red. Road, supervisors receipts f a- sale nt i liim th a t her m other bud poisoned ins with the land. Price »3,003, intlud.n, ■ h .- p v a x w n ._c".v-:Jr‘c“%*“<5 M ï “ 7 n »¡ilon“ «•’*' GÏtV k p. r n c t c irc u ir n o n o i • ; th e W est office. coffee and lor 1dm not to drink it. It s to c k . I n q u i r e nt tlie Fioranco Ke i b:cort nr.rt leav e th e m u c n ’.* m e m b ra n e »n I A N ew L ine of M en ’s H a ts . W E ST U N PS. The steam er H arrison is expected was also shown th a t be ha 1 been con­ E state Agency. I I daily from A storia. sidered m entally unbalanced lor two or for VYarranty Dec :- for eale ; W hen settling up your accounts do three years. lo g ; WANTED- He was betw een 33 and 40 years old d ru m will n o t bo unec ■ not forget Hie p rinter. Bar office. 'will be u n lm p aircd . J T 1 U O R C I in O N - CHRON1» lO N S h « •om N L eathers had Ids neck broken in and tlm woman about 35. F o u r little ,1—A girl to iloi, K'meial houfie Parties desiring to contract with tlie i IC 3 SO tb** fa m e c.’-Ud® R E T ttn O A T - l- 1 ; ts range from 0 or /down H L U ÏA N will p ra­ 1 Eugene a few dnys ago by falling from : ones whose ug an th e tw o preced in g , vpply a t the W est office. Siuslaw and San Franciai o L um ber Co j to 5 m onths aro left orphaua by tlie for logs to be delivered tlie coming sum - | v.-ni Ils e e n e a i: on. l l E A K T- ladder while picking fru it. m Francinco Exnm ii • : p .l tlie •i. TV KA KN It! 0 IN , ,3 , «a!5 th» heart Last. M onday’s Oregonian has a piet- ; te n d ile dee. alx I suffered w ith d .an lto e.t for a long th e machine before pnchaelng e lsew h ere., ....... . Wj, •« ‘( P h > v o u r S r u x H ls I [Jo h n McCulloch was stabbed by Jam es 1 tim e ami th o u g h t I was past being cured. | Rot k eep lU Hrnrt d ire c t to th e HU D Y A N 'X ' EM EDV COMPANY. S an h 'ra n -lsc o . or 1 Grow last Munday near H adieyville. A I had sp en t m uch tim e and money and I TO O U « PATRONS- 2 S . A n g eles. C«l- , K 'M r S u,in co n su lt th e I11JDAAN UOC1UKB j slight wound was inflicted . I suffered so much misery th a t I had ; business, wiiL’ T' ('a ll mid tlio d o cto rs. You Florence school opened Monday w ith j alm ost decided to give up all hopes o il m y ei.ll s o d He. th e m o r w rite , a s you ifield M ail: C apt Nelson of Eu- have made arrangem ents by- d< a Fire. We A d d ress: rrived on the last A reata to take j Mrs B ultm an as principal ami Miss recovery and aw ait tlie result, hut no- j will furnish th e Weekly KUOYAIi REMEDY C Q M Y , * lh 1 " c ilion as keeper of tlie life saving S tuart in charge of th e prim ary d e p a rt­ tieing th e advertisem ent of C ham ber- . ! Oregonian H ave Q l with tlie W est for one vear )tocl^ o f me m ent. Tlie num ber of pupils enrolled Iain’s Colic, Cholera and D iarrhoea rem Ko. S IC S o u th B ro a d w a y , on ways Idress for th e sum of tv 0 dol­ is som ew hat larger th an a t th e begin­ edv and also some testim onials statin g > p "'O L os A ligólos, C al. L Scott who served Lane county lar» payable cash in advance. how some wonderful cures had been aval years as deputy sheriff, has ning of school last year. Cor. Stoc-kton, M a rk et a n d F tl.s 9 ts .. w rought by th is rem edy, 1 decided to | IJovv A re Y o n r Kidneys » b a r F ra n c isc o , C »1.- »<1 apoaition in the First N ational Dr. noli!»!' Sr^rnaus PUlsourosU klincy Ills. Sari- try it. A fter taking a few doses I was ! Deafness C annot B« C ured ^tofree. Add. Sterlina Remedy Co., Clneuso or M. V. G F ^ O e E ^ IE g , if E u g en e. entirely well of th a t trouble, and I wish REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. r VelvetL' Rev Yoet (ev an g elist) will to say fu rther to my readers and fellow- , NOTICE TO CREDITORS. iu the G lenada church, on Sun- j By local applications, as they cannot sufferers th a t I am a halo and h earty ; pt. 23 a t I I o'clock A M. A gen- reach the diseased portion of tlie ear. The West R eal E state office lias bar T here is only one way to cure deafness, man today and feel as well as I ever did 1 Notice Is hereby given th at the undersigned ,,u j n a t(, o fie r ¡„ i b e following property, vitation is extended ¡0 a il. in my life.—O. K. M oore . Sold by all © r e s s G [ o o c ls | and th a t is by constitutional rem edies. i bus lieen nppoiuted Adm inistrator of the Estate , *Dry Gfoodsj H uckstep a 10 year old boy at Of A n T i X l d e F u u k e by the county «- .u r t j A go o , I (Iwelhng house, and black- ■ Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- druggists. ster was killed last Sunday by the iin s tu e s a in a I of hallo County, Oregon. All peisous having s m i t h shop doing a g«» ntal discharge of a niiot gun th a t dition of th e mucous lining of th e E u sta- SUNDAY SERV IC ES. ! claim s against said estate are hereby required th riv in g town. T he ow ner de»iren to n chi&n Tube. hen th is tube e-tts in ! to present them , with the proper vouchers to change hie location. -A line opportunity d in his hand» while tiding in ; Uamed you have a rum b lin g sound or Services will be held as follows in i th e undersigned at his office in Floreaco, O re-I fur the rig h t m an. Trice »850. im perfect bearing, and when it is e n ­ Florence on Sunday, Septem ber 23rd. gon, w ithin six m onths from the date of this ■ tjl) schooner Bella :in 160 acres of unim proved land on N orth notice. tirely closed deafness is tlie resu lt, and Sunday school Iff, A M. Dated at Florence, Oregon, August, 2nd, WOA Fork about ten mile» from Fm rence is ' ranciscu last Sunday ami is load- unless the iuffam m atiun can he taken A. 0 . Funko Preaching by Mr \\ ight a t 11, A M j tlie Florence L um ber Go’s mill. stored to its norm al ... . GL t out and th e lube rest« A dm inistrator of the estate of Anna Matliilde offered for Baled. N ear to county road. W ill make a good slock ran ch . Price vili .1 .0 -oat a q u an t.ly eo,ldiliolli h earing will bo destroyed for- and 7 :30 P M. i Funire, deceased. tau E ndeavor at 2 :3ff P M. m bark. V J i »460. ever*, n ine cases out. oi ten are caused Mr W ight will also presch at Acme i Reed-M apleton mail route how! by cata rrh , winch is n othing but an in ­ N O T I C E F O R P U B L I 0 A 1 IO N 15O acres m ostly tim lie. land lying in regular carrier iu the person of j flamed condition oi th e ninc.ons surfaces. a t 3, P M. Boots & Shoes, H ats & Caps, -------- J section 13, tow nship, 18 south, range 10 Mr Thompson will preach a t Point L . eatl of In d ian creek who recently u We will give One H undred Dollars for Land office, at B webur«: Orei-on. 'w e s t . A bout three acre» cleared. A ved from 1lic post office deparl- any ease of Deafness (caused by c ata rrh ) Terrace at 3 :30 P M. AugUMt IS, UnX). creel: large enough to float logs runs Notice if hereby elven tliat the follow hiR-! 't a contract for tlia t route. th a t cannot be cured bv H a ll’s C atarrh throiigli th e land. P rice »500. T O THE DEAF. ' nemed settler biu« filed notice of his intention A Bean inforrtia us th a t there are c , j . e . Send for circulars, free. i t„ make nnal proof in smpport of his claim , and A good store building and lot in Acme F. J . C H E N E Y & CO., Toledo, O, ated to he 3 0 0 |tu 400 sa lm o n in th a t said proof V.-1111« m ode before Jo el a r e , . C onveniently located for business. The A rich lady cured of her Deafness and I » P I - p a rt is finished up for a dw dwf elling. iv er ju s t below ithe. h a tc h e ry rack Sold by Druggists, 75c. Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholtion’s g°n, - spleton. H e tljiuks they will coin , , H a ll’s family Pills are th e best. t NE 4. Price »700 Artificial E ar D rum s, gave »10,039 to his on IL E. No. 7792 for the N ‘2 NE-h- ce taking spaw n in a few days. In stitu te , so tlia t deaf people unable to fcfc'-i NW’4, S C. 3Ó, Tp. IG B., B. W West. 40 acres on W ildcat creek, 12 to 16 Jlie great wux-ess of Ciia,nlierl:-.in’s PERSO N A LS. He ñamo« the follow’ug v.’itneeise» to prove Drocuro th e E ai * D rum s m uy luivc them tlici-. i . acres bottom »nd low b en ch ; a good u, Cholera and D iarrhoea Remedy in i * ____- «a. •skY;_tje ¡ ja com i niions rewidcnce upon tunl eulUVHtion A 'hlress No. 10573-c. The Nici building place,; lino cedar and fir tim ­ ^treatm ent of bowel com plaints lias B rirton Ccbb is w orking a t th e jetty . K lgon i n9titu te , 780, E ig h th Avenue, uf. said l a i c ’. , viz: , Altieri Jîrlitow , of Juncthi-.i City, Oregon; ber ; county road opened uercsg the land ; e it Btandatd over the greater p a rt' mile from post Ono Phelps wont to E ugene M onday. , jj uw Y ork, U . 8. A. i Jlciiry J. Dickey, of Junction City, Ort-eon; a good »toe k ran g e; te civilized world. For sale by all ■ William F erri,, of Mapleton, l.ao -Co., Oregon; eitice; l 'k miles front school house, E W Cobb is hauling lum ber for a new j ANO TH ER STEAMERi- .'gists. Joseph D uncan, oí Mapluton, l.-.iie « o., Grigou. w here scl.md is tau g h t 6 to 8 m ouths iu le e n tertain m en t S aturday evening house, J. T. Union«», a year. Price CZiiO. lte«)stcr. very satisfactory to all. Tlie recita-1 Jo h n Powell and wife ace visiting m ! A nother river 8teatllOr to run on tlie A trnet of about 60 acres fronting on s, music and dialogues were enjoyed i P o rtlan d . \ Siuslaw is to be brought iu by tlie Har- C lear lake three miles south of Florence. NOTICE FOR m iL IC A T IO X . ! Die audience »nd frequently ap- , Jam e» and Will Bay are p reparing to r jaont , A fair house an.I about five acres cleared. T he attendance was good, the log on N orth Fork. I Tlie craft is for the F lorence C snning 1A good wagon fond from tho place to ■ ks am ounting to »26.25. and fam ily have moved , Co. ami will be used in transporting fish U nited State* Laud Office, J J Em m ons i I ti e Siuslaw river a t G lenada. A tine o r *K(»n, ie h e t!tb problem i n u n t quickly to th e Kobe bouse. on th e river. | place for a sum m er residence. Price Ai-fiHt 2L 1900. ed by uiukiog th e blood pure »ml Miss M arch B rew ster is a tten d in g ! »600. Notice is hereby klveri t i d in mmi-Iirtnce ALASKA GOLD FILLO- ration perfect by taking H ood’s S ar­ school in Florence. w ith the» pr- fiidtniN <>f the act of Congre*» of ■ A tri-.ct of a little over tw o neres of illa. Its cures of scrofula, salt of June 3, 1ST*, entitle.) “Xn »•.’i for t “<‘ bo-tom land betw een Florence and E A Bean started W ednesday m orning F irst steam ship lor Capo N unc and nm , dyspepsia, nervousness and th a t r Jaivis Inthe .>,t il *s oi C alifo n '1-». <>reg , . Acme, lying on tidew ater ueur Rose on a trip to Coquille City. >r>, Cape Y ork will sail from E cattle, May Nevada, hh «I W«tailingI <> h id feeling a r e legion. ' i t J4i|| cannery. A fair house on tlie land. tended t<> nil th e Public I iu«d e f t t W alter Safley retu rn ed Saturday after 13. T his will ho a large ship witli a M t M onday M rs-E B M iller brought of Ausrust4,1 Jam»?« M. Woml-.ol M -pic' :»n, A fine place for gardening or raising freight capacity of 1600 tons and pas­ County of JaMito, btote < i Oregon bus tbi» -Iny own a pail of fine straw berries grow u an absence of several m onths. sm all fruit. P rice »200. has senger neennt mod at intis for 26(1. For R A V G am ard of Sellwood, Or., Hied in this office his sworn »Utcnv nr bo. 1P.A th e ir ranch on Tsiltcoos lake. I t is ! 160 acres of ¡ami n ear C lear lake lying rates end fu rth er inform ation call bn or fcr the ptuclnotv ci the z? l-S ; tty late iu tbe& eas- u lor g ath erin g ; been in town for several days. :c. l , s. in H-ctiun 11, tow nship 1« so u th , range of fee«»ion No. 29, in Tov.ii*l»i? trip address. w herries, even in Oregon, but .Mrs ■Win F erris of H erm ann made a Range No. 3 W. «nd will offer pr»«of io ihow that 12 west. Price $259. R M c M piip iiey , 1er told ns th a t »lie picked a galion t0 Florence the first of tlie week. th e land sought is more valuable for it» tiuHier 112 acres unim proved land lying on A gent N orthern Fiu-ilie, Eugene. or Htone th an for isgricuIuir' J purpor mid to a half the day before. Mr Maxwell and th ree sons of Irv in g , J eft.ib i-b his claim to ««id land before the th e n o rth aide of Clear I ike 2,'a toile» __ Vhile acting as deck hand on the spent F rid ay and S aturday on tlie coast, j Ut ’istern n d Receiver of thia office at Roseburg, south of Florence. A good wagon road THE rOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE. .rguerite last Monilay afternoon, Earl Oregon, on Tuesday the Oth day oi Novenibe*, W in McCrae and Chas C’ox bm ught from it to tlie Siuslaw river. Price »000. pftOPR tterfield took an involuntary plunge in a baud of sheep from lu e capo M ed- , i 16«, acres on upper N orth Fork, a H e nam es'ns w.itne*ses: P ietld en tial Cam vai-gi Year. th e river a t G lenada. He stepped on F lo p e ra e e , O r e ^ n . nesday. l H. H. Elsk, of Point Terraco, Oregon; Fred large p a rt of it bottom land. W ill m ake _____^ i l a n k laid from th e bunt to the w harf, M r Howard and fam ily have moved , I / is k . of Eugene, Oregon: John X. V/oods ,f ’ a good hottie. Price »850. • plank slipped and E arl fannd him- i into one of G L H oughton s houses in T he Toledo Weekly Blade hits an enor­ • ?>!np!eton,Oregon; Robert Lyn u, of Mapleton, 80 acres tim ber land with creek large If in th e w ater, but of eottrse he d id n ’t 1 O r'itu. i Glenudti. mous circulation at all tim es. The year A n v u rd u P p' r on« ebdm ng rwberncly J»c enough to iloat logs running through tlie ty under long, us wind is so much Jo h n C H olden and wife left yesterday of a presidential cam paign however, it is ! ,d ove-describrd' ifc-’d:; a rt requested io Me th eir bind and into tide w ater. P ric e »625. ¡liter th an w ater. I cl ibns in th i‘< oufe« ou or before auM t t h day of for th eir home iu M ichigan after a abort W . N ICHO LS. W . H. W EATH ERSO N. JO HN C. BECK. regularly re a l by near two million peo­ ’ Moveniber lWO. 133>acjresof lut’d a t E lm ira, Oregon. You assum e mi risk wnen vog buy *. visit witli Ilia uncles in G lenada. J. T* B lin o 2“, Elmira, Or. A b e < house, good ta r n , and plenty of F lo re n c e , O r. ple. Not only republi'-anr, but |ieople P o in t T e rra c e , O r. iaiuberiuiu,a Col ■ « - i l l Several of our people a ie on tho sick , Retoduter. outbuildings on p -eu ii'e» ; 6 acres oea R em edy. A ‘l Druggists will re­ list among the n um ber being Mrs Shreu- of all classes, in every section of the i ' orchard, 16 acres in cu ltiv atio n , 10 nd your money if you are not satisfied d eis. M rs A llied F u n k e and Mrs J F U nited S tates read it for political infer- ter owing it . I t is everyw here adm it- acres more cleared ls u J , and 80 tu-res m ation. Fi r th irty years it bus been a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION d to bo tiiu unost successful reuie lv in • T an n er. slash ed : bnlance, brush and tim ber ■e for bowel ,;teomplaints and th e only j Alfred F unke, a few days ago received regular visi'or in every p art of tlie Union laud. I’riee »23 per acre, »1000 dow n. and he and ia well known in alm ost every one iu th a t never fails. It is pleasant safe j a license ns steam to a t cugi J For further in form ation inquire at United States t,unit OCce, is now employed in th a t capacity on th e £ara«l^, imk>ep 2ar?G^ a n d (sow n Ê o tç nl reliable. lUiseljii nt. Oregon T he W est office, Florence, Oregon or Far*m of th e 70,003 posto iices in the country, July l). i-.wi 1 j j c g eck }>oint 're r, Hee, Oregon, or A few (layniifo S uperinten d en t Brady M arguerite it ¡3 edited with reference to a national Notier 1« hereby given t ’»nt In coraplinncff; J Clark who cam» here from Califor- u ' th e jetty work again found it necss- ot W Nichols, E lm ira, Oregon. L o a ^ t an d ^olö! on c o m m is io n . S fi cd on nhom eatcad circuhition and people of all polities take wtth ,;1P ptl,visions ol tho act of < ongress of iry to atop carrying rock (or about a tfia last sum m er lias i < • ' I ' J i i i f ’ J Is.S en tlth d “ An act for the Mile of DAIRY FARM FO R S A L E . u G lenada, adjom tng a , because ot its honesty and fairness 1.1 tbe HlM. , f-,.1||(r,nii».Oieqou, j lying soul beast fro eek and set ail bunds at work clearing i th e discussion ol all public questions. NcvnUii an d W a»hbi«rue Terri ory,” llaury ■e d irt (rilt 0» tin- q uarry. This work J L F u rn ish e's ran ch , jfiuk.nncf Alma. ( uiinly c t Isnie, State of A fine dairy farm on M aple creek six Fred Bean retu rn ed T uw day evening It is ti:e favorite family paper, witli Ofeiron nas Ibis day tiled 1» tills ottlce to* tnses a great dea. of deluv and exjiense >r the contractors, as they have several from a visit to tlie statu enlmon iiatoh- som ething fu r every m enihcr of th e »wcirn stfltcBKiit No tlio. fur the p iirc li« » of milus Iroin F lo ren ce is now oflered fur P a rtie s h a v in g R eal E state to sell w ill (lo w ell tuea been oblige I to stop carrying' rock ery c t Clackantua. M rs Dean visited 1,, » i, 1 . 1 i f .-«ettan 3 o 22, In T ow nship No I sale. household. Ferial e ories, poetry, wit IS 3 Kaiige No S W . and will offer proof to show l t contalns ICO cere», 35 of it bottom to place i t on o u r list. IK lfll’ **’* ’ l,i*nce ,o ' leaf o u t the in Eogcnu during his absence. and h u m o r; th e H ousehold d »pertinent th a t tho ¡and souylit 1» mold valuable for Its land and 30 aeree bave been plowed. | j could get rock. Delia Morris will teach the rem ain­ thntsir or stone th an for asrivultnrnl purposes, Jondog; «listliet S'j|»-rintendent of der of the term of scbdni on Fiddle creek ( tic stin th e world.) Yotlug Io lk a .-a tt- and to esUhllah hU etolm to w ld land tatore Can c u t 35 to t-» of bay. A guod two he Oregon C h ild ren ’s Home society, Misa Stew art bavin.: resigned M ere to dny School Lc«-on, th e F arm stead , the the Register and Receiver of thia ofl.ee a t story house 2fi b j’ 38 feet; n b arn 44 by Roseburg, Orc-con, oil Tuesday the 21 day of 7i) leet, witli liea-ty*fraine; o goat house p|f>(!, n;e»’l*s been in the last few d a y , in »crept a position in Florence sctiool. Q uestion Bureau (winch answ ers qnew- . ¡.ici! i •- . i*« 110 I,y 40 feet ; s a ori hard of about 600 1 ( cani^ne in tereto ao t the negdectcl, abused or M ilton and George Nicolh, retu rn ed tions to aulM crihersi, th e nows of th e nf'dianT. Ote. w. It. Balle ni ' trees of different, k in d s of fru it h a . been inMj,i*<«‘w-phatiwl ch ild re n . She »ppom te I tlie fr.an G ardiner H ain-dur. M illon’a foot week in C-.tnph.-U lorrn, and oth er A hua. Ore« Nciioti Alnsson of A t i . «rv, Mr», bearing .for a ye*r or two i,„ossn-1 *O«fewi"«t tadt’ “ vil. M rs.lei.nie l'.uiter- is g etting along ail rig.it b it it w ill take I A n a te r w heel of about 8 bor«C power »¡»ei ¡«1 features. .Specimen copies glad­ A. c. Barbour oí O enters. Orc K Kav-U an • Mr» M k e .- null»- tim e yet l>efore lie will t e entirely '|re, tlI,e « t-M l, M r. Any and «H perion* eUi’nin» «dnTwvlv 1 .e fn rn jf |,eg dio U vh power a t th e barn for ly sen t on application, and if you will ledy, r.s ■‘fc«’» advisory uouru to i<»-k over th e injury. n!K»re-*U*rrHx-d Uiul* «rv rcqae«U«i to file their cu ttin g feed, s w ing wood, etc. ,,, «oriel) ,« „end us a list of address.-*, we will .nail elaiiwf Iu thi« ottefi un or before ma 1«I 21 n. for okl JOHN C. BECK F o r fu rth er inp’o rm ation inquire at the <«Ubit*L in I r«»nuÎ4ftrtàrlntf wM/»k»..Ie lumre. m tie lie n t m ethod of caring Tiw Kind You Han ¿1*372 Bssgtit •vfifia year. «irei«iy. H‘ /nhrtF mowthnuçxpen. W i r r office. W. H. WEATHERSON^ “» "H E B E S T »hould b o y o u r aim i _____ helpless claw of society, •Ute requin*»!. Our r< imvnie, nny henk In »•'J .. r e ) of Me aoriety IS P ortland, S ig n a tu re I l _ -ia. If C. U. C Uh druggist* rtlaud uiuaaa. bust m edicine M O N E Y C A N 2 U Y . » ration. Thompson a 17 year old girl was I the 10th ¡list in the Coquille ile bathing. Uen Bond, a pioneer of 1S5:;| ber boine near Irving, O r., last ugod IÍ8 years. leaves wrote to ns from G ardiner ¡of this week th a t he will be in e in a few days to work a t th e MEYEE, a very ; •in ★ ★ J TP ss taut 1 J 4 G ent’s F u rn ish in g Goods, M H a r d u ia r E , Paints, I Oils, P r ic e s a s L o w a s th e etc. L o w e st. enti Z FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I 1U oarry »q they Mn Anybody desiring to p u r chase Real Estate is in­ vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer. f»" U D CASTOR A o( I it