i r u. stated that a peuiion is soon to has yet found public utterance is that ' made by ,'ruies.sor Geddes of Edinburgh, be circulated asking that the mail route secretary to the In tern atio n al Ktluca- from G ardiner to ClcKudu be extended iti’ J) i tional Congress. Paris, Professor Ged- to Florence and die so vice increased to P arris, France, August 27, 1800. des points out, is not a mere city of three tim es a week. We hope this will I tin s i Paris la r is Universt Lniversul E xhibition is, , , . , , ,, , ..... ..... _ . pleasure. I t is one of the great cu ltu re oe done as under the present arrange-1 Route pld liver, and cure of course, not the last. Tuero will be centers of tlie world and is of no less ■‘*ient the facilities for coin mu ideating ¡ biliousneea, «tek hctt0Ach©, jaundice, I ipg„y c|h ern of greater or lea« inagni- i Bauson, Indigea, Won, etc. They aro in- _ , • * • ' , t> joinm erciai than aesdietieal im portance by mull between Ilorence and places lb e y are even now projected. . . . . , , , , i valuable to prevent a co ld er break up a tude. 11 / 1 tor it lies on the intersection of iinrio*-- along, the coast to the south are very, fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they ars worthy ! E »position, are also, like everything, . . . . , , , . . , , _ t [ri trade routes. P u t commerce is not Poor indeed. It now takes a week or your eonfidchriV Purer? vegc'.'nbK' tticv i . • . . , , ’ " ’ I 1 tau 11111 c a l l be taken li.v children or delicate women kllllject Io ta a law of evolution. They . ler V - S i u g . This one is " ! mission at this m om ent than | niore usually to semi a letter from Flor- , education. At this mom ent situ is an em o to G ardiner,—a distance of about both th e most frivolous and serious of them all, but the world as t , ‘”,'a ‘0U8 ,B“ 'l'or«ry university. T h o .,-j » t»> ¡les in a direct iin e -a n d get a THE FISH TRAP QVESTION. one may look a t it this m om ent,’ ■ . 1 *'ai,Us ut 'Pandering scholars, as they did reply. If this route is extended to ■ j in the m iddle ages, have come to her to Florence and increased to three limes Silk Now d ia t a num ber of trap s have j bulb frivi,lous “ “U serious in a greater learn as well as to teach and she is real- “ week, it will he much more satisfac- been completed on the river and each ! d‘’i#reB lban n t al,Y Brno 111 Listory. I t izlng the largest aide of a sum m er tory to the people and more profitable uatei,;,,,, 8uvera| n j )(ie j is probable th a t a hundred or a tlious- j h e G r e a t Vìfhìtg^ If • v . II. \V I 7 V l 'I f I 'D L '/ I V rl 1 ,4 F ililo« mul 1 J I ft , IVk5\ P ro p rie to r, F lorence, Ore. Sept, ÿ l, 1900. I i . orexce woi'LXi he a good place from » busines p o in t of view for a shoem aker I,as just received a neiv L »: 11.60 i Braid and dress trim m ings of I at the i nty, Ore ^ -er. all NG BATE to open a shop. V, ho will take “‘Ivan-1 tag e of the o p p o rtu n ity ? j fueling of opposition to die traps has and ye8A8 be,,Be> t,1B bl8torian wl*lllllv® I Tp L A C E S A N D EM BROIDB^'C s T h at the effects of the exposi- to the present carriers. don will he far-reaching and enduring, — - — | . decidedly increased among the iisher- Koll)etbing to say about these exposi- it has always been a popular im prea- To (.’uro Coiirttipretion Forever* it is im possible not to believe. tioiis. If the Crusades ward a civilizing sion tb a tc o w s g iv e richer mijk when on ¡ .7 ;‘" U nlil Wi“ "® tbe la8t fBW Take Cascarets Cumlv Cutliur» e. Wc orSSo. if C. C. C. lail to cure, urujitfists refund money W hite Goods, force, w hy n o t Ihe exposition, these -Iry feed',ban w h e n ',,,, p astu re. T este! 7 , ^ '" A WORD TO MOTHERÇ. 1 , . , ; would not work, itt-ltk is river —th at tr,1!iajleH uf industry, of a rt, of thought? ! m ade ut sou.« of th e A m erican expert- ,. VT " ARE YOU AN 18 P°***W* th a t th e historian will 1 there w a ^ f to nltiai grass and o th er M others of children affected with m en i stations linvt* tended to show th a t .**•. i r »*.■«-« 1 ’ • th e rev ers i . , i . ' t th ll,li8 i'l the w aier and tl.«sa refer t0 tl,B O jn h're88 üi B«hK‘on» of tho croup or a severe cold need not hesitate J m e reverse is Irne. In D enm ark v e r y 1 . i would catch on the traps and prevent e x position, and to tlie various to adm inister G ham berlaiii’s Cough ! extensivo teats show th a t th a t ° " S 0,1 th® fish from en terin g ; but this has ®^ngie88es th a t m eet in P aris as of Rem edy. I t contains no opiate nor nar-1 If so you should take and road . 1 ,U,ik " la 11 ° n ^een fo'Hid by actual trial to b« a i n i s - ! I.lJore im portance than all the wonderful colic ill any forui and m a y he given as ‘ . . . . uniH » th an when on an j th e men now see th a t if the j PlechRnk Hl of m aterial progress confidently to the babe as to an adult, j PACIFIC ODD FELLOW The groat success th a t has attended its ! d ry feed in th e w inter. These I pm I h .♦ I om «. 4. \ * » * ■ traps rem ain, fishing with gill nets will : *bese reflections cam e to me last use in the treatm en t of colds and croup ¡ A m onthly magazine published in nave been carried on for ten vpn.ru nn ■ . ‘ , I . ' i . . . • *. • • V' , 4f / •! •< » . I ke rendered unprofitable and the season " ee^ a t tt reception given by M. Loubet, ias won for it the approvul and praise Portland, and exclusively devoted to m g h t differ«:,it estates and with 19P1 shortened by several weeks as very few president of the French ----------- .V.“ f to ih e n h“11 f ‘?‘;e*vec* throughout the U nited the interests of Odd Fellowship, republic both • . lands . - o r local and general. It is the only Odd cows. I b e average yield of milk per Balinw wilj thousands of delegates of the ’ var¡ou¡j j ! Stales S ta,e“ and an<1 in “' “ “ V • i<«eign F pass the trapa. This will I sale by all druggists. row in w inter was from 10.2 pounds to , . ■ . «1 « . 1 . p u t un end to the use of set nets and congresses now assembled in P aris. To Fellow publication in Oregon and is ¿¡.„ p o u n d s per day on pasture. Tho ■■ now in its eightii year. die only elilinee for drifters to make en u m erate fíjese congresses w ith the GENERAL NEWS. average am ount of b u tter fat in milk in anything will be jus after . u u ttein d ie fisq |, ave program s of the questions they will d is­ We have made arrangem ents with tilt« Q IM to 3.21 O •>■ per cent * . . . . 1 w th e Wlllttxp w inter li-iiu was 3.15 ' , . , • n’ , «“ tered the river and helore they have cuss would require more spaee tiian th e No new developm ents in affairs the publisher by which we can club com pared with 3.2d to 3.47 pgr cent on limit« of th is letter will allpw. They p u n a w ithin the past few day». come up as far as the trap s. “ Pacific Oild Fellow” witli T he W est pastu re feed. P atrons of Oregon cream- N early 50 p e r s o n s p e d by c o u rtm a rt-1 at a rate we believe every Odd Fellow will perhaps no t say anything orally «ries w,II notice th at die percentage o, ! ' , " ^ M - d o n th a t ml a n b convicted of robbing the dead at !wolll(1 bu gl;U, to ilccf,p t. b u tter fat in the milk in D enm ark aver- , n UrgB,J U8B tr “‘W’ th a t Jias n o t been w ritten or th a t may Gah-eston, Texas w ere sentenced to be ! Tiie priee of Tj)E W ekt $1>50 per not ho read, hut who can doubt tho »ge. lower th an •> ■- n * ouW “m ount to but little ; as m ost it does in Oregon. peuple would say th e traps have th e contagious en lightening and stim u la­ [year and the price of “Pacific Odd T his is m ainly due, no doubt, to the T h e num ber of killed in the Texao . same right there as the nuts'. B ut there ting influence of thousands of learned, is now estim ated a t from 5,000 to 10,ODD. ' 1‘ ° W 18 >’(‘r y,';lr’ >’“ t w-e will I large am ount of Jersey blood tn the is au o d ier and much stronger reason for serious ainf earn est uien and women Tlie unidentified corpses are being ere- lien‘l both to subscribers who pay a year d airy sections of O regon.— Oi e m u A nri- 1 strictly in advance for .fJ.OO. eu/furtsz. ' ' ■ ■ ! . j opposition to trup-lishing, and it is one striving, however blindly and lam ely, m ated. - - _ . j *** which all tlie people in thia p a rt oi for im provem ents, b etterm ents, ideals. Call at our office and see a sam ple BEST FOR THE BOWELS We sin g th e praises of steam , of elec- T hk A sikwcxn is grow ing weary o f' tbe eou,JtrJ' " ,B iuterusled, w hether they cony of “ Pacifie Odd Fellow.” tricity and of tho great».!, of all, p rin t­ th e c h a n g e .'th a t tlie H epnhlicans are a r‘! pn2*^°l1 *“ or not. I t is this 4 11 Oi l i / » H o w Ai-o T o u r K id n e y , I ing, h u t tj|e g reatest' th e ir combined No m atter w hat ails you, headacho to rin g in g on th e “ full d in n er p ail” p ro p o -) 11,0 S' U ‘“’U ,uku n° " u of tho 8“ ' al1 U ,h» All SJiiides and of ■iÍRlLooÍL SC .araír'ls RilIs curc aU ki< 1 n* r ¡11«. SaiT- . Aüd. M.» rlio^ Keine,ly Co.. Ciliegeti or XL Jt a cancer, you will never get well until j ¿id ,.n . H e resents th e inference, which i ““ ll‘° S“ be‘? " “ ,;UrU‘" 8ii['5 S0*"* work accom plishes is to m ake such 1 a t s * . 5 x & x ! >« plain, d ia t lie cares for nothing in ,t t‘r‘’UBj1 "aio1? but tllu trilP> c“ tch all FREE TO INVENTORS. id« „„ . i i i , kludli down to those about ten iuclies if* o ppomotp tho tim e “ when tlie w ar gripe or pain, produce easy natural j m e except enough tood to satisfy h i . • < length, Ib e inevitable resu lt of this drum .w ill th ro b no longer, w hen th e | lll0venieu,8> CO8t you ju st 18 cents to : The experietice of 0 A Snow & Co i ap p etite. The A m erican w o rk in g m a n ' . , w a n ,, not only a fuli d in n er pad. h u t ! “ ‘I 7 oi «»<>•«< hattlg lings will he furled in tlie p a rlia ­ sta rt getting your tiealio hack. C A S -i obtaining more than 20,000 patents for m i u t o i n m rti|y iC“ t " " rtiC' 11,6 ’ inventora bas enabled them to helpfully he wants a com fortably furnished home, I " Uunt“ ,Ued for a ^ ar# m en t of tp an , tlie federation of the put up in m etal boxes, every tablet h a s ' 1 y wot id .” good clo th e, for him self and fa.pily, and ‘7 * ” 1‘8h,,‘B i,ldua^ - e . C . U. stam ped ou it. Beware o i , a,ls" e r '" an-v Questions relating to th e oppo rtu n ity to . educate Id ■ , children '* and I a would " ----------• he a ......................... severe blow, not .. “ only ‘“ Z W to th e \ ? en P ; ‘y g ’™* L ““ bet iiuilutiuns. f protection of intellectual property. { give them a good s t a r t 'i n life. These 7 but ,o uvuO b»dy in this p a rt tb e P re.id en t pf the republic, was of ; 1 his they have done in a pam phlet trea- I i ting briefly of United States and foreign ! GREENLEAF ITEMS. h e will n o t have so long as tl . | of th e couutry. gigantic proportions. T hero was he trust. I patents, g ith cost of same, and how i I It is the opinion of m any th a t if the , umhin«, tlie evening was cjpudy, no continue Io force dow n h i, w age, and j to procure them ; trade m arks, designs, traps rem gin in the river it will he uo Uirtations under the trees, no malicious I Bv a W est C orrespondent , l o r e up the p r ie , oí tho tyecessities of , use to operate tlie hatchery as tlie trap, gossip, no laughter, in 'that se rio u s; I.Í., v Journo/. y .___ ? i caveats, infringem ents, decisions in life.—O. ¿I. ‘tru s ts ” Bro. K incaid, !' 8 S M iller of C hiekal.om iuy is home ! )e“ding patent eases etc assemblage. The spectacle was historic Lay it to the o m th e S iu s la w . J Tllig pftmpbI instructive an d decently recreative, it is about the beBt yoq can do u n d er Io I h e Drugg sw am p will soon cease to j anyone w riting to I t may ho asked why tlie gill n e t, are ! " ° r ih y of th e distinguisheil porsonages C A Snow cl Co' the circum stances. They are n o t con­ ho a terror to travelers around TrimmU not k n it w ith sim dier m eshes so they, who liad come from tlie four corners of W ashington, D 0 fined to any political p arty and can lake. B lan k , uro ulreafiy on band fur too, will catch th e sm aller fish. T here Ihe world to d i» iu „ m ost difficult prob-1 the worst places in th e new route stir stan d it. Wo are glad, however tlia t ¡„ , . v P r e n d l ’o r H o m e * . th e “ trii.t« ’’ i .... i . , 18lllnw fixing the size of mesh to he «‘»8 and h asten the m arch of hitm an 1 vt*yeJ la8t »pnng, and it m il pruhaoly A dellv m e trusts have eased up on thu , . , ?llver.v wagon of one of tho h!p w orking man durin g the last four years, ! *" 4 “ progress. T hey arrived ab o u t tlie sam e be opened this fall. bread baking factories stopped in tro u t The A lpha correspondent of llie W fst o an up town livery and boarding sht- enough to enable him to fill b i. p u [ | aH” '" 'd U8a' ^ 8 «bout h a lf , tim e. A great crowd silently collected the working man , a y , so they may le't X* 8uuh *“ “ » Is th ere ' abuut K‘ tes of the garden, and com plains about our road to Blaehlev. l>le, and two men at once unloaded bar­ H e m ust be bard to suit. A pack train rels of bread and carried them into tlie J ....... ............. ........... _ • I waited with . him get some of those “ o th er th in g s” 1 ''° “tlOn W*'y trapS a,ld 8einM 8ll0UW ' 7 “ * p atience- æb'ere was no a mile long could travel over th at load | sjaltle. I fie bread looked good and w as good. There were all sorts and he perm itted to catch sm aller fiali th a n ! ,>roteilt froul l,ie north against the south and never break a leg. a l,o during tlie next four v tara. ‘ ZU.8 ° f l0RT®8 iu u ‘e h a r r e ls - “liome- i ' th e gill nets are allowed to tak e? The ! bro“ljb t together in Urn cru sh . D ialects , H e rm a n b te liih a u e i s big kiln of brick JJiade, "rye,” "Vleuna,” " p o ta to ” ! Ilriiing in d u stry is injured ju s t th e aanie ! ifOn* tllu ^ BVK 1111,1 ir° ’“ the G uadal- I *'»» Deen burned and ib is itiudy teadv for for cub cus- “l?ra bnni" mid "eottnge." T iierk CAN be no im perialism . Thoge ' Tb® 5 ‘"-loSity of a man who saw the I w ho fear it »re against it. Those * j,0 1 ^ ‘en sm all fish nro killed, w heth er they quiver were in term ixed in th is cosmo- tu" ,ur8’ hi end being delivered to tlie stable was am havo faith in the R epublic »re Hu„inst “ ^U by tr a *’8’ 8ei,lu8> B*11 or politun river which flowed before the ! A eonsiderabie , , ,, o u , n t , of lum ber I,as 1 aroused. and lie ventured to ask the it. Ko th a t there is univvrs.,1 „hl,or- j by 8O,“ U ° th er li m d s T h i c ' “ d , WU“ iU “ boU*“ t 11 X u s i n a “ , i T “ 1** Pr.?T[lcto,r of tllB s,i,bie w hat it ,ri. , - ■—— ■•meant. F heres nothing renin rim lile about renee for it, an u n anim ou. opporition 18 • w hether thp can n ery . 1 111 « »“ cl. had been assigned w ith o u t; The em ck ah o m in y .riiool ,«!■ It, ... r “ *'1 , t he P‘°I>riutor with a |aUKi, rin was to it. O ur only difference. ..... tllobe ! ,11Bn by p utting in traps are n o t th e m -j U" ‘Ult “ “ d w ,lb o u t M. Lou- extem ieil and M is. lla le I "imply buy It for horse feed Ve Our only differences are IS still fit the grind the bread up aud R l!s7 t ■elves killing the goose th a t laid th e gold-1 1 ““d L oubet surrounded by helm . w ho do not agree with us have no faith flrst en egg. Tlie fisherm en have no desire 111111 clvil ““ d m ilitary households m Messrs B urnett and W iilcut have been other feed, a!,d ¡, in th e virtue or capacity or jiigli pur- It is stale bread and c o sk to injure anyone or to do an y th in g con-1 U" ’ *‘Ul1 ° f tbU a id(W,B vamp, received do111« eusioui work with th eir tru it pose or good faith of th is tree people as c, .C1'” ‘S 8 barri'b an<1 t!lB"e are trary to law hqt hojie to bring about th e tbU" guw" 8, T h« «liability of tlie head ! ' ...... or Gh loaves to tlie barrel, so vou see It »civilised agency, while we believe th at cotnes pretty cheap. Some of ,h " X j j removal of the traps by peaceable meims. ! ° l ll'B n aliü “ 1,1 u ,ese trying circum - . '’' Il8 " llIimt “ "d Tref mice k e n dry. tlie century of free governm ent which «■ only a day old and fi, g,,ü(1 Nearly If not q m .e everybody on th e r i r - ¡ ‘8 *-»1 k — X « X “æ ny mau to eat. hut tfiP i,rentJ th e American ptople have enjoyed lias i r will ho glad if this is done, as aside ior’ iu,dBed< 0,’e bas to I mj the m ost nnot se lllt. What you w e here n o t rendered them irresolute ami faith ­ M rs Jam es II Leaver Jias been mak- ^ / lvU' U,v 1?:1V,'S fTOnj lbB from a lecling of sym pathy for the fisher- j *‘“ ll*blB an d bospitable of inon. tor it is j ing cheese less, h u t lias lilted them for th e great les. New Tort; Journal. u ,,,'Brlaki,13 K* ^ ‘••’¡vo 10,000; Em il R obert and L uca, Wheeler both L5 task of lifting up and assisting to lietier men a large m ajority consider th e trap s cond itio n , and larger liberty those *',Jul7 10 tllB «m nu-y. an d for tlm t i ““ 1''’ N o,tl,8r -'!• “ vr Mure. L m b e t , I”« calves recently ,,u Nelson eiees in n v lo n . " l u , t beautiful p e a c e s ”' d is ta n t iwoplo who through th o ‘ issue of rU“bo" ,UB ‘’PP<"*> “ > tl‘*»r use. *“.'y i‘‘li* uc> a,ul luc>' dld n ° l h".“ 0" ' “ “d “ co,,,i“ ' 18 si'08»*‘1 lB'h said an old lady ns she stopped b attle havo become our winds L et us , ~ ; d ‘ sert th eir post of honor u n u . th e L,1B“» " b eeler’s 4-year-oid boy, Iv„„, m arket and adm ired •• at a stall In the CARM AN « ¡ “T l „ .r l l o t ......... . . A " ln t««-‘-,ttng question of th e d|»y J arriv al 01 the B hah. Mom.Afl'er-e.t-di„„ ! k" kB0 *’> » »m se a t l,is j,ollie Oi, Î i « * C .1,. pink gauze V;d looked h earts ,m e Z f r T T "v " ’biBb i8 For ev.rybo.Iy to h a v e ! dld " o t have on h i. Sunday eiothes. 'SU,; d ay' U‘C Hi' b ' - very tem pting - Indeed. neKriw, no excuse f.>r regret«. M tio iw in jG iehcrtd tu t to the bone. 11« « taken do not grow in strength and the cause Of . . . ’’ '° hn' 1' " T tbrol!«l,t'‘l t I*1« , to Eugene a id Dr Kuv Kendal, s.,v »P « Tin X S í S X í ? ? "M liberty and law is not advanced by t h e 1' * ‘ ”*u now’ o r to l,nvo not,1inR >° do ‘ h tire function his ordinary a so w l.a n , 1 m e «oum l. H e m other « „ I kt-e, ;ep him penn.fi npaiD ;)t n¡p - day 8,|e ap- doing of easy things. The h ard er thu i Rnd hull> lo l,e I,len ,.v 118 w o, tlie case » » J « « • followed hy distinguish« 1 p e r - , ’bere “ » evk under tne uoclu, obBurvr- tln> stall keener n <21 11 • ' K,1°Ave(l Tlie h ard er tlie !, „„ „ veiling ‘ n SU,a11 p!bc® «f pink ' four ‘......... years ago? " sons of h i, suites, w liodid not lw.ve iiiui veiling. . , task, th e greater the result, tlie iieneflt i ■ f o r a m om ent, h u t it oeeuffefi to me 1’B° 1>,‘’ o,lt »«waril E lm ira say deer . c l 1,!.” 'V?" tl,at kini1 of v e illn -for and th e honor. To doubt our power to 175 1 ‘ h at h ts su .ile was happier ih » h IIgUH| ; n,,,rB nuil,eroas lllBi« t ”«*'they h.-ye " The stafl S S r tol 1 t . accom plish it is to lose faith in the » h e n he offered h i. arm gw htntly to V ic e ‘ 0“’ ” !!,t b(? soundness ami sirungth of our )>opulur in stitu tio n s. Tho liberators will never . Dnbi;” ,Ly KWneys^Makc Impure Blood. Loubet. When 1 rcm ou.ber th e deer are more num erous H.ero tmm pfachej I m m ^ t h e v ''h? . ’ ,0° !i tho!,e become th e oppressors. A self-governed All the blood In your body pi a e s ,hrourh 8l' d U" d uurB" or,‘ of t h k j jte n ta te J d le.v have been for m any years. *°«r nr.,1 ------- "A "n,:l11 “ »d X d ’ X ; X \ . 7 ,,.’, l . t!a^ b t ,7 ‘ï fw oplcw iil „ever p erm it despotism i„ >’ ur «“ 0 ^ ’ <»•«• e» « 2 three minute,. U B” «•» B" his arrival in P a r,., and Ot' t,K ^ » 11 >«.k-lan- of »‘“it Veiling th at ¡ X s ..................... t r a b . e r « - * * “e ,,lB e e " ' 7 - * • ’“ * L v e i / tun“e- liu“ U* dny governm ent which they foster and 1 , . IO V'kSf it »'.'self. myself |f |t ter out the waste or "H h w inch it regards ev«rvihiii»- - - wnul.t would i„,.------ Improve tlefend. G entlem en, wo have the new I m n i l r l l ’a . L i ___ , a , , . ............... • - i Judge B urnett, •'u u g e im rn e tt, th th e e R R egister egister’s corre- the penche.’ ' '„..nrit n’",cI‘ i,s 11 dil »They are sick w w * ‘ ‘ "* 8ub,B' u‘ W,U k “ ” "’ •Ponueul puioieut here, keefa. a o rea.t o, ' ,„ e í ' « " 11''Ä Ä >' care, and cannot sh ift it. And breaking of ,,olrw order, they (.¡i t0 4,j him ou Iris re tu rn to T th e ru a . Persia «e o , 'v*s, timugii, »ecuiuf.ig to to* eoiit«-.- ’’“ U - ’ h “ '-"□dei up tlie cause of case and isolation, let their work Pains, achessndrheu- BÍ I* “ !’1* but few r u m p s - •*«'“ » » ‘»1 paper, lie is m .i,,g | 113 K, , p us bravely mid hopefully and soberly ! ixlisin come from ex.” l * r* MllJ “ ‘rt «n» in a th ousand of hi* * deer ''» " ‘»r1 and fim i. R |,* ,a r .. Q’” ' ,' r T o ste,. He nn«. uonlintie thu m arch of faithful service work ?f t!m h o r ¡ '7 *" ,he °b<’n lr9B. cess ess of uric acid in In the suhjecU ' will ' know th a t hi* life was a t , " ““ ‘« - » r i y . and falter not until tl.e work is done. blood, due to neglects«?' , nmy b« une <4 those reti«red i„ i,v \ i - his tvnnir ». U v ^ n p jw t to ntpfuïv ltldoey trouble. it is not posrihle (hat 7.5,000,000 e l ' Klduiy'¡'rouble causes quick or unsteady *'an8- B o s s o .., it, « u , ;hi. Orv> ii i; a LI, face w lth 7 g iu^ , htho. 1'',ln rroni A m erican freemen are unable C to «-stab- ih e J k ’V h ’ "'iJ” 8 cn8 <««1 •» tlrough 1 v * 1 “ !’* th e m ost statesm Air.like erit- H aren ns asking him ' i„.; “ n un,'ertali, ,ani1 nr Hid fixe,I * lb t'HlAl)« ih*„ » ..it, ** F.'” . iiiuuFB \ — ..-w »...a- - — —— ...Ä mui my; io "I i,»’» — p e r m «mu . ...... i t , pv eye « nu n„ ♦! , Ile dice, O r in N ainsook, Pique, | nj " 'n r ' 1 W E S ’! Wai O rg a n d ie s , in F a n c y Shades for ollie« ODD FELLOW? bst d - A girl tpply at m T ranci r one ye CHEFFRON, field Sot . transferí tat ion. THompso LADIES STOCK COLLARS, i > and Fancy cilia],e I th e Ties, the very I die 10tl batir .lien Bor tier Imme aged fifi j leaves wr, i of til is w e in a few business, ifield Mai rrived on ilion as ki SHIRT WAISTS, d o n ’t fo rg e t th e m , w a r m ws¡ is c o m in g . L Scott v arai years si apoaitia Eugene * il 5 •E'Uirev10 RIBBONS, best quality, including Velvetfc Rev Mr in the Gl pt. 23 a t 1 vitation it «»ÍÍSETS ami llO S ia iS Coheir ntal disch d in his h C anvass and $ o u rs ü D ress O r a L j, 0. w. hl) schooner ' raneiscu h th e Flore vill also l ut bark, i Keed-Ms regular c Tn , ead of Indl li veil from ’ a contract A Bean in m ated to Is ■river just 1 lapleton. ] ce taking S| ie great at Cholera i ^treatm ent c e it .tanda 't CH EA P CASH S T O K E !F ’ * ■e entertait very eatufi s, music »n Drv Goods, * C ro ce rje s * and * FLORENCE MEAT J usi, MARKET. <»> D O i tí ui !G □resent^ w. Over-Work Weakens V Your Kidney», li«h lilierty and justice mid good gov- over working in pumping thick kidney e m in e n t in .m r new , „„sessions, T h . « d S ’^ ^ ^ Z \ d ‘.U,*on1v m l^rv" N ° ’11VK burden is o ur o p p o rtu n ity . The «>ppor- ’roubles were to be traced to the kidneys5, «unity ¡« g reater th an tlm'lmrde>,. May fifiX s.ih fite M l^ . ^ , ^ * , ‘1 ^ «i,»I give us stren g th to ’.war the one. " 'i f ? " an d wisdom to em brace tb s o th er th at by first diA torlnrV o'trV l.'h^— we m a , carry ............. acq u isitio n , the t H>K F V B \ 1C A 11” N -------- - - k , s.v ra , h » t X ‘ m m X , ‘,J U(r ,1‘” "'O'’ '“'P'-v'«• hi- nnc.Uo,, X X , ' , ................. . g nsr.ini» es of life, lib erty and tlie p u r- som ?rraii.-eT \ t su V d ^ ih ^ h ig h e 'rf^ /ttJ “ * * "•’ *’ 8 V»‘»mi.»l."».rv.«! ¡:"r.li.Kr.kon- M cKJnlw’s wood«'f»l cures of the most distressing cases h ' f ''".. liSuT«» it J vn V" r* , A. *nd Is sold on Its m erit, « -.«*' 1 » SK'«- A S|*«cli to «lie Onto Knctety of New to r k . by all druggist« In fifty- * “ ».• **'•** T ,»na. h . it W ml cent and o n c - d o l l > r k l i - ” * "»«'•» Hie (»ilnwluK witiMsees m prove D n 't Tvbarru h)»ii I IA» •a. Yeu m s , have •>*»«■« Hliniai;» ni«Me«c« n,a»i, *u«l culti »*tl«»i, T o q u ii om lljr nn«< forever, be mag' sample bottle by m ill n__ p e lle , full o f hf<*,’ »»♦ rro anil vJtf<*r, iwke »No To- ftes. also pamphlet telling you how to find ’ • ” • York, J. F. W hitaker. Jl. Dalan. sad J Hue. U m » wtmder w«rker. tb.X m a l« ■« v « » k men •Irong. a u «fvtigirI»Ui, t<)c or f l . Cur« gn«raa- ©ut if you hsvo kidney or bladder trouble. J0) “ '. *11 u, uardinor, V>rr»:.L>*leV « h ü «aiuplu fie e . À
d*y. Bv tne w. v, ” «bts. in a m ,,." , J 8 U;'!, . u t» 1 1 l 'w in, table ..U Bio«™ ,, t„ one 0, tl.e.porw .w en who flowers, ahlniug w ith .,1^ view thu, neighborhood every vea, and IriMKn, warm with c r ' i , , nnd t‘nt WÀ.0 express u a , , , , « Ul„ « 7 ' ; - n a .K , Plush 'c m - X T ’■ l’Sm' of u<»r humaircut«. 1:8.V I ft- i _ . d e . p? , ‘‘ fo° ’1 to sol kmlled formal!y. The drtr ISe for bowel ie that neVS id reliable. few days the jetty vr try to stop t eek and set ie dirt out o «as«, a grew >r the coutn tnes been ol give tbe in □ a rr, eo tlit A the w h ¡ te is kinû - p T 1 T * ' - HEÂRIXGg, like a bicycle, make the ‘• 'Y l I l r E ” ’he Easiest R unning Machine Made he Oregon Beauty of tfnisli, q....... .. ............. . . _ mtlit v of m aterial, e l e g » " * t*’*'“ ! ' ‘h” 11 'vorkm anship. tlm 'shnplcht.'nio* ''’•“’t " 0 '‘“' T * * hB*t “f fttacb m en ts. «„„v ,,„ „ n e n ia , old ± ‘•■‘•'flog.., ,,„e m illion five hundred Ill'’"*n'1 j T i “ * ! , in Î “ mre ► L -hirty years of su.-cees, couiteo,.» ««■’">•’ yOU ask? («• run ligi’’8’ W h i t e ” m Bicycler ---------- ust durable and h*,r on U* n’ark et. Call or w rite nud let os fW « 1 W E S E W MACHINE C O M •• h» Ib st stre e t, San F ra n c ise ” , Chi. ' ' in V It ¡fe S e w in g M avliine»« “" J - y'- -