GRAY & BUNDY. ffcasi&rcOe YOUR LIVER Spring and Summer Goods. Road supervisors receipts (or sale at th e W krt office. Is often a warning that tin liter ts I torpid or itu-Ctlve. More' serious la out o f order If you Imve the aymptome P art of the lumber for the Methodist ’» biuav mobnino — ì Uonhles may follow. For a prompt, enum erated on thia chart. , church is already ou the ground. aymptoin carefu lly and you will O'»d thax „nicieut tore of Headache a id all they are your». You can be cured with« liver trout,1« , take Lyons Bros have 1009 logs in Wildcat out the aid of C alom el, n in e M ass er I ‘OousTV, O bboos .— creek ready to float to m arket ou the Quinine. They arc m ineral« and are apt At the to poison the blood. l>o not conllnua to Siuslaw. Buffer when the rellof la held out to yen.' . . . BY. - - ’ T ' U g X ' X ^ l “tlm ‘b o £ £ W hy not add your nam e to the jdraedv The hardwood sawmill of Waggoner Im re list of people cured by H I’D i A N . ihev do not gripe or pein. do t»>t Dee Dimities Bros near Mouroe, was burned last ' H U D T A N flas cured lu.oUO oilier« and It Dotted Muslin, white aud tau ir rúate or Inflame the internal organ.', IJ •will cure you. IIU D Y A N Is the great- Friday night. but liuve a positive tonic ctlect. ¿JC- ito r aud Proprietor. Foulard’s, satin finish I , e»t v egetab le rem edy of the century and Covert Cloth nt 111 druggists or by mull of The post office at Cottage Grove has ! will r*hw«' all the follow in g sym ptom»: at c. I. Hood 0 cen ts per packuge. W hen you have Grass Linen class office. Cor. lltb and High Sts., Eugene, used H U M A N tell your irieud» what it Ferenle "Iiu tt Brand” Scotch Lawns has done foi you. j ad a t the post-office at Florence, i A galley of type was dumped on our ; Oregon. f all G LOGS WANTED- Sash Ribbons, latest color* u ilty , Oregon, as second-class office floor one day this week making J . W. HAMBLE, Prop. Ginghams more pi than the printers relished. Ite r. The largest Belgian Hare establish­ l. li i L i o y s Eli Bangs sent three ex tra teams to ment in the state. 17 different strains j Parties d o n rin g to contract with the j IIItADACHW —R e­ Ladies 2 Clasp Kid Glovesjn Black or tan. lieved by l i b IA­ • D e ity SI SO HATES MALE KNOWN ON Al- Mapleton, Monday with loads of pass­ represented. Headed by Fashoda Boy- i Siuslaw and fc’an Francisco Lumber Co : TA N . ____ B PLICATION. 2 -1 . J A U N D IO « Joes 8 cents peri lin e , e ac h In se rtio n engers ami freight. The passengers were al, son of Champion Fashoda and Bo- for logs to i e delivered the coming sum- S outache B raid a n d A ss’t F e a th e r S titch ed B raids. OK THK L T tíK - fisherman and Chinese to workin O M nanza Queen II. All pedigreed. Young- mer aud tall Wilf p ease app y lir u r A N »HI cau so the y e l­ H urd’s cannery. steis »8 to »10 per pair. Satisfaction to lo w n ess I« dia­ B. Cushman, Ind. Lienee,Ore- Aog- 24) li>00' si, iienr and the Bed Spreads In White, Blu and Rd. The steamer Margtieiite made a trip guaranteed. Correspondence solicited n o r m a l h ealthy Acme, Oregon. Color to return. to Mapleton Tuesday afternoon and j Reference. 1st National Bank, Eugene 4. C O A T E D W E S T L IN G S . brought down Hie Chinamen who are to ‘ Oregon, TO NO 11 K. J*?.11" A New Line of M en’s Hats. SEWING M A C f.lN E FOR SALE. T1U B lt E A T H - work in O W H urd’s cannery this fall. hade M UDYAN «hl cita r the tongua es headache ie cured by Hood’s They came in by the way ot Eugene. HERMANN NOTES- We have just received1 from the facto­ and m ake tn« breath pure aud ry a new seven draw er, oak finished, | Bandon Recorder: The army worm sw oct. TENPKR- Champion sewing maebrne. made by B y J ay . Irose fine Itockiug Chairs a t ' t hat has been dealing out destruction to NKUS ANDVAIN the New Home Sewing M iwshine C o. 1 vegetation is disappearing but it has cut DUG TU A Kyle’s. ------------ OF O» TOO a large slice out of the prosperity of the Call nt th e West office i.’-nd examine MUCH U IL It-H V D ‘PÍÍE¿'KÑCl£ Y A N will Çlre Aug. 18, 1900. Valoriali reports tliat P J Shistnd Coos for this year. A low estim ate of ÜJ» thejuaehiiie before p u ch asin i elsew here. ^ “» » d Ä V b T V o S i tö'be poriset ttiy elise«! «carnieri at : t l . Mr S C Morris visited friends on the i »1 the damage resulting in- the county San Francisco Exam iner and th« I ,aev8 the l088 at ^50,000. In a few creek last Tuesday. DRESSMAKING. IK S , or one year »2.50 paid in ml-1»” Johnie Gibson left, last Tuesday for i places farmers h ate had to teed hay to their stock and we have beeu told that his home on Fern Ridge. Fashionable Dressmaking o r' plain Size. pile driver has been nt work for io a few instance hay th a t had been Smith Taylor is spending a lew days sewing done at your home, nt r-taeoii- days driving piles for a lish trap j atorej ¡ia?'«x’r > n the lot where the Methodist . QregOn ¡s completed anU. irty of government nspectors k | office ite Albany. The last box of the Stella Mll’.edge while out walking a. ys ago were examining the lines voluminous reports have been forwarded log (ell and sprained her knee very | miles Irom Florence is now offered for i JdtuUn The em pty H K DVAN f i ond w. * * * * W fijnship 19 ranges 9 and 10 which to Washington. The census work of the ; ä :° uh sale. badly. rh-;m‘ho? Ä ra. Ï - second district is not yet completed, but It contains 100 acres, 35 of it bottom b }Kl l . C^c( .urveyed last fall. There was a young man went to p see , ( land and 30 acres have been plowed. 1 <3«»lre Adtb't*3* ) year old boy named Byce has will bo soon. I t is thought that it will ° Can cut 35 tons ot bay. A good tw o , Arrested in Fall Creek precinct on be n number of weeks before any report his sweetheart last Sunday V.USYAK S M Y COUPASY, instead of seeing his sweetheart as lie story house 20 by 38 feet; a barn 41 by , rge of horse stealing, The crime ot Oregon’s census will be given to the H a v e Q lw a y s on H an d a p in e ^ to cl^ o f ^ expected lie seen the man of the house I b(?nvy frame; ft goul house ____ public. Local census enumerators speak No. E lfliS c v th Broadway, ommitted in Dougins county 10 by 40 feet; an orchard of about 500 ire being on band much unfinished j very highly of Mr W inn’s work in this waiting for him Los Aúneles. Cat i tieea of different kinds of fruit has been ,, clock and jawelry work, the ' connection.-C orvallis Gazette, Cor. S to . ¿ to n . »"* c u l» s ,f c « HOW’S THIS? bearing for a year or two. Son F r .v n :'« « . C il _ _ _ _ _ rsigned will be obliged to return to ■ PERSONALS. -------- 1 A water wheel of about 8 horse power elvettiii 1 IK'C in about ten tint G ^ O e E F ^ lE g , We offer one hundred dollars reward furnishes motive power at the barn for s®®™«* j R Cleaves. REAL [STATE FOR SALE. for any case of catarrli th at cannot be I cutting feed, sawing wood, etc ; Guard says the hop crop of Lane : Mrs A R Battulph is visiting at The farm is % mile troin school and cured by H all’s Catarrh Cure. will be the p best quality for Heceta. mile from a county load. F J C hunky & Co., Props., Toledo, O. The West Real E state office has b a r­ years but the yield will be light, O W Hurd and wife arrived Thursday Price »1000. We, the undersigned, have known F gains to oiler in the following properly. ver two thirds ot a crop at best, < D r y (¿ fo o d s 'Dress (¿foods ; from Portland. A bargain for anybody wanting a J Cheney for the last 15 years, and A good dwelling houae, and black- rtland wants »12,000 a day fo r, A O Funke is up tlie river after a believe him perfectly honorable in all farm. smith shop doing a good business in a B lice IIS to th e ! circus will give scow load of wood. For further information inquire at the business transactions, and financially thriving town. The ow ner desires to . , jition at Milwanki.-. a Hiimn, ,,i W R Me Cornack is home again after able to carry out any obligations made W est office. change his location. A fine Opportunity Llfl.and aud leave the large city out a three weeks visit in Eugene. by their firm. for the right man. Price »850. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . ;eiher. E A Evans is making a round of some W est & T ruax , Wholesale Druggists, 100 acres of unimproved land on North Strange announces that he will ot the logging camps up the river. Toledo, O. WauniNg, X innan & Fork about ten miles troin Florence is Florence, as promised, and ie Notice ÌK hereby elven that the undersigned W S Brewer returned Saturday after M arvin , Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, ! has U-en up|n>i'nie,l Administren,~r o"t the Estate 1 offered for Baled. Near to eoOBty road. is his patients ou the Siuslaw river O. spending two or three years in Alaska. H all’s Catarrh Cure is take» in tern ally ,: m a ,...« M sthil.l. Funke »X hie t « Conn j Will make a good stock ranch. ITice rserve llieir dent.,, n o t. r,r L uu Miss Heien Fisk returned tins week ember lie is ; experienced and directly upon the blood and , c)aims 9aui ,.it«te «re herehy required I ’ acting r . from a visit with relatives in the valley. oiiaiMe. J mucous surfaces of tlie sysiein, Price to present them, with tlie proper vouchers to ' IRQ acres mostly tiinbei land lying in Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Ole Myiind lias returned Irom Astoria sh G oinnilsioner Reed cause 1 the 75c. per bottle. Bold by all druggists the undersigned at b in ,n ice in Florence, Or,- i se ,.(jon ] 3 t township, 18 south, range 10 i ____ gou, wjthin six months irom the date of tills west. number of m m expects to tieh here again thia (all. Testimonials tree. About three acre« clettred. A st of the mammers i,l untire. canneries a t Aatuun last week fori S C Branton is arranging to move to H all’s Familv Pills are the best. Dated nt Florence, Oregon, August, 2nd, 1900. creek large enough to flout logs runs A. O. F u n k e through the land. Price »550. ivitig fish altor the close of the ' Acme and engage in the hotol business. Administrator of the e»UUe of Anna Mutlillde _______________ , Win Saflev and wife were passengers A good store building and lot in Acme. SALMON PACK OF 1 9 0 0 . Fnnice, d eeeoed . Conveniently located for business. The he soothing Awi lienling properties of , t0 i.'|urence on R arretl’s stage Tuesday. .uiberliAijli’ii Remedy, n» Win Goodpasture and brother of •‘The Columbia river salmon pack notice for P U B L IC A T IO N upper part is finished up for a dwelling. isaiit taste and plum pi and p erm a Eugene were on tidewater a few days this season was approximately 290,000 Price »700. cures, have mad.' i. u . : 1' I.iv■ , i !1 •• ago. Land Office, Kosebunr, Oregon. cases,” said an Astorian the other day. 40 acres on W ildcat creek, 12 to 15 July IS, 1901). th e people everyw here, l u i sale The friends of Ono Phelps will be ‘‘The biggest year was in 1894, when Notice ts hereby given that Hie lullowiiig- acres bottom and low bench; a good All Druggists. glad to learn that he is able to be out tlie pack anwnuted to 000,000 cases. named settler lias flteil nudi» of liis intention building place.; fine cedar and fir tim ­ t was reported in limn a few ,l i y s again. Notwithstanding tlie small pack this | l)nHi pr,)Uf iH support of his claim, and ber; county roudopeueil across the land ; th a t Chas Cox came near being Nellie Furnish received a third grade vear the canneries paid out much more ’ that mid Proof will t>e imide before Joel Ware, a good stock range; to mile from post lulled by tlie discharge of a spring i certificate at tlie t?xnmiliation at money this season than in 1894, w I V. 8. Commisshiner, at Eugene, Oregon, on 8« p - office; 1,’j mile« from school bouse, , i i . , i Au a rn iw e toniber lith , 1900, viz: Julius Koepp on II. E. I. but as ChArleif says he knows nulh- they had the big year. As a c<’n«e ’ So -77g, f„r NWU, & n ‘, nw‘4 , 8eo. 2«, w here school is taught 0 to 8 mouths in Eugene. about anything of the kind we are i f , queue®, money has been as plentiful i Tp. i# s. k . io west. a year. Price »250. Mrs M E Lucas of Aberdeen, Wash, opinion that the . advent m e e x is te d ’ ttiia year as when tlie pack was 600,000, • Ho liameg the following witne«ws to prove A tract of about 60 acres fronting on ! is visiting l,er mother Mrs Bean at in souiebody’a im agination. greatly to the satisfaction of bo|h listier* ! his contiuuous residence upoaunJ cultivation Clear lake three inilos south of Florence. I Mapleton. . men and business houses. : of «ml»l land, viz: Ton never read of sn many gioat cure-.-' I Andrew Forasieur, of Hermann, Lane Co., A fair house aud »bout five acres cleared. A family from Wolf creek were taking where, as those effected by Ilo o 'I’s An average of 7 cents a pound was o^go,,; Robert PaeHehke, of Hurniantt, Lane A good wagon road from the place to 1 in the sights of Florence aud Heceta srpanlia. did yon’’ 1’ ■- A' 1 ' - paid for fish this season. A higher | c a . Oregon; Spencer Lyons, of Eugene, Lune tlie Siuslaw river at Glenaila. ................................... A fine - price was paid at times, but the average I T°-> Oregon; August Koepp, of Herranou, Laue j jur a summ er residence. Price latest Medicine and possesses merit this week. known to any other pri'p.ira'.ion. Il | Ohus Griffin left Tuesday for Eugene amounts to seven cents per pound. The ! , <-0-> o‘lK‘,n- . ...w. »500 J. 1. nlti u'JKf*. ! after spending several days in Florence quality made up fur the quautity of ¡ l wonderful invtgorator. Kvglster. A tract of a Hi tie over two acres of fish. don Ivan Me Queen repelentative j aud vicinity. iioltom Imid between Florence and ,m Lane county lias been ill for the ■ A brother of George Holcombe with N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . Acme, lying oil tidew ater near Rose Mother Tells How She Saved Her St four mouiluh I A few days ago Dr | his wife and child are visiting Mr Hill cannery. A fair bouse on the land. ine of Eugene and Dr Wall of Cottage Holcombe at Acme, Little Daughter’s Life. Land Office, llosvbiirg, Oregon. A fine place for gardening or raising July 19, 19». Mrs F J Kobe leaves tomorrow for operated on him for Proae small fruit. Price »200. Notice is hereby given that the tollowing- and it ia lioped he will now her home in Tacoma. She intends soon 100 acres on Cbickahotniny creek, 16 I am the mother ot eight children , tiitiecd s e ttle r h i t s filed nutiee of his intention to move to Elrett, Washington. ___ acres cleared, a g;«xl bearing _ orchard, a i and have had n great deal of experience to naalts flual pwtof to support of h i, claim , and _____ D W Stibbens has retired from the j witti medicines. Last summer my little that suid proof will b«t mad« before Jta-l * “«*•1 ,ion»e and bnm , one million feet old Ooogars are «¡ported to be killing „ ^ " ^ • = : ' ~ “ !xrow,h tim ber lying on both side, of .top on Sweet creek.| Elwood Lloyd management of tlie Morris Hotel and ‘ daughter had the dysentary in its worst J ^ Crum have each lost several, j wjn g0 to Eugene to work at liis trade i form. We thought she would die. I | it. E. No. 787«, for the swc, sK'L «cr. 22, N!, I good sized c r e e k .T h e place lies within iiuber of the aettlers were out after OPRI Mrs Deyoe was quite ill the first o f; tried everything I could think of, but | NEIL HE>4 NE'4, Sec. 27, Tp. i s s . It. 10 West. ’ H few rods of tlie lCugene-Mapleton lie names the following witneesea to prove ; gt . ge road. Price »650. e varm int last Sun ! iy with dogs hut I tlie week at (tie home of her daughter not(,ing „ctmed to do her any good. I n e g |. 0 ,par ]a k e , y , ng not succeed in capturing the game. 1 Mrs G R Mills. She is a sister of A R 8ftw |,y nI1 adveriiseineint in our paper ! his upon and cultivation | J(|() F lo r e n c e , 0 rc 5 °n . that Chamliei Iain’s Colic, Cholera and ; ’ ^uim aK ^p^uf H-rraaiin, la n e Co Oregon; ' in section 11, township 19 south, range I lieatrd that a reward of »10 was i Buttolph. for tlie animal that did tlie I Joseph Campbell w as in Florence, Diarrhoea Remedy was highly reeoni- Robert Paeselike,of Hermann, Lane Co., Ore j 12 west. Price »250. fti i gon; Spencer Lyons, of Ki.sen .Lane Co'..Ore-; ' Saturday for the first time einre he went | mended and sent and got a #crM lniBnpr(,Ve(l (and lying on r . He 1 once. It proved to b« one of the very ion ; Anenst Koepp, of Hermann, Lane to ., , no risk when you buy to yogeburg several years ago. Oregon. tlie north sid t of Clear lake miles best medicines wo ever had in the house. I olic, Cholera and Diar- 8g young as when lie left. J. T. Barons*, ! south of Florence. A good waguii road It saved iny little daughter’s life. I am ; All Druggists will re- JOHN C. BECK. W . H . W EATHERSON. Register. from it to the Giuslaw river. Price »600. I W . NICHOLS. Mrs H Bultman returned Wednesday anxious for evory incther to know what I ■| :y if yon are not satisfied , after a visit witti relations nt Roseburg. 160 acres on upper North Fork, a Point Terrace, Or. Florence, Or. Elnsira, O r. I t is everywhere admit- j Mr Bultman says home is much pleas­ an excellent medicine it is. Had I N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N .' | large part of it. bottom land. W ill inuko known it at first it would have saved ( t successful remedy in ! anter now since the return of bis better me a great ileal of anxiety and niy , I a good home. / Price »850. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. com plaints and tlie only June 2 0 ,19U0. I 80 acres tim ber land with creek large half. little daughter much suffering.—-Yours 1 fails. It is pleasant safe , fi Mt runntn|< thr00gh the Register: F E Taylor left for liis truly, Mis Geo F Burdick, Liberty, | Nnttcci.herebyglventhatthefoRowing.naiuzd I settler boa filed notice of hi« Intention to nmke , ... . home at H entian this morning. He It. I. For sale by Ail Druggists. final proof In support of his claim, and that lim it and in to tide water. 1 ritse »0.5. (County Leader last wsek will return later to attend school in mid proof will ho made before J<>ol Ware, IJ. s 138 acres <4 land at Elmira, Oregon. long article about Luther Eugene mid between times apply him­ Commfasloiior at Kiigciw Oregon, on^H'-ptem- j , o, F a i * m (g im k e p £ A r 2 « s l^ a n d ^ o v /r c £ o t£ bertth 1900, vis: WLIIam Ferria on hid H. K. ; ’ r 1 Jpg « ltd h is Suffering each year from self as apprentice in dentistry with L L GENERAL NEWS 0 aerea No. 7727 for the W f, KE!4> «ec- 2, outbuilding« on preniltes; w h ite of a rattle snake. Mr King Wldtson. , orchard, 1&> acres In cultivation, 10 Tp. 16 8 K W West- irmarly lived on Fiddle creek and liis Caleb Power», ex-secretary of state of Earnest Gilstrap started up the river He names the follow ing witnesre* to prove acres more cleared land, and 80 acres see ia familiar to many of our readers, Wednesday afternoon after spending Kentucky lias been convicted of cmnplic- his eoiitlnnotta residence upon and cultivation alaahed ; balance, brindi and tim ber lie suffering« began early in July this a week in Florence. We acknowledge itv in the murder of Governor Goebel. of, said land, viz: land. Price »20 per acre, »1000 down. William Kirby, of Mapleton, dragon, »pen- ear while ntnatly lie does nut feel i t ; several friendly calls and a niniiber of | The jury recoin mended th a t he he cvr Lyon«, of Engen«, Oregon, William Perk-J For further information inquire s sticks of type for which he will please sentenced to imprisonment for life. ersen. of Eugene, Oregon, ,L. b. t.ibaon, of 1 o hn Wi»tT( office, Florence, Oregon t P a rtie s h a v in g R eal E state to sell w ill do w ell [th a t O F Calliaon, who accept our thanks. A special of tlie 18th from Delagua Eugene, Oregon. ! John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon, c .ywhere except president Me Kinley. They v.ere con- muned settler has fll«i notice of hi« intention 10. T bia; will be a large ship with a I to make final |«oof In support of h it claim, and j lined ia tlie detention prison to await that said preof will tw mad« before Joel Were, ’ freight c»fnti-ity of 1600 tons and pas-i on tlie Siuslaw. Forj irtvil war, as well »• in nnr ! turtherdevelopm ejts. U. a. Connaizsioncr, at Eugene, latne Co.', Ore- t senger necommodations for 200. HOTEL C rlA N G E. gon, on October 22,19(0. viz: William M. Kirby ! roti hpain. diarrhoea was The entire plant of tlie Kelly Ax on II. K. No. 7792 for the S!g JStt», 8W (i NK!4, i rates an d further information call on or- newt trrfublesouie disease« i i address. Mannfactnting Co. at A lexm driae. aK 'i N w'4, Hee .18, Tp. 1« «., It. 10 West. R McMuat-iiav, had to contend whto. In ! Peter Cowan who recently purchased Indiana haa l>een burned. It was He names the following witnesses to prove , Agent Northern Pacific, Eugene. Inces it became chronic an I the Morris Hotel. t.«.k eliarge of the valued a t »800,000 and waa one o f tlie h is eontlnnotts residenee upon aud cultivation liers «»ill «offer from it. Mr property Wwlnevjay and will manage largest ax raannfactry eatabliatoBWt« in of, said land, via: Albert Urtrtow, of Junction City. Oregon;! Poa'I Tobscro Spit sad Nmeks Tswr Mrs Away, , of Wind Ridge. Greene ' the hotel himeolf. We are glad to the world. JOHN C. BECK Henry J. Hickey, of Jnnetion City, ONKua; J To quit tohoceo aaelly and torevgr, be nut« is one of these. H e uses welcome M r Cowen and family to 1 netlc. lull of life, nerve and vigor, taka Np-To- W . H. W EATHERSON, E R V O U S trotlhlca are rnretl b v William Ferris, of Mapleton. I mw Co., Oregon; in ’s Colic, Choter« and Diar- Florence r a d liope they will prosper. i Uoe. tba wonder worker, that makes weaktnea ... . . . ’ ___« » Uu.ican, . . . . . . - - aef of I f . a Mapleton, .lr .tn n l A la t l f n C e r t Co., . G re ffO ll Jiiscpti (treguo. ’ strong. All druggists. Mo or II. Cure guarwa- Hood a Kat>a|mrilla. which en Bi"dy and says l.e never found W . NICHQ U^ J. T. Batons«, • teed Booklet and «ample free. Addreaa d n rn taV on r Itow el« W ith Caaeareta. rioiieâ und ¡.urille« the blood. It I» the that wonhl give him such j K Jtaglsttr — .'.'n- ■— -»■ (M . Cklcaao er Mew Y e * C»nt1f> CMh»rtf?. cura ron«tip»tion former, j Sef. For sate bv All Drogglvtt. ’ ttK-. -ftc. If C.C. C. rail, drtijci-iV» refund Biouui- beet me licitte for nervous P E O P L E . T m V 7 1 3 S T C a ll a n d DENTISTS se e o u r lin e of C otton Goods- All fine wash fabrics. W ood's P d fs .'W eatherson ' ms : POINTS OF WEAKNESS. Acme Commercial Co. J. W. HAND, Manager. METER &, ETLE ■ ★ ★ r I® Gent’s Furnishing Goods, <• ¡E! H a rd w a rE , Nolis Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest nte& FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. and ^old on eommi^ion. UME Anybody desiring to pur* chase Real Estate is in* vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer. N