T H E W E ST ; WASHINGTON LETTER. ! the res! extent of the gold vein» in those in a^i the large cities watching for any ANSWER TO Mil. WiLSON. ! out h it., in n o t understood generally. violation of th e Lacey law, which j -------- '¿MUX 0 cm K x OCD a B CuKMCSPUNOCXT ; —FUSUSUSD FRIDAY MO«XU«|.— I n tbe video day. primitiva »«rJdnery im p rw , . of «300 for every Editor IV xs-.-: 1 stiould bare written —AT— was in use m the numerous mine, that ' m ir.ctioa of .aid bin. ere this but myself ami W J Bryan have Washington, August 13, 1900. | w er. opened and ww ked ooU tbut 1 The league of ainerican sportsmen I been very busy fixing up our campaign F lomsics , L ure C opktt , 0 « xgok ^ * 8 order to its minister to machinery" became ineffective. Then does not wish to curb eport in any way. 1 business. By hard work and our cute, aecppt a Chinese escort from Pekin to the i • - - BY - • . T ie n tsin , after all the other govern- quence is J T r,ed ’ tlj* co°*8* II L-bev-s ¡a a reasonably filled game- way of wire working we got our main XVXBT pOnalty AV « , H. WE -v ATHEE,SON “en'’ h"d ort one of lhe " lo8t Perplexing e are a progressive, incoi- SINO j ting briefly of Unite,! States and foreign lalin« ,lie B1»“’« laws. It has also abeo- Teddy on the m ustang almost any kind thipgs about the whole business. ruptable, purifying parties combined ns .Iocs Neither this government nor t h e i>*ten” ' W‘Ul C01it of Ba" ,e> and how , lute,-v ’"°PP°ff tli ¡ chilly to receive such horrible news. It wlio praitkl culty in obtaining lumber in proper another country when it is considered protect animals of certain species from I is tc wanton destruction. “ lail.v who played on au organ of reed», is very consoling though to know th at condition, bgt is now preparing to saw necessary to protect the trty i lives and j A careful inquiry recently made bv ’ proLeed"U“‘C Iike tl,ut " hieh ,ro<<1 heaven | such changes are very few its own sip k', and will have boiling vats property of its citizens. . . y» an ! tlie New York Zoological Society And they tau g h t and they praught and they i • ' Second he writes ‘‘It leaves nini W fijnshif mid drykilns for the preparation of the doneld ‘r ,!l'e <'l7 ' POn h°"' “ tb,' ng i8 l ‘,,e 8,nrt'*ng fact that th ro u g h o u reveals and they pmyed t, lirty’ ,urve.' without a I place Arid the lady’s «killed flnjera bewitching i T , . ‘ ' tolny his political head wood. Ira Powers, the furntttire man­ one. Hor a Cuban or Spaniard or any- I states and territories the decrease in P’ajed Jins reminds me of a pious old lady back ) yea ufacturer of Portland, has on exhibition body else, to call XI,e average American ) the volume of bird life during the last T hturd I>COple dccIare<1 tbe>'had ne’et before in Missouri. irrest She had a fine large gar- and sule at liis store ■ « tin s city, some 4 *»r means to get knocked down, y e t; fifteen years has reached an average of I rge of Such m usic accompany preaching the word len and the dry weather set in and handsome specimen's of furniture made in elect they are constantly calling o u r ! forty-six percent. The decrease in the ammh ci! n e e r couW lje happy until emd, i dried it up. Siie was looking at the could place from Oregon onjc wiiich compares favor­ government a bar and a cheat and the ' number of edible birds has even been ire bei In each home auaii nil oigAii - a m eans of min and then said she thanked God she i, elo. ably in every respect with tlie same most that any American does about it is greater than that, and a number of our God s grace. was not the only one ruined by the A ll S h a d e s a n d o f b e s t q u a lity , i n c l u d in g Velvet in rsigne elnss of goods imported from the East, to scratch his head and wonder if the ! finest species T «efi t"'e Pre'“ ’- t r be<>amc » brisk agent to drouth.” Mr Wilson, we can console ■jure in are now approaching j The hardwood of Oregon will be a big talker Imp got it straight. Following ! practical extinction and many of our n i ourselve in like manner; there are many The m echanical wonilcr th at s iiltc l «o wv... ' source of wealth in • few years.— -C o Z iimi - are words used by Mr Roderick Alvarez, song birds j Guai wav. " " °r rn,CT he “““‘r«’«.’» «traieht. thousands in your fix, with no place to are being killed for food. Ain /file r,(.- Oregon T i, n l„ r „ ia „ . wil o f Havana, in a Washington hotel, The sportsman has long realized tins ’ And agreed in installm ent the price they I their pslitiea) heads yea while discussing the announced in te iJ n e e d of m ight pay. • f j fhird, lie says he cannot join the protective measures, but the I ver t« p f>ty th at prosperity with us may stay tion of our government to withd-aw farmer I,as only recently learned to I homestead law change . ill the last of these debtors his last note I republicans. I would not if 1 were you; rtlaud from Cubg next y e a r: “ If the better snail pay. s lice, appreciate the full value of bin/p as, phase stay with us; we want you and Then they'll th an k the good Lord and the The United States land office have class of ihe Cubans and the Spanish on ■ . Jition insect destroyers. Cheap guns, lax I 1 am sure the yepuhlieans do not nj^ed preaclier who praught just received « notice from the depart­ the island belioved that the U. S. had Lifl, and m , laws’ tlie ra»nia for collecting nn.l /F o r the m usic they make with the organ i.'ou; they have plenty without you, th ey ’ve bought: ¡ether. m ent of tlie interior, which is of the any i n t e r n of turning the island shooting, and more especially the ! Aap2e,e fl‘e, iOvte‘,5't'sr"’ BS the>’ Journey j Ob, please stay with us. We will oust Strai greatest importance to every one who is over to the Cubans you would see enormous demands for the market and Will With m usic and Hong bring them fullness 1 : Colvin out of our combination. We do Flore in any way interested in taking up the Bcutteration and removal of everything millinery trade, are responsible foy this of graue. not think lie is a fit person for ouf its his government lands. Heretofore, accord­ movable tliat wpuid surprise you. The reduction of bird life. Tlie protection «erve parties any way. J’lease stay with us. Al fired Tenderson. ing to law, a person who bad commuted factof the matter is, we all think that ember of birds is a national not a local question; We have the promise of Eugene V Debs’ onei th a t is, lived on n homestead claim' for the U. S. will be in control of the island it deals largely with migrator^ species i 8U|,la>r ‘. ««J with ^ b e ’ gang and you sii Go » portion of tlie required time, and bad for the next ten years, f't is not safe to which breed in one section „¡n,,... ¡.. i •*w h a - ‘“'mu,1vco..ctiaMoa, i LK and your influence, if We are then in one section, winter in st of tl Hien bought the property dear, had turn tl,e island over to a people utterly another, und traverse several states in j beaten next November we will not be so canner exhausted his title to take up another incapable of self governm ent.” ' TH E GENTLE-WOMAN ¡ ..m o n th passing to and from the breeding viug badly beaten. Stay with us and I ly magazine devoted to subjects of inter- will As usual, the Carnegio und Bothlehem •uch claim. By the icrmH of tlie new grounds. In the supplement of the j est to the ladies. The regular subscrip- see that Colvin gets the G. li. ' jjaw commuters are now entitled to a n ­ companies submitted bids for supplying current week will be found an abstract,' tion We are an incorruptible, peaye-loving other claim. Persons who /inve taken armor to warships which divide the lot priee is one dollar but we have made of a bulletin issued by the ’ biological parties combined as a unit. \ve « claim and forfeited the same, or lost it required and made the pries tlie same. survey of «he departm ent of agriculture ! " ed the pops, likewi rise the silver republi- i fro m any case whatsoever, were also -> new bidder, t],e Midvale Steel Co., of v cents a year. Call and in which many significant facts are men­ cans and we will purify Debs and I,is i . !ee a sample copy. previously deburred from tuking out a fen,IHT’vania> entered the contest with tioned. th e re are 1,125 species and j _________ ___ _______________ _ ¡gang if they will only come into our •econd claim. Tho new act, however “ ,ower bl,l> l,ut setting a longer time sub-species of birds inhabiting North T h <” » a « d s « a r e K id n e y T rou b le foid- We ,rieJ t0 « » k e peace during t wot n ____ y . ’ it 9 • i : _ri . .i w . provides that such may lake out a'claim ' bl’li‘ ,ior 1,10 delivery of tlie arm or and that America north of Mexico, and o f these a n d D o n ’t K n o w it. ' 1 ll|e hitter part of the civil war by having in the future as tliqugli tlioy i,a , ‘1 put rigIlt- CASCA- armor. sätest 1 e will take up the m atter as nt all times ney trouble: too in power we wcnlil „ in nineteen at, certain K ErK tiafp tinture, bure you known frequent desire to /, , J ürdtír our fleet and «..1^. without « soon ns lie returns to Washington “ or pain, prodàce ensy natural times, while in the others it lias no fcripe ~ 8 ' i woudi pass .It or pain in bolu“’rs home from China Representative A lien / ‘Private John) Í protection a t ail. We movements, cost you just 10 cents to don I t I ' ; — — Several protective Atari getting yotir health back. CAS­ of Mississippi, w ! k >8 c defeated aspiration associations have done excelent work. ,ni I-aiu w ¿ , 4« : "• j,u t n,-VS8“ anti Brian in CA REIS1 Candy Cathartic, the genuine, i t r a seat in tlie senate caused him to ryan w will The lw u.ii« re«. What to Do. ■ • i st four •Wl 11,8 ieague of ainerican sportsmen ------- ¡ 5 ,’S . « , » . X ' h ’, * ' ! , ' " - '* Z Z Z 7 Z "! « i , ^ LADIES BEETS, trimmings of LACES A N D EMBROIDER O rg an d ies, i n F a n c y Shad CHEFFRON, LADIES STOCK COLLARS, ami Fancy ¡shape Ties, the ven SHIRT W AISTS, d o n ’t forget th e m , w a rm is com ing’. RIBBONS, CORSETS Collar and Canvass and HOSIER!- Dress SSoars $ r u f g , o . W, H U B CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Goods, * Groceries * and A- WotiÄ™ FLORENCE MEAT MARKET.. i J USI O o e n e d . inc of 1 " “ T - ......... — — - - 7 - ............. l ” M' J E Wilson, ntentionally. I wish to 0, ,ne urinary passage ItT parl ’, ° n‘ " 1,011 you you write do not I '» “ul, bo,d »nd scalding scaM lng p Da¡n ^ n 'i n ñ 7 n . a « i ^ 7 a"-Vt,,inS ab° ’» our col, I“ a wa,er «ud I ice summer w in e o ^ e ’/ Ä ! ’ " ^ ' ^ use of Ä beer, ‘and’ ove rcTm/s «hí? ,0' in York for J ' w ' c a R M ftN ty Of being cnreTfit«“ u"PIeas.ant of our leaser lieh,- ,...... . nece“ hy .1 ° ” W- “ ’• * " W " “ " I . M . .,* 1 1 H,„- secure tuo the enact- enact- ------’ .......... «coure private life. I | c in M ash,ngton, ment of more stringent general laws, Mr Thompson will preach in 4’oint tbi" w**k - « "d «peaking of his retire- which lawlessness is ! ..»..I ifi St_ T kf . . ’ I • • Terrace uhd Mapleton. Mr Wight ¡ aw.«««.* ” ,ent 1,0 "“‘» I : “ . l . hato to u n i t f,.r « ■ ‘ • i sliall i...... , see th “ a t ,“ w''‘sa,le “ t « n e a P . Î » = _ game ' during the night T h« ...... ....... m a ., „ . a s , . , . , . ,,,d p. m. and in Acme at 3 p. m. got out sooner or later . , fr> and ? do not j es th at still remain Subjects ,if the day’s discourses : ” C t,r ^ derful cures oMhe mo!t'ahC,Sl f°r 1ts won' wish to hang on until I get to the patri- At (am Powers" and "Our Hook.” A «rchal stage. After sixteen years of the divisions iU twentyfour states , , cordial welcome HWaits any and all who attend these service«. may have a sample bottle of'flOT ieUh.g"'oL,t8rr. ,ndserOne l * ° pr° Vi"CM in the men,- wonderful discovery SUNDAY SERVICES. Goods as Sie o resented. - C . np < PROPRlFgtftsbei ,d Mr ( o ™ - » , 16 ,o , ’° CHrry 11,8 8tiltB of Ore • on f Uolvin . . n J , m, n, w 7 - k i „ g o f , h a p „ t8i h , it^ 0/ n0i;,,’try -’, ' ' ,,‘r8l,'1P i,,ClD' lin* the «overnor. c t ! X X t t t " „ .o n lo, j possihihty of an extra several eta.es, members of congress i «bsoluiely free by,!n“ l ' h eld for e x a m in a t io n . « c u d Suint» Mort» T i j session of congress, JIr Allen was - *- in ________ presidents of colleges, judges, address Hr“ * Dr. KiJmer & ‘ « —---- etc. Co., ôinghamîon N y Guard : : As an aftermath to the event 1 !i,10d to lx> a little sarenslio about the The leag of ® wamp w ,10 t - '«■’ . . ' . X m X i ' ™ - " 4 ”- ne lias teen very prominent ' _ r“ dln£ ,kls C c n e r o 'u s ^ to th ta w « ! of a con iple i of week* eioee, in wbivh «»ward with which Wnahinernn i has in 8ee,,rl securing Dm pa#lu,ga of u „ j TV.IWi’ J 8hcll>, at th a t Hum night clerk been wrestling' f„ . ’T «»hington ’1“8' 0" ,,M H .Pi n , . . „ , r u , . , II of tbb Hotel Eugene, clsifned to have -rh « r« i . '■ " Wk' Ie 8ald : blll> "h ic k is considered to be the g Ire n ia >n jours respectfully. í f •• up on North W illamette, *nere isn t much change in an ■been - • held extra | est victory ever achieved it, the intestet A Hr y«n Supporter. street and relieved of »’K), left’ fn bis care BMHIOn çf «” UK ess, hut in view of of ga me und song bird protection. by a' harder at Hie In,tel, Shelly was Washington » well merited reputation The state cannot inforcc their laws, ' NOTICE F o il FVBKICATIGJÇ. this aftefhoon placed under a, rest by «»a summer resort I have no doubt the ¡ and wherever they fail the federal F-henfT Withers, cl,ergo,I w ith'larceny member, and senator« , At Drain, will open its doors for the by bailee of the am,, of |H0. He was ¿1 «“"»'ors »on onld be glad to authorities will iuternosc and be B summoned here to enjoy (bi. ■ ' ' ' “ terpost, and where ■n " ? M venr U” 8«’l,' on’l* H 7 tl, inoo Und Om,» «, l i . . . . . ____ _ . . . iim ino ..... 1 .................. placed under {HXJ bòrni* fbr bis Appear-1 nr?, Oregon, balmy re. (l y ' W*10« do act take measures to prevent I tie buildings have heen weather ugrist >0 W . Notice I» h eeeh,- Fi VC1| fhe Diemometer was d . n c (he smuggling oí game oqt of their ance before Justice' Wintòrmeir ■•«• n u v r i ii e i r renoval. ,1 and improved, new upparnînè dint ‘"r the '-»owing "•'».>.1 «.-ulcr hS. flic . I 1 u,"‘, lumorrow Afternoon at 3 o’clock. Tho in« the upper ninette. while Mr boundarlM !D,e' mlded ami other improvement, made »’’ln;-ki'Anal pm,.f j h,s '"tr-tlon ! interstato commerce L'n'ieiicd by J W Lakin aud Alien talked. J r h . comfort and convenience of Í 21 A Vincent. commission backed l-y the Lacey law, .(udente. Good ,w rd |n |f MniJ ()( * ’>*«• ('■ s. ■*£• r " " * H. , Mr Albert Cobb, of Augusts, (ja„ m will come to tlie rescue. uorini- s-n. on or-tnt»r r tr '’»Miner, Ote- i This will tory advantages at ti.e lowest i one of those Who believe, there wifi prevent the shipping of - t h e W . . ^ A^ r T«» C u re Con«tip « rim i Forerei«, POssidle H. K. Ma r rates. prairie chickens t’W'a -tX S «F í ?*? < ’‘uUv Catfiitriic. UV or 2Ac. sooner or Inter I* « big rush of gold from Minnesota T p J k tn u V * ' l i v. C. G. io cure, u r u g e refund moucy. other states to Its name« tin hunters to the al«adoned placer mines Chicago UNIFORM STATE NORMAL SCHOOL «"• fonti,,,n¡u;¿ w í!" " ’1'« to prore 1 or New York labeled “ poultry «f-»»,<1 laut ,lcl,le“Pog ‘•‘«i «Ulüratiou in N orthern Georgia. While b s was in There COURSE, will bo no more shipping AT PEKIN. of Washington a day or two ago be said : Complete Training s cboo| i„ C„nnec. J ''P ,,l‘d*'’n *lr e hnndred thousand f**1** fiore can you u k ?V' 8U*ce8*' Courteous treatment^ Hite” lao Bic ,t -*c dfrable l** run and lighter ,nd «*• hands-imi’ ) 0,1 the market k. p ii all or writ« and let us prove it- ' U,,rE) SÄ Signature of J- H. Oaci TT, Pr«s. ► > M ÁM E m N Í “« > - 3 w r 0, t , l r c M iR n n r t ¡ i B- o. r » K1, «I an *anciaoo, Cal. s ’ " ¡n g M a ch tftcs. Enm-iK*. Ofcj#k