T E L E W -P U B L ISH E D EVERY E S T . FR IDA Y UOCXINO.— WASHINGTON LETTER. '¡■'¡t»'! OCB R l ULL.VI: CvP.KEKP INDENT.) Washington D. e ,-r .vf.-.t.:- d : r caekat y e a /. ■ifji. H ealth Is a p r ic e itts po. ■a. You ca n secure it a n d keep it by ■.j H e e d 's S a r u v a r ü ia 'te V c k p s r i f ü s ik e bleed, ca re: disease, a n d in a ':o r a it3 t i : •cukelr :y::c~,i, ¿s * 1 0 /» , The Great Wmte í w a new o LADIES BELTS, “ " " TH E COLONEL WAS EASY. . ” There has been appropriated out of the general appropriation for surveys the sum of $22,000 for surveys of public lam d /u i Oregon during the coming year. T n ti Is a coiflpnratively lurge appropri- ation for this state. Settlers living on claims still unsurveyéd will do well to 'w rile to U A Habersham, surveyor-gen- 'eral for Oregon, Portland, for blank ap- "pficstions for purveys and secure the Jiurvey of their claims as soon as possi- s :* l Silk Braid and dress trimmings of all ] at Liity, descriptor. allied army to Pekin, is likely to hurry Pa ,ronage of the icland, and the result for as long as I live my greatest political B u t l i e H o d S o m e I d e a s o f L ob I o u , ¡( an „ hiUg can conquer the inter- ia that the best t'lasses in Cuba have inspiration is lo bs in opposition to •»«»«“ ■« Some. , INO I Il8tional jealousies and bickerings snffi. '-ad little or nothing todo will, the tern- Colvin. a ‘suppose tbet'e ciently to burry it. Tire war depart- PorH,T government. For th e good of. Sly wife feels very sorry for him aud never was an easier victim for the L A C E S A i? W E M B R O I D E R Y . mont noa. k„owg thnt tllu pre8s dia. Cuba it is to be hoped that the admin- sent him some nice reading about Bryan ^ lb®„tba" „'“¿ ' J 1 d ,L°S1 The colonel, us we all called him, had an impedi­ HOC, patl:|,eg announcing tiro starling of the ls' ra '*on will como now to realize its and thinks bis conscience hrs moved ment In Ills speech, and he used to „r ,ny for Pt.kjn were prem ature. I t l,,istake and th a t these safe and reliable him to this course ( ami that he may yet claim It was easier to go down In his W h i t e G o o d s , i l l N c fillS O O k , P i t j U C , I l l t l . L lil e tl, "ITT __ i..... .. , Pocket pocket than than to to try try to to put put up up an excuse. \V Hlïo knows considerably more about the Cubans will supplant the irresponsible do great good. His influence has ...... cau-ed As a m atter or fact, he had n heart as situation at Taku am! at J Tien Tsin, as classes in the formation of die p erin a-, the almost certain downfall of the repub- fcfg as a hogshead and simply couldn’t eada it has received two long messages from nent governm ent.” ! lican party and he is to keen that he fesist an appeal. ic. Gen clulffee which it was deemed inad- Secretary Root has, on a protest made knows it arid has gone and joined Bryan °i?e1 notw;ti,. You la n aa t help see, Mr Editor, th at nntl 0110 llav ,le ,l"'npl1 »P aKaln aber If so you should take and read ..... . . “ ‘Colonel,’ he snhl in a frank, busl- wies "bnt he eanfibl »ell fl.e products of his standing many conflicting statements, y . e a a ree-born American is nessllke fashion, ‘can you lend me $3? PACIFIC ODD FE L LO W •an ï pitiable. i a t m Wnleii tlie city laborer cannot af- ,|,e Oliinese government failed to do, I owe you a little money now, but I or or A monthly magazine published in ! have some sickness out at my bouse lord to buy. ft is bccutiee _ol tlie full and there are grave doubts as to wltelher Very respectfully, ! and really need tills amount.’ dinner pStil” th?t the farmer is getting it even ,.ia(lu tho atteinpt do 8O until Portland, and exclusively devoted to J . E lliot W ilson . i “ ‘W hat’s the t-t-trouble, my b-b-boy?’ so’jnucli better prices for wl.at he sells j niler ¡t imagmed it he m l the tram p of t,l(! lnte,'edt3 of 0 J '-> Fellowship, both Stuttered the old man kindly as be , handed over the five. FREE TO INVENTORS. tliaii be could get before the election of the allied aimy oil' its way to Pekin. 1 ,?e“ 1 *n'1 gene,'al' U U 'h e only Odd I ...t . — . . . ..... 1. .,11 .,., — ■ 1 .1 1 . „ i t . .. “ . ■ ! “ ‘-My wife lias Just fractured her an­ McKinley. I t is because o J i the ‘Hell Next in importance is th a t section of Pt:IIow ¡'i Oregon and « is Han The experience of G A Snow A Go in kle,’ replied Smiley. ! now in its eighth year. dinner pail” that he has paid off his , hc , rcaly (|ealini! with eitizell8 of ik . . . , “It requires a good deal of nerve to at A I obtaining more than 20,000 patents for make a third touch at the same place, 2d. “inongages and become a lend..- of cither coulltry rcai(]illg in tbe oVheri We have made arrangements with • .. ... , . , . , . , - invenjorg has enabled them to helpfully and Smiley staid away for fully six i-^tn bmney where he use Io be a borrower. Tlmt ,,roniigcd lll0 broadest protection, ' *« P * j!,slier b/ "htch we can club iinsWcr many que ,ions telalin - to the months. When lie came In, It wns on tl 1 tbe run. M ed fo rd H i d . _____________ i in the exact words of the treaty, prom-: 1 ae,lle 0 11 I'eHow” with T he Wear j pru,ection of intellectual propnrtv. itiecl ' ‘Colonel,’ he exclaimed breatliless- ising to “ assitre to citizens of the U. S. j _a ,ra^ wo b‘jllew' everT Odd Fellcvy : „.h.g t,i(?y (, >no jn a palnp|i|et (rea_ ly, t f e e l l i k e a d o g « h e n i s e e y o u , All Shades and of best fiUiilil v, iiicludinc Velvet t i ‘in illli" ccoU THE GENTLE-WOMAN is a month j in Chinn, and to Chinese' in the U. S. would Ixi glad to accept. but I’ve got to have a couple of dollar? ® ie ha ,r I l i o n r ifi» nr . Tun« ... . . „ ■ ' in» briefly of United States and foreign W est eu-« is $1.50 per ' quick and haven't time to go anywhere I Tne price of T he W ly uiafciwiri'o devoted to subjects of inter- enlire | ib(,r(y of con0c!eril.B and exonlp. > II c( patents, with cost of same, and how else. Can yoq accommodate me and me a eat to the ladies. The regular aubseiip- tion from dieabilitv or persecution on year and the price of “ Pacific Odd just make a mem. of the whole to procure them ; trade uri..-. designs, St rar Mon price is one dollar but we have made account of (heir religious faith or wor- Eellow” is $1.03 per year, hut v.e will omount? Pll £cnd it to you next week.’ 1 caveats, infringements. decisions in ITors “ ‘Why, wliat's the m-m matter?’ arrangenieiit by which we oder it for a s |,ip in either eoanlry>» l t j , ,10t j en;ej send both to subscribers who pay a year 1 leading patent cr.s.-z, etc. asked the colonel, startled by Ills man­ a bis Tiliort time for flftv ceni» a year. Gall and j t |,ut Amer erican citizens have been luitcli- strictly in advance for $2.00. ■erve This pam1ihlet will he sent free to ner. Gall at our olfico and see a sample see a sample copy. “ ‘My wife has broken her leg,’ be ercd by Chinese, for no other cause than jinbei anyone writing to 0 A Snow A Co. replied, ‘and I want to send a cab form L i n m g p » ,,1‘ C o iia r C a n v a s s and tiieir practice and preaching of Christi­ coov of “ Pacific O Id Fellow.” D re s s doctor.’ Wasbingion, D O Complaints are mado by a number of anity. Thnt is another count Ihat ard : “ ‘B-b-broken another 1-1-leg!’ echoed B o w A r o T n n r K id n e y s I ly lef the colonel, amazed. ‘Here’s tlie people residing along the river of d am -: Ullina nlll8t Be[t)0 aatisfai tori!y with this niorr some- B o t age done by some of tlib loggers while 1 government, To what extent our coin­ ALPHA CLIPPINC: _______ _________ * times I think,’ he added grimly, ‘that ;ys m running tiieir rafts down .the river. ' mcrcia| treaIy rlg|lts bavu heen vioIatUll j you ni-ni-ruust have m-m-married a a sool I5v E ven C iiangz . c-e-centlpedl’ ’’—New Oilcans Times- FROM CHINA- Some of the loggers turn tiieir rafts loose : is not vet j ofinilc)y k now n. but cvery i be rh Democrat. and let them drift down without watch-1 dollar of damage done will have to be ant t A Pekin edict from the imperial gov­ A ugust 14, 1900. Y a n k e e T h r ift. cures ing to see whether they strike against 1 pajd by China, with interest. Revenge ern anient authorised Viceroy Li Huug! David H u rler is hauling lumber from r , ....." “ “ 7 7 " • ! , A guest wUJl 1111 ll'aseiblu teuW |j 0. W . tbe the wharves or anything eLm along the ¡8 not dictating tho policy of this gov- lhe Alnha A!pllll m i|, (Q mill m ,)ujl I,„11.1 ......... Cba" g " ^ “'tate with the powers for hotel in a New England town found 11 Dr pence. Evidently the steady advance of tliat the dinner was not to his lilting, "bank. SBme otheis go with tiieir rails ernment, which Is asking r.o more and moot aud he had uo hesitancy in telling the imtifiake^no efiTort to keep them cut [ wil. take no less than what belongs . t o ) itih,g waiter so. Finally he threw down his held from the bank »0 ns to avoid doing any jt under '•.» treaties with China. knife and fork. next month. ” inan Boxer movement. “\V ell,” he exclaimed, “there's no use Inischief. A number of w barvts on) Director Mei 1 iam, of tim census enee Tim road from the Deadwood port A terrible mistake occnred at the bat­ In talking. 1 can't eat this stuff.” Mis: lidewnter have been injured in this way 1 reau, could safely ofTur a valuable prize o f f ic e is in a frightful condition. Tho tle of Yang Tsun. Thu American column "I’m sorry, sir,” responded the wait­ un ry had routed the Chinese aud occupied Vifhiu the lust few days. Loggers 110 the city that is satisfied with the eon- 'R*'1" bn',,1!,K is a’?o j t baIf tlone- er, "hut you might as weil, for you'll «i Id i.__ , t _±___ « kk _ .1 - . ___ 1- ,__ ' of its population with little j " hnt are the supervisors doing? their position without the knowledge o( have to pay for it anyhow.”—DetrWt »himId remember that people have uh I sns returns lonsil , ., . . . . ’ All tho hitching racks around the tlie Russians who were preparing lo ad- Free Press. tuudi riglit to build wharves along the htreain M tl.ey l.ave to run their rafts ° ^ 7 '8 “* I COl:H l,0US0 6'on J1' TbV h ,r"cd their guns , »z»i ling r , y ‘ ' is e.neli a city, it hasn’t been heard from so if you go to jlugiae take a liitcbimr ’ ” pon " *"1‘ ,bey a,’,,POfeea R “I don't know.” answered Miss Cay­ T o C u ro C o n » tip « tlo u F orovcr* enumerators, hut they are nevertheless l’rov,s",ns al’' 1 Ernest will p erh a p s1 yen Pr. Hobbs' Spftj*Turns P ills euro wjl Sidney i ils. Saitr Twice CiutcuroUi C uiulv C oth n rllo. I 0 c o r 2 5 o . I • ■' ll'ltro Liu •_ . .... * I on as enne, "litit 1 should say he is an im Maine. have his broken leg 'operated er usi wliiifc Kuuiesir Co..‘ Chicaao or v . v, UC C - C . u a t o c u l « .d ru a i'iM » rotu n d aiouuv. v l¡t;|e uneasy on account of the threats pressionlst.” • . . . . 8 ■ does not heal. I to L< “Has he produced anything remark­ ------------ -------- - of business men in several cities Io have > e for ! Mr. Win. Harries has roitim ed from able In that line?” MARRIED. - .........- e tba J»fQHLD BENEFIT ALL INTERESTS, 1 anew census taken nt their OAn ex- j j v Slither land’s logging vain p. He re* j “Yes: the impression th at he Ì3 ‘ an id reti At Lloomfield, Iowa, Wednesday, artist.”—W a sh ::to n Star. , pence, jnet lo show lhe varelcssnobs and . ports that Moesrs Sutherland & Gulley Grant A iaerlcK ii K utiotv.lst. wortlileeencKB of tlmt made by the U. S, *re I,avin8 rt large logging engine built August 1st, Mr A C Jetjuings of Eugene, C lin n e e In G r t li v e n . 4Kn< C a O O d s S S i î Î 6 D F © 3 ® 3 l t e d ™ Tbe sbipping industry is one thing Prominent citizens of Cincinnati al " iUimve alxiut 1500 feet Oregon, and Miss Mary Van Duyn of Young I rldogrorin—Pnillng. I think la th a t Mr. X rtliur Bewail, B ryan’s run- Hint nt least 40,t JO names wero omitted "i »' i' " , able’ a“ ' ‘ baVl! Bloomfield. The couple will be at I should like to take your little brother home in Eugene lifter August 20. «P with us to NinflKira fails. hing mate four years ago, knows ^11 in taking the census of thnt city. y for B ride-H ow kir.d thnt would be of kbout, thnt being the industry in which A New Yorker who 1.as been in Cuba id wi you. Ilarry! SUNDAY SERVICES. rants Young Brii!v,,rcom-Yes. I should hs has been engaged in all his life. And for nearly a year thus gave his intpress- THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE. like to pm h him over them,— Chlca-o ork Slr. Sewull give, his Support in nouiicer- ion of m atters over there, in a talk with J . W. CARMAN ” Mr Thompson will preach nt Dead­ Tribune. PROPRlFTfWH tairt terms to the policy of giving pro- a Washington friend: “ '.range ns it wood and Alpin« at the usual hours. iwns i Fresidcnttal Campaign Year. C o ld C o m f o r t . Lection to tliat industry along witli othei may seem, tlie people who are now Mr Wight wiil preach in Florence, “Looks ns though oi r duy was done ” 'Altieri i-aij iniluSiries. “ The I utnijisting piorm ngand evening, at the usual hours. said the dejected he; ?. Tlie Toledo Weokiy Blade lias an enor­ Subject of morning sermon: “ True lig h t is seen’* fio says in a recent arti -j Thousatid-. xtnvc K idney TronUc “Oh. I don't km w!” replied Opti­ mous circulation at all times. The year Neighborliness.” p nhjtat of evening mistic Dobbin. “They’ll need leather cle, of tlie farmer growing wheat at a n n d D o n ’t K n o w It. rerinon: “ Rtability in the Midst of for certain parts of these automobiles. Bow To Find o ct. oi “ l'r e ,’'lenlial va'np.«i8n however, it is Instability.” cost of 30 cents per liusliel and paying - end they'll probably use our hides for Fill a bottle or common glass with youi rea ’^ nrLv ’■<'*!h'ed with reteren refertm ,-c to a national 1 n p n r d o .iu lile s in . iiow there are none, and the ¡mineuse •I A B urnett is home from Portland LR!,rla .a ie Ke" lnK awfully finicky." ImpwIM given to tho tnovinuiicwl arts of dor arc outof order. ' ' IC klu''’ys *nd blad‘ j > ircu anon and propio of nil p.i'ities lake end nt tvoik but the doctors advise him v v lm t s the mutter now?” A • »- What to Do. i ’U bveunic of its honest an<,, v. ...1 , , . , ,ii R®°'. Root, 'lie the great kidney remedy fulfil' fulfills every l ' ' 8 '!'° favonto family paper, with health at « l'oriiand lioaprtal, hut is Proposing to her •new w.H. any business h r inevi.ably ih e u m .tl,:/ twin p«,« hi ^ ih. .s o ..........., m e th i n - f ,r every nhiy vdsh wish In curing rheumatism, , , given no hej«- of ever again being member of the five« hi* support to the practical buai- kidneys, liver, bl ijder and e>*ery part really well Woman. nt« mu n..«» A'V n.taue-J, ' t . i. . . , 0« the urinary passage* It corrects inability' Serial storie?«, poetry, wit “ It wns too b • ta ‘ c i Nau Hleure.in's ties» policy of giving protection to that to hold water and scaMIng pah, In pissing . , ,, ■■ , , Marion W heehr io home from Mr industry and lo other Amrrican indus- «• " ‘’a«* »"«cl, fo.lowlnVuaa o. ^q u o r' " ‘ » ” «•*'•••!’« <>'purtm ent MeGernack’s on North F irk for n v»cn- httwhaad dvhi - «o «tul h hly. wa: u t it? ' “ Did he die s ¡lih’nív?'' i , - *'iae °r beer, and overcome-, that unpleasant 1 best >n the worl..'.) Young Folks Sua- tion visit on Ne's :n ctiwk. tnes as well, in tlnnr struggles against neei’sltwcf being compelled to p of en i •- “Yes. lim in'. , • 'vut I r r (h s industries of Europe which employ m 7 ” ny r. ' >• '- n n lead, t i e A rth u r Taylor, local Agent» Tlis cutworm is slowly retiring from ‘'M” I t l . . >.ht j, •rom Ridia. a ' during the night. Themit>and the extra- Q itohted persons who are oppose 1 to any d" } al m c 5 'd X 'J « ni ’c L ^ « T hat Pepe« «e»k in c.niplete form, and other neighborhood as farther np ;l0J ,|0„ n ’’Wi«» I , ,j„ üilï„.v lhe creek. I t is believed that I is congressional'Mctiuii looking toV i « re- If youneed a medicine you should have lhe ■ n a Vivai of American shipping.wotIM do ^ Y o o ^ y ’ f c î v è * * Ihb ly •vial lectures. Speciuien copies glad- mother is a griy moth an 1 bta father id sfurp man nud a atr.„nt FOR SALE 0,1 SXCHANCE. ly t‘: ten t on appi; ation, and if you will the davit. T O O ’J T P A T T C N 3 - well to take a lesson ironr Mr. Bewail. wonderful discovery send us a list oi addressee, we will .nail The |n-< lc?r than 1 ’«rtìf in b ’ «•eit. Ale > t you mi p n ' i \ *'" ' r AI*° " gO0d ’roo,1*’'«d f,rr*tf»J"'»’w i'h4iio W jw rte tar Howl s Kniwnpnrilln. tln> tn v a t atom- Co.,Rngl«ainun. N. Y. When writing man- Ad.lrrsa T n s B lvok , Bm nr:ew ,.p_t , six at about t t t b each. Who says times In t.ro hard? •cb tooic ntul euro for D Y S P E P S IA . J “ on p* p e,> i Tolsdo, Ohio. !ri'- fu i •- . i ¡ " '" rlbtíí ? a n ie s la r s |' • *n J «ddrsss for tho sum of W ig * « "'fl'O-eat thin i.iBí-« . '' fo « « . i i i. la« i W «bl. c . ^ L i J . a u r « . *«u- -ITiU.th igiq. Organdies, in Fancy Shades. CHEFFRON, EADIES STOCK COLLARS, ODD FELLOW ? ami lAmcy I'iliape Ties, file very SH IR T W AISTS, don't forget them , w arm weatll" is coming. RIBBONS, COESETS and HOSIER Y. , ra fä’ HURI). s SAP CASH STORE! ★ FLORENCE MEAT ITotv Are ïnnr Kl-?neya F MARKET. ........J u s t O ö sn e d . 4 I5EST GA rN ,hiaC8nW 0US10 “Ftvquer Tbe term dep. I profit ur lose man m q't^th, IH.lt