r vr-? J) » È> YOUR HOHE PA PER S U P P O R T IT J A D V E R T IS E R S NO. F L O R E N C E , O R E G O N , F R ID A Y . A u g 17, 1900. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. SOME QUEER DREAMS. 1 SIUSLAVZ’3 ONLY PAPER. O P P O R T U N IT Y i ‘1 a » - a 16. i .7 / M o s t, C o n k l i n * « ■ < ! t ’ n r t t s . It is to bo suspected that some of Tom Nast's wittiest work with his marvelous pencil was "printed, not VISIONS THAT RESULTED IN THE CAP­ published”—was intended simply L o ts o f S T E A M E R M A R G U E R IT E , G M L Z R . Z D I K T E L H . STATE OFFICERS- TURE OF CRIMINALS. gratify his friends—aud never met the ) e o p 1 e o — W ill m ake ------ S T A G E L IN E . —- eyes of the general public. Not long lav e t h i n S f u r v e l o » » M mii I f e . t n t l o n . T l i « t A f - ago. In looking over the album of a __ T. T. Geer. r e g u l a r d a i l y t r ip s rnor. . ........... f lo t h e t n e e n o t t y o f M a n t o K x s i l a i u j lair. P e r- ludy who for years was a social leader ,. ,F. I. Dunbar. tary of 8 ‘ate. a u d W h i c h P r o v o A n e w T h a t T r u t h • B e tw e e n ----- nt Washington, 1 came across a con­ Stage Ixtaves Steamboat Landing on la p s th e ir . .. F. 8. Moore. urer I . S tra n s e o T h a n F ic tio n . tribution of N asfs which was as ef­ the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. U, Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman > a r c n t s A very remarkablo Instance of the fective In Its way as any of tbe car­ '^ P rinter.................... W. 11. Leeds. Returning, Stage I .eaves Florence ia d t h i n ♦racing of a criminal by means of a toons which have made bis name fa, Aney General D. K. N. Blackburn t'.rcam occurred in St. Louis. A woman mous. Sundays. l a i r ; p e r- K / *............... K. 8. Bean named Mary Thornton was detained I He wanted to Impress upon the lady THE STEAM ER Extra Trips When Necessary la p s th e ir B, me Court < ...............F. A. Moore In custody for a month, charged with ; that Washington life bad beeu too E. Wolverton Charges Reasonable. c h ild re n h a v e t h i n the murder of her husband. A week ! much for him aud did so by drawing ■ Second District. .J. W. Hamilton or so after hor arrest she requested to , a capital full length picture of himself h a ir. B u t th is d o e s P ô s s iiv e [King Attorney . .Geo. M. Brown see one of the prlsou oifielals bud told , as ho nppeared walking aloug the avjj- n o t m ak e it n e c e s s a ry him she had dreamed that an Individ- | uuc. What Rive the picture point and fo r th em to h a v e th in uni named George Ray had muruoreJ rendered it Irresistible was the fact W ill carry freight and passengers COUNTY OFFICERS her spowse, giving the official at the that the back of his head was where h a ir. ____ from Florence to Sau Francisco. I same time full details of the tragedy j his face ought to be—lu other words, E. B an g s, P r o p r ie to r . O ne j ns witnessed in her vlslou. The man Washington had turned his head. A woman has a right to be positive orf AV ill also bring up freight , ,H . R. Kincaid. Stage leavos Eugene on Mon-1 th in g ! Ray was not suspected at the time, ; 1 suppose the politicians still recall matters which are matters of personal ( . j . R . ir n i Roscoe Conkling's famous allusion to d a y s , W ednesdays, and F ridays a t j knowledge and experience. Every wom­ ' but the prison authorities were so ; you nissioners j r p . Edwards much Impressed by the woman’s ob­ the great cartoonist In his Rochester an who lias used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite F or further inform ation inquire g a. in. arriving at Florence the . m ay V IT I «*»» Prescription for diseases of the womanly speech "dedicated” to George William E. U. Lee vious earnestness that a search was at j day following a t 10 a. m. - OF — Curtis. Mr. Curtis nt the time was the organs is positive as to its wonderftu rely . W. W. Withers ' once made for him. R eturning stage leaves Floreuee j value, and confidently recom­ . .A. 8. Patterson | After some delay be was traced and J editor of Harper's Weekly, a posltlou , curative upon— Hirer. A. W.. B EA D LE & c o - Mondays, W ednesdays, and F ri­ mends it to similar sufferers. which ho hud held for many years. In . D. P. Burton I charged with the crime, the details of I isor. •Women who suffer from Inflammation, days at 2 p. in. arriving at Eugene ,1 Superintendent . .. -W. M. Miller I 22 M arket St, ! the same as seen In the dream being j tbe course of bis philippic Mr, Coukliug I ulceration, female weakness, or nervoifc» the folio w ingday at 9 p. in. , vor .................. C.M . Collier I took occasion to refer to The Weekly, , I rehearsed to him. Overcome with as- ; diseases caused by disease of the wom­ n VU 11riitin S San ii li T Francisco, California. .G. W. Griffin m ak es th e h a ir h e a lth y n er.. ¡ toalshment, he then and there con- and, although Mr. Curtis sat listening anly organs will find a complete cure by .. ,C. H. Holden | ce of Peace, to him, lie described It simply as “the : the use of " Favorite Prescription.” i fessed that ho had committed the a n d v ig o ro u s ; m ak e s .G. C. Compton Single faro - - - - 5.00 table........—. I crime. Curiously enough, the woman j paper rnnde famous by the pencil of i "ftcverftl years ago I suffered severely from i t g r o w t h i c k a n d fcin.de w eakness, prolapsus, nnd menorrliagU, R ound trip - - — - 9.00 had only met the murderer once and , Nast.”— Now York Mall aud Express. and used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription w ith Tickets for sale a t E. B angs’ long. It c u re s d a n ­ j believed him to be on the very beat of sprenuid «licet,’’ writes Fannie Shelton, Cf CITY OFFICERS. T r n ffe d le * o f th e G ra n d C a n y o n . W ashington, Iowa. "Glad I have not needed it livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W . terms with her husband. for a few vears past, but if I should have any d ruff also. Trns’c stories tire told of meu who return ■ Almost as remarkable was tlie case of the old trouble would surely try ‘ Fa­ H u rd ’s office in Florence. It a lw a y s re s to re s vorite Prescription.’ I have recomm ended it to have lost their lives In the search tor I of a woman named Drew, who dream- j F. B. Wilson a number o f m y lady frieud«. I alw ays tell d en t---- precious metals which may lie hidden All through freight ou the stage c o lo r to g ray h a ir ,— them to try n bottle, aud if they are not bene­ ed one night that her husband, a rc- ■ by it I M’ill pay for the w edicltte. la either way between Eugene aud ! M. Morris i tired sailor, hr.d been murdered by a t or uncovered, says Harriet Monroe in fited all th e d a rk , rich c o lo r every case they have spokeu in praise o f ft.» The Atlantic. The great primeval Win Bernhardt Mapleton, will be charged a t the i i peddler nt a Gravesend tavern, where of e a rly life. T h e re is d of Tn L. Christensen I the said husband was lu the habit of , flood cut Its broad V through all the rate of two cents per pound during j D. W. Stibbens t ä V m M i t p i O m pi pi ion n o l o n g e r n eed of ! putting up when visiting the town In strata of rock, with all their veins of the m onths of October, N ovem ber,, MAKES WEAK VdOMfM STDONO i question. The Urst news that nwnlted metallic ore, down to tbe earliest y o u r lo oking old b e ­ December, Ja n u a ry , F ebruary, ,r,ler............... ¿..John I. Butterfield shapeless mnss, leaving In Its wake the AND SICK WOMEN W EIX. her on rising In the morning was that ’. March and April, and one cent per fore y o u r tim e. F. B. Wilson her spouse had beeu assassinated nt terraced temples and tower« which , - urer S i pound during the m onths of May, | T o o » In c h F o r W n U o n . the very tavern she had seen in her ex­ seem to have been planned by somo $ 1 .00 a b attle. All d r u g e lit» . ...G. C. Cumpton aliai.. ¡June, Ju ly , A ugust and September. traordinary vision, whereupon 6he architect of dlvlnest genius to guard 1 Only once did Watson, when a captain, P u llm a n •• A i ft roinedy for restoring color their Inaccessible treasures till the eud ) burst Into hysterical tears and cried to the hair I believe A yer’» Hair S le e p in g C a r s of lime. And the river, rising far to never fail to puuiiih a man for intoxica­ V igor has no equal. It U bh n lw avi out that her dream had come true. given me p erfect satisfaction hi tbe north among mountains rich lu j tion. This was in tbe summer of 189« SECRET SO C IETIES. P atterson, M. Alex. She calmed down somewhat after a at Boston, when the San Franolsoo o \c r y w ay.” E le g a n t Mrs. A. M. S trehl . few hours and then bended ftie police mineral, has been washing for ages took tho Massachusetts naval m ilitia Ott Gardiner, Oregon. A ug. 13,1803. Hammond ¿port,N . >. the sands away nnd depositing thus D in in g C a rs officials an exact description of the its first practice oruiso. Among the peddler of the vision, giving a minute gold and silver and lead lu tbe «till regular crew was old Alexander Parker, W r /S o ¿ J c c lo .-- r. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. T o u r i s t crevices of the Inaccessible chasm. necouut of his dress, which Included a Regular aoinmuiiication on second T7e will awnl you a book on T lo S le e p in g C a r s sp ecia l attention to Diseases Here the earth laughs at her human sailmaker’s mate, who was never known Hair and Scalp free, upon request. I blue coat of a very peculiar pattern, sober when there was liqnor 11 von do not obtain all tho Ix-nelit« fourth Saturdays in each month. master aud bids him U And “ are^and^a“; a ^ y “ her « h wealth - a m j to ™ h a £ W hen the ST. PAUL t Marvelous as tho fact may appear, a yon expected iron» the «*• of the • the Eye. W . C obh , W . M . Vigor write the Doctor about it. ; man wearing such a coat mid follow- A young Californian who accepted the | camo „ f f l ^ ^ a s ’T JST w nir M IN N E A P O L IS A d d re s s. ___ B, M ills , Secretary, Dtt.J.C. AYEK. „ i lug the occupation of a peddler wan challenge and set forth upon tbe turgid | mato. white no Y’“® n0“ ’ ■“ *» Lowell, Mass. DULUTH N O TA RIES. ' discovered two days later at mi Inn water to sift Its sands for gold never out in an authoritative tone, some six miles from Gravesend, nnd, emerged with bis hapless men to tell FA R G O "A ll yon men having whisky «a on being taxed with the erinie, he at the story of his search. Only near the board lay below and tu r n .it into,tho A. R. General Lyons Post, No 58 C R A N D FO RKS TO A. R. EUTTOLPH, once admitted that ho was guilty and brink of the cleft are a few mluera sallinaker s mate for safe keeping. meets second mi I lom'h sit urdiij » CROOKSTON thut robbery had been the motive of burrowing for copper and sending their ( Many amateur sailors took the to t, :aub month at 1 ;30 p* ni. 8 . B . O o i.v ix , C o m m a n d e r . W I N N IP E G the outrage. He was hanged soon uft- ore up to the rim on the backs of hardy ! and in a few minute« -Aleck,«lt 3 . L. F v i i s i .s u , A d j u t a n t . erward, ids doom having been brought v as who should prick - - tbe • moun­ 1 ting down below decks in his sailroom, H E L E N A and burros, about by the flimsy evidence of a wom­ tain with a pin or measure the ocean was surprised to have a vast collection BUTTE O regon F io r n o e , an's dream. of flasks pussod to him. He received a ll Women ns rtnsuners seem more suc­ with a cup.________________ these us gifts with many thnnka Ha O U W. P i r p e t . u a L o d g e , N o . 131, G o t »fc« C o r r e c t T i m e . cessful than men. but a rather peculiar was found a day after sound asloep in FRANK B. WILSON» meets every lit ami 3d Tue-davs TO Jake Foster was for many years one his sailroom, literally covered with Instance of u crime being traced by a I, month. M e m b e r s a n d v i s i t i n g C H I C A C O tliren in good S ta n d in g a r e e o r d ia .l} If you haven't a regular, healthy uiOToxucnt of the vision nnd In which the dreamer was a of the character« of Oregon, Mo. lie empty bottlea of every slzo and shape. bowels every day, you're sick, or will bo. Keep your member of the mule sex comes from drove tbe hack betwecu Oregon and He was finally taken beforo the captain» ito.1 tn attend. A. O. I unkic , M. \\ - W A S H IN G T O N bowels opeu. aud be well. Force. In tho »Lupo or A worthy mer­ Forest City, and wn« known to every to whom was told the circumstances. violent physic or pill poUon. Is dunucron«. The Reunes, In France. P H IL A D E L P H IA J. K nott «, Recorder. oawlott. most perl eel way of keeping the F L O R E N C E .-- - OREGON siuootbeHt, chant, haviug quitted his office one , man, woman and child In Holt county. “ Parker,” said he sternly, “ I have no bowels clear aud cloan is to taku ,------------------------------------------ | N E W YORK Saturday evening, proceeded homo to Oregon Is three miles from the railroad words with which to discuss yonri T „ ... I BO STO N AND A L L CANDY dinner and after enjoying a substan­ and for many years was not connected Go forward. ”—New York Times. ■Mpii a Lodge No. Ill,m eets . —----- , “ r L ,1 _ el 0. O. F .s l T IC IC ' W. CATHART tial meal lay down on the conch and with any other town by either telo- uy evening in Lodare p o in t s E A 3 T a n * S O U T H T H '.tX « every Wed graph or telepbono. One morning Rob­ fell Into n light doze. A Vbry vivid A ik e d F o r » f.h lr» a n d G o * a It, FlorenO^Oregon. Brothers) tn Far Inform ation, tim e card«, mad» and ticket» .•-.-a.I* drenm then caine to him wherein ho ert Montgomery balled Foster ns tho During the civil war there was a >A «tending iiwited to attend. etc., call on or w ilto back started for Forest City aud said: gnw two men of the burglar type eu- tain young lady in Georgetown who A. C .[ K a r n o w s k y , N . G . TRAOI MAAN RtOISTtKCO gnguQ In rifling the safe In fils office. ; “Jake, I wish you would get the cor­ found it in her power to do a great deat R . M c IW u r p h e y , W. [II. W e a llie r s o n , ScC. and so much impressed was he by the ' rect time at Forest My watch stopped for tho Confederate soldiers confined, ; cc ilari ■ General Agent. Room» 2 and 4, Shelton Block, K vision that ho resolved, « fin awaken- , last night." EUOENK, OREGON. Of E u gen e, Oregon j lu prisi ii nt Washington. Young, bean* “All right. Bob,” snld Jake. riunsant. Palatable. Patent. Tatt«GQod. Do Good, • Ing, to at once go to tho office aud see ' tlful, cultured, popular, of a wealthy dill Ki«i Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. Iflc. '.»fiflc Write 1 that everything was under lock and key. A. D C H AR LTO N, Lodge No., 139, meets When Jake returned from Forest, he for iroe sampM, and I kxj LI c I ou health. Adf'reflt , and prominent family, she was fre­ A ssistant General Passenger Agent, y evening in Neely’s Merlin» Btuaerfy « «tup»«», Clilc«**, K»w ¥«»»<. n ta j His amazement may be tmnglnad ! put up his team aud walked around to quently allowed admission to the pria* 266 Morrison St., Cor., ‘id. on. Brothers in yoid when, on arriving there, he discovered tlie bank where Montgomery presided. i mi, whither she always took her maid on naa P o r t la n d , O r. attend. the door forced aud a burglary In prog­ Stalking Into the bank. Joke stepped with a well stocked basket of good -•»tal »ni i. B. G amp , N. G. ress. To summon a couple of gcu- 1 up to tho window and Inld down a i thiugs fcr tLa poor boys behind the bars FLORENCE, OR. F red O. R eid , Sec. J. F. TANNER, pro». darnics was tho work of au Instant, ■ soiled bit of paper bearing the figures I One day as she was passing through a ilWe 9tU and live uiiuutcs later the thieves, who ’•11:17." ■/.v.j of **■ § 5 I group of men in thq common prison «ho ♦ § A General Banking Business S I O S S i n G o id iL D f C proved to be notorious housebreaker», ‘ “What is that?” asked Montgomery stopped and said ti them: were on Ihelr way to the police depot, In astonishment. Encampment, No. 42, “ If thr.ro is anything yon would likh Transacted on Favorable Terms A $ 9 5 G H A i » l F. hall in Florence ■>e-(4 where the prosecutor told his extraor- . "That,” replied Jake. “Is tlie correct to have that 1 can bring you, won’t yon time at Forest."—Omaha World Her­ _____ ■onrth Friday of eaili dlnary story. In view of the fact that D rafts issued on tho principal c itie s of the let mo km.v.'i 1 bh.Jl be very glud.” -J 11 MWSbere of thia degree are .__________ _ the safe contained valuables to the ex­ ald. Tfcs G s a tU so ia u c i Sew York City Guo man slept ed forward promptly. U nited S U tes mid foreign countries. invited to attend. tent of some thousands of pounds, the w h .H an Agam n >o«»r U » vh . I t give* prerr.l'-m« Bowing most courteotibiy. In* said: L « » s < a n il L o n u L if e . Interest allow ed on Demand Certificate« of W m K yi . e , C. P. ci lucyci«.!., a e w i.;; Machines, D — ^>»»*3 drenm In question proved a very for­ EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. One of tlie most remarkable eases of | “ If yen w ill bo so kind, 1 hlmuld Ilk® J ohn L. F urnish , Scribe. c i Lftahea, X ui*«, V* at »»<-.«. M a ri and 3iH> ''•« l *» Deposit when le ft stated period. tunate one for the dreamer. Kaoditerchieta. .d cn»Ain«i>.ai articlei- .»nJ hnuaclokl necesiutic» How to explain these imu velous man­ Englishman, born In 1483, whose d eli-, Ho was a young lieutenant fro: can b** fcecurrj w uhc.it co-ting y*>« eeu«. A new -»•« Special Attention to Commercial C ity mid County Warrant« b o u g h t a ttra ct.re p - e oi r x jr i . t ^ *«»».scrioer» withewt the ifestations, which prove once more , cate appearance made all tbe doctors, Lou Liana, ism of the -handsomesi an $ r.fjccit -r.abk feature« u rc ^ V K M in ^ . DIRECTORY that truth Is stranger than fiction. Is it give bhn up when lie was in the cra­ m o s t elegant nun t ever nu t, and when » Travellers. W . E. BROWN, l>. A . PAINE, SKIOO.« IN COLD | (J{TeB Ffgfl task beyond the Ingenuity of man to dle. Ilfs chest was so narrow, says that young lady looked r.p into h’.i» President. Vice President. . n.«ur 1» l*ru« U 0» S.r»lM coinpass. Perchance the theory of te- j the report, that be seemed to h a v e; brown eyes alio found it lu her heart Iff W . W . BROWN, F . W . OSBURN. A $950.^ P!ANu ' r»e«.ie»«. LN CHURCH,Florence, lepathy may have somcthitic to do with ; difficulty In brenthlng. Well, this glvo him lunch more than a clean shirt., A s .it Cashier. W e »end rea..i»r.> the mysterious business, tint even that young moribund, condemned by tbe for »ho married him as soon :*s tho war 1 i«t You will be surprised snd dcH^hted »i»h the _______ a. 111. Preaching 11 theory would appear rather Inadequate doctors to »1 p ent' ««* d«»uy. A skillful forger who moved in the reign of ten kings. W h i n l i e l l l d a ’t K n o w . July and October. if Evrn’h pg will be »ent )ou JFrte. highest circles of society was o i l « ' lie - i Secundl Hango, consul of Venice a t ' Ifcome to all the serviem. “ ’They say tluit rx-Meyor Lstrob« GENTLEWOMAN P'JBLlRM'Wa COMPANY. tccted by the ageuey of a dream. The Smyrna, measured only 57 centimeters went to g’ti.ie sort of u ¿«labration given Cbristiani to make «.«tpUlwu-oma» /In U fflfO , ith all the j Tables furnished (. IfVe Jv. r. affair occurred In Boston mid caused around the cheet, nnd one of his lungs by tbe Eh, ueuer colored chnrrh down on ■ru. « f i . G. K notts , Pastor. 1 delicacies «f the season Give u.i the greatest excitement cf the time. was diseased. Nevertheless Ito lived i Montgomery street," said a man abont The forger, a young man of eight or to the nge of 115 yenrs. Ho v.as mar-1 town, “lie was raked to speak and of ! a call. nine and twenty, had become ««pialnt- rled five times and bad 49 children. I count" complied in bl innual style. ‘\o it cd with a rich publisher, at whose . When he was ltX) yenrs olil, he got bis have t,amed this chnrch lifter a fries» ORNEYS house be became n constant guesL One wisdom teeth. When he was 110. Ills m an.’ lie mid, ‘and I hope you will try day the publisher’s bankers discovered hair turned black again. At 112 his to emulate his example. He was a man F ’l o p c n c c , that Home one was forging their client's eyebrow» aud Ills beard turned black, j who cofilrtn t b • I'd tv,drey by nay on« WOODCOCK, signature to various large cheeks, and Ml'«* and btllevod bis first doty was to God T w e n ty -th re e two detectives were at ouce Instructed ; P ro v e d Ills T h e o ry . nn,l then to his f Slow man. He was M ile « W e s t to look out for the culprit. The late Hall McAllister some years a ’— Well, I don't knew wbat «11 bo Eugene. Their efforts proved useless, but one ngo entertained a visiting scientist at didn’t shy about Hint fellow Ebenucer. I f . O regon I I i « r n r ♦ evening the publisher’s youngest duugli- the Union club, tie fore Its araulgama- 1 but anyhow be noticed for some reason VSÌY3 tlon with tbe Pacific, sad during the or other hlw fiddresa wasn't as tumult n- : a n d » M e lo it.» ’. B uild ing, j « < tv e n to o o lle c lio n . »nd pro- 1 s|)e snw a man whom she deseiTlicd ns evening, a particularly foggy one, otisly received as usual, and a» he drovo “like .Mr. Blank.” tbe visitor Io whom made some whimsical remark convey, | away after the meeting hihind Old Lia r IÏ CHAKGSS MOBS REASONABLE i rcferenc« has Is-eti made, sitting in a Ing tbe idea that fog was an excellent he was humming the old hymn ’Here I j room lu Maine street copying tier fa- conductor of sound. Hnise Jdy Ebcnescr' «nd trying to.fig­ B E N E D IC T , i thcr's signature. The child’s dream ' THAN U3UALLY. The scientist look exception to this ure the matter out. When hrgothotnn | was communicated to tlie police, who, covel theory and asked Mr. McAllister he asked a good Christian lady, wbo ;-sr - A T - X oA W . i though inclined to ridicule the same at on whnt It was based. happened to txi there on m visit, who M o n e y Saved | the outset, eventually promised to have "On phenomena which we have all Ebenczer was. price» « .f o r . you purabM . an y o th .r , : : O reg o n . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ( the gentlenjrn In question wniebed. observed," returned the ready Jurist rä M *he. ‘Eben. < By “ ’Why. yon gre [ with the result that bis lodgings were "On nn evening like thin we bear tbe cacr w w n't a innu. rben«iY.ev tncanu ft THE IEV H8ME SEWIH3 MICIIIE BO., P a t r o n iz in g it. O H A ffO K , H A H I, | raided and n complete phim for til« fog born quite dlsiluctly, but when stone. Didn’t you know that f nd O S V f, at lto»»l»irs Orernn. CO YEARS’ »VnlonS'IM ftA ».'»- C U -g o. in. SLtxxrtaMn. making of bank notes found there. It there Is no fog wo cannot hear It nt June » , WOO. “ N e w w l.'it General L:.trota nd- e x p e r ie n c e D»1. m . I . . M . >“ Fronetaco. Col. AU»»U, G». then transpired that Im wna a man who alL’’—8an Francisco Argonaut Notici-1» hmriby e lv e n that th e fo lh iw lo s- dr .»be« ii church undlen,» no carries» P r o p FOR SALE BY G eo. H a le was wanted for manifold forgeries nam ed wrijer h»< fllert of hie claim , and - tlirongliou« tbe Union, nnd he was sent S lip o f th e T o n g u e . a. «Mît Ihet anld proof w tllh e m e d . before I*. If. H olden j to prison for a very long term. Write fur prices and terms to8an Fran “WljRt do you sell that rlblmn for1” jp C E N T R A L L Y LOCATED. U. H. i : » » n e l > i e •» Ft irejice, Ofe«Mn. fn.r.,««tns »jmpr.ihF. Tbe child's dream was nil the more naked a young lady In a High street ■ eiecn. Cal. F R E 2 S A M P L E RGO.ALS. on A nr .mt 17,1M# v is: Overhm H ow ell, ou H K ! cxtraordinniy In view of the fact that dry goods store. Hitto de li'ioiles—Do latest news in No 7367, for •he SW >i KB ■*. NW « «B K . • she was too young lo umlcralnnd the "Eight dollars a week—oh, beg par dis paper vvi rna us dat we ninst t'Ink TR A C « M a w « ’4 »W an,I lot 8, H«c SO, Tp 17, « R 11 W. D esign « lendlug tncldetrts or tbe bnstnesA aud don, 25 cents a yard, madam."—Colour up a new dodgo. lit! iiamea th e follotrio« w lttien e» to prove ( C ofyr . cht « AC. FIRST-C LASS. nttrlbuted the copying of tier father's bus (O.) State Journal. V.’.Jkrr Boult— W at's da mattar wid ng a .kclt-h ard cn-nrlntlnn rang hl» Co-itlouou» rc»idciicrc»