^ £ * f - t O s î S b ^ (J ) A • x ' C A Í A — - , ____ m * j r : $? ODDS ^ISTD DZsTDS. * * * * For I n f a n t s * - • * - • -* .- I The Kind You Have Always Bought * Î J E HAD LOTS OF SAND DESPERATELY A N X IO U S F ÌG H T T H E S P A N IA R D S . ài L e a s t T h a t la W h a t TO H a T o ld th e R e - • r o t t i n g O ffleer, h o t C h a n r c d H U M in d S o m e w h a t W liè a He fo u n d T h a t th e A r m y H a d R o o m f o r H im . N O T IC E F O E PU B L IC A T IO N . ÈÂ0INC PAPERI United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, May 21,1900. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the pro* isions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, Entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore­ gon, Nevada and Washington Territofy,” Charles B. Morgan of Florence, County of L hiic , state of Oregon has this day tiled lit this office hl" "wor,‘ atatement No 1W7, (or the purchaao of B e a rs th e I or the • ‘«'■o land thB" sought valuable toru s a 11 n inner fo r is a more g ricu ltu ra l p urposes, d to Establish his cla im to sa id la n d b efore th establish his claim to said land before the e Ju»t been daring ine ever sincu th is war | Register und Receiver of this office at Roseburg, -broke out, «> som ething bad to bo ' Oregon, oil Tuesday the 14 day of August 1900. ’d o n e.'" * * - * I He names ns witnesses: ’ " A u d that's w h y you're here?” su g­ | Amasa F. Hurd of Florence, Oregon, W. H. g e sted th e recm itjitg officer in a tone of Weath'erson of Florence, Oregon, Mrs Lottie ! Hurd of Florence, Oregon, Robert H. Berto- ‘inquiry. of Florence, Oregon.’ • • " Y « a sir, th a t's w h y I ’m h ere,” an- I I hardt Any and all persoiis claiming adversely the •w ered the stranger. "T here can't a n y ­ ! above-described lands are requested to'file their b od y take a wlm ok at m y patriotism | claims in this oftlce on or before said 14 day of and m y conrago and g e t awny w ith the August 1900. bluff. ’ I'm hero to g it in lin e to do up J. T" B ridges , Register. th e Spanish, and I d on ’t w ant any one ■H KJ Ü Jto forget i t ” Thu officer picked np a pen and pre­ N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N dated to w rite. » ."If you're sure you w an t to enlist, ” United^States Lrnd Office, jhe said, " w h y ” — Roseburg, Oregon, ‘ " S u re I" broke in the stranger. » a y 21, 1900. " S u re I W oll you ju st bet I ’ll prove Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of th o se fe llo w s liars or know tbo reason *w h y.1 I don’t think m uch of war ns a JunsB, 1878, entitled “An acX for the sale of • general proposition, but there can't an y­ timber.lands in the States of (‘aliroTnia, Ore­ body stand around and daro m e moro’n gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” Mrs six or eig h t tinierbcfore som ething hap­ Lottie Hurd ofJFlorence, County of Lane. State of Oregon lias this day filed in this office his pens. Mebbo I m ig h t have stood w hat sworn statement No l0i6, for the purchase of t h e boys had to say, but w hen m y w ife the n E »X of Section No 28, in Township No 18 H t o ld m e 1 w as afraid to fight it w as just Range No 9 W, and will offer proof to show that • ¿eetlo too m uch. A ll I ’m afraid of is the land sought is raorb valuable for its timber th a t you w o n ’t have m e ." or stone tlian for agricultural purposes, and to “ Oh, w e 'll tuko yon fast en ou gh ,” establish his claim t<) said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. returned the recru iting officer. " J u st Oregon, bn Tuosday the 11 day of August 1900. g iv o m o your namo nnd” — He names ns witnesses: “ Mebbo I ough t to tell you boforo yog Charles B. Morgan of Florence, Oregon, Amasa g o too far, ” interrupted tfio valfim t F. Hurd of Florence, Ore^oju, W. H. Wentherson y ou th again, " th a t'I am troubled w ith of Florence, Oregon, Robert II. Bernhardt o ham m er toes— tw o o f ’em, one on each Florence, Oregon. fo o t" Any and nil persons claiming adversely the “ T h at d o e m 't m ake any difference, ” alNive-described lauds are requested to file their claims in this ottico on or before said 14 day of rep lied I lie recru iting officer. - ."W hjf— w hy, I thought ham m er toes August J900, < J. T. BRIDURR, Interfered w ith a m an ’s ab ility to I Register. m arch, ” suggested tho applicant. • " I t doos," adm itted tho recru iting officer, " b u t w e 'll put y o u .in the env- N O T IC E 1«\»R P U B L IC A T IO N . 'h lry." T he app licant gavo a deep sjgh and United States I,and Office, suggested th at thut w ntrldnult him first Roseburs, Oregon, rate, but tliathb'oouldu't rltlo vary woll. May 22, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance •• ¡(.‘N e v e r m in d ,” answered tbo recruit­ in g officer. " Y ou can soon learn. N ow , with the provisions of tho act of Congre?»’ of i t y o n w ill ju st g iv e mo ydur nam e I'll June 8, 1878, entitled “Âii act for the Halo ot fcut it dow n and send you to tho dootors timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” Robert II. fo r " — Bernhardt of Florence, County of Lane, State j ‘" T h n t rem ind» me, ” broke in tho of Oregon has Ibis day filed in this offee his i i Wbo w anted to e n list, " th a t I have sworii statement No 1054, for the purchase of ' boon a oigaretto sm oker for th e la st ten the NE H KW of Section No ?7. in Township y ea r» .” No 18 8 Range No 11 W nnd will offer proof . *‘N o m atter. W e’re not so partjonlur show that the land sought is more valuable j its timber or stone than for agricultural n ow aa w e were. J u s t ” -®- ’ ‘ " I have a w eak 1 hcurt, too, and I'm ; poses, nnd to ostablisli lit« claim to tsai j l«cfQFje the Register and Receivei of ¿ids office at rather short w inded. " ttdscburg, Orcfon, on Tuesday (he 14th day of "O h, th at's a ll righ t. I f yon're w ill­ i August, 1000. in g to take the chances, w e uro. J ust He names as \vltiic.;sos: g iv e m e you r nam o and it w ill bo all | Mrs Lottie Hurd of Florence, Oregon, Amr.ia r ig h t." F. Hnrtl (Sf Kloronee, Oregon, W. H. Weatlv’rson 1 T h e youth gave another ,ou g sigh be­ of Florence, Oregon, Charlo* Thomas of Eu- fore an sw erin g:'' i gene, Oregon. Anyund all persons claiming advernoly the "W eM ; I ’l l ' t o l l yon how it is ," he ■aid. "M ebbo m y w ife apoke in haste I nbove-deaeribed lands are requewteii to file their chihriK in this office on or before said 14th day w h e n sbo sald l WtiS ufraid to go. 1 . gaeaa I ’l l Just ‘ran beck and usk her i of August 1900. J. T. B ridoes , « b o a t i t before hik in g a stop that she Register. - regret all her life. "— C hicago Post. Promotes lXgesHon.ClteerfuI ness and Rest.Coutains neit’ier Opium,Morpltiue nor Muterai. of /¿ im h il l ¿ney N o t N a r c o t ic . PORTIAKB« at ^ o u / r s i M v a m a u x A ifS ù i Salti' D A IL Y T H I l f M a ll, P u « : , . , , P u l ì , $ 6 ? 7 0 a Year. O n ly A perfect Remedy forConsUpa- Bon .S our Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions,Feverish­ ness and L O S S O F SL E E P. Ths Weekly Chrenicle FacSunite Signature of Greatest Weekly in the Country, $ 1 .5 0 > YEAR NEW YORK. In Use For Over Thirty Years ^ c u tii Three ★ Desirable EXACT COPY or EW VOBK CITY. men’s k now ledge of their c a n lo c a l it lea. COPY SENT FREE. V bar« used lUpaaa Tabales wttti ao nneh satto» H ctiott that I eaa ehoerfuJly raoommend them. S a v e been troubled for about throe years w ith w hat I called bilious attacks ooming on regularly eeoe a w o o l. Was told by different physicians that it w as m osed by bud teeth, o f which 1 had several. 1 had the teeth earraouu. but the at­ tacks continued. I had seen* alrcrtisem eb ts o f Rlpans Tabules la a ll ih e pxpers but had no faith In them, but about elx w eeks d a ce a friend In­ duced m e to try them^ C are taken but tw o of the sm all » cent boxes o f the Tabu 1 m and have had wo recurrence of the attacks. Have never given a teettm onlal for anything before, but the great •m ou nt o f good w hich X believe has been done me by Rlpans Tabules Induct* n»«« add m ine to the many testimonials you doubtUse have In your Ai T. DaWiTt. I want Io Inform you. bl words of highest praise, of tho benefit bave derived from Rlpans Tabules. I am • professional nurse aad i thle profrgalon a clear iatbfc bead le alw ays needed. Ripant Tabules does It. eno or my cases X L a iid my self «qmpie™»,’ run down. Actins on tto advlee o f Mr. Ooo. Bow- ar, Ph. O., 181 Mswark A rs.. Jersey City, X took Ripant Tabules w ith *rand retail«. I T h e C lir o n lc la Ö M lleH nj. TTTB CHR O N IC LE ranks w ith the greatest ncasyavor-i In the U nited S tates. CvOSt. uir»o;, ÏC L iS h a s U? cz*:aJ c n th r Faeifte It leads all in ability, enterpriae aad R«WR. T H E C nr.O N in L B i’8 T etegrophle Reports are the la tio t xnd m oat rellobU , Ite Ixxxtl N ew s the fulieat and sp iciest, and lta E d llo iia le from th s ab lest pena In the country. T H E C H R O N IC LE has a lw a y s been, and a l­ ways v. Ill be. the friend end cham pion of the pe«vie, as nxalr.at cotubinollons. cliques, eor- porxtlons, cr opi>i<*4Mona m any kind. It w ill bo Indeix’iidcnt In everything* n eutral in nothing. 00 YOU W.W THE tJHKOHICLE Show laa the United S tate», Domini«» cf Canada and Northern M jx I m OJO 0 2 « Ji HIZ>1C. Map of th e World T H K o n im a » o n ih m . » n t a ? is t ld G , t t h e » Z « » a « < W e e k l y C l a r o u t e t e f o r Oaae V e * v , p o .in g e p r e p a ld e u tu a y a a d > a * o * . » n o b e .«» hi. j. /e e ls somo better but It w ill take som e tim e, he has been sick so long. You niay use my letter and name as you like. Mrs. M art G oouas C lahm . I have been suffering from headaches ever since X w as a little glrL I could cover ride In a car or go Into a crowded placo w ithout jo ttin g i headache and nick at my stom ach. J heard about Rlpans Tabules from aa R ’l ’P A N S aunt o f m ine who was taking them for catarrh o f the stomach. 8ho hod found such relief from their use she advised mo T h e m o d ern sta n d ­ to take them too, and I have d o i^ ^ s i u c o ard F a m ily M e d i­ last October, and w ill aay they have com plete­ ly cured my hoadachoo c in e : C u r e s th e I am tw enty nine years old. You are w elcom e c o m m o n e v e r y -d a y to uto this testim onial, Mrs. J . BBOoEXYkR, ill o f h u m a n ity . Î w ith h a a r l b u r a and BleepleteueM. ten ted by IndlxeatioD. for a rood m any veara. One day th e ta w a testim onial la th e paper indorsine R l p a n s Tabalea. Mis determ ined to fftvs them a trial, w as g r e a t l y relieved by their n*s a a d n e w t a k a s tb b TaMdes regularly, Sh n ksept a few cartons Rlpans Tabules la the house aad eayt the w ill not he with- • a t them. Tbe heartburn and tieaplstaaett have disappeared wl>b tb e tadIceetkMi which was form erly s o *rhat a burden for her. Our whole fam ily taka th s Tabulee recularly, etpeolally after a hearty m eat My m other Is fifty yearn o f a*e and Is eajoylnc tbe beet o f health and spirits : alto eats hearty m eals, a a Im possibility before th s took M pars Tabules. A sroa H. B lauxu . And T h e d of irtler J V R . T S a n S O I E O S T O E S , ' , ’ ure d sita i. Sold W ith SE > 1 T .& tl Keg fourt B, Mt S c i e n t i f i c A m e r ic a n . A. K m eet :ault « None who are engaged in a n y of th e m echanical p u rsu its can succeed w ith o u t read in g a n d My seven-year old boy suffered with pains lu his head, constipation and complained o f his stomach. Ho cou 1.1 not eat like ohlldren o f his age do and w h a t he did eat did n ot agree w ith him. H o w a sth lu and o f a saffron color. Reading som e o f the testim onials lu furor o j Rlpans Tabules, I tried them. Rlpans Tubules nos only relieved but actually cured my youngster, the headaches have disappeared, bowels a ro la good oondltlon and ho never com plains o f his Stomach.. He Is now a red, chubby-fnced boy. This wonderful change I attribute to Rlpans Tabules. I am satlsOad that they w ill benefit any one (from the cradia to old ateni. 1 Iw rilh 1900, vl«: William Ferri* on hid If. E. 1 No. 7T27 for the W.4 M 'i, EJi BW'i 8eo. 25 ; Tp. 1# 8 it 10 We«t. He name, the following witnea*o» Io provo 1 h l, eontlnnou, residence dpon and cultivation of, sold laud, vlx: William KJrby, of Mnpleton, Oregon, »pen. rer Lyons,of Eugene, Oregon, WIJHam Ferk erscn.of Eugene, Oregon, L. P. Gibson, of | Eugene, Oregon. J T linm ors, F a l l . d * • Q ra a p t h . » « h je r t, F.egUter “ W h a t a grasping fello w yon are, iw k in a l Y ou 've bothered uio about N O T IC E F O R PU B L IC A T IO N 1» h ill 60 time« in ,0 (leys ’ " Y o u w roug iho, Jnrlcy. I'm not U n d OflUje, 0,1 Roseburg. Oregon. graaptug. I'v e bothered you about th» Mnj'O, IftJfc h ill, I adm it, but I haven't been able to Notice la hereby given that the foUowlng- S n a p a n y th in g y e t ” — Struy Storioa S I naiued settler has filed nolle« of his Intention to make finsl proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before Reg. A Her. " I never anw tuivlxxly hate the Hpen- at Howburg, Oregon, on Anbnst 4, 1WJ0, vis: lard a lik e m y w ife. " ' I llugb Cassld) on bis II. K. N. TlMRfor tlieHW ’4 I NW NW ‘; SW ’4 Sec. 11 A 8E?4 NE »», NK‘4 " W h e t innkc* her feel that wny?" •’Pho xAt to rvadiitrf tvnr new« the 1 HE’« Sec. 10 Tp 21 H H 11 W. i s . l k « r » p a a ls li L t r o c lt y . W n ts a T h a n • B i l l C o llo e te r. ••W h a l’k (ho m attet, old mnuJ look h o t and «xoitetL ” boon tryin g to tjodge » b ic y c le /” — D etroit 1 v isit D R . J O R D A N ’S w w av1 KUSEUM OF 1MT0IY 10bI MtllXET ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL I iBst' Sixth aud SsvsDth.) The iarr«t Anatomical Museum In tho W orld. (frra tf-st a ttr a r tio * ï BW >. this office hfa sworn statement No. 1098, for , See. 12, in Townthfp No. 21 8. Range No. 11 W., the purchase ofthe E >, N W ' X W Li N E nnd will offer proof to show that Ihe land (ought N E 8 W 4 Section No. 30, in Township No. is more valnabl® for lta timber or stone than 20 8 Range No. 9 W. and will offer proof to show (or agricultural purposes, and to eelabliih his that the land sought Is more valuable for ita i lalm to Mid land befors th* Keglnter and tlniher or stone than for agricultural pnrpoecs, ; Reoelvsr of this office at Koaeburg, Oregon, on and to establish bis claim to said land before Saturday the 4th day of Augu.t 1900. the Register and Receiver of this ofllce at He names as wituoMss: Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday tho 28tli day of Hugh Cssaldy, of Gardiner, Oregnn. John August 1900. He names as witnesses: Joyce, of Usrdiner, Oregon, John Henderson, I of Oerdiner, Oregon, Wilbert reck, of Oardfuer, 8 Anderson of Gardiner, Oregon, W. F. Peek ' Oregon. of Gardiner, Oregon, Mack Smith of Elkton’, Any and all persona claiming adversely tbe Oregon, John Smith of Elkton, Oregon. above-described lands are requested io die their Any and all persons elaiming adversely the claims in this ofllce on or beiore said 4lh day [ above-described land, are requested to file of August 1900. their claims In this office on or before said 28th J. T. IlaitxiKs, 'l«y of August, 190ft Register. Register. TH E E D S M Ü P IIL IT A N / ¡th is m o n th ly m agazine is one ot tlw' best p rin te d in th is c o u n try , an4 * to a ll subscribers a t ra te s ab ility ot a ll to pay. I t is fiirij (ra te d an d p r e s e n ts lh e n am es o ft Tu a u th o rs as co n trib u to rs. a n d tb e C osm opolitan app sold i d u ced ra te s a t th is office. TH E ARENA. DR. JORDAN « CO., 10» I Mark*« »L. X F. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- NOTIOE FOR PUBLI0AT|0N I of Mid land, vis: We do not take possession of ouy ideas but xre —«»4 ■ Catherine A. Cas.ddy, of Gardiner, Oregon, Polled Slates Tend Office, . ' John Joyed, of Gardiner, Oregon, John Hender­ They m aster us and force ns into th e arena. Roseburg, Oregon, K o t le e i.b Î nl,<^ Stn"’" Ofliee, son, of (IsnUner, thvgon, Wilbert Peck, of Msy 9 1900 . . . C . r 1,herfb’' e i''en ‘h»1 *" compliance Where like gladiators, we m ust fight for 1 Gardiner, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that In compliance "m e a .'ls^ è n im e d act of Congress of enw Such is th e exalted m otto o f th e A ren a, a n d th e J. T. B a t n o « « . (her qwn »♦••eMoa)to av«ry auboertbor. «•!■ “Anact for ,he iMllc of ti m orad lltboirraphrd plate« and llluatiatlcaa. Oririaal. with the provisions of the act of Conyrcss of Freo Register. "J lataa». ariiaUo. «aqutait« aad rtrieUy t tr i a i t m « cm < J u n e » « , » .„.H ied "An act f.,r the’ « , , o ^ en tire contents of th is m o n th ly m ag azin e timber landa In the Btateaof California. Oregon, Nevada fimi Washlnglon Tnritory," Charles PU B L IC A T IO N . *ro0",v 01 U n *' S1"><' ”1 Oregon Nevada, and Washington TerriturT, Hugh are upon a plane an d in Fcoping.’w ith Its Cassidy of Gardiner, Oregon, County of Gongia, ____V*. .“îï?* office hi. sworn -tntr Stale olOrecon has this day filed 1h thia uMce ment No loco, for the purchase of the NE m otto. T he A ren a’s gallery o f¿ e m in e n t 8W 14 of see- i his sworn statement No. low, (nr Ihe purchase 9W >4 N 14 SR Ii( See 28 A NK of tbs X «i NK 14 See. J4, W >, N W ¡4 of See, I lion N o £ ,|n Towhshlp N u isg Rango No 9 W 1 th in k e rs is a group oi in terestin g m en a n d nmafetn* «ccnnmtaa. f*n«r w ort. b 'i««koid hinta, No. 1», in Township No. 21 8. Range No. 11 W. ""d J 1.*' <>mr ,o ,how ,h "‘ '6c lnr.d I ■t «turi»«, o u r r a a l topk-». r i e tuhwrib« to day. pfcto jta riy . Lady ««««to «not««, kmad h r tir tM aud will oflbr proof to show that Ihe land «night I, more valuable ;t,.r iu Uniterm ste-.e wom en, and th e ir th o u g h ts a re w o rth y th e sought la more valuable lor lta timber ot stone than f-rMrleultnral p„rpw ,, .; tocst.blLh than for agricultural purposes, and to establish h i, claim to said land before the R ¡Receiver of thia offke st K.oeJa.rv Oneon consideration ot ad people. T h e A ren a > his claim to said land befnrs the Register and Receiver of this eBee at Rondairg, Oregon, on ) on Tuesday the 14 day of August 1 joo.- sold w ith T h b W est . Hc names as witnesses: Satunlay the 4th day of August, l.X», A F Boni of Florence, Ore eon, Txdtie Ilonl ,.f - Me names *a witnesses: T?rn i Catherine A. CaaaMy, of Gardiner, Oreg.wi, » " « ’ h v . Of gon, C 11 MoK-a,, ni ( John Joyce, of Gardener, Otegob, John llendsr- C 1» Thomas of Eugene, Oregon. Any sud ail peisnua »IsJming ndverselv the 4oa, of Gardiner, Orog-jn, W(4bert reek, of afmve-dewrihed land, ore re ,ui..^d .0 fi|, u,tir j Gardlaer, Oregon ’ , Any and all person, eialiaiug ad Tersely the above-desert hart lands sre reunesttsl btflie thvir Á FREEIPÁTTERN by th« than.** MAGAZINE* A n g u .i, 1WM J, T. Bainacs, i»or. i l 8u syor ner. co of tabic Stars in L IT E R A T U R E , WRAPPER. psi Jane« In'the Cec’t Stat?«, u.% on K< SAMPLE 0 0 ★ (Including p<»Ug») to any part o< (ba U nited S ta tes. C anada and Mexico. T H E W 15BKLY CILRONICLH, th e b righ test and m ost eo icp lete W eekly N ew sp ap er In the world, prints regularly 112 Colum as, or six teen pages, of Mews, L iterature and OeoenU Infor­ m ation: a lso a m a gn ificen t A g ricu ltu ra l and H orticultural D ep artm en t. T h is Is one of the grcalct’t d ep artm en ts In a n y paper on thia .Cu‘.?t. Cr^ry t h in s w r itte n Is ' based on ex- E Reversible M a p ? N O T IC E F O R nor. wry Murer 2LIA - * P ub' 4 , 4 y Prill S ig n a tu re H e looked very determ jued w hen he recru iting office and w alked en tered 1 the recruiting a lk e d , tbB N w « ul S « 11"" No ®>1,1 'r°«'"!ll‘lP No Vi «J 8 Range No 9 W, and will offer proof to show that ‘« P t o ’thcr officer in cfcargo. I . . . o A m . A . 7* , . L “ . M' , , ° ” r Wt f ’. .. & • tOl m e I Was afra id Co e n lis t . T h ey Vo a n d C h ild r e n . LOOK OVER THIS GR< make your selectio n ÍHE WEST. FLORENC